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Cherry's Next Door Neighbor Becomes the Man of the House

"The next door neighbor takes over when the husband drops the ball."

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Competition Entry: Some Like it Hot
Cherry walked into the kitchen and made a beeline for the wine rack. It had been one hell of a week and it was only Thursday. Her tight red dress twirled with each movement. She left her shiny red three inch heels on to get the wine glass down from the middle shelf on the upper cabinet. She popped the cork on her favorite Moscato. Then she stepped out of the heels and kicked them aside. She poured the rosy colored wine nearly to the top of the glass.

She took a long drag out of the glass, as the fight with her husband, Kyle, ran through her head. He had extended his business trip again. It had been weeks since they had seen each other. She knew that he was working to advance in the company but it was coming at the cost of their marriage. This morning's call ended in a yelling match and harsh words.

She had spent way too many nights alone. Even when he was home it was not that much better. She had done her best to bite her tongue but her raging libido could no longer be contained. He seemed fine with sex twice a month but she could not be. Well, not for that much longer anyway.

She ran her fingers through her reddish-brown shoulder length hair and let out a deep sigh. She topped off her glass. Then padded her way out to the patio in her bare feet. The backyard was her sanctuary. Lush gardens, hot tub, comfy places to sit, and even an outdoor kitchen. She spent many a night lost in her private oasis trying to forget the problems in her personal life.

The warm air swirled around her, it caused her dress to rustle. She stood fuming for a few more minutes in her lush backyard. She placed her near empty glass down on the counter top of the outdoor kitchen. That was when the sound of the bubbling caught her ear. She did not remember turning on the hot tub. She walked to the tub at the edge of the patio. The bubbles looked so inviting and the hot tub was set at 102 degrees, her favorite temperature.

It would be a shame to waste all those relaxing warm bubbles, she thought. She debated just a moment about going in and changing into a bathing suit. It was nearly ten on a Thursday night. The nearest neighbor, Steve, was one of those early to bed, early to rise fellows.

A smile crossed her face when she thought of Steve. He was over often, especially the last few weeks. He kept her company and made her laugh. He was very easy on the eye to boot.

The hot bubbling water called her name. She decided not to waste any time. She stripped out of her tight red dress, letting it slide down her ample tits, full round ass, thick thighs, and finally pooling at her feet. Taking a quick glance around, she then reached around and unhooked the black lace bra. Looking around again, she tossed the bra aside. The matching black lace thong backs went over her expansive ass with ease. Cherry thought she heard rustling at the fence line and froze. Just a breeze, she finally concluded. She stepped out of the thong backs and then sank her voluptuous naked body into the hot water.

Everything melted away as the hot bubbles swirled around her naked body. Clearly caught up in the sound of bubbles, she missed the back gate opening and closing. Steve stood back watching those marvelous mammaries floating free.

He had been over almost every day this week to “check” on her, like a good neighbor should. What he was finding that he was coming over to check out her body and figure out a way inside those tight low cut dresses she wore. How the husband could leave her alone so often, Steve never knew.

“Hey neighbor. Mind if I join you?” he called out. Not waiting for her to answer, he slipped his six-foot yellow swim suit clad frame into the bubbling cauldron beside her.

Cherry sank down in the tub, hoping Steve could not see her naked body in the dark scorching rolling water. She stammered, “H-Hey neighbor. What are you doing up so late?”

“Work day ran long and I needed take my laps in the pool. Then I realized I had not checked on my girl today. So, here I am,” he said cheerily. He tried to make out like he was not admiring her bountiful body.

Cherry thrilled at the words “My girl” as she always did when he said it. Kyle hated it, she could tell by how his jaw clenched when it was said. However, he never said a word to Steve.

Steve's swimmers body floated a little closer to Cherry. She did not take much notice that Steve was now just a few inches away from her curvaceous body. She lied to herself, thinking it must be too dark for Steve to see she was naked.

Their dark brown eyes met and he asked, “So, how is my girl doing today?”

Cherry sighed heavily and said, “Kyle extended his business trip again.”

Steve could not believe his luck. Tonight was perfect timing to enact some of his plans. He floated in the searing bubbling water, so that his cut thigh was touching her thick one.

Trying to hide a smile, he said, “Oh I am sorry. I knew you were looking forward to seeing him tonight.”

Cherry clearly lost in her own problems. She barley registered how close he was. She jumped a bit when she felt Steve's fingers play along her neck.

Steve's voice could barely be heard over the rolling hot water as he said, “You are so sexy. I do not know see how he can leave you so often. If you were mine, your day would be filled with orgasms.”

Her clit throbbed harder than she thought possible. She gasped, at not only his words but her reaction to them. She then felt his right hand high up on her broad thigh.

“Steve, this is really is not right,” Cherry whispered.

“Let me give you just a sample, Cherry. If you do not beg for more, then we will pretend like it never happened. Everything will go back to the boring colorless way it has always been,” he said. Then he placed his lips right next to her ear. Feeling his hot breath on her ear as he whispered, “I promise you will be begging for more and your life will be more colorful than you thought possible.”

All of sudden the hot tub felt like it was a thousand degrees. She could not think of anything but his breath still in her ear. Then his right hand moved from her thigh to her pussy mound. His strong fingers drummed on her sensitive skin. Her libido was now in overdrive.

“Steve, please,” she breathed out.

“See, the begging has already started,” he said with a chuckle and moved his fingers to her clit.

Not giving her a chance to say more, he moved his fingers in quick circles. Her back was arching and hips moved in time with his fingers. Tension built faster than even when she touched herself. He took his fingers on his left hand and began pulling her left nipple. She moaned softly. Fire shot down to her clit when he gave the nipple a hard twist.

“Oh God,” she cried out as she approached the edge.

“That's it, Cherry, give me your cum,” he said gruffly.

He twisted her nipple harder than before as his fingers worked her clit faster. The pain in her nipple fueled the fire that pushed her over the edge. He body exploded as the orgasm coursed through her body. Boiling water splashed as her hips bucked.

“That's my good girl,” he said.

A soft moan escaped her lips and her body felt weightless. If that was what he could do with just his fingers, Lord help her, she thought. As she was still trying to recover, Steve stood up. She panicked a moment when she thought he was going to leave.

“Wait,” she said, the word catching in her throat.

He smiled big, slipped out of the yellow swim trunks, and his hard cut cock sprang free. She could not help but stare as he tossed the yellow trunks aside. He reached down and gave her his hands, helping her stand. He pulled her soft wet warm body against his. He leaned down and kissed her softly. His hands roamed her body as the kiss intensified. He deepened the kiss, growling as their tongues intertwined. He pulled her closer. His hard cock pressed against her belly, enveloped in her soft flesh. She moaned deep in her throat.

He broke the kiss but kept her hands in his. He stepped out of the bubbling tub and then helped her out.

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He led her to the chaise lounge, laid it flat, and helped her lay on her back. He placed her head close to the edge of the chair. He took his hands and spread her thick thighs apart. He let his hands explore her body again finding her soaking warm slit. Finally fingers dipping a few times into her soaking pussy. A moan escaped Cherry's lips.

Steve looked her deep in her aged brandy colored eyes, while his fingers continued to work her pussy and said, “Do you trust me, Cherry?”

“Very much so, Steve,” she said between moans.

He removed his fingers from her pussy, as she whimpered. He tasted her musky sweetness off his fingers as he took the few steps into the outdoor kitchen. He found a hand towel near the sink, made sure his hands were thoroughly dry. He then opened the mini fridge under the counter. He opened the freezer section, removed an item, and made his way back to her quickly.

Her eyes grew wide as she caught sight of the frozen metal soup spoon in his hand. Before she could squirm or question, he had her pussy lips spread and the back of the frosty metal on her clit. When her hot wet clit hit the frozen metal, the skin stuck to the metal. Cherry cried out as the glacial burn started. Her body shivered as her body temperature plunged.

Steve drove his cock into her open mouth and two fingers into her gushing pussy. Fingers and cock stroked into her body as the icy burn continued. Her hips bucked and she gagged on his cock as her body began to shake as she became chilled to the bone. The frigid pain in her clit fueled the orgasm that convulsed through her body. She called out around Steve's cock. Cherry fought for breath as the orgasm continued to quake through her. Heat radiated from the orgasm and after a few moments it was finally enough to thaw the spoon. Steve then removed the warmed metal from her clit. With one final shudder the tension left her body and juices glisten on her slit.

Steve set the spoon aside and placed the palm of his hand on her clit. This helped to continue warm her clit. He had yet to remove his throbbing cock from her mouth. Her tongue swirled around his shaft and then she started sucking him. His hips moved as if they were on auto pilot. He slowly stroked his cock into her hot wet mouth as her tongue moved. He went deeper and deeper with each move of his hips. He could feel her mouth moving around him as she struggled to breath as the tip of his cock hit the back of her throat. He groaned as she again gagged on his cock as he went deep in her throat and he held it there.

He moved his hips back and his cock popped out of her mouth. He rested his cock on her face and said, “That's my very good girl. Cherry, I require you to stroke my cum on your face.”

Cherry squirmed at his words and looked up at Steve as his cock lifted off her face. She reached for him, fingers brushing along his spit covered rod at first. Her chubby fingers grasped his shaft and then she began to stroke him. He moaned as her fingers worked their enchantment on his growing member.

Steve caught movement in the house out of the corner of his eye. His attention divided as Cherry stroked him faster. Kyle stepped out of the shadows. Steve acted as if he had not spotted Kyle, letting Cherry continue to work his throbbing member. He let out a loud moan, as he saw Kyle's cock grow in his pants. Steve smiled wide as Kyle stepped closer.

Kyle watched intently as his wife six years stroked his next door neighbor. Kyle adjusted himself, not believing how turned on he was with the scene in front of him. Kyle nearly came as the first burst of Steve's sperm hit Cherry's face. Two more squirts hit her face in quick succession as Steve called out. All three of them were panting.

Cherry hearing the panting off to the side, she finally caught sight of Kyle out of the corner of her eye. She stammered, “W-What a-are you doing home?”

“I felt bad after our fight and jumped on the first plane back home to make up. Little did I know what was going on every time I go on a trip,” Kyle said, a little more harshly than he intended.

“This is the first time this has ever happened. I was just so lonely,” Cherry said her face still covered in cum.

“Cherry, no need to explain yourself to Kyle. He understands exactly why my cum is on your pretty face. Just like he understands why it will continue to be there any time I want,” Steve said directly to Kyle.

Kyle, his cock still clearly hard, said, “No, that is not going to happen.”

Steve ignoring the comment, looked Kyle in the eye and said, “Come clean my girl up while I fuck her how you should have all these years. Do a good job and I will let you cum on her tits.”

Kyle, trying to think of the last time he had sex with his wife, said, “You do not understand what kind of pressure that is on me.”

“Oh Cherry is the best kind of pressure reliever you could possibly find. I am going to use her how I want, when I want, and when ever I want,” Steve said.

Steve moved to kneel on the chaise in between Cherry's thick thighs. He rubbed her clit with his cock causing her body to shake and her to moan. Then his cock slowly sank into her pussy and he groaned out loud. Kyle stood blinking as his wife's body moved with each thrust of Steve's hips. She was moaning and breathing harder than she ever had with him. His cock was throbbing in time to Steve's thrusts. Kyle found himself on his knees on the concrete next to Cherry's head. He could hardly believe when he leaned down and tentatively licked her cum covered cheek.

Cherry cried out as thrust after thrust of Steve's cock slammed against her cervix. Kyle was licking now in earnest, needing to cum. When he had what he thought was every drop of Steve's cum off her face, he looked to Steve for approval.

When Steve did not acknowledge him, Kyle almost pleading said, “Please, please may I cum on her tits?”

Steve nodded his head. Kyle not needing any more encouragement, was off his knees in a flash. He unzipped his pants and pulled his cock out with very little ceremony. He watched Cherry's heavy tits shake as he stroked fast.

All that could be heard in the night air was moans, groans, and heavy breathing. It started with Cherry, she cried out as her body came undone. Her pulsing pussy began to milk Steve's cock dry. Steve called out as the last stream left his body. Kyle was last as spurt after spurt of cum covered Cherry's heaving chest.

Steve pulled his hips back from Cherry's cum soaked pussy, releasing his cock. Cherry whimpered as he left her body. He sat back on his heels, looking at her cum covered shaking body.

“Cherry take the ring finger on your left hand and get it covered in our cum,” Steve told her.

She gave him a questioning look but raised up on her elbows. Then pumped her left ring finger in her cream filled pussy a few times. Steve pulled her saturated finger from her pussy. He moved it towards Kyle.

“Clean our cum from her finger and wedding ring, Kyle. Then remove the ring. Cherry is then going to tell you who owns her now. She can stay married to you if she wishes, but I am the man of the house now. My wishes and desires come first,” Steve said looking at Kyle.

Kyle hesitated for only a moment, but took Cherry's hand from Steve. He then mouth fucked her finger. Moaning around it as he tasted their cum.

Cherry said softly as Kyle worked her finger, “Steve owns me now.”

Kyle's mouth came off Cherry's finger with a pop. Looking from Steve to Cherry and back to Steve. He then slid the wedding ring that he placed on her finger six years ago off of her finger. Knowing deep in his heart he deserved his new place in life.

“Kyle, go make us dinner, while I fuck my girl again in your bed. If dinner is good enough I will let you suck my cum out of her pussy for dessert,” Steve said rising off the chaise.

Steve took Cherry's hand, helping her up. He led her into the house to begin their new way of life. Kyle followed close behind, still holding the ring, heading for the kitchen to make the best meal he could whip together. He needed some dessert.

Written by bigbubblygurlnc
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