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Getting Even 2 - Grant's Birthday

"It's Grant's birthday, and Bella has some surprises planned for him."

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Zane walked up and down the wine aisles of his favorite liquor store. Tonight was Grant’s birthday party and he wanted to give him a nice bottle of wine. The problem was, he didn’t know much about wine as it wasn’t his drink of choice. He had only bought one bottle of wine and it wasn’t that good. That mistake was made about four months ago when he got news that changed his life forever.

Six months ago, Zane had met Grant’s lovely wife, Bella, at a local bar. Their meeting was prearranged by a mutual friend of theirs for the sole purpose of Bella having a “justice fuck” after years of dealing with Grant’s infidelity. There were a few stipulations Bella had requested: all of her sexual fantasies were to be fulfilled, no condoms were to be used except for anal sex, and Grant was to be allowed to watch. The night ended with Grant watching Zane fuck Bella hard. Then Bella kicked Grant out of the master bedroom and had Zane lock them in.

At first, Zane questioned the reason why Bella would want the door locked, until he heard Grant try to return while Bella peacefully slept. Zane was tempted to ask Grant what he wanted, but decided after enjoying taking Bella’s anal virginity while Grant was forced to listen, he decided he didn’t need to stir the shit-pot of trouble any more.

Two months after that fateful night, he met Bella at a local café, where he learned that he was most likely is the father of her unborn child. Bella made it clear the choice was his about having a relationship with the child and has left him alone. The most pressure she applied was the regular updates from her doctor informing him that everything was progressing along as it should.

Zane resumed as her lover and Grant was Bella’s cuckold. He knew Grant would only get to fuck Bella if he behaved because after their first month, Bella cut Grant off sexually until he begged her to forgive him. He learned this from both Bella sharing with him after Grant was sent out, and Grant’s complaining about her poor treatment of him.

Tonight was going to be different though. Bella had asked Zane if he was willing to do something different in light of Grant’s birthday. Though it wasn’t something Zane enjoyed, he was willing for Bella. In fact, he found himself willing to do more things for Bella and her children than any other lover he had prior or since. Over the past four months he’d gone to more little league games and dance recitals than ever before. Normally he’d never go, but there was something about Bella’s children, Tommy and Sophie that Zane couldn’t say no to.

“May I help you find something sir?”

Zane looked over and saw Janette, the bubbly red-haired clerk he’d known since she started there a few months back. “Actually yes, Janette. I need a good bottle of wine.”

“It is for a special occasion?”

“Birthday gift.”

“Ah, who’s the lucky lady?”

“It’s for a man.”

“OH!” she exclaimed, then giggled and grabbed a bottle of wine. “Well, this red is pretty popular with men like you.”

Zane rolled his eyes. “I’m not gay darling. The man is a friend. I don’t know him too well, but I thought a nice bottle of good wine would make a good gift.”

Janette blushed. “I’m sorry sir. If it’s a good bottle of wine for a man he would like, I know just the bottle. Follow me.”

Zane followed her, admiring her ass in her jeans as she walked. He started thinking about how good those jeans would look bunched around her ankles with his cock buried in her pussy. She led him to the back corner of the store near the storeroom.

“Just so you know, these are, in my opinion, our best wines,” explained Janette. “They aren’t the cheapest, or the most expensive, but it’s not a wine that no one ever doesn’t like. Would you like to try a sample?”


Janette slipped into the storeroom and returned a moment later with a small cup with some red liquid in the base. “We keep an open bottle in the back for the staff to enjoy. Occasionally we share it with our best customers.”

Zane swirled the red liquid and took a sniff. He could tell she was telling the truth, this was good quality wine. He took the sip and was pleasantly surprised. “You’re right, this is good.”

“It tastes even better when you lick it out of a woman’s pussy,” she said, smiling wickedly.

Zane glanced down. Yes, she was definitely flirting with him and he very much wanted to see if she was right. “And how, pray tell, do you suppose I can find this out?”

Janette’s smile grew, if that were possible. She looked around and saw her coworker covering the front. She took Zane’s hand and said, “Follow me.”

She led Zane into the back and to the small break room, locking the door. There, on a table was the open bottle of wine. She quickly stripped off her pants and said, “I hope you were serious about that not being gay shit.”

“Looks like you’re about to find out,” said Zane, smiling as he watched her sit on the table and lay back.

“If you eat me well, I’ll let you fuck me.”

“I look forward to it.”

Janette handed him the bottle. Zane took a chair and pulled it up to the table, sitting himself before Janette’s pussy. There was just a small strip of red hair at the top, but otherwise it was smooth and hairless. Zane poured a bit of wine into the cup from before and carefully poured some into her. Janette moaned softly as she felt the liquid fill her. Then, without warning, Zane began licking and sucking the liquid from her pussy. The wine mixed with her natural juices and he found the mixture intoxicating.

Zane would periodically refill her pussy and drink until he knew she was ready. Janette’s body shook as she squealed with her orgasm.

“Fuck me! Please!” she cried.

Zane didn’t hesitate. He freed his bulging member from pants and removed a condom from his pocket, tearing it open with his teeth. Quickly, he rolled it onto his cock, and slammed it into her pussy.

“Like this?” he growled.

“Yes!” she cried.

“Still think I’m gay?” he asked slamming his cock into her pussy a second time.

“NO!” she exclaimed.

Zane pounded her pussy hard, and after she had a second orgasm he shot his load. Though the sex wasn’t planned, he’d learned to always come prepared. He stepped back and threw the condom into the trash. The sex may have been short lived, but from the smile on Janette’s face, it was successful. He grabbed a napkin off the table, wiped his cock off, and put it back into his pants. Janette sat up, wiped her pussy off, and put her pants back on.

“I’ll take a bottle of that wine,” said Zane.

“Would you like it gift wrapped?” she asked, zipping up her jeans.

“It would make my life a bit easier.”

Janette smiled. “After that fuck, I’ll do anything to make your life easier.”

They stepped out of the break room, and exited the stock room. Janette grabbed a bottle, wiped it down, and grabbed a wine bottle gift-bag with some tissue paper. She escorted Zane to the register and rang him up. Her coworker glanced her way, but said nothing. Janette wrapped the bottle so it looked nice, then took Zane’s credit card to finish the sale.

“Thank you for coming sir,” she said wickedly.

“It was my pleasure,” said Zane, grabbing his purchase and leaving the store.

Janette’s coworker stepped up once Zane was out of the store and said, “Please tell me he’s a good fuck.”

“Amazingly good,” she said smiling. “I sure hope he buys more wine.”

Zane parked on the curb and walked up to the house. He could see the party goers milling around and chatting. He rang the bell and waited. Grant opened the door. “Zane.”

“Happy birthday Grant.”

“Well, you might as well come in,” said Grant stepping aside.

Zane handed him the gift bag and said, “Thanks. This is for you.”

“Thanks,” Grant grunted.

“Where are the kids?”

“My parents are taking them to Disneyland tomorrow as part of my birthday present.”

“Ah, so you and Bella will have the house to yourselves.”

Grant shot Zane a dirty look. “Something like that.”

“Zane!” they heard Bella exclaim. The petite blonde, now six months pregnant walked up wearing a wine maternity dress that reminded Zane of the dress she was wearing the night they met. “When did you get here?”

“Just now,” said Zane smiling. “I was wishing Grant here a happy birthday.”

“He even got me a gift,” said Grant, holding up the bag.

Bella took the bag, “I’ll put this with the other gifts. That was so nice of you Zane. Well, have a drink and enjoy yourself.”

‘I already did,’ Zane thought to himself, then smiled and said, “I’ll do my best.”

Bella gave him a strange look, then walked away. Zane too, stepped away and got himself a drink. A slender, dark-skinned brunette woman wearing a form fitting red dress showing off her full, firm, breasts walked up to him and said, “You’re probably the last person I expected to see here.”

Zane glanced over and smiled. “I was invited.”

“Me too,” she said.

“It’s good seeing you again Carmen.”

“Really?” she asked. “Because it’s been almost a year since I’ve seen you.”

Zane turned toward Carmen. “As I recall, you ended our affair.”

“Shhh!” Carmen hissed. “Let’s not advertise it.”

“Ah, you and your secrets.”

“Like you don’t have more than your fair share.”


“So, you and Bella. How much longer will it last and does Grant know?”

Zane leaned down and whispered, “Grant watches.”

Carmen gasped. “Really?”

“Yeah. And as far as how long it will last, hard to say.”

“Well I’m sure she’ll end it after the baby is born.”


Carmen looked up at Zane. “When did you meet Bella?”

“A few months ago.”

“Was she already pregnant?”

“Not sure. I never asked.”

Carmen looked from Bella to Zane, then said, “Well, it was good seeing you again. Let me know when you’re available for another.”

“Will do.”

Carmen walked away. Zane admired her ass in the red dress and remembered their own steamy affair. Miguel was like Grant, a man who became a cuckold. The difference was their relationship ran its course. He knew she had other lovers and enjoyed their company more than she did his.

He saw Bella and smiled. She walked over to him, smiling. “Having fun?”

“Always when I’m with you.”

“Oh!” exclaimed Bella.


“The baby kicked. Wanna feel?”

“I, um…” stammered Zane.

Bella grabbed his drink-free hand and placed it on her stomach. “It doesn’t hurt. Can you feel the baby kick?”

It only took a moment before Zane felt her stomach move beneath his hand. “Woah! That’s… wow.”

Bella smiled. “It’s like she knows who her daddy is.” Zane’s head snapped toward Bella. “She won’t do that for Grant.”

“She? It’s… a girl?”

“Yeah,” said Bella, “at least we think so. All the tests have come back saying it’s a girl.”

Zane slowly withdrew his hand. “Congratulations. I’m sure Grant is excited.”

Bella exhaled. “He shouldn’t be, but he is. I’d best see to my other guests. Are we still on for tonight?”

“I made you a promise Bella. But I should warn you, I must leave in the morning, I have a flight I must catch. I’m being sent to Europe for another month again.”

“Your work does make you travel a lot.”

“I’m trying to earn a promotion that will keep me from traveling so much.”

“Do you need a ride to the airport?”

“You don’t need to Bella.”

Bella looked up at Zane. “For all you’ve done for me, it’s the least I could do.”

Zane looked into those blue eyes and found himself lost. “Fine. Be at my place by two.”

“Done. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I must be the good hostess.”

Bella walked away and Zane smiled. A girl, he was going to have a daughter. A daughter who would think he was her uncle. Zane wasn’t sure how he felt about this. He decided to have another scotch and worry about it later.

The party carried on like parties like this do. People drinking, eating hors d’oeuvres, and talking. Grant opened his gifts, and politely thanked everyone. Bella was playing the role of the good wife, but Zane noticed she was keeping a bit of distance from him. It would take a careful eye to spot such a thing, but Zane had years of practice. It was how he was able to engage in so many relationships with so many married women over the years.

Carmen slid over and said quietly, “That’s a nice bottle of wine you got Grant.”

“The salesgirl recommended it,” said Zane.

“Did she recommend anything else?”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“It means, you’re not a one-woman man Zane. You never have been.”

“People change.”

“Really,” said Carmen, looking up at Zane. “Then explain to me why you smell of pussy?”

Zane smiled. “It still doesn’t mean I can’t change.”

“I’ll believe it when I see it.”

Zane sipped his scotch, but chose not to reply. Soon enough, the party wound down, and the one by one, the guests began to leave. Bella was in the kitchen cleaning up when Carmen approached.

“I need to have a word with you Bella.”

“Can’t it wait,” moaned Bella, “I must clean up before going to bed.”

“I’ll help,” she said, grabbing some wine glasses and emptying the contents into the sink.


“So, how are things going with you and Zane?”

Bella’s head snapped up and she looked around. “I don’t know what you’re-”

“Really Bella, don’t be so naïve.”

“Shall we discuss your affairs then?” Bella asked, cleaning the counter.

Carmen paused for a moment. “Touché. But I assure you, no one is near.”

“That’s what Grant thought and look where that got him.”

“So, Zane,” said Carmen, grabbing more glasses. “He’s a nice guy.”

“I agree. He bought Grant a nice bottle of wine.”

“I was surprised to see him here tonight.”


“You know why.”

Bella paused. “What do you know Carmen?”

“I know for all practical purposes that you and Zane are still seeing one another and that Grant participates. At least, he watches. I know Grant cheated on you throughout your marriage and you wanted revenge.”

“Justice,” corrected Bella.

“Fine, ‘justice.’ And I suspect, that baby isn’t Grant’s.”

Bella froze. Her hands shook. “Who all have you told?”

“Aside from you no one. Nor will I. Look Bella, you chose to give Grant another chance. Why, I have no idea. The man is a liar and a cheat. Hell, I wouldn’t be surprised if he has another family somewhere.”

“Get to the point Carmen,” snapped Bella.

Carmen stepped up and put her arm around Bella’s shoulders. “Zane isn’t the kind of guy to settle down. He likes fucking women. All kinds of women. Even if this baby is his as I suspect, that won’t change him.”

Bella bit her lip. “Who says I want to change him?”

Carmen squeezed Bella’s shoulders. “You know you suck at lying. It’s why I can beat you in poker. Divorce Grant while you still can. Make him pay child support for the kids and alimony to you. Get rid of his cheating ass and move on.”

Bella sighed. “He’s been faithful.”

“He always is when you’re pregnant. He knows your hormones make you a raging nymphomaniac. Once you have this baby, he’ll go back to his old ways. You mark my works.”

Carmen withdrew her arm. Bella stood silently for a moment, then said, “How many?”


“How many women did you get for Grant?”

Carmen paused. “Two. I’m sorry Bella. The first was before I knew you. I told him after the second we were done. And I swear, I never fucked him.”

“Thanks. And thanks for Zane. He’s a good guy.” Bella turned toward Carmen and added, “I gave him an out you know.”


“Zane. I told him I wanted nothing from him. It was his choice to stay involved or not.”


“No, I’m serious. I knew going in that I was taking a hell of a risk.”

“So, it’s been his idea to still be in this pseudo relationship?”

“Yeah,” sighed Bella. “And if tomorrow when I take him to the airport, he tells me it’s the end, then it’s the end.”

“You can’t be serious?”

“I am. Just promise me one thing, Carmen.”


Bella’s eyes welled up with tears. “When he does, will you let me cry on your shoulder?”

“Of course Bella.”

Carmen threw her arms around Bella and held her tight. The two women hugged for several minutes as Bella softly cried. Then they heard a man call out, “Carmen! Where are you?”

“That’s Miguel. I’d better go.”

“Thanks for coming,” said Bella wiping the tears off her cheeks.

“Thanks for the invite.”

“Carmen!” called Miguel.

“I’m coming!” cried Carmen. Then said in a calmer tone, “Goodnight Bella. Great seeing you again.”

“Goodnight Carmen.”

Carmen walked away and Bella resumed washing the wine glasses. Zane stepped in and asked, “Have you seen Carmen?”

Bella jumped. “She just left.”


Zane wanted to tell Bella he had heard their entire conversation, but he didn’t. Instead, he helped her clean. Once the guests were gone, Grant came into the kitchen and said, “Everyone has gone. And since he’s still here, I can assume he’s staying.”

Bella smiled wickedly, then said, “He’s here as part of my gift to you Grant.”


“You’ve been so nice letting me fuck Zane pretty much whenever that I thought as my gift to you, you could fuck me. A threesome if you will. Zane will participate to help, but tonight is your birthday, and my gift is you getting to fuck me any way you want.”

“You’re fucking kidding,” said Grant.

“She’s not,” said Zane. “She asked me about this last week to see if I was on board. We know you like watching, but have you ever been watched?”

“No!” exclaimed Grant.

Zane bit his tongue. He knew Grant was lying, but he didn’t want to start a fight. At least, not tonight. “Are you afraid you’ll be unable to perform?”

“Just what are you fucking playing at?” snapped Grant.

“Bella put a lot of thought into tonight,” snapped Zane. “My purpose tonight is to enhance her pleasure. That’s it. I’m not bisexual and have no interest in your ass, or any other part for that matter.”

“It’s a one-time offer Grant,” said Bella, now frustrated and hurt with Grant’s reaction. “Take it, or leave it.”

Grant looked between Bella and Zane, then said, “I’ll take it.”

Bella breathed a sigh of relief and said, “Good. Then let’s go upstairs.”

As Bella led them upstairs, Zane quietly simmered. He was pissed that Grant was acting like such a jerk when Bella’s gift wasn’t that horrid. Then it hit him, Grant wanted a threesome with his wife, but with another woman, not another man.

Zane brought up the rear of the group and followed them all into the bedroom. There were scented candles all around and a happy birthday banner on the wall. Bella slipped off her dress to reveal a sexy baby doll negligee that hung nicely over her pregnant belly. Both Zane and Grant smiled at the lovely view before them.

“Go on,” whispered Zane, “go to your wife.”

Grant walked up to Bella, took her into his arms and kissed her. Zane took a seat in the chair that Grant normally sat in and watched. It only took a moment before Grant said, “Would you mind if Zane got you ready for me?”

“Is that what you want?” asked Bella.

Grant looked over at Zane who was sitting quietly. “Yeah. He gets you ready, I fuck you. And I want your ass tonight.”

Zane quickly covered his mouth to hide his smile. He knew that was the one thing Grant had been denied since their affair started.

“Is that all right with you Bella?” Zane asked.

“It’s what Grant wants,” said Bella, “and tonight is his birthday.”

Zane quietly stood up and gave the chair to Grant. “Thanks for not sitting in it naked,” grunted Grant.

“No problem.”

Zane removed his jacket and tie as he said, “You do look lovely tonight Bella.”

“Thank you,” she whispered and unbuttoned his shirt.

Zane ran his fingers through her hair. His mind flashed back to their first night and how nervous she was. Tonight she wasn’t the least bit apprehensive. The burning lust in her eyes told him how badly she wanted two men to fuck her tonight.

Zane leaned down and whispered, “I’m not comfortable with a DP?”

“A what?” she asked.

“Hey! No secrets!”

Bella waved Grant off as Zane whispered, “It’s when one man has his cock in you pussy and another man has his in your ass at the same time.”

“Ewww!” squealed Bella. “Please tell me you’re fucking kidding!”

“What?” exclaimed Grant.

Zane sighed as Bella removed his shirt and said, “I just told Bella I’m not comfortable with a DP.”

“You?” exclaimed Grant again. “If anyone would be into a double penetration with a woman, it would be you!”

“Stop it!” shrieked Bella. “Don’t either of you see how disgusting that is?”

Zane looked down at Bella and brushed her hair back with his fingers. “I’m sorry Bella. I thought… oh fuck Bella… I should have talked with you about this before. I didn’t mean to upset you.”

Bella sighed. “Sorry. But you two were talking like I wasn’t here.”

“I know,” said Zane, “and I’m sorry for that.

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Do you remember our first night?”

“Yeah,” she said.

“What are you getting at?” asked Grant.

Zane ignored Grant. “Remember how I asked you what you liked? What positions? What sex acts?”

Bella smiled. “Yeah. It was nice. I knew what I was getting myself into with you.”

“Well, you never asked me what I liked.”

Grant grunted, “Aside from another man’s wife.”

“Oh how rude of me,” said Bella. “Zane, what do you like to do with a woman, sexually?”

“Many things. I like to kiss her, touch her, and make her feel like the most beautiful and most desired woman in the world. But there are a few things I won’t do.”

“And those are?” asked Bella.

“I don’t do men,” said Zane flatly. “And though I’ve tried it once, I do not like doing a DP on a woman. There are a multitude of reasons, but the biggest one has to do with the woman.”

“What do you mean?”

“It’s a dangerous act that could cause her harm or permanent injury. Now, I’m not against a spit-roast.”

“Figures,” grumbled Grant.

“A spit-roast?” asked Bella.

“One man fucks either her pussy or ass, and the other fucks her mouth,” explained Zane. “Would you be willing to do that?”

“If Grant would, then sure,” said Bella.

“Only if I get her ass,” said Grant.

“It’s your birthday, man,” said Zane. “This is your gift.”

“Don’t worry Grant, I got your favorite condoms and plenty of KY,” said Bella.

“How did you know-”

“Really Grant,” interrupted Bella, “do you want to finish that sentence?”

“Just get on it then,” growled Grant. “I want to fuck your ass for my birthday after lover boy gets you all primed.”

Zane clenched his fists, then sighed. He knew better than to let Grant bait him, so he just took a deep breath and kissed Bella, passionately. “Now, where were we?”

Bella giggled and began to remove is pants. “Should I suck your cock now or wait until later?”

“Later please,” he said. “Let me please you first.”

“All right,” she said, moving pillows on the bed. “I can’t really lie back on my back and be comfortable. Do you mind if I’m kinda sitting?”

“Not in the least,” said Zane, as he removed his pants. “Will my head bother the baby?”

“Excuse me?” asked Grant.

“I just mean, for me to eat your pussy, I might have my head against your stomach,” explained Zane.

Bella smiled. “I may need to move once or twice but if you’re willing to work with me, we can make it all happen.”

Bella started to climb onto the bed when Zane stopped her. “Hold up. You’re a lot over-dressed.”

Bella giggled as Zane removed her nighty and panties. Seeing her naked, her belly swollen with child, possibly his child, made her even more beautiful. “Now, you may climb on the bed.”

“Thanks,” she said.

Bella got comfortable on the bed, lying back and slightly inclined. Zane crawled onto the bed, between Bella’s legs and pushed them apart.

“Is that okay?” he asked.

“Yeah,” she said.

Zane took a deep breath. Pregnancy had changed Bella’s aroma, and to Zane, she smelled even sexier than before. He looked down at her swollen lips, moist with arousal, and smiled. He saw her belly ripple slightly, then still. He smiled and kissed her belly softly, then kissed the outer lips of her pussy. Bella moaned softly, and purred. Zane smiled, then proceeded to kiss and lick. Her taste was still just as intoxicating as before, but there was a subtle difference. Zane knew it was due to her pregnancy.

While Zane ate Bella’s pussy, like so many times before, Grant began to undress. He knew he would need his cock ready, he didn’t want to risk wasting any time for fear Bella would change her mind. Thinking back, he wondered why he’d ever agreed to this arrangement.

Grant knew he loved Bella, she was a good woman and a great mother. Yet, he enjoyed the thrill of fucking other women and as had happened before, he was starting to miss that thrill. His wife was enjoying the pleasures of another man, right before his eyes, and he couldn’t enjoy the pleasures of other women. Well, he decided silently, tonight he was having his wife’s ass. He would fuck her hard and prove to her once and for all, he was the better lover, and the better man.

Bella shifted her weight, then pushed Zane’s head into her pussy. “Yes lover, just like that,” she purred.

Zane had two fingers deep in her pussy, and one in her ass. His tongue lapped at her clit as his fingers worked. Though he didn’t like DP, he didn’t mind using his fingers to drive Bella nuts. Her breathing changed and they all knew, she was close. Zane curled his fingers to touch her g-spot and Bella squealed as her pussy clamped down on his fingers and her juices soaked his fingers and face.

Grant stood up. His cock was hard and pointing out. It was his turn to fuck his wife.

Zane pulled back and smiled. “Amazing as always Bella. Are you ready?”

“Yes,” she gasped.

Zane quickly moved out of the way and helped Bella reposition herself. She moved to her hands and knees and positioned herself so her ass was at the edge of the bed. Grant grabbed the condom and rolled it onto his cock as Zane put some KY in her ass with his finger.

“Hey!” snapped Grant. “That’s my wife’s ass there. I’ll put the fucking lube in it.”

“I was just trying to help,” said Zane, raising his hands in the air defensively.

Grant snatched the KY from his hand. “I’ll lube her ass thank you very much.”

Zane shook his head and moved around to face Bella. “You don’t have to suck my cock while he fucks you.”

“I know,” she purred. “I want to suck your cock.”

Zane smiled as he positioned himself in front of Bella so she could suck his cock. “Is this okay for you?”

“Oh!” she squealed. “Easy Grant! And yes Zane, that’s fine.”

Grant growled and pressed his cock against her rosebud. “It’s not like it’s your first time.”

“You don’t need to be cruel,” she snapped.

“Sorry,” he said. “Are you ready?”

Bella took a deep breath. “Yes Grant.”

Grant pushed the head of his cock and watched it disappear into her anus. Bella gasped. Grant slapped her ass and said, “That’s my girl!”

Zane closed his eyes. He couldn’t bring himself to watch. He felt Bella’s hand grab his cock and guide it to her mouth. “Will you let me fuck your mouth tonight?” he whispered.

Bella nodded her head as Grant began to thrust within her ass.

Zane fucked her mouth as Grant fucked her ass. They quickly found a rhythm that created a unique sound of balls slapping, slurping, and squishing. Bella moaned on Zane’s cock as she licked and sucked.

“Fuck Bella!” exclaimed Grant. “Your ass is amazing!”

Bella grunted something that sounded like thanks, but never stopped sucking Zane’s cock.

Grant slapped her ass periodically as he fucked. With each blow, Bella squealed with excitement. Then her second orgasm hit. Zane held her head firmly and fucked her mouth the way he had so many times before. He was trying to decide if he wanted to cum in her mouth or on her face when Grant moaned, “Fuck! I’m cumming!”

Grant pumped harder, then with a final thrust, held his cock firm in Bella’s ass. Zane pumped harder in Bella’s mouth, then pulled out, stroked his cock, and shot his spunk on her face, hair, back, and Grant’s chest.

“Oy! Watch it!” snapped Grant.

When Zane finished, he said, “Sorry man, sometimes it has a mind of its own.”

He looked down at Bella. Cum was dripping of her beautiful face. She licked her lips and smiled. “Tasty.”

Grant slid his softened cock out and threw the condom into the trash. “That was a hell of a gift Bella.”

Bella crawled off the bed. “Excuse me boys, I need to clean up. Grant, I’ll see you in the morning. Zane, are you staying?”

“I told you before I was,” said Zane.

“Wait! It’s my fucking birthday!” exclaimed Grant.

“Not anymore Grant. Check the time,” said Bella as she disappeared into the bathroom.

The clock read, 1:03. They heard the shower start. Grant looked at Zane and said, “You do realize once my daughter is born you’re out of here.”

“You think so?” said Zane.

“I fucking know so,” said Grant as he gathered his clothes.

Zane wanted to throw the truth in Grant’s face, but instead he said, “The only one who can end this is Bella. Not you.”

Grant paused at the door, then said, “Bella’s little game is about to come to an end. Mark my words. She’ll tire of this soon enough. She always does.”

With his final words, Grant stepped out. Zane was curious about Grant’s final words. He heard the water stop and a moment later, Bella emerged with a towel somewhat around her body, drying her skin. She looked at Zane and asked, “What’s wrong?”


“Please Zane, don’t lie to me.”

“Just something Grant said while you were in the shower.”

Bella finished with the towel, and hung it up. Then sat on the bed and said, “What did my idiot husband say?”

“He said after his daughter was born our affair would end.”

“Oh. He’s said that to me as well. I just tell him, we’ll see.”

“He also implied this isn’t your first affair.”

Bella laughed. “Pot. Kettle. Black. Zane, I told you the truth. I swear I never cheated on Grant.”

“Then why did he say you’re, quote, ‘little game is about to end,’ and you’ll tire of this soon enough.”

Bella leaned back on the stack of pillows she had set earlier and sighed. “Zane. I have been a stay-at-home mother since I got pregnant with Tommy. I quit my job because Grant demanded I do that. I figured when Tommy started school I could return to work, but then I got pregnant with Sophia. Funny thing was, I had just told Grant my thoughts on going back to work just weeks before he got me pregnant. Don’t get me wrong Zane; I love my children. I just… I just wanted to be more than a party hostess. I wanted to show my children a woman can be more than just a wife and mother.”

“You think they don’t know that. Tommy tells me how his friends think he’s lucky because you’re home to help with homework and attend field trips. Sophia loves that you can work in her classroom once a week.”

“But Zane, I want to be more than Grant’s wife, or Tommy and Sophia’s mother.”

“And you are. What was it you did before you quit working?”

“I was a personal assistant. Some might say I was a secretary.”

“You know, you could do that from home.”


“Yeah. Especially now with the internet the way it is. Virtual assistants are really a growing field. My boss has a virtual assistant. Mind you she didn’t start that way, but after she broke her leg in a car accident and couldn’t come into the office, he set her up at her home. Hell, I haven’t seen her in months. She’s since recovered from the accident and had three kids.”

“But it’s been so long since I worked. Would anyone hire me?”

“I would.”

“You’re biased.”

“Seriously. For as much as I travel, a virtual assistant would be a huge help.”

“But I’m three months away from delivering.”

“Okay, how about this. I’m working on a promotion. If I get it, I’ll need an assistant. I’ll call you to see if you’re interested. If you are, then great. If not, then no big deal.”

Bella smiled and shifted her weight. “I like that idea.”

“Are you all right?”

“She’s kicking the shit out of me. She’s never been so active.”

“Is something wrong?”

“No. I think the sex wound her up.”

Zane laughed. “May I touch her?”


Zane placed his hands on her stomach and felt the rippling underneath. “Oh fuck! Is that a foot?”


“It’s so tiny.”


“And you’re sure she’s mine.”

“She won’t do this for Grant.”

“It’s pretty late Bella. Maybe we should try to get some sleep.”

“I’m game, but I’m not sure she is.”

“It feels like she’s not moving as much.”

They climbed under the bedding and snuggled up. Bella pressed her stomach into Zane and quickly fell asleep. Zane felt her stomach ripple, then a slight bit of pressure against him. He smiled, blew a kiss toward her belly, and drifted off to sleep.

Bella was fixing breakfast when Grant came downstairs. “You’re up early,” he said.

“Zane has to leave soon so I wanted to make sure he had a good breakfast,” she replied.

Zane walked into the kitchen, freshly showered and dressed. “Good morning all.”

“What’s good about it?” grunted Grant.

“Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed,” said Bella, handing both men a cup of coffee.

“Thanks,” said Zane.

“What’s for breakfast?” asked Grant

“Omelets,” said Bella. “Do you want your usual, Grant?”


“Zane, what kind of omelet would you like?”

“I’ll pretty much eat whatever you’re willing to fix. Just throw everything you got inside.”

“Figures,” grunted Grant.

Bella began cooking, ignoring both men. The kitchen filled with the smell of cooked vegetables and meat mixed with the coffee brewed. She fed Grant first, then fixed Zane’s eggs. Grant smiled and mouthed, “I got fed first.”

Zane just shook his head and sipped his coffee. Bella handed him his plate and said, “Enjoy.”

“Thank you,” said Zane.

“More coffee?” she asked.

“Please,” said Zane.

“About time,” grunted Grant.

“All right Grant,” snapped Bella, striking the table with her fist. “What’s your fucking deal?”

“Nothing,” said Grant, stuffing a mouthful of his omelet into his mouth.

“Bullshit!” snapped Bella. “You’ve been growling all fucking morning. Hell, I fed you first hoping it was just an empty stomach, but I can see that’s not the problem so what is it?”

“Fine,” said Grant. “How much longer are we pretending we’re a happy family? Especially with old ‘Uncle Zane’ hanging around.”

Bella began fixing her eggs. “I don’t know. It’s not like I’m planning this.”

“Well I for one am tired of it,” said Grant. “And I’m tired of your fucking games, Bella.”

“My games?” questioned Bella.

“Yes,” snapped Grant. “Your little game with Romeo over here.”

Bella laughed. “Well isn’t that the pot calling the kettle black.”

“What does that mean?” asked Grant.

Bella sat down with her food and took a bit before she spoke. “So you want me to tell you the truth, eh Grant?”

“Why yes!”

“And will you tell me the truth?” she asked.

Zane knew where she was going with this. “Should I leave?”

“No,” said Bella. “I need a witness.”

“Fine Bella,” said Grant. “Aside from him, who else have you fucked during our marriage?”

“You,” said Bella, coldly.

“Liar,” hissed Grant.

“Please,” said Bella. “When did I have time to cheat? Between diapers and morning sickness. Sophia is just now in school, and before that there was Tommy.”

“So you’re telling me that he’s the only other man you’ve fucked in ten years.”

“Try twelve. I didn’t even cheat when we were dating.”

“What about that one guy?” asked Grant.

“What one guy?” asked Bella.

“Oh fuck, what was his name… oh… Parker!”

“Parker’s gay. He’s been my friend since I was in elementary school and I swear to you, we never fucked. He doesn’t like girls. Well, not sexually anyway. I can’t believe you’re jealous of him.”

“He’s not gay!” barked Grant.

“He is, Grant. Now, let’s cut the crap and get to the real issue.”

“And that would be?” asked Grant.

Bella took a deep breath. “When did you get your vasectomy?”

Grant had made the mistake of taking a drink of coffee at that moment, and subsequently started to choke. Zane chuckled into his hand as he finished up. Bella continued to eat in silence.

“What… what are you taking about?” asked Grant.

“Really Grant?” asked Bella. “I told you before, I know about everything.”

Grant stared at Bella, then looked at Zane. “If that were true, then that baby you’re carrying…”

“Is most likely Zane’s,” said Bella, finishing up her last bite.

“There is no fucking way that baby is his!” screamed Grant.

“Easy there, Grant,” said Zane. “Nothing is certain yet.”

“Is that why you’ve been hanging around?” snapped Grant.

“What business is that of yours, Grant?” asked Bella. “You snuck behind my back and got a fucking vasectomy so you wouldn’t get your whores pregnant. Then you have the nerve to bitch that Zane might have gotten me pregnant. Yet, you’ve been acting like this is your child. Well news flash Grant! After she’s born, I’m getting a DNA test to find out which one of you is her father.”

“I’m not raising another man’s child,” said Grant.

Bella gathered up the dirty dishes. “You haven’t exactly been raising the two you already have.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” asked Grant.

“In the four months Zane’s been around, he’s done more with Tommy and Sophie than you have their entire lives!”

Grant looked at Zane. “Stay away from my children.”

“Why?” asked Zane. “I’ve done nothing wrong.”

“You’ve been fucking my wife,” said Grant.

“With your permission. Remember that?” snapped Zane as he grabbed his jacket. “Look, much as I’d love to stay and watch the rest of the show, I’ve got a bag to pack and a plane to catch. Bella, I’ll see you at two. Good day to you both.”

Zane quickly left and walked to his car. Bella ran up to him and said, “I need your address.”

“Oh, right,” said Zane, smiling. He reached into his jacket and pulled out a business card. “Here. I had this ready for you yesterday. Be there before two please.”

“I will. Goodbye Zane.”

“Bye Bella.”

They shared a quick kiss, then Zane climbed into his car and drove off.

At 1:45, there came a knock from Zane’s door. He opened it to find Bella standing there dressed in a cute maternity dress and flip-flops. She stepped into his apartment and sat on his couch.

“So Zane, when does your flight leave?”

“At five,” said Zane. “I was hoping you could be here early for one last session.”

“It’s why I’m early.”

Bella lifted her skirt to show she wasn’t wearing any panties. Zane was instantly hard as he unzipped his pants and freed his cock. Bella kneeled on his couch with her ass in the air and wiggled it for him. Zane slid his cock into her already wet pussy, hearing that tell-tale squishing sound.

“Oh Bella,” he moaned.

“Fuck me, Zane,” said Bella. “Please!”

Zane didn’t hesitate, but began thrusting hard and fast. He gripped her hips and pounded her pussy though two orgasms before emptying his own balls into her. Once his cock softened up and fell out, they each cleaned up. Zane loaded his bags into Bella’s van and they headed off to the airport.

“Did you two fight after I left?” asked Zane, breaking the silence.

“Yeah. He’s pissed that I knew he was shooting blanks.”


“He called me a whore.”

“What did you say?”

“Pot, kettle, black. He keeps insisting that I cheated on him, but I swear Zane, there was no man before you. The only thing I was fucking besides him were some sex toys I bought for myself. I mean, a girl does have needs.”

“Why does he keep accusing you of cheating?”

“Because when I realized he was cheating on me, I pulled away. He wasn’t lying when I said I had stopped sucking his cock. But I did it in hopes he’d start paying more attention to me. Sadly that totally backfired on me. It got to where he treated sex like his marital duties. I became his human cum dump.”

A tear rolled down Bella’s cheek. Zane reached over and wiped it with his thumb. “So that’s why you wanted another baby.”

“Yeah, kinda. I’m sorry I used you like that Zane. But I gotta tell you, these last six months have been the best Grant has treated me in years.”

“So why did you tell him you knew?”

“Usually Grant would be faithful during my pregnancies. He did with Tommy and Sophia. But now, I suspect he’s getting itchy. That’s why I wanted his birthday to be his best fuck. I didn’t count on him wanting you to prime me as he called it. After you left he demanded to know between the two of you, who fucked my ass better.”

“What did you say?”

Bella smiled. “I lied.”

Zane smiled. “Really now.”

“Hey, he did what I knew he would do, he fucked me until he got off. I only came because you had me so excited. By the way, loved how you shot your load on him.”

Zane chuckled. “Yeah, I was surprised that happened.”

They pulled into the airport and parked. Zane unloaded his bags and together they walked to the terminal. Zane checked his bags in, keeping his briefcase in his hand. When they reached the TSA screening area, they knew it was time to separate. Bella reached into her purse and removed a manila envelope.

“Here,” she said, handing it to Zane. “Promise me you’ll open this when you’re alone.”

“What is it?”

“A gift.”

The boarding call for Zane’s flight came across the terminal. “Damn. That’s my flight. I’ve gotta go.”

“Go. Let me know you arrived safely. See you when you get back.”

Zane took the envelope and threw it into his briefcase. “See you when I get back.”

With a kiss on the cheek, and a quick hug, Zane headed into the security area. Bella watched until with a final wave, he was gone. She slowly walked out to the parking lot, sat in her van, watched planes take for several minutes, and cried. There was a part of her that feared that might be their last meeting, though she didn’t want it to end.

Zane arrived at his hotel room in Nice, France. He looked out at the beautiful view of the evening sky, and the rocky beach. He remembered he needed to text Bella, so he did so quickly. He knew there would be no response for several hours, then it would be a short reply. He was meeting his new client in the morning and there were some documents he needed to go over. He opened the case and saw the envelope Bella handed him.

“Right. My… gift.”

Zane took the envelope and opened it. Inside were several pictures and a piece of paper. One was a picture of Tommy and Sophia holding a sign that said, “Hurry Home Uncle Zane.”

Zane smiled. The next was a picture of a pregnant Bella wearing the same sexy nighty she wore on Grant’s birthday. The last two though, made Zane pause. They were two black and white sonogram pictures of his daughter. Zane set the pictures down, picked up the piece of paper, and read the note.

The kids wanted to make sure you didn’t forget them. I wanted to make sure you remembered me. I also thought you’d like a picture of your daughter-to-be. I never asked you to be faithful to me, but if we could ever be a couple, I would. After she is born, I’m filing for divorce. I’ve had my fill of Grant and his crap, and I want to be with you. If, however, you decide you’d rather be the eternal playboy you are, I will understand.

All my Love,

Zane set the letter down and looked at the pictures again. He liked the idea of an instant family, but he wasn’t sure he was ready. He put the letter and pictures back into the envelope, and back into his briefcase. He pulled out the documents for his meeting, and began to review them.

Written by NymphWriter
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