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Devotion - Chapter 2

"What Allen does to please his fiancee Andrea"

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Author's Notes

"This is a very touching and personal story. I want to show the world that there are many ways to treat your lady."

Morning came like any other morning. Allen and Andrea woke up when the alarm went off, still in each other's arms. They quickly jumped out of bed and prepared for work.

It was Thursday morning and Allen could not wait until the day was over. As he looked at himself in the mirror, his gaze lowered to the vanity. Reaching down, he picked up the glass bottle of Candy Apple Red nail polish. He could feel himself stiffen as he imagined his fiancee's beautiful finger and toe nails painted this bright shade of red.

"Tonight I want you to begin preparing my fingers and toes so you can paint them tomorrow," Andrea said as she stood next to Allen to use the mirror to apply her eye shadow.

Allen slowly nodded his head as his eyes were glued to the mirror. Andrea stood next to him topless. He watched her 34C breasts jiggling as she applied eye shadow which highlited her beautiful green eyes. Finally, he tore his eyes from the mirror and continued to get ready for work.

As Andrea continued preparing, she was filled with excitement and incredibly aroused. She only had to make it through work today and then she would have a nice long three day weekend. Her glance too landed on the bottle of nail polish. Reaching down, she picked up the bottle and imagined her fingers being painted. Immediately her nipples stiffened and she felt a sudden gush of moisture as she quickly grew wet.

Not wanting to become over aroused, Andrea set the bottle of polish back down on the counter. She looked into her own eyes in the mirror and smiled as she knew what was going to happen tomorrow night as that bottle of nail polish was the gateway to their happiness.

They both quickly finished getting ready for work and they met at the door at the same time. They briefly embraced and shared a kiss.

"I love you my dear," Andrea said softly as she stood up on her tippy toes.

"I love you more than anything Andrea," Allen said as he leaned down and kissed her one more time.

They both left for work but could not focus or concentrate very well. Allen spent much of the morning and afternoon day dreaming about Andrea. He couldn't tear his thoughts away from racing home and preparing her fingers and toes to be painted tomorrow.

Similarly, Andrea could not stop thinking about what was happening friday night. She smiled all day thinking about her wonderful fiancée and how happy he was going to be this weekend.

Andrea loved how special Allen made her feel. She loved how he worshipped every inch of her. What she really loved the most about him was that he was honest and genuine about it.

Looking down at her fingers, she imagined him trimming, buffing, painting, polishing, and sealing her nails for their date Friday night. Glancing down at her feet, she could already see how that color of red was going to drive him insane. Allen painting her nails was always the gateway, the first step so to speak, for them to have an incredible date. She finally made a concerted effort to concentrate on her work to try to finish her day.

Finally the work day ended, and as usual Allen arrived home first. He went inside and took a shower as he was really excited about tomorrow.

Andrea arrived home as Allen was in the shower. She quickly undressed and stepped into the shower with him. They embraced and kissed over and over. Their tongues probed each other's mouths as Allen reached down and squeezed her ass, causing her to moan.

Finally, they paused long enough to soap each other up. Andrea lathered her fiancee's body from head to toe. She dropped to her knees before him under the running water to lather up his lower legs. His hardening cock was before her face but she was careful not to touch him. She wanted to make sure he was ready for tomorrow's date night.

Andrea stood up and kissed Allen deeply again, pressing her hard nipples and breasts into his chest. After a loving, soul searching kiss, Allen began to soap up her beautiful body. He worked his way down her body, paying special attention to her breasts. As he continued to caress the bottoms of her breasts, Andrea turned her head and kissed him as she moaned softly. He spun his fingers back and forth on her nipples, causing her to kiss him harder and moan louder. Slowly, Allen began to soap her tummy and then her pussy. He could already feel her slippery wetness as he started rubbing her cunt. Andrea began to gasp.

"Oh fuck Allen, you know I can only edge today," Andrea moaned as she pulled his hand from her pussy before it was too late.

They shared another kiss before He stepped back and began to lather her back. As he washed her back down toward her ass, she was breathing heavily. He too was aroused as his cock was as hard as he could get. But he knew that waiting for tomorrow was what needed to happen.

Allen sank to his knees and carefully scrubbed her ass and then legs. Andrea turned around and lifted a foot so he could lather it up. He worked the shower gel into her foot and allowed the water to rinse the suds away before lowering his head and taking her big toe into his mouth.

Andrea moaned softly. Never before did any of her previous lovers express an interest in her feet until she met Allen. She honestly didn't get why he was drawn to them. But, as time went on, she enjoyed how he worshipped them. She also discovered that when he sucks on her toes, it lights a fire deep inside of her pussy.

Allen lowered her foot to the ground and Andrea lifted the other one. He quickly lathered and rinsed her foot before she set it down. At this point, Allen was beyond horny. He reached up, grabbed her hips, and pulled her to him. Under the running water, Allen plastered his mouth on her pussy.

Andrea began to tremble as she was already close to the edge. Feeling his tongue sliding up and down her pussy made the hair on her neck stand up. She knew if she didn't stop him now, it would subtract from the excitement of their date tomorrow night.

"No my dear, we cannot," Andrea moaned out as she pushed his head away.

Allen stood up as they embraced in several deep kisses. His member pressed against her as they kissed for several minutes before they finally stepped out of the shower and dried off.

After they dressed, they met in the kitchen for a bite to eat. They settled on leftovers from the other night. As Allen looked at his fiancee, he could see how aroused she was. She only wore a robe and the front was undone.

After dinner, they went into their bedroom. Andrea told Allen to get the nail kit so he could prepare her nails. Allen found the kit in the drawer in the bathroom and brought it into the bedroom.

Andrea placed her hands on the small adjustable table that was similar to the ones used in the salon. They talked about their date tomorrow night as Allen stripped and removed the old nail polish from her fingers. After her hands were done, he then stripped the old nail polish from her beautiful toes.

"I love that you take care of me so well my dear," Andrea said as she watched him finish removing the last of the old color from her left foot.

"You know I love making you look your best," he said as he reached down and picked up a selection of nail trimmers.

Andrea switched back to her hands on the table. He selected the correct trimmer as he clipped the very tip. They both loved the flat tip look so that was how he always prepared her nails.

"How are you feeling about date night?" She asked Allen, as she glanced into his eyes to gauge his feelings about their date, as he was nearing completion of her second hand.

"I am beyond excited for tomorrow night. You know I love making you happy," Allen said as he set the clipper down and picked up a tiny pair of scissors to remove a small hang nail.

"You know that your happiness always comes before mine."

Andrea smiled as he did some minor work on her cuticles. Within minutes, her hands were done and now he started on her feet.

"You make me feel special Allen," Andrea said as he started clipping the tips of her nails straight across. "Nobody has ever made me feel like you do."

Allen paused for a moment to look up at her. As she sat there, her robe was completely open, her breasts were visible as well as her swollen wet pussy.

"You are the best thing that ever happened to me," Allen said softly as his gaze lingered on her pussy.

Finally he tore his eyes away from her body and resumed clipping her toe nails. After he finished both feet, he went back and did some minor cuticle work until her long slender toes looked perfect.

Andrea once again removed her feet from the small table and placed her hands there. Reaching down, Allen picked up a buffer and began to carefully buff her nails. He adjusted the lighting so he could make sure that there were no ridge lines in any of her nails. Once he was satisfied, he selected a different buffer and lightly buffed them until they were perfectly smooth.

"I love this," Andrea said as she looked closely and examined her fingernails.

Allen smiled. "All they need now is to be painted candy apple red and then sealed.

Allen then began buffing her toe nails one at a time, first with the rougher polisher, then with the fine polisher. After about twenty minutes, he was finished.

"My nails are going to look perfect for tomorrow night," Andrea said as she examined her fingers and toes.

Allen cleaned up his tools and returned the kit to the bathroom. When he returned to the bedroom, Andrea was already sprawled out on the bed naked.

"Edge me tonight Allen. Edge me over and over but don't make me cum. I need to save that for tomorrow night," Andrea said as she cupped her breasts and squeezed them.

Allen quickly crawled on the bed between her spread legs. Her wetness was already running out of her and onto the towel that she had under her ass. Without any hesitation, he lowered his mouth and began to pleasure the woman he loved.

Over and over, he took her to the edge, each time getting there just a little bit sooner. The rest of the evening was spent taking her to the edge over and over. They cuddled and kissed and they spent the rest of the night like two people in love would. Finally after about four hours, Andrea settled in against her Allen. She was in her safe place, inside of his arms as she placed her hand on his chest and her leg over his.

"Thank you my dear, I love you so much," Andrea said softly as she began to drift off to sleep.

"You are welcome my dear. I love you so much too," he said as he kissed her head softly then fell asleep.

Friday morning arrived as Allen and Andrea woke up still in each other's arms. They laid there for a while, just gazing into each other's eyes. Andrea could see the excitement in his beautiful blue eyes as she reached up and caressed his cheek with her fingers. His smile caused her to smile before she bit her bottom lip, a clear sign that she was horny and needed to get fucked. As she continued stroking his cheek with her finger, she was sure that he could see the neediness in her eyes.

As they cuddled, Andrea's eyes widened, as Allen reached farther behind her and slid his finger over her already wet cunt. She purred as she altered her position slightly, parting her legs a bit, so he could have better access.

"Just edge me my dear," Andrea whispered in her German accent as she closed her eyes and enjoyed the intense pleasurable feelings her fiancee was giving her.

Andrea moaned as Allen slowly slid his finger up and down her slippery slit. She enjoyed how his finger parted her labia as it slowly slid up and down, just missing her clit, causing her to become even wetter.

"Mmmmm, you sure know how to tease a girl," Andrea moaned before leaning into him for a kiss.

As their tongues explored each other's mouths, Allen began to flutter his finger lightly against her clitoris. He could feel her orgasm rising toward the surface as he rubbed her clit faster and faster. He could literally feel that he was pulling her orgasm right out of her body. Andrea moaned loudly as her body began to tense up. Her breathing intensified, her kisses became increasingly passionate, and her pussy began to tingle until she suddenly pushed his hand away.

"Fuck, you have gotten so good at this," Andrea stammered as she gasped for breaths of fresh air, as her face was flush, and the rest of her body was a light shade of pink.

She smiled as she reached down and took his hand into hers and brought his sticky finger to her face.

"Mmmmmm," Andrea moaned as she pushed his finger coated with her pussy juice into her mouth so she could taste herself.

Allen smiled as she sucked hungrily on his finger, similarily to the way she sucks on his cock. She smiled as she removed his protruding finger which now glistened with her spit.

"I love the time we spend getting ready for date night," Andrea whispered softly as she stared into his beautiful blue eyes.

"Me too my dear," Allen said softly as he kissed Andrea's forehead.

"Shall we get up, eat a little breakfast, and start our day together preparing for tonight?" Allen asked as Andrea was looking at how nice and smooth her unpainted finger nails looked.

She nodded and smiled. They embraced for a hug before they each climbed out of bed.

"I declare it is "naked" day," Andrea said as she stood naked looking at Allen with a gleam in her eye, as she dropped her robe.

"You will get no arguments out of me, in fact, I love when you walk around the house naked," Allen said as he too smiled and dropped his robe onto the floor at his feet.

After cleaning up a bit, they went into the kitchen for a bite to eat. Allen excused himself to go out onto the back patio. While he was outside, Andrea poured him a bowel of Muesli while she made toast for herself. As she sat down at the kitchen table, Allen returned.

They ate very light, saving room for a bigger meal later. As Andrea sat across from him, she gazed into his beautiful eyes. She thought about how lucky she was to have found the one man in the whole world that understood her, understood her needs, and was happy to help her fulfill those needs. She thought she was destined to keep dating asshole after asshole until she met Allen.

Andrea finished eating first, as she continued to gaze across at her fiancee. She knew he was her soul mate. She also knew she was his. But there was so much more to their love and devotion for each other. They loved making each other happy and doing all of those small little things in the process. Finally, Allen finished his bowl of cereal and wiped his mouth with a napkin.

Andrea smiled at him as he stood up and took their dishes not only over to the kitchen sink area, but he put them directly into the dishwasher. "How nice was that," she thought to herself as she had a man that was actually capable of cleaning up after himself.

"Are you ready to start an amazing journey as we prepare for our date tonight?" Allen asked as he walked over to Andrea and held out his hand for her to take.

She smiled as she placed her hand in his and stood up. They kissed softly as they walked naked out onto the private enclosed patio. Andrea held his hand as she stepped up the short ladder before stepping into the hot tub.

She quickly sat down, enjoying the feeling of the water jets caressing her naked body. He climbed in and sat across from her. They gazed longingly into each others eyes for several minutes before she moved over to her fiancee and sat on his lap, straddling him.

She could feel his member against her wet swollen mound as they began kissing. As she held his face, he caressed her ass. Things were starting to get hot and heavy when Allen stopped and asked her to sit in her special seat.

She grinned from ear to ear. She quickly hopped off of him and sat in the seat to his left.

"Are you ready my dear?" Allen asked as he had his wet hand on the control panel.

Andrea nodded slowly. "Only to the edge my dear," she said as she took a deep breath.

Allen pressed button "C" on the control panel and the hot tub started making a different whirring sound. Looking over at Andrea, she was already gripping the edge of the hot tub with both hands as the new circulation program turned on a group of under water jets that were aimed directly at her pussy.

When they purchased the hot tub they discovered that they could adjust the water jets, so they experimented with Andrea sitting in that seat, until all three jets aimed directly at her pussy. That seat, became Andrea's favorite as she would often times sit there to have a quick orgasm if she was home alone.

"Fuck Allen, I'm so fucking close already," Andrea cried out as she closed her eyes to enjoy the incredible stimulation she was receiving.

Allen pulled her one hand off of the edge of the hot tub and held it in his hand. She began to squeeze his hand over and over as she was nearing the edge. She felt like she was floating on air as the bubbles and streams of water pulsated against her pussy and clitoris.

Just then, Andrea squeezed his hand tightly, opened her eyes, and yelled "NO ALLEN." She jumped up as she was gasping deeply. Her breasts with hard nipples were heaving up and down as Allen changed the circulation pattern back to program "A."

Slowly, Andrea came down from her near orgasm high, as she settled onto her fiancee's lap, sitting sideways, half out of the water as she held onto him around his neck. They stared into each other's eyes as they kissed passionately.

"I love you so much Andrea," Allen said as they leaned their foreheads together as they stared into each other's eyes.

Andrea paused for a moment as she leaned closer and kissed him softly on his lips. "I could never love anyone else the way in which I love you Allen," she whispered as she placed her face against his.

They sat embraced in the hot tub for several more minutes. They were enjoying the closeness that they were feeling before Allen asked her if she was ready.

Andrea nodded as she climbed off of him and stood up. Allen reached over and put the hot tub on idle as he quickly got out and helped her get out as well.

They were both dripping wet as Allen led her over to the small sauna, as they each picked up a dry towel before entering.

They were both into health and wellness so they decided to invest some of their money into equipment so they wouldn't have to continually pay for spa memberships. The hot tub and sauna were used quite frequently. Especially in the winter months when it was cold.

Once inside, they sat on the towels next to each other. It didn't take long for beads of perspiration to form on their naked bodies. Andrea gave Allen a devilish smile as she slowly parted her legs, as she offered her pussy to him so he could edge her again.

Reaching down, he rubbed her cunt, causing her to moan. She was exceedingly wet right now as his fingers slid smoothly up and down her slit.

"Does this remind you of your trip to Spain before we met?" Allen whispered softly into his fiancee's ear.

Andrea grinned and nodded as her breathing became labored. Allen pushed a finger deeper into her pussy and left it there, enjoying the feeling of her cunt occasionally gripping his finger tightly.

"I want you to fuck yourself on my finger as you tell me what happened in Spain inside that sauna," Allen whispered softly as he kissed her hard.

Andrea knew it really turned him on when she told him about what happened in Spain. It turned her on just as much to tell him. Slowly, Andrea began to undulate her hips as she started to fuck his stationary finger.

"Mmmm I was in a sauna with my friend while on vacation," Andrea recanted as she slowly fucked his finger while her breathing grew heavier.

She gasped slightly. "Two guys walked into the sauna and sat down next to me, completely naked. Before I knew it, one of the guys had his mouth on my pussy while my friend was going down on the other guy," Andrea said as she was panting, while her hips continued to buck as she fucked his finger. 

"Then what?" Allen whispered softly as he took her soft hand into his.

Andrea opened her eyes partially to look into his. Her heavy breathing cascaded against his face as she continued fucking his finger.

"He fucked me Allen, rather I fucked him," she whispered as she trembled slightly. "I climbed on top of him and fucked him until he came inside of me."

"Mmmmm good girl," Allen whispered softly as he kissed and nibbled on her ear.

"Did you cum for him like a good little slut?" He asked as he could tell she was losing control. She nodded her head as she staved off a huge orgasm that was building.

"Oh God baby I came for him so many times," Andrea gasped as she pulled off of his finger just in time as her body was about to explode.

Andrea turned and held his face, kissing him repeatedly. "I fucked him the entire time I was on that trip," Andrea moaned as she reached down and held his member in her hand.

After several minutes they had to leave because it was incredibly hot in the sauna. Their bodies glistened with sweat as they walked out of the sauna and onto the patio.

"I see you love hearing that story every time i tell it to you," Andrea said as she still held his hardened member in her hand.

"You know that story turns me on beyond belief," he said as they began wiping the perspiration from their bodies with the same towels they sat on.

"Thoughts of you being intimate with another man not only turn me on, but it makes me crave you more than anything," Allen said as he took their towels and tossed them into the wicker style hamper near the hot-tub.

They both turned toward each other, falling into each other's arms. Not a word was spoken as they kissed. Their sweaty hot bodies were pressed together as they embraced.

"I love you so much Allen," Andrea said as she kissed him again.

"I love you more than anything Andrea," he said as they slowly pulled their sweaty bodies apart.

Allen took her hand and led her back into the house. The air conditioned air chilled their bodies, causing Andrea to giggle as her nipples stiffened. He led her down the hall to their home gym where he opened the door before they entered. Walking over to the massage table, he patted it with his hand for Andrea to lay down on it.

She kissed him softly then held his hand as she climbed up on the vinyl padded massage table. She laid down on her tummy, adjusting the round cushion under her lower abdomen which pushed her backside up a little higher. After lowering her face into the opening she relaxed and allowed her body to go limp.

Allen gently slid his hands down her back. He truely loved massaging her entire body, knowing that she really enjoyed being pampered. Reaching over, he picked up a glass bottle and dribbled warm massage oil down her back.

"Mmmmmm, I love when you massage me my dear. You have become very good at giving massages too," she said as Allen rubbed his hands up and down her back, working the oil into her skin as his fingers pressed into her flesh.

She moaned softly when he carefully massaged her arms. She loved how he never rushed, how he always took his time to massage every inch of her. She especially loved how he gently massaged even her fingers, one at a time, until she felt incredible.

"Are you excited for tonight?" Allen asked as he poured warm oil into the palm of his hand, causing Andrea to purr.

Slowly Andrea parted her legs a bit. "Do I look excited for our date tonight?" She asked as his gaze moved from her legs to her very aroused, very sticky pussy.

"Mmmmmm, that makes me so happy," he said as he rubbed the warm oil up and down her leg, using both hands to deeply massage her muscles as his eyes remained fixated on her cunt.

Again, he poured oil into the palm of his hand and began massaging her other leg. Andrea let out a soft moan as his fingers grew increasingly closer to her pussy each time he massaged her leg upward.

Once again he poured oil into his hand and began to massage her feet. She loved when he gave her a foot massage, but she loved it even better when she was on the massage table and he was using warm oil.

Andrea moaned softly as her fiancee skillfully massaged her ankles. Using his thumbs, he worked her arches causing her to let out a long soft moan. Allen took his time as he began to caress and massage each of her beautiful long slender toes.

"Mmm," Andrea moaned as his fingers caressing her toes caused her pussy to ache with need. "I can't wait for you to paint them later," she said softly as she enjoyed how he was making her feel.

Allen smiled because he loved making Andrea look her best. After finishing with her feet, he drizzled warm oil onto her ass until a bit of oil trickled down between her cheeks, over her pink puckered sphincter and her swollen pussy.

"Mmmmmm fuck that feels good," Andrea moaned as her fiancee began giving her butt a deep tissue massage.

Ever so slowly, Allen's fingers moved closer and closer to her pussy. Andrea began breathing heavier in anticipation of what was going to happen next. She let out a soft moan as he massaged both sides of her pussy without touching her labia.

"Oh fuck," she cried out as Allen began massaging her pussy with his oiled up hands.

The combination of the warm massage oil and her own wetness from being constantly edged sent Andrea right to the edge of orgasm. Sensing she was close, Allen stopped and told her to turn onto her back.

When Andrea rolled over, her face was flush as well as her breasts. Allen held the massaging lotion over her tits, causing her to smile, as he drizzled warm oil onto them.

She moaned loudly as he cupped her breasts and began kneading them with his thumbs and fingers. She was still breathing heavy from being taken to the edge just a few moments ago, but now, her breasts were being massaged which kept her on edge. As Allen massaged her areolas and nipples, she let out a long steady moan.

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Allen thoroughly enjoyed her breasts. He loved how they swayed when she walked, how they jiggled when she laughed, and how they bounced up and down when she was getting fucked hard.

As he began to caress and massage her abdomen and sides, she began to giggle as her sides tickled her. As he admired her naked body, his eyes were drawn to her beautiful pussy as her wetness was pooling under her.

Allen drizzled warm oil down her thigh to her knee before setting the bottle of oil down. He loved massaging her thighs as he worked his fingers and thumbs deep into her muscle. Andrea smiled as she gazed up at her fiancee as he continued massaging her leg.

She smiled as he began massaging her feet a second time. She thought about how lucky she was to have found the perfect mate. She laid her head back on the table as Allen switched to her other foot.

Andrea began thinking about their date tonight as Allen began massaging up her leg. She smiled and moaned as his oil slicked fingers massaged her thigh deeply. She was so excited to show him what came in the package because she knew it was driving him insane not knowing.

Allen picked up the bottle of warm oil once again and drizzled some directly on Andrea's pussy, causing her to jump slightly. Her eyes connected with his as he began massaging all around her opening. Within seconds, Andrea was once again breathing heavy as Allen's fingers caressed and massaged her slick pussy.

"Oh Allen," Andrea moaned as she lifted her head and grabbed ahold of his arm.

"Oh God Allen, please don't let me cum," she moaned as her hips began to buck up at his hand.

Allen had her right at the edge. He didn't know how much more she could take as he edged her now for two days in a row. Slowly, he slid his hand off of her pussy and began to lightly massage her asshole.

"Oh mein verdammter gott," Andrea cried out as her fiancee slowly pushed his slippery finger past her sphincter and into her ass as a smile crept across his face.

Andrea began to buck her hips wildly as she loved having her ass played with. She loved having her ass fucked even more. Right now however she was very close to losing control and ruining their evening. Just as Allen pushed his finger into her ass up to the second knuckle, Andrea screamed "No, we can't..." and pushed his hand away.

Allen leaned down and kissed her as her chest heaved up and down from breathing heavily. "Lay down my dear," he said as he turned and washed his hands in the sink next to the massage table.

Andrea relaxed on the table as he ran a big bowl of hot water. As he went about his business, her phone beeped. Looking at the message she received caused her nipples to stiffen. She sent a message back and set the phone back down.

Allen returned to her side. He admired her soft glistening body as he shook a can of shaving cream. Looking up at him Andrea smiled as she loved when he shaved her legs.

Filling his hand with shaving cream, Allen began to lather up her leg. He worked the white smooth cream up and down her leg until her entire leg was covered, including her foot.

Andrea smiled in adoration at her fiancee as he slowly and carefully began to slide the razor down her leg. She loved her life with him and would do whatever was necessary to keep him happy. Never in her life, did she ever think that any man would do the things for her that Allen does.

He carefully shaved her leg, taking turns to rinse the cream and soft tiny hairs away in the bowl of warm water. Finally he began to carefully shave the faint thin hairs on the tops of her toes.

"I love how soft your legs are after I shave them," Allen said as he finished shaving one leg and foot.

"Mmm, I know, me too," Andrea said softly. "I love how stockings feel against my skin when my legs are super smooth."

Allen quickly dumped the water into the sink that he was using to rinse out the razor and refilled it. Carefully, he began shaving her other leg.

"You are going to look and feel amazing tonight my dear," Allen said as he slowly and methodically shaved her leg.

"I'm excited and can't wait to go out later," Andrea said as Allen lifted her leg a bit to shave the back side.

He carefully shaved the tops of her toes before dumping out the bowl of soapy water into the sink again. He quickly rinsed out a towel with warm water and wiped the remaining soap from her legs. As he filled the bowl with water one more time, he grinned at her, as she knew exactly why he was grinning.

He returned to her side again and set the bowl of warm water down. Quickly he sprayed shaving cream into his hand and set the can down next to the massage table.

"I love when you do this my dear," Andrea said as she felt him begin to cover her bush stubble with shaving cream.

Before he even picked up the razor, Allen leaned down and kissed her. Their lips lingered together as their tongues explored each other's mouth.

Picking up the razor, Allen began to shave off the little bit of stubble that was there. His hands trembled a bit as she trusted him to shave her most intimate area.

Using his fingers, he had to push her labia over to make sure he was able to wisk every hair away. As he continued to maneuver her pussy lips, a slight moan escaped her lips. The last thing he wanted to do was knick her and make her bleed.

Using a warm wet washcloth, he wiped away the remaining soap remnants from her pussy and inspected his work. Happy that he didn't find a stray hair or two, he reached over and picked up a bottle of lotion. Quickly, he squirted a small amount onto his fingers before working it into the area he just shaved around her pussy.

"Wait," Allen said as Andrea went to get off of the table.

He cupped her sticky mound and sunk his middle finger between her pussy lips. "Oh Allen, we need to stop or I will never be able to get dressed because im going to be dripping wet," Andrea said as she let out a soft moan.

"Shh..., just one more time," Allen said as he placed his hand on her throat and squeezed lightly as he began to finger fuck her pussy.

"You like it rough don't you?" He asked as he stopped fingering her and only left the tip of his finger inside of her.

Andrea nodded as he continued squeezing her throat. She knew she wouldn't last long as she was already close to the edge.

"Good girl, now fuck yourself on my finger like a good little slut," Allen said softly as he gripped her throat a little tighter.

Immediately, Andrea lifted her hips so she could fuck his finger as he requested. She worked her hips up and down, each time taking the entire length of his finger into her pussy. She could feel her body tingling all over. The butterflies in her stomach were trying to escape as she was nearing the point of no return.

Andrea let out a long loud moan as she pulled off of his finger. She fucked herself as long as she could without cumming. Any longer and she would have ruined everything she worked for all day today.

"Just relax my dear, I will be right back," Allen said as he walked down the hall and into the bathroom.

He adjusted the water until it was comfortably warm before filling the bath tub. Reaching for her favorite bubble bath soap, he squirted a long stream into the running water. As the tub began filling up with sudsy water, he turned and lit several candles on the vanity which quickly filled the room with her favorite lavender scent. Once the tub was nearly full, he walked back into the other room where Andrea was still laying on the massage table.

She smiled at him as he returned to her. Without any warning, he scooped her up into his arms and carried her out of the room and down the hall before entering the bathroom.

Andrea held him around his neck, kissing him repeatedly as he carried her. When he took her into the bathroom the lavender scent caught her attention. She kissed him deeply as he gently lowered her into the warm bubble bath until she was submerged and rested against the bottom of the tub.

"God Allen, what did I ever do to deserve you?" She asked as she kissed him one more time.

Allen smiled as he dried his arms off. She looked cute, as she was submerged except for her head that stuck out above the bubbles.

"Just relax and take a nice warm bath while I go prepare dinner my love. After dinner we have time to take a short nap before we have to get ready for our date," Allen said as he stood next to the tub, looking down into Andrea's sparkling green eyes.

"I love you Allen," she said as she smiled and shifted her position in the bathtub.

"I love you too my dear," he said as he set the towel down and left to go to the kitchen to prepare dinner.

Around thirty minutes passed when Allen could hear the shower running. Figuring that she was rinsing off and was nearly done, he set the table so they could eat an early dinner before taking a short nap.

He loaded the few dirty dishes and utensils into the dishwasher as he waited for his beautiful fiancee to join him in the kitchen. That was when he heard the unmistakable sound of high heels clicking on the floor.

Turning to look, Andrea walked toward him completely naked except for a pair of mules which made her toned, tanned, and smooth legs look incredible. Walking up to him she kissed him softly on the lips.

"No more edging today or I won't be able to wear a panty on our date tonight," Andrea said as she grinned and sat down at the table in her usual chair as he flashed an equally evil grin back at her.

"It smells wonderful my dear," Andrea said as she knew what he made by the smell.

"I knew you would like this for dinner my dear," Allen said as he cut several bratwurst into bite sized pieces.

He put a small pile of bratwurst on each plate then smothered them in homemade curry ketchup before sprinkling curry powder on top. Next, he put a small pile of seasoned fried potatoes on both plates before carrying them to the table.

"Currywurst is served my dear," Allen said as he set the plate of German cuisine down in front of his fiancee.

"This looks amazing my dear," she said before taking a bite. "Mmm... and it tastes incredible."

They spent the next twenty minutes or so taking their time eating dinner as they gazed into each other's eyes while enjoying each other's company. Hardly a word was spoken until they were finished eating.

"That was a lovely dinner my dear," Andrea said as she wiped a bit of curry ketchup from the corner of her mouth with a napkin.

"Thank you my love, and I thank you for teaching me how to make authentic currywurst sauce," Allen said as he pushed his chair back and stood up.

He began to clear the table. Andrea couldn't help but grab his arm and pull him down for a kiss. The love she was feeling for him at the moment was overwhelming and all she wanted to do was make love to him right here on the kitchen table. Thoughts of hot and heavy lovemaking after their date later tonight temporally calmed her urge as she let his arm go so he could finish clearing away the dirty dishes.

After the dishes were put into the dishwasher and the leftovers put in the refrigerator, Allen took the hand of the woman he loved and helped her stand up. They walked down the hall to their bedroom and closed the door. As they stood before their bed, they embraced and kissed. She laid her head down on his chest, savoring the moment as she felt so loved, safe, and secure in his arms.

"Lets take a nap my dear, then you have to paint my nails so we can get ready to go out," Andrea said as she stepped out of her mules and crawled up onto the bed.

"Did you ever pack your overnight bag Allen?" Andrea asked as she stretched out on the bed as Allen moved in next to her.

"First thing this morning," he said as she rolled against him with her leg over his, her arm across him, and her head on his chest.

"Mmmm, good, one less thing to prepare for," Andrea whispered as she relaxed and fell asleep rather quickly.

Allen however, stared up at the ceiling as he was excited to begin the preparation process after their nap. He closed his eyes, and imagined painting her fingernails and toenails as he gently caressed her back. As he thought about later tonight, he fell fast asleep.

Allen woke up first, noticing that Andrea rolled over and was sleeping on her side facing away from him. Looking over at the clock it was already twenty minutes til seven. Quietly, he slipped out of bed and walked into the master bathroom, closing the door quietly behind him. He wanted his beautiful fiancee to get as much rest as possible for their date tonight. He adjusted the water until it was warm and took a quick shower.

He quickly dried off and admired himself naked in the mirror. He still looked good considering he was now fifty six years old. Sure, he could be in better shape and be a little tighter, but that didn't matter to Andrea. As long as Andrea was happy with how he looked, so was he.

He walked back into the bedroom and Andrea was now awake laying on her back. She smiled at him as he walked toward her. He walked over to her and took her soft hand into his. Slowly he leaned down as he lifted her hand to his face, as his eyes were glued to hers.

"Are you ready my dear?" Allen asked as he planted a soft kiss on the top of her hand.

Andrea nodded emphatically as her smile made her face glow. Allen held her hand as he helped her climb off of the bed so she could place her hands on the table designed for nail polishing.

She grinned from ear to ear as she handed him the bottle of cherry red polish. He shook the bottle up as he sat down in front of her so he could begin to make her fingers and toes look spectacular.

First, Allen turned the light on. Leaning in closely, he did a quick examination of her nails to make sure no minor repairs were necessary. Everything looked perfect, so he began to paint.

"Look at how bright that color is," Andrea said softly after he finished her thumb.

Allen never said a word, as he was concentrating fully. Slowly and meticulously he painted one nail after the other until he finally finished both hands. Andrea lifted them, looked at them, then looked at her fiancee.

"Wow, i have never seen my nails look this good," she said as she leaned forward and kissed him softly.

Allen smiled as Andrea shifted positions, placing her feet up on the table. As Allen inspected her toe nails before he started to paint them, Andrea admired her fingernails in awe.

He began painting her toenails one at a time. He could feel his member beginning to swell as this color made her feet look incredible. Slowly and carefully, he painted each toe until he was finished.

"Oh my God Allen, look how nice they look, Andrea said as she looked down at his handy work.

Allen jumped up and went into the bathroom. He returned with a little bottle of high gloss sealer and a very fine buffer.

"Now I will make them sparkle," he said as he sat down across from her once again.

She placed her hands back on the table as she watched him treat her like a princess. He began to carefully apply a high gloss sealant to her nails to keep them shiny and to strengthen them, and to keep them from chipping.

Looking at the clock on the night stand she saw it was already seven fifty eight. She smiled thinking about their date which would be starting soon. Actually, she was thinking about the fun that was yet to come as her date really started since they woke up this morning.

Andrea lifted her hands to her face as she shifted and placed her feet on the table for him to polish. She felt him starting on her toes as she looked from her hands down to her fiancee.

"These are incredible my dear," she said as she shifted her glance back to her glossy fingernails.

"I agree my love, you outdid yourself this time selecting this color," he said as he methodically applied the fast drying sealant to her toenails.

Andrea grinned and her pussy tingled a bit because she knew that she did not pick that color of polish. Her mind immediately began to wander to their date later tonight and the fun they were going to have. As she became lost in her thoughts, Allen finished her toes.

"Stop day dreaming and give me your hands," Allen said as Andrea came back into focus and placed her feet on the floor and her hands back on the table.

Quickly, Allen checked her nails to make sure they were completely dry before he began to buff them lightly. This would make them sparkle even in low light as he slowly and lightly buffed each nail.

Andrea's mind began to wander to later in the evening as she switched position so she could put her feet up on the table one last time.

She admired the luster on her fingernails as they looked like they were done in a professional salon. Looking down at her fiancee, she flashed a wicked grin because tonight, they both would be very happy.

Allen finished with her toes and together they admired the way that her hands and feet looked. They came together and embraced, kissing each other several times. Andrea slid her face against his and kissed his ear before whispering, "Are you ready for your Christmas presents?"

Allen leaned back. He smiled like a kid at Christmas as Andrea stood up and walked over to the closet. She opened the door, reached in, and returned with a stack of presents, wrapped meticulously in Christmas wrapping paper.

Allen was beaming from ear to ear as he watched his own personal Mrs. Claus climb onto the bed naked with Christmas presents.

"Now my dear, I want you to try to contain yourself," Andrea said as she handed a small thin present to Allen.

"Merry Christmas," she said softly even though it was only a cool day in August.

Reaching out with trembling hands, he took the present. He smiled because he loved when they did this little ritual that most others would never understand. But to them, it was exciting. It was thrilling and it created a high like no drug could.

Allen's hands shook as he began to unwrap the small light package, tossing the wrapping paper onto the floor. Andrea enjoyed watching his excitement grow as he opened the package and pulled out a very sheer pair of thigh high stay up stockings.

"Wow, i love these Andrea. You will still be able to see your beautiful toenails through these," he said as he held one rolled up stocking in his hand.

Without saying a word, Andrea lifted one of her sexy legs toward her fiancee and pointed her toes. Allen's hands trembled a bit as he lined up the stocking just right before slowly rolling the very thin and very sheer black stocking up her leg. As the stocking unrolled completely, he adjusted it around her upper thigh so it was perfect.

Andrea shifted her position and lifted her other leg in the same manner. She smiled as she pointed her toes while placed the stocking carefully over her foot.

"I love when you dress me," Andrea said softly as she watched him roll the stocking up her leg.

"I see you love dressing me in stockings too," Andrea giggled as she saw his member had stiffened considerably.

"You know I love doing this," Allen said as he adjusted the top of her stocking so it was even with the other one.

Andrea leaned back and lifted her legs. She did a couple of quick leg poses that she knew would tease him before grabbing another present and climbing carefully off of the bed.

"Merry Christmas," Andrea said as she slipped the small, thin, wrapped package into his hand as she stood up on her tippy toes to kiss him.

Stepping back, Andrea stood before her fiancee wearing only thigh high stockings. She placed her hands at her sides as she watched him open the package. Allen smiled as he tossed the wrapping paper and the box onto the floor. What he held in his hand caused his cock to try to grow even harder.

He held up the gift and admired it. It was a sexy lace thong that would leave little to the imagination.

Slowly, he sank to his knees before the girl he loved more than anything. He opened the thin delicate waistband as she lifted her leg and allowed him to slip it past her foot. She set her foot down and lifted the other leg so he could slip the thong over her foot and past her ankle.

She placed her foot back on the ground as she could feel her fiancee's hands trembling as he slowly pulled her thong up. She felt his warm fingers as he pulled the lace thong up past her knees and over her thighs. Allen gazed hungrily at her pussy that was inches from his face as he knelt before her.

Slowly he pulled her thong up higher, to the point that he now had to stand up. As he pulled the waistband up higher, the thin strap disappeared between her cheeks and her pussy was now covered.

"My dear, I believe the waistband is supposed to sit higher on my hips," Andrea said as he made the final adjustments.

"You look spectacular my dear," Allen said as he stood back and gazed at her loveliness.

Allen's eyes returned to her pussy. He was teased to the point of uncomfortableness as he could see her labia through the sheer thin lace, but he knew that once that panty was on, her pussy was off limits for now.

Looking up, her bare breasts jiggled as she lifted her arm and pointed toward the closet door. "Your next Christmas present is behind that closed door my dear," She said as she lowered her arm.

Allen turned and walked to the closet. When he opened the door it was as if a bright light turned on, shining down upon arguably the sexiest dress he ever saw. Reaching for the hanger, he pulled the dress out of the closet. Holding it up, he gazed at the long flowing red dress.

"Wow Andrea, this is beautiful," he said as he slowly walked over to her as he carried the thin red dress.

Andrea had a huge smile on her face because she already tried it on and she knew how much this dress was going to arouse him. He dropped the hanger onto the floor as he carefully lifted the dress up high. He loved the look on her face right now as he began to lower the dress. Carefully, he lowered the dress, over her head and shoulders, over her breasts, and then almost all the way down to the floor.

Andrea adjusted the top part of the dress as she adjusted the neck band to fit properly. The way the dress was designed left a lot of her chest exposed as the material criss-crossed across her chest, only covering her full breasts. Her breasts were covered completely, but the thin material did nothing to hide her hard nipples.

"Holy fuck, I can't believe you are going out in that," Allen said as he gazed up and down her body as she grinned at him.

"Do you like it?" Andrea asked him as she sat on the edge of the bed and crossed her legs.

"I, I, I love it," Allen stammered as he loved how the dress was slit on both sides all the way to her waist and no matter how she moved, her creamy thighs were always visible above the tops of her thigh high stockings.

"Does it make you jealous that every guy will be looking at me tonight and wanting to fuck me?" Andrea asked as she handed him another present.

"A bit," Allen said as he reached out for a larger present that was perfectly wrapped. "But I know you're my girl and you will be coming home with me."

Andrea giggled as he began to unwrap the box. His face lit up like a Christmas tree when he opened the box containing an incredibly beautiful pair of five inch stilettos.

Allen's hands shook as he took the first heel out of the box. Quickly he opened the one thin ankle strap before slipping the stiletto onto her foot. The two thin straps across her foot allowed her beautiful toes to be shown off without being obstructed.

After fastening the strap around her ankle, Allen put the other heel on her as she uncrossed her legs and then crossed them the other way to make it easy for him. Once he finished putting the second heel on her foot, he looked up into her eyes.

"They are gorgeous on you my dear," Allen said as he noticed that she had one more small present in her hand.

"I wonder what you are holding in your hands my dear?" Allen asked as Andrea leaned down and kissed him hard as she fidgeted with the last little package.

"I love you Allen. I love you with every ounce of my being," Andrea said as she slipped the small package into his hand. "I hope you like this last present."

Allen quickly tore the paper from the small box as he stared into Andrea's eyes. He removed the small box top and inside was an anklet.

Looking up at her, she grinned from ear to ear as she lifted her right foot and offered it to him. With trembling fingers, Allen reached into the box and took out the gold anklet. Carefully he clasped it around her beautiful stocking-clad ankle. Slowly, he flipped over the letters that dangled from the thin gold chain.

She grinned at him as his cock strained to grow even harder. There was something about him seeing the word "SLUT" on her ankle that turned him on. Once he was finished, he let her foot go.

Andrea and Allen both stood up. They embraced and kissed several times. He loved the way her dress felt against his naked body. Andrea however asked him to please step back and not get any of his dripping pre-cum on her dress.

They broke their embrace and Allen began to dress, admiring his slutty fiancee the entire time. He knew tonight was going to be incredible as he pulled on nice dress clothes.

"I will put our bags in the car," Allen said as he grabbed their overnight bags and walked past the most beautiful woman in the world in his mind.

They had about an hour drive to get there and they didn't want to be late, so Allen turned off the lights, took his beautiful fiancee by the hand, walked her out of their house and left for their date.

Written by MrSlutResort
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