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My Wife Marcia? Part Three

"Confession is good for the soul!"

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The silence was deafening and the world stood still. I managed to get rid of my dishevelled appearance and glided over to the master bedroom. Marcia’s jaw hung low as I came into sight. Her brain had short-circuited, rendering her speechless. Lucas stood beside her nervously tugging on his beard. I was in the middle of a powerful rush of adrenaline as Maxine continued to call out.

“You can leave without me , Maxine,” I shouted downstairs.

“Are you sure?” she replied.

“I have this under control, I will call you later,” I insisted.

“Hope everything works out. Remember, you don’t deserve this,” she advised.

“Who the fuck is that?” Marcia demanded to know.

She flung herself off the bed and rushed by me as I ran down the stairs behind her. Marcia squared off in front of Maxine like a mad woman. Maxine responded, her nostrils flaring as the two women came face to face. Expletives flew like missiles!

“Do I know you, slut?” Marcia screamed at Maxine

“Oh Richard, you sure know how to pick your ladies,” she bellowed in my direction.

“You have some nerve, you fucking slut,” Maxine clapped back.

Like a volcano Marcia erupted, jumping on top of Maxine as the two women crashed to the floor. Uppercuts were exchanged. Tugging, scratching and clawing, they went at it. I Managed to yank Marcia off of Maxine. She slipped through my hands like an eel. They rolled around like pigs in mud. Maxine found the upper hand this time, her hands closed into fists as she pounced like a cheetah. Lucas had now joined in and we attempted to separate the women. He grabbed Marcia and I managed to get hold of Maxine. A flurry of kicks were exchanged as we tugged the women in different directions.

“Get the fuck out!” Marcia demanded, snarling at Maxine.

I looked Maxine in the eye, attempting to reason with her. She huffed and puffed, trying to control the anger that had taken hold of her. Maxine reluctantly nodded, and back peddled towards to door, flipping Marcia the bird. The door slammed shut a few seconds later. Before I could even turn around, Lucas began to bloviate. His words were like water on a duck’s back. I watched as his wide lips moved up and down. Sweat trickled down his brow as he continued on.

“Get the fuck out!” I interjected.

His legs went into motion and he quickly found the front door. The sound of the door opening and shutting soon followed. My focus was once again on my deceitful wife. She sat on the living room floor chuckling. Her actions further astonished me.

“I know how his must look to you, Richard,” she began to speak.

“ My mind is filled with a lot of things I wish I can explain, but somehow I don’t feel you’re interested,” she said.

“You don’t appear so innocent yourself,” she babbled.

“Go ahead! Let me hear this bullshit,” I barked.

She got up and walked out of the living room, stating that she needed a hot cup of tea. The veins on my forehead pulsated as I followed her into the kitchen. I pulled a chair out from the dining table and took a seat. Marcia babbled that our marriage was falling apart for months and that I did nothing to stop it. She asserted that it was all my fault due to my constant travelling.

“The best thing may be for me to write this in a letter. When I'm done, I will place it on the counter and step out of the house for you to read it in silence,” she advised.

I nodded in agreement, made my way up the stairs and went into the guest bedroom. Television was my friend as I waited. It was two hours later when her loud voice called out from downstairs. The sound of the front door opening and closing followed. My feet were in motion and I ran down down the stairs in search of the letter. There it was, placed on the kitchen counter. I walked over and picked it up.

****Marcia’s letter****

My darling, Richard. I was lonely and vulnerable. All those nights of you being away from home placed a strain on our marriage. I did not know how to express my unhappiness to a clueless man. Before I continue, you should know that I will always love you. However, a lot of things were said and done by both of us.

My desire is for us to somehow work things out. We have a beautiful daughter and it would rip her apart to see us fighting. I had my transgressions and you surely appear to be having your own fun. What I am about to tell you is in no way an excuse but I strongly feel that it’s something you should know.

It all started about a week into your last work assignment, Richard. We had just wrapped up one of our nightly phone sex sessions and my pussy was aching for your cock. My panties were completely drenched and I had to change them. I remember slipping into my pyjamas and it was raining quite heavily at the time. The night went on and I found myself on the couch, watching jeopardy. I had just made myself a cup of tea when the doorbell rang.

I was scared because it was after 10:00 pm. Ellie was at my mom's house and I was all alone, with you being God knows where at the time. I peeped through the window and saw a truck in the driveway. I recognised it. It was Lucas’. My mind raced, wondering what he was doing here at such an hour.Well, I opened the door and asked what he wanted. He seemed sad, so I asked him to come in. He was having his usual problems with the ladies. A bimbo had left him for another guy.

He asked if I could leave the house and chat with him at the bar at the end of the block. Being inquisitive, I wanted to know why the bar was suggested. He said that he doubted that we had anything strong enough to drink and I nodded in agreement. I was a bit reluctant at first, but Lucas was your best friend and he needed someone to talk to. I went upstairs and changed into something comfortable. I slipped into a little black dress. The dress that I am speaking of, was quite tiny and figure hugging. A bad choice, now that I recall. It was the one that you asked me to wear when we went shopping in Manhattan last Christmas.

My watch read 10:30 pm when we got to the bar. There were about ten other lost souls, drowning their sorrows in hard liquor. I convinced Lucas to not have any strong drinks, but our choice of drink still managed to fuck us. We each had 3 or 4 glasses of Jack Daniel's and coke. Lucas had two other drinks but I'm not sure what. He blabbed about his problems and I told him how I felt about you being away from home so often.

We were having fun and didn't even realise it. I was loving the attention Lucas was giving me, but thoughts of cheating were never on my mind. So, I guess you’re wondering how it got to the point where your best friend of thirty years ended up fucking me.

It was around 11:30 when an interesting man interrupted our conversation. He appeared to be in his early or mid fifties and about six feet-five inches in height. His voice was quite raspy. I remember Lucas asking him what he wanted. He said that he noticed that Lucas was in the construction business, judging from his dirty boots, which he came straight from work in. The guy asked if Lucas was looking to buy a transformer and a couple of brick bolsters.

Lucas told him that he must have been heaven sent, as he was looking for a new transformer. He asked the man with the raspy voice what his name was. “Archer, your God from heaven” he quipped. They continued speaking for another minute before Archer said he was from Suffolk County, Long Island. He said that the tools were there, in his shed.

I listened as Lucas told Archer that he was very much interested and that he actually needed the tools quite urgently. He told Archer that he had the cash in the truck. Archer suggested that we trail him to his house, to get the tools. I was very reluctant about doing so but Lucas assured me that he would protect me and said that the guy seemed harmless. We went off on a long trip to Suffolk County and arrived about one hour- ten minutes later. Archer’s house was huge! In fact, it appeared to be the largest in the area. He invited us in and we accepted. However, a strange feeling came over me as we entered his house. I think Lucas shared that feeling.

Things got interesting when a woman dressed in black lingerie paraded in front of us with a masquerade mask on. I averaged that she must have been in her mid-twenties even though she concealed her identity. She asked if we wanted anything to drink. We both told her water would be fine.

We were told to have a seat in the living room while Archer went to get the tools. The woman returned a couple minutes later with sparkling water, stating that’s all they had left. We did not object and took the water. The woman with the masquerade mask was then joined by two others and they danced suggestively in front of Lucas. They were speaking another language, sounded like Russian.

I was a little tipsy at this stage, thanks to the amount of alcohol that I had consumed earlier. As for Lucas, he was a bit out of it. The first woman that we saw in the masquerade mask pressed herself against Lucas. She got on his lap and started to grind her hips on his crotch.

Amazed, I just sat there and watched for the first couple of minutes. The woman then unbuckled Lucas’ pants as he half-heartedly resisted. I attempted to intervene, knowing he was a bit drunk. This attempt was suddenly stopped when I felt a man’s hand grab me from behind. He told me not to fight the feeling.

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His voice was raspy and became familiar. It was Archer.

I don’t know what came over me. Maybe it was the liquor, probably even the water that I was given. I gave some resistance as he started sucking on my neck from behind, simultaneously squeezing my breasts. Richard, I am not going to lie to you, I wanted this. He brushed up behind me, cock still in pants. I gave a little resistance once again, but the feel of his rock hard cock, pressing up against my ass was too much.

His hands made their way down my body. I felt them stop at my waist. I quivered as I felt his rough hands move down to my thighs and slid back up. He slowly hiked my dress up. His hands found my drenched panties. I screamed out as he aggressively ripped my panties off in one motion, tossing it away like a rag. My attention then went to Lucas. He was getting his cock hungrily sucked by the two foreign speaking girls. The first girl that we saw earlier was sitting on top of his face, stuffing his mouth with her pussy. My mind was focused on how huge Lucas’s cock was. He must have you by an inch or two.

I trembled as I felt Archer’s hand run across my engorged clit. He then slowly worked his fingers into my moist pussy and started to finger me. The pace quickened with each stroke, as he simultaneously sucked and bit on my neck. His fingers were stroking me deeply. My legs buckled in an earth shattering orgasm and I showered his hand with my sticky liquid.

I was squirting everywhere. His touch suddenly left me and I spun around to see where he was. He was still behind me and he beckoned for the girls to leave Lucas alone. “Come!” he barked at Lucas.The strangest thing was happening. We both know that Lucas is never one to be handled in such a manner, but he came over like an obedient puppy. I now realised that I was also being controlled and did nothing to stop it. It’s like he placed a spell on us. I watched as Archer ran his hand across his scruffy beard, waiting on Lucas to get near him.

“You are going to fuck this slut,” he barked, pointing in my direction.

His tone caused my pussy to leak cum. My eyes locked into Lucas’. It was then I realised that your best friend actually wanted to fuck me. Over the years we had always playfully flirted but it was never anything serious, I must confess. However, I was was getting the feeling that he always wanted to have his way with me. I jumped as Archer’s voice bellowed.

“Get on with it,” he barked.

Lucas came up to me and we stood face to face. I felt his manly hands tug my head. Our lips met and we kissed. It was awkward at first but then it suddenly became passionate. He stuck his tongue in my mouth and I did not resist. Our tongues wrestled for a few minutes until Lucas pulled away.

He took a seat on the couch. I asked no questions and got on top of him, squatting over his rigid cock. I slowly eased myself down on his manhood, crying out as he impaled me. My pussy welcomed his cock. My juices were drowning his long and thick cock. I watched his eyes roll back in his head as I bounced on his cock. I could feel him in my stomach.

Richard, I love the way you fuck me, but I must confess that I also now love the way Lucas fills me up. You are both unique in the way you stick my moist cunt. I know this must be surprising to hear me speak in such a filthy way, but I feel so liberated. Cunt, cunt, cunt, fucking cunt! The slut in me has been released, Richard! Do you hear me? Now, I must go back to that wonderful evening. Lucas flipped me on my back and started to pumped my pussy like he owned it. We kissed once more, breaking ever so often to gasp for air. His sweaty body rubbed up against mine, and he continued to have his way with me. I had another shattering orgasm, squirting all over his stomach.

This must have excited him even more. His thrusts became more firm and powerful. I was loving the rough fucking that I was receiving. I shouted dirty, unintelligible words at him. He suddenly lifted me into the air and I held on to his neck for dear life. His rhythm slowed as he was walking and fucking me simultaneously. I looked over to the couch on the other side of the living room and watched the first woman that I had seen in the masquerade mask. She was bouncing up and down on Archers cock. The other two women were on the floor. One had her head between the other’s thigh, hungrily munching on her pussy. My attention went back to Archer as Lucas continued to pound me.

“Your daddy would forbid this, wouldn't he?” Archer teased the woman as she continued to work her ass on his throbbing cock.

My focus was back on my own situation as Lucas continued to thump my cunt. Sex was in the air, and being dished out left, right and center. Lucas whispered into my ear that he was going to cum in my pussy. I told him that I would love nothing better. He controlled my body with his hands, making me take his full length. I then found myself back on the couch, spread eagle as Lucas thumped my soaking cunt. He continued for about another five minutes before he erupted into my pussy, filling me with his liquid.

We have been fucking like animals ever since, finally being caught today. He even fucked my asshole. If everything goes well, he’s going to fuck it again tonight. I have already prepared it for him. I must also confess that I have been to Archer’s house several times since. The idea of me not being there as you read this letter was the best thing. A part of me feels ashamed and remorseful but I feel it’s only right to inform you that I have no intentions of stopping. Maybe you should man up and fuck this cunt more often. Oh, by the way, I almost forgot that I had an important announcement. I hope you had fun with that bitch that fought me. Is that your assistant? Did you fuck her? Ah…, relax, I know you did. You did not take her on your last work assignment, did you? In fact I know you didn't! I would recognise her voice and tight little body anywhere. The masquerade mask may have concealed her face, but trust me, I know her walk, her voice and that sexy body. Archer knows as well, you should meet him. However, be warned, he may have a problem with you fucking his little whore. xoxoxo


My blood was boiling, as my fingers dialled Maxine. There was no answer on three attempts. What the fuck had I gotten into? Hours went by and I fell asleep on the couch. I was awoken by the slamming of the front door. It was Marcia. She strolled in, shooting me a wicked grin as I got off the couch. She was wearing a tiny red dress that clung to her body. I must admit, she looked stunning,

“I’ll assume you read my little letter,” she chuckled.

I followed her up the stairs. She stood in front of the bathroom mirror, fixing her hair. She was completely ignoring me as I stared at her. This went on for another couple of minutes before I finally had enough.

“You’re crazy,” I barked in her direction.

“If you would handle this cunt more often, we would both be happy,” she shot back, attempting to close the bathroom door in my face.

I stuck my right foot out and stopped the door, forcing my way in. Expletives were exchanged and we stood there in the bathroom going at it. Her soft lips moved up and down. She was wearing my favourite shade of lipstick, cherry red. The blood rushed to by cock and I grabbed hold of her and bent her over. My hands slid up her thighs, hiking her dress, and ripping her panties off. She moaned out as my fingers brushed against her pussy.

“You think you deserve to fuck this cunt?” she toyed with me.

That was it! I positioned myself behind her and rubbed my throbbing cock against her clit. Without warning, I slid in and began to fuck her senseless. She trembled as she felt my thrust. Her juices covered my cock. I watched as her ass rippled with every thrusts. Her pussy gripped my cock just as I remembered it.

“Not man enough?” she toyed with me as I suddenly pulled out.

“Oh! fuck!” she cried out as I stuck a thumb in her tight asshole, watching as her sphincter contracted.

“I'm reclaiming what’s mine,” I barked

“Is this want you want?” she bantered

Marcia got into position, dangling her ass in front of me. My hands caressed her rosy ass cheeks, squeezing and slapping them. She trembled as the head of my cock pressed against her asshole and entered it. I rolled my hips in rhythm and began to plough her asshole. Her arms stretched out, knocking over bottles of lotion and perfume. The sound of slapping flesh and bottles tumbling over echoed the house as I pounded her from behind. Emotions ran high as she took my cock with a smile, pushing her ass back into me.

I continued to pound her ass for another couple of minutes before finally exploding, deep inside her asshole. She spun around and we kissed passionately. Before I knew it, I was sucking her entire body. I eventually made my way between her drenched thighs, sliding my tongue on her clit in a rough manner. She yanked and tugged on my hair as hungrily ate her soaking cunt. I then felt her body tremble uncontrollably, showering my face. I collapsed on my back, in exhaustion. The sound of my ringing cell phone got my attention. It was Maxine, finally responding to my calls.

“You better control your whore or I will,” Marcia barked while gasping for air.

“Tell her to come over, so I could fuck her up,” she yelled out.

“Never mind, I’ll see her at Archer’s tomorrow evening,” she assured me.

My head tilted up towards the ceiling, I have to take control of this situation, I thought to myself.

Written by NickSpencer
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