“I think I have my answer,” she laughed as she pointed to my erection. “Not very hard, but it says 'yes.'”
“Yes ma'am,” I replied, a coy smile on my face.
Once again I put the vibrator to my penis and worked with great effort to an orgasm. Between the flushing out and the jacking off, she wanted my butt and balls empty. And empty I was, as my orgasm resulted in minor pulsations, and only a drop or so of cum.
“So what's it going to be?” Nancy asked after I'd finished. “You going to clean yourself off and come in as Harry my husband, or come in as you are, and forever become Harriet my cuckold?”
This is it, I told myself, my mind again a mix of excitement a trepidation. If I walk in like this, things will never again be the same.
“I love you and it's your decision,” she told me as she sipped her wine.
“I love you, and I want you to be happy,” I replied.
I didn't know why, but I found the idea of the loss of the norm, the thought of becoming the lesser person very appealing. The problem was if it just an erotic appeal that would pass, or was it something in me that had been dormant?
“You'd better decide soon, I'm almost out of wine,” she quipped after another sip.
My mind was a whirlwind of thoughts. Could she really be that serious, so set that there would be no going back? Or was it that she had found attention and satisfaction in a way I had never given to her? As I milled it in my head a picture of Dan and Greg banging her kept coming to mind, their youthful butts back-and-forth as they pounded away in her pussy. I smiled to myself.
“Need more wine?” I asked.
“You need to decide,” she answered, then emptied her glass.
“What would you do I if I brought a dozen guys home to fuck ya?”
She looked at me, then turned around and walked away. I wasn't sure what to do so I just stood there. She quickly returned with her glass refilled.
“I'd line them up from the smallest to the biggest, ride each one and make you clean all of us up,” she stated, and took a sip of her wine.
Our eyes met and we smiled at each other. A moment later I stepped into the house, not sure of our future, but certain of our love for one another.
“Welcome home, bitch,” she laughed after I'd stepped into the room.
I gave her a nervous smile.
“Let me lay out some basics,” she began after another sip. “From now on, when you get home you will come in through that same door and come to this door. On that table there by the door you will find what will tell you who or what you're gonna be that evening.”
She went on to tell me that if the only thing on the table was makeup, lipstick, and flip-flops, I was to come into the house painted and naked. That my status would be slave or bottom line cuckold. I wasn't sure what a bottom line cuckold was, but I didn't say anything. She said that I'd have no say in anything and would be treated “... just like you'd expect a slave to be treated.”
“Yes, ma'am,” I replied with a curtsy. Again I was experiencing excited nervousness.
She also told me that as a slave, “If you are not wearing makeup, you will bow, if you are wearing makeup you will curtsy.”
“Yes, ma'am,” I replied with another curtsy.
“If you come home and find Harriet's clothing waiting, then you'll change into Harriet,” she went on, a smile across her flawless face. “Now there's going to be Harriet the cuckold and Harriet my best friend. Which one will depend on what is planned for the evening or the weekend.”
“Yes, ma'am.”
“If you come home and find nothing on the table, then you'll stay as Harry and things will go as they have. But keep in mind that as time goes on, there's going to be a lot less of Harry in this house,” she concluded.
“Yes, ma'am,” I replied.
“Still think that you want to do all of this? Make all of these changes for life?” She asked. “Last chance to change your mind.”
“Yes, ma'am.” My reply was almost instantaneous, and it startled both of us.
“Sure?” She asked one final time.
“Yes, ma'am,” I answered after a heartbeat of a pause.
“Make sure you practice that Harriet voice,” she went on. “Tomorrow after she gets home from work we're going shopping.”
“Pa-pardon?” I stammered.
“My new best friend, Harriet. We're going shopping when she gets home tomorrow,” Nancy said.
“I have to pee,” I said.
“Then ask permission.”
“Ma'am, may I go to the bathroom?”
“Thank you,” I replied with a curtsy.
Nancy took the cup of cum out of my hand as she added, “And from now on, you will always pee sitting down.”
“Ah, yes, ma'am,” I replied, caught off guard.
When I came out of the bathroom she was standing in the hall waiting for me.
“I promise I'll never do this again,” she said.
“Do wha -”
Her right instep landed squarely in my groin, and I dropped to the floor balled up in pain, unable to get my breath. My stomach noted up in pain as my entire being screamed out. A pain that man probably every man has experienced at least once in his life.
When my vision cleared, and I got my breathing under control I looked up at my wife. She was looking down at me with tears running down her cheeks.
“Wha - wha -” I gasped, still racked with pain.
“I would say that I'm sorry, but I felt that was needed so that you'd know your place from now on,” she began, as she poured wine into the cup of cum. “So long as you promise to keep your end of our arrangement, I promise never to kick you again.”
“I-I prom-promise, I answered.
“Good. Now drink this,” she said, as she squatted down and handed me the cup.
I thanked her as I sat up, took the cup, and drank.
“The cum that's still in will probably mix well tomorrow morning with your coffee,” she remarked as I gave her back the cup.
“Yes, ma'am.”
“Now, once you feel like it, we'll begin your lady training.”
“Yes, ma'am.”
It took me a couple more minutes before I felt that I could stand up. Once on my feet I weakly joked about waiting for my balls to get out of my throat and back down in my bag.
She chuckled at my joke, and again remarked about the need for her actions. I told her that I understood, and that it was okay.
A normal person probably would find what just happened anything but normal, but then a normal guy probably wouldn't find excitement in seeing his wife get fucked by other men either. Then the thought crossed my mind, as I get more like a woman, is she going to want to get my balls removed? A shiver went down my spine.
“Ma'am?” I replied, her question breaking my thoughts.
“You shivered, I asked you if you are cold.
“Ah, yes, ma'am,” I replied as I got to my feet.
“Then let's get you dressed,” she said.
“Another of the outfits I bought you,” she boasted, as she pointed to the neatly laid out clothing on our bed, next to similar clothing for herself.
“Thank you,” I replied, not sure of what I should say.
“Remove my gown,” she instructed.
“Yes, ma'am.”
It easily came off, and I laid it at the foot of the bed on her side.
“Now we're going to get dressed together,” she began. “I will instruct and demonstrate, and you will follow suit.”
“Yes, ma'am,” I answered as the Grandfather clock began to gong eight times.
“Well,” Nancy began after looking toward the living room. “By nine o'clock we should have a good Harriet or else she'll be getting a good spanking,”
“Yes ma'am,” I acknowledged.
She then placed the wig on my head and I picked up her panties and handed them to her.
Over the next several minutes, the two of us got dressed. Nancy would put on something and describe how she did it, and then talk me through the same thing. Needless to say, I enjoyed everything about getting dressed. I had long ago become accustomed to the soft silkiness of panties against me, but putting them on under her approving eye gave me a wonderful rush.
The feeling of the nylons caressing my hairless legs as I put them on made me want to shout, but I didn't know exactly how women are supposed to shout. The stimulation also gave me some welcomed relief to my tired legs. The bra firmly wrapped around my chest and over my shoulders, gave me a feeling of security. Slacks and blouse followed, and after stepping into my flats I looked in the mirror and smiled.

“Harriet is home,” Nancy quipped.
“Yes she is,” I said, as I looked at her and smiled.
“Well,” she began as she looked me over. “You walked in here like a man, let's see if you can walk out of here like a lady.”
“I'll do my best,” I remarked, and turned and walked out of the room.
“Not bad,” I heard her say as I continued toward the living room.
I waited for her to join me. She came and sat down at one end of the sofa, and then I did the same at the opposite end. She gave me an approving smile.
“You're gonna need these,” she said as she handed me a paper sack that she'd had sitting on the end table.
“Tampons?” I quizzed as I held the package up.
“I expect you to douche every morning while showering,” she said. Her tone left no doubt of her seriousness.
“Yes. I've set up the shower in the basement with a hose that you can use to flush yourself out. There are probably going to be times when someone is going to want a piece so you are going to have to keep your pussy clean,” she added as a smirk came to her face.
“My puss -”
“That's what we're going to call you anus from now on. Whenever you are in the role of cuckold or Harry, your butt is a pussy. When you are Harriet, we'll refer to it as your 'backdoor,'” she said as her smirk changed into a wicked smile.
“I see.”
“It's the same with cumming,” she went on. “Every morning and every evening you'll jack off for me.”
“You really want me empty, don't you?”
“The reason for all the cumming is for your comfort,” she went on.
“My comfort?”
“Yes. In my research I found that a lot of cuckolds are locked in what they call 'chastity cages,'” she went on. “This forces them to suffer the discomfort of being horny and not able to do anything about it. So I figure if I keep your sex drive really low you won't have that problem.”
That told me that my sex life was pretty much over.
“But keep in mind that if I ever let you go to work without jacking off, that'll mean we're going to have sex when you get home.”
I smiled and blew her a kiss.
“I prepared a little dinner,” Nancy began as she stood up. “Why don't we see if you can eat like a lady.”
“I'd rather eat a lady,” I joked.
My wife stopped dead in her tracks, and turned to face me. From the look on her face, I knew I had made a mistake.
“Harriet,” she began, her tone one of displeasure. “Right now we are friends. I enjoy your company, and hope that we can do things together. If we become lovers, that is going to depend on you.”
Wow! I thought as she turned and headed for the kitchen.
After our late meal we went back into the living room to talk. Nancy had made it clear that if we were going to do this, there would be no holding back. All questions, concerns and feelings were to be addressed tonight. So over bottles of water we talked.
She began by complimenting my mannerisms during the meal and my voice saying that she was pleased with the work I had done on softening it. She again apologized for kicking me, but stressed the need for me to understand what was to be my place if we were going to proceed in this lifestyle, and then we got down to the details of our new lives.
“You know I love you,” she began.
“And I love you,” I replied.
“Which is why I want to make absolutely sure that you are sure about all of this.”
I detected a hint of nervousness in her voice.
“I don't want you to ever feel like you are not the most important person in my life,” she said.
“And you are in mine,” I added.
“Regardless of how many I'm with, you will always be first in my life,” she went on.
“I know that,” I answered, and reached out and took her hand in mine.
“I'm scared,” she said.
“I don't know.”
Her brown eyes were so clear as she looked at me. There was no doubt the love she had for me, and I only hoped that my eyes told her the same thing.
“Well, know that I love you,” I told her as I squeezed her hand. “And that I'll always love you.”
“I sure hope so,” came a slightly distraught response.
About then the image of her with Greg and Dan returned and I smiled.
“What's so funny?” She asked.
“I was just thinking of you and the guys this past Saturday,” I replied.
“Me and the guys?”
“You and those two gorgeous young men,” I corrected, trying to be as Harriet as possible.
She gave me a puzzled look, then broke out in laughter.
“Those tight little butts just bouncing away. I was so envious,” I went on, making a gesture toward her with my right hand before I rested the fingertips on my cheat.
“That was good,” she said, complimenting my gesture. “And they were good. Very good.”
We both laugh.
“Thank you,” I softly said, and then went on. “You have absolutely nothing to worry about in all of this, as I just want you to be happy.”
“You want me to be happy?”
“Do you want to see me get happy?”
“Of course.” After a slight pause I quipped, “Happy with those tight little butts bouncing.”
She smiled.
“And all the other things that go along with making you happy,” I added.
“One of these days I'm going to sit back and watch as a tight little butt is going to town on you,” she remarked.
“Really?” I wasn't sure if this was a test or what.
“Really,” she replied.
“Just one?” I joked.
We looked at each other and laughed.
“Well,” I began as I got to my feet, “I need to take a, er, ah, I mean I need to visit the little girls' room.”
“In public, we go in pairs, so we both go,” Nancy said, as she got to her feet.
After doing our business, she pointed out that part of the ritual always included, if necessary, touching up our makeup. We did and then returned to the living room.
“So who do you love more?' I asked after we had sat back down.
“I love my husband more than anything and would never do anything to hurt him,” she answered.
“And I know he loves you,” I said with a smile on my face.
“And I am looking forward to having a great relationship with Harriet,” she added.
“I am hoping for the same thing,” I went on.
“But you know what really worries me, Harriet?” She asked.
“If my husband will be strong enough to be that cuckold, and that he'll always be happy with his decision.”
The tone of her voice belied the seriousness of her words. I took her hand in mine, looked into her soft brown eyes, and smiled. After a moment, she smiled back.
“I happen to know the man,” my words elicited a giggle from her. “And I have no doubt that that man will go to the ends of the earth for you. He's going to turn out to be the best cuckold a woman could ever have. I also think that if you were to do it, he'll be the best slave anyone could own.” again she giggled. “And, and I think he just might turn out to be one hell of a woman.”
A beautiful smile came to her face.
“Let's get ready for bed,” she said as she stood up.
Our usual routine for retiring had changed with the change in our lifestyle, in that now I openly got into a gown. Then to my surprise, she ordered me to pull it up and lay on the bed. Without another word, she proceeded to give me a blowjob. The little guy was spent and might have gotten about half-hard for her work, but he spit, and she swallowed. She looked up at me, licked her lips and smiled. I smiled back.
“And that's the last blowjob you're gonna get from me until Jordan is in grade school,” she said and got to her feet.
“Yes ma'am,” I replied as I got to my feet and dropped my gown.
Jordan was our youngest granddaughter so that told me it'd be a while before I again had such pleasure.
“And who knows when, or if, you'll ever feel the inside of this again,” she added with a sadistic smile, as she stood back and spread her pussy open.
“I am yours to use and abuse,” I replied. I'm not sure where those words came from, but her smile just lit me up inside.
“Tomorrow when you see Greg,” she began as she had me turn off the lights, “give him my phone number.”
“Your number?”
“Yes, my cell phone.”
“You like him, huh?”
“Yes I did,” she replied with an air of confidence. “I also like the way he handles his wife.”
“Yes. After all, if you are going to be less, then you should be treated as less, don't you agree?”
“I guess so,” I replied.
“Good. What would you think if I got 'cum dump' tattooed in the crack of your ass?”
I am enjoying this story, because I can tell you both are enjoying your journey to being her total cuckold.
Thank you, and yes, we did.
Another hot and sexy chapter to your story. I look forward to reading more about the journey of Harriet.
Thank you.
I've about finished the next chapter. I'm waiting on my wife to come home from her date last night so she can read over what I have.
the couple have a long way to go & grow.
As I make a good Michelle, I'm sure that Harry will make a good Harriett. As to undergarments, keep in mind that he has been wearing panties for years, and painting his toe nails. Other things are going to be a change.