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Hubby Is Let Out To Play

"He gets a hall pass."

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He was a red-blooded male, married for over a decade. Of course he’d fantasised about being with another woman during that time. Who could honestly say they hadn’t in his position. But it could never happen, he loved her. 

His sex drive was pretty high. He thought about it a lot. Every time he watched his wife undress, every time he caught a glimpse of her under the covers in her underwear, his cock would grow hard. He would want her. She loved him too. Wanted him, but not to the same level. Well if you love them set them free right? 

She had thought long and hard, swung between feelings of jealousy at the very idea, to touching herself imagining him with someone else. Fucking them hard, making them cum and using them. 

She’d made a decision. It was a warm summer night and they were drinking in the garden. They’d actually been chatting about his fantasy of sharing her. Of her being pleasured by another man. The time felt right. 

“Hey babe,” she said, “we’ve talked so much about me going off for some excitement. But it’s you who has the higher sex drive. It’s you who gets so turned on at the smallest thing. I want you to have some fun. To experience something new. I want you to find someone. A stranger. Who has a drive to match yours. Someone happy with a one-night stand. A one-time thing. I want you to go and meet her. To fuck her. To enjoy yourself for a night. Then come back to me happy and be mine.”

He was momentarily speechless. “I couldn’t do that to you. It would hurt you. I’d never do that,” he said. He meant it. But at the same time, his heart raced at the thought. A hall pass. A guilt-free night with someone new. New positions, new tricks. A new body. His cock swelled at the thought. 

“It’s exactly what you’re offering me,” she said. “With a guy. How do you feel about that?”  

“Well, it turns me on. I love the idea of you enjoying someone new. The excitement you’ll feel. I know how much you would love it. Know how happy you’d be. How grateful. How it would bring us even closer together afterwards.”

“Exactly,” she said. “It’s how I feel too. It’s like a gift. Because I love you so much. Because I want you to be happy. And knowing someone else will get so much pleasure from you, from my man, and that you will come back and be mine again afterwards is actually a massive turn-on. She’ll remember you, be wanting you, and I’ll be the one who has you!”

He sat and thought it over. He wanted to. Of course, he wanted to. But did she really mean it? Was it a test? Did she think she was okay with it but would hate it? He couldn’t risk jeopardising what they had. Could he? 

“How much thought have you given this?” he asked. “How sure are you? You come first to me, one hundred percent. I don’t want to risk that. Ever.”

She looked him in the eye, her hand sliding up from his knee toward his groin. “I’ve thought it through completely,” she said softly, her hand sliding higher to grip his now rock-hard cock. “I want you to do it, and it feels like you want it too!”

He stood up and pulled her to him. Kissing her hard. Pulling her tight. His cock pushing against her. “I’m in,” he said. With that, as the summer light faded, he turned her round and pushed her head down to the garden table. Pulling at his shorts with one hand and lifting her skirt with the other, he soon had the tip of his cock rubbing all over her soaking pussy.

“Show me what you’ll do to her,” she moaned. “Fuck me like you only get one shot. Savour it. Enjoy it.”

He wound his hands into her hair tightly as he slid into her. Stretching her around his cock. She moaned and pushed back onto him. Matching his movements. He brought himself close, fucking her hard, and then slowed to make it last. She reached back to rub her clit as he slid fully into her slowly, then withdrew almost completely, before pushing into her again. She came fast, her knees shaking and struggling to stay bent with her arse up for him. He increased his pace and was soon filling her up with his cum, eyes closed, imagining some dirty little stranger giving herself to him. 

They slept well that night, both satisfied. Both kinda excited. The next morning, he made her tea and they talked about day-to-day stuff. She raised the elephant in the room first. “You need to find someone then,” she said. What’s your plan?”

He didn’t have a plan. He was lucky to have her. Had no confidence. He wasn’t a ripped toned bull. Didn’t have a massive cock. What could he offer? He only had a chance if people got to know him. Saw his compassion. His humour. What could he do to find a one-night fuck mate? Without making her like him. It seemed hopeless. 

“I have no plan,” he admitted sadly. “Would have to be someone who knows me. Who likes me. But then we’re too close. I’d hurt you.”

“So who do you know? Who you’d like to fuck?” she asked. 

“There is one girl. Used to work with her years back. Have been chatting a bit again lately. She is single. Not conventionally stunning but there is something about her I find captivating. I’ve fantasised about her for a while and, well, if you are 100% you don’t mind, I’d love to try to make it happen.”

“I am certain,” she promised. “Go for it. Make it happen.”

That day, he messaged the girl. Let’s call her Lou. Just friendly. How are you doing? Be great to catch up. Etcetera. She started responding. She seemed interested in at least chatting. It was encouraging. 

They chatted on and off for a few weeks. Just general chat. It was time to nudge it on. 

‘Hey, I’m due down in London in a week. Would you like to meet for a coffee or something? Be great to catch up and see you irl!’ he texted. This was it. Kinda make or break. 

It took twenty-four hours. Agonizingly waiting. His phone chimed. ‘Would be great to catch up. Where do you want to meet?!’

It was on. Not a promise of a hot evening. But of a meet. A chance to impress. To make her laugh. Make her want him. A chance more than he’d had a moment ago. 

They arranged to meet in a cocktail bar near her office after work that Friday night. Two days to wait. The anticipation was intense. They discussed what he hoped would happen while they fucked. She came listening to him talking about being with her. 

The day came and they were both excited. He had business in London first so caught an early train. He packed some overnight stuff. Just in case. He kissed her goodbye as he left. A lingering kiss. Her arms around him. Reluctant, maybe, to let him go. “I love you,” she said. “Go have fun, really hope it works out how we hope.”

“Me too,” he replied. And left her on the doorstep, butterflies getting both of them. 

The day went so slowly. For both of them. Each hour taking forever. Until he was finally outside the cocktail bar. He was slightly early so fired off a quick text before he went in. ‘Here now, babe. This is it. If you have changed your mind just say now. I’ll have a chat and nothing more, x.’

She’d been glued to her phone. Waiting for any news. Her reply came immediately. ‘I’m totally sure. So hot for you right now. Been imagining you with her and touching myself. I’m so wet. Go for it. Good luck! Xx’

‘You’re amazing for doing this. Thank you. Will keep you posted xxx’

He went in and found a quiet seat in the corner. She stepped through the door ten minutes later. In a summer dress, shades, and sandals, she looked amazing. She spotted him and headed over. Standing to greet her, he wasn’t sure whether to shake hands, hug, kiss, or just say hi. Opting for the brave option, he opened his arms and to his relief, she came in for the hug. He held it for just the right amount of time. Long enough to show he meant it without it getting awkward. He felt her breasts press against him and broke off before his swelling became evident against her. “You look amazing,” he said. “It’s soo nice to see you again after all these years.”

“You’re looking pretty good yourself,” she said, smiling. “You’ve kinda blossomed since the old work days!”

He grabbed her a drink and they sat and chatted for an hour or more, about nothing and everything. Neither had to drive and the drinks kept coming. Their conversation became more familiar as the light faded outside, getting onto love life. She told him she was single, hadn’t had a guy in ages. He decided to be braver. 

“God, you must miss the touch of a man occasionally,” he said.

“I definitely don’t miss relationships in general,” she said, “but I definitely miss what they can do for you sometimes.” With a shy smile. “What about you? You’re wearing a ring yet you’re here with me telling me how great I look. Won’t your wife be pissed?”

And there it was. The opportunity to tell all. Or to brush it aside. She thinks he was cheating, or had a hall pass. What would get her most excited!? If he said he’d been given one chance. A one-off. He figured she’d be less worried about him getting serious. Getting attached. 

“Ok, so here’s the deal. And please don’t be afraid to say ‘no way’. My wife and I have been talking about polygamy. About sharing. I told her how hot I found you. She told me I could have one night out. One free pass. If you were up for it, and honestly no worries either way, but she’s totally cool with whatever we do. Now. Tonight. No follow-ups (well, maybe next birthday!) and totally no strings.”

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He sat quietly then, and for a few seconds, she said nothing. He thought he’d blown it. “Wow,” she said. “That’s a pretty kind gift. You’re a lucky guy. I do think you’re pretty cute. And, truth be told, I haven’t had a cock in over a year. I actually pretty turned on thinking about it. I may be crazy, but my flat is just around the corner. Want to come back for a nightcap and see what happens?”

“That sounds like a great idea, let’s go!” He fired off a quick text to his wife. ‘It’s on, text you later. Love you sooo much xx’. 

They left the bar and he took her hand. They walked the few hundred meters to her flat, nervous excitement obvious between them. 

When they got through the door, she turned to him. Their eyes met and she took a step closer. “Want to skip the drink,” she asked?

In response, he pulled her to him and kissed her, lightly. Gently. Slowly at first. He felt her body relax in his arms as she kissed back. His hands on her waist, hers around the back of his neck. Their kiss increased in intensity, her tongue probing his mouth. One hand moved up her back while the other slid downward to her arse. Feeling her thong through the thin dress. Pulling her against his growing cock. 

She felt it press against her and reached down between them to rub it through his trousers. “Hmmm, you’re big,” she murmured between kisses. She gripped it and started wanking him through his trousers. His hand moved down from her arse. Finding the hem of her dress, before lifting it up and finding her bare arse cheek. Moving across to trace the line of her thong as it plunged down to her pussy. 

She let go of his cock and pulled back from him. Gripping her dress herself, she lifted it off in one go. Exposing her smooth skin, tiny white thong and matching bra. She looked amazing. Breasts pushing at her bra. Nipples visible through the thin material. Pushing at it. Erect. 

He pulled off his shirt, and pulled her to him once again. Feeling the fabric of her bra on his bare chest made him harder still. He caressed her tits through her bra, sliding his hands down her stomach and finding the waistband of her thong. His hand flat against her, he slid inside and discovered just how into it she was. She was soaking and shuddered as soon as his fingers found her clit. He massaged gently, her kisses getting harder with each movement. He pushed her back against the wall as his fingers moved inside her. She opened her legs slightly to help him and ground against his hand. She came with a gasp and pulled him closer again, clamping her thighs to keep his hand still while her shaking eased. 

She released his hand and grabbed it, lifting it to her mouth and sucking his fingers. Then she led him from the hall to her bedroom. Once there, she reached for his belt and undid it, his buttons next, slipping her hands inside his jeans and easing them down. He stepped out of them as she knelt before him she rubbed him through his boxers before licking the length of him. Still with the fabric of his boxers between her mouth and his cock. Being so close to her mouth, yet still held back, was so erotic. His precum soaking through to join with her saliva. His boxers soaking around the tip of his cock. 

Her hands slid up his thighs, under the legs of his boxers, finding his balls then the base of his cock. Gripping it. Holding it out as she sucked on his still concealed cock. Finally, she grabbed his boxers and pulled them down. Reaching back to hold the base of his dick as she licked the length of him. The feeling was electric, but nothing compared to when her lips closed around the tip and she took him into her mouth as deep as she could. 

“Oh fuck,” she gasped, “please don’t stop doing that!” She didn’t, hands and mouth working together to bring him off. It didn’t take long. He was so turned on he reached his first climax a few minutes later, shooting his cum into her mouth. She swallowed every drop looking up at him. 

He lifted her back to her feet and kissed her deeply. Tasting himself on her. “That was amazing,” he said. “Let me return the favour.”

She still had her underwear on and he deftly unhooked her bra with one hand while kissing her again. He stood back as it fell to the floor, exposing her tits for the first time. Every bit as sexy as he had always imagined. Her nipples were still hard and he bent to suck on them, one at a time, earning another soft moan. He pushed her gently back onto the bed kneeling over her and lifting her arms high as he carried on sucking and licking her tits, occasionally kissing up to her neck, her lips, and back down. 

He kissed lower, across her stomach, her navel. Down. Reaching her thong and lifting her knees to spread her legs. She opened them willingly for him, arms still above her head, eyes closed, her pleasure building again. He kissed around the line of her wet thong, around her thigh close to her pussy. Tantalisingly close. Then kissing down her thighs before rising the other side and retracing the route. He continued this teasing for five minutes or so, her heart rate rising. 

His hands slid beneath her buttocks, lifting her higher toward him as he teased her. Occasionally letting his tongue or nose touch lightly across the fabric of her thong, eliciting a shiver from her each time he ‘accidentally’ let it happen. He started licking along the line of her thong, where it barely covered her swollen pussy lips. The tongue pushing slightly under the material to the very edge of her wet cunt. Tasting her, hearing her breath quicken. 

His hands, still under her, slid higher and gripped the top of her thong. She sensed his intentions and lifted slightly, letting him slide them off her. She spread her legs once more, now completely naked before him. He took a second to drink in the view. Another woman, laid out for him. Wanting him. Exposed completely. She was gorgeous and he couldn’t resist lowering his mouth back down. This time straight onto her. His tongue licking the full length of her pussy. From arse upward, finding her swollen clit and sucking gently on it. His tongue swirling in small circles as he sucked, creating a small vacuum. His hands went back under her and lifted her into him. 

She was so wet he was practically drinking from her. Her moaning in time with his sucking. He heard her breath quicken and knew she was getting close again. He stopped, kissing back up her body, stopping to focus on her tits as his cock, now hard again, brushed against her. He felt her tense, at the feel of him. His closeness. Ready to push into her.

“Tell me what you want,” he said. Kissing up to her neck so he could hear her whispered reply.

“I want you to fuck me. Take me. Use my body like a whore.”

He rose to look her in the eyes. Reaching down he rubbed the tip of his cock up and down her cunt. Using her wetness to slide up and around her clit. Then he positioned himself directly in front of her opening, gently inserting the very tip. Then he looked at her eyes, bright and deep, as he slid his cock inside her. Inside someone other than his wife. Watched her eyes widen the deeper he got until his entire cock filled her. 

She closed her eyes and gave into him completely as he started to push in and out. Gently, then quicker and harder as she stretched to take him. Became more comfortable. She became more vocal. Gasps as first. Moans. Then talking, well, almost screaming. “Fuck yes. That’s so good. You’re so deep. Oh god. Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me. Shit. God, I’m cumming. Yes, yes aaargh.” 

She came hard, the veins visible on her neck, toes clenched, hands on his lower back now. He felt her pussy tighten on him and it was enough to tip him over the edge. He climaxed inside her. Thrusting until he’d pumped every drop into her. 

As he slowed and stopped he looked at her again. Her hair was damp with sweat, all over the place from her thrashing. Her skin had a sheen to it. Her breasts rose and fell quickly with her breath. He slid out of her, his cum mostly left deep in her but a drop appeared and rolled down her arse. Her knees had fallen open, not tight, totally spent. 

He lay on his side, hand tracing up and down her body. “That was awesome,” he said. "Hope it was good for you."

“The best ever,” she replied. “Fuck, that felt so naughty. Knowing you’re married. That you’re someone else’s. But you fucked me like that. God, it was good. Thank her for me. Tell her it was amazing.”

They chatted some more for half an hour or so. Replaying what had happened. Then he said he’d better get going. They’d been going for hours. He had a train to catch. He left her naked on the bed. Leaving with a tender kiss. 

The train ride was a blur. His mind full of images. He’d texted his wife from the station. He told her it had been amazing. Everything he’d hoped. He was so incredibly grateful and was coming home to her. ‘So happy for you,’ she’d replied. ‘Now get back here and show me what you did.’

He arrived home at nearly midnight. Fearing she may have gone to bed. She appeared at the top of the stairs in some very sexy lingerie and his heart leaped. He went to her. 

Kissing her passionately. His hands slid down to her underwear and he found her soaking wet. He fingered her just as he had to his treat a few hours earlier. He carried her to bed and kissed her body, laying her back and treating her to the same pleasure he’d given his old friend. She came harder than he’d known before, and he followed. Retaking her as his wife. 

“What a night,” he said. “I’ll never forget this. I hope you don’t have any regrets.”

“None at all,” she murmured as she drifted off into the deepest, most satisfied, love-filled sleep for a long time. 

Written by Dugley68
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