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Our True, Sexy, Crazy, Twisted, Fucked Up, Beautiful Cuckold Life

"Our true story of how my wife got to live the life of sexual bliss that I wanted for myself."

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Author's Notes

"This is my true story. I wrote it not just to excite and pleasure those of you who love this lifestyle or aspire to have it, but to ask my audience if any of you can relate to my experience and what turns me on about our kink. It is a tale of self-denial for the sake of my marriage and my deep love of my wife. <p> [ADVERT] </p>I am not asking her to cuckold me for my humiliation, or for her to fuck guys with bigger cocks, or for interracial desires, or because I am submissive. It is purely because I love her and want to give her what I would have wanted for myself, if she could have given it to me."

Every word of this story is true. My wife enjoys sex with other men. Here is how it all happened.

I am not your garden variety cuck. I started this whole thing by asking permission to fuck other women because, after seventeen years of marriage, sex was boring and infrequent. I had tried everything to rekindle the fire but in the end, it all just felt like pressure to her and this was creating more stress than it was worth. So eventually, I said that I wanted to be able to get additional sexual release elsewhere. 

My wife was shocked and upset upon hearing this, and for a time she tried to get herself in the mood more often and sex did increase briefly, but it soon fizzled out again. It seemed that other priorities always got in the way and she was tired and not that interested in sex. 

So I came to her again with the idea, saying that we should at least try it once. I said I could go out and hook up with someone and text her about it, so she could hopefully feel more comfortable with it and maybe, on some level, she might find it exciting. This did turn her on as an idea but only in fantasy, and she got seriously powerful orgasms out of thinking about me fucking other women but repeated over and over that this was never going to happen in real life. 

We enjoyed the fantasy stuff and seeing how this got her juices going. I, of course, asked her to tell me about her fucking another man while she jerked me off. She played along with this and I came so hard the first time she did this that we both realized this was a bit of a thing for me. We got into a real rhythm with this and pretty soon it became our go-to fantasy while making love. 

All this was a pretty great discovery and seemingly out of nowhere it had got us into a more regular and exciting sex-life. After some time had passed, one night in the heat of passion, I said to her that I would love her to actually do it in real life…

For the same conservative reasons she denied my having sex with other women, she said no to this idea too. She said she didn't want sex with other men in real life. She didn't like the idea that I thought she might be interested in other men, and she was upset with the thought that I would not be jealous if she did. She wanted me to be too jealous to allow such a thing, This is because she equated my jealousy with my love and desire for her. To her, no jealousy meant I didn't love her or desire her.

She liked the idea of me being possessive of her and interpreted my willingness to share her as indifference. I protested that she had it all wrong, that I could only consider this from a place of complete security and love and trust in her and our relationship. I said that I was deeply and passionately in love with her and that this was an expression of that love.

I told her that I had merely discovered that the idea of being able to give her this pleasure was profoundly satisfying to me. That the thought of seeing her pleasured by other men was extremely erotic. She eventually accepted that I was being sincere, but nevertheless misguided, and she still insisted that she was not interested.

She asked me how I could even offer for her to have sex with other men, given that she had denied me that same freedom. She said I must be confused, that this was not real, and that I would become bitter and angry about it if she took up my offer. She thought this was a trap for us both, that I was deluding myself and once I woke up from that delusion and she had done it, then it would be too late and I would hate her for that.

She also said that she would not be able to look me in the eye after having sex with another man, knowing that I really wanted to be the one having sex with other women while she stayed monogamous. Yet, here I was saying that I would be content to allow her that very same freedom and stay monogamous myself, and would enjoy her having that experience even if I could not.

Something started to develop in me after talking this through with her. It was very clear to both of us that this actually was a deeply unfair thing. Yet the more I thought about that, the more excited I became. Somehow that unfairness was incredibly erotic to me. I could see that the very idea that she could fuck someone else and enjoy that freedom even when I could not, was mind-blowing to me. 

I was taken by the idea of her agreeing to experience the amazing high of having other lovers while being loved and encouraged by her partner, and at the same time, denying that pleasure to the person who actually wanted it for himself. I so totally wanted that feeling, and yet I was offering to stay monogamous and let her have it instead. 

Here I was, wanting so badly to have that experience myself, yet trying to convince my reluctant wife to take this from me for her own pleasure. The idea that she might decide to try it was keeping me up all night with gut-twisting hard-ons. The hypocrisy, the injustice, the unfairness, her pleasure, all of it was the sweetest, deepest, and most erotic pain for me. 

The thought of loving her so much that I could give that freedom, filled me with even more love. I learned that this feeling is called compersion, and I had it in spades. I felt such passion for her. I was gripped with the strongest desire to see her in sexual ecstasy with another man. It was a chicken and egg thought process. My desire to deny myself and give this to her made me feel compersion, which in turn made me want to express my love to her through giving her experiences with other men because only this would fully express the selflessness that is intrinsic to the compersion itself.

Now that I felt this compersion, it would have been enough on its own to make me desire for her to have this freedom, and yet in what seemed like a contradiction, it was that bitter twist of being denied the very same pleasure that really gave it the kick. How could I feel compersion - selfless love - for her and yet be all twisted up with the sense of the unfairness of it all? This was some crazy fucked up shit, and yet somehow it was the sexiest, and most potent turn-on imaginable. Somehow I was able to have all these thoughts running around in my head and still remain sane!

It became clear to me that this was not so much about her merely having sex with other men for my pleasure, but that she would come to desire it for her own pleasure. 

I wanted her to begin to crave it herself, and that this eventually would become something driven by her on her terms. I wanted her to embrace this freedom by doing her own thing whenever she wanted even if it meant without me even being there or knowing about it. The thought that this might eventually become something she just does to enjoy herself whenever she likes, like a hobby, became the gold standard of my fetish.

I based my fantasy life for her on my own best-of-all-worlds sex-life for me if I was to have this freedom. I imagined a life where I was having sex with other women with her full support and encouragement and that she found this extremely sexually satisfying. I had his idea that I would come home late from work having visited a lover on the way home, and she would kiss me as I came through the front door and ask if I had a good day and a lovely fuck to finish it off.

She would ask me to tell her about it later, after dinner, when we would have beautiful intimate and loving sex. In this fantasy, I was being loved by my wife with her body and with her encouragement to enjoy the bodies of other women too, so that I had the best sex life possible, but all encased in her love. This is what I then wanted to sacrifice and give to her while I stay faithful.

But alas, she just wasn't into it in the real world…

Then one day, after another year of experiencing this only in fantasy, I said to her that surely we could at least do some online flirting between her and potential lovers but never carry through with it. She agreed to this as it seemed like innocent fun, so we set up an account or two and posted some images of her in sexy outfits without showing her face. 

Pretty soon she was getting offers and was in conversation with lots of guys wanting to fuck her. She got really so wet over this, I could tell that there was part of her that really wanted to be able to do this but could not make herself admit it. So I said one day, that it would be super-hot to book a room in a posh hotel and then spend the evening in the bar and watch her flirting with men, then we could go to our room together and fuck like crazy - just the two of us. 

I was surprised when she immediately said ok to this idea. She agreed on the basis that it was strictly flirting only. 

We had the best night ever. She had three different guys chat with her and all three of them could see she was available and they each tried to get her to sleep with them. She did not take up the offers though, but carried out our plan and excitedly went together directly from the bar - with plenty of groping and kisses in the lift on the way - to fuck ourselves stupid for the next few hours in our room. 

We fantasized that she actually had taken one of the men back to the room and I pretended to be that guy and we role-played it. The sex we had that night was so good. I could tell that imagining this had actually happened for real was starting to take hold of her and that perhaps she was regretting not fucking one of those guys when she had the chance.

We did this a couple more times until one night, one of the guys she met the first night was there again - a business guy from interstate. His name was Neil. He was the one she liked from the first night. 

Initially, she did not notice him there but then he came over with a big smile and said, "Hi," and bought her a drink. (He had remembered what she drank last time, which impressed her)

After she chatted with him for twenty minutes or so, they were touching each other and laughing and she started playing with her hair unconsciously, and I could see her foot was starting to touch and rub up and down the inside of his ankle as she sat on the barstool next to him, her head tilted and her breasts pushed forward. I saw this was not the 'put on' flirting we had choreographed, but natural behavior. 

It was so incredibly exciting to watch this, she was genuinely enjoying herself and I had a hard-on like you would not believe! I was sitting further away at another table texting her and I just could not help but say to her that if ever she was going to fuck someone else with my blessing, now was her chance. I said that it was totally fine for her to take him to our room and play. (I had put some condoms into her purse, and I texted this to her)

I noticed her reading my texts while still flirting with Neil, but without responding to me. The music was loud and their faces were very close as they spoke loudly to overcome the music, then suddenly he turned to kiss her. After a few moments hesitation, with her lips open and poised, hovering near his, her eyes darting over to me then back at him, she licked her lips and kissed him. I could see her tongue going into his mouth, and her eyes closed as she explored him and got lost in the moment. This was so incredibly erotic I nearly orgasmed right there and then!

She moved closer and grabbed the back of his head and kissed him passionately on the lips. Pretty soon she had her other hand on his upper thigh and he moved his hand on to her ass. I thought 'fuck, this is actually going to happen'. I frantically texted her, "Please, please fuck him, baby! I love you so much! Have fun! I will wait here in the bar. Text me when you can. Enjoy! xxxx."

After another few minutes, she glanced at her phone as she held it up behind his head so he could not see it, and then took his hand and stood up and led him out of the bar to the lifts, looking back over her shoulder at me quickly with a cheeky smile. This was going to be wild!

I waited a gut-wrenching fifteen minutes before I got my first text from her. "I am safe, he is a nice guy."

I replied with, "xxx have fun, my love! xxx," and a stack of love hearts. I was hanging on to the thought that she might just be fucking him because she wanted to and not just because I wanted her too. My mind was filled alternately with visions of her being fucked hard and fast, and then their bodies entwined in passionate slow thrusting and deep kissing, then him pumping ropes of hot spunk into her, and then her cumming hard as he plays with her wet dripping pussy.

It just about killed me but I waited for nearly an hour before she finally appeared back at the bar, holding hands with him. They spoke for a few minutes, kissed, and then he left. I went straight to her, and the look on her face was amazing. I knew at that moment that she had fucked him and had an unbelievable time.

We went straight back upstairs. Unlike other guys, I don't like another man's smell, or seeing another man's cum in my woman afterwards (although there was no cum on this occasion because he used a condom), because this was not meant to be about me being humiliated or emasculated, but rather about what I could give her sexually that most powerfully moved her. 

So she immediately showered while I waited naked on the bed for her, my cock throbbing hard. As soon as she came out of the bathroom I jumped up and gave her the most passionate kiss and dragged her back on to the bed on top of me, then rolled her over and entered her. Sliding my cock into her wet pussy was so joyous, it was like having sex for the first time ever.

Man, oh man this was so hot. It was just a crazy level of excitement for both of us. We just rolled around kissing and fucking for the next six hours. She had really enjoyed the whole experience and without my prompting, she started talking about next time and what we could do and so on. She wanted to do this again and was not trying to hide the fact that she wanted it. She said she wanted to fuck Neil again. Just like that, she dropped the whole thing about only doing it for me. She had made the switch to thinking about her own pleasure as being the goal, from just one experience of it! 

This change in her was so exciting to me. It was amazing how she had changed so fast to just wanting to be able to fuck other men whenever she wanted! Oh my god, all my dreams were coming true!

My head was buzzing with these thoughts. I had imagined her having some sort of post-coital remorse, even tears, saying that it was all a big mistake or that she should not have given in to my pressure or some such thing. Instead, it is like she has had a light-bulb moment, a sexual revolution, a personal transformation.

I fucked her from on top as we talked about this through heavy breathing. She was so beautiful in that moment, freshly fucked by another man (her first in 18 years), her hair messily arrayed around her on the pillow, her make-up still on and smudged despite her having showered, her skin flushed with excitement and desire. And, just looking into her eyes, I could see that she was well aware that I was thinking about how sexy she looked right then.

She seems to know how satisfied and happy she looked to me, and at the same time see written all over my face how happy I was that she had taken this freedom and pleasure for myself and was the one enjoying it. She could see that this was totally turning me on and that what I had told her about how I felt had been true all along. I thrust my cock deep as we looked into each other's eyes, climaxing with a long and intense orgasm, ejaculating a torent of sweet, thick cum into her delicious pussy while we both repeated the words, "I love you. I love you. I love you."

We lay back in each other's arms, resting. Then, after a long time, staring up at the ceiling, she said softly, "I get it now. I can see why you wanted to fuck other women and still have me love you. It really does feel amazing, I feel so loved and safe and desired. I am sorry I just couldn't do that for you. I just don't have your ability to cope with it all in real life." 

"It is so amazing," she continued, turning to face me, "that you can give that to me. I think you truly are a wonderful man, and I know that you must really love me deeply." 

She looked into my eyes for about thirty seconds, clearly fathoming my mind. She said, "I know that the twist for you is that I now just take this from you for myself. So I feel like I can be honest with you about how I feel."

Searching for the words, so spoke carefully, slowly, "For some time now...I have been fantasizing about being able to give in to actually doing this, like a battle with myself."

"I was worried about the morality of it, you know, from a fairness to you point of view.". 

She paused, taking a breath "But I came to realise that just the fact that I am wrestling with these concerns proves that I really did want to try it because it does turn me on, but I needed to be sure you would not be hurt."

I hugged her as she said these words, softly kissing her cheek and caressing her hair. I urged her to continue, "I am listening, sweetheart..."

She touched her hand to her heart as she said, "It just hit me that you were sincere, that you genuinely wanted for me to experience something you knew would be awesome, and well,... I felt like I had to try it."

"I did not want to tell you this until the moment presented itself." she proclaimed. More quickly she continued, "I wanted it to be the right guy, and just the right feeling, the right place, the right time."

She continued, "It worked out so perfectly! Sex with Neil was lovely, I was so relaxed with him, but at the same time so turned-on. It was unbelievably exciting". She continued, "knowing that you were waiting for me in the bar all that time was deeply loving in my mind. I felt loved, cared for, protected... it gave my orgasms a deeper, more lush and intense feeling. It was sooo good baby!"

She concluded, "So I have taken up your offer, I have accepted this freedom, and now that I have, I love it. I really love it!"

This was truly joyous for me to hear. My heart was racing, my balls tingling, cock still throbbing.

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"I really do want to take this and make it mine as you have asked. I hope you stay like this honey, because this freedom you have given me, I want it!" 

"From now on I am going fuck other men for my own pleasure whenever I want!" She exclaimed with an emphatic tone. She then leaned closer, smiling impishly and whispering into my ear in a sexy, sultry voice, "Is that what you want me to do baby? Would you like me to have a lovely life of fucking other men while you stay faithful to me?" 

She licked and kissed my ear and breathed on it. My cock instantly hardened again.

"Would you like that, my love?" She asked sweetly.

I looked directly into her eyes and said "I would really love that honey"

She then softly bit her bottom lip and looked at me cheekily. She knew these were exactly the words I wanted to hear. She was giving me the pleasure explosion she knew I needed. This was my payment, my reward. She was showing me that she really got it, that she understood me. I had never felt so loved than in that moment, and I threw her face-down on the bed, grabbing her hips and pulling her ass up to me as I rammed myself inside her, doggy style. I thrust hard and fast, grunting and panting like an animal with each deep push. I could see she was getting off on my excitement, fingering herself to climax together. 

She screamed out in pleasure and I came harder than I had ever done before, exploding inside her convulsively. It was such an intense high. 

I was totally drained of cum and I was spent in every sense of the word. We fell asleep in each other's arms in total bliss.

The next morning we awoke in the hotel, we didn't speak, there was no need. We just got up and showered together, rubbing each other down with a soapy sponge, pressing our bodies together and kissing. As we showered, I started playing with her pussy and suggested that we should go shopping in the city that morning to buy some sexy lingerie for her to wear on her dates. She groaned with pleasure as we spoke and came breathlessly as I fingered her. 

She was rubbing my cock, but I resisted joining her in orgasm, as I wanted this to be about her pleasure and about her exploring this new lifestyle.

We went shopping together, holding hands like teenagers, and bought her several things, including a slinky black dress, short skirt, lots of lingerie, some sexy heels and also an ankle bracelet to help advertise that she was available. It was great to see her looking at herself in the mirrors of the change-rooms imagining how this or that new item might attract other men. It was so sexy. 

We returned to the hotel after shopping, but before we checked out, she stripped off and put on her new lingerie and then she laid me back on the bed and gave me an amazing blow-job. As she sucked me, she paused here and there to say things like, "I am going to wear this for my lovers, baby," and, "I am going to really enjoy the freedom to fuck other men whenever I want from now on baby, does that sound nice?" and, "I am so happy, babe, thanks to you!" 

She ran her sharp nails tantalisingly across my balls and around the base of my shaft as she said these words. She got me close to climax and then pulled back several times. She was showing me a level of sexual awareness and sensitivity that I had not seen before from her. It was like she wanted to reward me for what I was giving her as if to say that this is what I can expect from now on in return for what I have given her. 

She then brought me to climax with incredible intensity, sucking hard and moving her tongue expertly around on just the right spot. It was incredible! 

Thoughts of her with Neil filled my mind as I thrust my hips up and came long and hard. My love juice pulsed out of me in great gobs like it was being removed by force. She swallowed every last drop of my cum and she kept sucking and tonguing me as she caressed my balls for another ten minutes until I was eventually completely soft. 

She lay there with her head on my stomach, gently playing with my cock and softly kissing it and sucking the end a little more to mop up the last few drops of cum as they oozed out. I lovingly played with her hair and we just lay there like that for several more minutes. 

Then I said to her that her technique was awesome and that she was going to be the perfect lover to all her future sex partners. Upon hearing that she got up on her hands and knees and crawled towards me on the bed and kissed me as I lay on my back, her hair draping onto my face. "Make me cum," she whispered, and I reach up and started playing with her while she hovered over me on her hands and knees. She stared at me in lust, breathing heavily as she climaxed, collapsing on top of me, groaning in pleasure. 

It was the best twenty-four hours of my life to that point.

Over the next few months, she had sex with several other men and eventually got herself a couple of boyfriends plus occasional hook-ups with Neil when he was in town – they had exchanged phone numbers that first night. 

Her boyfriends both got tested so she could start having them cum inside her without protection, and swallowing their cum as she had done with me. I was happy that this was happening because it would make it feel more natural to her like in a real relationship.

She took to this new lifestyle quickly and began just having sex whenever she felt the urge, and also doing it sometimes without even telling me. This is what I wanted and she knew it. I marvelled at how she was so good at managing our relationship and two boyfriends and other casual hookups all at once. She never seems distracted when she is with me. It's like it is just me and her. It was like she was born to do this.

Our children were in their late teens now and so she had a lot of time to explore her new polyamorous life. She was always careful to treat me with respect and love as she navigated this world. If I did not know in advance, she would always let me know somehow what she had been up to, but subtly, to make it as nonchalant as possible. 

She called me from work one day saying, "I have to 'work late', baby," meaning that she was going to fuck this hot new guy in the office she had been telling me about. 

I replied, "Enjoy yourself, darling," then added, "Please feel free to stay the night at his place, babe, so you can make love all night. I can look after things here. Kiss kiss kiss." 

By the time six years had passed, she'd had sex with over seventy different guys (I like to keep count). She is still very attractive at forty-five, and we still go out to bars together so she can pick up, or we find lovers for her online. I love being a part of that for her. I do anything to help her have as much pleasure as she can. 

Ironically, one of her boyfriends is married but is allowed to have sex with other women! She loves to mention that to me because she knows it bites hard into my psyche and it deeply arouses me. To put salt on the wound, she told me that she is going to have an MFF threesome with him. It was brutally galling to hear this, knowing that this guy is not only living the dream life I wanted, but getting to fuck my wife, and that in doing so she is giving that experience to another man while preventing me from having it! 

Now, not only was I enabling her to have the dream life I wanted for myself, but I was enabling some other guy to have it too! And he, by fucking my wife, was enabling her to deny me the very pleasure he is able to enjoy because of his wife! But I loved hearing all this, knowing that my orgasms are going to be so powerful and intense just thinking about the unfairness of it as both of them are writhing in pleasure.

The sense of missing out was intense. I know that this is total masochism. I know that I have succeeded in eroticizing what should be intensely painful for me and that if I was normal I would not be able to tolerate that pain. I know that. 

But part of what makes this work is the wonderful person that she is, and how deeply we love each other, and how powerful our connection is. 

I am masochistic, but she is not being sadistic. She loves that I love that twisted up, fucked up pain and lust and love that I mix up into a potent cocktail of intense pleasure. If she thought I was in the sort of pain that actually hurt me for real, then she could not do it at all. It is that she loves that I love it, and that I love her so much, and she loves it so much, that makes this crazy scheme work somehow.

We had settled into a pattern of her going out up to three nights a week, although there were lean periods too. During these slow patches, she got a bit grumpy, so I got online with her to help find her someone new to pleasure her, and once she was going out for sex again she was back to her normal happy and vivacious self. 

Every week we plan our calendars together to work out what stuff we have to do and she says she has a date on this or that night so we try to work around that if we can. If she has a date, then I will always move my thing or do the extra family chore that is needed, because I want her to be able to have every chance to be pleasured and feel totally supported by me in the process. 

When she goes out at night, I usually stay home watching movies or online gaming or I have a couple of my friends over for poker or pool. I am doing my thing while she is out doing her thing. I am enjoying myself, while she is enjoying herself. We are both enjoying those evenings on two levels – the immediate thing we are doing plus the level of thinking about each other that is always going on in the background.

It is like we are telepathically connected. We each enjoy the other's happiness. She loves me so much for giving her this gift, and she loves that I love giving it. I always try to make it feel as normal and relaxed as possible. Plus, I know I am going to get great sex later that night!

Although I mostly just grab her and fuck her senseless when she gets home, sometimes I really enjoy welcoming her at the front door and bringing her into the bedroom, undressing her and giving her a relaxing full body massage with scented oils and candles. I mean, this level of sexual and emotional activity is exhausting for her, and I worry that she sometimes just needs me to be there for her. I ask her to softly and slowly tell me something nice about her night as I lick, kiss and finger her pussy until she climaxes. (I know she likes telling me about her adventures while I pleasure her.) I then tell her how much I love her, and softly kiss her while she drifts off to sleep in my arms.

I do this without any action for me. It gives me such a buzz to be so totally committed to caring for her and giving her all the pleasures that I would have wanted for myself. 

With everything I do for her that I would have wanted for me, I get even more satisfaction. I like the fact that even though she could not do this for me, that I was big enough to not punish her for it but instead, give her this freedom because I am capable of it. I am proud of myself for this. 

Yes, sometimes I get extremely envious of what she has, and can sometimes get a heavy sick feeling in my stomach thinking about it, what I am missing out on, what might have been, but I always fold that envy back into my kink and masturbate to great orgasms with that thought, or use that during our intense, night-long fucking sessions.

I have watched her have sex a few times while I masturbate. I never participate in her love-making myself. At other times she Facetimes me while fucking (especially if it is a new guy) and blows me kisses. She knows that I want her to 'rub it in' so to speak, so she might be sitting on top, riding her lover and holding the phone so I can see her whole body moving as she is rolling her hips and bouncing up and down, pleasuring his cock inside her and she says into the Facetime call something like, "Hey honey, I will be home a bit later, I will pick up some milk on the way home, is there anything else we need? I will see you tonight my love. Bye, babe!" then she blows a kiss and turns off the phone. Oh, the casualness of it! I love it.

Other times she might text an image of her being pleasured with the text, "Just had a lovely orgasm baby! Are we still on for dinner and movies tomorrow night? Did you book us a table?" or a close up of her pussy with the words, "mmmm, I have such a nice hard cock in my pussy right now baby… How is your night going so far? Is the poker game going ok, honey? Are you winning?" 

If I receive a text like this while I am playing poker I excuse myself and disappear to the bathroom to jerk-off explosively!

She always describes her pleasure in the exact terms that I imagine it would feel like for me. We are so in sync with it all. The fact that she knows just what to say all the time shows she is always thinking about me. She knows she is living a dream existence, having her cake and eating it, and that gives me goose-bumps and is actually very fulfilling to me. There are so many aspects of this that turn me on.

Every day I walk around with a smile on my face and a perpetual hard-on. I masturbate over and over about it and I cum hard and quickly every time. I use this great, very expensive, silicon sucking and vibrating masturbator she bought me for my birthday. It is a dream sex-life as far as I am concerned.

Sometimes when she is out on a date, I kiss her as she leaves and then lay on our bed smelling her pillow and spend several hours masturbating by hand, slowly without cumming. Sometimes I fall asleep like this and she comes home to find me in that state and then gives me a nice blow job as a wakeup surprise.

We are so happy with our lifestyle. Our sex life is crazy good. She has really relaxed into her polyamory as if this is how it has always been and its the natural way of things for a married couple. She says the real satisfaction ultimately comes from knowing I love her so deeply. 

She says that years ago, she had never thought of herself as being able to be polyamorous or being this sexually active, but now she has this safe cocoon I have created in which she can operate, it has allowed her to explore this side of herself. She says that she knows that she was denying herself all those years but now feels liberated, and has become a much better version of herself as a result.

These days, since my business has done very well, she no longer needs to work. So I have rented her a very nice apartment in the city. She spends a couple of days each week there during the day making love to her various boyfriends, having lazy afternoons rolling around on throw-pillows and satin sheets, fucking, sucking, kissing and cumming to her heart's content. She sends me pics during the day while I am busy in meetings at work. She has been really enjoying this, and I am so excited for her. 

This has been good for us too because she is now home more nights, and we have been spending more time cuddling up and watching Netflix together.

She also has a boyfriend that sometimes takes her out on his yacht and they fuck on the deck in the sun. She goes on hand-held walks along the promenade with some of her lovers and then goes to their apartments to copulate. She has sex with several married men - she says to help them keep their marriages going - and has also been with a woman a couple of times now. I opened an expense account for her for $1000 a week to fund her pleasure dome as I call it. I love that I can give her this wonderful life that she enjoys so much.

It is not all one-way traffic though, because she gives me spontaneous blow jobs all the time, and sends me love messages twenty times a day. We go out to dinner and have romantic nights together all the time. We go to the movies and go for walks on starry nights and make-out under the moonlight as young lovers do. We laugh and we dance, and we get silly together, and we finish each other's sentences. She says that she would do anything for me, and loves me with all her heart.

Now, it is so normal to us, it is just 'what we do', it is our thing, it is what makes our marriage work. Having sex with lots of other men is just something she enjoys like it's 'no biggy', and while she knows this is an amazing privilege, it is in the casual and relaxed way that we deal with it that makes it work so well for us. Her apartment time is just how she likes to relax and enjoy herself. She says that being able to just enjoy herself with no time pressure, cradled in my love, is relaxing and very satisfying. 

She says that although it would seem to anyone else like she is living a hedonistic existence, she has all the depth and love and fulfilment she needs from having her family, and so this is her 'me time'. She has said many times that this feels like life ought to be.

She spends lots of time with the kids too and is a great mother and wife. When she comes home she is so contented and happy. It is wonderful to watch someone I love, live such a happy life thanks to a gift on my part. I recommend this to all you guys reading my story. I know this situation is better than it ever could have been the other way around.

I used to think it should be men that get this freedom rather than women because we are so programmed to spread our seed. But I have come to realise that it should be wives that get this freedom while we support and protect and love them. This is because it is men's powerful need to fuck that makes it so much easier for women to go out and find men eager to fuck them.

I think this is why they can have multiple orgasms. They are built to be the ones enjoying lots of sex with multiple partners and we should be loving them and supporting them while they do it. Anyway, that is my theory!

My male friends all ask why it is that my wife is so loving towards me and is always so attentive and affectionate after twenty-four years of marriage, and her friends ask why is she so happy all the time and everyone thinks of us as the best couple in our friendship circle. If only they knew our secret! It is just the best life. We both absolutely love it.

I would love to hear from other women or men or couples who can relate to my story.

Written by lovemetender
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