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Irene's Story - Chapter 2: Oscar Takes Me Dancing

"My husband wants to see other men touch me, tease me and please me."

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Famous Story
Friday morning

I woke up early Friday morning. My mind immediately raced to the events of the previous night. Oscar had bought me a very revealing outfit for his birthday. The outfit consisted of a beige silk blouse that was very sheer, a brown wrap-around skirt that had a slit in the front that reached nearly to my crotch, and a pair of brown, high-heel pumps.

When modeling the outfit for my husband, he revealed his desire for me to wear this outfit without bra or panties on our date celebrating his birthday tonight. Without a bra, the sheer blouse was quite transparent. My areolas were plainly visible, and every bump and contour of my erect nipples would be blatantly exposed. When I walked, the skirt would flare open, exposing my upper thighs and revealing my legs up to a mere inch below my crotch.

But the real shock was to learn that Oscar not only wanted me to wear this on our date, he wanted to take me dancing, and he wanted me to dance with other men while exposed this way. And he expected me to allow the men to touch me, to grind against me, to tease me while he watched! And he even desired to see me touch these men; to see me gauge the size of the men's penises as they fondled my breasts and ass.

I was shocked and scared by the very thought of going out in public exposed in this manner. The thought of allowing men to touch me, or me to touch them, terrified me. However, I cannot deny that thinking about this wicked scenario aroused me too.

Last night, while talking to me about what he wanted me to do, my husband fingered me to my first multiple orgasm of my life! That is correct; for the first time in my life, I came multiple times. I could not stop cumming as Oscar punished the front wall of my vagina with his two fingers as he described what he wanted to see other men do to his shy, rather prudish wife.

And in the throes of orgasm, he got me to promise to wear this outfit tonight, and to dance with other men, and to allow them to touch me. What the hell was I thinking? Why did I agree to this naughty adventure? My pulse was racing as I thought about what tonight might bring.

Oscar and I exchanged some polite conversation over coffee before we both left for work.

"Irene, last night was wonderful. You were so beautiful, so sexy. I love you so much," Oscar complimented me, reminding me of our torrid intimacy last night.

"Yes, it was very intense," I said as I felt myself blush from embarrassment at my unexpected reaction and arousal. After a momentary pause, I continued, "my reaction surprised me."

"I was surprised as well. I do not ever remember you being that turned on," Oscar reflected.

My face and upper chest was burning crimson now from embarrassment. "No, I have never climaxed more than once before. I could not seem to stop." I took a sip of coffee, looked into his eyes and said, "I might have said some things in the heat of the moment, when I was not thinking too clearly, that I wish I had not."

"Baby, the way you responded last night, you are not going to tell me that the thought of doing this does not excite you, are you?"

"Oscar, you know me well. You know you are the only man I have ever been with. I take a great deal of pride in that fact. I know you do too. Last night was a lot of fun as a fantasy, but I think we should keep it that way; keep it a fantasy," I said as I tried to backtrack on some of the things I agreed to last night.

"Irene, I saw how you responded to that 'fantasy', as you call it. I have been hard all morning just thinking about any part of that becoming a reality."

Oscar stood up to show me the large, distinct bulge in the front of his pants.

"Oscar, I think this is a very dangerous game we'd be playing. I am not sure you would like it, or could handle it if you actually saw me dancing with someone, exposed like you want, and this guy's hands were all over me, right in front of you. I think you might get more jealous than you think. And you might feel very different about me afterwards."

"Irene, I promise you... no I give you my word, I will not get mad at you, no matter what happens. I know you will be doing this for me. This will be on me. And you know what it means when I give my word on something."

"I still think this is very dangerous." But I did not actually refuse to do it. Part of me actually wanted to be forced into this. Part of me wanted my husband to continue to persuade, and perhaps even coerce me forward. To the extent that I was pressured into this, my personal culpability and guilt would be reduced.

Oscar looked at me with a combination of lust, desire, affection and admiration that I had never detected previously. He smiled and said, "I have to go to the office. Promise me you will think about this today, and seriously consider doing it for me. If tonight, after giving it serious consideration, you really do not want to do it, I will drop it for now. But if the thought of doing this continues to arouse you during the day, and on some deep core level this is something that you desire, I want you to promise me that you will be honest and tell me. Will you promise me that?"

I nodded my head while looking down at the floor. I was too ashamed of my wanton desires to look my husband in the eye at that moment.

"Let me hear you say it. Promise me." Oscar insisted I articulate the promise.

"I promise, I will think about this and consider it. And if I find that I truly desire it, I will be honest and tell you tonight."

I knew it would be a long day at the office, and I would spend little of the day focused on my work.

 At the office

I was not surprised that I could not concentrate on my work. I was a little surprised at how wet and ready my vagina was. The gusset of my panties was soaked all morning. I went to the ladies room and placed some folded toilet paper in the gusset of my panties to absorb some of my secretions.

Oscar was right, the thought of being exposed to other men, being forced to dance with them, allowing them to touch me and fondle me, and perhaps even feeling their erect penises, had my libido running higher than it ever had before.

What was wrong with me? Why was the thought of this scenario so exciting?

I could not control my thoughts. My mind kept creating various scenarios of what might happen that night at the 'W' Hotel. I could not control my thoughts and fantasies, each one a little more lurid and tawdry than the previous.

By quitting time, I was a confused and frustrated. I knew I was going to have a conversation with my husband when I got home that could alter our lives and change our relationship forever.

 At home

"Oscar, you made me promise to tell you if the thoughts of dancing with other men aroused me. They do. I can't help it. I ashamed to admit it, but I have been thinking very naughty thoughts all day long."

"Irene, you naughty girl. I am so pleased."

"Oscar, are you sure you want this? Are you sure you can handle this? You need to promise me again that you won't get mad; that you won't let this change how you feel about me."

"Irene, I promise - if anything, this will bring us closer and make me love you even more."

"Okay, I'll do what you ask. But I want to wear my underwear until we get to the club in case we run into someone we know. I'll remove them when we get to the hotel, okay?"

"God, I love you so much. Thank you, Irene. Thank you."

"I'm going to get ready now. You can watch, but you are not allowed to touch me tonight until we get home. Is that understood? I want to be very fresh for my boyfriends tonight. I want to be 'unsoiled' for any man I encounter tonight, understand?"

Oscar looked a bit shocked at my assertive tone. But he nodded his acceptance of my terms.

I ran a warm bath. Oscar sat on the side of the tub, watching intently as I washed all my 'parts'. As my husband watched with keen interest, I shaved my arm pits and legs. Then I did something I had never down before; I shaved my vagina.

I placed my pubic hair in a neat pile on the edge of the ceramic tub. "Oscar, be a dear, and get a tissue and clean this up for me. Flush it down the toilet before I make a mess. Okay?"

Oscar sat there amazed, but speechless. Slowly he got up and captured the dark brown curls in the pink tissue, and as instructed, disposed of them in toilet.

"Baby, how do you like the new look?" I asked as coyly as I could. I arched my hips forward to raise my vagina above the water level and opened my vagina ever so slightly for my husband's inspection. I wanted to tease my husband, as well as every other man I encountered that evening, into a state of aroused distraction they had not known before.

"Oh god, Irene, do you have any idea how beautiful and sexy you are? You look like a very bad little girl with your pussy shaved like that. I love the look."

"I am glad you like the shaved look. And make no mistake, tonight I am a very bad, very naughty, very wicked little girl." I released my lips of my vagina and slid back down under the water. "I'd like you to polish my toe nails. Would you do that for me? I want to look good for my boyfriends tonight."

I could sense the nervous excitement in Oscar. He was responding to my assertiveness in a manner better than I could have dreamed. For the first time in our marriage, I felt I was in control, and I liked it. Even more bizarre, Oscar seemed to like it too.

I got out of the tub and dried, but remained naked.

Oscar painted my toenails while I sat in front of him, naked; my pussy open and exposed to him. Once, he tried to slide his hand up my inner thigh towards my vagina. I waited until he got his fingers within a few inches of my wet vulva before saying, "Uh, uh, uh, bad boy. You're not allowed to touch me tonight until our date is over, remember?"

Oscar nodded and removed his hand. He was like a little boy who was being chastised by his mother after being caught doing something naughty.

Oscar finished painting my nails. I had him get my clothes and lay them on the bed while I put on my makeup and curled my hair. I decided to change our plans. I was going to leave my panties and bra at home, and travel to the Vela Hotel, also known locally as the W Hotel without undergarments.

Oscar called a taxi. He explained that he wanted to be able to drink at the club, so he preferred not to have to drive home. I wore a stylish jacket over my sheer blouse as I left the house, so my daughters did not see that their mother was dressed like a slut.

I nuzzled against Oscar in the back seat of the taxi, and whispered in is ear, "I want you to sit perfectly still. Don't move."

I ran my hand up his inner thigh and found the head of his penis. I caressed his cock ever so gently as I hissed in his ear, "I wonder how you will feel when you see your pure, shy little wife on the dance floor with some young stud and his hands are all over her? Will you wonder how wet he is making me? Will you wonder how big his cock is as he grinds himself into me?"

I could feel his cock arch and pulse as I asked each question. And with each pulse of my husband's cock, I could feel myself getting wetter and wetter.

 'W' Hotel, aka Hotel Vela

The taxi pulled up in front of the Hotel Vela around 9:15 p.m.

Oscar paid the driver as I walked toward the large front entrance. The doorman opened the door as I walked through, removing my jacket. My erect nipples were now exposed and 'on display'. I was astonishing myself. Twenty-four hours ago, I would not have believed I would have agreed to expose myself this way. Now, I wanted men to look at me, and to desire me.

What difference a day makes!

The Hotel Vela was an elegant and popular hotel, which was also called the 'W' hotel because of the shape of its architecture. It has an upscale disco on the twentieth floor that was a popular destination for foreign vacationers and tourists originating from various European and American locations.

Oscar escorted me to the disco. On the ride up the elevator, I felt my ears pop from the rapid ascent.

"Oscar, this is your last chance; are you sure you want me to do this?"

"Irene, I am so aroused now. I love you so much. Please don't pull back now. Please don't stop."

"Alright, if you are sure." I paused before asking the next question. "Oscar, what are the rules?"

Oscar looked puzzled, like he did not understand the question.

"Oscar, how far am I allowed go? Seriously, you sending me into a bar, dressed like this. You have told me to let men touch me. How far do you want me to take this. You need to know, I am doing this for you."

"Irene, I want you to go as far as you can. I want you to push your limits tonight."

I sighed and simply said, "I sure hope you know what you are doing. I hope you can handle what might happen. You need to know, this is your last chance to stop this."

"Baby, you go for it tonight," was all he said.

I was scared, but I was determined to test the limits now. I was going to find out if Oscar really could handle seeing me with other men. I remember saying to myself, Okay, let's see how he likes seeing me respond to another man's touch.

We entered the disco. The laser lights were spinning and the music was almost deafening. I took a seat at the bar, and Oscar captured a table immediately adjacent to the dance floor.

I ordered a vodka cranberry juice. As I sipped my drink, a young man, maybe twenty-two to twenty-four years old approached the bar. He was tall, at least by my standards, very well-built and had an infectious smile. His steel blue eyes and blonde hair gave him a Nordic look. If I had to guess, I would guess him to be Norwegian or Swedish.

He smiled at me. In an awkward attempt to break the ice, he asked, "What are you drinking pretty lady?"

His accent left no doubt, my young suitor was Norwegian.

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I thought, game on. I was pleased that I had attracted a 'fan' so quickly.

"Just some vodka and cranberry juice," I answered, waiting for his next move.

"So do you come here often?"

"No, this is my first time here. I am a novice," I answered honestly.

"Well what made you decide to grace us with your presence tonight?" my Norwegian friend asked.

I decided that there was no reason to lie. So I told the complete truth, "Well, honestly, my husband brought me here tonight."

The look on his face was priceless. He did not know what to say or do. All he could say was, "Your husband brought you here. Why are you sitting alone at the bar?"

I thought for a moment. I decided to continue my approach of complete, unadulterated honesty, "Well, he was concerned that if he sat with me, it might discourage other young men, like you, from approaching me and asking me to dance. What is your name, by the way?" I inquired. I was not prepared to allow men to fondle me if I did not even know there names.

"I am Johan. Actually, I am Lars Johan, but most people call me Johan."

"Johan, I am Irene; and I think you are cute, oh so very cute. Would you like to dance with me?"

Johan led me to the dance floor. We passed by Oscar's table. I smiled and he winked at me.

We danced to a fast song. Johan was a complete gentleman on the dance floor. Then the next song was a slow ballad. Johan pulled me into his arms and held me tightly. I glanced over at Oscar and we made eye contact.

Oscar simply nodded approval. I knew then, as I know now, he wanted me to find another lover while he watched. I did not fully understand it, but from that moment forward, I was willing to accept it.

I nuzzle into John's arms, pressing myself into his body. I placed my arms around his neck and pulled him close.

I could feel his penis throbbing against my abdomen as I hugged my young Nordic lover. I loved the fact that someone so much younger than me, and someone so attractive, was getting aroused by simply dancing with me.

I took my right hand and brought it between us, and while still embracing Johan, I started caressing his chest. His pectoral muscles were firm and well defined. I found his nipple and teased it between my fingers. I left no doubt that I was a woman in heat.

My mouth found his ear and I cooed, "I like the firmness of your body. You are much more solid than my husband. Do you work out?"

"Yes, I lift weights several times a week," was his response.

 My young Norwegian lover felt like he had won the lottery, He obviously had not expected such a receptive target when he approached me at the bar. I thought to myself, perhaps I am making this too easy for him, but I was a woman possessed. If Oscar wanted to see his wife 'play' with these much younger men on the dance floor, I was prepared to play.

I purposely did not look over at my husband's table. I felt like an actor in a play; yes, I was playing for an audience, but I needed to focus my full attention on the other actors on the stage, rather than focus on my audience. I immersed myself in my role in this play. And my role was that of a forty-two year old housewife who suddenly was given the license to enjoy the attentions and affections of younger, very attractive and sexually charged men.

Johan slid his hands down and cupped my ass. I sensed that he was surprised to feel my bottom and learn I was not wearing any panties. I moaned into his ear, "I like your hands on my ass," as I pressed my crotch into him.

I lifted my head and looked into his eyes. I placed my mouth inches from his lips, inviting him to kiss me. Johan readily accepted the invitation. He kissed me gently at first. I opened my mouth to accept his tongue, and soon we were necking and grinding on the dance floor, oblivious to those around us.

Johan raised one hand slowly up my side, slowly approaching my breast. He wanted to test if I would rebuke him for attempting to feel me up on the dance floor. I didn't.

His hand slowly caressed the side of my braless tit before carefully finding my erect nipple.

I broke our kiss just long enough to moan, "Oooh, that feels nice."

Johan correctly interpreted my response as permission to touch me anywhere. His hands were all over me as we necked and pressed against each other. I moaned encouragement.

I slid my hand between us, grabbing his upper thigh before slowly finding his erect penis. The bulge in the front of his trousers was much larger and thicker than the package Oscar had. I could not tell for certain, but Johan felt like his was at least two inches thick and well over six inches long.

I stroked up and down the shaft a few times as I whispered, "Oh my, you're a big boy. You have a very nice package there. You are much bigger than my husband."

The music ended, and without asking permission or concurrence, Johan escorted me back to his table. I momentarily considered excusing myself to check in with Oscar at his table. I considered seeing if he was doing okay with this adventure. Was he getting jealous? Was he regretting pushing me into this? Had he seen enough?

But I quickly decided no, I was enjoying this adventure myself. I enjoyed having this young Nordic god fondle me. I was enjoying the attention. It was terribly flattering that a forty-two year old woman could attract a very handsome Norwegian who was in his early twenties.

And honestly, I suddenly felt that Oscar had set this adventure in motion. If he was having second thoughts now... well, too bad! He would have to deal with his jealousy and anxiety. His previously shy, pure and faithful wife had discovered a side of her sexuality that she was determined to explore further. In fact, part of the excitement was the thought that my husband was getting a bit jealous seeing how another young man found his wife so irresistibly attractive - and that his wife was responding.

I mean, this is what he wanted, right? This is what he asked me to do. I mean, he sort of coerced me into this, didn't he? This was his doing, not mine, I reasoned.

Johan and I cuddled in the booth located on the back wall of the disco. He ordered me a double vodka cranberry juice. I was pleased that he remembered what I was drinking. I let my hand rest on his inner thigh and he draped his arm around my shoulders. His fingers were gently brushing against my erect nipple.

Anyone looking our way could see my young blonde lover teasing my breast. No one would have any doubt; tonight I was his.

"So, where do you live?" I asked as I massaged his inner thigh.

"I am on holiday from Stavanger? You?"

"I live here in Barcelona. Do you have a family?" I asked.

"No, I am single. Never married. What about you?"

"I have been married to the same man for thirteen years. We have two daughters. My girls are home with a babysitter tonight."

"Where is your husband tonight while you are out playing?"

I smiled broadly. Okay, let's see how Johan handles this answer, I thought to myself, amused at the possible reactions I might get. "He is right here in the club watching me play. Does that shock you?"

"Seriously? No way! Where?" Johan's voice revealed a combination of shock, disbelief and intrigue.

"He is right over there, at that table by the dance floor" I said, pointing directly at Oscar.

I loved seeing the expression on Oscar's face change as I pointed to him. He was trying to figure out what Johan and I were discussing, but there was no doubt that the subject involved him. God, I was enjoying being in control of both these men this way! I felt so powerful and in control.

 "You mean your husband has been sitting back watching us? Watching us on the dance floor? Fuck! This is freaky. Is he going to freak out and try to kick my ass or something?" Johan was struggling to understand the bizarre situation he had stumbled into. 

I laughed at the very thought of Oscar trying to kick this young Norwegian's ass. Johan was several inches taller, and far more muscular than Oscar. And Oscar was certainly not a violent man; far from it. I doubt he had ever been in a fist fight in his life..

"Oh god, no. Oscar is not a fighter. And tonight is his idea. He wanted to see me flirt and dance. This is his fantasy. Would you like to meet him?"

"So you are doing this just for him, just to please him?" Johan asked, ignoring my suggestion that I introduce him to Oscar.

"Well, honestly, last night it started out that way. I never even thought of doing something like this. But the idea quickly became mine. I am here with you right now because I want to be with you. It is just a nice coincidence that my husband wants me to be here. Let me introduce you to him. He's a nice guy; you'll like him," I said as I stood up and offered my hand to Johan.

Johan hesitated for a moment. He could decide that this was too weird and back away, or he could allow me to introduce him to Oscar. I was not sure what he would decide.

After a lengthy ten seconds, Johan took my hand and stood up, saying, "This is one of the weirdest situations I've ever been in. This is not what I was expecting tonight."

My ego soared as I realized that he found me so irresistible that he was willing to meet my husband on the hope that he would get to spend more time with me. I felt so very sexy and desirable at that moment.

I took his arm and leaned into him, showing him as much genuine affection as I could as we approached Oscar's table. I wanted to make it clear to Oscar that I really liked this one, and I was not done playing.

Oscar stood as we approached his table. I sensed a nervous excitement in his face and demeanor.

I nuzzled into Johan's side as I said, "Honey, I would like you to meet my new best friend, Johan. Johan is visiting our fair city from Stavanger, Norway. Johan, this is my husband, Oscar."

Oscar and Johan shook hands and exchanged pleasantries.

Looking at Oscar, but snuggling into Johan, I said, "Is it okay if we join you? Johan is a very charming young man. I would like you to get to know him a bit. I like him a lot."

Oscar looked very uncomfortable. He seemed unsure what was happening. "Sure, please. Sit down."

We sat down, I positioned myself a bit closer to Johan than to Oscar, but I made sure I was seated fairly close to both my dates for the evening.

"Oscar, Johan is here for a few days on holiday. He works for an oil company in Norway, and has to leave on Wednesday. Are you okay with me inviting him to spend some time with us?" I looked at Johan, and asked, "Johan, if it is okay with my husband, would you like to spend some quality time with the two of us while you are here? I think I would enjoy having two dates for the next few days."

I knew I was fucking with both men's minds. I loved the exhilarating feeling of control I had at the moment.

Oscar was speechless and Johan seemed taken aback, but he seemed to recover more quickly than my husband.

"So what exactly does spending quality time with you and your husband entail?" Johan asked, trying to understand what he was agreeing to.

"Good question. Oscar, what are you comfortable telling my new good friend, Johan, he can do to your wife?"

Oscar was at a clear decision point. My husband needed to decide how far he wanted his wife to take this game.

Oscar hesitated momentarily before he said, "Baby, I love you so much. You are so beautiful to me. I want other men to discover your true beauty." Then Oscar turned to Johan, and said, "I want you to enjoy my wife to the fullest; but you need to treat her with respect and affection. If you disrespect her, the game ends immediately. Understand?"

Oscar conveyed a great deal of information with his remarks. I inferred that he was giving Johan permission to take me and use me as his own while in Barcelona. My head was spinning.

Johan took a moment to gather his thoughts before responding. I felt an irrational fear that Johan might reject this offer, and thereby reject me. After all, it was an unusual, if not bizarre offer from my husband to take his wife.

Johan placed his hand on my upper leg and began gently massaging my inner thigh as Oscar watched. "Sir, you do me a great, great honor. This lady is a unique and intriguing beauty. I cannot believe that you are offering her to me. Again, I am honored. I am grateful beyond words."

Johan paused and spoke to me directly, "Irene, do you have any idea how beautiful you are? Do you have any idea what a generous gift your husband has offered me, a mere visitor to your city?"

I blushed silently. I was nervous and scared. I wanted to hear Johan actually accept the gift.

Johan looked back at Oscar, "My friend, I promise you, I will treat this lady with affection and respect every moment she is with me. I will please her in every way imaginable. And I will return her to you satisfied and fulfilled. I will respect her, and you, and I will never forget the unique generosity of my dear friend from Barcelona."

Johan placed his hand on my cheek, turning my face so that he could kiss me. I opened my mouth to accept his tongue as Oscar watched silently. I placed my hand in his lap, and felt his large penis pulse under my touch.

With my hand gently squeezing Johan's pulsing erection, I looked at my husband and said, "Oscar, he feels very big; much bigger than you. I don't know if I handle something this large inside me. I'm a little scared he might hurt me with this."

I confess, part of my words were designed to simply tease my husband, to remind him that he was allowing a foreigner with a much larger penis to fuck his wife. But honestly, Johan was quite large. I was worried about how I was going to be able to handle that large Norwegian penis in my tiny vagina.

 Coming soon: Chapter 3: Johan Takes Me To His Room...

Written by submissivemom72
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