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Cuckqueened By The Maid, Chapter 3

"Becky decided to stay home and get to know her new Mistress better!"

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Naked and tied to a chair, I was forced to watch as my husband of twelve years fucked our housekeeper, a woman six years younger than me. Maria climbed on top of him and straddled him, holding his hard fat cock in one hand. She purposely looked at me and, as I sat there helplessly, she lowered herself slowly onto his cock, the cock I should be getting!

“Oh fuck, baby, your cock is so big and so fat! Oh, it feels so good!” she moaned as she slowly slid down his shaft. I could almost feel it myself, I remembered how it felt to have that cock in me. Although I’d never ridden him like she was doing, I knew it had to feel wonderful.

Maria slid down his cock until she bottomed out and was sitting squarely on his thighs. He pulled her forward and down to him, wrapping his arms around her waist as she rotated her hips and ground her wet pussy on his cock.

I watched as Richard took one of her tits into his mouth. Maria had the most amazing tits… bigger than mine and firm. Richard seemed to like them too, judging by the way he went after them.

Of course, Maria didn’t mind. She fed him her tit and moaned as he gobbled it up. Maria began moving up and down, fucking herself on his cock as he pushed against her downward movement, shoving his hard thick cock deeper into her–to her complete delight.

“Oh God yes! Fuck me, Master! Fuck me like you own me! I want to be your slut, your whore, Master. Please! Make me your maid slut! Fuck me harder!” she moaned.

Watching her bounce up and down on my husband’s cock and hearing how wonderful it felt and how she wanted to be his slut and his whore… I hate to admit it, but it was driving me crazy!

I was squirming and fighting my bonds, I wanted so much to get free and get in on the action! I didn’t care at this point who was whose–I just wanted to be part of it! I had never been so turned on and so horny in my life!

“Please, Master, please release me. Let me pleasure both my Master and my Mistress!” I pleaded, knowing it would do no good. And I was right… neither of them paid me any mind at all, a fact that only added to my frustration and arousal.

I was being treated like I wasn’t even there; I may have been talking to a porn movie on TV for all that it mattered! Richard and Maria–or I should say my Master and my Mistress–were both so wrapped up in their own lusts that they didn’t even hear my pleadings.

I would have to watch and wait as the two of them satisfied their wanton lusts on each other. Hearing the moans and cries and whimpers. Listening to her beg to cum and watching as he shot his thick white cum into her open willing mouth. Then watching as she took him in her mouth to suck the last drops from him.

By the time these two were finished with their animal urges, I was out of my mind with need. I was near sobbing as they came over to me, Maria adding one last stab at me by kissing me again and this time letting me taste my husband on her lips and tongue.

After she kissed me, they left me in the room alone and still tied to think about what I’d seen. They went into the living room, still naked, to cuddle on the sofa together while I was only left with my shame and humiliation for company.

About an hour later, Richard came in and untied me. “Maria has gone home for the evening,” he said. He helped me to stand, waiting until my legs were steady, and then we went into the living room and sat on the sofa together.

“Do you understand why I am doing this, Becky?” he asked, looking at me. I was touched by the concern on his face. He may be fucking the maid but I knew I still had his heart.

I got up off the sofa and knelt down between his legs. “Yes, Master. I understand. I have neglected you and have not been a proper wife,” I said.

“Well, you have a lot of history you have to work through… your parents and the way you were raised. We need to completely change your way of thinking, Becky. But, in time, I will make you into a proper slut and Maria will help. You will learn that sex is something to enjoy, not a duty you have to perform,” he said.

“You will learn to enjoy sex with both me and your Mistress and be just as able to pleasure the both of us. And in return, you too will find pleasure.”

“Yes, Master. I do hope that I can be a good submissive to you and Mistress Maria. I do want to be a pleasure to you both,” I said. And I meant it. I was beginning to see the possibilities with this arrangement.

“Master, will Mistress be with us once I have become what you wish me to be?” I asked.

“Do you mean is she going to be a permanent part of our sex life?” he asked in clarification.

“Yes, Master, is she going to be part of our sex life from now on?” I restated my question.

“I don’t know. But for the foreseeable future, she will be. Why do you ask?” he asked me.

“Well, I hope she stays around too. I like having her around to talk with. And I hope we can play from time to time as well–with your permission of course!” I said.

“We shall see, slut. We shall see.”


The next day, I decided not to go into work–I didn’t have any hot prospects or meetings with clients anyway, and I was hoping that my new Mistress and I could get “acquainted” if she wanted to. Master told me that when he wasn’t around she would be in charge, so it was up to her if we played or not. That was good enough for me!


Mistress Maria showed up at her regular time and I was waiting for her at the front door. Because I hadn’t been instructed what to wear that morning, I opted for a pair of black silk panties, my thigh top stockings, and black high heel pumps, hoping that this combination would please her. I had made myself up especially for her and was standing at the door when she rang.

“Hello Mistress,” I said when she came in the house. I made sure my hands were clasped behind my back and my head was down, my eyes on the floor.

“Hello slut, not working today?” she asked.

“No Mistress, I didn’t have any real reason to go to work today. Besides, I was hoping that I could spend some time here with you,” I said softly.

“I see. And what did Master have to say about your playing hooky from work?” she asked.

“Oh, I told him about it. I explained that I didn’t have any meetings or clients today. No house showings either, so I would just be sitting at my desk all day shuffling paperwork and hoping someone would call me. A very unproductive day… I figured I could be of more use here at home. At least that is what I am hoping–if Mistress would like to use me?” I said.

“If Mistress would like to use me, eh?” she repeated my statement. “You are either putting on quite a performance slut or you are genuinely trying to be a good submissive. I’m not entirely certain which it is.”

“Oh Mistress, it is no performance, believe me! I am genuinely sorry for the way I have been behaving with Master and I am trying very hard to be what he wants me to become. I was hoping you could help me… Master likes the way you are in bed with him and he is not happy with me. I was hoping you could help me be more of the slut that he wants me to be,” I told her.

“I see. So what you are telling me is that you want me to teach you how to fuck like a slut then? I wonder why that is–maybe so when you become this wanton slut, you can work on replacing me?” she asked, suspiciously.

“No Mistress! I don’t want to replace you! As a matter of fact, I asked Master just last night if you were going to become part of our regular sex life. And he said he had no plans on you leaving. That maybe someday you might leave, but not for the foreseeable future.

"Mistress, I don’t want you to leave–I want you to stay. Really I do. I want to learn from you and maybe join in with you and Master someday. I would like to… play… with you,” I said.

“So you want to play do you? Now be honest, slut,” Mistress Maria continued, calling me a slut for the first time, “You want to eat my pussy right now, don’t you? You’re a submissive cunt licking slut who has been craving my pussy since you saw me and your husband fucking the other day.”

Her words made my cunt gush in my panties as I just nodded my head. Truth be told, I wanted to just drop to my knees and bury my face in that sweet bald pussy, yet I knew I needed to be respectful and play the submissive role properly here.

Mistress stepped up to me, and without warning, slid her hand inside my panties and her fingers dipped into my pussy. “Your cunt is wet again I see. Are you excited to see me today, slut?”

All I could do was moan; it was impossible to refute the obvious. She was absolutely right; I was wet just in anticipation of this and my head was spinning as I tried to figure out what to say next. The reality was I felt completely and utterly powerless against this woman and unable to say no to her.

“You wish to become submissive to your husband?” Mistress asked as she slid a finger inside my fevered cunt.

“Please, Mistress…” I moaned again.

“Answer the question,” she ordered, as she lightly rubbed my clit with her fingertip.

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“Ohhhhh,” I moaned, my legs buckling. I had to lean against the wall in order to keep from falling down.

Mistress Maria pulled her finger out of my drooling cunt and pushed me to the ground. “You look pretty natural down there on your knees, slut. Now I’m only going to ask you one last time, do you want to become submissive to your husband?”

Strangely enough, when Mistress first pulled her finger from my cunt I felt empty and disappointed. I had hoped she would play with me longer. But then a feeling came over me compelling me to obey her–my need to submit to her was getting stronger and making me obey.

I couldn’t explain it, but when I looked at her, it seemed almost like it was what I was meant to do. I was meant to be a submissive and she had been appointed as my Mistress. I had to obey. I answered, “Yes, Mistress.”

“And do you understand what that submission entails?” she questioned.

“I-I think so. I’m not sure,” I admitted, the shame and excitement building to near intolerable levels inside me by now.

“Oh, my sweet innocent! Becoming a true submissive slut can be the most exciting, exhilarating and rewarding thing a woman can do. It opens up a whole new world of experiences and adventures to you. And it can bring you closer to your Master or Mistress than you ever thought possible!

"But like anything else worthwhile, it isn’t always easy. You may be tasked with things that are new to you or things you may find unpleasant. Master will give you these things to test your willingness to submit to him or to trust in him. 

"He has made me do things I have never tried before–I had never been fucked in the ass until he became my Master. Now I love feeling him deep in my slutty ass! When he is behind me, balls deep in my shithole with a handful of my hair in one hand and toying with my clit with the other… God, it’s glorious!” she said wistfully.

“Ohhh…” I couldn’t help but moan at the way she described it.

“I know that you don’t have a lot of experience with anything other than straight missionary sex–that’s why he came to me and all this started with the Master stuff and now with you. But that’s okay, it will work out for all of us. 

"I don’t want to go either, I like it here. I like working for you as your maid and I really like fucking Master! Unless and until I am let go, I won’t be leaving. You and Master are very kind and generous people and I feel like you both are more like my family than my employers,” she said.

“Well, I’m glad for that. I know that Master is happy with your work here and he enjoys fucking you too. You give him what I have been unable and unwilling to. I know a lot of women would be furious that their husband was fucking the maid, and at first, I was too. 

"But then I realized that it was better for me that he chose you rather than some whore he found at a bar or something–at least with you, I know he is home here and safe. But I would like you to teach me how to better please him. 

"Not to replace you Mistress, but to enhance both you and Master’s pleasures in me. I want so much to be pleasing to you both. I want to be the submissive slut that you wish me to become, to learn to trust you both and submit myself to you both entirely. Will you please help me, Mistress?” I begged.

“Of course I will help you, slut. And I’ll tell you why. First off, because the Master wishes me to. But also because I know that helping you will benefit me as well–your being a good slut makes you a good slut for me as well as for him. 

"Take us right here right now… Master isn’t around, but you and I can play together and once you are trained, you will be more fun to play with. And I get another benefit because I am training you. I get to make you do the things that excite me and get me aroused. So training you has its perks for me as well,” Mistress said.

“Yes, I suppose so,” I said.

"So while we are on the subject of training and learning to be a good slut, let me ask you, have you ever munched on cunt before–I mean other than mine the day you caught us in bed?” she asked, as she lifted up her skirt revealing she was sans underwear.

“No,” I admitted.

“Do you want to munch on mine right now?” she questioned.

“Yes,” I nodded, her pretty pink pussy lips so enticing, glistening ever so slightly as if beckoning me in.

“To make this clear,” Maria said, as she moved her fingers to her pussy and slid two inside. “You want to lick your Mistress’s cunt?”

I looked down hesitating a moment in my answer. I don’t know why I didn’t answer right off–I wanted her cunt in the worst way. But I guess admitting it to myself took a bit more thought.

“Answer me, slut,” she demanded. She grabbed a handful of my hair hauling my head back as she moved her fingers out of her pussy and to my lips.

I’d like to pretend that I protested, that I at least hesitated for a moment, but I opened my mouth and took her pussy juice coated fingers in my mouth. I sucked on the two fingers like they were a cock as I eagerly savored the sweetness of her cunt juice.

“Your husband loves eating my pussy too,” Mistress announced, before adding, “and he is VERY good at it. The feeling of his mouth and tongue on my wet dirty cunt is indescribable! He makes me cum like a runaway freight train every time he goes down on me!”

She pulled her fingers out and asked, “Want to taste it directly from the source?”

“Please,” I nodded.

“And what will a submissive slut do for me if I allow her to taste me?” she asked, as she grabbed my head and guided it right in front of her pussy.

“Anything, Mistress, I’ll do anything you wish,” I mindlessly answered, as I stared at her pussy in awe.

“Anything?” she asked again, this time parting her pussy lips with her fingers.

Wanting to taste her pussy again, wanting to be her submissive and serve her and please her, I answered, “Yes, Mistress Maria, how may I serve you?”

“You understand, I can be a very demanding Mistress… and Master is even more demanding,” she continued, as her finger slid back inside her pussy.

“Yes, Mistress,” I nodded, completely in a trance as I watched her finger go in and out of her pussy, my mouth watering.

“You will obey whatever we demand without hesitation?” Maria questioned.

“Yes, Mistress,” I nodded never taking my eyes off her finger moving in and out of her pussy.

Mistress turned around, bent her ass over and ordered, “Eat my asshole, you dirty slut.”

Even though I wanted to taste her pussy, wanting to make her cum flow out of her like a broken water pipe, I obeyed the task given me, burying my face between her amazing ass cheeks as she held them apart for me and licking her puckered tight asshole.

“Good, slut,” she said after a few seconds, as I swirled my tongue around her crinkled rosebud, completely turned on by the humiliation of the task.

“Mmmph,” I responded, my voice muffled by her cheeks and the duty I was performing for her.

“You’re more enthusiastic about becoming a good slut than I thought,” she laughed softly as I kept eating out her ass, wanting to show her how good a submissive I could be.

“I did say I would do anything Mistress,” I replied, reminding her of my utter willingness to obey.

“I’ll be keeping you to that, my slut,” she replied.

“Yes, Mistress.”

After a couple of minutes of obedient asshole pleasing, Mistress moaned another order to me, “Get that tongue deeper in my asshole, you fucking ass licking slut.”

I obeyed, wanting to please her and my tongue pushed past her anal ring to reach deeper inside.

“Oh yes, don’t stop,” she moaned, as I felt her body moving and I realized she was rubbing herself as I tongue fucked her asshole, the musky taste even stronger as she got more turned on and aroused.

In a couple of moments, she screamed, as she came, “Yes, you dirty ass eating, whore!”

The names she called me turned me on incredibly and my pussy burned, even as though the shame of the filthy act I was doing tried to control me.

A moment later she moved away and said, “Shit, you really are one dirty little slut whore!”

“May I cum, Mistress?” I asked, burning with lust and hunger.

“No, Master left strict instructions that I was allowed to play with you, but he didn’t want you to cum. He told me he wants to give you your first orgasm as a submissive slut. So you’ll have to take that up with him,” she said, as she sat on the edge of the couch with her leg out. “But that doesn’t mean we can’t play some more. Now crawl over here and fuck yourself on my nylon-clad leg.”

“Yes, Mistress,” I quickly obeyed, crawling to her, even though I knew the task was meant to humiliate me even more, especially when they were my thigh highs she was wearing.

“Oh yes,” she laughed, as I straddled her leg. “You really are one nasty little slut. Now hump my leg.”

“Your slut,” I pointed out, as I lowered my cunt on her shin awkwardly.

“Oh,” she said grinning wickedly. “You are more than just my slut. You are OUR slut!”

“Oh God,” I moaned, as I began grinding on her leg, thankful I only bought silky sheer hosiery. The idea of belonging to both Master and Mistress thrilled me beyond anything I had ever imagined and at that moment of complete submissive insatiable lust, I knew I belonged right here serving the two of them.

This was going to be a wonderful, exciting, and very rewarding relationship!


Written by Master_Jonathan
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