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Ron and Ronnie Chapter 7 - Ron meets Sally

"Ron finds out that Joe's wife knows that he cheats on her."

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Ron had told me about the night that he followed Sue and Ronnie to their meeting with ten guys. When I had arrived home, Sue was waiting up for me. She came out to open the front door to welcome me back. She was dressed in a silky see-through nighty and it was obvious she was not wearing a bra or panties. I took her into my arms and kissed her.

“Hhhmm, someone is horny tonight.”

“You should know by now that is what happens when I have good food and a couple of beers.”

“Some guys can’t get it up after a few beers.”

“So you think I’m just some guy, do you.”

“No, I think you are my guy.”

“Owned and operated by Sue, aye?”

“Come to bed with me and we’ll see for sure.”

We went into the bedroom. I dropped my clothes and climbed into bed in the nude. Sue climbed on top of me and we kissed.

“What has Ron told you that has made you so horny, lover.”

“It wasn’t Ron. It was driving back home thinking of you in bed waiting for me.”

“How did you know that I was waiting for you? I might have had someone here with me keeping me company. I might have come out to meet you to give him time to get away so that he didn’t get caught.”

“Would you do that to me?”

“Maybe, if I did do that you wouldn’t know would you.”

I reached down to her pussy and it was soaking wet. She was wet enough that what she was saying may be right. How would I know for sure? If what Ron was telling me was correct she may well be doing something like that. I then thought, ‘This is her way of getting me to tell her if Ron had told me about her exploits.’

“Well, you’re certainly wet enough for that to have happened but I don’t think you would cheat on me behind my back would you?”

“I had you going there for a few minutes.” She reached over into her drawer and pulled out a sizable black dildo. “This is what has been keeping me company. He’s okay but he isn’t very conversational.”

I took the tool off her and placed it at her entrance and pushed it slowly in. Once I had it around two thirds into her it had hit bottom. I then rolled her over onto her back and slid it in and out a few times. She humped up to meet its thrusts. I then checked that her juices were running across her anus and found that they were. I then rolled over on top of her placing my cock at her rear entrance.

I pushed in slowly. I was now about half-way into her rear and had my stomach up against the dildo. This allowed me to thrust into her back passage while working the dildo inside her pussy. I could push both in together or alternatively push on the dildo as I pulled back at her rear. She loved it and in no time at all, she was throwing her head from side to side. I could feel her contractions starting as an orgasm rushed upon her.

“Oh fuck, I’m cumming.”

“So am I.”

My orgasm was finished before hers but I kept moving to make sure that she received maximum satisfaction. Afterwards, we lay in each other’s arms.

“I loved that.”

“So did I.”

“I mean I really loved it. That was probably the best sex we have had in years.”

“I thought that we always had good sex. I had trouble holding off like I usually do so it was sex and not making love. I guess your dildo added too much to the excitement.”

“Hhhmm, it felt good.”

She moved over into my arms. We kissed and she drifted off to sleep. I lay there wondering if she was actually telling me the truth when she said she had company. Her juices were extremely slippery much like sperm. Perhaps that added to her excitement. Had I disturbed someone when I came home? I decided that I would walk over to Ron’s tomorrow afternoon so that I could sneak back a little earlier to surprise her.

During the afternoon, Ron called to ask me when I was coming over. He had been expecting me earlier so I set off on foot to his place. It was about four kilometres. I used the excuse to Sue that I had been neglecting my water-ski training so needed the exercise. I also made a point of telling her that Ron said he would run me back around midnight.

By the time I arrived, Ron had two coldies out for us. The kids were still with his mum so we had the opportunity to continue our talk. After asking me where he had left off the previous night he continued.

This is what he told me.


I had not intended talking to Ronnie about my concerns that night but to my surprise, she opened the subject to me as we lay together in bed.

“I’m a bit concerned about the level of control that Sue is trying to exercise over me on these nights. What do you think, Ron?”

“I didn’t intent talking about it tonight but I was planning to ask you about it later. She really insists on dominating, doesn’t she?”

“Yes, I don’t like it. I think we need to come up with something different. Did you keep that Joe blokes card?”

“Yep, I put it in the bedside drawer. Why did you want that?”

“How do you feel about organizing something with him rather than what Sue is doing?”

“I guess if that is what you want. Do you want to talk to him or should I?”

“It would be better for you to talk to him because then he would know that it isn’t me looking for a lover if you understand what I mean.”

“You mean he would know that it is just for the sex and not a love affair. Okay, I’ll give him a call during the week.”

“What about the guy with the bent one. That Joe fellow seemed to know him so maybe we could get both of them involved. We would have to explain to Joe that it has to be kept quiet or we would call it off. How do you really feel about it, Ron?”

“I was having trouble handling it at first but I’ve come to accept it now, I think.”

“Only accept it, you didn’t enjoy it?”

“It was highly erotic. I was very turned on by it all but I keep thinking of the risk.”

“What do you mean, risk?”

“To our relationship, you know. What happens if you end up like Sue never being satisfied? Where does that leave us?”

“It’s nothing like with Sue. You are coming along with me. This is what we need to have to keep us together. I thought I had explained that to you.”

“I guess so.”

“Do you want another woman with us, Ron? Would you feel better about it then?”

“No, I don’t want anyone else, Ronnie. I’m happy with you.”

“I’m glad. Our neighbour is interested if ever you want someone but make sure that you speak to me first.”

“I like her attention but I’m not interested in sleeping with her. Ronnie, can I make love to you? Are you able to handle that after what’s happened tonight?”

“You’re my husband. I’ll always be available to you no matter how sore I am.”

“I don’t want to hurt you.”

“Then you are going to have to try the way Sue satisfies Goyse after she has had a hard night.”

I rolled over on top of her and she guided me to her anus. The juices from earlier in the night were still running out of her so she was well lubricated. The cum allowed me to slip into her fairly easy but it was tight. I was thinking of watching Joe with her earlier and how when he pulled back it looked like her internals were being turned inside out on his thick cock. The thought of it made me cum almost immediately.

I pulled out of her and she went off to clean up. When she returned she fell into my arms and was asleep within minutes.

The next day I awoke early. I had my breakfast but before I left for work, I called Joe. A female voice answered the phone. I told her my name and asked for Joe. She called Joe to come to the phone.

“Hello, Joe speaking.”

“Hi, Joe. I’m the guy that you gave your card to last night. I was wondering if you wanted to do some more playing if you understand what I mean.”

I heard the woman in the background ask who it was. “It’s just a guy who I met at the poker game last night, dear.”

“I hope he’s not the one that keeps ripping you off for your money. Last night cost one hundred and fifty dollars. We can’t afford to do that every time. Tell him that you have to play for smaller chips.”

“Tell your wife that we are getting another game going and it won’t be as expensive to play as the other one.”

I heard voices in the background but couldn’t make out what they were saying. The woman came back on the phone. “Thanks, mister. I’m glad that you have organized a lower cost game for Joe. He must be a terrible player he loses between one hundred and fifty and two hundred dollars every time he plays.”

“The game that I have in mind will be for the excitement and thrill and not about winning or losing money.”

“Thanks, my name is Sally. I really appreciate you doing this for us. How does your wife deal with these games?”

“She never complains so I guess she is okay about them.”

“I’ll have to meet her sometime. Joe never introduces me to his friends. It’s like he is ashamed of them or something. I’d love to meet some of his friends sometimes. Maybe you and your wife might like to come over for dinner.”

“I’d like that and I’m sure that my wife would too. I’ll talk to Joe about it. Tell him I have to run. I’ll be in touch with a day and a place.”

“Okay, I didn’t get your name?”

I thought quickly. Should I invent a name or give her my real one? If I lie then I’m sure to get caught out if we do associate with Joe’s wife. I had better do it right. “My name is Ron and my wife’s name is Ronnie.”

“Oh, I know a lady called Ronnie, a redhead, thin about five feet eight. She goes to the local gym and likes the spa. Her husband’s name is Ron.”

“Sounds like you already know Ronnie.”

“So you’re Ron. You’re a redhead as well but taller, just over six foot. You’re quite attractive. I think you play football if my memory serves me right. Ronnie has shown me a photograph.”

“Six foot three actually. Sounds like you do know us.”

“I wouldn’t say I know you but your wife and I are very good friends. Your wife and I talk when we are in the spa together. I don’t want to pry but can I ask you a personal question?”

“I can’t see why not.”

“She told me that she was going to try something to try to save your marriage. She said you were very supportive of her and she was hopeful it would be successful. Is everything okay with you now?”

“Yes, it’s about as good as it gets. We have honest and open intercourse and I support her in what she needs and what she wants.”

“Just hold on. I want to talk a little more but I need to say goodbye to Joe.”

I heard her telling him to have a good day and then I heard the door close. She came back on the line.

“Do you mind talking to me about it? Ronnie told me enough for me to work out what she needed and what she had in mind.”

“You ask the questions and I’ll decide if I want to answer them.”

“Okay, I don’t want to pry into your private lives but I have a similar problem and so I want to find out enough to know what I can do about it.”

“Perhaps you should explain a little more so that I understand what your problem is?”

“Okay, right, Joe and I don’t have sex any longer. Well, we do occasionally but not very often.”

“You might need to define occasionally for me.”

“We get it together about once every month or two, sometimes longer. Ronnie said that you and she were similar. I need your advice on what I might be able to do about it.”

“I’m not a sex therapist. I don’t know what to say to you. Perhaps you should go to see a specialist.”

“They are just a waste of time. They preach being faithful. They talk about communication. They talk about everything but the real issue. I want sex and I can’t get it from Joe. It’s not that he doesn’t want sex. It’s just that he is too brutal and he hurts me.”

“A lot of women would like to have a brutal man who hurts them. I assume it has to do with size.”

“I think that you already know that it has to do with size unless I’m mistaken.”

“I don’t understand?”

“Okay, let me explain. My husband went out two weeks ago to play poker. It cost him two hundred dollars. It was the same night that Ronnie had told me that she went out to help with her need for satisfaction. She told me that the organizer charges two hundred the first time and one hundred and fifty after that. Don’t you think it strange that my husband lost the same amount on the same nights that he went out to play poker?”

She continued before I could speak. “Now I can’t speak for your wife but my husband came home smelling of sex. Last night the same thing happened and you and he say you played poker. Today you called to tell him that he was invited to a different game of poker. Should I continue?”

“I don’t know what to say. Perhaps you should explain a little more to me.”

“I’m not angry. I am a little jealous though. Your wife is beautiful. She’s a lot more attractive than I am.  I suspect that you probably feel the same as I do but your desire to save your marriage allows you to come to terms with it all. Well, I want to save my marriage as well but I don’t know how to go about it. I need your advice.”    

“Have you tried talking to Joe about it?”

“He thinks I’m some sort of a saint. I’m not. I would do almost anything for a decent fuck that didn’t hurt me. How do you say that to your husband?”

“Ronnie did. Why can’t you?”

“Joe is not like you. He is an alpha male. His wife is expected to stay home and wash dishes. He is not open and understanding like Ronnie has told me you are.”

“Okay, if you can’t talk to him about it the only other way is to catch him out. If you were to catch him then you would have a lever to use to get him to talk openly to you. I know he wants you to be happy and he mentioned that he was only there last night because he couldn’t get what he wanted at home.”

“Fuck me, you were there. Did you see them doing it?”

“I’m sorry but I can’t answer a question like that. If and I repeat if Joe did anything like you are suggesting then it is up to him to tell you not me.”

“I desperately need help with my marriage, Ron. Joe is cheating on me, I’m sure of it. I also suspect that Ronnie is involved. I know her perfume and that is the same perfume that he smelled of when he came home on both occasions. Ronnie told me that you allow her to have other men to keep her happy. I need to know how I can get to that situation.”

I was lost for words. I needed to think about what she was saying. “Maybe you and I should meet to talk.”

“Okay, when can we get together for lunch?”

“I’m taking Thursday off. Why don’t you and I go to lunch together while Ronnie is at the gym?”

“Okay, where do we meet?”

I gave her the name of a café and told her that I would be at one of the tables at the rear at eleven thirty. I then headed off to work thinking of all the possibilities that this sudden event raised.

I met Sally on Thursday after Ronnie headed off to the gym. I knew that the gym class only took two hours so I told Ronnie that I was going to meet a mate for lunch and not to expect me home till around three o’clock. This allowed me almost four hours to make a plan with Sally if it felt right.

After sitting down I looked up to see a blond, well-dressed lady walking towards me. Sally had said that she was not as attractive as Ronnie so I didn’t expect her to stop at my table.


“Yes, Sally, I presume?”

She came close to me leaned down, placed her arms around me and kissed me. It was a bit of a shock. I had not even imagined how beautiful she would be and as we had never met I didn’t expect her to kiss me. She must have detected my hesitation.

“I’m sorry I didn’t mean to offend you. It’s just that I have heard so much about you through Ronnie that it was as if I already knew you. The similarities in our situation make me feel like we are the same.”

“No, that’s okay. You surprised me, that’s all. Would you like a coffee and something else to go with it?”  

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“I’d love a flat white coffee.”

 I stood and attracted the attention of the attendant. She took our order. I looked at Sally wondering how to start this conversation going. The position that I was in was that I didn’t know how much Sally knew about what Joe had been up to. I had no right to provide her with more information than she already had. I also didn’t want to miss an opportunity to help her and possibly help us all at the same time. It was a dilemma.

“So where were we?” I asked

“I think I had told you on the phone that I don’t believe that you and Joe were playing poker. Or maybe I should phrase that differently. There may have been some poke her but he was not playing poker, the card game.”

I laughed at her wit by manipulating words to describe what the situation was in fact. This ladies openness and ability to introduce humour into a situation that must have been very stressful for her appealed to me. She continued.

“Look, let’s not play games here. I am fairly sure that Joe and Ronnie were making love the other night. It is just too much of a coincidence that Ronnie has told me about what she was doing in confidence of course while my husband lost the same amount of money she stated on both nights he went out and then came home smelling of pussy.”

“You’ve got it wrong.”

“What do you mean I’m wrong? Do you deny that Joe was getting a bit on the side?”

 “I’m not in any position to confirm or deny that. What I deny is that he was making love. If it happened at all, it wasn’t love, it was only sex.”

“Sex, love, what’s the difference?”

“There is a big difference. Do you love your husband?”

“Yes, of course, I do.”

“Do you love him all the time? What I mean is do you take him into your arms, kiss him and cuddle with him whenever you can. Do you say endearing things to him and regularly show him that you love him.”

“I guess so. Occasionally when he is hard to get along with I sometimes doubt it for a minute or two but yes, I guess the answer is yes. Whenever I can, I show him how I feel about him.”

“Do you have sex with him all the time? I mean when you show him that affection do you have sex with him?”

“No, you know that I don’t.”

“Have you ever had sex with someone that you didn’t love?”

“I guess so. When I was single I played the field a little. Not as often as some but occasionally, yes.”

“But you suggest that there is no difference between making love and having sex.”

 “I see your point.”

“Okay, now that we have clarified that point. What is it that you want from me? Before we go any further I need to understand what it is that you want from me. If you are looking for information to use against Joe I know nothing that can help you.”

“I would like you to tell me what happened between Joe and Ronnie. I want you to tell me what you know. I promise you that I won’t use it against Ronnie or against Joe.”

“Why? What benefit is there for either one of us to know or not know about what your husband may have been doing.”

“I want to know that’s why.”

“Let’s assume that I know something. I’m not saying that I do but let’s make the assumption. What value could my telling you be to any of us?”

“I could confront him with that information to start with.”

“Okay, let’s assume you confront him. What is the most likely outcome?”

“I don’t know until it happens.”

“I can tell you the possible outcomes. The first possibility and the most likely is that he will get angry with you and with me and he will storm out of your house and not come back.”

“Do you think he would do that?”

“Quite likely, it is the most likely. He will feel that you have some ownership of what has happened (if anything at all has happened) because he can’t get the sex that his body needs at home. Despite that belief, he finds that you want him to accept all of the responsibility. How would you feel if you were in his shoes? Is he to blame that he is sexually frustrated? He probably thinks that what he is doing is keeping your marriage intact. He may even believe you are reaping most of the benefits.”

“I never thought of it that way.”

“We seldom do. It is easy for us to blame someone else. We don’t often look inwards to identify if we hold some of the responsibility.”

“Is that why you let Ronnie do what she does?”

“My belief is that if you love someone you have no right to lock them up. If that love is justified and mutual then if you let them free they will come back to you. Unlike you, I see quite a distinction between love and sex.”

“Why do you see the distinction? Surely such an outlook must be painful at times.”

“The distinction is easy to define. Love is felt in the heart but radiates throughout the body whereas sex is felt only in the sexual organs. Sex is about maintaining the species. The desire for sex can be removed by the act itself whereas love doesn’t leave at all. It just exists. You stated the same yourself earlier when you answered my question. And yes, sometimes it is painful but it also has immense benefits when she returns to me.”

“How can I get to the stage that you are at with Ronnie? How can I get Joe to talk to me about what he is doing and maybe even let me participate in some way? That is what you are doing isn’t it?”

This question stunned me. I had not expected that she would want to go down that pathway. I expected she would seek advice on how to keep her marriage together and I was prepared for that. She knew that Ronnie was cuckolding me but I had not expected that she would want to become a female cuckold and voyeur. I was lost for words. I should have seen that coming.

“I don’t really know. Perhaps we should start by the four of us having dinner together. Maybe we could go out to a restaurant together and then attend a show and see what develops.”

“You know they are having sex together, don’t you?”

“I can’t answer that question for you, Sally. Only Joe can answer that question for you. Let’s make our plans for a night out together and see what happens shall we.”

“You just answered it. Now that I know, can you explain what happened and how?”

“Sally, don’t you know what you are asking of me? If I was to tell you any more then I would be divulging a confidence on Ronnie. That could cost us our marriage and I’m not willing to put that up in a gamble.”

“I can promise that I would never use anything that you tell me against Ronnie or Joe. I just want to understand. I want to know what they do and how Ronnie handles Joe.”  

“Okay, Yes, I was there and saw it all. Joe had problems controlling himself so I understand what you are up against. He certainly is well endowed.”

“Did Ronnie take it all?”

“No, I held my hand on it to stop him driving it into her too far. I didn’t want her to be hurt.”

“Do you think that there is a possibility that the four of us could get together some time.”

“I think that we should have dinner together as you suggested. Let’s not get too far ahead of ourselves. We can think about the possibilities but we shouldn’t expect them. There are four people to consider here.”

“Would you be receptive to a swap or something similar if we could pull it off?”

“What, you and I together while they, you know?”

“Don’t you see the problem that I face? My husband is getting his satisfaction somewhere else. I can’t handle him which means that I miss out. I am constantly aroused and sooner or later someone is going to try it on with me and it will be very tempting. If I were to have an affair the man would expect more than I could give him. He would want a relationship and if I did that it would destroy my marriage. You and I getting together while Joe and Ronnie are doing the same makes good sense because I know that you won’t expect more of me.”  

“As I say let’s all have dinner together and maybe go out to a show and we’ll see what develops.”

“Okay, let’s do that. I’ll talk to Joe and arrange a day, perhaps this Friday night.”

After that, we talked about the weather, the gym, and the local government elections. Almost everything except what was on our minds. When the time came to leave I walked her to her car. She turned quickly, put her arms around my neck and kissed me again. It was not a kiss of a friend. It was more that of a lover.

Friday night came quickly. Joe called me when Sally told him we were going out for dinner and afterwards to a show. He wanted to find out how that happened. I explained to him that our wives were friends and once Sally realized, she asked would we be interested in going out for dinner. I told him that I thought that it would be a great idea. It would give him an opportunity to get to know Ronnie and me better and for me to get to know one of Ronnie’s friends. His response was immediate.

“You have to be fucking joking, Ron.”

“No, I’m not joking. Why are you reacting so aggressively, Joe?”

“You want me to go out to dinner with my wife and my prostitute and her husband and you don’t see a problem with that?”

“She is not a prostitute, Joe.”

“I paid money to be there.”

“Joe, you and I are going to have a falling out here if you continue with this crap. Ronnie did what she did for the same reason that you did. It gave her the satisfaction she needed. She was not paid. If you paid then that is your problem and has nothing to do with Ronnie or me for that matter. Is that clear?”

 “I’m sorry, Ron. I guess this turn of events has shocked me.”

“This is not a tragedy, Joe. It will allow you to see that Ronnie and I have a loving relationship. We identified that there were some issues that we need to sort out and we found a solution that has allowed our marriage to survive. Perhaps if you look closely you and Sally can learn something from spending time with us, Joe.”

“What are you suggesting, Ron?”

“I’m saying that you have found a solution to your sexual frustration, Joe but what about Sally? What part of what you do helps your wife? How does she feel about life? Is she suffering sexual frustration as well, Joe or is she supposed to have no desires?”

 “You are out of line, Ron. My marriage has nothing to do with you.”

“So let me analyze this, Joe. You have sex with my wife but I don’t have the right to point out the flaming obvious to you. Is that how your world works? Having said that, you are right it has nothing to do with me unless of course, you want to get with my wife again.”

“I’m sorry. I guess under the circumstances you have some right to ask me about that but there is no issue there because Sally doesn’t like sex. She avoids it like the plague.”

“So she doesn’t like sex. Is that because you hurt her or is it for some other reason?”

“Do you think that I hurt my wife is that what you think?”

“I don’t know, Joe but there is one way to find out. You could ask her.”

“Why would I do that, Ron?”

“If you did ask her, it may allow her to tell you what she really thinks and you may even find out why she doesn’t like sex. Unless you do that you will never know.”

“I think this conversation is over. You need to mind your own business, Ron.”

“Fair enough, I’ll see you Friday night.”

“If I come, that is.”

“You’ll come. Joe. You know you are on to a good thing and you don’t want to lose it. Once again, I’ll see you on Friday night.”


At seven o’clock Friday night there was a knock on the door. I opened up to find Sally and Joe. Surprise, surprise, Joe came. Joe and I shook hands and Sally put her arms around my neck and kissed me. Once more it was more than a welcoming kiss from a friend. 

“Go easy there, mate. That’s my wife.”

“She is friendly isn’t she?”

“I think she is trying to thank you for telling me that I should talk to her.”

“You mean to say you talked to Sally about her feelings and desires?”

“Yes, we talked for hours last night. I should thank you as well, Ron. You were right.”

“Talking is always a good start to fixing up any relationship. I hope that you resolved some issues.”

“So do I. She told me that she was considering leaving me but I think that she will probably stay now.”

“That’s good. I hate to see people who love each other splitting up.”

“Yes, so do I.”

At that stage, Ronnie came out from the bedroom where she was getting dressed. Damn, she looked hot. She had on a top with no bra that barely covered her tits. Her skirt was short, very short. The first thing that I noticed was that there was no sign of a panty line. I knew immediately that the night was going to be interesting.


At that stage, I told Ron that I needed to get home. He offered to drive me home but I told him that I needed the exercise. We agreed to meet and continue our discussion the next night. He told me that the kids were going to stay with his mum for the next week so he would like it if I came across each night. I told him I would be over at four o’clock the next afternoon and headed off home.

When I arrived in my street there was no sign of a car or other vehicle to indicate that Sue had a visitor. I decided to walk down to the next street as my house had a vacant block behind it and it would be easy for someone to park there and walk through the block to my house. Sure enough, there was a vehicle parked there well away from the other houses.  

I walked back to my house and came in through the back door so as to intercept anyone who tried to leave via that entrance. I was as quiet as possible walking through the house. Outside the bedroom door, I hesitated and listened and sure enough, there were voices, a female voice that I recognized as Sue and a male voice. I decided to go with a torch to check out the car parked in the next street. It had been parked where there was no light so I was not able to clearly identify whose car it was although I had a suspicion.

With a light, I immediately could tell that it belonged to Jon, the husband of a friend of Sue’s, Lyn. I quietly walked back to our house and took the cordless phone from its cradle. I went downstairs where it was unlikely that Sue or Jon would hear and called Lyn.

“Hello, Lyn speaking.”

“Hi Lyn, It’s Goyse.”

“It’s quite late, Goyse. Is everything OK?”

“Yes, everything is fine. I just noticed Jon’s car in a street near my place and thought I should let you know in case it had been stolen.”

“That fucker is off screwing someone again, isn’t he?”

“I wouldn’t know, Lyn. Do you have spare keys? If you do then perhaps you should come across and drive his car home. I’m happy to drive your car for you. That way if he is up to no good he will have a long walk home. He’ll also have to explain to you why his car was there.”

“Where are you now Goyse?”

“I’ll be waiting for you at the end of the street.”

“Okay, I’ll be there in ten.”

I put the phone in my pocket and wandered down to the end of the street. Lyn was angry. I knew that she would suspect that Jon was with Sue but she never once suggested it to me. We drove both cars to Lyn’s house and I ordered a taxi to take me home. Lyn offered to drive me but I didn’t want Jon or Sue to know where the car had disappeared to. I thought there was a possibility that Jon would report his car stolen but then he would have to explain to the police how it ended up in his carport.

On the way back in the taxi I sighted Jon walking along the road in the direction of his house which was at least ten kilometres away. I smiled and said to the taxi driver.

“Want to earn an extra ten dollars, mate.”

“Yea, no worries.”

“All you have to do is make sure that no taxi’s give that guy we just passed a lift tonight.”

“Caused you some problems, has he?”

“Yep, he tried to screw my missus.”

“Fuck him. Long walk for him tonight, pal and forget the ten. I’ve had it happen to me once. I’m on your side.”

When I arrived home, Sue was asleep. At least that’s the way it appeared. At one stage I thought I saw her eye flicker in the moonlight. I immediately slipped my hand onto her crotch and it was very wet. Normally that would have woken her but she didn’t move so I slipped two fingers into her gaping, greasy pussy and noted a sharp intake of breath.

I then rolled over and went to sleep. What difference did one more cock in her pussy make when she was getting ten or more a fortnight. The thought of slippery seconds did appeal to me but that wasn’t a possibility when she pretended to be asleep.

As I drifted off to sleep I wondered what had happened that Ron and Ronnie had separated. They seem to have a good thing going. They talked about their issues and although the solutions they found would not suit everybody it seemed to be working for them. I slept soundly and awoke to a bright sunny Sunday morning.  



Written by goyse
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