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Caught out

"She had caught me out but how did she do it?"

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Following my wife’s confession I found that I was getting suspicious of everyone. Looking back now I realize that I was not coping and was probably on the verge of a nervous breakdown. I even suspected my dad and my brother and my long term friend who just happened to be my cousin.

None of it made any sense any more but I found that after a few drinks I felt a lot better about life and my troubles and concerns just disappeared.

To make matters worse it was around this time that I caught my wife and my good friend Jeff who was lead singer in the band that practiced at my house. Jeff was the brother of a long term school friend. I had taught him how to play a guitar many years before when he was just a kid. He was very talented and took to it very well, so well in fact that he improved out of sight until he was able to start his own band and as lead singer was doing extremely well. His band was in great demand locally. He had spoken to me some months before because the band had lost their place to practice and as his wife had just had their first baby he could not practice at his home.

I was very happy to allow them to use my place. My home was set up high on a hill and underneath I had set up as a bar and den for entertaining. Because S liked loud music I had gone to a great extent to insulate the walls as it was being built. This way the music could be turned up without disturbing the neighbors too much. It was the perfect place for a rock band to practice.

On the night that I caught them the band had finished practice and we were all having a few drinks. My wife was upstairs. It was not unusual for us to sit around drinking for an hour or so after the practice. I had noticed that Jeff was not with us but was not concerned initially because I just assumed he had gone to the bathroom however after some time passed I started to wonder what was keeping him.

Eventually I had my suspicions so went out the back door waited for a while and then entered the upstairs house via the back stairs. My wife was nowhere to be seen and neither was Jeff. The kids always went to bed as soon as practice finished so I knew that they would be asleep by now. The only other door that was closed was to our bed room. I walked as quietly as possible along the hallway and very quietly opened the door thinking that my wife may be asleep. The scene that met me shocked me to the core. I would not have been surprised if they had been stealing a kiss because Jeff was always one to flirt with the girls. But I could see Jeff’s bare arse rising and falling from the limited light that was coming from the bathroom light behind me.   S had her legs spread and her knees bent with her heels resting on his but pulling him in to her. I could hear her whimpering like a dog that is at the door trying to attract the attention of its master. Jeff only had a shirt on and I could see that S had shed all of her clothing.

I don’t know to this day if Jeff knew that I was there or not. I had not fully opened the door but had opened it enough that everything was visible. I was stunned, frozen to the spot. This was happening on my bed in my house right in front of my nose. My feelings raged inside me, first anger, then frustration, and then a feeling of hopelessness took over me. With the shock I had let go of the door handle and the door swung slowly open as if controlled by some mysterious force. The further it opened the more light entered the room until I could see as if it were daylight.

I could now see my wife’s face as S had her head pushed backwards into the pillow. Jeff’s body was bent like a banana so that he could suck on her tit as he rammed into her. I assumed that he had his eyes closed because otherwise the increase in light would have alerted him that the door had opened.   I could see that from his stroke that his cock had to be long because the stroke must have been at least nine inches. The constant whimpering noise that S was making was drowning out any sound so it was possible that they had not heard me enter and the whimpering was not only increasing in volume but was increasing in pitch.

I suddenly realized that I was framed in the doorway against the outside light. The initial shock was passing but I didn’t know what to do. I knew that I could run away like I had when I had caught her before, I could disturb them by pulling him off her or I could do nothing and stay and watch. I had always regretted leaving on that previous occasion so I immediately knew that to cut and run was not an option. If I chose to pull him off it would cause a ruckus and the other band members would soon be aware and they may come to his assistance and I could never predict what the outcome could be. That only left one option which was to let it continue but then the question was do I slowly close the door and pretend that nothing had happened or do I just stand there. I decided to stay so moved into the room away from the doorway. This meant that I was now directly behind them.

I could now see where his cock was entering her and could see that not only was his cock long but it was also of a good sized girth. She was obviously in the middle of an orgasm because juices would run from her whenever he pulled back. Unlike when she and I fucked there was no space between his cock and her so that as he pushed in her pussy acted like a scrapper to clear most of the juices from his stem. I could see her anus clenching then relaxing and pushing out as it relaxed and pulling in as it clenched and in my mind I pictured the rhythmic action of her orgasm causing all the muscles in her abdomen to work together. I imagined how pleasurable it must feel for her and my mind immediately went to Marg and how beautiful she appeared as her orgasm had taken her over the edge when I made love to her.

Up till this time I had been too shocked to respond sexually to the sight before me but immediately that I thought of Marg I felt a stirring in my groin. Within an instant my cock was rock hard. I went to lean against the walk in wardrobe behind me and realized that the door had been left open. I moved back slightly with the idea that once they had finished I would be concealed from their sight so they would not know that I had witnessed their act of deceit until I chose to confront them. Seeing the actions of my wife’s arse was starting to stimulate me more and the thought came to me that I should rush out and stick my cock into her rear passage. However their position on the bed was such that this would be impossible.

I suddenly realized that the movements of her anus had slowed and her moaning had stopped then saw her lift her head looking directly at where I was standing. A smile slowly spread across her face. I moved a little further back into the shadows but realized that she must know that I was there because the door was now open and they had closed it. She was trying to see me. Jeff’s pace was quickening and his stroke was getting a little longer. “How long is this guy?” was my immediate thought.

I saw S indicate with her eyes towards the door. She wants me to close the door, I thought but if I did I may reveal my location and that could cause confrontation. I moved toward the door and while still in the shadows pushed lightly on it towards the closed position. I pulled down the latch so that there was little noise then retreated to my hideaway. All this time I was watching their joining intently. The pace was getting ever quicker.   I realized that the light from the outside street lighting shining in through the window was adequate for me to see clearly. Suddenly Jeff lifted his mouth from her tit and said, “I’m going to cum. Where do you want it?”

“Cum in me,“ was the reply. "Don’t pull out. I want your seed. Give it all to me you fucker.   Make me pregnant. I’m at my peak of fertility and I want your baby.”

”OOOHH, OOOHH, OOOHH, OOOHH,” was the reply and with that he rammed hard into her. I could see his balls lifting and dropping as the base of his cock throbbed in rhythm with his balls. I could see the sperm being shot in throbs along the pathway in his cock. Before he finished the white sperm was leaking from around his shaft.

All this time my wife was looking directly at where I was standing. Had she seen me or was she just trying to see who had entered the bedroom?

In a short time Jeff had caught his breath. “Did you mean it? Could I make you pregnant?” he asked.

“Good chance, honey,” she said. “I’m not on the pill and you didn’t use protection and my period ended around a week and a half ago so there’s a very good chance.”

“Fuck!” he replied. “My missus would kill me. She doesn’t mind me getting a bit on the side now and then but if I got you up the duff, God help me. She would cut and run.”

“Huh, you’re worried. How do you think Goyse would react?”

“Fuck, when you told me he wouldn’t mind if we snuck away for a quick fuck I naturally thought that you must be on the pill or something. What sort of woman fucks around with her husband’s mate without protection?”

“Nope, I don’t use protection that would take away most of the thrill.”

“Fuck me, you’re a stupid bitch. You can’t take risks like that. Wake up to yourself.”

“That’s a fucking laugh. You didn’t hesitate to fuck me bare and now you say I’m stupid. It’s obvious which head controls you isn’t it. Now get your pants on and fuck off back to Michele where you belong, you cheating prick and don’t bring your fucking make believe band back to my house again.

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I’ve had enough of you donkey dicked arse-holes who won’t take responsibility for their actions. This is the last fuck that you’ll get from this pussy I can tell you. Now fuck off.”

Jeff’s pants were on in a flash. A few minutes later I heard him say to the guys. “His missus has chucked us out. Come on, Let’s go. Anyone see where Goyse is?”

“He went down the back somewhere. He’s probably gone down to Sam’s place.” Sam was my neighbor. This was followed by a bit of noise and then their van took off. S remained laying prone on the bed. She had not moved from the position she had been in while they fucked. The only move that she had made was to cross her legs.

“You can come out now, they are gone,” she said. “Did you like the show?” I still didn’t move. “I saw your shadow on the wall when you opened the door so I know that you’re here and I saw you close the door when I asked you too. I knew that you would try to find Jeff once you knew that he had not returned after going to the toilet. Remember that you said that one day you might watch me take on a big dick. Now you have.”

“You’re a fucking mongrel slut,” I replied as my anger took over.

“Yes, I know. Nice isn’t it. Now come out here you little cuckold and clean this cum out of my pussy before I get pregnant again. Besides, my arse is longing to have your dick in it again. I love it when you’re angry and fuck me up the rear. Remember last time. You can really make a girl scream. They may fuck my cunt but my arse will always be yours.” I started to move out of the shadows towards her. “You had better switch the light on. You won’t see the mess he has made of my quim without the light.” She started to open her legs.  

I switched the light on and marveled at the blobs of cum leaking from her hole.   Her crossed legs had acted like a dam to hold it against her opening so that as her legs opened it issued like a wall of globlets of cream. I caught some of it on my hand and started to lick the remainder as it issued forth. By the time the flood stopped I had also undressed. I moved up on her and sucked on the same tit that Jeff had. She told me to use the other one because he had hurt that one. I moved across. “Kiss me,” she said in that special sexy voice that had first attracted me to her. She continued, “You’re wonderful, no one could have a better husband than you. I love you.”  

This had taken me by surprise. I didn’t expect it. She seemed to show a level of contempt for me recently that made me believe that our marriage was surviving on her necessity to keep a father for her children and I knew that was now my main motivation. She had hurt me too many times for my love to be sustained. I still cared for her but I knew that at that moment for me love was totally out of the question so I didn’t answer.

By this time my mind was thinking of a different pussy with dark hair covering up closed lips with a little bead of moisture on its slit. With that thought came a very deep passionate feeling from within my chest and it spurred me on.   Instead I was licking my mate’s sperm from an oversized opening that served as a pussy in a attempt to remove enough to prevent her getting pregnant. I was not so stupid as to believe that it would make one iota of difference. If she was going to get pregnant then so be it. Perhaps it was the excuse that I needed to pack my gear and go to my Marg. Besides I knew that she still had a few of those pills that are used after sex to prevent the egg from taking so I knew that she was going to get her period on time.  

My licking was just a cover up for the love that had been developing over time for Marg. The thought of Marg had me at full mast and I pushed my cock into the sloppy mess that was my wife’s pussy. It was a tall order for me to get off this way so I moved my hand down to her arse and wiped Jeff’s sperm on it as a lubricant then pushed a greasy finger into her hole. I felt her hump a little as I did so and thought, “This fucking cheating bitch actually wants me to fuck her arse and it looks like she’s going to like it.”

I pulled out of the sloppy mess in her pussy and lined up with her arse. She had wrapped her arms around me and as the head of my cock touched her hole her grip tightened. I held it there while my mind painted the picture of Marg opening up to take me inside. I felt her movements pushing against me and my cock head pushed through the barrier. She gave a little gasp and her movements gradually picked up a rhythm which took me gradually deeper and deeper. It was nice, very nice considering I was not a person who normally liked anal.

My thoughts coincided with the entry into her rear and I joined her rhythm. “You’re so good to me,” she said. “No one would love me like you do. I wish that I had a tight little pussy like Lyn’s because then I would only want you and I would never look at anyone else.” She let out a little groan and then another one.   I had hunched my back to reach my goal. I could feel the juices running out of her pussy and down onto my cock and then I realized that she was stimulating her clit with her fingers as I fucked her arse.

The mention of Lyn’s pussy had me now thinking of Marg’s pussy but with sparse blond hair and I realized that she had done this on purpose but I didn’t know why. Then it came to me I understood. She had not done this for my satisfaction she was doing it for herself by getting off thinking of Lyn’s pussy or for some other perverted reason.

“Would you fuck her for me?” she asked

She had interrupted my train of thought again. My emerging orgasm had disappeared. I was now right in as far as I could go. Her movements were becoming more pronounced and so were mine so I was pulling halfway out and then back in. Her juices where running out of her pussy providing enough lubrication that it felt like Marg’s pussy and my thoughts shifted back to her. “Who?” I asked.

“Lyn,” she said.

“She won’t be interested.”

“She is, I asked her and she said to set it up.”

“She wants you to set up so that I can fuck her? That doesn’t sound right. It just doesn’t sound like Lyn to me.” Again I had the picture of Marg’s pussy but with blond hair. She had done it to me again but this time I was too near my orgasm for it to back off.”

“Yes. She said if you can fuck her sister you can fuck her.”

“What do you mean fuck her sister?”

I was about to cum. I could feel it rising and rising and rising, I couldn’t stop it and then, “You know exactly what I mean you fucking cheating little cuckold cunt. I’ll cut your fucking balls out if you do her again. I’ll say this once and once only. If you try to link up with that husband stealing bitch again her life will be stuffed and as for you I will go down into the main street of town, lay down naked at my most fertile time of my cycle and invite every man in sight to fuck your wife in every orifice she has while telling them that you can’t father children and so you told me to do it.“ There was a slight delay and then “and I will not use a night after pill. I get pregnant and you will be forced to raise someone else’s child again and you will have no idea whose it is. Do you understand me?”

All pleasure disappeared from my loins but it was too late to stop my ejaculation. She had pulled back so that my cock had come out of her at the exact moment and I was pumping my cum into nowhere but as for feelings there was only anger and guilt and shame. Somehow she had found out, but how. I knew that my relationship with Marg would have to be put on hold. My wife did not make idle threats. She was capable of almost anything. I was finding out that the nice, little, cute, calm, decent girl that I had taken for a wife was actually a jealous, vicious, vindictive witch.

“Now that we understand each other, Lyn will be over for an early dinner tomorrow night. The kids are going out to my mum’s place for the week while we patch up our marriage so you make bloody sure that you are home from work on time and no fucking wanking. I want that little cock of yours primed and ready to go. Do you understand me?”

“Yes, I understand,” after all what else could I say.

She continued, “And I need to know where you keep the tripod for the camera.   I haven’t been able to find it today.   Lyn wants a few nice family pictures taken for her sister, Marg.

“Oooh, I almost forgot… If you want your love letters that the fucking cheating little bitch sent to you, my fucking cheating little cuckold husband, they are already in the tip. You had better get there early because they cover it up around 9:30. And it is good to hear that you have taught the little slut how to train her husband by showing her what I taught you. Now it’s time to train Lyn so that she can enjoy her marriage as well. And you’re sleeping in Jeff’s mess tonight. Now let’s see if you can still dream of her tight little pussy tonight while you wallow around in my love juices.”

I didn’t dream of Marg or Lyn, there was no pussy on my mind that night.   In fact I didn’t sleep at all. My thoughts were of things like how to neutralize her vindictiveness and how Marg and I could escape this nightmare with our kids. I knew that if I couldn’t take the kids then I couldn’t go. Years’ later staying is on my list of the five biggest mistakes that I have made during my life. It is listed at the top next to allowing myself to be talked into having a vasectomy by my wife.  

My downhill fall into alcohol dependency had already started. My constant feeling of helplessness was taking over my life, helplessness that only ever disappeared when I had consumed enough alcohol to not care about anything or anybody.

Written by goyse
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