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Ron and Ronnie Chapter 8 -The Night Out With Joe And Sally.

"Ron and Ronnie go out for a night with Joe and Sally."

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Sunday morning was bright and sunny, a lot brighter than my wife, Sue. She awoke sometime after me and entered the kitchen where I was preparing breakfast, complaining of a headache.

“What time did you get home last night?”

“About five minutes after Jon left I imagine.”

“What do you mean, after Jon left?”

“I saw him walking down the road away from our house when I arrived home.”

“Oh, I’d forgotten, he came over asking could you help him out with a couple of jobs. I’ll call him to tell him you’re home to see if he still wants to talk to you. He said that he would find someone else if you didn’t call back.”

She wandered off to get the cordless phone, no doubt intending to take it to the bedroom to warn Jon. I knew she wouldn’t find it because it was still in my coat pocket. A few minutes later she came back.

“Did you see the phone?”

"It was on the charger base when I headed out to Ron’s place yesterday.” I wasn’t lying. I just forgot to tell her that I used it after I got home.

“Things disappear all the time. Who knows where they go to?”

“Maybe Jon took it when he left via the back stairs last night.”

She looked at me, knowing that I was aware of a lot more than I was telling her. She was snookered. There was no way that she could ask me how I knew how Jon left without divulging more than she wanted me to know. I now had her thinking, ‘How much does he know?’

“Are you going to Ron’s place today?”

“Yes, later this afternoon. There are a few things that I need to do this morning. First off I’ll go over to Jon’s and ask him what was so urgent that he came over last night when he knew I was over at Ron’s place. Then I’ll fix the sprinklers. What are you and the kids planning today?”

“I had thought of taking the kids skating. Why bother Jon? He obviously has issues or he wouldn’t have come over.”

“Didn’t he ask for my help or had you forgotten that?”

“He said he would get someone else if you weren’t available.”

“I’d better go early before he finds someone else then.”

I finished breakfast and headed over to Jon and Lyn’s place. When I arrived Jon had left. No surprise there. He was trying to avoid having to explain about the car to Lyn. Lyn answered the door. After we said our hello’s she asked, “How’s Ron coping without Ronnie?”

“Ron’s a lot better than I had expected. I think he will be okay."

“Poor bastard, he’s a good bloke Ron. He certainly doesn’t deserve what she has done to him.”

“I don’t understand. What do you mean by what she has done to him?”

“Didn’t you know she was screwing a couple of guys on the side?”

“I knew there were issues but I didn’t know that. Who were the lucky guys?”

“There was a guy called Joe and his mate Gary. I think she also tried to get Jon in the cot once. Knowing Jon she wouldn’t have had to try very hard. He probably screwed her but I didn’t have any proof that he did but then the wife is always the last to know.”

“I’m sorry, Lyn. I didn’t know.”

“You know that Jon was at your place last night, don’t you?”

“Did he tell you that?”

“No, He didn’t have to. He has been trying to get into Sue’s pants for a long time. It’s the only reason that he would park his car down the back of your place. What are you going to do about it, Goyse?”

“I’ll probably do nothing. What are you going to do about it, Lyn?”

“Not much I can do. I have two kids to consider. It’ll be a different story the day the kids leave home though. You could make a stand though.”

“Do you really believe that? If I made a stand and left her I would never see the kids again. The way the law is, the wife has full control these days. A man stands no chance if the wife is vindictive like Sue.”

“I guess so. Goyse, if ever you need a pillow to rest your head on remember that I’m here.”

“I know, Lyn but you also know that is not my scene. You’re a very good friend. I would never do the wrong thing with you. We both have consciences and remember that every morning we have to look in the mirror and the person that looks back can make you feel pretty guilty.”

“That’s the nicest knockback that I’ve ever had. That makes a pleasant change from beating off men who only want to get into my pants.”

“And beautiful pants they are too, Lyn. One day I’ll surprise you and say yes when you ask that of me.”

“Don’t leave it too long. A girl gets older every day.”

I headed home. I wondered what Jon had thought when he found his car in the carport after walking home. No doubt he got going early to avoid having to face Lyn. Right now I suspect that Sue and Jon were trying to work out what had happened last night. To this day I doubt that they have worked it out.

I fixed the sprinklers. Sue was still not home from skating. Who knows what she was up to and I was past worrying for now. I headed for Ron’s place. I was keen to know what had happened on their night out. Ron must have been expecting me because he opened the door before I could reach the bell.

“Good day, old mate. How are they hanging?”

“I’m fine Ron and you?”

"I’m better than I’d thought I’d be. Talking it through with you is helping me to come to terms with it all. I can see now that our relationship was just holding together by a thread.”

“No one could have tried harder than you did, Ron. Don’t start blaming yourself, mate. You did more than any man should be asked to do, from what you’ve told me so far.”

“I guess so. Where were we last night?”

“You were about to go to dinner with Joe and Sally.”


Ron continued his story.

Ronnie looked so sexy when she came out of the bedroom. She just oozed sex appeal. She wore no bra. Her tits were just covered. The skirt that she had chosen was like a broad belt. There were no panty lines so it was obvious that she was going commando style. I looked at Sally and her eyes were just about popping out of her head. Sally, by contrast, was dressed conservatively. I looked at Joe and his mouth was hanging open. I smiled and Sally winked and smiled back.

We decided to take separate cars. I can’t remember the reason but there was one. I had hoped that we would go together with Joe and Ronnie in the rear and Sally with me up front. I guess that neither Ronnie nor Joe understood that Sally knew about them getting together which probably explained why they found a reason to take different cars.

We arrived at the restaurant. Ronnie entered first and I manipulated things so that Joe followed behind her. I followed Sally. I was a little horny thinking about what might happen. As Sally walked past me I gave her a little pat on the bottom. She turned her head towards me and smiled, indicating to me that it was okay. Once again when we went to sit at the table I manipulated by pulling the chair back for Sally and then quickly sitting down beside her which forced Joe to sit beside Ronnie.  

As we sat studying the menu, I felt a hand on my leg. Sally was taking the opportunity to tell me that she enjoyed my gentle pat on her rump. I looked at her and she smiled back. I wondered what was happening on the other side of the table. We ordered out meals. Occasionally I saw Ronnie look at Joe and smile much the same way that Sally did with me. This told me that there were some hands wandering elsewhere as well.

The meal was exquisite. Well prepared and delicious. By the time that we finished the meal and were sitting talking, Sally had progressed to rubbing my crotch. I moved my hand across and stroked her leg as well. It was at that stage that Sally got up from the table and said to Ronnie, “I’m going to the little girl’s room. Would you like to join me?”       

“Okay, sure.” She picked up her bag and they left together.

Once they were out of hearing range Joe said, “I took your advice and discussed our situation with Sally. You were right. She was looking for an opportunity to talk to me about things.”

“That’s good, what did she say.”

“She told me that she was frustrated. She doesn’t get satisfaction from our lovemaking because of my size and she needed to find some relief. I suggested that we try a sex shop and she laughed at me telling me that she had already tried that and it didn’t help.”

“So what did you decide?”

“She told me that she already knew that I was cheating on her. I asked her why she thought that and she told me that she could smell the pussy on me when I came home from playing poker. After a lot of discussions, she also told me that she thought that I was screwing Ronnie. I didn’t deny it but didn’t admit it either. She said if that was the case then maybe you might like to spend the night with her.”

“So you agreed to do a wife swap?”

“Not really. We had a bit of a disagreement at that stage. It was my fault because I got jealous and told her I couldn’t agree with that. I also said that I thought that you wouldn’t either.”

“Well, that’s, that then. We all go our own ways and nothing happens from here on.”

“What do you mean? Surely Ronnie and I can continue.”

“No, if you can’t accept that your wife has similar needs to what you have then obviously Ronnie is now not going to agree so we go our own way after tonight.”

“I thought…”

I cut him off before he could finish. “No, it ends here and now, full stop. I don’t want to be involved in your marriage breakdown and I know Ronnie well enough to know she wouldn’t want it either. You just shot your bolt, Joe. It’s over.”

I stood up as if to leave. I could see the girls coming back. They were talking and giggling together as good friends do. I turned towards the girls as they approached with my back to Joe. As I spoke I gave Ronnie a wink. “Okay Ronnie, we’re off. Thanks for a great night out, Sally. I’ve really enjoyed your company.”

“I thought that we were going out to a show?”

“That was on the agenda but I don’t think Joe wants that to happen because of where it could lead to.”

Ronnie cut in immediately. “I see. Well, Joe, we’ve had a great time together. Shame it has to finish like this. Sorry, Sally, it looks as if what we have just talked about is not going to happen. Damn shame, if you ask me.”

Joe’s mouth looked like a flycatcher gaping open. Everything had turned against him because of his selfishness. I knew that he wouldn’t want to let go of Ronnie so easy and I was calling his bluff and it worked.

“Maybe, I should reconsider, Ron. Perhaps I’ve been a little too hasty. What did you girls have in mind?”

Ronnie responded, “I like to go to the casino. When I suggested that to Sally she said that she hated the casino but would rather go dancing. Now Ron likes to dance and I don’t and you like to gamble so isn’t it obvious?”

“You want me to take you to the casino without Sally. How do you feel about that Sally?”

“I’m quite happy with that, Joe. I just want to have a good night out and you know I like to dance and you don’t.”

“You don’t mind me going with Ronnie?”

“Joe, I’m already aware that you and Ronnie have been having sex together. I just told Ronnie that I knew and she didn’t deny it. The way I see it is that you two are going to do your thing whether I like it or not. The question for me is, ‘am I content to sit at home while you two are out screwing?’ The answer is no. I like Ron. He’s good company and I think the two of us will have a great night out together. Ronnie and I have agreed that there will be no sex until we meet at their place at one o’clock. If you can live with that then there need be no more discussion on the matter.”

“What happens at one o’clock at Ron’s place?”

“A lot of that depends on you, Joe. The three of us are content with the way things are going. Ronnie has told me that she and Ron have discussed it and they have no issues. You are the only one with a hang-up about it all.”

“So I have until one o’clock to decide if another man can fuck my wife is that it?”

It was Ronnie who answered. “No, you and I have until one o’clock to decide if our affair ends tonight or if it can continue. You know and I know that what we have is only good enjoyable sex. It’s only a sexual affair, not a love affair. The question is are you able to let your wife have the same thing or are you too selfish to allow that.”

Joe shook his head, took Ronnie by the arm and headed towards the door. I looked at Sally and we both struggled to hold back our laughter. Ronnie stopped at the door and threw me a kiss and I did the same for her. I loved that woman. She knew what she wanted and she knew how to get it. I already knew what would be happening that night. I had found myself a new sexual partner. I also knew that the big struggle for me would be to keep it as that and not as a love affair. That’s the type of woman that Sally was. It was going to be very difficult not falling in love with her.    

Sally and I went dancing. She had selected a location where the music was slow and sensual. Immediately that I held her close I realized that she was not wearing panties. I made a point of rubbing my hand down across her thigh and I said quietly, “You’re going commando?”

“Yes, Ronnie suggested that I should. She said you really liked the thought of holding a woman who was bare down there. She showed me that she didn’t wear panties tonight knowing that you would notice and when Joe found out it would turn him on.”

When we returned to our seats she reached into her purse and handed her panties to me. “Ronnie again?” I asked

“No, this is me. I thought you would like to see how moist they are from you touching me tonight. I want you to know how attracted to you I am. You do something for me that no other man has ever done. I’ve been turned on before but never like this. I guess having to wait until one o’clock and the torment that involves has something to do with it.”

“We don’t have to wait, you know. That one o’clock thing was just Ronnie’s way of forcing Joe into submission. She knows that we might break that if we feel inclined to. I know she will make sure that Joe doesn’t even dip his toe into the water until then. It excites her to take control. She gets really turned on by it. Right now she will be wetting the seat at the table she is playing at.”

“She’s pretty special, isn’t she? You must be madly in love with her to allow her the freedom that you do.” 

“Yes, I do love her but I’m with someone just as special tonight. You and I are going to have problems, do you know that?”

“Yes, I feel it too. If I start getting crazy ideas, you need to bring me back to reality.”

“Yes, I will but you have to promise the same for me.”

I couldn’t help it. I kissed her. It was a lover’s kiss not just that of two friends enjoying each other’s company. We danced through the night and at half past twelve we headed home. I wanted to get there before Ronnie and Joe.  When we arrived I poured a drink for Sally. We sat together and occasionally hugged and kissed. I can’t remember being as horny as that in my life. I really wanted to bed this woman.

I heard the car pull up. I stood and moved over to look through the curtains. Ronnie got out of the vehicle and walked around to the driver’s side. There was some talk for a while. Joe then got out of the car, they hugged and Joe got back in, reversed out of the driveway and drove off. What the hell had happened?

Ronnie came to the door and I let her in. It was then that I realized that Sally was standing behind me. She had also been watching. Ronnie came in, threw her bag and coat on the lounge and said, “How the fuck do you put up with that arsehole!”

“Yes, he can be a worry sometimes. What happened, Ronnie?”

“All he wanted to do all night was to screw me. I wanted to have an enjoyable time finishing off with a good night in the cot but he ruined it. Eventually, I told him my pussy was out of bounds to him if he didn’t keep his hands to himself. There were people there who know Ron and me and he didn’t respect that. He acted as if he owned me. I’m my own person. No one owns me, not even Ron.”

“He went home without me. What happens now?”

“I don’t have the right to ruin your night. I’ll sleep in one of the kid’s rooms and you and Ron can have the master bedroom.”

 “What about Joe, did he agree to Ron and me spending the night together?”

“He went home without you, didn’t he so what other conclusions can you come to?”

I thought I should step in. “Ronnie, you are not going to sleep in the kid's room. You will come to bed with us or else I run Sally home.”

“But you...”

I cut her off. “You are my wife and you are Sally’s good friend. No one is going to force you out of your rightful position which is in our bed with me. Sally, are you okay with that?”  

“Of course.”

“This is why I love you so much. Ron. You always think of me and protect me no matter how bad I treat you.”

“Come on girls, bedtime.”

We moved into the bedroom. I was glad the kids had gone to Ronnie’s parents for the night because I wasn’t sure how much noise we would make. The moment we entered the room, Ronnie dropped her skirt and pulled her top over her head. Sally was a little more reluctant. I removed my shirt and dropped my trousers leaving me in just my underpants.

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Ronnie made a move towards the bed but I put my arm around her to stop her. We both turned to look at Sally. She removed her top and then started to undo her skirt but stopped. I think she realized she had no panties on underneath and her shyness prevented her. I moved Ronnie across to her to put my arm around her. I pulled the two women together. I kissed Ronnie and then Sally. I then kissed Ronnie again but when I went to kiss Sally, Ronnie beat me to it.

While they kissed I reached around to undo Sally’s bra. Ronnie pulled back a little to let the bra fall and then pulled Sally into the kiss again. During our dancing I had felt the zipper on Sally’s skirt I located it and pulled it down. The girls continued to kiss. I dropped my hand down to Ronnie’s bottom and slipped my fingers through between her legs allowing me to rub my fingers across her slit. I felt more than heard her groan. She was very wet.

 Sally’s’ skirt slowly worked down along her thighs until it dropped to the floor. The girls were still passionately kissing. I lowered my hand down to Sally’s bottom and passed my hand through between her legs. She moved to give me better access. I thought that Ronnie was wet but if so then Sally was flooded. Her juices were actually running down the inside of her legs.

I pulled us towards the bed. Ronnie arrived first and fell backwards onto it pulling Sally down on top of her. I positioned myself beside them watching them kissing. Ronnie had lifted her right knee up between Sally’s legs and as they kissed Sally started to hump her leg. I reached over and lifted Ronnie’s other leg to the side which gave me access to her pussy. My tongue flicked out and slid along her slit. Once again she moaned. I repeated it again, another moan. 

Sally had got quite a rhythm going. Her breathing was becoming irregular and her moans and groans were getting louder and louder. I knew she was approaching her orgasm.

“She’s ready for you, Ron. Slip it into her.”

I moved around behind her, Ronnie dropped her knee and I placed my cock against her wet pussy.

“No not like that Ron. She wants you to make love to her. Don’t act like some alpha asshole that only wants to fuck her. Roll her over onto her back and be gentle with her. Go slow. Show her what it means to be loved by a real man.”

I couldn’t believe what Ronnie was saying to me. She knew there was a distinct difference between having sex and making love. I was developing real feelings for this woman that could develop into love and here was my wife telling me to make love to her.

I moved slowly up along her body. I stopped at her belly button and moved my tongue around it, I then moved up to her left tit and circled it. Before moving across to her right tit I gently rubbed my tongue across her enlarged nipple. She groaned loudly. I then gave her left breast the same treatment with a resultant loud groan.

I moved up to her lips. I touched them both top and bottom. Her hips lifted as my cock passed across her pussy lips but I refused to surrender to her straight away. I kissed her again but a little longer. She lifted her head and I felt her arms move to encircle me but I was too quick for her and pulled away. I made contact with her pussy lips again but had dropped my abdomen so my cock only slipped across them. She tried to make me penetrate but I knew that in my position it was impossible.

I kissed her again but this time I let her hold me. She was now groaning and moaning continuously. I felt her trying to lift my body to make me penetrate her but I still resisted.

“Please,” She moaned.

“Please what.”

“I want you in me before I cum. Please let me.”

“Tell me what you want, Sally.”       

“Oh fuck, don’t be an arsehole to me. I want you in me before I cum. Fuck me, please.”

“Give it to her, Ron. Don’t tease her anymore. She just wants you to make love to her.”

“Kiss her, Ronnie. If you want me to fuck her you need to help me give her pleasure. Kiss her and lick her tits.  Did you see what happened when I touched her nipples? She loves it. Tell me Sally, who owns this pussy of yours now.”

“It’s your’s, Ron, only yours. You can have me whenever you want me just put your cock in me, please.”

“Does Ronnie own it as well, Sally? Is this Ron and Ronnie’s pussy from now on?”

“Yes, oh yes, please I’m going to cum. Please put it in me, Ron.”

I lifted to allow her thrusts to take me inside her. She thrust so hard that I buried almost to the hilt inside her. I felt my cock come up against something inside her and remembered Ronnie telling me on our wedding night how you had pushed up against her cervix. She reached her orgasm almost immediately.

“Oh yes, oh yes, oh yes Ron, oh yes Ronnie. That’s so nice. It’s beautiful, it’s so nice.”

I had never known a woman whose body totally shook during her orgasm but Sally’s did exactly that. The heat from her juices pushed me over the edge and I rammed into her as far as I could as I shot my sperm deep inside her. She was right, it was nice, it was beautiful. Nothing could feel better than this and she had given it totally to me and to my wife whenever we wanted it.

I continued to kiss her for some time. I had forgotten that Ronnie was there with us.

“Come on you two. Sally needs to flush before she gets pregnant.”

“What, she’s not protected?”

“No. Why would she need protection? The last time she had sex was with her husband was almost three months ago. I think she had better do something about it now though. Unless I’m mistaken from what I just saw you will want to be in her almost every night. She certainly did something for you that I can’t do, Ron.”

“It was our first time. The first is always the best. What do you think, Sally?” I was hoping that Sally would not overdo it because I didn’t want to hurt Ronnie.

“That was just unbelievable. If I knew that sex could be like that I would have strayed years ago. Joe can’t come anywhere near that.”

“Awe, Joe's okay. He’s got a big cock and he’s learning slowly how to use it. That guy with the crooked one was alright, Ron. It’s a shame we didn’t know how to make contact with him.”

Sally cut in. “Do you mean Gary?”

“Yes, I think that was his name. Do you know him?”

“Yes, He’s tried it on with me on a number of occasions behind Joe’s back. He’s not all that much smaller than Joe. I beat him off once but he wasn’t getting that fucked up looking cock anywhere near me. If you want to make contact with him, I can help.”

“They say that everything comes to those who wait. How true that seems to be?”

“What about Joe?”

“Sorry to tell you this, Sally, but you’re married to an arsehole. Unless he wakes up to himself he can go rot in hell for all I care.”

“He really upset you hasn’t he?”

“I don’t like getting felt up in public with people that know me looking on while my husband is not with me. That’s what he did and he will have to suffer the consequences. I love my husband and I will not let anyone make Ron feel embarrassed by me. The first person in my life is Ron and I’ll protect him with every breath in my body.”

“But you screw around on him.”

“Ron knows the situation and if he were to say no at any time whatever I’m doing will stop instantly. I would hope he would do the same for me.”

I knew exactly what Ronnie was doing. Sally had made love to me and now Ronnie was marking out her territory to make damn sure that Sally would not trespass.

“You know that I always protect you, Ronnie and now I need to make sure that I protect Sally as well. You girls own me. The limits and rules you set for me are how I’ll live my life from now on.”

“Thanks, Ron. Is that okay with you, Ronnie?”

“Not quite what I had in mind but it’ll do for now.”

The two girls went off to the bathroom together. I could hear them talking and giggling in there for some time although I could not distinguish enough words to understand what was being said. They were there for at least half an hour before they came back.

 I was not a person who could get it up more than once a night usually but thinking about the possibility that I had impregnated Joe’s wife turned me on. Just imagine it. The guy who has been fucking my wife comes home to be told that his wife is pregnant by his girlfriend’s husband. She would have to admit it was me because they had not had sex in over two months. By the time they returned my cock was as stiff as a flagpole and my mind was working overtime. 

Ronnie was the first to notice it. She just shook her head and grinned. I don’t know what she was thinking but I know what was on my mind.

“Your turn, lover, come and get me.” Once more she just shook her head.

“Come here, Sally. Kiss me while Ronnie takes advantage of me.” Sally didn’t hesitate. She was onto me straight away. Ronnie climbed onto the bed and took me into her mouth.

“You know you flooded me with your sperm and I wasn’t protected, Ron. You do understand what that could mean, don’t you?”

“I’ve got a fair idea of the birds and the bees. What stage of your cycle are you on?”

“I think it is about the tenth day. I didn’t have to worry about my cycle too much so I couldn’t be certain but it will be between the eighth and the eleventh day so I could be fertile.”

“You should have mentioned something. There are things we could have done.”

“Why would I?”

“If you don’t take precautions, you will get pregnant. You don’t want to fall pregnant do you?”

“Actually, I’d love to. I had talked about it with Joe but he just won’t come to the party.”

“He would be pissed if you did get pregnant, wouldn’t he?”

“Who gives a fuck? After tonight he can just put up with what happens. He has proven that he only cares about himself so if he doesn’t like it there is always the road.”

While we were talking, Ronnie had been sucking me. She now moved up on me and sat down on my cock. She was not as wet as she had been earlier and it took her several attempts to get me all the way in. She felt quite different from Sally. Where Sally was tight but slippery, Ronnie was a bit looser but didn’t feel as smooth.

My cock tended to grip inside her meaning that I had to push harder to slide in and out. Sally had moved from kissing me to licking my tits. It was exciting but made me feel like laughing. I held her face and lifted her up to kiss her again. We went on for some time like this until eventually, I could feel my testicles lifting in their sacs. I knew that I was not far from coming.

Suddenly, Ronnie lifted off me and said to Sally, “He’s about to cum. You want his sperm so take over.”

I couldn’t believe it, my wife knew that there was a good chance that I could impregnate Sally and had purposely offered me to her for that purpose. The exchange was quick. Sally immediately started lifting and dropping on me.

With the withdrawal and the time taken for the exchange, I had lost the urge. Now with Sally working hard on me and the smooth feeling of the internals of her vagina, the urge was returning rapidly. I also noticed that Sally’s breathing was becoming irregular. This meant that if I could hold on a bit longer she may reach orgasm once more. I started thinking of laying pavers on the footpath.

“Keep that up and I’ll cum, Ron. Oh yes, I’m going to cum. Oh, Ronnie, he’s going to do it to me again. This time I could actually feel her muscles pulsating inside her. It felt unique. I couldn’t hold any longer.

“Oh my god, Sally, I’m cumming. Oh, that feels so good...”

“Oh, Ron, you’ve done it again. I’m cumming, I’m cumming. I’m cumming.”

Once again we both reached our peak together. In eight years of marriage, that had only happened to Ronnie and me once and with this woman we achieved it twice in one night.

“That looked to be pretty special for you both. I wish I could have been part of it.” Ronnie’s comment worried me a bit. Was she feeling jealous?

“Yes, it felt great. Was it the same for you, Sally?”

“I’ve never felt like that before now. You’re so lucky to have him, Ronnie.”

“It doesn’t work like that for me, Sally. I need a little extra size to give me my kick. I love him but sexually he just doesn’t rattle my rafters.”

“It’s a shame that Joe acted the way he did. The four of us together would have been fantastic. I guess you can’t change people you can only give them the opportunity. Do you think he might come around enough to join us?”

“I’m not sure that I want him to. Maybe we can look for this Gary bloke to join us. I just don’t feel the same way about Joe after the way he treated me tonight.”

“It will make it difficult for Sally if Joe resists, how will it work out with Sally and me, I wonder?”

“I suppose that I could try an attempt to make up with him if it is that important to you Ron but I’ll need to sleep on it and see how I feel in the morning.”

“Okay, let’s get some sleep then.”

“What about you Sally do you want to stay the night or should Ron run you home?”

“I don’t want to face Joe tonight. I’d rather stay the night so that I can have a shower in the morning and clean up a bit before I go home. Is it okay if I stay with you tonight?”

I looked at Ronnie and she nodded her agreement. “Were you going to flush before going to sleep, Sally?”

“No, if it happens then Joe and I will have a family.”

I kissed Ronnie and then kissed Sally. I had one woman either side of me. In no time at all Ronnie was snoring. I looked over at Sally and she smiled back at me, kissed me then rolled away from me onto her side. I very gently extracted myself from Ronnie to turn towards Sally into the spoon position. I didn’t intend for it but my hardening cock pushed up against her crotch. She lifted her leg to allow me to seek out her pussy still wet from my sperm leaking from her. She humped her back and I slipped straight into her.

We lay like that for a time then she pushed back a little more on me and very gently moved forward and then back. When I had rolled over, I had placed my hands on her stomach. She reached down and moved them up to her breasts. I cupped them and worked my thumbs on her nipples. I felt her sharp intake of breath as I did so.

“I’m falling in love with you, Ron,” she whispered. “I’ve never felt like this before.”

“Don’t, Sally. Whatever you do, don’t fall in love. I’m married to Ronnie and without her support, you and I have nothing.”

“Okay, I won’t say it again but my feelings won’t change.”

We moved slowly, desperately seeking the enjoyment that we both desired but making sure that we didn’t wake Ronnie. It felt very special. As long as I live it will continue to be the highlight of my life. We continued for as long as two hours before I felt that body tremble that I had felt rip through her body twice before that night. I knew she was on the verge of her orgasm. This was punctuated with a mixture of moans and groans which got increasingly louder.

“For fuck's sake, Ron, give it to her or I won’t get any sleep tonight.”

We both laughed, despite all our best efforts we had woken Ronnie up. The good thing about that is that I didn’t need to be cautious any more.

“Lean over and kiss us, Ronnie.”

I felt Ronnie lift up on her elbows and she leant over me. I turned my head to kiss her. She then moved forward and Sally turned her head and they kissed. Unlike with me where the kiss was of short duration their kiss went on and on. Ronnie’s little tits were buried into the side of my face. It felt good. I increased my stroke both in length and in frequency.

In just a few seconds I felt Sally’s body start to shake as her orgasm ripped through her. Ronnie was still kissing her. I knew what she was doing. Ronnie had once told me that a woman’s orgasm can be intensified by starving her body of oxygen. Ronnie was kissing her to restrict her breathing. I then felt Ronnie pull my hand away from Sally’s tits to allow her to massage them.

I could feel Sally trying to vocalize but while Ronnie kept kissing her she was not able to. It was at that moment that I lost control. I shot rope after rope after rope into her pussy. Where it all came from I will never know.

As a one time a night guy I was surprised that I could go three times in a matter of hours with Sally. Perhaps it was the thought of her ripe egg waiting to couple with my sperm. I knew that Ronnie’s two children were not mine. In my mind, I was acutely aware that this was my opportunity to pass on my genes.

It was over but the girls kept kissing. I lifted up and Ronnie was still working over Sally’s breasts. She was not being gentle at all. I sat back and watched. Ronnie had moved her body across beside Sally when I had moved out of the way and Sally now had her fingers in Ronnie’s pussy.

After twenty minutes of watching the girls, I got up and went to the bathroom. After relieving myself and having a drink of water I returned to find that both girls were fast asleep holding on to each other. I climbed back into bed behind Ronnie and fell fast asleep within a few minutes.

When I awoke the girls were still hugging each other. I got up and went to the kitchen to make myself a cup of coffee. A few minutes later Sally joined me. I handed her a coffee. She set the mug down and took me into a hug and kissed me.

“Thanks, Ron, that was the best night of my life. I never knew that sex could be so enjoyable. I hope we can do it all again soon.”

“You’re not alone there, girl. Last night was pretty special for me as well.”

We sat there enjoying our coffee not saying another word. We just seemed to have a common understanding where words were not required.


I looked at Ron and could see a tear forming in the corner of his eye. I wondered what was causing that but he had fallen silent as if thinking back on some problem that required absolute quiet to figure out a solution. After fifteen minutes of silence, he suddenly looked at me and said, “Sorry about that old mate. I was just going back on how wonderful it was that night with Sally.”

“I think I should head off home, Ron. I’ll come around tomorrow to see you after work.”

“That’ll be nice old mate. I’ll see you to the door.”

As I walked away he called down to me saying, “I’ll order up some grub for us both. Tell Sue that you’ll have dinner with me tomorrow.”

“OK, Ron. See you then.”

Written by goyse
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