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Ron and Ronnie Chapter 16 - Caught out

"Ron, Sally and Sarah catch Joe and Ronnie. I meet Shirley's husband."

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I had taken time off work because Sue was in hospital following a miscarriage. The previous night Ron had told me about discovering Ronnie and Joe in the guest’s bedroom and how he, Sally and Sarah had planned to raid her and Joe at Joe and Sally's house. All day I thought of what might have happened. It was like an adventure serial where the story ends at the most exciting time and you had to wait until the next day to find out.

I wondered if, in fact, Ron was playing with me. I was aware that at various times he had, in fact, played jokes on people. He had told me that he was feeling much better in the last few days so it was always possible but then this was serious stuff that had led to his separation from Ronnie. After consideration I discounted it.

The situation was however intriguing enough that I went over to Ron’s place earlier than I had been. I hoped that for some reason that he would come home early but I also knew that if he didn’t Shirley would welcome me for a coffee. Ron was not at home. Shirley spotted me immediately and waved me across.

“Hi Shirley, how was your day?”

I noticed her look over her shoulder as she answered, “My day has been fine. How was yours.”

 “My day has been a bit boring actually. I’m off work but at the same time, I’m angry with Sue so I haven’t visited her. I’ve just been doing odd jobs around the house.”

“Can you wait a moment, Goyse? Ted is about to leave. He is off to a meeting in town.”

She disappeared inside then returned with Ted, her husband following her.

“Ted, this is the guy, Goyse that I have been telling you about who has been helping Ron.”

A big rough hand was thrust out at me. “Hi, Goyse, pleased to meet you mate. I can’t stop and chat. I’m late for a meeting.” He turned to Shirley. “Have a good night love. I won’t be home till after midnight.” He then turned to me and said, “Have a good night, Goyse. We should get together some time and have a chat. Look after Shirley for me will you.”

“Okay Ted, hope your meeting goes well.”

We stood on the stairs until Ted drove away. I then turned to Shirley and asked, “Did Ted say what I thought he did?”

“He probably didn’t. He might not have understood how that sounded. Sometimes I wonder though.”

 “You wonder? Why?”

“Well, he’s not dumb, my Ted. He knows about the birds and the bees and what goes on behind closed doors. When it comes to being intimate though he just doesn’t seem to want to participate. I got angry with him a while back because he was ignoring me. His response was to tell me that if I wasn’t happy then to go find myself a lover.”

“He said that?”

“Yea, but he said it in anger. I don’t think he meant it.”

“I think you should be talking to him.”

“How the hell would I do that? Am I supposed to just come out and say do you want me to fuck someone else?”

“No, of course, you can’t. Perhaps you could say to him that you felt embarrassed because when he told me to look after you some men might have thought it meant sexually.”

“Maybe that could work. At least it might shock him into not saying it again.”

“He might surprise you. Perhaps he did mean what it sounded like. There are plenty of men who feel turned on by their wives having a lover on the side.”

“Is that how your marriage works, Goyse?”

“No. I have to admit that I do feel stimulated by the thought of Sue having sex with other men but I don’t want her to and would never encourage her. She does it no matter what I think and say. I just have to make the best of it.”

“If Ted did mean what it sounded like would you be interested Goyse?”

“Probably, if I knew that there was no chance of it affecting your marriage I might. Let’s not cross our bridges before we get there, Shirley. It could prove embarrassing. Talk to Ted and if he did mean what I think he did ask him to talk to me about it. Tell him that my wife has boyfriends. This will give him the opportunity to start the conversation by asking me about Sue. I won’t go down that pathway unless he tells me that he wants it and I need to know what his ground rules are.”

“I’ve already told him about what happened with Sue.”

“What did he say to that?”

He asked me how you reacted when Sue and Merv came into the restaurant. He also asked about your conversation with Merv over the pregnancy. I told him that you seemed to be more accepting of it than most men would have been. I said that you seemed to be more upset that Merv had encouraged her to do something that she obviously did not want to do.”

“Is that how you saw it?”

“That was how it was, Goyse. Wasn’t it?”

“I guess so. I certainly may have sounded like that to anyone listening. What did he say when you told him that?”

“He said that you had to love her very much. He also said she should respect you more and make sure that she looked after you because he thought that you were very special to be so accepting.”

“Shirley, do you think it is possible that he wasn’t talking about me and Sue. Is it possible that he was trying to tell you something about himself and you? He knows you are sexually frustrated doesn’t he?”

“Yes, I’ve told him how I feel many times.”

“And what does he say when you talk about it?”

“He cuddles me and apologies. He always tells me how much he loves me and how important I am to him but he then says that he can’t help me.”

“Has he ever said anything like perhaps you need someone else?”

“He’s said that several times as if he was joking. I always tell him that I love him and he doesn’t have to worry about me leaving him.”

“Think about what he is saying. He is saying two things. The first is I don’t want to lose you of course but it sounds to me as if he is also saying that you need someone else to satisfy you sexually. Perhaps he means that you should find someone to satisfy you sexually.”

“Shit, I hadn’t seen it that way. You are right I need to talk to him with an open mind. Until now I assumed that I had to cheat on him behind his back if I couldn’t live the way it’s been. When I think about it, maybe he has chosen you because he knows that you understand and because you are committed to Sue so there will be no risk of losing me.” 

“It’s a likely explanation. Sit with him and talk to him about it, Shirley. Does he always come home after midnight when he goes to his meetings?”

“No, he is always home by nine. I thought it strange that he wouldn’t be home till after midnight. Usually, the club shuts before ten.”

“I think you should pick up the phone and call him. Ask him to come home as soon as possible to talk to you. Tell him that this is the most important discussion that you will ever have in your marriage. Tell him how you feel. Tell him that he is important to you but you need something else that he can’t supply. I think he has offered you this window of opportunity to save your marriage. Don’t leave him in the dark like Sue has done with me, Shirley. Make sure that he understands. If we are right you need to ask him what he expects from you and what you can and can’t do. Even ask him how you should go about it.”

“Hold on, I’ll call him now.”  

I saw Ron drive up his driveway. “Ron is home. I’ll catch you tomorrow afternoon and you can tell me what happens.”


I left her and walked across to Ron’s place. When he opened the door he looked at me and I could see that he was angry.

“I thought that I had told you to stop visiting Shirley while her husband is out.”

“It’s not what you think, Ron.”

“If it’s not what I think then how the hell do you know what I am thinking?”

“Ron, Shirley and I are not having an affair. We just enjoy each other’s company. She flirts and I respond. Ted understands a lot more than you think he does and he appears to not be overly concerned. I think he trusts me and knows that I will do nothing that will ever impact his marriage.”

“How could you know that? You haven’t even met him.”

“Look, Ron, I have met him. I like him and I think that he and I may get along fine. You, of all people, should know that I will not trespass without consent. You should know that the only time that I ever touched Ronnie was when you sent her to me or invited me to be with her. Why would it ever be any different with Shirley?”

“Do you know how that sounds?”

“Ron, please. You are forcing me to go somewhere that I don’t want to go. Would it satisfy you to know that I have told Shirley that sex is out of the question without Ted’s consent?”

“Fuck, don’t tell me that she is going to ask him for permission?”

“Sorry, Ron but you are assuming too much. When you asked me about my business I answered your questions but now you are asking me about Shirley and Ted’s business and that has little to do with me unless they want it. So let’s finish this conversation.” I stood silently looking at him. He didn’t say anything but just stared at me. I wondered if he was, in fact, jealous or was he really concerned for Ted. We couldn’t just stand and stare at each other all night so I continued. “Now about Ronnie, do you want to continue the story or should I go home?”

“No, don’t go home. I was just worried that you might be getting into something that would set you on a pathway to where I am, that’s all.”

“I’m already on a pathway to where you are, Ron but in saying that I should point out that it is not of my doing. What I’m desperately trying to do is to delay the inevitable for as long as possible.”

“Yes, Sue is a fucking slut isn’t she?”

“You and I probably disagree on that. Sue is a very sensual woman who can’t find satisfaction no matter how much she tries.”

“Well, if what you say is true then it isn’t because of the lack of trying that’s for sure. Come in, mate. I’m sorry if I upset you with what I said about you and Shirley. I should know you well enough to know that you wouldn’t do the wrong thing by Ted. It’s just that I’m alone and all mixed up right now. Shirley has been a breath of fresh air to me. I guess I might have seen more to our relationship than I should have.”

I laughed. I couldn’t help it. “So what you accused me of, you’re thinking of. Is that it Ron.”

“Possibly, I don’t know. My head is not screwed on at present.”

“Sounds like the wrong head was screwed on if you ask me.”

He laughed. “Come on mate. Grab a drink out of the frig for us both while I change. I’ve got a couple of meals from the Chinese down the road for us to eat while I continue Ronnie’s story. I won’t be long.”

This was the first time that Ron had referred to the story that he was telling me as Ronnie’s story. It had been their story up until this time. I wondered if that meant that the end was coming or if it simply meant that Ron was moving more and more towards acceptance that he and Ronnie were no longer a couple.

Once Ron reappeared we sat and started our meal. Halfway through he looked at me and said, “I think I finished where Sarah, Sally and I were about to spring Ronnie and Joe together.”

When we left the coffee shop, Sally parked her car and the three of us travelled in my car. I could tell by Sally’s body language that she was very angry. Sarah seemed relaxed. That was probably because she had little to lose by this confrontation. As I considered it she probably thought that she had quite a bit to gain. For my part, I was just disappointed in Ronnie. We had set rules and limitations that she was quite willing to break at the first opportunity.

I probably should have been angry as well but I wasn’t. I understood that Ronnie had needs that I couldn’t satisfy. I readily accepted that. This is why I had set the rules. She hadn’t opposed them but rather had remained submissive about them. It was possible that Ronnie didn’t see the rules applied to her. She may not have opposed them just to make me more accepting of her behaviour. I also knew that to get angry with Ronnie was simply going to drive her away. I didn’t want to do that.

When we arrived at the house Ronnie’s car wasn’t there. I was about to drive away when Sally said, “her car will be in the carport. She has parked there once before when she didn’t want you to know that she was with Joe.”

This came as a shock to me. I suddenly realized that on a prior occasion when I went looking for her that she may well have been with Joe. My mind went back to that time and for the first time, I felt anger. I remembered quite clearly driving past and assumed that she wasn’t there because her car wasn’t parked outside. I had done more than any man should be expected to do to keep my wife happy and yet despite everything that I did, she still insisted on deceiving me. 

Sally opened the front door quietly. All three of us were as quiet as possible as we made our way to the master bedroom. We stopped outside the door and listened. Joe’s booming voice came to us clearly. There was a bit of talk about Sally and what she was doing then it was quiet for a moment followed by,

“I love you, Ronnie. I can’t keep on doing this. We need to move in together. I'm going to find us a unit. I don’t think that we can keep Sally and Ron fooled much longer. Sooner or later they will wake up to what we are doing.”

“I’m not leaving Ron. I’ve told you a hundred times. No matter how much I fall in love with you I will not leave him. I’ve known him all my life. We’ve shared everything forever. He’s like a big brother to me and I would not do that to my big brother. Even though I carry someone else’s baby he still treats my little bump as if he created it. How can you even suggest that I leave him? We have talked about this over and over again. Understand one thing, I will not leave Ron.”

“But we can’t keep meeting each other like this. Sooner or later Sally or Ron will wake up and all hell will break loose. I only want to be with you, Ronnie.”

“That’s you. It’s not me. I doubt that I could live with you, Joe. I love and enjoy the sexual part of our relationship but you don’t accept my independence. You think you can control me but no one controls me. That’s why it works so well with Ron and me. He understands that I am me. It is never Ron and Ronnie. There is Ronnie and then there is Ron. You don’t even understand the concept. The answer is ‘no’ and it will always be ‘no’. If Ron and I split up then I will remain single for the rest of my life. It can’t be any other way.”

“Awe, fuck you, you’re just using me. Go home to your little-pricked cuckold then if that’s the way you feel.’

There was a stomping noise and before I could move the bedroom door burst open. Both Sally and I had been leaning on the door so we feel forward. Sarah couldn’t help herself, she burst out laughing. Joe looked down at Sally and me on the floor at his feet. “What the fuck?”

Sally jumped up and yelled at the top of her voice, “I’ll give you what the fuck. Get your gear and get out of my house!”

“I’m sorry honey.”

“Yes, you’re sorry. You’re sorry you got caught.” She walked over to a cupboard ripped it open and threw a suitcase at him. “Get your fucking gear and get out.” He didn’t move. “Get out I said and don’t come back.”

Ronnie, who had been sitting on the bed with no clothes on broke in, “Come on Sally. Be reasonable. It’s okay honey. He was just getting carried away at the moment.”

“I’ll deal with you later, slut. Now Joe, take the clothes you need for now and go. I’ll organize to pack the rest of your stuff and get it delivered to where ever you end up. Now go and don’t come back!”

 I needed to try to calm her. I walked over and put my arms around her. “Settle down a little Sally. Think about this. Punish him but don’t kick him out. We all knew this was likely to happen.”

“I told him if he did it again he would have to leave. If Ronnie was less of a person then he would have left me before now. No, he has to go. I’m being used. He doesn’t care about me and probably hasn’t for over a year now. He has been bewitched by your wife Ron. Joe and I are no longer husband and wife. This is my house and he is not welcome here anymore.”

She was crying. I held her tight then lifted her face up to me and kissed her. “Hey, it's okay, Sally. All of us love you here. You’re a beautiful loving and caring person. Not one of us wants you to be hurt.”

I should have thought a little more about what I said because she came back with a snarl, “except that cunt, Joe. He’s shot his bolt. He has to go. There is no other way, Ron and if you had any balls Ronnie would have to go too. We all had an agreement. We all knew what the agreement was. You and I had plenty of opportunities to break the agreement but we didn’t. No doubt you and Sarah had opportunities but you didn’t. They did. Neither of them respects what we had. They destroyed it. Joe goes. That’s it.”

I looked at Joe and swung my head to look at the walk-in wardrobe. Like a little puppy that had been outcast, he walked over and started packing his clothes. I moved Sally across to the bed and sat her down. In doing so I looked at Ronnie and saw Joe’s sperm running from her pussy. “You had better go and clean up then go home, Ronnie. I’ll be home in a couple of hours.”

Sally cut in with a vengeance. “Clean yourself up, slut but I’m not finished with you yet. Don’t you dare leave! You and I have scores to settle once Joe is out of here.”

I had never seen Ronnie act so submissively. Like Joe she conceded. “Alright, Sally. I’ll have a shower first if you don’t mind.”

Sally simply ignored her. Sarah came and sat beside me on the bed. As she did so I saw her look at the huge wet patch on the bed which had a pool of sperm in the centre of it. After Ronnie had left the room, Sally pulled me around to her and she kissed me. “This won’t affect us, Ron will it?”

“Hey, you pair. I’m here. Don’t forget me.” Sarah retorted with a giggle.

“Sounds like you’re going to be a busy boy, Ron,” Sally replied.

“And awfully tired as well, I expect,” I said with a laugh, trying to dissolve some of the anger that we all felt because of the cheaters who simply could not abide by the rules.

Ronnie was a good thirty minutes before she reappeared. While we waited the three of us joked around and talked about social events, anything but the elephant in the room. Ronnie’s arrival took me back a bit. She was not dressed as I expected. She was not dressed the way that she was when I last saw her. Her dress reflected the position she was in. She had been caught like a whore with Sally’s husband and her clothes reflected that. My thoughts were, ‘where did those clothes come from?’ They certainly didn’t come from any wardrobe she kept at home.

“Okay Sally, give it to me?”

Sally came back without any hesitation. Sarah and I sat back and listened. “I already have. I told you your status. You are a low down fucking whore, nothing more, and nothing less. You’re the lowest of the low.”

“So what does that make you? You are married to a man that you can’t satisfy but you expect him to be happy. You expect that man that you can’t satisfy and on many occasions won’t try to satisfy to be happy but you call me a whore because I can. Joe is not the problem here and neither am I. You just want to take your inadequacy and push it on to someone else. That someone else is me. You should be thanking me. If I wasn’t here then some other woman would be, someone who might have said yes to his proposal. Think about it.”  

“You deny that you are a lowly whore but go and take a look in the mirror. What you will see are thighs. I see no bra. If you were to twirl around I’d bet you have no panties on under that skirt. You didn’t come here to help me or my marriage. You came here with the specific purpose of deceiving me and your husband who loves you by seducing my husband.”

“Of course, you are right. I didn’t come here to help you out with your marriage. I didn’t even come here to give Joe pleasure. I came here for two reasons. I have the same problem that Joe has. I need what Joe can give me and my marriage survives because of what Joe can give me. The second reason is too complicated for any of you to understand.”

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“So the whore’s life is so complicated that ordinary mortals like Ron, Sarah and I can’t understand it. Is that what you are saying?”


“Try me, lover. Just you try me, whore, and let’s see if I do understand.”

“I came here because I could. I came here because you couldn’t stop me. I came here because Ron couldn’t or wouldn’t stop me. Simply put I’ll say it again, I came here because I could.”

There was silence for quite a while. Like Sarah, I was not going to interfere with this conversation. It was between Ronnie and Sally. Ronnie stood in front of Sally with one hand on her hip in an act of defiance.

“I don’t understand what you are saying.”

“That’s exactly what I said. You would not understand.”

“So let me analyze this. You say you do things just because you can and not necessarily because of other reasons. If you want to do something you will no matter who you hurt in the process.”

“Now you’ve got it. No one controls me. I am my own person. I make the decisions. Ron doesn’t make the decision for me and you certainly don’t. You heard the conversation so you know that Joe certainly doesn’t. I make the decisions about me and if I don’t want to do something then I won’t and if I want to I will. Got it?”

“Yep, I’ve got it. You’re one sick fucker that normal humans just will never understand. Yep, I totally understand. I kicked out the wrong person. Joe was never the problem, was he? You’re the problem.”

“Whatever makes you happy, honey?  Are you finished I’ve got things to do?”

Ronnie turned and walked away. Shortly after she disappeared out the door her face appeared again. We had not moved or said anything. The three of us were in shock. “Send Ron home when you are finished with him, Sally. Don’t wear him out too much I’ll need him tonight because you disturbed Joe and me.” Her eyes shifted from Sally to me. “See you in a couple of hour’s honey. Be nice to the girls. I love you.”

Her footsteps in her high heel ‘come-fuck-me’ boots sounded down the hallway. No one spoke until we heard her car start and drive away. Sarah stated exactly what all three of us were thinking.

“Fuck me, she’s lost it. How do you put up with that Ron?”

“Well, she is right. I never try to control her. She has always been the one to make the big decisions. I’ve always been happy with that but she has never expressed her compulsion to control as clearly as what she just did. I think I’m in trouble actually. I’ve been thinking of getting professional help to advise me on how to take some control back. It looks like I need to and soon.”

Sally responded. “You don’t need the help. She does.”

I saw Sarah look behind her again at the big wet patch on the sheets. The pool of sperm was still clearly visible in the centre, although it was gradually losing its colour over time. It looked more like a sizable clump of clear jelly now. I reached over and placed my hand on her shoulder as I spoke.

“He certainly cums a lot doesn’t he?”

“Just what is on the sheet is as much as five normal men would ejaculate. What is it like to have that pumped into you, Sally?”

“He usually pulls out with me Sarah. I can’t take him as Ronnie can. I wish I could but I’m too shallow inside. As he reaches orgasm he loses control and often hurts me so I make sure that he pulls out well before he ejaculates. When I was trying to get pregnant I let him cum inside me but I made sure he pulled well back even then. You know that he can’t bear children don’t you?”

“Yes, I heard Goyse talking about it a while ago. I probably shouldn’t have listened but once you’ve heard a thing like that you can’t take it back.” The girls were talking so I just sat and listened.

“I wish my internals were deep like Ronnie’s. I’m so jealous of her being able to satisfy Joe when I can’t. If I could none of this shit would have happened. Ronnie was right about that. I have to take some responsibility for what Joe has done.”

“No, Sally. Don’t blame yourself. There is a lot of difference between both going together and sleeping with others and sneaking off like a snake in the grass to fuck someone else. You can’t change your body. It is not your fault.”

“I guess so. Do you think I have done the right thing by telling him to leave?”

“No one can advise you on that Sally. Only you know what is right for you and your situation. I know if it was Gary, I would probably do the same. The difference with me and Gary is that I cheated on him before he did it to me so I would have to think a long time before I threw him out.”

“Yes, I have never cheated on Joe. I could have. The desire was always there but a real opportunity never came along.” She looked at me and said, “I should thank you for that, Ron. I did proposition you once, didn’t I?”

 I was happy to sit and listen. My mind was going through what had transpired. I had not recognized before that Ronnie may have a serious physiological problem that drove her to do things that were abnormal. Sally’s question disturbed my thought process and forced me to respond.

“Not really, Sally. You just let me know that it was a possibility. If it had come to the crunch you probably would have backed out.”

“Backing out was not on my mind at that stage. I had for the first time in my life really enjoyed making love to someone. Other than a bit of petting at high-school, Joe was my first and it hurt so bad I thought I would not survive it. I spoke to my sister who told me that it gets better with time but it never did. Being with you told me the issue was Joe, not sex.”

Sarah jumped in. “Same here Sally. I knew that sex could be great because I masturbated but like you I am shallow and Gary often hurts me so I couldn’t let go and enjoy it. My boyfriend down home was okay but he didn't do it for me. That first time when Ron made love to me it was like all my dreams came true at once.”

“Come on ladies, you will give me a swelled head talking like this.”

Sally laughed, “As long as it’s the right head I don’t mind. Should we seduce him, Sarah? Ronnie told us it was okay with her.”

“Why not? It may be our last opportunity now that Ronnie has flipped her lid.”

Sally reached over and pulled my fly down. She poked around until she had my cock out. When I had seen Joe’s cum flooding out of Ronnie’s pussy I had become erect but that was ages ago. Despite that, inside my lower abdomen, I could still feel tightness that I recognized as a form of sexual excitement. I lay back on the bed making sure that I didn’t lay in Joe and Ronnie’s mess and let Sally do her thing.    

She played with me for a while. Sarah got up and walked around to the opposite side of the bed and started kissing me. I responded. Sally had undone my pants and I lifted my but to allow her to remove my pants including my underpants. Sarah continued kissing me. I suddenly felt Sally’s mouth on my cock. This was something that Ronnie seldom if ever did. It felt great. I rose to the occasion.

Sarah started playing with my nipples. I felt compelled to respond appropriately. As I touched her she pulled away. I was shocked until I realized that she had pulled away to get undressed. When she returned she lay across me so that her left tit rubbed on my mouth. My tongue lashed out across her nipple. She moaned and lowered her body to allow me to take the nipple and part of her breast into my mouth.

Sally was still working hard with her mouth down below. It felt great but what I really desired was a nice tight pussy. After a while, Sally spoke. “Change places, Sarah. I want to kiss him.”

The change did take place but Sarah had no intention of sucking me when she had a wet juicy pussy wanting to be satisfied. As Sally stood up Sarah pivoted around on me sliding her wet snatch along my body as she did so it picked up my cock in her wet, hot hole. I couldn’t help it. I moaned and said, “Oh fuck”.

Sarah’s face was inches from mine. I saw the look of absolute pleasure that she was feeling. I knew that because I felt and probably looked the same. I expected Sally to appear before me but she didn’t. I wondered what had happened to her because Sarah’s body was partially blocking my sight. Sarah worked hard on me. My concerns about Ronnie, the stress of her deceit and my concerns for Sally meant that my usual path to orgasm was much longer than I expected.

Sarah started panting and stoking on top of me much harder than she had been. It was no surprise when she yelled. “I’m cumming, Oh God, I’m cumming. I love you, Goyse. You are so good, Oh fuck. That’s’ beautiful. Oh yes, oh yes, oh yes.”

The feel of the heat of her juices almost made me cum but I wanted her to be totally satisfied so held back. She slumped down heavily on me, panting as if she had just run a mile race. We lay there together until Sally intervened.     

“Move over Sarah. You’ve had your fun. He’s mine now.”

Sarah kissed me and shifted across on the bed. “Oh fuck, I just laid in their mess. I need to take a shower.”  She disappeared out the door.

I looked at Sally. “What happened to you? I thought you were moving to the other side of the bed but you didn’t arrive.”

“She was too horny for me. I couldn’t compete with that. I left her to do her thing so you and I could be alone afterwards.”

“Okay, we’re alone. What would you like to do?”

“I like it slow and sensual. Are you up for that?”

“Hhhmmm, sounds like what I like. I dream of slow and sensual every night, sometimes I daydream of it as well. Come here.”

“You didn’t cum, did you?”

“No. I was holding it for you.”

“Thanks, Ron. I won’t forget it.”

I was still on my back so she climbed over the top of me. It felt wonderful. I had been so close to cumming and now there was this very sexy lady climbing across the top of me with those absolutely perfect shaped tits rubbing along my stomach up to my chest as she moved forward. It was no exaggeration that I just about ejaculated on her stomach. I pulled back to try to prevent that from happening. How embarrassing that would have been.

“I felt you throb. Did you just about cum?”

“Those beautiful tits of yours, wow, they are enough to make any man lose it.”

She raised her body up and took a tit in each hand. Her eyes went from one to the other and then back again. To do that she had to force her crotch down onto my cock. Damn, I just about lost it again. I felt him throb twice and I swear that I felt some ejaculate on her mons.

“You like my tits? Joe never compliments me like that. He always wants to feel them but never says anything nice about them.” She then looked directly back to me. “Did my tits make you cum?”

“Almost, I might have squirted once, I think but I’m still okay.”

“Yes, I can feel it on me above my pussy but you’re still hard. I didn’t know a man could do that.”

“Nor did I. I’ve never had a little orgasm and stayed hard and kept my desire. You must be very special, Sally to do that to me.”

“No, it’s you who is special, Ron. No man has ever made me feel this good. You keep saying really nice things about me. It’s something new for me and it really makes me feel attracted to you. I want to feel you inside me now.”

She reached down and directed me to her opening. I went to push inside her but she said, “Wait.” She lifted forwards a little. I felt her hand rub across the top of her pussy. She collected the bit of sperm that I had left there. She then rubbed it around the head of my cock then lowered her pussy onto me. My cock slipped all the way inside her.

“That felt good Ron. Joe told me that you love slippery seconds, like following him after he has ejaculated in Ronnie. I now know why you like it so much. That felt so smooth and slippery. Remember when Joe went after you several weeks ago. It was the best sex that Joe and I ever had. I’ve only ever had one orgasm with Joe and that was the night. When I went home the next morning I wondered if it was possible to get you over to make love to me so that Joe could follow but he’s an alpha arsehole. He would never go for that.”

“You always feel smooth and slippery to me, Sally. We don’t need Joe or anyone else for sex to be special with you.”

All the while we were moving slowly together. Sally was doing all the work. I was just lying there enjoying it. My desire to cum had passed with the little bit of ejaculate I had lost earlier. I was still hard as a rock but I felt that I could go all night. I wondered what had happened to Sarah.

Our movements continued for at least half an hour. All the time Sally was saying nice things to me and kissing me. I was responding in a similar manner. I then started to feel that those beautiful tits had enlarged. I was very conscious of them jiggling against my chest. It made me feel my sperm rising again and I knew that it was not going to take much time before I released it into her pussy. 

“Keep going like that Ron, I’m going to cum.” A few strokes later she called out, “Oh my God. I love that. I love you, Ron. You make me feel like a real woman. Oh my God, I’m going to squirt. Give it to me Ron. Fill my pregnant pussy with your baby making juice. Oh fuck, Oh God, I can feel your cock getting harder and bigger inside me. Oooohhhhh Ggggooooddd, I can feel you cumming and cumming and cumming. It feels so nice.”

At the same time, I could hear in the background another voice saying, “Christ you guys have really got it together. I’m going to cum ttttoooooo!” I raised my head and sitting in a chair against the wall was Sarah. She had her knees up and her heels on the edge of the chair and two fingers pushed inside and her thumb working her clit. A spray of juice shot from her pussy followed by a groan, another squirt and another groan. She went on and on squirt and moan after squirt and moan. I looked at Sally and like me, she was watching. She saw me looking at Sarah and she turned to me and we kissed.

“She looks lovely, doesn’t she? Can I bring her over to join us?”

 “Yes, I’d like that.”

Sally lifted off me and walked over to the chair. By that time Sarah was sitting still. Her fingers were still inside her but there was no movement. She looked exhausted. Sally dropped to her knees and put her arms around her. Sarah looked down at Sally and kissed her. Sally bought her across to the bed and she lay down with her face towards my feet. I looked at her pussy. It was red and swollen and very wet. I had a desire to lick it dry.

As I moved into position it put my slowly shrinking cock near her mouth. She moved across as I started to lick her and Sarah started sucking me. I had never had anyone suck me or play with me after I had cum. It felt wonderful and I started to get hard again. Now for some men that happens but for me, this was like a miracle. I had never been a seven times a night guy like you Goyse. The best I had ever done was with these girls which was twice at night and once the next morning and here I was lining up again. I had a small orgasm followed immediately by sex with Sally and a huge orgasm and now I was getting it up again.

It was then that I looked up and saw Sally standing at the side of the bed. My cum was leaking from her. There was a small slither of sperm slowly moving down her leg and threatening to fall to the carpet. I looked up at her face and waved her onto the bed. I rolled back a little and she placed a knee either side of my shoulders then sunk slowly down onto my face. My tongue met her as she lowered herself.  

I was acutely aware that Sarah had stopped sucking me. I don’t blame her because I had left her to look after Sally. I assumed that was the reason but then she spoke, “that’s my job, Ron. I was just going to clean you first, that’s all.”

Sally lifted up again and moved around the bed to Sarah. I got off the bed and Sally laid down with her knees up where I had been. Sarah moved to get onto her hands and knees. This put Sarah’s pussy at the perfect height for me. I was not fully hard but good enough. If only I had a little lube. I looked at the mess that was Joe’s sperm that had pushed back out of Ronnie’s pussy. Why not use the fuckers. They use me all the time. I licked my hand and rubbed it across the drying mess then rubbed it around my cock.

It was like I had dropped a glob of lubricant onto my cock. I placed it against Sarah’s pussy and it slid smoothly in. I started to work on her as she cleaned my remnants out of Sally. It felt wonderful, very similar to slippery seconds that I had many times with Ronnie except Sarah was quite tight.

I could hear Sally groaning and moaning as Sarah worked her over. How erotic my mind told me. Using sperm of the lover of my wife which had escaped from my wife’s cheating vagina to make love to the wife of the man who had impregnated my wife. As my mind grappled with this I felt my balls lift and I ejaculated into Sarah’s pussy.

As I pulled out I looked up to see both Sarah and Sally staring at me.

“That was a quickie,” Sarah said.

“Yes, I’m sorry. I just couldn’t hold it.”

Sally responded, “A man doesn’t cum that quick without a good reason especially if it’s the second time…. or is that the third time.”

“Third time I think.”

Sally shook her head, “Don’t avoid the question. I asked you why?”

“I know it’s a bit weird but I was thinking about everything. Sally, you are carrying my child. Sarah is probably pregnant by me as well. Ronnie is pregnant with Sarah’s husband. We have caught Ronnie and Joe together immediately after they have made love. Ronnie leaves the three of us together to make love. I wasn’t hard enough to push into Sarah so I used the sperm that Ronnie had pushed out of her as a lubricant. I guess the eroticism of it all was just too much for me. The thing that did it for me was that if they had not made love on this very bed then I would not have been able to do it.”

The girls just looked at me. They didn’t seem to get it at all. After a while, Sally spoke. “So what you are saying is that you love slippery seconds so much that you take it off the sheets. Is that it?”

“No, that’s not what it was. I guess that is the difference between men and women. Different things turn on different people.”

Both girls burst out laughing. Sarah was the one who spoke first. “We get it, Ron. Don’t worry, Sally and I have talked about it all before, except for the sperm bit of course. By the way, I’m a few weeks late. Gary’s pissed I can tell you. I haven’t done a test and I won’t’ until his approach changes. He put us in this situation. If he had said no when you approached him then I would not be pregnant now.”

“Something I don’t understand, Sarah is when you were down south with your parents you had a boyfriend. How is it that he didn’t get you pregnant but you conceived with me?”

“That should be obvious to you, Ron. I was on the pill with him but not with you.”

“So you were on the pill but you stopped. Why did you stop?”

“Well Sally got preggers so why shouldn’t I? Gary deserved it as much as Joe did.”

“Are you telling me that you got pregnant to teach your husbands a lesson?”

“Well not exactly. Sally got pregnant because she wanted the child that Joe couldn’t give her. It was a bit different for me. When Gary got home after that condom broke he told me that after you fitted him with the condom he used his fingernail to break it. In other words, he got Ronnie pregnant on purpose. The moment he told me that I decided to teach him how you must feel. I told him that if the opportunity came up I would accept your fertile sperm into my fertile vagina. Once I did that nature did the rest.”

“That’s a hell of a way to teach your husband a lesson.”

“Do you think so? He didn’t hesitate to do that to you and Ronnie. He was told the risk and he purposely seeded her. That’s the act of an arsehole. No decent person would do that to another. If he had not done that I would not be here today cheating on him. I can’t condone his behaviour and neither should you. He only comes to your place because Ronnie wants him to. He doesn’t care a damn about you or me for that matter.”

“That’s a bit harsh.”

“No, it’s not. That’s just telling it the way it is. What you haven’t realized is that when the time comes neither Ronnie nor Gary will give you or me a thought. They will do what they want. Today with Joe and Ronnie proves it.”

I left Sally’s place about half an hour later. It had been two and a half hours since Ronnie had left us. When I arrived home Ronnie wasn’t there. She didn’t come home until later that night. She was partially drunk and smelled of sex. When I asked her where she had been she told me that she spent the afternoon with Joe trying to console him following his separation from Sally. What she really meant is that they spend half the night fucking. I couldn’t complain because I had been with Sally and Sarah. I remembered what Sarah had said to me though.

While we were talking the phone rang.

“Who could that be at this time of night,“ Ron asked. I hope it's not a disaster.”

After a short conversation, Ron came back and told me that Ted had asked him to tell me to come over when I had finished talking. I looked at the clock. It was eleven o’clock. Ted had returned before midnight. I said my goodbyes to Ron and headed to Shirley and Ted’s place.









Written by goyse
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