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Ron and Ronnie Chapter 3 - The wedding

"Ron and Ronnie invite me to join them on their wedding night."

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The wedding was six weeks after Ron proposed to Ronnie. The reason that it happened quickly was she was starting to show. Ronnie looked absolutely gorgeous in her wedding gown. Mind, she always looked gorgeous to me. I guess I was a big bit biased on the subject matter.

Ron’s brother, Colin was the best man. I had met him a couple of times and didn’t particularly like him. He always seemed to give Ron a hard time at every opportunity. I was seated next to him at the table as one of Ron’s groomsmen. Earlier, as Ronnie walked down the aisle I heard him mumble, “Shit, she’s up the duff.” It was obvious that up until that time he had not been told and had not realized it.

My first thought was, “fuck, this is going to be interesting.” I just knew he would somehow have a dig at Ron and I just hoped that Ron didn’t react. But when you are dealing with two redheads you can never predict what was going to happen. All of Ron’s family had a short fuse and when dealing with members of their own family it just seemed to be that much shorter. It obviously was going to be an interesting night.

During the speeches Ron’s brother as the best man included the words, “Ron has always been one for surprises and looking at the bride today another one seemed to be starting to show.”

I looked around the room to sense the reaction. Most didn’t pick it up but a couple of people smiled which indicated that they had noticed her slight bulge as well.

When I looked back at Ron and Ronnie They were staring at Ron’s brother. Now, if looks could kill he would have keeled over. As the master of ceremonies took the microphone I heard Ron say to his brother, “Fucking arsehole. You never change, do you? We should have left you at home with your stinking moll.”

The answer came back, “at least I have the good sense to wear protection with my moll. She didn’t have to force me to marry her by getting pregnant.”

I had to intervene. “Colin, that is uncalled for. This is Ron and Ronnie’s wedding. Show some respect and a little character and leave it till another time.” It seemed to do the trick. The table got back to toasting and started paying attention to the speeches. Ronnie looked over at me and smiled her approval. Ron caught the smile and gave me a wink. We were back on course. At least it looked that way.

The wedding celebration continued. When it was time for the bride and Groom to leave the party, Ron quietly whispered to me, “Meet us at the motel. Wait until the bridal car leaves and then come up to the honeymoon suite.”

“Fuck, Ron, this is your wedding night mate. I can’t be there. Does Ronnie know what you are doing?”

“Just meet us there. Don’t tell anyone.”

I shook my head at him as they were leaving. Ronnie saw me, smiled and blew me a kiss. I waited around twenty minutes and then left via the rear door. I had parked my car around the corner on a vacant lot during the afternoon to make sure that the scarce parking spots were available to the guests so I was able to make my getaway unseen.

When I arrived at the motel I hesitated. Why would Ron want me to come to the bridal suite on the night of his wedding? The implications worried me. Surely Ron didn’t want me to…   the thought was tempting but what the hell would be the effect on their future life together. Should I drive away?

“Where have you been?”

It was Ron. He had come looking for me when I hadn’t fronted. There was no way of getting away now. I just had to play along and see where it took us.  

“I wasn’t sure of what you wanted and I didn’t want to burst in on your wedding night.”

“Come on. Ronnie’s waiting for us.”

When we entered the room, I saw that Ronnie had changed into her silky PJ’s. The material was about fifty per cent see through. It didn’t leave much to the imagination. She looked good, really good. To say that seeing her like that aroused me was an understatement. I was rock hard. I saw her eyes dart down and then back to my face and she gave a little grin that indicated that she was impressed.

“Why am I here, Ron?”

“Ronnie and I talked about it before the wedding and decided that we would not be here now if it wasn’t for you, so we wanted you here with us.”

“What do you mean, you wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for me? Someone better come up with a good explanation or I’m out of here.”

Ronnie chipped in, “You may not know but the second night that I was over at your place and I masturbated you over me, somehow some of your sperm entered me and this little bulge is the result. I didn’t want to tell Ron because I didn’t want to destroy your friendship. Ron, at that stage, was considering leaving me but when I explained it to him he was elated and so here we are now.”

“OK, but it doesn’t explain why I’m here.”

“Ron knew that you wanted to make love to me but never did because of your friendship with him. He also knows how hard I tried to get you to have sex with me. He believes that you should be rewarded for your abstinence. He wants to offer you the opportunity to be the first to make love to me on our wedding night.”

“Holly fuck, you have to be joking. Ron is that true?”

Ron just smiled and nodded so Ronnie continued, “There is more to it than that but that is the main reason you are here. I want you to make love to me and Ron wants you to do the same. I’m already carrying your child so it can be raw unprotected hardcore sex.”

“You had better tell me the rest of it if you want me to stay.”

“OK, Ron is having some problems recently. We don’t know if it has to do with him working long hours or if it is a mental block but he has been having trouble getting it up unless I tell him about our nights together. When I do, he springs into life. Just recently it hasn’t been working as well as it had been so I have had to exaggerate a little.”

“Exaggerate a little?”

“Yes, I tell him what it would have been like if you had been willing to complete the task. We believe that if he can actually watch us together it might solve his problem long term. To put it crudely, Ron wants to watch you fuck me.”

“Is that the situation, Ron?”

“It’s like a nightmare, Goyse. Just think how frustrating it is to have such a beautiful woman and you can’t do anything about it. The only thing that seems to work is thinking of you and Ronnie together. I know how you feel about her, Goyse. I know you want to be with her and the only thing stopping you is me. Well, I want you to have her. No teasing each other, I want you to give it to her as hard and as fast as you want and in any way that you and she want to do it. The only condition is that I am allowed to watch.”

“What if you can’t handle it, Ron?”

“Then I’ll have to leave the room, won’t I?”

“Come here, Ronnie!”

She walked over to me. I put my arms around her and pulled her in against my body and kissed her. It was as if she melted into my body. Our kiss went on and on and on. I could feel her unbuttoning my shirt. I continued to kiss her. She moved her hands down to my trousers and I felt them start to slide off my hips.

She took my cock in her hands. I pulled away from her kiss and reached down to lift her nighty. She raised her arms to allow me to lift it off her body. She was now totally nude. I stepped back to admire her shape. I placed my hand on her little bump and said, “We need to make sure that our son is OK.”

“He’ll be OK. He wants me to be with his daddy tonight.”

“He’s the luckiest kid in the world. He has two loving daddies and both of them will make love to his mummy tonight.”

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I picked her up and carried her to the bed and placed her on her back. I lay down beside her. She turned her head towards me and we kissed again. I noticed the lights becoming slowly dimmer and dimmer. I looked over to Ron and saw that he had the light control in his hand.

“Are you OK, Ron?”

“Yep, I’m fine.”

“You can come closer if you want to. The bed is big enough for three, maybe even four.”  I saw him lay down on the bed beside Ronnie.

“Do you want to touch her, Ron?”

“Yes, I would like that.”

“You touch her left breast and I’ll touch her right.”

There was silence for a couple of minutes then, “Oh fuck, that’s nice. It feels so foreign.”

I raised myself up on my elbows and placed my mouth over her tit and then ran the tip of my tongue around her nipple. She groaned. I looked at Ron as he moved forward towards her. I moved back to give him room. He placed his mouth over the other tit. She groaned again.

I lifted up and removed my underpants. I saw Ron looking at my cock. He pulled back from her tit and said, “You're big, Goyse. No wonder she wants it. I didn’t know.”

I saw that he was nude so I looked across at him. He was about an inch shorter than me and not quite as thick. It was now obvious that he was not having trouble getting it up tonight. “I can stop if you want me to. You appear to be okay now.”

“No, I want you to continue. I’m stiffer than I have been for months now but I still want you to continue. Ronnie does too, don’t you love.”

“Hhhmmmm, I’ve got two men tonight and I want both of them. Keep touching me. I really like that.”

Ron went back to her breast. I decided to head for more fertile grounds. I kissed her first and then moved down between her legs which were now spread. I lifted her legs so that her feet were just below and outside her buttocks. Her pussy lips were slightly parted and obviously very wet. I ran my fingers through her sparse bright red pubic hair. Her pussy hair looked soft but was actually quite stiff. I gripped a little of the stubble and gave it a little tug. She reacted with a sharp intake of breath.

I ran my finger down along her slit to pick up some of her moisture and then placed my wet finger on her anus. I felt it move like a little wink as it compressed the muscles to stop my finger from penetrating. I waited until I felt the muscles relax and as they did so I gave a little push and the tip of my finger penetrated her. Her muscles contracted again as they tried to push my finger out but I held the pressure on. Once more when the muscles relaxed I gave another little push and slid a bit more finger into her.


I now bent down closer to her crotch and my tongue snaked out at her clitoris. Her reaction was to groan and to hump forward. At the same time, she clenched the muscles of her anus. I pulled my tongue back and her muscles relaxed again and once more I pushed a little further into her but.


By this time her juices were running down across her anus lubricating my finger. In no time at all, I could feel her anus muscles starting to spasm. She was approaching orgasm. I placed my face onto her pussy and sucked her clit into my mouth then ran my tongue around and around it.  

“Oh god, I love that. Suck my fucking tits, honey. I’m going to explode.” I drove my finger hard into her anus as far as it would go. It had the desired effect. She almost bucked me off the bed thrusting her hips up at my mouth. Meanwhile, I thrust my finger in and out of her little brown puckered hole.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, ooohhh fuck. You’re finger fucking my arse and I’m loving it. Slide your cock into me, quick.”

I didn’t need another invitation. I lifted up on top of her, rubbed the tip of my cock up then back and pushed into her. I couldn’t believe how tight she was. Despite how wet she was, I could only get about an inch and a half into her. I pulled back and tried again. I got about two inches in.

I didn’t want to hurt her so I decided to be satisfied with that for now and just worked the two inches in and out of her very quickly. Her groaning began to vibrate with my movements. She was now swinging her head from side to side with her eyes closed.

 “Ooohhh, ooohhh, ooohhh, ooohhh, ooohhh, ooohhh,” she went in tune with my thrusts. I felt her lifting her hips higher trying to get me embedded further inside her. It was working. At one stage I thought I was going to cum so I withdrew from her for a moment. Her eyes flashed open as if to say, “what’s happening.” After the moment passed I started to penetrate her again.

Once again I was having trouble entering her. I used the same method again and she started to meet me thrust for thrust. I took about five minutes but eventually, my crotch was up against hers. I could feel that I was up against something deep inside her which I thought was probably her cervix. I then felt a hand on my testicles.

Was that Ronnie or was it Ron? I then realized that Ron had moved further down the bed. It had to be Ron. Fuck! I had never been touched by a man and it worried me.

When Ronnie’s second orgasm hit it was too much for me. It sent me over the edge. I pumped and pumped and pumped deep inside her. It felt as if I had deposited a gallon into her but it was probably more like two or three thimbles full. At least that hand down there had disappeared. That was a bonus. I was really opposed to being manhandled.

I rolled off and lay beside Ronnie. She was smiling and had a contented look on her face. No doubt I must have looked the same. I moved closer and kissed her. I then felt her body move. I looked up to see why and there was Ron, thrusting away as if there was no tomorrow. I dropped my head back down to her and we kissed again. I was kissing a woman as her husband fucked her. How erotic was that!

When Ron had finished he simply rolled over and went to sleep. Ronnie got up telling me she needed to freshen up. I waited a few minutes to give her some privacy and then followed her. As I entered the bathroom she smiled and asked why it took me so long. I lifted her up on the vanity and we made slow and deliberate love.

I felt the first time that it was pure unadulterated sex but this was different, there was no urgency. This time we made love. We were alone now and just enjoying each other’s company. The sex was not important to us. It was just the thing that brought us together.

We made love several times that night. We didn’t sleep at all. At six o’clock I told her that I should leave and she agreed. I didn’t know how to face Ron in daylight. She walked me to the lift and we kissed for a long time before I left her.

The next time that we saw each other was after I was married. When Sue and I purchased a house we decided to go around to meet the local neighbours. Believe it or not, Ron and Ronnie had purchased the house next to ours. They appeared to be a very loving couple. To the best of my knowledge, neither Ron nor Ronnie ever mentioned their wedding night to my wife, Sue.

We remained neighbours for five years then one day they told us that they had built a new house in a different suburb. I didn’t see much of Ron for a couple more years but as my wife, Sue and Ronnie had become friends, I saw her occasionally. Every so often, Sue told me little things about Ronnie that suggested that she may be having an occasional affair. I could not spend a lot of time worrying about Ronnie because I was learning more and more about my wife, Sue and it all pointed to her being a cheating, lying slut.

Then one day while my wife, Sue was out of town, Ronnie turned up on my doorstep. The previous day, Sue had told me that Ronnie had taken a short holiday with another man. I had asked Sue was Ron aware and she told me that she doubted it. My response had been that someone should tell Ron. Sue then said that if she knew that I might do that she would not have told me. Me and my big mouth.   

Written by goyse
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