My name is Maggie, and my husband, Ed, and I were living and working in Pennsylvania at the beginning of this story. He was thirty years old and I was twenty-eight. Ed has been working in the oil fields since he got out of high school and had been a wireline operator for the last eight years. I earned an associate degree in computer technology and have been working as a computer support manager at a small manufacturing company. We were making good money, with Ed earning eighty thousand dollars per year, and my salary of sixty thousand per year.
The wireline truck operator jobs are very sought after and lucrative, and Ed had distinguished himself as an effective lead operator who saved his company a lot of money over the years. The downside to the great pay is that they have to be on-call most of the time. When emergencies arise in the field, they take off at a moment’s notice and are sometimes gone for days or weeks, depending on the emergency. But Ed loves the excitement and good pay of his job, and his skill finally paid off in a big way.
A recruiter from a company working the Bakken oil shale field in Montana and North Dakota heard about Ed’s good work and offered him a job as foreman on one of their wireline crews. The pay is excellent at one hundred and fifty thousand dollars annually, plus bonuses and a living allowance. The only downside is that we would be located in the town of Williston, North Dakota, in the northwest corner of the state, not that far from Canada. That is one of the most active energy boomtowns in the country, and the pay has to be good to attract and retain workers in that harsh environment and remote area.
Ed accepted the offer on the spot, with the condition that I would need to approve, and I researched the location on the internet. I learned that since the discovery of the Bakken oil field, the Williston population has grown from fourteen thousand to thirty-three, and was still rising. The town couldn’t keep up with the extreme growth, so the oil companies and other entrepreneurs built large clusters of manufactured home and trailer home communities that also provide cafeteria services and other amenities for the workers. Those usually consist of small rooms, sometimes shared with other men, and most of the residents are men. Since the men work twelve to fifteen hour days, seven day a week, it really isn’t a problem that the accommodations are so spartan.
The term “man camps” is used to describe those living areas, since there are very few women in the area. Many of the men are married and have families and permanent residences elsewhere in the country, and some of them work two or three weeks, and then take a week off to visit their families. The official demographics of the area reflect eight single men to every five single women, but the non-permanent residents aren't counted. The real statistics in Williston are closer to eighty men for every one woman. And all the man camps aren’t so nice.
Many of the men working there are not provided company housing and not enough is available anyway, so they live in small travel trailers, recreational vehicles, or even in their cars in crowded parking areas that provide basic water, sewer and electrical hookups, for eight hundred to a thousand dollars per month. Since the wages are so high and services aren't readily available, the locals take advantage of the situation. There are also some more conventional mobile home parks, but they cost even more. Most of the men don’t mind the living conditions too much because of the long work hours, and just want to be there to earn the very good pay.
With the large population growth and the preponderance of men, the crime rate in the area has spiked, and there are a high number of sexual assaults on both men and women. The bars are packed with men looking for women, but there are few to be found, and strippers and prostitutes make a very good living there. Even the less attractive women are sought after, and pretty girls are few and far between. There is a saying that there is a pretty girl behind every tree in Williston, but there just aren’t that many trees.
If you don’t mind me saying so, I knew that I would stand out there. I’m petite five feet and three inches tall and weigh one hundred and fifteen pounds, with dark-blonde hair and sparkling jade-green eyes. My ass is full and shapely, but my best features are my full and round D-cup tits which look huge on my petite body.
Ed and I discussed everything after I finished my research, and we decided that the offer was just too good to pass up. We knew that we would likely be living there for many years, so we used our savings to purchase a big, twenty-seven feet by sixty-eight feet, heavily-insulated, double-wide mobile home to move there to one of the better mobile home parks.
That gave us four bedrooms and two bathrooms, as well as a nice kitchen, dining room, living room, and family room. The extra bedrooms would be good for allowing family to visit and an office for me. I could use the living room to run an internet access and PC repair business. I knew that with Ed out on emergencies I would be alone much of the time, and we thought it would be a good idea for me to start what could be a very lucrative business in that area which has few technical services.
I called my new business ‘Maggie’s Man Camp Services’, and Ed and I both feel that I had a better chance of success if I emphasized my assets and dressed in a way to attract the horny and lonely men there. I purchased some tight spandex shorts and long pants, and even have some undersized t-shirts and camisole tops silk-screened with my business name on them. Ed was supportive when I designed my logo so that the top circular part of the letter Gs in ‘Maggie’s’ were made noticeably larger and spaced so they were approximately circling my nipples. Ed always encourages me to dress to attract other men with my good body, and we both knew that it would attract more business.
One month later we made the move, and while Ed started his new job, I began to setup the living room for my business. I had a useable space of about twelve feet by fifteen, so I ordered four folding tables and twelve cushioned folding chairs. That allowed me to setup two rows of two tables each, allowing three men room to sit at each table. I then set up six of the work stations with terminals connected to my server, for those men who didn’t have a personal computer, with the remaining six seats for men who brought in their laptops. I brought a new computer server and the terminals and other equipment with me, but it took me two weeks to get satellite service for the internet and television. Then I was ready to advertise my services.
I knew that most of the company and other more-commercial man camps had internet connectivity available to the men living there, so I focused my efforts on the smaller camps within five miles of our home, knowing that they would need my services. I printed a flyer and posted it on hundreds of the trailers and RVs, letting them know about 'Maggie’s Man Camp Services' and that I would allow them to connect to the internet and use my hardware/software repair services.
Based on the varied shift times with the different oil companies, and my desire to provide convenient access for the men, I decided to start with operating hours of from 6:00 am to 8:00 pm, seven days a week, just to see how it went. I was home alone most of the time anyway, so it didn’t bother me to have such long hours.
To start, I established what I thought were fair fees of ten dollars per hour to connect to the internet using their own PCs, or twenty per hour to use one of my terminals, with a one hour minimum on each visit. I probably could have charged more, but I felt bad that so many of the locals took advantage of the workers in just about everything else they purchased, and I wanted to be competitive and not encourage someone else to go into business competing with me. And besides, those rates seem like a bargain to the men, but I was still making a lot of money.
I have just four simple rules. They need to allow me to perform a background check, which they will pay for, to make sure that I’m not letting any criminals into our home. Next, they have to shower and wear clean clothes, since I don’t want my home trashed with the mud and grime from the oil field. Also, there will not be any drinking or drugs allowed, and finally there will be no arguing or fighting with the other men there. I purposely didn't make any restrictions on which websites they could visit, knowing that some of the men would likely be going to porn sites for their enjoyment.
I was happily surprised when ten men showed up on the day after I posted the flyers. They are a mixture of married men in their thirties and forties, but also a couple of young single guys in their twenties. They are extremely happy to have the availability of my internet access, and previously had to go to their friend’s rooms in the corporate man camps, and only get a few minutes of access. Some of them freely admitted that I could probably charge twice or three times as much and they would still pay it. I worked late into the night to run the background checks on those men, and they were approved and ready to go the next day.
Over the next several weeks Ed was in and out of town as usual, and he didn’t seem to mind the presence of the men at the tables in the work area when he was home. More and more men stopped by to sign up, and I soon had over two hundred customers who used my service, some more than others. By the end of three months in business I had over five hundred customers, and a pattern developed. I'm averaging having five of my terminals and five of the other seats in use for ten hours a day, which means that I'm grossing about fifteen hundred a day, or over ten thousand dollars per week. I have some expenses for the satellite feed and equipment and routine maintenance, but my earnings are nothing short of amazing.
Many of the men reserved their time ahead, but I still have to do a lot of phone work to keep track of the other appointments. The age mix of the customers is still about the same as in the beginning, and I became curious about where the men were spending their time online. After analyzing the site logs I saw that a few of my regular customers are younger guys who are taking college classes online, and they are sometimes spending fifteen hours a week here. Another group is the younger married men who spend time emailing and Skyping their families and keeping up with routine household bills and other personal business matters.
But the group that really caught my attention is the married men in their forties who are visiting porn sites after taking care of a little personal business and email. I assumed that some men would be going to those sites, but it was still somehow titillating to me thinking about what they were doing. I told Ed what the men are doing online, and he is the most intrigued by the guys going to cuckold sites.
I took a closer look and saw that some men are going to the usual tit and ass sites looking at nude pictures of women and videos of straight fucking. Other men spend time on cuckold sites, no doubt fantasizing about their wives fucking other men back at home, but I didn’t know too much about that at the time. There are even a few men who go to bisexual and gay sites, and it makes sense that Williston is a great place for a male cock sucker, if he's careful and doesn’t run across some homophobes.
As I thought back on it, I could recall that many of the men visiting the porn sites were also the ones using the bathroom at the end of each visit, and I could only assume that they were getting themselves all excited, and then masturbating into the toilet. Somehow the idea that those men were doing that in my home was arousing, and I even thought about installing a hidden camera in there to watch them do it. But then something happened that made the camera unnecessary.
I have dozens of regular customers who come almost every day, and most of the married men are always very friendly to me and continually engage me in conversation. I don’t take that as sexual advances or anything, but I do know that they enjoy watching my ass jiggle and tits bounce in my tight clothes. When doing my research on Williston, I found several articles that talked about how many of the men just missed the company of women and talking with them. With so many men in the man camps and everyone in the same situation, it was hard to find a sympathetic ear to having a bad day.
One of my favorite regular customers is a handsome and fit forty-three year old married man from Phoenix named Bill. He always finds time to chat with me, even though he's paying for the online time, and it just so happened that he's one of the most active viewers of the porn sites.
One night Bill waited until we were alone in the room for a few moments and said, “Maggie, please don’t get angry with me for asking you this, but I feel like I know you well enough by now to at least ask. I don’t know if you're aware of this, but a lot of the time I spend here is on porn sites, and it's my chance to unwind from a long day and get relief from missing my sexual activities at home.
I have sex at least once a day when I’m home in Phoenix, and it’s hard to turn that off here. I usually go to the bathroom before I leave to masturbate, but it will be much more enjoyable if I can do it while I’m on the website and in the heat of my arousal. Is there any chance that you will allow me to do that? There are a few of the other men who would like to be able to do it too.”
Bill certainly surprised me with his question, and I was also a little bit confused. My review of the site logs showed that he has been going to cuckold story sites, and I just assumed that he's a cuckold husband, and not likely to be so aggressive as to masturbate here.
But since I was in a playful mood I kiddingly said, “Sure, Bill, you can do that as long as I get to watch, and I’ll need to get some condoms for you, so you don’t make a big mess in my home. But I’m a little confused about your comment on having so much sex at home, since I know that you have been going to cuckold sites. I don’t know too much about that, but I would think that you’d just enjoy watching other men with your wife or something.”
Then he smiled broadly and said, “Oh damn, Maggie, I know you’re probably kidding, but I’d love to have a woman as hot and sexy as you watch me masturbate. And as far as the cuckold thing is concerned, you need to know that I’m not reading those stories as a cuckold husband. I’m reading them because I'm a man that has sex with other men’s wives when I’m home.
My wife doesn’t enjoy sex that much, so I started fucking the wives of some of my neighbors and other friends whose husbands like to watch and even clean their wives up with their mouths when I’m finished. I have a high sex drive and am blessed to have the equipment to satisfy the ladies, if you know what I mean. When I’m planning my trips home I always schedule fuck sessions with my regular cuckold couples, and it's hard for me to go more than a day without ejaculating when I get back here.”
I was getting excited just hearing him talk about fucking other men’s wives, even though I have never even thought about such things. I made the decision on the spot to arrange things to allow Bill and others a way to masturbate while online and knew that I could make even more money doing it.
So I said, “Okay, Bill, I’ve got to see if you and your friends will really masturbate in here. For now, I’ll move one of the tables and three chairs into the spare bedroom that doesn’t have any furniture yet, and then I’ll order two more tables and six chairs to replace the table in the main room, and add another one in the bedroom. We’ll just see how it goes with space for six of you at a time."
"But I will need to charge more for time spent online in the bedroom. It will cost you fifteen dollars per hour to use your laptop or twenty-five dollars to use my terminal, and I’ll sell you the condoms for two dollars each. And I don’t want the used condoms being flushed down the toilet and clogging it up. I’ll provide a trash can for you to put them in.”
Then Bill looked at me with a silly grin on his face and said, “Damn, Maggie, I didn’t think you would allow this for us, and I hope that you're serious about watching. And when you order the condoms, make sure to get a bunch of the extra-large magnums that a few of the other guys and I will need.”
His comment about the magnum condoms got my pussy wet, and I didn’t understand why at the time. That night I went online and ordered a case of one thousand condoms for only one hundred and seventy dollars. I knew that they probably aren’t the best, but they're just being used to prevent a mess, and not to prevent pregnancy or the spread of diseases.
Ed was out of town, and I called him to let him know what I was doing with the spare bedroom and allowing the men to masturbate here. He was very understanding, probably because he knows all too well how horny those oil men away from home could get. But still, I was surprised that he agreed so easily. Then I went online to one of the cuckold story sites that Bill went to because I wanted to try and understand a little more about the cuckold lifestyle.
I stayed up half of the night reading those cuckold stories and was starting to understand the basic theme. It seemed like some men with small dicks and who are otherwise more on the submissive side, got off on watching their wives fuck other dominant, big-cocked men. Most of them would even suck the other man’s cum out of his wife’s pussy, and then suck the guy’s cock to clean it. Many of them enjoyed sucking cock without the wife there too. Some of them even got into humiliation and degradation, but I liked the stories where the couples were more of a team, just enjoying the big cock and plentiful cum together.
I couldn’t help thinking about my situation since Ed has a little, thin, four-inch dick, and most of the time he prefers to suck my pussy, both before and after we fuck, than to actually fuck me. So, I realized that he at least has a taste for his own cum. And I am also seeing a parallel to some of the stories where the husband encourages his wife to dress in a revealing way, and never seems to get upset when the wife flirts with other men, or if the other men hit on her. That describes our relationship perfectly. Just hearing Bill talk about how he's fucking those other wives and knowing that he must also have a big cock, is arousing to me.

It's interesting that Ed agreed so easily for me to allow those men to jack off in our home. I was beginning to wonder if he wanted to see me with other men. For the first time in my marriage, I was considering what it would be like to fuck another man, and I could hardly wait to get the bedroom set up, so I could see Bill’s big cock.
It was no problem moving the table into the bedroom, and since I had to wait for my condom order, I went to the local pharmacy and bought two dozen regular-sized rubbers and two dozen of the magnums. I didn’t want to embarrass the men by having them come to me to buy a condom each time they want to ejaculate, so I put the boxes on the corner of the table with a money jar and relied on the honor system. If that didn’t work, I could always make them pay me for them directly, and I am making a lot of money off them anyway.
As the men arrived the next day I quietly let each of them know about the other room, but Bill didn’t make it due to extra overtime. Some of them were embarrassed just having me tell them about it, but others smiled and went into the room. I purposely stayed away from there all day, and twenty-five of my customers paid the extra fee to use it. That night after everyone left, I went in to see if there was any mess to clean up.
My pussy immediately got wet when I saw the used, knotted condoms covering the bottom of the waste basket, and some of them having big loads of cum. It was a big turn on counting them with my bare hands and I felt some wetness. I found out that there were twenty used rubbers total, and seven of them were the magnum size. A few of the men must have played with their cocks but chose not to ejaculate. Or who knows, some of them might have even been sucked off by their friends, and that thought excited me even more.
Some of the rubbers had the reservoir ends filled with semen, but others had a sizable amount that I could squeeze and feel it squish, slosh and ooze in my fingers. And there must have been some leakage, because the aroma of semen was strong. The money jar has forty-five dollars in it, so it looked like a couple of the men were showing their appreciation.
I knew that Ed was coming home soon, but I called him that night to let him know about the condoms. I explained everything, even how I was playing with the men’s semen, and Ed got very excited.
He said, “Wow, that's amazing, Maggie, but it’s hard to believe. If it’s true, I have to admit that it excites me knowing that you were handling other men’s cum that way. Damn, baby, that’s really nasty, but it turns me on. I want you to save the condoms for me so I can see for myself. So, don’t throw them out. Maybe you could put them in the freezer until I get home the day after tomorrow, so the cum won’t spoil.”
I didn’t mind saving the used condoms, but Ed’s request seemed suspicious to me. I was getting the feeling that he might have too much interest in their cum, especially after his earlier, easy acceptance of me setting up the porn room to begin with.
The next day when Bill arrived I showed him to the bedroom and said, “Let me know when you’re ready to do it, Bill. I really do want to watch.”
He was in the room alone at the time I heard him call my name, so I immediately walked in. His pants and underwear were already down around his ankles, and he must have been looking at porn for a little while and stroking his cock to get it hard. He was struggling to roll the magnum rubber onto the huge head of his uncircumcised cock, and I was astonished by the size of it. His cock looked to be a little less than ten inches long and very thick, and he also has huge, low-hanging balls that were hanging over the edge of the chair.
I stood there staring until he said, “I can see that you like my cock, Maggie, so come over and get a closer look. It should only take me a few minutes to finish it off.”
I stood next to him as he stroked his massive cock, and I didn’t consciously realize when I started rubbing my wet pussy. Bill noticed that I was getting turned on and losing control and he said, “I know you like it, Maggie. Stroke it for me and pull your t-shirt up so I can see your beautiful tits. Damn you’re hot, baby. I’ll give you fifty extra to do that for me.”
In that moment I didn’t care what Ed, or anyone would think of me, and I pulled my t-shirt up and off, which allowed my full, firm tits to sway and jiggle in front of Bill. Then I leaned down and took his huge cock into my hand, which placed my breasts right in front of his face. My hand just barely fit around his thickness, and just as I was getting into stroking his thick meat, I felt his mouth on my nipple as he fondled both breasts. He knew that I was out of my mind with lust and was taking advantage of my weak moment. His mouth and tongue felt wonderful sucking me, and my pussy was so wet that I knew he could smell me.
I continued stroking his big cock for another minute, and just as it began to jerk and throb, one of my other customers walked in. It happened to be Jim, one of Bill's close friends, and I felt Bill’s cum filling the condom as Jim said, "Son of a bitch, I never thought any of us would get our mouths on those fantastic tits. Keep stroking that cock, Maggie, I can see that he’s already emptying his balls for you.”
His cock stopped spewing and as I pulled away, I looked down and saw what a huge load of cum Bill produced. I was just getting ready to playfully scold him for sucking my tits when he said, “I know I only asked to see your tits, but I just had to taste them, Maggie. They’ve been bouncing around and driving me nuts since the first day I met you. I’ll pay you another fifty bucks for letting me them.”
Then Jim pulled down his pants and underwear and sat next to Bill and said, “I want the same deal Bill had, Maggie. Roll this rubber on me and let’s get started. I don’t even need to watch porn first after seeing you two together.”
Jim’s cock is circumcised and almost as long as Bill’s, and I rolled the rubber down his meat as he started sucking my breasts. I stroked his cock as he sucked me, and I saw out of the corner of my eye that Bill was taking off his condom and tying a knot in it. It only took Jim two more minutes and his cock was pulsing and spraying a huge load of cum into the rubber.
I was feeling a little guilty about doing that with those men, so I pulled down my t-shirt before anyone else came in. Then Bill said, “That was fantastic, Maggie. Next time, I’d be happy to pay another fifty if you will suck my bare cock for me and swallow. I’d be willing to bet that Ed won’t care, especially since he didn’t object to you letting men masturbate in your home. I know how men like him think, and I’ve had a lot of experience with men who want me to fuck their wives. I’ll bet that he’d love to watch you suck my cock.”
I called Ed that night and in a moment of remorse, confessed that I jerked off two men with huge cocks, and they also sucked my tits. I told him about making an extra two hundred dollars and everything else, including what Bill said about wanting me to suck his bare cock. I even told Ed what Bill said about him, and how he thought Ed wouldn’t mind. And to give Bill’s comments more credibility, I told Ed that Bill said he was fucking other cuckold men’s wives back in Phoenix. I asked Ed to tell me how he felt about what I did and what I told him.
I was worried when Ed was quiet for almost thirty seconds, but then he said, “I’m not upset by what you did, honey, and it even excites me knowing that you have that affect on other men. But I’d rather talk more about it when I get back home.”
Ed called me the next morning and let me know he’d be home around noon, so I took the condoms out of the freezer mid-morning. After we kissed, hugged and got reacquainted for a few minutes, the first thing he wanted to do is see the condoms. He squeezed them, and sloshed the cum around, and held up the ones that had the most. He had a hunger in his eyes that I had never seen before.
Then he asked, “Have you decided if you’ll suck Bill’s bare cock and swallow his cum, and is he coming over today? I didn’t want to say this on the phone, honey, but I’d really like to watch you do that with him.”
Then I asked, “Are you serious about this, Ed? Bill can be very convincing, and from the little I know him, if I go that far he’ll want to fuck me. To tell you the truth, I’d love to suck his big cock. But are you ready for what might happen?”
Ed looked embarrassed as he said, “Ever since you did the research on Williston, and told me about the extreme shortage of women, I've been thinking about hot you are and how attractive you are to these horny, homesick men. Then when you told me about the men going to cuckold sites, I went online and started reading about it and even read some stories."
"It's uncomfortable for me to admit this to you, but I found that I identified most with the cuckold husband characters in the stories and started fantasizing about it. And when you mentioned last night that Bill fucked cuckold couples, my mind went wild with the possibilities. I don’t know if I can go through with it, but I even want to participate if anything happens.”
I was stunned by Ed’s admission and said, “You better be sure about this, Ed. I’ve never cheated on you, except for Bill and Jim sucking my tits and me jacking them off. But if we start this, it won’t be easy to stop sucking those men, and it will probably lead to them fucking me too. Just judging from the number of magnum condoms in the basket from one day, there will be no shortage of big cocks to suck and fuck. And I don’t want them wearing condoms either."
"I read a few of those cuckold stories too, and I want to experience their bare cocks in my mouth and pussy, and the feeling of the semen and sperm in me. And I sure hope you know what you mean about participating. But if you’re serious, Bill will be here around 4:00 pm today. I can tell him that I’m going to suck his cock with you watching, and we’ll see what happens.”
When Bill arrived, I took him into the porn room and no one else was in there at the time. I told him about my conversation with Ed, and that I wanted to take him up on his offer and suck his cock, with Ed watching, all for a price of one hundred and fifty dollars. Bill was extremely happy with my decision and said, “I was hoping you’d do this for me, and for that much money you need to take your t-shirt off and let me suck those fantastic tits again. I’ll be watching Ed closely to see how he reacts to it, and don’t be surprised if I escalate things from there.”
Ed came into the room and he shook hands with Bill when I introduced them. Ed had seen him in the computer room a few times, but they were never formally introduced. Bill dropped his pants and underwear to the floor and sat in the chair, as I pulled off my t-shirt. Ed was hungrily staring at Bill’s cock, which even soft is eight inches long and thick. Bill moved his chair back and pulled me to him, so he could suck my breasts for a few minutes and Ed meekly stood by watching. Then Bill pushed me to my knees in front of him, and I took his cock into my mouth. The foreskin, big cock head and precum felt and tasted so good and I struggled to take more of it into my mouth as it hardened to almost ten inches.
I had been sucking him for about ten minutes, and Bill saw that Ed pulled down his pants and was stroking his dick while watching us. Then Bill said, “Your wife’s mouth really feels good on my big cock, Ed, and I can tell that you're getting turned on watching her suck me. I think you like it enough that you want to suck me too. But the look on your face tells me that you want me to fuck Maggie and satisfy her like you never could with your little dick. I’ll pay another one hundred and fifty dollars to fuck her even though both of you want it so bad. If you want this to happen, Ed, just pull off Maggie’s pants for us while she sucks me a little longer.”
Bill was encouraging Ed to take a cuckold role, and I was surprised how quickly he knelt beside me and started pulling down my tight shorts. I backed away from Bill’s cock and stood up so Ed could get my pants the rest of the way off, and then my hairy, puffy labia were fully exposed.
Then Bill said, “I’ve been looking at your big camel toe for so long, and your pussy is so lovely. For our first fuck, come straddle me, Maggie, and you can slowly sink down and work my fat cock into your tight pussy. And, Ed, you should hold my cock up and help her.”
I straddled Bill’s lap, and Ed got on his knees behind me and between Bill’s legs. I slowly lowered myself as Bill started sucking my tits again, until his big cock head pressed into my wet labia. Ed had his hands on Bill’s cock and was slowly moving it back in forth in the wetness of my inner labia, and I sunk further onto it. I paused for a minute to let my pussy adjust to his size, and I felt that Ed was slowly stroking Bill’s cock as he continued to move it into my dripping cunt.
Bill swiveled his hips up a little which encouraged me to sink farther down on him, and that’s when my vagina suddenly expanded for him and he had eight inches of his cock in me, pressing against my cervix.
I still felt Ed’s hand on the shaft when Bill said, “Oh fuck, what a tight little pussy. I’ve bottomed out in you, Maggie, but keep up the pressure and I’ll be able to get it all the way in. I know that Ed has never been even this deep in you with his little dick.”
I swiveled my pussy on him, and finally I felt my uterus shift, and he was in me all the way. My pussy was stretched to the limit on his big cock. The feeling of him being in me, and the reality that my own husband was helping me fuck another man, gave me my first, mind-blowing orgasm. I then started rising and falling on his shaft, and I could tell that Ed was rubbing Bill’s big, low-hanging balls.
We fucked that way for another ten minutes, and Bill was swiveling his hips in rhythm to my movements. I felt his thick foreskin and the veins on his cock moving in my vagina, and his rapid breathing told me that he was getting closer to his orgasm. Then Bill scooted forward in the chair which made his balls more accessible to Ed.
He said, “Suck my balls for me, Ed. I’ll be cumming in Maggie’s tight pussy in another couple of minutes, and I want you to feel them pull up as I empty my cum into her.”
Ed moved in to suck Bill’s testicles, and the back part of my pussy and ass pressed against his face on each thrust. Finally, Bill’s cock started jerking and throbbing, and I sat down fully on him as he shot a big load of his semen and sperm into my pussy.
When he stopped shooting his cum into me and his cock started to soften, Bill said, “Okay, Ed, when Maggie pulls off my cock, she’s going to slide back and sit on my wide-open thighs. I want you to turn around and sit on the floor with your back against the chair and tilt your head back. Then Maggie will press her cum-filled cunt to your mouth. Suck her pussy to help her drain my big load of fuck juice.”
There was a wet, slurping sound when I pulled my pussy off Bill’s cock, and he balanced me on his thighs as I moved back to give Ed room to suck me. It was hard to believe that was his first time doing it, because Ed didn’t hesitate even a second to cover my cum-soaked labia with his mouth. He hungrily sucked me and swallowed our combined juices.
Then Bill said, “She’s clean enough for now, Ed, but you need to clean me up. Help Maggie stand up, and then get on your knees in front of me.”
Ed helped me get up off of his face and Bill’s thighs and turned around on his knees. Then with no hesitation he took Bill’s slimy cock into his mouth and started sucking. It’s one thing to read about husbands sucking lover’s cocks in those stories, but the reality of seeing Ed on his knees sucking Bill’s cock was unsettling to me. On the one hand I was ashamed that the man in my life could be that submissive to another man, but on the other it was so arousing knowing that he wanted me to enjoy fucking other men. I knew right then that our lives would never be the same again.
It didn’t take long for word to spread among my customers that I was providing assorted sexual acts for money. I still have a good self-image and don’t want to think of myself as a prostitute, but that’s really what I am. And the fantastic thing about the prostitution business model, if I can call it that, is men are willing to pay a lot of money for sex once they get turned on, but the sex only takes a few minutes.
I kept my price at three hundred dollars for the full package of them sucking my tits, me sucking their cocks and then fucking. Many of the men were happy just having me stroke them to orgasm, and others wanted blowjobs, but I was kept very busy in the porn room. I even put a twin bed in the corner, so it would be more comfortable for me and the men.
I was fucking men an average of four times a day, and Ed participated whenever he was in town and not working. He became more and more submissive to me and the men as time went on, and he was swallowing large amounts of cum. He even started sucking cock for some of the bisexual men who preferred him, and I saved used condoms in the freezer for him when he was out of town, so he could warm them up and swallow the semen when he got home.
I fucked Bill almost every day for free, since he's responsible for getting us started, and he has one of the biggest cocks that I enjoy fucking so much. With the money I make from the fucking and the other stroking, tit sucking and blowjobs, I am making a minimum of another ten thousand per week. The name ‘Maggie’s Man Camp Services’ now has a very special meaning to many of my porn room customers.