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My Wife's Pretend Date

"My wife agrees to pose as a young friend's date to impress his coworkers"

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My wife and I were a little concerned when a single guy in his early twenties moved into the other half of our two unit townhouse. The previous occupant had been an older woman whom we barely saw, and we didn't know if we would have to endure hearing loud parties every night through the thin walls. As it turned out though, Josh ended up being an ideal neighbor. He was a soft-spoken young professional and was very easy to get along with. Before long we became friends, often inviting him over for a few drinks after work.

It was fairly obvious from the beginning that he had a bit of a crush on my wife Jess. She isn't exactly slim so she's not every man's dream woman, but for men like me that prefer BBWs she has a perfect body. Her 42H breasts are hard to ignore and she has plenty of curves elsewhere including a nice round bubble butt. Josh has always had a difficult time avoiding staring at her cleavage, but Jess is a confident woman and plays it off casually when she has to joke that her "eyes are up here." In fact she has a bit of an exhibitionist streak sometimes and enjoys the harmless attention, so when we have Josh over she tends to wear something that shows off her curves. Nothing too scandalous, just enough to give him something to look at.

The closest we ever got to even discussing more explicit topics was when Jess once joked that given the proximity of our units she hoped we didn't keep him up at night when he had to get up early for work, and he admitted that sometimes the moaning at night got a little loud but that he didn't mind listening. Josh himself never crossed the line into being inappropriate though, he was always very polite and if anything seemed fairly hesitant and inexperienced when it came to pursuing women. 

That's why I was so surprised by Josh's odd request. When I came home from work at the usual time he was milling outside of the door to our unit, looking nervous.

"Hi Paul. I want to ask for your help with something, and I think you'll say no, but can you promise not to be upset that I asked?" he said.

"Hmm, sure, ask whatever you want and I'll do what I can to help," I said cautiously. Josh didn't respond right away, shuffling his feet and not making eye contact.

"Do you think you could give me some photos of your wife? Like sexual ones?" he said finally. I was more than a bit taken aback, I would have never guessed that he would be so forward.

"Sexual photos? I don't think I could do that, what is this all about?" I said, knowing there must be more to the story. He proceeded to spill the whole thing, and once he had told me the whole background of his problem he seemed relieved to have the weight of it off of his shoulders. "Let's go inside to talk to Jess about this, it concerns her after all and we can all see together if we can figure something out," I said.

I led Josh inside with me and Jess greeted us warmly, giving each of us a big hug. Not knowing we were having company, she was wearing a tank top and comfy pair of shorts. Jess seemed surprised but happy to see Josh, and I don't think she noticed how nervous he was. Once the three of us settled in to sit in the living room, with Jess and I on the couch and Josh in a chair nearby, I broke the ice.

"So Jess, Josh has found himself in a bit of an embarrassing situation that he would need your help with. Go ahead and tell Jess what you told me," I said. Josh shifted uncomfortably in his seat before starting.

"Well the guys I work with tend to give me a hard time about not having a girlfriend and on Fridays they always ask me sarcastically if I have a 'hot date' over the weekend. And this time I don't know what came over me but I was just kind of sick of their bullshit so I said yes, I did have a date. You know, just to shut them up. But of course they didn't just leave it at that, they grilled me about who she was and what she was like. I kind of panicked and just started, well, describing you Jess."

Jess was already amused by the story so far but let out a laugh at that. "You described me, what did you tell them?" Josh blushed a little.

"Well I said you were, um, a bigger woman, and had blonde hair and big boobs and a nice ass. And I said you were older than me and married..." he said trailing off.

"That does sound a lot like me. So what do you need my help with? Are you asking me on a date?" she said, giggling.

"No, I um, well the guys could tell I seemed like I was making this up as I was going so they started teasing me even worse about my 'imaginary girlfriend'. They said that unless I gave them proof I would never live it down. So I thought maybe tomorrow night I could text them some photos of you to kind of prove it and pretend that we hooked up. Nothing too crazy, I mean you wouldn't even have to show anything, just prove that you're a real person like I described and imply that we, um, did it," he said.

I expected Jess to decline right away, she likes showing off in some situations but she is very cautious about sexual photos even if it's just between the two of us. Instead she seemed to be giving it some serious thought. "I'm not sure Josh, let me think about it a little more and I'll let you know. Until then, it looks like you could use a drink," she said. We spent the next few hours chatting like we always do and all of us loosened up a bit.

"You know Josh, let's do it, let's shut up those guys you work with. Tomorrow night we can go out to dinner for a pretend date and you can give them plenty of proof that I'm not a figment of your imagination. Then we can come back here and pose some shots that make it look like you're getting lucky without me having to show any skin. We'll have a good laugh at their expense for once," she said. I was surprised at Jess' boldness but it made some sense the way she described it, and Jess always did have a tendency to want to stand up for the little guy. Josh's face lit up in surprise as he realized he wouldn't have to dread arriving to work on Monday knowing his coworkers would have new ammunition to use in teasing him. Josh left soon afterwards, thanking us both profusely and apologizing for getting into trouble.

"Sorry I didn't really ask you Paul, are you okay with me going through with this?" Jess asked once we were alone.

"Of course, honey. It's all in fun and Josh is a good guy. You just have to promise to go on a 'hot date' with me soon and make sure I get lucky too," I said.

"I think that can be arranged," she said, pulling me in for a kiss.

The next evening Josh knocked on the door and I let him in. He normally dresses pretty casually but I could see he made more of an effort for that night, wearing a classy green button down shirt and opting for slacks and dress shoes instead of his usual jeans and sneakers.

"Jess is still getting ready, but she should be down soon," I said, welcoming him in.

When Jess did descend down the stairs and into the living room she made quite an entrance. She was wearing a black mini dress that I had never even seen before. Calling it low cut would be an understatement, I could tell she must have been wearing some sort of quarter cup bra or other creative setup because the material left so much of her breasts exposed that her pink areolas were barely covered at the edge. Each step she took down the stairs caused her breasts to bounce and I thought for sure they would spill out at any moment. The bottom of the dress also barely covered the entirety of her round ass, and unless she pulled the hem down every few steps it risked riding up even further. By the time she made it into the living room we were both practically drooling.

"Like what you see boys?" she asked, first bending over towards us to let her big heavy breasts hang down in her dress, then turning around and bending forward away from us ever so slightly so that her dress lifted up enough to reveal that she was wearing a tiny black thong. "I figured if I was supposed to be a sexy blonde slut who puts out on the first date I should dress the part," she joked.

"You look amazing Jess," Josh said.

"Aww thanks, I was going to return this because it's too tight but I thought it would work well for tonight. Sorry it took me a while to get ready, I guess we should go," she said.

I walked over to give her a quick kiss. "Have fun on your 'date' honey," I said.

"Thanks again both of you for doing this," Josh said sheepishly, and the two of them headed out.

After they left I felt surprisingly anxious. Obviously it wasn't a real date, but sending my wife off looking like that with another man seemed to create butterflies in my stomach. Luckily Jess texted me periodically with updates which helped a lot, even though they were mostly inconsequential things like that they had arrived at the restaurant and ordered drinks. I laughed to myself a bit at the thought of Josh trying to maintain any level of eye contact given the amount of real estate Jess' dress was showing off.

Soon I received another text from Josh that was also sent to a lot of other numbers I didn't recognize, which I realized was a group text with his coworkers. I hadn't thought about it before, but I guess it made sense to include me to see the fake date photos. The text included a selfie of the two of them at the table smiling, Josh with his arm around Jess. The high angle meant that the view was directly down Jess' blouse, fully showing off her ample cleavage. "Wow, she really does exist" and a few other shocked replies followed. After that there was a whole stream of lewd comments directed at Jess. "Those tits are unreal!", "You have to milk those big udders later" and "Bring her back to my place and she can wrap those titties around my cock" were some of the ones that stood out. I guess I should have expected them to be disrespectful given how Josh described them but it was still a bit of a shock to see those sorts of comments directed at my wife.

Jess kept me updated as the two of them enjoyed their meal and a few drinks. Josh hadn't shown her the text replies so luckily she didn't have to be embarrassed by the kind of reaction the photo received. Soon another image appeared in the group chat. This one was still from a selfie angle but didn't show either of their faces, instead it was more of a closeup on Jess' chest. Josh's hand had slid down from her shoulder and was fully squeezing a big handful of my wife's right breast. It was a little surprising to see they took it that far, especially in public, but as a bit of theater I had to admit it worked well in establishing the veracity of the date. I'm not sure if it was intentional, but Jess' hand was visible in the photo which gave a clear shot of her wedding ring. A text from Josh followed right after: "To whoever said her tits are unreal I can assure you they are 100% natural".

This riled up the group even more, and I hope Josh had his phone on silent because mine was vibrating non-stop for the next few minutes. Most of the comments were egging him on, telling him to have her flash them at the restaurant or go fuck in the bathroom. Obviously I knew that none of that would happen but our little scheme seemed to be working so far. One more suggestive photo at home would really sell this fake date and get Josh's coworkers off his back.

"I let Josh cop a feel, I hope you don't mind," Jess texted.

"Yeah I saw, it was a good idea, you really have his coworkers fooled," I replied.

I have to admit that I was very much relieved when Jess texted me to let me know they were on their way home. It had been fun to see them pull one over on those jerks but I was ready to have my wife back. The drinks must have been pretty strong because when the two of them returned Jess was already quite tipsy and of course being in that mood suggested that the three of us enjoy a celebratory shot given how well the "date" went. Afterwards, Jess got a devilish look in her eye that I knew probably meant trouble.

"I have a naughty idea that would really seal the deal in convincing the guys that Josh is getting some," she said. "Josh, you could sit down at the couch and get out your uh, little Josh, and I can pose on my knees next to it making it look like I'm about to go down on you. That way I wouldn't have to take off any clothing or anything but it would not leave any doubt about how the night went."

"Wow, that sounds great!" Josh said, then looked a little embarrassed about being so eager.

"I guess that could be okay," I said, not sure if that was taking things too far.

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It was already strange to hear her refer to his dick as "little Josh" given that she called mine "little Paul" on a regular basis. The nudity would be all on Josh's part at least and we definitely wouldn't have to go any further than that in terms of suggestive photos. I wasn't sure if Jess would be suggesting this if she hadn't had a few drinks already. "That sure wouldn't leave much doubt about it."

Josh nearly tripped on the way to the couch and Jess got on her knees in front of him as I took a seat nearby. Josh unbuckled his pants and slid them down, then pulled his semi-hard cock free from his underwear.

"Wow, I didn't expect you to be so big," Jess said in genuine surprise. I was somewhat taken aback too, even without being fully erect his cock was very big and thick, it must have been at least 8 inches long. Mine is about average but it would look tiny compared to that. "I guess I shouldn't have called it 'little Josh'," Jess said, "There's nothing little about that thing!"

"Do you mind if I get it all the way hard for the pic?" he asked, and Jess nodded without taking her eyes off of it. As she watched him stroke his long shaft I couldn't help but think that the tables had turned to an extent, usually Josh was the one who couldn't keep his eyes off of her body.

"I think I'm ready, can you move this way and open your mouth a little?" Josh said.

I watched as he posed my wife to take the photo, and was glad it was finally finished when he snapped it on his phone, even if I dreaded reading the text comments that would follow. Josh frowned when he looked at the result though.

"Here, can we try it a little different?" he said.

I watched as he moved her around to different positions and tried to get a good shot, without any luck. It seemed gratuitous that he kept stroking his cock in between, but I guess erections don't last forever.

"I don't think this will work, it looks too fake like you're posing. They will be able to tell that it's just for show," Josh said dejectedly.

"I have an idea, get ready to take it as soon as I do it, you'll know when. It will look like an action shot," Jess said.

Before I knew what was happening, Jess dipped down, took the head of his cock in her mouth for a split second, and then pulled back up. From my angle behind her, I couldn't even tell whatever happened. But from Josh's reaction, it seemed like he got the shot he wanted.

"Wow that was great, I'm definitely sending that," he said excitedly.

I checked my phone not sure what to expect, and was surprised as anyone to see the result. My wife's beautiful face looking up at the camera, with Josh's long shaft disappearing between her red lips. The replies came fast and furious, most commenting either on Josh's surprisingly impressive member or my wife's not so surprising sluttiness. I was so caught up in reading them that I didn't notice what was happening right in front of me. When I looked up I saw that Jess' dress had fully ridden up so that her thong-clad ass was fully visible as she rhythmically shifted her hips. Josh looked down at her with a face of satisfied pleasure as she went down on him, taking more and more of his shaft into her mouth with each bob of her head.

"Jess, what are you..." I said, not believing what I was seeing. Jess lifted her head off of Josh's dick and stroked it with her hand for a moment while she turned her shoulders to face me.

"I'm sorry Paul, it just looked so good, I wanted the real thing," she said, then went back to sucking him off, licking up and down his long shaft before taking it in her mouth again.

I was too shocked to really think about much, but I also realized that my own dick was rock hard in my pants. Even if I wasn't okay with this on a mental level, seeing my wife act like such a dirty slut was apparently a huge turn on. I know I should have tried to stop them or told Josh to leave, but instead I just watched, mesmerized by the way Jess worshiped his cock.

"Is it okay if I send a video of this?" he asked Jess.

She didn't bother to take his cock out of her mouth to answer, so her reply consisted of a muffled "Mmm hnnn".

Once Josh had his phone out he seemed compelled to put on more of a show for the camera. He gripped Jess by her blonde hair and forced her head down even further, fucking her face at a fast pace.

"Suck that cock, bitch" he said gruffly, just before Jess started to gag a little. He pulled his cock out and as she gasped for air, he slapped her in the face a few times with his thick wet shaft before stopping the video. "Sorry, was that too much?" he asked as Jess sat down on the floor and recovered.

"No, that was really hot. Although I guess we should stop," Jess said, giggling. She got up and sat next to Josh on the couch as he sent the video. I'm not sure why I watched it given that I had just seen it in person, but once I did I couldn't get over how happy Jess looked to be receiving such rough and degrading treatment. I watched it a few times actually as Josh and Jess chatted and laughed on the couch, and then caught up with the comments in the text group, which was full of suggestions for how to further degrade my wife, such as "fucking her fat ass" or "jizzing straight down her throat".  Eventually someone pointed out that her huge tits hadn't been shown yet, and soon that became the main topic of conversation.

"Paul, Josh says the guys really want to see me naked. Would you mind if we took a few more photos? And I hope you're not upset about earlier, I just got a little carried away in the heat of the moment," Jess said. I had been hoping this would end quickly when they arrived, but by now I was so horny that I didn't want it to stop.

"I guess a few more photos would be fine," I said, trying to hide the fact that I wanted this just as much as Josh's coworkers. "And don't worry about the blowjob, you can make it up to me later tonight," I said, thinking about all of the dirty things I wanted to do to her once Josh had left.

Jess stood up and faced Josh at the couch, while Josh stroked his long cock watching her. I finally couldn't resist myself and freed my own dick, giving it some much needed stimulation as well. Jess reached into her dress and pulled out one heavy breast, then the other, letting Josh finally see them in their full glory. From my angle I could only see Jess' back and a hint of each breast's round edge just barely visible past each side of her chest. Josh was quick with his camera though, and soon I was glued to my phone as images of my wife's tits filled the screen.

"Holy shit Jess, your tits are incredible. Could you play with them for me?" Josh asked. I'm not sure if it was just how turned on I was, but I thought the series of pics Josh texted were some of the hottest I had ever seen. Jess played with her nipples (including sucking them), stripped out of her dress, and slapped her ass for the camera, among other things. The photos seemed to get more and more risque as the impromptu photoshoot continued. In the last photo Jess was on all fours on the floor with her ass up in the air pointed at the camera, at which point she reached back with both hands and pulled her wide ass cheeks open. The end result was a great shot of her wet, freshly shaved pussy (had she planned on showing that off tonight), her tight asshole, and even a clear view of her wedding ring.

"Fuck Jess you're such a tease, I want you so bad right now," Josh said as he stood behind her, still stroking his cock. Jess was facing me already at this point and looked up at me with a pleading expression.

"Please Paul, let me fuck Josh's big cock!" she said. My head was a swirl of emotions at that point but ultimately my dick made the decision for me.

"Do it honey, I want to see you get fucked," I said. Josh looked giddy with excitement, although instead of starting right away like I expected he set his phone to video mode and got back into character.

I saw what happened next live right in front of me, but since then I've watched the video dozens of times so I remember it better from that. Jess' ass fills the screen, and Josh slaps it hard on each cheek, causing Jess to yelp each time.

"Tell me what you want, slut" he says.

"I want your cock," she whines.

Josh gives her ass another hard slap. "Call me Daddy bitch, and beg for it."

The camera tilts down to show Josh's hard cock in his hand as he maneuvers it just outside of her pussy and slaps it against her sensitive clit.

"Oh fuck Daddy, I need it so bad. Please fill me up with your big hard cock."

Josh teases her even more, rubbing his cock against the entrance to her tight pussy.

"Your husband's isn't enough, you need Daddy to satisfy you?" he asks.

"Yes! I need a real man's cock, not my husband's little dick!" she says, sounding even more desperate.

I know I should be offended to be insulted like that, especially given that I was in the room at the time, but somehow the idea of Jess getting a bigger and better cock than I can give her myself makes it even hotter.

Josh finally slides his enormous cock head into my wife's waiting cunt, and Jess lets out first a gasp and then a long moan as he slowly forces every inch into her. As the last few inches are making their way inside, Jess starts to spasm and shake and reaches her first climax of the night.

"Fuck yes, Daddy, it's so big!" she screams in between moans of pleasure.

I still can't believe that he made her cum just from the feeling of his cock stretching her out. Once Jess regains her composure Josh starts to actually fuck her, pistoning his thick shaft in and out until he establishes an impressively fast and hard rhythm. I'm not sure if there's a limit on how long videos can be that are sent through text, but if there is one I'm glad it's long enough to have captured the whole session. Jess has her second orgasm around the time that Josh grabs her blonde hair and pulls back on it roughly, and during her third Josh makes sure to get a good angle that shows her squirting.

They also keep up the dirty talk throughout, with Josh making her scream out that "Daddy owns her pussy" and that she's a "fat whore for big cocks". Jess is covered in sweat by the time Josh stands up and pulls her onto her knees in front of him. He has her hold her tits together and stick out her tongue as he strokes himself to orgasm. Just as she's saying "I want your hot cum Daddy" he gives Jess what she wants, blasting rope after rope of thick white cum that land all over her face and tits as well as plenty being shot directly in her mouth. I don't even remember them being taken, but there are also a few photos before she cleaned up of Jess proudly displaying the cum and even one of her showing off her wedding ring for the camera next to the big load he left on her.

Overall I would say the night was a success. According to Josh he is no longer the butt of most jokes at work, and discussions about his weekend plans tend to be envious rather than derisive. The events of that night didn't ruin our friendship with him as Jess had feared at first, and if anything we invite him in for drinks after work even more often. The only difference is that after drinks now Jess tends to get satisfied by a nice big cock while I watch. It makes sense now that she knows she needs more than I can give her, and Josh is a nice enough guy. He wasn't sure at first if Jess liked the kind of rough dominant play he showed off on the first night, but once Jess started encouraging him he became a lot more confident, groping her tits and slapping her ass whenever he felt like it and calling her all manner of degrading names. He even started extending some of that attitude to me, enjoying making little jokes about the fact that I'm not his equal in the bedroom and making me thank him for servicing my wife after each session.

Sometimes when Josh invites her to stay the night at his place, I'm the one who gets to listen through the thin walls as my wife moans and screams out her love for Daddy's big cock. I don't feel too left out though, Josh usually sends me a video of the good parts and I get to watch it just like everyone else.


Written by drprofesq
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