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Cuckqueened By The Maid, Chapter 2

"Becky learns what is in store for her and what her new role will be..."

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The next day I went to work a little earlier than usual–I told Richard it was because I had an early showing, but in reality, I wanted to be out of the house before Maria arrived for work. I needed some time away from her to figure out what I was going to do.

She had told me if I "wanted more" to come home at noon and take the rest of the afternoon off. What did she have in mind? "More" what? I had an idea what this was all about–I knew whatever it was it had to do with sex. But I didn't know what I would be required to do or what would happen if I didn't. I wasn't sure if this was a blackmail situation or just what to expect, but I knew I had to show up and find out.

At noon I told my office I had a doctor appointment and wouldn't be back that day. I headed for home, unsure what I would find there. My stomach was in knots and my heart was racing as I pulled into the driveway. I parked the car in the garage and sat there for a couple of minutes trying to calm myself and get in control of my nerves.

Well, I guess I should go in and see what she wants. I thought to myself. I went inside and started looking for Maria. I walked into the laundry room and found Maria putting a load of clothes to wash.

"Hello, Maria. I'm here like you asked," I said.

"I see that. Very good. Now go into the bedroom, take off your clothes, and wait for me on the bed," she said.

"Wait, WHAT?" I asked, astonished.

"You heard me. Now go do as I say," she said.

"I want to know what you have in mind, Maria. Is this some kind of blackmail thing? Are you going to threaten to tell Richard or something?" I asked.

Maria whirled around and came at me quickly. Before I knew what was going on, she had me backed up against the washing machine with a hand behind my head gripping my hair and pulling my head back, and the other hand around my throat. She wasn't choking me, although she easily could have. She was only holding me in place. Putting her face only inches from mine, she said,

"You will go do as you are told, Becky. I will explain things when I get there. Now do not make me tell you again!" She shook my head by the hair a bit at her last word to emphasize her point.

Maria went back to work, separating the clothes into different loads. I turned and left her to her work. I can't explain it, but I felt strangely compelled to obey this woman. I didn't see her as a servant–a maid. I saw her as someone who knew what she wanted, and oddly enough what I wanted as well.

I don't know how much of it was the excitement of what she would do if I did as she commanded, and how much of it was fear of what she might do if I didn't, but I soon found myself naked in my bedroom, sitting on my bed waiting for her.

It took Maria a few minutes to come into the room; I guess she wanted me to think about things for a bit and let the anticipation build. When she came into the room, she wasn't Maria, the housekeeper, she was someone else. She came into the room like she owned it… with an air of superiority and authority, I had never seen before. But one that made my pussy wet as I watched her!

"Get on your knees on the floor slut!" she said sternly. She grabbed my upper arm and pulled me off the bed so suddenly I wasn't prepared to catch myself, and I fell to the ground like a sack of potatoes. I quickly got to my knees on the floor and she stepped forward, straddling my knees and putting her pussy only a couple of inches from my face. She pulled my head back, making me look up at her.

"Do you like these thigh highs? They're yours, you know. I didn't think you'd mind, and I love the way they make my legs look, don't you?" she said. "I know your husband likes the way they feel when he's between my legs fucking me senseless!"

She showed off her long legs, spreading them to show me her bald, glistening slit as well. She laughed when I blushed.

"I knew you would show up… I saw how you were watching me and Richard yesterday. Did you like what you saw?" she asked me.

"Y-yes," I said, feeling the blush heat up my face.

"Well, it was kind of sexy knowing you were watching me as I fucked your husband. Richard is a wonderful lover, and his cock feels so amazing inside me. Having you standing there masturbating while you watched us was an added turn-on. So you like to watch, do you?" she asked.

"I-I don't know…" I said. I was still blushing quite red; I could tell because my cheeks felt hot and I was fidgeting with my hands.

"Yes, I bet you do. You were sure finger-fucking yourself pretty hot and heavy standing at the bedroom door!" she said.

Oh my God! I didn't know she had seen me playing with my pussy! I thought she had only caught me watching! I could have died from embarrassment right then and there!

"Give me your panties," she said. Meekly and blushing like a tomato, I handed her my panties. Maria looked them over like she was inspecting them. "These aren't very wet, Becky, dear… don't tell me you suffer from a dry cunt! Let's see if we can get them wetter, shall we?" Maria put my panties over her hand and then began rubbing my pussy with her panty-clad hand!

I was too shocked at first to say anything. I couldn't believe this woman, whom I'd always thought was humble and quiet, was now taking command of me and putting me in the submissive role!

As she rubbed my pussy, she put her hot mouth over one of my nipples and began licking and sucking on my sensitive nub. Now, my nipples are a hot spot for me and Richard knows this. I don't know if he told her or not, but she was pushing my buttons and I was responding–whether I wanted to or not! I heard a soft moan and I wasn't sure at first whose it was until she pulled her mouth off my tit and asked, "You like that, do you?" smiling scornfully.

Then she moved around behind me and with one hand she resumed playing with my pussy and clit using my silk panties. With her other she reached around and cupped my breast, rolling the nipple between her fingers and gently tugging on it playfully.

"Yes, your husband's cock stretches my tight pussy so wide. He goes deep too, which I absolutely love. I always cum so hard when he fucks me," she whispered in a low moan into my ear. 

Even though the whole scene was completely outrageous and shameful, I was getting extremely turned on by her words and actions.

"Ohhh…" I moaned as she strummed my swollen clit and toyed with my nipple.

"So you do like this then! You like a woman playing with your pussy?" she said knowingly.

"Y-yesss…" I moaned. I couldn't deny what was happening to me. My body was betraying me and I was leaking like a faucet now. I laid my head back on her shoulder and closed my eyes, giving myself over to the wonderful feelings she was giving me.

Why am I allowing myself to be molested by this maid?

Why was my pussy leaking into my panties as I replayed the last hour?

These questions and others swirled around in my mind as sat there being fondled and groped by this maid slut. I couldn't understand why I was so aroused by what she was doing, except to chalking it up to major sexual withdrawal.

Suddenly my thoughts were interrupted when Richard walked into the room.

"RICHARD! OH MY GOD!" I screeched. Sitting in front of Maria as I was, it was impossible for me to try to cover myself. There was nothing within reach that I could use to hide my nakedness. I could only put my face in my hands, horrified by my embarrassment and shame.

"Hi, baby! I found us a new playmate!" Maria said from behind me.

"So I see. Rebecca, should I even ask what this is all about?" Richard said. My husband only calls me Rebecca when he is upset or angry with me, so I knew when he used my full name, he meant business.

"Oh, Richard, I'm so sorry! I-I saw you the other day… in the bedroom. I came home and I heard noises coming from the bedroom. I peeked in and saw you and Maria… she saw me watching… and now I'm here!" I tried to explain between my blubbering. I knew I should be mad as hell at him, after all, I had caught him cheating. But instead, I was the one sitting here naked in bed with another woman!

"Yes, Maria and I have been seeing each other for a few months now. And do you know why? It's because you and I have no sex life to speak of. Granted, we both work and sometimes the timing just isn't there. Either one of us isn't home, or we are tired from work. I can understand that. But when we do have sex, you are… well, painfully conservative, to be blunt.

"It was all right when we first got married. I understood–your father was a deacon of the church and your mother had her church standing as well. But I thought after a while, you would open up and try a few things. But you have maintained your missionary-only stand and won't even discuss trying something new.

"Well, Becky, there's more to lovemaking than just 'get on and get it over with'. There are things I enjoy and that I have missed since we've been married. I think I have been understanding and patient, but I have needs and desires that haven't been getting met. Maria, here, has the adventurous spirit and curiosity that I have been waiting for you to have. We didn't plan on hooking up like this–it just happened. But she gives me what you won't," he said.

I listened to what Richard was saying, hanging my head in shame. I had not kept my husband happy and he needed to find fulfillment in the arms of our maid. As a woman and a wife, there was nothing worse than that. If he had just been out tom-catting around or something just for the sake of having a new piece of ass, that would have been one thing.

But I knew he was right–I hadn't been all he wanted and needed. We'd had long talks about our boring sex life before, and I knew what he wanted from me. Only I couldn't and wouldn't give in to his desires. I was brought up to think of sex as a dirty chore, something a woman did because it was her duty to please her husband. Only I hadn't pleased him. I hadn't done my womanly duty.

"I'm sorry, Richard. I know I haven't been the wife... the lover... you want me to be," I said. Admitting that I wasn't woman enough for him was the hardest thing I'd ever had to do. And Maria–the woman he found to share our bed with–sitting right behind me only made it harder. I was not just admitting that I wasn't woman enough to him. I was admitting that she was better than me in pleasing my husband!

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"Well, Maria and I talked about this some and I think I have a plan. Since you seem to enjoy watching her and I fuck, you are going to get a front-row seat. Now, there are going to be a few rules for you. First off, you are not going to be allowed to participate–at least at first.

"You will sit where we tell you to sit and watch us. I may allow you to play with yourself, it depends on my mood. But you will have to ask permission. And you will have to beg for permission to cum. If you break either of these rules, you will be sent out of the room and we will continue without you.

"From now on, Maria here is your Mistress and you will address her as such. You will address me as Master also. You are the submissive in this household now. Maria will continue to do her duties as the maid, but in every other respect she will be your Mistress and you will obey her. Do you understand?"

"Yes," I said, softly and humbly.

"Yes, what?" he asked.

"Yes… Master," I corrected myself.

"That's better. Now as the submissive of the household, you will make yourself available to your Master or Mistress whenever you are home. Which means you will have to dress in a manner that allows us easy access to you. You will still have to go to work, of course, and you will have to dress for that.

"But as soon as you come home, you will check in with either Maria or me and ask permission to get changed. Then you will go in and get dressed in whatever we tell you to wear. This could be anything from your sweats and t-shirt that you normally wear around the house, to nothing but heels and stockings, or even nothing at all.

"As I said, you will not be allowed any sexual interaction at first, and that goes for your own pleasure as well. You will not be allowed to play with yourself unless and until we tell you to. You will not cum unless we give you permission. You can consider yourself on sexual probation; you will have to earn the right to enjoy any sexual play from now on. And if you disobey or try to act out, we will pull whatever rights we have given you. Do you understand?"

"Yes Master," I said.

"Now in accordance with your new status and position in this household, I am going to give you a new name as well. From now on you will not be Becky or Rebecca while here at home. You will be referred to instead as slut, whore, or other befitting names. You will also learn that you cutesy names for your body parts are not acceptable anymore either.

"You do not have breasts, or boobs, or boobies. You have tits. By the same token, that area between your legs is not your privates, or your 'down there'. It is either your pussy if I'm being nice, or your cunt if I'm not. And I don't have a penis or a dick, I have a cock. Understand?

"You will start using what you so laughingly call ‘dirty talk' when here at home. I am going to rid you of your straight-laced, conservative, repressive mindset, and show you that there's more to sexual relations than your mundane missionary position and your get on and get off, rabbit fucking mentality. You will learn how exciting and how much fun sex can actually be," he said.

"Yes Master," I said. 

I was crushed. Never in all our marriage together had Richard chastised me like this. And to berate me like this in front of Maria was even more humiliating. To put her in a superior position to me and make me call her Mistress… to make me have to parade around the house in little or nothing in front of them both… and to call me slut and whore–it was all too much!

Yet I didn't see a way around it. Yes, I had been probably too conservative and prudish when it came to sex. And maybe that gave him some kind of license to go to Maria to get what he wanted. But to treat me as the ‘bad guy' when it was HIM who cheated? It wasn't fair!

Still listening to him humiliate and reprimand me, I couldn't help but feel a tingle in my pussy and my heart race a bit. The naughtiness and degrading things he said he would do to me sparked a long-hidden and repressed side of me. Could I really be his slut and his whore? Could I learn to be like Maria and enjoy sex the way that she did?

Richard left me to think about what he'd said for a moment, taking Maria with him and shutting the bedroom door. I didn't know what to expect next and I have to tell you, the anticipation was driving me crazy! He had said I wasn't to play with myself, and it took everything I had not to now.

Maria had stirred up my passions playing with me before Richard came home, and the way he talked and the things he said to me only fanned that flame. Now I was sitting here on a steady boil waiting for what I did not know. But I knew Richard well enough to know he wasn't finished with me.

After a few minutes of stewing, Richard and Maria came back in the room. Richard was carrying one of our high backed dining room chairs. He set the chair down next to the bed. 

"Sit here," he commanded. 

I moved over to sit on the chair. The black vinyl cushion was cold and I gasped a little as I sat down, but it quickly warmed with the heat coming from my crotch. Maria laughed as I gasped and I blushed a bit, knowing she was enjoying my predicament.

Richard went into his closet and came back with a handful of his neckties. He came around the chair to stand behind me. 

"Give me your arm," he said, and he pulled my arm around to the side of the chair tying my wrist to the edge of the chair back. Then he did the same to my other wrist on the other side with another of his ties.

"There, that ought to keep those hands from straying and getting you in trouble," he said. "Now what to do with those legs…" he thought for a second then he took one ankle and bent my leg back to tie it as far back as I could get it. He did the same to my other leg which left me naked and helpless, sitting in the chair with my knees wide apart.

Maria watched all this with keen interest and when she saw that he was done tying me she piped up. "Master, may I?" She looked at me with an impish grin on her face.

"Would you like to check my work, my little slut?" he asked her.

"Oh yes, Master… I would very much," she said.

"Go ahead then," he said, giving her permission to toy with me.

She clapped her hands like a little girl about to open her Christmas presents. She moved over in front of me and grabbed my hair hauling my head back and pinning it to the high back of the chair. Then she leaned over and kissed me. A hard, powerful, "I am taking you" kind of kiss. She slapped my cheek a little when I didn't open my mouth at first, indicating she wanted to explore my mouth.

I had never kissed another woman except little pecks to my mother. But helpless as I was and already in trouble, I didn't have much choice. I opened my mouth and her tongue snaked its way inside to meet my own. As she held my head still by the hair with one hand and kissed me, her other hand strayed down to cup my tit and roll the hardening nipple between her fingers.

She curled her fingers into my tit meat, her somewhat long fingernails digging in and causing me to gasp in pain. But it wasn't a terrible pain, and as she continued to devour me with her mouth, I started to realize I was getting aroused at her actions.

I moaned into the mouth of my antagonist, a moan of pleasure as well as pain. I hated to admit it, but this woman was a very good kisser and she knew what to do with her hands to add to those kisses to make me hot!

Just as I was starting to really get into it and kiss her back she broke the kiss and smiling her shrewd little smile she moved her mouth down to the tit she had been toying with. Maria fastened her mouth to my hard nipple and began licking and sucking and chewing on the ripe bud. My moans increased in both volume and intensity as she expertly used her mouth to make my nipple throb and ache with desire.

"Maria is very good with her mouth isn't she, slut?" Richard asked. "It's too bad you can't see how good she sucks my cock. But maybe someday I will let you see how she eats your cunt. Would you like her to eat you out sometime? Would you like to see how that tongue feels as it squirms and wriggles deep in that cunt of yours?"

His words coupled with what she was doing to me had my pussy flowing. I laid my head back on the back of the chair, this time on my own volition and closed my eyes, surrendering to the delicious feelings.

Then Maria raised the stakes when her hand moved down to my very wet pussy.

"OHH!" I gasped loudly this time as her hand covered my pussy and she found my clit. She began quickly rubbing it back and forth as I went crazy. 

"Oh FUCK! Yes! Yes, right there! Oh God, please, please don't stop!" I cried. 

Maria rubbed my clit, then sunk her fingers into my hole as I arched my back and tried to hump her hand. Unfortunately, the way Richard had me tied, there wasn't much I could do to get her to touch me where I needed her to, but she seemed to know those places anyway. It wasn't long before I was moaning and writhing and struggling against my bonds.

But Richard knew my moans too well. Just as my cries began to warn of an impending orgasm, he pulled Maria off, leaving me whimpering and pleading to let her finish me. But as he said, I hadn't asked permission to cum and he wouldn't have granted it anyway.

He wanted me hot and bothered and begging for release. He wanted to edge me (as I was later to learn the term) and keep me at the very brink, riding the razor's edge between incredible lust and wonderful release.

"Now that you are warmed up, you can watch as I fuck our naughty slut maid and you can hear her moans and cries and whimpers. You can watch as I plow her tight, hot cunt with my cock and imagine it's you I'm fucking.

"But you will know it's not - you'll know that I am taking my pleasure out in Maria instead of you and why. So watch as she pleases me and learn what she does… maybe one day it will be you," he said.

"Yes Master," I said, nearly sobbing with shame and unfulfilled lust.

Written by Master_Jonathan
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