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Our Big Day

"The bride’s ex-boyfriend crashes the wedding."

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The tinkle of spoons on glasses gradually evaporated and the newlyweds parted their lips giggling merrily. Everyone agreed it was a lovely ceremony. The vows were heartfelt, the toasts were sweet and sentimental, the dinner was tasty. The DJ was just about to announce Hannah and Kevin’s first dance when the door at the back of the reception hall flew open. Silence descended over the guests as heads swiveled to see the silhouetted figure. It was broken by the sound of boots walking across the floor followed by the murmur of hushed voices.

Peering out over the crowd, Hannah spotted the new arrival winding his way towards her and her new husband. He was tall, with dark brown hair pulled back in a ponytail that fell just above his broad shoulders, dressed in a stylish black T-Shirt, a leather jacket, and faded blue jeans. A motorcycle helmet was tucked under one arm. He walked confidently, weaving between the tables, a self-assured smile on his tanned face. As he reached the dance floor, bemused recognition dawned on her, and she smirked slightly despite herself.

“Who is that?” Kevin asked, from her side, squinting at the stranger.

“Bruce? Is that you?” she said, her smile widening as he walked up to the long table that hosted the bridal party.

“The one and only!” Bruce said. He set the helmet down on the table with a clatter and the groom just had time to retrieve his champagne flute before it spilled. “How you doin’, darlin’?”

“B-Bruce? Your... your college boyfriend?” Kevin asked.

“Mmmhmm, yeah, honey this is Bruce. What are you doing here? I thought you were out of town.” Hannah asked, sounding puzzled but not unhappy.

“I just got back. I read about this shindig online. Do you think I’d miss the wedding of Hannah the Whore-ible?” Bruce asked leaning in close and resting on his elbows. Hannah giggled girlishly and blushed a deeper shade of red. Kevin looked from Bruce to her and then back.

“Ahem, Hi, I’m Kevin, Hannah’s husband-”

“Yeah, hiya chief, so you’re really settling down, huh? One guy is really gonna be enough for the blowjob queen of KU?”

Hannah laughed and brushed a lock of her light brown hair out of her face. She smiled at him, her green eyes sparkling. “People change…” she said noncommittally.

“We’re both glad that you could make it-”

“Say, Kev, hope it’s not a prob me showing up unannounced like this,” Bruce asked, not looking away from Hannah.

“Well, uh-”

“Of course not!” Hannah said. “We don’t mind at all, do we, honey?” She gave Kevin a brief smile and then looked back at her ex. “You look fantastic!” She said, once again playing with he her hair and batting her eyes.

Bruce flashed his perfectly white teeth. “Thanks! Traveling’s been good to me. You look great as well! Still the hottest piece of ass on two legs.”

Kevin frowned, and began to defend his new wife’s honor, “Hey! That’s um-”

But before he could finish Hannah laughed, “Or on all fours, hehe.”

Kevin blinked as he took in what she had said and looked at her, mouth agape. He was about to say something else when Bruce asked. “You wanna dance hot stuff?”

“Actually,” he said, clearing his throat, “We haven’t had our first dance yet, so-”

“I’d love to!”

“Great!” Bruce said, sliding out of his leather jacket.

Hannah started getting to her feet, revealing her small but curvy body, elegantly displayed in a stylish wedding dress. “Uh Hannah, are you are you sure?” Kevin asked, watching as she hopped up onto the table, deftly threw her legs over the other side, and stood back up. “I mean ordinarily the first dance of the wedding would be with, you know, me.”

“It’s fine, sweetheart,” Hannah said, taking Bruce’s hand and letting him lead her towards the dance floor. “It’s a special occasion. I haven’t seen Bruce in ages! Just one song, really quick!”

As she spoke, over the rising murmur of voices, Bruce leaned over the DJ’s table and whispered something in the young man’s ear. The DJ seemed to consider, then shrugged and nodded. “We uh…we have a special request from, the bride’s… friend…” he said into his mic. “So…uhm, yeah here you go.”

Hannah placed her hands on Bruce’s shoulders and rested her head on his chest. Her body pressed against his and he slipped his hands around her waist, resting them just above the curve of her buttocks. Their hips pushed together, and Hannah giggled as she felt the familiar bulge on her thigh. The track dropped and the sultry sound of Marvin Gaye singing “Sexual Healing” began to play.

Kevin’s brow furrowed as he watched. Hannah and Bruce rocked back and forth, as his hands crept down and planted themselves on her butt. Bruce smirked. “When did you start wearing underwear, Miss Commando?”

Hannah laughed, “I didn’t really, just a thong for today. It’s my something blue." She giggled and sighed contentedly, closing her eyes.

“Mmm, hot. Hard for me to imagine you with panties on though.”

“Ha! I’ll bet! Though you probably have a hard time imagining me with any clothes on at all!” Bruce laughed heartily and grabbed her ass more firmly. In response, Hannah gyrated harder against him, rubbing the sweet spot of his jeans. Seeing this, Kevin finally stood up. He headed towards the pair, not going over the table as his wife had thought, instead opting to head the long away around. All the faces he passed were turned to watch as his new bride dry-humped her ex on the dance floor a few yards away. Taking a few steps forward, he cleared his throat.


The dancing couple ignored this. He took another step forward and leaned in a bit, looking directly at Hannah. “Ahem!”

She opened her eyes and smiled at him. “Oh, hi hon, what’s up?”

“Well…I think it’s great you and your friend are catching up, but um…maybe we could keep going with our wedding reception now?”

“Aw, honey,” Hannah said in a pouty voice. “Really? I - whoa!” As she spoke, Bruce dipped her all the way to the floor and then swept her back up. “Hehehe, hmmm. You know I love dancing.”

“Well, we could maybe have our dance…”

The music faded to a stop.

“One sec,” Bruce said and started back towards the DJ. As he did his hand collided with Hannah’s ass with an audible smack. She squealed in surprised delight and watched him go.

A flummoxed Kevin watched him go then looked back to Hannah. She smiled after him. “Hannah…what are you doing?”

She looked at him quizzically “What do you mean?”

“Just, you…he… all the touching and the grinding and the sex talk, it just is all a little strange honey!”

She just smiled and rolled her eyes. “Oh Kev, really, it’s just his way. He’s a touchy-feely guy. It’s nothing! I swear! Just one more song, and then back to our big day, ok?” She gave his nose a playful kiss.


Before he got another word out the booming sound of music filled the room.


Hannah’s face broke into a delighted grin, oblivious to the shocked gasps that accompanied Cardi B. “Ooooh, this is my JAM!”

“It always makes me think of you,” Bruce said, starting to shuffle his way back across the dance floor. Behind him, the DJ was slipping a 50-dollar bill into his wallet. He grabbed Hannah by the waist, and she began to grind against him. She turned and pressed her ass on his crotch. He held one hand against her hip, as the other slipped up and grabbed hold of her breast.

“Mmm!” She grunted, moving herself on him. Her cheeks were bright red and sweat beaded on her brow. Her eyes closed and she breathed deeper, smiling. A few scandalized guests began to get up to leave in a huff. Others stared in lurid fascination. Kevin swallowed hard and bit his lip.

“OK!” Kevin exclaimed, laughing nervously and clapping his hands together. “That’s enough dancing I think!”

“Hmmm-oh, Hon, just, hehe, a little more? Huh, huh, mmm, you know how much I love dancing and I never get a chance to anymore! And I haven’t seen, mmmm, Bruce in ages!” She said, panting. She managed to press even closer to Bruce as she wrapped a hand around his neck. Kevin could see her nipples poking against the fabric of her dress.

“I really think-”

“C’mon, chief, be a good sport!” Bruce said, with distracted good cheer before burying his face in Hannah’s neck. “Hmmm, this nasty little slut has been good too long, you need this don’t you baby?” He gave her ass a slap.

“Mmm! Fuck yeah, I do!” She said blissfully.

“HANNAH?!” Kevin said, his mouth opened in shock.

She opened her eyes and smiled at him “Mmm?”

“Your ex just called you a slut and slapped your ass! Now are you gonna knock it off?!”

Hannah just giggled and rolled her eyes. “I know! Hehe! Sweetie, it’s just his way! Really, he doesn’t mean anything by it!”

“Besides, she is a nasty little slut, aren’t you, baby?” Bruce said into Hannah’s ear, before grabbing a fist full of her pixie cut hair and pulling firmly.

She inhaled sharply, “Yes sir!”

Kevin threw up his hands in disgust. He watched, sulking as more and more guests filed passed him, muttering things like “congrats” and “beautiful ceremony” as they went. Those still sitting were all craning their necks to watch as Bruce whipped Hannah around and started kissing the nape of her neck. She held him tight, her nails dragging against the cloth of his shirt.

“Hey! HEY! HELLOO!” Kevin leaned in close enough to smell the sweat of the pair as he shouted at them.

“Mmmm, Honey, Sshh! Don’t embarrass me, in front of Bruce, and mmm, our guests!” Hannah said though she didn’t sound too concerned. “Not on, mmm, our big… day! Oh!” She started pulling his shirt out of his jeans and sliding her hands underneath it. The song ended and now the sounds of wet kisses and heavy breathing were loud enough to be heard over the handful of remaining guests.

“This is ridiculous! Hannah, can you please ju-?!”

“Hey bud, can you hold this for me?” Bruce asked, shoving his shirt into Kevin’s chest. Kevin blinked as he reflexively took it into his hands, rocking back on his feet. He stared at the well-muscled, shirtless man whose back and arms were adorned with tattoos, seeming to try and merge into his new wife’s body as she dry-humped against him.

“Honey, why don’t you mingle while Bruce and I catch up?” Hannah asked, her voice catching as her hands explored her ex’s bare chest. Finally, she slipped her hand behind Bruce’s head and pulled him towards her. Their lips collided and she sprung up, wrapping her legs around his waist. He held her tight and started walking, carrying her with ease and she squealed with delight.

Kevin’s eyes bulged as the hulking, shirtless man carried his wife across the floor and sat her on the edge of the table where his and her families had been seated. Dishes, glasses, and silverware clattered as she landed, still covering Bruce’s lips and neck with kisses as she did. The astonished relatives pushed back abruptly, their chairs scraping on the floor. He slid his hands into the cleavage of her wedding dress and pulled.

“You are one sexy bitch!” He muttered between kisses. There was a sound of fabric ripping as her dress tore, exposing her bare, pale tits, heaving with her breaths, perfectly pink nipples standing at full attention. She writhed and wiggled, letting the dress pull apart down to her navel.

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“Mmm! Huh! Huh!” she cooed as it fell off her shoulders.

“Okay!” Kevin exclaimed, “I really think it’s time for Bruce to go now!” His voice had a giddy quality of desperation and incredulity as he began frantically tapping Bruce’s shoulder. Naturally, this was ignored. Instead, Bruce wrapped his lips around Hannah’s areola as she began to unbuckle his belt. He started kissing her neck. Hannah looked at Kevin over Bruce's shoulder and smiled evenly.

“Hmmm, hehehe! Mmm, don’t be rude! Bruce is my guest, Kevin!” As she spoke, Bruce’s pants fell down around his ankles, revealing plain black boxer briefs. Hannah gripped his butt cheeks over the fabric and rubbed the bare heels of her feet on his thighs.

“R-rude?! Hannah, you’re about to have sex with your ex at our wedding reception!”

Hannah giggled and rolled her eyes, batting this away with a gesture. “He’s a touchy-feely person hon, it’s really not a big deal!”

“The slut needs what she needs my man, I’m sure you get it,” Bruce said over her his shoulder at Kevin then looked back toward Hannah and smiled. “And I think she needs a lickin’.”

Hannah’s eyes got wide. “Ooooh fuck yes! Mmm, please sir, no one eats me like you!”

“Hannah?! What the actual fuck!?” Kevin shouted indignantly as Bruce descended to his knees.

“It’s ok honey, you’ve got other talents! You give great foot rubs! Bruce is just reeeeeally good with his tongue! I promise it won’t take long, I never do with him…unless he teases me, hehe.” As she spoke Bruce was grabbing the hem of her dress. There was the sound of more tearing, as he ripped it up the length to her waist and it fell to the sides of her legs, revealing the frilly blue underwear she was wearing, already soaking wet. She lifted her legs and butt off the table as he slid them off her and then rested the balls of her feet on the edge. Her neatly shaven pussy lips glistened.

Without hesitation, Bruce chucked the thong over his shoulder. It sailed, end over end, landing directly atop the miniature groom on the three-tiered wedding cake. Everyone still present was now straining to watch, some mortified, others laughing nervously, and a few even beginning to cheer. Bruce wasted no time. His mouth licked, flicked, and kissed its way around her lips, and she signed happily. Her eyes opened briefly, and she looked over at her sister-in-law who was looking on with more than a little interest.

“His tongue is AMAZING Jess! You gotta try it! Uh! Oh!” Her eyes closed again. Her head rolled back, and her fingers slipped behind Bruce’s head. His hands rested on her thighs. His entire face seemed to disappear into her. “Mmm! Mm! Yeah! Yeah! Fuck I’ve missed this!”

“Mmmm, doesn’t hubby munch the carpet baby?”

“Mmmmmmmsssssshhit not like this! Oh god! Now don’t stop! Mmmmm, pleeeeeease don’t stop!”

“Hannah! For fuck's sake!”

“Mmmm,” Bruce muttered.

“This is completely insane!” Shouted Kevin. “It’s our wedding!”

“Mmmm! Oh, honey! Just, B-be… patient! Just…l-let me, get off… f-for old time’s sssssake! Ah!”

As she said this Bruce slid two fingers into her. Her hips bucked. “Oh god!” She inhaled deeply and her body tensed.

“Still a squirter?” he asked between licks.

“Only if I…do it…mmmmyself…mmmmm!” She sounded almost in pain.

“Lame, hehe, Hubby needs lessons.”

“Yeah, mmmm huh, huh, Kev sweetie, be sure and p-pay, attention... oh fuck…I…I!”

Bruce continued his tongue’s assault on Hannah’s clit as his middle and ring finger beckoned rapidly in and out of her. She held onto the back of his head and ground herself into his face, her cheeks flush and breath getting heavy. She started to tremble, her eyes half opened, and she gaped deliriously at Kevin as her toes started to curl and point at Bruce’s back. “Aw! I’m cumming! Oh, fuck yeah, I’m cumming! Feels so fucking food Oh yeah, he treats that pussy right!”

Bruce’s attention never wavered. His pace and intensity stayed even. He held her firmly as she tried to buck and a rush of wetness gushed out of her, coating his face and hand. Then Kevin’s jaw dropped, and his eyes widened in shock as he locked eyes with Hannah. She moaned and whimpered.

She panted for air as Bruce gradually slowed to a stop. “Oh my GOD! I can’t remember the last time I came that hard!” She grabbed hold of his hand and started pulling him to his feet. “Mmm, gimme baby! You know I like to taste it!” Bruce’s lips and chin were gleaming with pussy juice as he rose up and shoved his two dripping fingers into Hannah’s open, eager mouth. She suckled hungrily. She grasped his belt and frantically began opening it.

“Well, that was fun!” said Kevin, pulling fruitlessly on Bruce’s shoulder. “Time to go now!”

Hannah shook her head. “Mmmmn!” She opened her mouth. “He has to fuck me!” She looked up at Bruce with something approaching awe. “You’ll fuck me, right?! Pleeeeease?! I need your cock in me!”

“Fuck yeah I will, you’ve always been my favorite cumdumpster baby!” Bruce said, gently petting Hannah’s cheek. She looked absurdly proud.

“It’s ok if he fucks me quick, right hon?” She asked as he was pushing down his undies. Kevin watched as Bruce’s throbbing eight-inch member, slick with precum, popped into view. “Eeep!” tittered Hannah gleefully. “Hi there! Missed you, hehe!”

“Hannah, NO! This is too far!” he said putting his hands on his hips. “You can’t fuck your ex-boyfriend at our wedding reception!”

Bruce favored him with a small, sardonic smile, then looked to Hannah. She pouted back at Kevin. “Oh, Kevin, sweetie, just a little? Please?!”

“Hannah, you can’t be serious!”

“Kevin! Don’t be so jealous!” As she spoke, she was stroking Bruce’s shaft with one hand and petting herself with the other. “Don’t worry about him,” she told him, “He’s just being a groomzilla, wanna get it wet, baby?”

“What do you think?” he asked, taking her by the hands and pulling her off the table. Hannah giggled happily as she turned around and bent over. Her tits dangled over the place setting. Her bare ass stuck out from the tattered remnants of her wedding dress. The shimmering lips of her pussy winked out between her legs. She wiggled it eagerly.

“I think, er, I think we’ll be leaving son.” Said Kevin’s father as he and the mother of the groom walked past. As they went Kevin noticed his mother’s eyes being drawn in disbelief to Bruce’s erect cock.

“Wait, dad…”

“Congrats, son,” His father said, before grabbing his mother by the wrist and walking out of the ballroom at a clip. They weren’t the only ones to be leaving. Less than half of the original guests remained. Those that did stood in a loose circle around the table howling approval.


“Give it to her!”

“Do it! Do it!”

Kevin’s shoulders slumped and he sighed heavily.

“You’re really gonna do this?”

In answer, Hannah smiled at him from over her shoulder. “Just from behind honey! That barely counts!” As she said this Bruce grabbed her by the hips and rubbed his swollen member against her lips.

“You want it bitch? You want that cock? Beg for it!”


He pushed forward and Kevin saw the tip disappear into his wife. As it slipped in it seemed to go in slow motion, every inch making her moan louder. “Fffffffuckyeah! Huh! Oh God! This is better than I remember! Uh! Mmm, I wanna feel like fucking whore! Fuck me! I want you balls deep!”

Bruce threw his foot up onto a nearby chair for leverage as he thrust harder Grunting, his face stoic. He held her firmly by the waist, raised one hand, and gave her butt cheek a smack. She squealed as it thwapped against her. “Huh! Mmmmhehehe mmm.”

Kevin’s shoulders slumped even more as he stood by watching. The catcalls and cheers continued around him unabated, though Bruce and Hannah seemed completely oblivious. He folded his arms over his chest and pouted. Bruce’s hand shot out, grabbed Hannah’s hair and pulled. Her head flew back and as it did her eyes opened and met his. She smiled.

“Cheer up honey! Huh! Huh! Mmm, it’s our big day! No need to be so glum!”

“Yeah, right. Are you just about finished?”

“Mmm yeah! Yeah, close… so… fucking… close…! Oh! Oh God, I’m gonna cum! I’m gonna cum!”

“Yeah! Yeah, cum on that cock slut! Oh, fuck yes, you’re so fucking wet! You love it!” Bruce growled and slapped her ass once more. The steady, wet thud, thud, thud of skin on skin increased in speed and intensity. Her tits bounced. Her eyes rolled back, and her mouth hung open.

“Ah…!” She screamed silently as her entire body tensed then shook as her orgasm crashed over her. Then she let out a loud groan. “Uuuuuuuh! Holy shhhhit! I’ve never cum that hard!”

Bruce panted. “Mmm…mmmm…fuck, yeah squeeze it! Mmm…gonna shoot my load baby!”

“WAIT!” Hannah cried, loud enough and forcefully enough to stop Bruce mid-thrust, a puzzled look on his face. She looked up at him over her shoulder, her cheeks flushed and her breath ragged, sweat plastering her hair to her brow. “You…huh, huh…you can’t cum in me!”


“I’m a married woman!” Hannah said, crawling forward and shuddering as she pulled herself off of the shaft. She took a deep breath, pushed herself up, and spun around, falling to her knees as she did. “Cum in my mouth!”

“Mmm, ok!”

“Oh for fuck’s sake!”

She slipped the throbbing tip between her lips. Bruce gasped as she rolled her tongue and took him in. He closed his eyes and grasped her cheeks. “Mmmmm, the blowjob queen reigns!” She bobbed forward, cheeks bulging eyes wide and eager, sparkling with delight. One hand wrapped around his member the other went between her legs. She pushed down slowly, taking in each inch until she stopped, gagged, and pulled off.

“Hehe, gag reflex out of practice?” Bruce muttered.

“Mmhmm, not used to one this big anymore.” She said before taking his ballsack into her lips as she slid her hand up his saliva-slick cock.

“Jesus Christ!” Kevin exclaimed, over a murmur of laughter from the spectators. “How is this not finished yet?!”

Hannah looked over at him. “You can’t rush a good blowjob sweetheart! It won’t be long, I promise! I always get my reward!” She wiped drool from her chin and returned her attention to the penis and testicles, picking up her natural rhythm. Bobbing, swirling, pumping.

As she did Bruce groaned and swore and begged. “Huh, huh, mmm yeah, yeah, suck it! Oooh, you slut you love it! Yeaaaaah suck it, fuck yes!”

Reading his expression perfectly she went to finish him off. The tip of her tongue pressed against the tip of his cock. Her hand gripped him firmly and glided back and forth. His mouth opened in a perfect “O”.


Warm, white ropes of jizz sprayed out of him and into Hannah’s open, hungry mouth. “Mmmmmmmm!” She moaned as she took it in. It splattered on her cheeks and chin, spilled on her tits and dribbled onto the floor. She arched her head back and looked up at Bruce expectantly. He nodded his head slightly and she swallowed. After that, she smacked her lips and smiled over at her husband.

“Mmm, all done! Thanks, hon, you’re the best!”

The gaggle of remaining attendees broke into applause. Hannah glanced around as if realizing for the first time she was being watched and gave a little wave. Bruce sighed contentedly and patted the kneedling bride on her cheek then turned to the stunned groom and smiled. Still nude, his diminishing cock dangling between his legs and dripping the remnants of cum onto the ballroom floor, he walked over and set one hand on Kevin’s shoulder. With the other, he shook Kevin’s hand.

“You’re a lucky man.”

Written by RandyFlagg
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