Ron had been telling me about Ronnie’s first time out for the night with Sue. The thing that stuck in my mind was when he repeated Ronnie’s description of her experience with one of the guys with a huge cock. I went home that night, and Sue and I made love several times. I just didn’t seem to be able to get enough.
Next morning Sue asked, “You were overly excited last night?”
The way she said it made sure that I understood that she expected me to explain. Initially, I was a bit lost for words but then replied, “I don’t really know. I know that you have nights where you get particularly horny. Maybe I’m having one of your nights.”
“No, that’s not it. Women come on heat. Men don’t have those ups and downs with hormones. Has Ron been telling you something about Ronnie?”
“Well, naturally we have talked a bit about Ronnie. That’s the reason why I’ve been spending time with him, to allow him to talk. It is an opportunity for him to get things off his chest. I wouldn’t be any use to him if I didn’t let him talk about him and Ronnie.”
“Has he said anything about me?”
“Not particularly. He asks how you are of course. He did say that you and Ronnie were spending some time together out an evening but otherwise nothing. Was there something that you thought he should say about you?”
“No, no, I just wondered, that’s all. What did he say about our evenings together?”
“He just said you and Ronnie spent some evenings out together while I was on the evening shift. Is there something that you expected him to tell me?”
“No, not really, I just thought that he would mention it was all.”
“Yes, he mentioned it. Is there something that I should ask him or talk to him about?”
“No, no, nothing special. You were particularly horny, that’s all. I thought he might have said something that turned you on.”
“Why would you think that I would get horny about you and Ronnie going out for a girl’s night out together occasionally? Is there something that you should be talking to me about Sue? Was Ronnie up to no good?”
“No, I told you about her going to the island for a weekend, didn’t I. I think Ron knows about that.”
“He hasn’t mentioned it yet but maybe he might if I give him time to talk.”
“I might come over with you tonight.”
“No, he told me that he just wants time with him and me together so that he can talk through things. He needs to get his head in order. He told me that later on he will have both of us over for dinner but for now, he just wants the two of us there. He said the neighbour’s wife is becoming a nuisance. There is nothing worse than a woman hovering around when all he wants to do is talk to a mate about his problems.”
“OK. Tell him I’ll keep him to the dinner thing.”
I had offered her the chance to tell me a little about her nights out cheating but she didn’t take the opportunity. I most certainly was not going to enter into that conversation until I had checked out some of the facts and to do that I needed to allow Ron to tell me some more. I needed to know exactly how much of Ronnie’s story he had confirmed. I knew Ron was like me, I knew that he would not be happy to sit around listening to Ronnie’s version without verifying some of the information.
I had the weekend off work so I decided that I would spend much of it with Ron if he was happy to do so. After showering, I got dressed and headed to the car. Sue followed me out so I told her not to stay up for me because I was going to take Ron to the club for dinner and then maybe watch a movie with him. She seemed to be okay with that.
What I actually did is collect some takeaway food on my way over to Ron’s place and a couple of beers. I knew that would allow us maximum time to talk. When I arrived, his kids were not there. They had gone to his mum’s place for the weekend to give Ron a break.
We sat and opened a beer and started on our dinner. Ron looked at me and said, “Now where were we last night? Did I tell you about following Sue and Ronnie?”
“No, you hadn’t mentioned that. I thought you probably would. That’s exactly what I would do if it was me.”
“So you are going to check out what Sue is up to then?”
“Probably, it depends on what you tell me tonight. Maybe you know enough to make checking it out a waste of time.”
“Let me start by saying that following them had quite an impact on me. If you do follow Sue, be prepared. If you are likely to get upset about seeing your wife with another man then I suggest that you don’t do it. It’s not a pretty picture, I can tell you.”
“OK, I’ll bear that in mind.”
This is the story as Ron told it to me.
It was a Thursday night. I was aware that you were on the first day of the evening round at work, Goyse. When I arrived home from work, Ronnie was getting dressed. She had been out that day and had purchased a new outfit. When she put it on I was shocked. I couldn’t let it pass.
“Ronnie that skirt doesn’t cover anything up. Surely you are not going out like that?”
“Yes, you saw Sue the other night when she picked me up. You didn’t comment on her dress.”
“I’m not responsible for Sue, but you are my wife. I don’t want you going out looking like that. I’ve seen strippers who are covered up more than you are now.”
“Don’t carry on Ron. The only people who are going to see me like this are going to see a lot more of me than this skirt shows before the night is over.”
“What about the neighbours. They will see you walking to the car.”
“Take your ute out of the carport, Ron. Sue can then drive into the garage if it worries you that much.”
“I’ll do that, but can’t you just cover yourself up a little?”
“Fuck Ron, I’m going out to get screwed. I’m going to have nothing on in a half an hour’s time. The guys who are going to screw me are going to see everything that I have to show and probably a little more, and you’re worried about how I dress. Besides, what is that tent in the front of your trousers? Don’t try to tell me that you don’t find my dress exciting. You find it more exciting because you know that other men will see me in it.”
“You’re right of course. It makes me feel sick in the stomach that you are doing this but it also excites me. I don’t deny that. What I do deny is that I want you to do this. I would like you to stay home with me and forget about what you are doing.”
“I’m not staying home, Ron. I enjoyed my night out last time with Sue. For the first time since our wedding night, I felt totally satisfied and I’m not giving that up. I want you to be happy for me Ron. I would like it if you can somehow find it as sexually stimulating tonight as you did last time. I love you and don’t want to hurt you, but I’m not staying home.”
“I’ll move my ute. If you want me to accept what is happening, you should respect my wishes, that’s all I can say.”
I went downstairs and moved my ute out onto the roadway. While I was there I put away a few tools before I went back upstairs. I was surprised to see that she had changed and had on a more conservative dress. It was still sexy but it covered the essentials and was presentable. Just then I heard Sue’s car pull up outside.
“Sue is here. I’d better go then.”
“Okay.” I wanted her to know that I appreciated what she had done for me. I called after her, “Ronnie!”
“Yes, Ron.”
“I love you. Thanks for changing for me.”
“I love you too and you would have done the same for me.”
I nodded my head to show that I appreciated what she said because it was true. She started to head down the stairs to leave. I followed her to the door. I didn’t go out because I still wasn’t ready to face Sue. I put my hand on Ronnie’s arm and she turned towards me. I pulled her in close and kissed her.
“You could change your mind.”
“No, I can’t and you know that. This is for both of us and our marriage.”
“Yeah, I know. Enjoy yourself.”
“I will.”
She turned and walked to the car. I caught sight of Sue who was smiling like a Cheshire cat. I wondered if Sue was doing this to somehow hurt me or was she doing this to control Ronnie. I knew that she was a domineering woman who took pleasure in being a little nasty at times. With that thought, I turned and walked inside. I looked out the back window and could see my neighbour’s wife coming across to collect the kids. I knew that she was attracted to me. More than once she had made it quite clear that if I was interested she was available. This meant that I could trust her not to tell Ronnie that I was going out that night.
I was in my car in less than two minutes. It was handy that the ute was outside. I also knew that by taking the back route to the motel I could be there by the time that the girls arrived. I just hoped that they had not changed the venue. I wondered if when Ronnie told me where they had met, did she know that I would chase after her. At the time, I thought it strange that she told me.
I had checked the place out in the afternoon on my way home from work and had placed some markers to stop people from parking in a spot under some trees where I knew that my utility would not be obvious to Sue. I had just turned out the lights on the car when Sue’s car entered the car park.
The girls got out. Sue walked around to Ronnie and put her arm around her, and they headed off up the stairs. At the top, they turned left along the verandah where I could see a couple of men standing against the rail smoking while they watched the girls approach.
When the girls were about five meters away from the men, Sue pulled on Ronnie’s arm and turned her around toward her and they kissed. The kiss lasted a long time until one of the men walked over behind Sue. He lifted her skirt, fumbled around with the crotch of his pants and I saw Sue stop kissing Ronnie and turn her head towards him.
The verandah rail was made of clear glass, but I was too far away to see much. It was obvious that he had pushed his cock into her because he pushed her upper body forward to give him access. Ronnie told me later that before you had left for work you and Sue had sex. Coming over, Sue had told her that she had preserved your seed in her to give the guy slippery seconds. She had then called ahead to tell him that she would be lubricated and ready for him. He was the biggest of the men and was slightly bigger than the guy that Ronnie said was the biggest she had ever seen.
While this was happening the second guy came over and put his arm around Ronnie. I felt a jealous feeling run through my body. It was strange. I felt sexually excited but at the same time, I felt a sickly sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach. I watched as the big guy worked over Sue. He probably took around five minutes before he threw his head back and I heard his roar from the other side of the car park.
While Ronnie and her guy were watching, he had moved his hand down to her but. Her dress was lifted and he sunk lower to give him access to her. He was obviously preparing her for what was to follow. As Sue’s guy came he pulled Ronnie into his body and they kissed. The thought of him fingering her and then having sex with her made me jealous but kissing her was different. This was my realm and it made me want to run over and smash him. I was angry, and I needed to talk to her about it when the opportunity presented.
After Sue’s guy had reached orgasm they moved towards the doorway that was near them. At the same time, a van and a car pulled up and several guys got out. Even before they went upstairs I knew they would be the guys. I counted and with the guys on the verandah, there were ten men altogether. I got out of my car and followed behind them.
One guy turned towards me and asked had I contributed to the fund. I told him that I hadn’t had the opportunity then asked how much.
“It’s two hundred the first time but only one fifty from then on.” I reached into my pocket and handed him the money then held my hand out. He didn’t respond.
“I’m Ken,” I told him.
“Do not use names, please. You’ve been cleared haven’t you?”
“Yes, everything is in order.”
“You know that you have to have clearance every month?”
“Yes, I was told. I’m new at this. I’m not sure if I’ll participate the first time. Is it okay if I just stand back and watch?”
“All he cares about is the money. He couldn’t give a stuff if you don’t even stay. Did he tell you the rule about not touching any other man? You can only get it on with the girls, and if you show any sign of disrespect towards them you will be kicked out, no refund. If the girls say no to anything you must stop whatever it is that you are doing. The girls are in charge. Whatever they say you must do with no exceptions.”
“That’s fine with me. I don’t disrespect women anyway so I’m happy with that.”
“Being your first time, I should tell you that there will be a lot of sperm. No one wears condoms. Some of the guys will sometimes clean the ladies up before their turn. You should not feel conscience about doing that if you wish. What usually happens is in order is set according to the size of your weapon. The smallest goes first. Once everyone is finished the first time, the order is just as the girls want it. The redhead is new to this so be careful with her. We don’t want to scare her away. The other one will take anything on offer. How big are you?”
“I’m big enough, but then it shouldn’t matter if I don’t participate and only watch.”
“I’ve heard that a few times but once the fun starts I’ve never seen anyone not get involved. It’s on for young and old in there.”
“Are the girls both in the same room?”
“Yes, the room is a big one set up for the purpose. It’s actually two rooms with part of the wall taken down between them. The bed on the left is the redhead and the one on the right is the dark haired one. Usually, the girls get together at first and then the guys get invited to join. Once the girls have had their fun together they go to their respective beds. The partition prevents them from seeing what the other is up to. I think the dark haired one is hot for the redhead because she sometimes walks over to give her a kiss and a cuddle before she takes the next guy on.”
“Okay, if that is all, I’ll make my way up to check it out.”
“Right, I’ll stay here for a while. There may be another guy, maybe two more coming. They are new as well so I’ll have to brief them.”
“I only heard of this recently, has it been going on for a while?”
“Yes, the dark haired one has been doing it regularly for more than a year. The redhead only about four times. Her first two times had to be during the day because her husband is home at night.”
“What, she’s married?”
“Yes, I believe so. I was told that she couldn’t come along to the afternoon sessions initially because she had to talk her husband into letting her come. Apparently, he is at home minding the kids for her.”
“That’s something, isn’t it? It takes all kinds to make a world.”
“I guess so. I’m not complaining though. If I knew who the husbands were I’d go see them and shake their hand and thank them. These girls are very special, and I get to share a couple of hours with them every couple of weeks because of their husbands. I should warn you to make sure that you don’t say anything to insult the husbands or they will chuck you out and you won’t be invited again.”
“You’ve got my support there. The husbands are great in my eyes.”
“Good. That’s the way. Keep the girls happy.”
I headed up to the doorway. Two guys were standing outside having a smoke. I looked past them and to the left and saw Ronnie and Sue in the sixty-nine position. Ronnie was on the bottom and Sue was on top facing away from me. Sue was gaping open and Ronnie was doing a good job of cleaning her. Most of the guys were standing well back and talking. Only one guy was close to the action but he was studying from the other end of the bed. I decided to take a risk of Ronnie seeing me and walked in close to her.
I saw her eyes flicker towards me, and she stopped licking Sue. The look on her face was one of absolute horror. I smiled and raised my finger to my lips to indicate to be quiet. With her face now away from Sue I could see deep into Sue’s gaping hole. Although the outside was relatively clean, inside her was still flooded with sperm. It was obvious that Ronnie could not get her tongue far enough into her to remove it or maybe she didn’t want to. With Ronnie no longer in contact, Sue humped her back and obviously pushed down which spilt some of the internal sperm out of her pussy.
Ronnie must have realized that I was not going to cause problems because she smiled at me and got back to work on Sue. I moved in very close and Ronnie let go of Sue’s leg and straightened her arm to rub my rock hard cock inside my trousers. Her eyes were shifting from me to Sue’s crotch and then back to me. I winked at her and she winked back.
Sue was breathing heavy, and I knew that she was not far from reaching orgasm. Ronnie, on the other hand, didn’t even show any signs of being excited. It was like she was just doing a job that was expected of her. That worried me because the expectation that I had on agreeing to let her be here was that it would all be for her excitement and release. This suggested that she was only doing this for Sue’s benefit.
Sue came hard. Ronnie lapped it up. Her orgasm was forcing more of the guy’s goo out of her. Once her orgasm passed, Sue’s body relaxed and she slumped down on top of Ronnie. Ronnie was smiling again at me. She then said quietly, “Come here and kiss me.”
I bent down and kissed her. As I did so she passed fluids into my mouth. I knew what it was. She was giving me Sue’s juices which were mixed with a man’s sperm. I was surprised that it tasted quite okay. Our kiss went on for some time before Sue decided to get up.
Ronnie broke our kiss to look at Sue. Sue saw me at the same time and her mouth dropped open with surprise. Ronnie was shaking her head to tell her not to say anything. Then she said quietly. “Don’t say anything Sue or I will leave.”
“Fucking impotent cunt, what are you doing here?”
“Say that again and I’m out of here, and I won’t came back.”
Sue looked at Ronnie but didn’t answer. She walked over to me and said, “Impotent prick, kiss my pussy and lick me clean. She didn’t do a good enough job.”
I looked at Ronnie who gave a positive nod. I dropped to my knees. Sue spread her legs and placed one foot on the bed. I could see right in as far as her cervix. With her now standing upright the guys cum that Ronnie couldn’t get to was starting to slowly leak out. I licked it up and went around just inside her lips. I avoided her clit because I expected that like Ronnie she would be very sensitive after her orgasm. She humped her back exposing her anus. My tongue went down over it and I pushed hard on her back hole.
“Oh fuck.”
“Like that bitch, do you?”
One of the guys moved over towards the bed. It was obvious he was heading towards Ronnie. Sue turned her head towards him and said, “Fuck off. We are not ready for that yet.”
I looked up at her and smiled to show my appreciation. She smiled and winked back at me and very quietly said, “Keep licking, cc. Ronnie is waiting for you. You get her first tonight.”
I pulled back and asked her, “Cc? What’s cc?”
“Cuckold cunt, what else did you expect?”

I went back to her. Sucked her clit into my mouth and gave it a little bight. She jumped. It must have hurt her and it was meant to. “That’s one I owe you. Now do that thing on my cake hole again.”
I laughed and moved down to her anus and once more she humped her back. I pushed my tongue as hard as I could and the tip slipped into her. “Fuck that feels good.” She then raised her voice and said, “Everyone out. This new guy gets us first, and he doesn’t want anyone watching. Close the door, will you.”
Everyone left the room. Sue pulled away from me and took Ronnie into her arms and kissed her.
Ronnie asked Sue, “Are you going to do him or have I got the job?”
“I would love to do him but his little weenie is smaller than Goyse’s and it would take a while with my giant pussy.”
“Why don’t you start and when he gets close let me finish him off. I’m going to need some lube for what is standing outside.”
“Come here cc.”
Sue sat down on the bed with her legs raised. She leaned back and Ronnie held her. They started to kiss. I stood in front of her and slid my cock into that giant hole of hers. I didn’t touch the sides but once I was in I felt her contract her muscles and she gripped my cock like it was in a vice. I slowly started to stroke in and then out of her. Goyse, your wife is one great fuck. I never knew a woman could do that with her pussy muscles. As she pushed I felt her cervix push up against the tip of my cock. In no time at all, I felt my balls rise. I told her that I was going to come.
“Do you want to finish in me or in Ronnie?”
“Ronnie said she needs the lube.”
“OK, it’s Ronnie then, but I want you next time. Is that a deal Ronnie?”
“If that’s what you want it’s yours, but don’t make a habit of it.”
“Oh, so the wife who is going to be fucked by half-a-dozen men doesn’t want her husband to fuck a woman who can turn his life upside down.”
“You told me that you only like them big, Sue.”
“I did, didn’t I. Perhaps I was wrong. We all make mistakes.”
“Low life slut.”
“Yep, that’s right; we are both that, aren’t we. The difference is that you are about to open your legs to several big studs that make your husband’s cock look like a ten-year-olds by comparison. What do you call a low life slut who does that?”
I couldn’t help it, I had to cut in. “She’s a very loving and honest wife and I love her just the way she is, thanks, Sue. Maybe you should be asking yourself what you call a low life slut that does the same behind her husband’s back.”
Ronnie had pulled herself over to the edge of the bed. I loved her little pussy. I knew that she had been stretched by childbirth but because we seldom had sex her tightness had returned. I worked my way into her. Unlike with Sue, I couldn’t slip all the way in with one thrust. Ronnie placed her arms around my neck, and I was supporting the top half of her body as I worked in and out of her. The shit-flinging from Sue had made my orgasm slide away from me.
Ronnie surprised me when she suddenly said, “I love you, I love you, I love you. Keep it up I’m going to cum if you can hold back for a while.”
Sue just couldn’t help herself. “Think of those giant cocks that are going to rip your pussy open after Ron is done. Think of all that sperm shooting up against your cervix trying to get you pregnant. Think of that Ronnie. You could stop taking the pill and give Ron a big surprise. Isn’t that tempting? They will shoot a bucket of cum into your fertile pussy. All you have to do is forget to take your pill for a month and it will take. Every one of those guys out there is fertile and they all have testicles the size of tennis balls.
“Oh fuck, oh fuck, ooohhhhh fffuuuccckkk, I’m cumming, I’m cumming, I’m cumming. I Love you, Ron, I love you. I love you for letting me do this and then coming over to see me.”
I knew if she hadn’t reached her peak when she did I would have beaten her. I gave two big grunts and it was over.
I pulled out of her and nothing followed. My little pea-sized balls couldn’t deliver enough to her to allow it to run back out.
“Put it away Ron, unless you want to be embarrassed in front of these guys. Now, remember that you owe me one, and I’ll be around to collect as soon as you are at home and Ronnie is away.”
“Keep your hands off my husband or you will be sorry, bitch.”
“Okay, he can have both of us together.”
“Not while I’m with him. Ron is mine and mine only. You touch him and you’ll need a good spot to hide. He is not available to you unless it happens here.”
“Okay, two weeks’ time be here, Ron. We’ll do the same as tonight, but I get you next time.”
“What if I don’t want to?”
“I protect Ronnie. There is one guy here tonight who only gets me. I won’t let him loose on Ronnie because he would rip her up. You pair do what I tell you or I will let him loose on her. Do you want her to have a gaping pussy like mine, Ron?”
“OK, I’ve got the message. Do you want to stay, Ronnie?”
“Do you want me to leave with you?”
“The decision is yours.”
“Then I’ll stay. I want you to stay with me, Ron? I really want this, honey. Put your pants back on and cover him up so we can get this thing going. Are you ready Sue?”
“Let the games begin!”
I got dressed and opened the door. The guys came in. I stood against the partition to watch Ronnie. The first guy dropped his pants and I thought, How is she going to take that monster? I was to find out that he was, in fact, the smallest of them. He climbed on the bed and rubbed his cock up and down her slit. She raised her legs up towards the sky, something that she never did with me.
I saw the head of his cock slip into her. Once his cock had penetrated her, With the help of my sperm he was buried to the hilt in no time at all. He then started a slow but deliberate movement out till only his head was in her than all the way in. She started groaning. I had heard moans from her before but this was continuous groaning.
“You are slippery tonight like someone has beaten me to it. Did that guy do you before me?”
“No, He just licked both of us out. He is very good with his tongue. My husband and I had sex before I came tonight. You had too much trouble getting into me last time so I needed the lube to help me.”
“Oh fuck, aaaahhh, aaaahhh, aaaahhh, I’m cumming.”
“You liked the idea of following my husband, didn’t you?”
“Oh yes, I often think of going second with my wife as we make love and it always gets me off.”
“Why don’t you ask her to join us here sometime? You can make your dreams become reality.”
“She would never do that.”
“Why, have you asked her?”
“No, I couldn’t do that.”
“My husband thought the same thing about me. I told him that I wanted a man to have sex with me on my wedding night while I was playing with him and he immediately had an orgasm. I knew straight away that we both had the same dream. You will never know if you don’t talk to her about it. Most women have dreams of men in the same way as men have dreams of women.”
“I’ll think about it.”
“Tell the next guy to give me a moment before he comes in.”
She beckoned me over and kissed me. “Did you like that?”
“Yes, I think so.”
“Would you like to lick me?”
“I don’t know if I can stomach it but I’ll try.”
I got down and studied her. She was now gaping open and cum was running out of her. It felt and looked so erotic. I was rock hard again. I wanted to slip into her again but the next man was coming. The best thing that I could do was to lick her clean. It took a little while. Suddenly I looked up straight at a huge cock that was dangling down near my face. It had a big curve in it towards the left. I thought, He will never get that into her. It will just bend when he tries to push it forward.
I looked up at Ronnie who nodded to indicate that I should stop. I stepped back and as I did so the guy said, “Would you like to help me find her hole? I always have trouble getting started.”
I took his cock into my hand and as he pushed forward I held it against her pussy. It started to bend so I placed my hand halfway along it to push it to the left and he slowly slipped into her. Once he was more than halfway in, it was no longer a problem.
“Would you kiss me?”
“Yes, I want you to kiss me.” I moved up on her and we kissed. The man was making short thrusting movements. He was hard up against her mons now and really thrusting hard. Ronnie was breathing heavy, and I knew she was going to reach orgasm. I kissed her and held her tightly.
“Oh fuck, I love you.”
The guy heard her and responded, “Yea, I have some trouble getting it in but once I do every woman I have ever been with loves it.”
Ronnie and I broke our kiss again to grin. The guy had thought she was telling him that she loved his cock. Ronnie’s grin changed into an expression of pleasure and her orgasm took over her body. It must have felt good for the guy because he started groaning and I looked down to see his thrusts become irregular and the cheeks of his arse started to clench and relax, clench and relax time after time. I moved down the side of the bed and looked up between their legs. His white creamy jiz was leaking out from around his tool and he was still shooting into her.
When he withdrew, big heaps of sperm followed his cock out. She was a mess.
“There are rags over there. Could you clean me up a little?”
“Okay, honey.” I got two rags. I put one into my trouser pocket and used the other one to clean Ronnie up. There was cum everywhere. “That guy mustn’t have cum for a month. How can he produce that much sperm?”
“Wait until the big guy has his turn. He has testicles as large as your fist and they are always chock-a-block. He’ll be last because he is massive all around. Sue tells me that the guy who collects the donations is bigger. She has told him that he is not to try to get into me. He is what Sue calls her special fuck. When he gets to her she screams like a cat in a fight. Kiss me, honey. Are you enjoying yourself?”
“I’m okay. I’m a little jealous but otherwise, I’m okay.”
“Do you want to do me?”
“Of course I do but there are others waiting. I get to take you home with me, and then I can get anything that I want.”
“Goyse gets to use Sue’s back hole after she has been out. She tells me that he is not keen until he gets in but then only lasts a few strokes. Would you like that tonight when we get home, lover?”
“Maybe, if you don’t clean up when we leave, I can use their cum as a lube.”
She didn’t get to answer because the next guy was there. I looked at his rod and thought, She’ll never handle that thing. It’ll rip her apart.
“You ready for a decent cock, lady? I told you last time that once you have me you would be back for more.”
“I thought you were supposed to wait till after everyone else was done.”
“Their more interested in their cigarettes and bullshit stories so I decided to give you a treat.”
“Just go easy with that thing. You were in too much of a hurry last time. Give me more time to get accustomed to the size.” I looked down at it and was amazed at his size. It looked as if it was almost as large as my arm from my elbow to my wrist and about just as round as my wrist. A sizable drop of precum was sticking to its head. As I watched it dripped to the floor leaving behind it a long string of fluid. Immediately another started forming in its place. This guy was horny as hell.
“My god, your cock is huge.” I knew that I shouldn’t have said anything but I couldn’t help it. I was worried about Ronnie. I looked away from it towards Ronnie. I guess she must have seen from my expression that I was worried about her.
“It’s okay, honey. I can handle it okay.”
The guy looked at me and then at Ronnie. Ronnie was looking directly at me and I was returning her stare.
“What the fuck is going on here?”
“Don’t worry mate. I’m just here to help her out.”
“Well fuck me. You’re her husband, aren’t you?”
I looked at him and didn’t answer. Ronnie sat up as if to leave. I guess she expected there would be trouble. The guy looked from Ronnie to me and then back to Ronnie.
“It’s okay mate. I won’t tell anyone. Is it okay if I continue? I really enjoyed it last time and I’d like another chance. I promise that I won’t hurt her. Is that why you have come along tonight to make sure I don’t hurt her like I did last time? If you help me, I promise that I’ll be careful.”
“I guess it will be okay. Is it okay with you honey?”
“It’s the reason that I’m here.”
The guy looked back at me. “Would you help me?”
“What do you mean help you?”
“You know, guide me in. Maybe kiss her and play with her while I fuck her.”
“Honey, is that okay with you?”
“Sure, why not?”
He moved over onto the bed and lay on his back. His huge cock was sticking up along his body. He was a big man but the head of his cock came up well past his belly button. Ronnie moved on top of him but with her body elevated over the top of him. She looked at me and gave a nod. I knew what she wanted. I moved over to them and sat on the edge of the bed. Ronnie was watching me as I was her. She smiled and nodded again.
I put my hand over her pussy and spread my fingers to open up her slit. Sperm from the previous guy started to leak out of her and formed a droplet on her clit. Before it could drop off I took hold of his cock just back from its head and slid it across the droplet and along her slit then back again. I repeated it a number of times and the more that I did it the further open she was becoming. The sperm from her previous guy had totally covered the head of his cock and was starting to slide down his length. I felt him lift up on the bed slightly and the head disappeared inside her.
I was mesmerized by what was happening and did something that I would never have even imagined I would do before that night. I moved my hand about halfway down along his cock and started to slide my hand up and down his length. Every time I slid my hand down he lifted up a little more and gradually, half an inch at a time he was disappearing inside her.
He was moaning while she was whimpering like a little dog that wanted its breakfast. Ronnie was swinging her head around as if she was being driven out of her mind. I continued to slide my hand up and down him until he was about halfway into her. He was very wet from what was being displaced from inside her so my hand was very slippery.
The further he embedded himself inside her the further I moved my hand down along his cock. I had been stroking him slowly but when he got half way in I thought that if he didn’t cum soon he would start hurting her so I increased my speed. I was giving him a quick wank to make him cum and it worked.
He let out a bellow like a mad bull but before he did so he said. “I’m going to blast you, sweetheart. I’m going to put so much cum in your twat that it will be running out of you for a week. You had better be on the pill because if you’re not then lover boy here will be raising my kid.”
Following his bellow, he thrust hard into her and I felt his cock throb as it sent a big blast of sperm deep inside her. He thrust so hard that if I didn’t have hold of his rod I believe he may have done her some damage. She was moved six inches further up the bed with his first thrust.
He continued to pulse. His cock seemed to grow larger with each thrust and each blast. My hand was hard up against her and it was being coated with his cum because there was no room with that monster inside her for the sperm so each time he blasted I felt it push back out around his cock.
It was obvious that they had reached orgasm together because her whimpering which had been almost continuous was now spasmodic. After about a dozen blasts, he slowed down then stopped moving. Ronnie continued for a short time until his cock started bending. She then pulled off him, rolled over onto her back and grinned at me. I was amazed at the mess. He was coated from his bellybutton to his knees with cum and she wasn’t much better.
I took the rag from my pocket and started to clean her up. She just lay there grinning at me as I did it. He had obviously dozed off perhaps drained from the exertion. After about half a minute he suddenly sat up, looked at me and said, “The three of us could do this together sometime without those other goats if you want.”
He picked up his pants and handed me a card. I slipped it into my pocket without reading it. “Your missus is the best fuck I’ve ever had, mate. Usually, women as tight as her can’t take even half of me, but I was near all the way into her. That’s why I come here because my wife doesn’t want to do it with me because she says I hurt her. Having you feeding me in was the best thing that has ever happened for me sexual wise. I’d really love to do that again.”
“We’ll see. I don’t know what is going to happen after tonight. If we are interested, I’ll contact you. You know not to let anyone know who I am.”
“I won’t tell a sole but the other guys are wondering because she didn’t chuck you out after you were finished. I think some of them suspect. I’ll leave you alone. Remember my offer.”
He left and closed the door behind him. I looked at Ronnie. She looked totally drained. “Are you okay, honey.”
“I’m okay but I don’t know if I can handle any more.”
“Well, we are leaving then.”
“What about the other guys?”
“It looks as if Sue is going to have a busy night. We’re out of here.”
Ronnie got up, got dressed and walked to the other side of the room. I heard her telling Sue that she was going home. Sue started to protest as did the guy she was with. Ronnie didn’t answer but turned and walked back to me. She looked up into my eyes and said, “I love you, Ron. I want us to be alone together. Take me home.”
As we walked away the other guys started to complain. It was the big guy that had just been with Ronnie who calmed things down by saying, “Wake up fellows. Give the girl a rough time and she won’t be back ever. Remember the rules. We accept that the girls have control and we have to respect them. Anyone who breaks the rules will answer to me. I don’t want our nights to be called off over one of you guys not doing the right thing.”
Ronnie and I just kept walking. I heard someone saying, “Why is she leaving with him?”
The big guy came to the rescue once again, “Obviously he has something that the rest of us lack.”
Someone said, “If he’s bigger than you Joe, he must be enormous.”
“Yes, I don’t often get to feel small. I think this is the first time.”
“You’re small compared to Barry.”
“Yep, but he doesn’t know how to handle it, do you, Barry?”
“Hey, chaps the rule is no names remember.”
Ronnie and I drove slowly home. She cuddled up to me and told me several times that she loved me. I felt a little uneasy about the night. I didn’t have a major problem with her having sex with another man knowing that I couldn’t satisfy her but I wasn’t comfortable with the arrangement at the motel. Sue seemed to have too much control over her for a start. There was also the issue with her calling enough. If I hadn’t been there that night I’m fairly sure that she would have had to keep servicing the men until Sue was ready to leave. This worried me a great deal. I didn’t want to talk about it that night. I just wanted to get home and spend valuable time with Ronnie, cementing our relationship.
Ron was all talked out. We had both downed a few beers and had consumed all the food that I had purchased. I was enthralled by the story that Ron had told me. It had surprised me that he had told me so much detail. He must have had a great deal of faith in me to be so explicit.
I would have liked to try to keep him talking but Sue was at home waiting for me and I was so horny from what Ron had told me that my testicles were almost ready to burst. It was past midnight. I bid Ron good night and drove slowly home.
I was learning things about my wife, Sue that I would never have imagined. If this was happening how much else was she involved in that I didn’t know about? That would have to wait for now because I needed to support Ron and in doing so, I just may learn more about Sue.