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Ron and Ronnie Chapter 14 - Lunch Then What?

"We take Shirley to lunch and catch Sue. Ron continues his story."

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Once again I awoke early to a beautiful sunny Saturday morning. Sue and the kids slept in as was their habit on a Saturday morning. My mind was in turmoil.

I had dreamed of all types of strange things during the night. It had all started with me wondering if Sue had been impregnated following our discussion that morning. I then thought of my options including leaving her through to swallowing my pride and accepting any baby that resulted as my own. That then progressed into considering taking my revenge by taking a lover on the side.

The obvious candidate was, of course, Shirley. I pictured us having sex but that didn’t seem quite to do the job. This progressed into us making love, by enjoying each other’s bodies with the express intent of maximizing our feelings of touch and visualization. This culminated in sex and in my dream it was the most intense thing that I had ever experienced. That was the moment that I knew that when the opportunity presented itself that I would take a lover, something that only weeks before I would never have considered.

Waking from that, sent my mind into a spin. I was not by any stretch of the imagination a cheater. I admired the female form and this meant that women understood my interest by the way in which my eyes wandered. On those very few occasions where women had made sure that I knew that they were interested, I let them down either by saying, “I don’t cheat on my wife,” or by pretending that I didn’t notice.

It wasn’t as if I didn’t think about it but I knew that I had too much to lose. I also believed that I would not be able to handle my guilt. For some unknown reason that morning I felt different. Why I’m not sure but it either had something to do with hearing Ron’s story, meeting Shirley or the fact that Sue was probably pregnant. Perhaps it was a mixture of all of those things.

I looked at the clock. It was nine thirty. A voice in my head reverberated like an echo from the previous afternoon, “My husband goes to work at nine o’clock.” Fuck it, why wait until Sue gets up to continue her teasing and stressful conversation about if she is pregnant. I pencilled a note and left.

Shirley opened the door before I knocked. “I knew you would come over after Ted left for work.”

“Ted is your husband, I expect?”

“Yes, I love him but he is the most boring person that I have ever met. He doesn’t want to do anything except watch television and I don’t want to watch TV at all. I go to bed and wait for him and he comes in and says, not tonight dear, I’m tired. I ask you,  is watching TV that tiring?”

“I don’t watch TV so I wouldn’t know.”

She burst out laughing. “You and Ron live such an exciting life. Ron has his football and everyone looks up to him as a sort of football superman. All of the women talk about Ron this, Ron that all the time. You, on the other hand, have your barefoot waterskiing. Everyone, both male and female say how does he do that shit. It’s like he walks on water, rolling over and then standing back up again. How do you do that anyhow?”

“Practice and fitness, that’s all it is, anyone can do it with practice.”

“Yea, that’s what you say but I see heaps of guys trying to do it but they can’t. You must have big feet or something.” As she said that her hand reached out and felt my groin.

“That doesn’t help I’m afraid, otherwise Joe would be world champion.”

“You mean Sally’s Joe. He’s got it there has he?”

“So I’m told.”

“That’s probably why he kept visiting Ronnie while Ron was at work. She’s one cock lover, that girl. I should have known that he must have had something special.”

“Do you think that Ron knew?”

“I don’t think so. She told me that for some reason Ron couldn’t look after her as well as she would have liked. Strange, isn’t it? Half the woman in town would like to bed Ron and yet his wife looked elsewhere.”

“I guess it is human nature. Don’t we all want what we can’t have? Perhaps it’s something about survival of the species. Women pulling in DNA from every direction or something like that.”

“Why do you say, women? Don’t you get the urge for something new and different?”

“Not until now.”

“Should I take that as a compliment?”

"I don’t know, maybe. Look, I think we should change the subject. My head is not screwed on right now. I’m not capable of making a rational, sensible decision.”

“Okay, but you do realize that if you think too much about what’s good for you, it will never happen, don’t you?”

“I think I can hear Ron coming. Are we ready to go?”

“I am. I was ready at nine o’clock. I’m really looking forward to this, Goyse. I don’t get to go anywhere and today I have two fit young guys taking me to lunch. I’ll be the envy of the whole neighbourhood. My crotch is wet just thinking about it.”

“Hi Ron, How are you going, pal.”

“Hello, old mate. How are they hanging?”

“I’m fine, Ron.”

“You didn’t hear what I said to you yesterday, did you?”

“I heard it all, pal. My wife is just driving me crazy, that’s all.”

“Take my advice, Goyse. When you get home, kiss her and tell her she’s the best thing that ever happened to you.”

“She will know that I’m lying to her. She can read me like a book. It's responsibility that makes me keep going home, pal, not what you are thinking. My feelings don’t matter anymore to her.”

Ron looked intently at me. “You don’t know what you have until you lose it Goyse and you can’t keep it unless you appreciate it. Take my word for that. I know.”

Shirley saved my hide, “Stop that complicated shit, you guys. You have a lonely woman to take to lunch who is waiting for you.”

I couldn’t help myself, “And she’s horny as well.”

Shirley grinned and replied. “How horny you will never know.”

I smiled back at her and replied. “Sounds like a knockdown to me.”

“You only get one chance with me, honey. After lunch, you had better take Ron’s advice and go home to your wife.”

I probably should have thought before I answered, “If she’s home and not out screwing someone else.”

“Like that, is it? Now I understand what you said about women and DNA. Perhaps I’ve been a little hasty. We’ll talk about it later after lunch if you want.”

I instantly thought that Shirley was offering herself to me. To this stage, I thought our talk had been just a little flirting but now I suddenly realized that Shirley was thinking differently. I wanted out. “Come on, let’s go.”

We drove out to the café. Ron parked the car. I understood that Shirley seldom got out. I wanted her to feel good about our lunch and I guess that I was also being influenced by Shirley’s flirting with me. I looked out of the window and said, “No, Ron this is not good enough for Shirley. She deserves better. Take us down to the esplanade; there’s a top-notch restaurant there.”

“Are you paying?”

“Of course, it’s my idea isn’t it?”

Before Ron could drive away Shirley said, “Hold on.” She got out and climbed in the back with me. “Okay, Chauffeur, take me and my man to lunch.”

“You should think about this Goyse.”

Before I could speak Shirley cut in, “Shut the fuck up, Ron and drive. His missus is probably out fucking someone else, you know it, I know it and he knows it. I’ve had enough of lectures and trying to ignore facts for today unless you’re jealous of course.”

Ron just shook his head and drove. In fact, he didn’t say much at all after that. Once Ron had parked the car we made our way into the restaurant. Ron was still not saying much but I could tell that he was annoyed with me. As for Shirley and I, we continued to flirt with each other. I stroked her leg at every opportunity. I even kissed her at one stage. It was only a peck but it still was a kiss. We were getting on like a house on fire. It was great. I felt better than I had for years when a couple came in for a late lunch.

I looked up and there she was. He had his arm around her. As they waited to be directed to their table he pulled her into him and kissed her. They were like two teenage lovers, displaying their affair to the world.  Ron saw where I was looking and turned and only said one word.


“That’s her, isn’t it? It’s your wife. Who’s the guy?” 

“No idea. I’ll head out the back door. I’ll see you at the car. Here’s the money to pay the bill, Ron.”

“You’re going to let her get away with it? Why not confront her?”

“Nope, I don’t want a fight in a public arena. When I confront her I don’t want witnesses or before long they will be selling tickets and placing bets on my relationship.”

“Okay. Go!”

I went. I waited and waited at the car. Ron and Shirley didn’t come out. All of a sudden, Sue came out the door with her boyfriend following about five meters behind. They got into a black car with dark windows and sped off. Shortly afterwards, Ron and Shirley came out laughing and talking. They didn’t come to the car but waved for me to return.

I went back and joined them. “What happened?”

Ron responded. “Shirley walked up to her and asked was she your wife. Sue asked what it had to do with her. Shirley said that you were a good friend of hers and had shown her a photo telling her what a wonderful wife you had.”

Shirley laughed and Ron continued, “Shirley then looked at the guy and said do you know that this woman is married to one of the nicest men in town. If he knew that you were kissing his wife in public he would cut your balls out, that is if you have balls. I think I had better ring her husband now and get him down here to fix you up. If I was you mate I’d hit the road in a hell of a hurry because her husband is renowned for kicking the arse of men like you.”

Shirley burst out laughing again. Ron shook his head and continued, “Sue told Shirley to mind her own business but Shirley came back and said, I’ve been trying to get your man in the cot for a week but he has turned me down saying that he would not cheat on his wife. Now, this may be what I need to get him to kick your arse down the roadway and give me half a chance.”

Shirley broke in with, “The response was, I’ll kick your arse down the roadway, lady.”

“Shit, how did you take that Shirley?”

“I told her that I was quite happy to knock those buck teeth of hers out. I also said to think about it you might even look better than you do now. It’s fairly obvious that the only thing you have got going for you is a vagina and that’s probably worn out by now with the number of men you have been screwing every day.”

Shirley laughed again. “With that, she turned around and almost ran out the door with her boyfriend following her. Come on, let’s go back and finish our lunch. The manager said he would refresh our food given the problems that we have experienced. He told us that she has caused trouble here before.”

We returned and finished our meals. On the way home, Shirley sat in the back with me again. She kept pulling me down to kiss her all the way however when I got out of the car she said that I should go with Ron. She turned around and walked away to her house. I wasn’t disappointed. She may have saved me from making a mistake that I would have regretted for a long time.

Ron made me a cup of tea and continued his story.

Joe and Sally continued to come over the following couple of weeks. Friday nights, however, Ronnie and I spent together. A few weeks after the problem with Gary and the condom, Ronnie sat me down with a red wine and told me that we had to talk. I knew straight away what she needed to talk about. I had observed that she had missed her period.

“Ron, I’m pregnant.”

“Yes, I know.”

“How could you know? I only found out myself this morning.”

“I noticed that you missed your period.”

“That can happen without a pregnancy.”

“We both know the reason, Ronnie, so let’s not get sidetracked.”

“What are we going to do?”

“It could be mine.”

“Not likely.”

“Why can’t it be?”

“You did it after Gary.”

“Yes, but I also did it before Gary.”


“I had sex with you after Joe, don’t you remember.”

“I was flooded with Joe’s sperm. It wouldn’t have taken.”

“But we don’t know that, do we? His sperm may even have helped mine.”

“Honey, you are only fooling yourself.”

“So what do you want to do?”

“Do you think it is my decision? I thought we were a partnership.”

“We are but we also say that it is your body and I shouldn’t tell you what to do with it, remember?”

“This isn’t my body. We are talking about my body and Gary’s body combining to produce life. The question for you is can you handle it if we decide that the pregnancy goes to full term?”

“I don’t have many options do I?”

“Why do you say that?”

“If I say no don’t go full term then I take away your child. Forget Gary. For him, it was just sex. You may think it is okay today but in two or five years’ time will you feel the same? That’s not a question, by the way. It’s a statement. I don’t think that you would forgive me if I said no. It would come back to bite us and destroy our relationship. We had a responsibility to not get in this position and we didn’t live up to that responsibility.”

“So I go full term then.”

“Isn’t that what you want?”

“I guess so but if you felt we shouldn’t I would listen to what you had to say.”

“Yes, I knew that as well. Now about Joe and Gary, are you going to continue our agreement?”

“What agreement is that?”

“The agreement is that Joe and Sally come over during the week. Joe wants to get closer to you and I don’t want that. We either need to stop seeing Joe or bring Gary back into the picture to show Joe that he is not in control.”

“I still want to see Joe. Perhaps we can do it less often but I don’t want to stop.”

“I’ll invite Gary over twice a week then. Would you be happy with seeing Joe and Gary on two nights a week each?”

“Okay, if that is what you want.”

“That gives you and I three nights a week alone together with the kids.”

“If you organize it I’ll make the arrangements for mum and dad to take the kids when they need to.”

“Alright, I’ll call Joe and Gary tomorrow.”

“Joe won’t be impressed. You are going to reduce his time with me.”

“I’ll offer him an alternative if he complains.”

“What’s the alternative?”

“If he chooses, he can miss out altogether.”

“That’ll do it, I expect. He may want to see me while you are at work.”

“Ronnie, we have an agreement. Joe and you only meet when Sally and I are present. I expect you to keep that agreement.”

“I was telling you what he will want not what I want.”

“You don’t want to meet him.”

“I do actually but you don’t want it and you’re my husband.”

“That’s settled then. There is something else we need to talk about though.”

“What’s that?”

“What happens after the baby?”

“I could go on some type of birth control.”

“No, I want you to have my child next.”

“That would give us four. We always said we would only have two.”

“I know that but I want you and me to have a child together.”

“We’ve got one.”

“Come on Ronnie. Don’t you think that I know?”

“Know what?”

“My brother is an arsehole. He impregnated you when I offered him somewhere to stay after he split with his wife.”

“You never let on that you knew.”

“Of course I knew. Do you think that I’m stupid?”

“I’m sorry, Ron. It wasn’t all your brother's fault. I encouraged him. I could have said no but I got carried away.”

“You could at least have used protection.”

“It happened on the spur of the moment and we didn’t have anything available.”

“So you are saying it only happened once?”

“No, it happened every day that he was here with us. I was already pregnant when you caught us. The baby wasn’t premature.”

“I knew that as well. The doctor told me.”

“You’ve been good to me, haven’t you? I keep letting you down but you keep forgiving me.”

“It has to end one day, Ronnie. Eventually, I’m going to say enough is enough. The day gets closer every day. Now we need to talk about what happens after the baby is born?”

“Okay, we’ll talk about it some more as the time gets closer.”

“No, I’m asking you to commit to it now. When the baby is born I want us to stop meeting other people until you have my child.”

“You’ve always been good to me Ron. If that’s what you want then so be it but you need to be the one who deals with Joe and Gary. Don’t leave all the hard things up to me.”

“That’s decided then.”

It appeared that we had an agreement. I simply took Ronnie on her word. I had no reason to doubt her at that stage. It was a straightforward open discussion. She never once raised any objection to my request.

I went ahead and talked to Joe and told him that Ronnie and I were not happy with the agreement that we had and that we had decided that we wanted to meet with others as well as him and Sally. He told me that he was disappointed but agreed to meet with us on Mondays and Wednesdays.

I then told him that the only time that we could meet with him was when Sally was with him. He objected for a while until I pointed out that without that condition there would be no meeting at all. Hearing that, he immediately agreed.    

I then rang Sarah.

“Hi Ron, I’ve been sitting beside the phone waiting for you to call.”

“What if I hadn’t called?”

“I knew that you would. Have you worked it all out with Ronnie?”

“I guess so.” I didn’t want to discuss Ronnie with anyone else. “How would you and Gary like to come over and join us on Tuesdays and Thursdays?”

“I’d like that and I don’t have to ask Gary. He will break a leg getting there.”

“He will have to make sure that he listens and respects the rules. If we ask for something he must conform or he will not be invited back again.”

“I’ve got a suggestion if you’re interested. Why not let him believe that we are invited one night at a time. That way he will think that he will have to abide by the rules to be invited back. Leave him hanging so that he has to be on his best behaviour thinking it is the only way he will be invited back.”

“That works for me. I’ll clue Ronnie up on what we are doing so that she doesn’t give the game away.”

“Ron, would you like to come over? Gary’s at work and I know that Ronnie is out shopping.”

“You know I won’t do that, Sarah but it’s tempting. We’ll need to leave it till Tuesday night, honey.”

“You know that if the situation was reversed, Ronnie would do it don’t you?”

“I don’t know that, Sarah. That may have been the case a while ago but we have an agreement now and she won’t break it.”

“I guess that I’ve said the wrong thing then, Ron.”

“Yes, maybe.”

This was the first indication and would be the only one that I had that Ronnie may be up to no good. I should have listened more to Sarah. Since our trip south to talk Sarah into returning to Gary, the girls were spending a lot of time together. I should have known that Sarah would know things that I may not. 

Monday came around quickly. Ronnie arranged for the kids to spend the night with her mum. Ronnie’s mum was always trying to convince us to let the kids come around more often so there was never a problem to find a babysitter. My mum and dad were always a little jealous of the time that the kids spent with Ronnie’s mum. Then there was always Shirley, who was keen to have the kids over as well. This meant that we were never short of babysitters.

Dead on seven, the doorbell rang. We knew it would be Sally and Joe. We had eaten, showered and were dressed waiting for them. I went to the door and when I opened it, Sally put her arms around my neck and kissed me.

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She then turned to Joe and said, “Don’t just stand there watching us. Ronnie is inside waiting for you.”

“Okay,” he answered and walked inside. By the time Sally and I got inside after a long kissing and cuddling session, Joe and Ronnie were nowhere to be seen.

“Come on, lover boy, let’s go to the bedroom.”

I led Sally down the hallway towards the master bedroom but she tried to pull me into one of the guest's bedrooms.

“No, Sally, not yet. I want to see what Joe and Ronnie are up to.”

“Okay but don’t be too long. Tonight is a special night for me. I feel so horny that it has been driving me insane. I’ve never felt this randy in my life.”

“Get used to it. Pregnancy does that to women.”

“I didn’t know that. If this keeps up I’m going to need more attention from you. I’ve been masturbating morning and night. It’s like I can’t get satisfaction.”

“Come on. Let’s join the others.”

We moved to the master bedroom where Joe had already entered Ronnie. She was throwing her head from side to side while Joe was driving almost violently into her. He was stroking out of her about six inches and then driving home into her with some force. Each time he did so, she slid just a little bit further up along the bed.

Sally and I were standing behind them and slightly to the side. It seemed that Joe was not aware that we were there. Ronnie had her eyes closed so it was impossible to know if she was aware of our presence or not.

Joe continued stroking for more than ten minutes. By this time I had removed Sally’s clothes and my own. I slipped behind Sally and she directed my cock to her hole. Only my tip was inside her. It felt wonderful.

By this time Ronnie’s head had stopped its movements and I saw her eyes open long enough to see that Sally and I were there. I realized that Ronnie’s orgasm had passed and knew by experience that once that happened she lost patience. I was waiting for her response.

I whispered to Sally, “She wants it over with.”

“Yes, I can see that. Pull out of me.”

I pulled out of her and she pushed her finger into her pussy. When she withdrew it was very wet from our juices. She then moved a little closer to Joe and in one swift movement, she pushed her finger up his anus. The result was almost instantaneous.  

“Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh fuck, I’m cumming. Oooohhhhh, I’m cumming. I’m cumming. I’m cuuummmiiinngg.”

I watched as his but cheeks clenched over and over again. The size of his orgasm was too great for Ronnie to accommodate and his sperm was pushed back along his cock and ran down across Ronnie’s anus onto the bed.

After seven or eight throbs of his massive penis, he collapsed on top of her.

“Oh, I love you, Ronnie.”

Ronnie pushed against his weight and yelled, “Get off me fucker. I’ve told you before if you keep talking that love shit I can’t see you again. You’re here to fuck me nothing more, nothing less. Now get off me.”

Ronnie turned towards Sally, “Thanks chick. He was starting to hurt me. I thought the fucker was never going to cum. How do you put up with that when he just rasps away for hours on end?”

“He doesn’t do that with me. If it’s not over in five minutes, he has to go to the bathroom and pull himself off. A couple of times he went too long and it was like I got carpet burn in the pussy. It took a week for it to heal. It doesn’t happen anymore, I can tell you.”

I couldn’t help myself, “I know what to buy you for your birthday next week. I’ll get one of those egg timers with the sand in them. You can set it up and say go and if he hasn’t finished before the sand runs out you can send him to the bathroom.”

Joe had recovered, “That’s not funny, Ron.”

“The girls thought so, Joe. Sally laughed so much it looked as if she was going to cry.”

Ronnie had sat up in the bed. Cum was leaking profusely from her gaping hole. “What are you two going to do? Can I join you?”

“I think we had better clean you first, honey.” I moved forward towards her but I felt a hand on my shoulder. Sally took my place. Ronnie lay back again to give Sally better access. Joe had rolled over while we talked. As Sally licked, Joe started to snore. He had fallen asleep.

After a few minutes, I signalled to Ronnie to move into the guest bedroom. Ronnie took Sally’s head in her hands and physically pulled her up along the bed and the girls started kissing. I could see Ronnie watching me as they kissed. I pointed towards the door.  She blinked a couple of times to indicate that she understood.

 I moved into the guest bedroom. I pulled the sheets and blankets down and lay on the bed waiting for the girls. Five minutes later they entered the room. They immediately started kissing again beside the bed. I sat up and watched. The kissing continued for some time. Suddenly Ronnie grabbed Sally in a bear hug and forced her down onto me.

Ronnie was very accurate with her direction. Sally’s pussy came down right on the top of my cock and I sank all the way into her. Ronnie then pulled Sally’s upper torso towards the end of the bed such that she could lift and drop Sally onto my cock. While she was doing it she continued to kiss Sally. 

I felt the back of Ronnie’s hand against my leg and realized that not only was Ronnie kissing Sally, she was also manipulating her clit. I could feel Sally trying to increase the tempo of her movements on me and knew that it was because she was about to reach her orgasm.

I heard her breathing become irregular and she started to whimper like a young puppy might when it wanted to feed. It was then that I felt a massive burst of heat and juices flood from her and knew that she was cumming. It was too much for me and I shot rope after rope of sperm deep inside her.

After it was over Sally’s movements stopped but the kissing continued. The girls were now playing with each other’s breasts as they kissed. It was as if they were lovers and I had a ringside seat. In no time at all, I was erect again. I felt Sally stir again. Our crotches were soaked. Sally had squirted a huge amount when she had cum and I had ejected more sperm than usual as well and because I had shrunk inside her it had all run out. 

The girls had stopped kissing but were still playing with each other’s tits. “Roll over, Sally, and I’ll clean you like you did me.”

Sally rolled off me and lay down beside me on her back. Ronnie climbed between her legs and started work with her tongue. I sat up to watch and Ronnie’s eyes met mine. She jerked her head to the right. I knew what she was communicating to me. She was up on her knees and her pussy was just the right height for me.

I got off the bed and moved around behind her. Her pussy, which had been gaping open after Joe had finished with her, had now closed somewhat but her flaps were distended as if they had been stretched. I wondered about it. What had done that to her?

I pushed my cock into her and there was no resistance at all. The feeling was very erotic because she was so silky. When I pulled back I looked down and my cock was coated with sperm. Here I was fucking my wife’s pussy which was filled with cum while she cleaned my cum out of my lover. It was just too much. I grabbed her hips and jammed my cock as hard into her as was possible and shot my sperm to mix with what was left of Joe’s inside her.

She lifted her head for a moment to say, “You’ve never cum that quick before. You must have liked Joe’s mess in me.”

How do you answer something like that? I just nodded and lay down beside Sally and watched my wife cleaning my sperm from her. This continued for about five minutes until Sally gave a little whimper again. Ronnie knew not to continue. She lay down on the opposite side of Sally who then got up and cleaned Ronnie.

I knew that I had not left much sperm in Ronnie but Sally continued for a long time. It was no longer a cleaning job it was returning the favour that Ronnie has given her. Around fifteen minutes later I felt Ronnie lifting and dropping her hips, working them into Sally’s mouth. I knew my wife very well and identified that movement that she takes on just before she reaches orgasm.

I saw Ronnie take Sally’s head in her hands to direct her to the spot that felt best for her and then she exhaled with a long groan, “Oooohhhhh. Fuck me that’s so nice, Sally. Keep that up. I’m cumming, girl. Oooohhh, it feels so wonderful. Oooohhh Fuck, you’re good. Ooohhh, Sally, you’re so wonderful. Ooohhh, keep that up. I’m cumming and cumming and cumming. Oooohhhhh, you had better stop. I’m going to squirt. Ooohhhhh, Fuck you girl. Suck my cunt!

I was watching Sally licking her clit and suddenly Sally was drenched as Ronnie shot squirt after squirt over Sally’s face. Despite that, Sally kept working Ronnie’s clit until Ronnie’s body went slack. I thought that she had passed out from the pleasure of it all but once Sally stopped licking her Ronnie moved.

“Get Sally a towel, Ron.”

I was already up and looking for something to dry Sally. I walked into the guest bathroom and selected a towel and took a wet cloth back with me. On entering the room the odour of sex was very obvious.

I handed Sally the towel and pulled her into me and kissed her then started licking Ronnie’s juices from her face. Sally held my face and kissed me for a long time.

“I love you pair. I am falling deeply in love with you both. I wish I could come live with you.”

While Sally cleaned herself up I looked at Ronnie. She smiled at me but said nothing. I didn’t respond either. Sally left for the guest bathroom. I was not sure if it was to clean up or to give Ronnie and me some time to talk.

“Are you okay, Ronnie?”

“Yes, are you?”

“I’m fine. About what Sally said?”


“Is that yes, she can or yes, you heard?”

“Yes, I heard.”

“I think she expects us to respond.”

“If she comes so does Joe and I don’t want that. Not now anyway. He is too controlling. I would not handle it.”

“I don’t think that she included Joe in the deal.”

“If she comes to live here all fuck will break loose, Joe would be hostile against us. It wouldn’t work. Besides, you would want to sleep with her more than with me and I couldn’t handle that.”

“What makes you think that?”

“I’m not a fool. She has a tight juicy pussy. Mine is stretched now and you don’t get off as well on it. She hasn’t had kids. I have.”

“You told me tonight that I have never come that quickly before. That should tell you something.”

“Yes, it tells me that you like slippery seconds. Most men do.”

“How do you know that?”

“I don’t think I should answer that. I may incriminate myself.”

We burst out laughing as Sally rejoined us. “What’s so funny?”

“Ronnie is incriminating herself.”

“She likes licking pussy and being licked by a woman does she?”

“Well, something like that.”

“As far as I’m concerned, she can have it anytime she wants. She only has to ask. I’m willing and able.”

I smiled and responded with, “Come here and kiss me. I’m starting to feel left out and I’m getting jealous.”

“The offer extends to you as well. Any time you want this pussy all you have to do is call. I’m available to both of you, preferentially at the same time.”

“Sounds good to me, what do you think, Ronnie?”

“Sounds fabulous, what about Joe?”

“He’s yours if you want him. I’ve had a gut full of him.”

Ronnie came to my aid. I stood back and let the girls talk uninterrupted. “Actually you’ve got a gut full of Ron, Sally. You are going to pop out a little redhead in about six months’ time and there will be no hiding it. Ron’s family are all redheads and they all look the same when they are young. Everyone who knows Ron and has seen you and Ron together will know straight away. Be prepared.”

“Yes, I guess. There will not be any chance to hide it will there?”

“No honey. Everyone will know that you have been screwing my husband. You and I will have the same problem but from opposite directions.”

“I don’t understand?”

“Okay, you will when you see my stomach swelling. What pops out will not have red hair.”

“I see. You have been a naughty girl. Now I know it’s not Joe so who would it be then?”

“It was Gary and it was a mistake. Ron got condoms that were too small and he popped one inside me. Now his wife is trying like crazy to get Ron to impregnate her. She’s a romantic like you, Sally. She wants my husband for herself.”

“She doesn’t stand a chance. If you don’t want him, Ronnie, I do.”

“I know that Sally but I’m not ready to give him up. Not yet at least. Now let’s get some sleep.”

We lay together. Ronnie selected the sleeping positions by lifting Sally across her body. This meant that Sally was between us. She faced Ronnie and they kissed occasionally before Ronnie drifted off to sleep. Sally pushed her bottom back against my crotch and I was already getting hard.  

As Ronnie’s snore started I felt Sally’s hand on my cock directing it to her pussy. She pushed her bottom further towards me and I slipped into her. That’s how we slept. Before dawn, I felt Sally moving slowly against me. I met her thrust for gentle thrust. We went like that for over an hour until I shot my sperm into her.

“About time you came in her. I haven’t been able to sleep for almost an hour. I’m not going to clean you, Sally. I need to sleep.”

“Sorry mate. We didn’t mean to wake you.”

“No worries. I was just disappointed that you didn’t give my slit a little fingering while you used my husband, that’s all.”

“I’ll remember that for next time.”

“Promises, promises, promises.”

We all laughed. Ronnie rolled away from us allowing Sally and I to cuddle up together. It was as if Ronnie was allowing us time and opportunity to get closer. This worried me. I liked Sally. I really liked being with her but I loved Ronnie and this made me feel as if I was being slowly pushed towards Sally and being deserted by Ronnie.

At the time I thought, perhaps I was being a little pedantic. Maybe Ronnie was just tired and wanted to sleep. I had all the sex that any man could want but despite that, I felt disappointed that the person who I really wanted to pay me attention had simply rolled over and gone to sleep.

Sally and I hugged each other and before long we were asleep. I awoke around six thirty to find that Ronnie had left the room. Sally and I were alone. I extracted myself from Sally and went off to find Ronnie. As I approached the master bedroom I heard the sound of a man reaching orgasm. Sure enough, it was Joe and below him was Ronnie. I watched from the doorway until Ronnie spotted me. She smiled at me then turned her attention back to Joe.

I had not often felt jealousy during my lifetime but seeing this following my feelings of disappointment that lingered from the previous night I started to feel and understand why so many men feel jealous of their wives. I turned and walked away. If I had stayed, I felt that I may have hurt Joe and the problem was not Joe.

By the time that Sally got up, I had breakfast prepared. Before Sally sat down to eat I said, “You had better call Joe and Ronnie and let them know that breakfast is served.”

A few minutes later the three of them arrived. They were fully dressed. My feelings of jealousy intensified because what this meant is that Ronnie and Joe had showered and dressed together like husbands and wives do all around the world. What this told me was that this was becoming more than just a sexual experience. Perhaps it was more than just a sexual experience even before I knew about it. 

We sat to eat breakfast. Ronnie sat with Joe leaving Sally and me to eat together. I was becoming angry and didn’t speak. Sally may have sensed my concern as she also didn’t speak but a couple of times looked at me with a worried face which slowly changed into a smile.

As soon as breakfast was finished Sally looked at Joe and said, “Come on, arsehole. Ron and Ronnie have things to talk about.” This confirmed my belief that she had read my mood. With that, Joe wrapped his arms around Ronnie and they kissed. He then followed his wife to the door.

I walked them to their car, said goodbye and returned to find Ronnie about to get into her car and leave.

“What’s happening, I had hoped to talk to you.”

“I need to pick the kids up. I told mum I would pick them up before seven. If you want to talk it will have to wait.”

“I’ll throw some clothes on and we can talk as you drive.”

“Too late I’m afraid. Mum will be waiting for me. Our talk will just have to wait.” With that, she reversed out of the driveway and drove away. It had become obvious to me that Ronnie understood what I wanted to talk about and she was avoiding it.


Once more Ron had tears in his eyes. I had a full understanding of how he felt. My wife was cheating on me and was trying to push the responsibility back onto me. What she was doing was all outside my control. Every time that I tried to raise the subject with her she either found an excuse to avoid the discussion or pushed it back on me by saying that she was doing it because I enjoyed it.

The sad part of that was although I wanted her to stop my penis deceived me every time by getting aroused. She then used that as justification for what she was doing. I had the sneaking suspicion that Ronnie had actually been using the same technique but Ron was leaving this out of his story, possibly because of the feelings of shame that accommodated it.

Ron was boiling the kettle when my phone rang. It was Sue.

“I need you to come home as quickly as possible. I need to go to the hospital.”

“What’s the problem?”

“Get here now and I’ll explain on the way.”

I told Ron and headed home. When I arrived, there was no need for an explanation. The problem was obvious. She had in fact been pregnant and she had aborted. She was losing a lot of blood. I rushed her to the hospital.

After several hours the doctor took me aside and told me that Sue had been at least three months pregnant but had aborted. The bleeding was now controlled but she needed to be monitored for a couple of days and that the best thing that I could do was to go home to bed and allow her to sleep. He then told me that when a woman loses her child there are always relatively severe psychological issues both for the woman and her husband. He then provided me with a reference to a professional who he said may be able to assist us. 

I had called Sue’s parents who had taken the kids home with them so I went home to an empty house.  I called the night shift at work and told them that my wife was in the hospital and that I would not be attending work for a couple of days. I then climbed into bed and went to sleep.

I awoke around eight the next morning and realized that I had slept better that night then I had for a long, long time. I arrived at the conclusion that I certainly didn't need help from a professional. I was the happiest that I had been for months but I still had a concern about what happens later.

I picked up the phone and called a friend's wife who was a medical consultant who worked for an association that assisted women with birth control education and control. 

"Hi, Mirium. Can I talk to you in confidence about an issue?"

"Of course, Goyse. We help both men and women at our practice." 

"My wife, Sue is in hospital. She has had a miscarriage."

"Oh, I thought that you had....." She stopped, realising what that meant.

"Yes, You're right. I'm impotent."

"How can I help then?"

"I know what Sue has been doing and I have asked her to go on the pill but she hasn't and so it leaves me with a problem. I can accept for the sake of the children that there is nothing that I can do about her behaviour but I refuse to accept raising someone else's child. I need a solution to save my marriage. The only idea that I can come up with is to obtain the pill for her and hope that she will use it. Can you help me?" 

"Well this is a new one to me but yes, I will help you. Drop down to my office and I'll supply you with a script. I know that there are no issues because Sue had consulted with me on many an occasion so it should be straightforward. I see on the records that she was on the pill before your operation."

"Thanks, Mirium. I won't forget what you have done for us."

"Goyse, do you need help in handling this? Do you have access to someone to talk to about how you feel about what has happened?'

"I'm fine. I probably did need help but now after this, I feel as if a big weight has been lifted from my shoulders."

"Remember, Goyse that I'm always here. If not in a professional way I'm always available to go out for a coffee or a meal with you. We probably both need the company. Jack seems to spend more time on his golf and partying than with his family these days. I'd love to have someone to talk to on my weekends off work."

"Okay. When I pick up the script set aside a few minutes and we will arrange to go for a meal but you need to know that it will only be for the company and someone to talk to. It is important that you understand that Sue cheats on me but I don't cheat on her."

"Yes, same here. Jack cheats on me but I don't cheat on him. I knew that Goyse. That is why I raised it with you and not someone else. I just need someone that I can trust to talk it over with and all the professionals know who I am."

'Okay, see you shortly then."


Written by goyse
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