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Complete Acceptance Of A Cuckold

"About my life as a cuckold"

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I don’t want to bore my readers, so I won’t dwell on the way that the relationship between Alice, my wife, and I had changed over the past three years, other than to say that it had moved to what is now termed a female-led relationship. 

She had gradually, with my growing acceptance, assumed a totalitarian position.  Where we went for dinner was decided by her, where we holidayed, the cars we drove, the clothes I wore, were all decided by her.

Naturally, too, our sex life had changed.  Alice knows what she wants and now sees no reason to limit herself to my views or opinions.  Over the past three years or so we have moved to an entirely Dominant/submissive lifestyle.  It is common for me to bring her to orgasm on a daily basis, often achieving that with my mouth only.  I am very happy to do this, of course, but it does result in my own arousal and that is unfortunate for, eight months ago, Alice introduced a cock cage into our lives. 

Since then, I have had three models, each smaller than the last so that now my erection is contained in a three-inch stainless-steel contraption that all too rarely comes off.

Initially, she removed it once a week, so we could fuck, but over time, the intervals have grown longer, and now I am only released once every three weeks or so, and it is rare that leads to me fucking Alice.  More often than not, she merely wanks me off after telling me that my cock is too small to satisfy her in any meaningful way. 

On these occasions, she takes care to make the experience as unexciting as possible.  For example, a few weeks back she released me and quickly stroked me to a full erection.  She then sat back on the settee and turned on the TV, idly wanking me, whilst she clicked through the channels to find something she wanted to watch. 


My enforced celibacy means that I cannot last long, and as she settled on a programme to watch, my cock jerked in her hand and I groaned aloud, as my cum spurted onto her hand and the wood flooring.  Without turning her head, she wiped her hand on my stomach and told me to get a damp cloth.  I already knew that I was responsible for cleaning the floor with my tongue.


Now I understand that many men will not understand this situation, but I can only say that I approve wholeheartedly, and adore my wife unreservedly.  I also know, and this crucial, my wife loves me completely.  What she does, she does because she knows what is best for both of us and we both know that her pleasure is paramount.


She freely admits that watching my humiliation is deeply arousing.  She rarely resorts to inflicting pain, as neither of us get any great satisfaction from it, although she does like clamping my nipples on occasion.  What thrills her is my emotional discomfort.


A year ago, she took me with her to her local beauty salon, where I assumed she had an appointment.   It turned out, though, that the appointment was for me.  We were taken through to a room in which there was a long, low table of sorts, Alice and the beautician chatting amiably together.  When the door closed Alice told me to remove my trousers.

I was extremely hesitant to do so in front of the beautician because I was, at the time, not only caged but also wearing a bright-pink pair of silk panties, edged in lace.  I looked, in panic, towards Alice who merely mouthed the word now.  Bright red in the face, I slowly undid my belt, unzipped, and dropped my jeans to the floor, to be met with a peal of laughter from the beautician, as she clapped her hands together.


“There’s more,” Alice said, grinning, as I slowly lowered the panties to the floor before standing upright.


“Oh my god, I’ve never seen the like of it,” said the beautician as she leaned forward to stare at the cage encapsulating my cock. “He’s tiny.”  With that, she looked at Alice and grimaced, “Poor you.”


“I know,” sighed Alice “it’s positively useless.”  At that point, I wasn’t entirely sure if she meant my cock, or me.


Alice stepped forward and used her key to remove the cage, and I exhaled with relief, as my cock was freed.  Regrettably, it also swelled to a semi-erection despite, or more likely because of, the situation.


“So, I’d like him lasered smooth, please Jen.”


“No problem,” Jen replied, “but you know it’s permanent, don’t you?”


“Absolutely,” Alice replied.


“Are you staying, it should take about forty-five minutes?” said Jen.


“Yes, that’s fine,” Alice replied “I’m looking forward to seeing the results.  Maybe it will make his cock look bigger,” she laughed.


“Not much chance of that,” Jen grinned. “Lie on the bed,” she continued, as she walked over to a contraption on a mobile stand in the corner.


I disentangled myself from my jeans and pants after taking off my shoes, and placed them all neatly on a chair, as Alice sat down to one side.  As I lay back, I was acutely aware of my semi which stood upright from my groin. 


Jen returned with the machine and flicked a couple of switches before placing a handheld unit against my groin.  As she did so she moved my penis to one side.  Just the touch sent a jolt through me, and my cock hardened noticeably.


Jen ignored this and commenced her work, but as she moved the head of the machine over my groin, my cock continued to harden until I was fully erect.


Jen looked back at Alice and said, “Is that it then?” glancing down at my erection.


“Hopeless, isn’t it," Alice sighed.


“It is, but it is still getting in the way,” she frowned.


“One minute,” Alice said, rising.  She walked over to me and grasped my cock.


“Sorry about this Jen,” she said as she began to vigorously wank me.  I groaned out loud as she expertly, and quickly, brought me off, my cum splashing onto my shirt.  She waited until I had stopped then gripped me firmly and pulled up, squeezing the last of my spunk onto her hand which she wiped on my shirt before walking over to the sink and washing her hands.


“That should do,” Alice said as she returned to her chair.


Jen grinned at her, and once more took my cock moving it out of the way as she continued with the treatment.  An hour later she was done, and I stood up from the table so that Alice could inspect Jen’s work.


“Perfect,” she smiled. “So much nicer than before, but you’re right, it doesn’t look any bigger.”


With that she handed me my cage and, acutely embarrassed, I replaced it under the rapt attention of the two women.


Once dressed I thanked Jen, and Alice led us out of the room to Reception, where I had the further humiliation of telling the young woman behind the desk what treatment I had had so that she could make up the bill, which I then had to pay.  She grinned at me as she processed my card before saying that she hoped to see us again soon, the sir she added at the end was accompanied by a giggle.


Back home, Alice led me straight to the bedroom and had me lie on the bed before raising her skirt to reveal very damp knickers.  She straddled my face and gripping my hair, forced her covered cunt hard onto my mouth and nose, grinding back and forth until ten minutes later, she came, surprisingly hard, on my face.


“Shower,” she said as she stripped off her panties, and dropped them on my heaving chest.

I did as I was told, spending some time inspecting my now bald groin. I had to admit it looked quite good.


A week or so later I was in the kitchen when the doorbell rang.  Answering it, a delivery driver gave me a package addressed to Alice.  Taking it, I walked down the hall and knocked on the door to her office.


“Come in,” she called, and I opened the door and gave her the package.


“I’ve been waiting for this,” she said, with a twisted smile. 


I backed out and closed the door, going back to the kitchen to carry on preparing the evening meal.


At about 6:00 pm Alice had finished work and came out of her office to get a glass of wine from the fridge.


“Go and get the blue plug,” she ordered without looking at me. “And some lube,” she added.


I was back a few minutes later with the large, bulbous plug that she liked to use on me.

“Drop your trousers and bend over the counter.”


I did as instructed revealing the white lace panties she had laid out for me to wear that day.

I felt her hands smooth over my bottom before she gently pulled the panties down. 


Unbidden, I opened my legs further, as she opened the lube and the next moment, I jerked as the cold hit my puckered ring.  Slowly she worked it around my rim, before pushing her coated finger into my arse.  Several times she did this, generously coating me with lube.


Next, I felt the familiar hard nose of the plug as she pressed, and twisted, slowly opening me until the plug suddenly popped into place.  I groaned at the intrusion and took a moment to calm my breathing, before standing and pulling my panties and trousers back into position.


“What’s for dinner?” she asked, as if nothing had happened in the last few minutes.


After the meal, I cleared the table whilst Alice disappeared upstairs.   Fifteen minutes later, she called me to come up.  When I entered our room I saw, on the bed, the familiar ankle and wrist cuffs that she often used to restrain me.


”Strip to your knickers, and put them on,” she said, “then come back downstairs."


I did as instructed and made sure they were nice and tight as she liked, before going back downstairs, acutely aware of how I must look to her.  When I went into the drawing room, Alice was sitting on the settee, on her phone.


Still talking she beckoned me forward and reached up to fondle me through my pants, almost instantly giving me the erection she desired.  I groaned, as my cock pressed firmly against the steel cage.  A couple of times she reached further and pressed the base of the plug into my arse.  I had to concentrate on not moaning, as she was still on the phone with one of her oldest friends.


After ten minutes or so she ended the call and put her mobile down.


“Does my baby want to fuck me?” she asked, in a mocking tone.


“God yes,” I replied, as she squeezed me hard.


“Well, tonight is your lucky night.  Upstairs now.”


I waited for her to rise and followed her up the stairs to the bedroom.  “Bend over the bed,” she ordered.


I did as I was told and quickly, she hooked each ankle to the hooks fitted at the bottom of the bed, before going around the bed and likewise attaching my wrists, so that I was firmly secured across the bed, the edge of the mattress pressing hard against my straining cock.


“Before you fuck me, it is important that I show you how I like to be fucked,” Alice said quietly before I heard her cross the room to her dressing table.  I could only hear faint sounds as I waited for her, but she was back in a minute or so.


“You know that I get very little stimulation when you fuck me with your little cock, and I have long dreamed of getting a proper fuck, from a proper-sized cock.  Well, tonight, we are going to change that.”


As she spoke, she knelt on the bed in front of me, and I suppressed a gasp as I saw that protruding from between her legs was a strapon cock, held in place by a leather harness.  The cock looked huge from my perspective, long and thick and jet black.


“So, tonight, Sweetie, I’m going to fuck you, and you are going to pay attention so that you can, finally, give me the pleasure I deserve,” As she spoke, she moved her hand up and down the shaft turning it one way and another, admiring its proportions.


She climbed off the bed and moved behind me.  I tried to relax but my mind was in overdrive as I imagined her thrusting into me.  A moment later my panties were pulled hard down my legs, and I heard the flimsy fabric tear before I felt her fingers tug the plug firmly, causing me to yelp as the widest part stretched me on its way out.  I could tell that Alice was excited because she was hurrying and this, in turn, added to my own thrill.


A moment later, more lube applied and then the thick head of the dildo pressed against me.  I slowed my breathing and relaxed, as best I could before I felt the head penetrate me. 

I, immediately, started breathing faster, but Alice paused, allowing me to adjust to the thickness.


“OK,” I murmured.


“Good boy,” she replied and eased three inches into me.


Struggling to control my breathing, she slid more into me, my fingers clawing at the bedclothes, as she continued until she was finally fully into me.


“OK?” she asked, and I nodded my head. I felt her hand in my hair, gentle at first, then twisting and gripping me firmly.


Slowly, so slowly, she pulled back, and I sighed as I felt it withdrawing from me, but with the head still inside me, she leaned forward and smoothly slid the length back into me, making me gasp.


Quickly, she established a rhythm, not fast, not slow, just a gentle, steady fucking, and soon enough I was panting with pleasure, as she pegged me.


“I like this sort of pace to start with,” she said, “just to get used to it, but then...” she went quiet as she pulled back out until only the head remained in my stretched arse. “But then, it’s wonderful when a man thrusts hard,” and she did just that, slamming the cock deep into me, causing me to shout out at the ferocity of her thrusting.


Again and again, slow withdrawal and then hard, and deep, thrusts leaving no part of the dildo outside of me.  My breathing became increasingly ragged as she built the pace until she was fucking me hard and fast, pulling back on my hair, as she fucked me remorselessly.


After ten minutes she slowed and a minute later I felt it slip from my ravaged hole, leaving me utterly empty.  I felt Alice’s hand slide between my legs a moment later, her cum covered hand was in front of my face.


“I don’t recall telling you to cum,” she said, in a good-natured way as she wiped my spunk across my lips, before wiping the rest into my hair, “but I suppose I can let you off this once,” she laughed.


I felt her release my ankles, and then she came around the bed and released my wrists.  In her hand was the harness complete with the dildo that had so thoroughly fucked me.  If anything, it looked even bigger dangling from her small hand.


“Wash it well,” she said, handing it me.  I pulled up my ripped panties, and hurried off to the bathroom, to clean it thoroughly, pleased that I had not disappointed her, and had taken it all.


When I returned, Alice was on the bed, naked, masturbating gently, stroking her slit as she read porn on her Kindle.


She looked across at me and smiled.  “Put it on,” she said. “You’ll see there’s plenty of space at the end to stick your little cock in,” she continued, as she held up my cage key.


It took me a few minutes to take off my cage and arrange the harness correctly.  Looking down, I felt utterly humiliated as my cock had been replaced by one of such dimensions.


“Lie on the bed,” she ordered, and I did as I was told, my eyes glued to the huge black erection I was now sporting. Alice rolled onto her knees, and I was treated to the sight of her fully naked, her hairless pussy clearly in a state of arousal, the lips swollen, revealing the wet pinkness of her cunt.


She knelt astride me, and edged back, grasping the cock in one hand and introducing it to her slit.  Slowly she lowered herself down, and I watched, mesmerised, as the thick, black cock disappeared into her, inch by inch, a look of intense concentration on her face as the dildo stretched her wider than she had ever experienced before.

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“Oh my god,” she exhaled, “this feels unbelievable,“ she said as she raised herself up, then back down a couple of times to get used to it. “This is nothing like your little cock, this hits all the spots at the same time.”


She lifted herself up, then dropped down, taking every inch, and I felt the movement against my own cock as she started to slide up and down more vigorously.”


“Oh, if only you were built like this, Baby, I’d be truly happy.”


I lay there soaking up my humiliation whilst she fucked herself on the large cock.

Suddenly, she slowed and pulled off me, so that I could see the phallus slick with her juice.


She leaned over the bed, spreading her legs wide.  “Fuck me hard,” she said, in a steely tone, “Don’t hold back, or you’ll never cum again,” she added with menace. 


I moved quickly behind her and aimed the head at her open cunt, noting that she was actually dripping wet, silvery stalagmites of her wetness hanging from the splayed lips of her cunt.  It didn’t escape my notice that her cunt was formed in a perfect O, something my small cock had certainly never achieved.


I eased into her, and then took hold of her waist, withdrew until only the fat head remained in her then buried the plastic phallus hard into her.  She cried out, a mixture of pain and pleasure, as I started a quick rhythm, ploughing deep into her.


“Harder, you cunt,” she yelled.


I adjusted my position slightly and began to fuck my wife like she was a bitch in heat, the cock a blur, as it slammed in and out of her, obscenities coming from her mouth, as I rammed hard into her.


Suddenly, she screamed, and her body tensed.  I carried on as she crashed into her orgasm, and I felt hot liquid spray against my legs, as her hand moved around and pressed against me, telling me to stop, as her body shook in a way I had never seen.  Deep, urgent gasps of breath gradually calmed, and I pulled out of her completely.


Eventually, she stood up on shaky legs and looked at me, her eyes sad.


“Your cock will never fuck me again”.


Weeks, then months, passed during which I was regularly required to fuck Alice with the strapon, often anally.  True to her word my cock never entered her except when encased in the dildo.  She bought another one, as thick, but a full inch and a half longer, and on every occasion, she came hard, often more than once.


One afternoon, after such a session I could sense something wasn’t quite right.  I rolled on my side and looked at Alice.  “You need the real thing, don’t you?” I asked quietly.


She looked at me and stroked my head lovingly.  “I won’t deny I have thought about it,” she smiled.


“Why don’t you then?”


“Fear, I suppose...of losing you.”


“You think I’d leave you?” I said surprised.




“It would be my absolute joy to be able to give you this Alice.  You know I adore you?  I don’t fear this, if anything, it seems entirely logical and appropriate,”


“Logical and appropriate,“Alice mused.


“Quite.  I am not able to satisfy you sexually, so it is logical to find men who can, and  appropriate because it is your right, as my Mistress.”


There was a long pause before she responded.


“You’ve never called me Mistress.”


“You’ve never asked me to, but you are.”


“Is that how you wish to address me,” she asked tenderly.


“Not always, but there are times when it would definitely heighten things for me...and maybe for you too.”


“Such as?”


“When we are out, for dinner or the like.  Also, sometimes I think with our friends.  Some of them, at least, are aware of the nature of our dynamic, aren’t they?’


“That's true of some of them certainly.  Bob and Elaine, Roger and Louise, and, of course, Ellen.”




“Yes, I tell her everything.  I thought you knew."


“I know you’re very close, but no, I didn’t realise.”


Alice looked down at my body.  “It excites you, clearly,” as she witnessed my cock swelling in my cage.


“Yes,” I blushed.




“So?” she queried.


“How do we find a man with a huge cock?” I smiled.


“I need to think about this,” Alice replied, and swung herself from the bed, heading for a shower.


Two days later we sat at the kitchen counter, two glasses of wine in front of us.  She didn’t need to tell me she had reached a decision.  It was the nature of our relationship.  Alice had considered all the options, weighed up the risks, and come to her decision.  She didn’t need to seek either my opinion or my approval.  Her pleasure was paramount.


“You go to the gym regularly; you must see naked men in the showers.  Pick one and let me know.”


My mind searched through recent times there and, almost immediately I knew who would make a good choice.


“Thomas, I don’t know his second name, but we have chatted a couple of times.  He’s early to mid-thirties, tall, well built.  I think he’s an architect, or designer, something like that."




“He’s extremely well-hung,” I conceded.


It was a couple of weeks before I saw him again.  He was dressing in the changing room, and I walked up and asked if he had time for a coffee.


“Sure,” he said, looking me a little quizzically.


Once settled in a quiet corner with our drinks I looked directly at him.


“I don’t think there’s an easy way to have this conversation, so forgive me if I am blunt.”


“Go on.”


“My Mistress, wishes to be fucked by a well-endowed man, and I am most definitely not that.”


Thomas sat quite still for a long time.


“How do you feel about it?”


“It’s humiliating not to be able to satisfy my wife.  It’s a joy to be able to find her a man who can.  She loves me, she’s not looking to replace me.”


Slowly, Thomas nodded.


“This may seem a little impertinent but, um, what’s she look like?”


“She looks exactly like the woman sat over at that table there,” I said, pointing.


He half-turned and smiled, before returning his attention to me.


“I’d be delighted,” he grinned at me.


I nodded to Alice, who got up and walked over to us.  Thomas, and I, stood, smiling.


“Mistress, may I introduce Thomas, he would be delighted to fuck you senseless.”



Conflicting diaries meant three weeks passed until one Saturday evening Thomas was due to come to our house at 7:00pm.  Alice was obviously nervous, although outwardly she appeared to be in control.


We had discussed how she should dress and had come to the conclusion that as we knew the anticipated outcome, there was no sense in dressing coyly.  Consequently, Alice wore a semi-transparent blouse, with a very lacy bra beneath, a flared knee-length skirt, hold-up stockings, and high heels.  Her make-up and hair were, as ever, immaculate. She looked stunning.


We had also discussed my attire which was to be a white open-neck shirt, black trousers, and brogues.  Underneath I was, of course, caged and wearing black silk panties.  My role was necessarily vague, but Alice had told me to be attentive and a good host and to “go with the flow,”  neither of us entirely sure quite what might be.


Three minutes past seven and the bell rang.  Alice stood up, as I went to the door.  A minute later I was back, Thomas following me.  I stood to one side as Thomas moved forward, hand outstretched.


“Thomas, given the likely outcome of you being here I think a kiss might be more appropriate, don’t you?” Alice laughed, as she stepped forward and kissed him on his lips.

She then settled herself on the settee, patting the space beside her, as I went to get the drinks.


As I returned, I heard Alice asking Thomas a little about himself, but as soon as I was settled, she turned to face him.


“Frank tells me you are very well-endowed.  May I enquire just how well?”


“May I be as forward as you were just now?"


“Yes, of course,” Alice smiled.


With that, Thomas reached for her hand and guided it to his crotch.


I watched, as Alice traced the outline of his cock through his trousers.


“Oh my!” she whispered.


She leaned into him, opening her lips slightly, and I watched as Thomas reciprocated, their mouths closing on each other’s. 


I sat, watching, feeling my cock quickly hardening, as Alice’s hand stroked between his open legs, Thomas’s hand moving upwards to gently stroke her breast, through the gauzy fabric of her blouse.


They kissed for several minutes before Alice broke away. 


Carefully she knelt on the carpet in front of Thomas and reaching up unzipped his trousers before reaching in and, after a moment, pulling his thick, long cock free.


Any jealousy I felt was swept away, at the sight of Alice’s face suffused with a look of complete joy as she looked at the thick, long penis dwarfing her petite fingers, which could not close around his girth.


“Oh my!” she said again, before leaning forward and taking the head of his cock in her mouth.  I watched as she worked her tongue over the head of his cock, as she looked up at him.


Thomas drained his glass and set it aside, then gently pushed Alice’s face away before standing up, kicking his shoes off then removing his trousers and pants, to fully reveal his large cock and heavy ballsack, before sitting back down.


Alice leaned in once more and took the still-limp cock in both hands, guiding it back to her willing mouth.  I watched for five minutes, as she worked him to a full erection, acutely aware of my own small cock straining against my cage.


With him fully erect, Alice stood, and slowly unbuttoned her blouse, before dropping it on the settee.  She then unzipped her skirt and let it fall to the ground.  My cock throbbed, seeing her standing there in front of a half-naked man, dressed only in her expensive matching lingerie.


She turned and faced me, and I saw the telltale dark stain on her panties that betrayed her arousal.  The moment for me to say no, stop, was there.  I just smiled and mouthed “I love you.”


With that she turned back to Thomas and knelt on the settee at right angles to him, taking as much of his cock into her mouth as she could.  Thomas, in turn, placed one hand lightly on her head, as his other hand ran across her bottom, squeezing and fondling her arse as she moved up and down his shaft.


I had to shift position slightly to ease the discomfort in my trousers and Thomas noticed.


“Mind if I ask you, Alice, what you have been used to with Frank?”


Her head came off his glistening cockhead.


“Show him, Frank.”


Slowly, I stood and dropped my trousers, revealing the feminine panties I was wearing.  Thomas raised an eyebrow at those, which rose higher when I pulled them down to reveal my 3-inch cage.


“Oh my!” he mimicked Alice, as he guided her head back onto his cock.  Unsure what to do I kicked my rousers off and then removed my shirt for good measure.


“Does she suck your cock as good as this?” Thomas asked.


“Only on very special occasions Sir,” I replied, feeling it entirely appropriate to use a formal response.


By now his fingers were under the fabric of her panties, and Alice moaned as he made contact with her pussy.


“You’re very wet already Alice!” he said without judgement.


“Would you mind, awfully, standing up and straddling me because I really would love to push my cock into you?”


Alice laughed at the mock formality before easing off the settee and standing in front of him slipping her panties down to reveal her swollen slit.


“I would be delighted, Sir, if you would introduce your penis to my vagina...and fuck the living shit out of me,” she laughed, as she placed her knees on either side of his thighs, gripping his cock and pressing it to her soaking cunt.  I watched as another man slowly slid his cock into my wife, hearing the contented sigh as his length disappeared.


As she let her weight down on him, she exclaimed “Oh fuck,” and leaned forward into him, as he moved his hips and began to slowly, tenderly fuck her.  By pressing down into the settee, he could withdraw maybe four, or five, inches of his cock before sliding it back into her, and they remained like this for long minutes as I stood, watching, my hand uselessly stroking the steel of my cage.


Thomas leaned into her neck, whispering something before kissing the soft skin.  Alice pulled off him and stood, then walked to the end of the settee and bent over it, pushing her arse upwards as Thomas also stood.


Moving behind her he re-entered her, before reaching under her and gripping her tits.  Several slow strokes and then he pulled back, paused before thrusting hard into her, the settee trembling, as he bottomed out, Alice crying out, loudly, in pleasure.


Within seconds Thomas had picked up speed and was slamming into Alice with hard, quick, deep strokes eliciting cries and moans of pleasure from her.  His energy was immense and five minutes later Alice stiffened and screamed out that she was cumming.  Thomas didn’t slow, he kept pounding her as she flooded his cock with her cum, her hands clawing the settee for purchase as, within another minute, she was cumming again.


A couple of minutes later Thomas growled deeply, and I could see his balls tighten.  We hadn’t discussed this, but it was too late now as Thomas washed her cunt with his load, gripping her tits hard as he pumped his spunk deep into her eager cunt.


Eventually, he pulled back from her and took a step back.  Alice pulled herself upright and turned towards me.  As she did, a huge glob of his spunk slid down her inner thigh.

The two of them collapsed on the settee whilst I hobbled into the kitchen to bring back drinks for us all.


When I returned Alice looked directly at me and smiled tentatively.


“Happy?” I asked, smiling.


She mouthed “thank you” back to me as she reached out for Thomas’s cock once more.

He fucked her twice more before leaving three hours later.


Alice came and snuggled up to me, stroking the steel cage between my legs.


“You need to cum.  You deserve it but...not quite yet.  I have one more thing I need you to do.”


I waited for her to speak.


In a very low voice, she said, “I need you to clean me.”


“Of course,” I said, standing to go to the kitchen for a cloth.


“No” she said very quietly “not like that.”


For a moment I was confused but when her eyes looked downwards the penny dropped.


Her eyes came back up and she looked at me.  I realised that, for her, this would be the reassurance that we were alright, that I still loved her.


I knelt, before lying down.  Alice stood above me and then slowly descended, her swollen, soaked cunt lowering towards my mouth until her lips touched mine, and my tongue entered her ravaged slit to underline her complete dominance of me, and my complete love for her, as I tasted Thomas’s cum.


As I worked my lips and tongue around, I felt her l unlock my cage and release my poor cock.  What I didn’t expect was her lips to close around it and take me in her mouth.  I lasted about ten seconds before I spewed my load into her mouth. 


She held me tight as I emptied myself into her, before she raised herself off me.  Turning to me, she lowered her face and let my own cum stream from her mouth onto my lips.


“I love you,” she said, smiling, as she tenderly stroked my hair.

Written by AlicesMan
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