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"First Handjob" Video

"Slutty girlfriend services alpha male under the table while bf sit there clueless"

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“First Handjob” Video

Hello, I’m Annetta. Oh god. Yep, that’s me. Did you hear about what I did in the bar with that guy last week? Well look, before you go judging me, listen to my side of the story. First of all, I am not going to make any excuses about being too drunk or whatever. I had a buzz, of course, but I knew what I was doing. Wait, let me start at the beginning. I’m 23 years old and I am a first year grad student at Cal. I’ve been dating my current boyfriend, Lewis for about two years now. He’s a great guy. He’s very smart and super loyal. He’s sort of a nerd, but hey so am I, so I can’t complain. Our sex life is pretty good. I mean, he’s extremely caring and polite. Maybe sometimes I wish he were a little, you know, less polite. I don’t want to date some macho idiot, but I wish Lewis would be a bit more forceful sometimes and take control a little more. That’s probably how I get into this whole mess with that guy Joe.

So last Friday two of my girlfriends, Julia and Serene asked me to go out drinking with them. I had previously made a date to spend the evening with Lewis, but he and I didn’t have any particular plans, so he agreed to join us. Now that’s just awkward from the start. When I go out with my girlfriends, there is a certain vibe. We like to joke around and maybe flirt with guys a little and Julia and Serene weren’t thrilled about having Lewis along. But Lewis is such a quiet, easy going guy, that pretty soon my friends and I practically forgot he was there and we started joking around and making rude sexual jokes as we tend to do.

“I swear,” commented Lewis as the four of us were crammed into a booth at a bar on Telegraph. “You girls are raunchier than me and my guys friends when we get together.”

“I’m not surprised at that, nerdo,” muttered Serene under her breathe. She and I were sitting next to each other across from Julia and Lewis. I slapped her playfully for saying that, but I couldn’t help laughing along.

“Wait, what?” asked Lewis nervously, pushing his glasses back up onto the bridge of his nose.

“Nothing, I was just teasing sweety,” said Serene, reaching across the table and patting his hand condescendingly.

“Of course, you and your man friends do talk about sex, though, right?” asked Julia, turning to interrogate Lewis. “You talk about tits and ass and stuff, right?”

Lewis blushed at how forward Julia was being and Serene and I just cackled with laughter at his embarrassment which only made him blush further. “Well, sure, I guess so,” he stammered.

“Do your friends ever talk about me ?” asked Julia seriously. “Do they mention my tits and ass?”

“Oh my god,” cried Serene, wiping the tears of laughter from her eyes. “You mean, while they sit around playing Magic: the Gathering?”

“Stop picking on my boyfriend, you guys,” I said, struggling to suppress my own laughter. It really was impossible to imagine Lewis and his friends getting worked up as they discussed Julia’s body. Julia does have an amazing body by the way, but Lewis’ friends generally paid a lot more attention to their school work than to women.

“I want to know what Lewis and his friends are saying about me,” said Julia, putting on a pout.

“Nothing, nothing at all,” laughed Lewis awkwardly, giving me a guilty look. I was surprised at that look in his eyes. He actually seems chagrinned.

“Wait a minute, your friends do talk about Julia’s big boobies, don’t you,” I said with a smile on my face.

“No, no,” said Lewis, holding up his hands defensively.

“Well, why not?” asked Julia petulantly, thrusting out her chest. “Didn’t you notice them?”

“Oh my god, Julia,” pleaded Lewis staring at her breasts they strained against the buttons of her tightly fitting blouse.

“Give him something to talk about, Julia, unbutton your blouse and show him your bra,” coaxed Serene with a devilish grin.

“Should, I Annetta?” she asked me, fingering her buttons with a mischievous smile while Lewis stared at me open-mouthed.

I put my finger to my chin as though thinking it over. Normally of course, a girl should be jealous in this situation. But Lewis is so innocent and Julia is such a good friend that I thought nothing of it. “Yes Julia,” I said, trying to sound brave. “I think that Lewis and my relationship is strong enough to survive the sight of your bra.” My girlfriends laughed in response and Julia eagerly unbuttoned her blouse halfway down to her waist. She must have been pretty drunk to do that because we were in a crowded bar and lot of other men were around.

Julia pulled her blouse open dramatically to flash her boobs at Lewis and his eyes nearly bulged out of his head. She was wearing a very sexy bra. It was lacy and white and her pink nipples were just visible through the sheer material. Lewis was turning pale and his mouth was working soundless as he stared, transfixed by her impressive chest. I actually did feel a pang of jealousy at his reaction to those perfect white orbs. My boobs didn’t look that good.

Predictably, her little show gained her more attention than she bargained for, and a tall, good looking guy took note and strode over to the table purposefully. “Wow, nice rack,” said the stranger with a crooked smile. “Can I have a look?” He was broad shouldered and had a strong square jaw. His deep set eyes were fixed on Julia’s generous bosom and he wore an intelligent, sardonic expression on his face. My heart started beating faster as he loomed above me. He was quite a hunk.

“Omigod, get out of here,” squealed Julia in surprise. “I was just showing Lewis, I don’t even know you.” She clutched her blouse shut modestly but gazed up at the interloper with big doe eyes. She was clearly smitten by the attractive stranger.

“Well let me introduce myself, then. I’m Joe,” he said smoothly, leaning over the table to offer her his hand.

“Can’t you see that her hands are full, Joe?” said Serene grasping his hand impulsively and shaking it. She looked him up and down brashly and nodded her head with approval. “I’m Serene. The hussy showing off her boobs is Julia. This is my best pal, Annetta, and that’s her boyfriend, Lewis.”

“Hello folks,” said Joe amiably. “Do my mind if I join you? It seems like you all are having a much more interesting conversation than the one my buddies and I were having.”

“Certainly, Joe, have a seat,” said Serene, slipping out of the booth beside me and offering Joe her place.

“Oh,” I exclaimed in surprise as Joe slid into the booth next to me. “Where are you going to sit, Serene?” I asked nervously. My heart was really pounding at this point and my stomach was knotted up with excitement to have this big good looking man just boldly barge into our little group. He had a forceful but friendly manner that was hard to resist. See, this is the sort of thing that Lewis could never do, go up and insert himself into a group of strangers at a bar. I could feel the warmth emanating from Joe’s body as his leg brushed against mine and could I smell him. He smelled good. Clean, but with just a hint of sweat.

“I’ll be fine, here’s a chair,” said Serene brightly, grabbing a empty chair from another table and pulling up to the end of the booth. She was nearly bouncing up and down with enthusiasm. Julia was rapidly re-buttoning her blouse and was obviously flustered. Lewis shifted uncomfortably in his seat and eyed Joe suspiciously.

“So, what are we talking about?” asked Joe, taking a long slow drink from his beer and leaning against me slightly.

“Uh, Lewis was just surprised about how much we girls like to talk about sex,” said Serene. She put her elbows on the table, crossed her fingers, and rested her chin upon the backs of her hands as she gazed at Joe affectionately. I was surprised to find myself growing jealous of her interest in Joe and I just smiled tightly, trying to tamp down those feelings. After all, I have a boyfriend already. Why should I get mad at my girlfriend for flirting with some bold handsome man whose physical presence alone was making me horny as hell.

“Oh yeah?” he said raising his eyebrows expectantly. “Did you see that viral video called ‘First Handjob’? It was made in response to that other video called ‘First Kiss’”

“Oh yeah, I saw ‘First Kiss’,” I said turning to him shyly and toying with my hair. “It was cute.” Joe looked into my eyes and I blushed madly.

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He was too intense and I had to look away, so I turned to Julia who finally had her blouse buttoned up again. “Did you guys see that?”

“I think I saw the ‘First Kiss’ video,” said Julia. “That’s the one where they had twenty strangers pair up and kiss each other on camera. And there are all these awkward moments where they say like ‘What was your name again?’ and stuff. But yeah, it was cute.”

“I think it was for a commercial,” put in Lewis grumpily.

“Whatever Lewis, what’s this ‘First Handjob’, video about then?” asked Serene, gazing at Joe with interest.

“Well it was made in response to ‘First Kiss’ but they had the girls give the guys a handjob instead of a kiss,” said Joe with a twinkle in his eye. “Total strangers.”

“No way,” gasped Julia. “I don’t believe it.”

“It’s online,” laughed Joe. “ I’m not lying . Here, I’ll pull it up on my phone.” It only took him a minute to find the video and he passed his phone around for all of us to see. There were awkward introductions and then they showed the couple from the waist up only as the women supposedly jerked off the guys. I was starting to get turned on as I watched it. It was pretty hot actually.

“I love the one girl that gets all competitive about it and shouts ‘boom’ when she’s done,” chuckled Serene, handing the phone back to Joe.

“Or the girl that says, ‘Can I get a tissue?’ at the end, that’s hilarious,” giggled Julia.

“The expressions on the guy’s faces is priceless,” I agreed, giggling and looking at Joe out of the corner of my eye.

“That’s not real, you guys,” said Lewis petulantly, peering down at his own phone as he looked up information about the video. “It was done by a comedy group.”

Joe looked at Lewis in amazement, nodding his head. “Yeah, you’re right. It’s not real. Good job figuring that out, Lewis. You’re a sharp one.” I felt bad about the way he was mocking my boyfriend, but it also sort of turned me on to see him be sort of a prick about it. He reminded me of Han Solo from Star Wars.

“The video was funny, wasn’t it Lewis?” asked Julia meekly. “Hey, let’s pretend I’m giving you a handjob.”

“Err, what?” asked Lewis in shock.

“You know, let’s sort of recreate the video and I’ll pretend to jerk you off and you pretend to cum,” she said, looking at him and batting her eyelashes. “It will be funny.”

I almost choked with laughter at Lewis’ pained expression. “I uh, no, I don’t want to play that game,” he said lamely.

“Why don’t you pretend to jerk Joe off Annetta,” urged Serene excitedly. “I’d like to see how he acts when he blows his wad.”

“I’m game,” said Joe. He reached under the table and made as though he was unzipping his fly. “So yes, hello, I’m Joe,” he said holding out his hand to me.

“Hello, Joe, I’m Annetta,” I replied. My face was burning bright red at this point and my palms felt sweaty. I couldn’t believe how quickly this guy managed to escalate the situation from a smooth introduction to a simulated handjob in under five minutes.

“And this is Jimmy,” said Joe casually, taking my hand and putting it under the table by his crotch. I was shocked to find that Joe had really unzipped and pulled his cock out and I drew my hand away in shock. Everyone else thought we were just playacting and laughed at my reaction. “Now don’t be afraid, he doesn’t bite,” coaxed Joe, taking my hand again and pulling it under the table. Julia and Serene got a kick out of that and redoubled their laughter. Lewis just sort of looked like he was going to be sick. I felt a sharp thrill of guilt mingled with arousal as Joe put my hand onto his bare penis under the table. He was already hard, but his penis stiffened further as I ran my fingers up and down his shaft hesitantly.


“What’s it feel like?” asked Julia, playing along.

“Um, the skin is soft,” I say, catching my breathe.

“Go ahead and grip it, choke up on it,” said Joe, giving Lewis a broad smile.

“Ok, guys, this isn’t funny,” complained Lewis. I could tell he was resisting the urge to duck down and look under the table.

“Now honey, it’s just a little game,” I said as I gripped Joe’s stiff cock in my hand. “We are just pretending. Like in the video.” My pits were damp with anxiety as I started stroking Joe’s fat penis. “Wow, you are big,” I told him, looking into his eyes. This was just so kinky that I was really getting turned on. It felt really weird to be jerking this strange guy off right in front of my boyfriend and my girlfriends.

“Yeah,” he choked, struggling to maintain composure. “You are making it bigger.” I suddenly felt in control of him and I liked it. His suave demeanor was starting to crumble a little bit and it made me bolder.

“Yeah, he likes it,” I said, mimicking a girl from the video as I tugged his johnson.

“Don’t ignore his balls now,” said Serene, egging us on. I could tell from the tone in her voice that she suspected we might not be acting, but she didn’t peer under the table to blow our cover.

“Good idea, Serene,” I said, reaching down into Joe’s jeans with my other hand. “Oh yeah, his balls are nice and tight. Here, I’ll pull on the scrotum.”

“He must have big balls, the way he strode right over and inserted himself into our little party,” said Julia with a smile.

“Pretty big,” I admitted as I fingered his balls.

“Ok, you guys,” said Lewis helplessly. “I mean, is that really how you act when you get a handjob, Joe? You look like someone just struck you in the head with a ball peen hammer.” I was proud of Lewis for piping up and taking a shot at Joe.

Joe did have a pretty stunned expression on his face and he was too distracted by my handjob to come up with much of a response. “Uh, it feels good,” he gasps as I tugged away on his quivering cock.

“Is he circumcised?” asked Julia, watching in fascination as Joe’s eyes rolled back in his head.

“Let me feel and try to guess,” I said primly. I ran my fingers around the edge of the mushroom shaped head of Joe’s penis. “Yes, I think he’s circumcised. The helmet is definitely not sheathed.”

“Are you going to cum soon, Joe?” asked Serene seductively.

“Ugh,” replied Joe stupidly.

“I’ve had enough of this,” complained Lewis weakly.

“Ok, honey, here, I will finish him off using two hands. One on the head and one on the shaft,” I said. And I did just that, tugging on Joe’s phallus with one hand and fingering his head with the other. He gave a loud grunt and grasped my forearms tightly as he started spurting shot after shot of cum into the palm of my hand.

“There he goes,” I said, feeling my own crotch growing hot and wet. “He really shot quite a load there.” I really wanted to get that hard cock inside me and I had to restrain the urge to bend down and pop the head of his dick into my mouth and suck out the last of his cum. Then I noticed Lewis looking at me with disgust and I felt sort of guilty as I drew my hands away.

“This is so disgusting,” snapped Lewis crossing his arms across his chest angrily. “Oh, come on, honey, don’t get all bent about it, it’s just a joke,” I said, looking around for a napkin to wipe my hands with discretely as I kept them under the table as Joe quietly zipped up his fly.

Joe handed me his handkerchief gallantly. “Here you go, use this.”

“Wow, thanks,” I said, gazing up at him with frank lust.

“Look, I don’t want to overstay my welcome. I mean Lewis must feel pretty awkward having his girlfriend give me a simulated hand job,” said Joe grinning toothily at Lewis. Lewis just sniffed and turned his head away. “Also, I am neglecting my friends over there. They aren’t going to believe what just happened. So ciao folks, have a good night.” As he stood her grabbed my hand and kissed it gently, slipping his card into my palm discretely. “Annetta, truly a pleasure meeting you.” And then he was gone. He turned turned and strode away as though nothing had happened.

My heart was fluttering in my chest and I clutched his card in my hand as though my life depended on it.

“What a hunk!” gushed Serene. “I would have jerked him for reals.”

“He seemed arrogant,” complained Lewis petulantly.

“Oh, you are just jealous because he was smoother than you,” said Serene with a smirk.

I said nothing and just pocketed Joe’s card, wondering if I would be able to slip away and talk him into dogging me out back by the dumpster. I was feeling pretty hot and I didn’t think Lewis’ tepid lovemaking would cool me off. So say what you want about me, but I’m not sorry, I enjoyed every minute of it and it’s not my fault Lewis is a cold fish. I’ll just have to get some hotter love making on the side now and then. No big deal. At least I know who to call.

Written by GustavJorgenson
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