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His Gift

"His gift is one that keeps giving a lifetime of pleasure, for both of them."

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He smiled as he handed her the room key – the one that was never given to anyone else.  He said not a word, but left the counter and entered the back room.

Cheryl turned, thinking as always of how it had begun.  She’d found the perfect man.  Attractive.  Sweet.  Thoughtful.  Self-sufficient.  Outgoing.  Funny.  Respected.  She’d barely managed to contain herself on their first date, holding out until the conclusion of the second before inviting him in.

That’s where she discovered his one shortcoming.

Though only a little below average in size, his stamina was almost nonexistent.  He had given her a wonderful orgasm with his mouth and fingers, but hadn’t even lasted a minute inside her.  Still, the romance and intimacy had sustained her that first time, and the many times that followed.  They married, and were happy.

Two years later, a drunken night out with friends ended with her awakening in a strange man’s apartment.  Needs she’d refused to acknowledge had bubbled to the surface, and she’d acted upon them when her inhibitions were drowned in alcohol.  There was no way to explain herself when she returned home, and she knew it.

What she thought would be the end, was instead the beginning of a new, exhilarating chapter in her life.

She stepped out of the hotel lobby and shivered at the sight of her latest conquest.  He was eighteen.  She’d checked his license to make sure.  Young and hard-bodied – with a considerable bulge in his jeans – she knew he would be willing and able to please.

He barely waited for her to wiggle the room key before climbing out of his car, which was exactly what she wanted.  She opened the door and stepped inside, glancing briefly at the mirror before dropping her purse and tugging at her top.

“You don’t mess around,” her lover said while closing the door.

“I need that cock,” she responded as she dropped her top and reached behind her to unhook her bra.

He took the hint and tore off his clothes, his eyes fixed on her as she stripped.  Her pulse raced as he dropped his pants, revealing a cock even bigger than she expected.  Already nude by the time he finished, she stood in front of the mirror and beckoned him to her.  He kicked his pants off the one foot they still clung to, and wasted no time.  His hungry grin grew even wider when she sank to her knees as he approached.

As soon as it was within reach, she curled her fingers around his thick cock and pulled it to her lips.  His deep groan and the throbbing of his big cock in her hand gave her shivers as she tongued the head.  She wetted the tip, and then took him in.

His girth stretched her lips, and he was as hard as a steel bar.  Behind the one-way mirror, she knew her husband was just as hard.  She slurped and moaned around the hard cock in her mouth, knowing her husband was hearing every tiny sound through his headphones.

She cut her eyes to the side, and though she couldn’t see them, she could feel the eye contact from within the small, dark room behind the mirror.

“Looks good, doesn’t it,” her young lover remarked upon noticing her glance.

“Mmm hmm,” she moaned around him, and then took him deeper.

He grunted and groaned from her efforts, and entwined his fingers in her long, dark hair.  She took him deep, croaking when the head invaded her throat, but never letting him escape her mouth.  She sucked him hard and fast, dribbling spittle down her chin, and reveling in the burst of flavor when he oozed pre-cum.  Inevitably, when his pleasure mounted, his hips bucked, shoving his cock too deep.

Cheryl pulled away, coughing and trailing streams of thick saliva that hung suspended from her lip and his bobbing cock.

“S-sorry,” he apologized, though it was strained, and not particularly convincing in light of his smug smile.  “So fucking good.”

She swallowed, taming the last rebelling contractions of her stomach, and then licked her lips.  “I need it.  Now,” she said, and started to rise.

His hand slipped from the back of her head and under her arms, helping her to stand.  He didn’t stop there.  He cupped his hands under her buttocks, and with a bunching of muscles, picked her up.  She wrapped her arms and legs around his muscled body, practically dripping with excitement as his hard cock poked her in the butt with every quick step.

He sat her down on the bed, and she quickly scooted to the head.  He was right behind her, straddling her even as she settled.  He dropped onto his hands, and moved in for a kiss.  She quickly redirected him to her heavy breasts, and he seemed perfectly content with it.  Her lips belonged to her husband, unless they were wrapped around a cock.

She lifted her hips, grinding her sex against his hardness.  He sucked her nipples hard, and lowered his cock to her wet pussy.  She writhed in pleasure, wondering which camera her husband was watching through the shrouded monitor in the other room.  The one in the light fixture overhead?  The one in the lamp next to the bed?  The one in the lamp across the way?  Perhaps he was still watching through the mirror – squirming in his seat as his cock throbbed, aching for attention.

“Please,” she begged when the heat within her grew intolerable.

He let her nipple slip from his lips, and planted a kiss on her chest.  Before he could move lower to go down on her, she half sat up, allowing her to grasp his erection.

“I need you inside me,” she demanded.

That too belonged to her husband.

As before, her young lover seemed unconcerned with the change of plans.  He rose to his knees above her, and she spread her legs wide.  He edged forward, took his cock in hand, and slapped the thick organ against her clit.  Cheryl whimpered with every smack, admiring his hard young body and the lust in his eyes.  He dragged the swollen head between the parting of her lips, leaving it smeared with her juices, and then slapped her clit with it a few more times.

Cheryl reached down, spreading her pussy lips wide, and implored him with her eyes.  He took the hint, grasped his cock behind the head, and pressed it against the entrance to her canal.

A noisy gasp drew air into her lungs as the swollen tip popped inside her.  She fisted the bedclothes in clawed fingers, and then let out a yelp.  It had been a while since she’d been with a man so big, and her walls clamped down, resisting the invader.  He groaned, continuing to push.

“So big.  So big,” she whimpered as he pushed inside her.

“You like that?”

“God yes.  I love your big fucking cock,” she answered in a tight voice.

“Your pussy’s tight.  And fucking wet.”

“So wet for you.”

“You want more?” he asked, and then pushed without waiting for an answer.

Cheryl wailed as he sank into her, opening her up.  She forced her eyes open, looking directly into the camera above.  Even if he wasn’t watching, she knew her husband would see it later.  “Yes.  Give it to me.  I want it all.  Stretch my pussy out on that big fucking cock.”

He pulled back slightly, and then shoved his thick erection into her again – just a little deeper.  “You want it?”

“Yes!  Yes!  Yes!”

He thrust again, going a little deeper.  She felt his balls brush her nether lips.  Then tap them.  Then slap them.  Finally, the tight, wrinkled orbs squished against her.

He growled, holding himself balls deep inside her as she trembled from the intensity of her pleasure.  It had been a long time since she’d been so full, and she couldn’t force more than squeaky cries past her tight throat.

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At least until he slammed into her again.

Cheryl screamed with every thrust, her hands flailing and her head lashing on the pillow.  He rocked her body, making her breasts bounce erratically.  Ever so slowly, her body relaxed, accepting his power and girth.  As soon as she had control of her hand again, she slipped it between her legs.

She rubbed her clit furiously, and soared toward a peak from the intensity of his thrusts, the sight of his muscular young body, and the knowledge her husband was watching.

“Right there!  Faster!  Fuck me!  Faster!  Harder!” she cried between inarticulate yelps and squeals.

“Fuck yeah,” he growled while driving her ass into the mattress.

“Don’t stop!  Gonna make me come!  Make me come!  Make me come on your big fucking cock!”

His voice louder and deeper as his own passion mounted, he said, “Yeah, make that fucking pussy come.”

“So close!  So close!” she screamed as the tightly coiled energy behind her mound grew hotter.  “Gonna!  Gonna!  Oh fuck!”

With that, she bucked beneath him and exploded into orgasm.  Her back arched and she screamed, the sound warbling with every hard thrust.

“F-fuck yeah,” he grunted, still pounding her climaxing pussy.  “Ah, fuck!  Gonna fucking come too!”

Though barely enough of her consciousness was bobbing in the roiling sea of her climax to hear him, she managed to stammer, “G-give it t-to meee!  Come in m-meee!”

He let out a rising growl, and his hips reached a tempo that choked off her screams, leaving her breathless.  Just as darkness was creeping in at the edge of her vision, he let out a roar and jammed his cock into her a final time.

He grunted and growled as he pumped cum into her, his hips working in spastic twitches.  After a few seconds, he fell forward onto his hands.  Cheryl wrapped her arms and legs around him, pulling their sweat-dampened bodies together as he pulsed into her depths.  She stared up at the camera, letting her husband see the ecstacy in her face as she held him inside her.

The sharp jolts of her orgasm slowly settled, and her breathing slowed.  He continued to grunt and jerk atop her from her walls squeezing his spent cock.  She smiled at the camera, and licked her lips when she felt him go limp with a long, pitiful groan.

Cheryl caressed his back, chuckling when he winced and emitted an even higher-pitched groan.  She took naughty pleasure in purposely tightening her walls around him, making his muscles contract in protest.  All the while, she smiled for her husband.

He mumbled something into her shoulder that she couldn’t understand, and she decided that was enough.  She unwrapped her arms and legs from around him, and gave him a couple of quick slaps on the butt.  When he made no effort to move, she smacked a little harder and said, “I’m getting hot.”

He groaned, levered up on trembling arms, and lurched away from her.  Though she clamped her intimate muscles as quickly as she could, some of his cream still bubbled from her gaped canal.  She quickly swirled her fingers through it, gathering it up.  As soon as she saw him with his eyes open, she brought her cum-covered fingers to her lips.

His eyes snapped shut and he groaned from the sight.

She licked and sucked her fingers clean, moaning all the while.  She knew it would likely discourage him from kissing her, and the taste of their mingled juices made her shudder.

He lay next to her, breathing hard with one arm dangling off the side of the bed.  She looked up at the camera, caressing her body and moaning, sometimes glancing at his slowly softening cock.

Once his breathing slowed, she said, “That was so good, but I really should get home.”

He offered a grunt of acknowledgment, sounding a little disappointed, and slowly sat up.

“Why don’t you go get me your phone, so I can give you my number, and then go get cleaned up,” she suggested.

That cheered him up.  He slid out of the bed, flexing as he bent to retrieve his phone from his pants.  When he returned to the bed with it, she took the phone in one hand, cupped his balls in the other, twitched her eyebrows, and then shooed him to the bathroom.

He left the door open and showed off as he washed.  She watched out of the corner of her eye while typing her cell number into his phone.  When he walked back in – making sure his impressive cock was swinging – she handed him back the phone, and then lounged on the bed.

“It’s Cheryl, just in case you don’t remember,” she teased.

He chuckled and asked, “So, I should text you some time?”

“Tomorrow.  The next day.  The day after that.  Any time.  Just get dressed before I get myself in trouble,” she said.

He picked up his pants from the floor and asked, “Sure you need to head home right away?”

She moaned and said, “I bet I could have you hard again in five minutes.”  His cock twitched, hinting she was quite right, “But yes.  Go.”

He shrugged, pulled on his pants, and then the rest of his clothing.  He glanced over with a question in his eyes while putting on his shoes, but she shook her head and mouthed, “Go.”

Once he finished dressing, he gave her a lingering, up and down glance before asking, “When should I text?”

“Any time.  I’ll let you know when I’m free.  Save up a big load of cum for me.”

“Okay.  Well...  Uhm...  Bye,” he said awkwardly.

She chuckled and waggled her fingers at him.

The moment the door closed and the lock engaged, she rolled over and opened a drawer.  Where a Gideon bible might reside in any other hotel room was her Hitachi magic wand.  She plugged it into the outlet behind the headboard, installed there for exactly that purpose, turned it on, and spread her legs.

As always, struggling to keep the pool of cum inside her as the powerful vibrations ran through her clit only made it more intense.  She didn’t balk in the slightest when the door opened, and her husband slipped inside.

She moaned as he undressed, looking as gorgeous as ever.  There was no missing the darker spot on his navy blue underwear when he pulled his pants down – evidence of how much pre-cum he’d leaked.

He undressed quickly, eyes fixed on her, even as hers were on him.  He crossed to the bed as soon as he was naked, leaned over her, and kissed her passionately – knowing full well her young lover’s cum had been on her lips.

Cheryl’s fires rose quickly between the powerful vibrations, her husband’s kiss, and his knowing hands caressing her breasts.  When she was hovering just below a peak, she gasped, “Now, baby.”

He climbed into the bed and between her legs.  Never once did he lose eye contact as he took aim, and buried his cock in her cream-filled pussy.

She squeezed tight around him, whimpering from the thought of his cock stroking through another man’s cum.  The cream flowed from her around his much smaller cock, making flatulent noises with every thrust, and spattering everywhere.  It took only a half dozen thrusts to push her over the edge.

Cheryl wailed in sweet release, fighting to keep her eyes open so she could watch her husband come.  She had to move the vibrator away from her clit in order to accomplish it, and just in time.

He groaned and she moaned as his cum joined her young lover’s in her depths.

She managed to push the vibrating wand off the bed just before he collapsed atop her.  She held him for far longer than she had her lover.

After a few minutes of recovery, he sought out her lips and kissed her.  When their lips parted, he said, “Happy National Dandelion Day.”

She laughed, pulled him close, and eagerly anticipated whatever holiday he was going to look up to give her their special gift the next day.

Written by RejectReality
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