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Busted With My Online Porn 11

"Allen finishes a chore and hits the road"

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Author's Notes

"Thanks to FirstBlush for her editing and kind encouragement. Thanks to kiera_nightgal for proofreading. A very special thanks to twoandabit for the inspiration and support. <p> [ADVERT] </p>Thank you so much for contacting me!"

Renee had left for grocery shopping. I sat naked waiting for Donna to speak. Donna walked around me to the couch and sat down. I’ve known Donna for years. She has a husband who has a serious medical condition that has resulted in a zombie-like state from the medication he takes. Her two sons have been in and out of trouble for as long as I had known her. One of them has saddled her with a grandchild that he was incapable of providing for.

I always felt sad for the situation Donna was in. I never looked at Donna in any kind of sexual way, ever! Donna is considerably older than Renee and myself and acts that way too. Her hair is shorter and curled in a style that is indicative of her age. She likes knitting and crocheting and reading Jane Austen. If I had to use one word to describe her, I would say “frumpy” works best.

Finding myself in this position of providing sexual relief to someone I’m not really attracted to is unique. The hope of being rewarded by Renee was more than enough motivation than worrying about satisfying Donna. I knew that any reward I could anticipate from Renee would be intrinsically linked to my willingness to do whatever was asked of me. Any signs of my reluctance would cast doubts in Renee’s mind so I knew I needed to set aside my fears and just go with it.

“Come here, dear! I’ve been thinking about this since last time!” Donna said.

I got down on my knees in front of Donna. She had the TV on and was watching something I was oblivious to. It was just like the last time! I lifted the hem of her long dress and stuck my head under it. To my surprise, Donna was not wearing her “granny” panties from before. Her full bush tickled my nose.

I let my mind slip into automatic mode. My confidence as a pussy eater was at an all-time high. I began intensively sucking her outer lips. I made my tongue wide and flat as it trailed up and down and around her inner lips. I darted my tongue in and out of the opening of her pussy. I kept repeating the cycle of licking and sucking and probing while waiting for a sign from Donna that I was having an effect on her.

Donna was wet to start with. Now she was soaking my face in her juices. She began to buck her hips ever so slightly to meet my probing tongue. Her breathing became much more distinct as I was receiving those unspoken messages from her body. I knew I was close to my goal of making her orgasm. I actually felt a bit of pride as I continued my effort.

Donna’s ragged breathing and her bucking hips accelerated as she neared her orgasm. My resolute commitment to the task at hand was undeniable. With my head under her dress, I was in my own world down there. I didn’t think about being attracted to Donna. I only saw a pussy and one that I would make orgasm. Yes! I would be the one! I would relentlessly use my mouth until I was the one showing the power to elicit an orgasm.

Knowing she was close, I refocused on her clit. Donna’s clit is much larger than Renee’s. Renee has a tiny little button and Donna’s was like a little cock head, about the size of the tip of my little finger. I tugged with suction from my lips while darting the tip of my tongue directly at her engorged clit. Donna never makes any noise; she kind of “coos” until she holds the top of my head against her pussy and lets out a long sigh.

I felt Donna’s hand on my head. Her dress was still providing that “under the covers” anonymity. Her hand held me firmly in place. My tongue stretched as far as possible into her pussy. Donna’s bucking hips provided the in and out motion she wanted. With one last ragged breath and with a slight tremble, her orgasm overtook her. Donna flooded my already soaked face and mouth.

I knew I made her cum! My pride in my skill made me forget about my lack of attraction to Donna. Donna rested her hand on top of my head. With her dress between us, she recovered her normal breathing. I simply stopped and waited for any communication from Donna. My face rested on her thigh. Her glistening pussy was an inch away from my face.

Finally, Donna gained the strength to speak and said, “Whew, I sure needed that! Good job, Allen! You are so good at that! One more quick one and I’ll be good! You need to get on the road, dear.”

I had lost track of time under Donna’s dress. I wanted to ask what time it was but I knew I shouldn’t. My mouth had collected its information on Donna’s responses and filed them away in my brain. I concentrated on the things that worked best from her first orgasm. Within moments, Donna was back to smashing her pussy against my face and flooding my mouth with her moisture.

As Donna was collecting herself from her second orgasm and with my head still under her dress she said, “Oh! Perfect timing! Renee is just back from the grocery store. Get some clothes on, Allen, and help her with the bags. I need to clean up a little.”

Donna lifted her dress and I came out from under it. She padded off to the bathroom and I went to the bedroom to get dressed. Donna was still in the bathroom when I passed by to help Renee.

Renee looked at me with concern and asked, “Everything okay, baby? Oh my goodness, Allen, your face is dripping!”

“Donna sent me out to help you. She’s inside, in the bathroom,” I answered while reaching to my beard to confirm the residue.

“There’s only one more bag in the car, babe. Be a dear and grab it and lock it for me please!” Renee said with bags in either hand as she made her way to the house.

Donna caught Renee at the door and said, “Perfect timing! We just finished up!”

“Yeah, I could tell! It was all over Allen’s face, literally!” Renee said with a giggle.

Donna and Renee exchanged hugs. As Donna passed me on her way to her car she said, “Be careful driving and thank you!”

I’m sure I blushed when I nodded wordlessly in acknowledgment. It felt different being out from underneath Donna’s dress and face to face with the everyday Donna. She got into her car and pulled away. I carried the single bag of groceries in where I found Renee putting things away.

I set the bag on the counter and excused myself to the bathroom. I gave another of those long looks at myself in the mirror as if to check that it was the same person in the reflection. When I shook my head as I had been doing so much recently I gave up on making sense of it. Donna’s moisture was all over my beard. I washed my face and went back to Renee.

“Thank you for being such a sweetheart, Allen. I know you’re not really attracted to Donna, but this works for all of us!” Renee said.

I was trying to figure out what she meant exactly when Renee continued.

“It’s so cute how Donna has gotten involved. When I was so upset with you and I came up with the idea of her babysitting you. I was surprised when she went along with it. It feels so good seeing her happy. She’s had such a rough go of it! It’s also been good baby steps for me to learn how to control you. I’m becoming more aware of how I need to make it work for us both. I’m counting on trusting your trust in me,” Renee said.

“I do trust you, Renee!” I said honestly.

“Good! Well, you need to hit the road, buster, or you’ll be late!” Renee declared.

“Yeah, you’re right. I need to get going,” I said reluctantly.

“Allen, pay attention driving home. Don’t start daydreaming while you drive. There are idiots out there and I want you back here alive!” Renee insisted.

“I will, I promise! Renee …” I started to say but paused long enough for Renee to notice.

“What is it, baby?” Renee asked.

“I already want to be back. I don’t want to leave. I know I have to but I…” I said as the words tumbled from my lips.

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“Just get on the road! Stop worrying! We’re good, so get going! Go drink with your buddies at the bar Monday like you like to do. You’ll be back here Tuesday. Go have fun with your friends!” Renee said with little more authority.

“Okay, babe, see you Tuesday. I love you, Renee!” I said as I left the house.

“I love you too, baby, with all my heart. Call me when you get there safely,” Renee said.

I reluctantly climbed into the car. Renee stood at the deck where I stood before. I waved and she waved back and then went inside. I pulled out of the driveway and began the two-hour drive home. I turned on the radio, lit up a smoke and put my radar detector up.

I’ve driven this route for twenty-five years. I know every sign and store and gas station along the way. In a little town about halfway on my trip, there’s a “Mom and Pop” hamburger joint that I stop at for a little break. It has become a routine, getting a burger and fries on the way. I had been driving a little more than an hour when I pulled into the drive-in.

I was the only car in the drive-thru. I pulled up to the window to pay and wait there as my order was finishing. I noticed a text had come in from Renee. It was one picture with her and Sally smiling and holding up coffee cups. They held them as if they were toasting. I couldn’t tell where they were. It didn’t look like Sally’s place. I figured it must be some cute place in town. The only message was: Love you, baby!

Suddenly my brain went into overdrive! What are they talking about? Is Renee already doing her research? They don’t always talk about sex, do they? Is Renee going over to Bob and Sally’s? Why am I freaking out? Should I reply? What should I say?

While absentmindedly staring at my phone I was startled back to reality by the guy at the window with my order. I set my phone down and took the bag and Styrofoam cup from him. The reality of getting back to driving came back, along with the smell of the food. I forgot about the phone for the moment.

I munched down the burger with one hand and the other on the wheel. After searching out the last of the fries from the bottom of the bag I took a sip of my soft drink. The temperature was already over 100F. I cracked the window open and lit another smoke.

The distraction of food was gone. Those earlier questions slowly percolated to the surface as I thoughtlessly smoked my cigarette. New questions began to merge with others. Responses began to form, given the moment to think. The conversation with myself was about to take place.

I had this back and forth conversation out loud. I said, “You trust her! What if she does have sex with Bob and Sally? She’s already done that and you’re fine. What were they talking about? What could they talk about that is so bad? They probably aren’t even talking about sex! Of course they are, you idiot! Even if they are, its what you wanted, right? Sally is way better than those other friends of hers! Be cool! Just don’t fuck it up! Yeah, I trust her. I’m good!”

I resolved myself to letting Renee have free rein. I planned to be cool! I was convinced I could handle it. I even believed Renee was no longer angry and now she was curious in the same way as me, or at least to some degree.

I had just reached the city limits when I said under my breath, “Yeah, let’s just see what Renee will do!”

I pulled into our driveway forty-five minutes before my show. I took out my phone and replied to Renee’s earlier text with: Home safe, off to the studio. Love you baby! TRUST you more!

I took a quick toke and headed off to the studio. I do my show live. People call in to the station from time to time. Friends will text me during my show often. It is always fun for me. The time passes so quickly in the studio.

About halfway through my show, I got a text from Renee that said: Loving the show, baby! It was followed by three heart emojis.

Are you at home? I replied in text.

Yeah! Why? Renee asked.

Oh, just wondering, I responded.

Just enjoying your show like I do every Sunday baby! Renee sent.

Cool, love you, sweetheart! I sent back.

Love you too, baby! I’m meeting up with Judy and Eric tomorrow for lunch. Have fun with your bar buddies tomorrow. Don’t drink too much! Promise me! Renee replied

I promise! I need to get back to the show! Have fun with Judy and Eric! I texted.

I had to concentrate. I couldn’t let my mind lead me off to some place that I couldn’t resolve. I managed to get through the show and headed home. When I arrived at the house our son was in his room.

Renee and I have one adult son named Jeremy. Jeremy has a form of spina bifida. The condition has left him unable to stand or walk without the assistance of crutches. His illness precludes him from any kind of real work. Jeremy has been living at home with us all his life. Eventually, the disease will worsen and will leave him unable to walk at all. It’s a heartbreaking situation but Jeremy has shown a positive outlook, and his attitude has helped Renee and I work through the sadness of his disability.

There were times I felt guilty for my jealousy of other friends that had become “empty nesters”. I knew that would never happen for Renee and myself. Over time, my attitude matured. I learned that life is precious and whatever time I had with our son was important. We have given each other our privacy as much as we can while being under the same roof. Unfortunately, the opportunity to fuck Renee on the kitchen counter was out of the question!

Having the coast house was the best solution I could have ever come up with. The privacy and freedom we lack at home are what makes our little place over there perfect. On a few occasions, we had sex in the living room at the coast but we preferred the comfort of the bed more often. We could leave the door open and no longer worry about restraining our voices. The refreshing change of the coast house had an effect on us both.

From early on, after buying our vacation home I concocted dreams of meeting swingers there. I had visions of Renee being in a circle of friends that were polar opposites of her friends at home. I had masturbated to the fantasy for years. I felt repressed by Renee’s puritanical look at sex for years, decades! As a result, I was curious about everything, especially anything I hadn’t tried. I just knew that I was rewarded for my perseverance. My fantasy was no longer. It was happening to me now!

I went out to the patio. I got out my laptop and answered some texts and emails left over from my radio show. After I finished with my correspondence I loaded up a bowl and went to my porn account. The intense summer heat carried over into the evening. I took a toke and exhaled. On the screen was a tab for different galleries of images.

Jeremy was in his room with the door closed last time I was inside so I took out my cock and began to stroke it. I clicked on the gallery with our pictures. For years I had masturbated to pictures and videos of strangers. I found myself stroking to real pictures of us with our new friends.

I was so hard. I could feel myself trembling. I knew I wouldn’t last long. I clicked to a picture of Renee riding Tommy’s giant cock. I had to stop stroking. I released my cock and it throbbed. I looked closely and I could see how stretched her pussy lips looked around his big fucking dick. I put my hand back and stroked very slowly. I clicked to the next picture and there I was, sucking Bob’s cock with Eric’s head below me. I instantly blew my load in a two-foot-high arc that landed on my keyboard cover.

I sat back recovering from a really intense orgasm. I had jacked off to my own porn! Holy shit! This is really happening! I cleaned up and went to bed. I made a list of the chores I needed to get done the next day while I drifted off to sleep.


Written by coastalkid
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