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Business Trip

"A loving couple playing IR baby roulette via email."

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“Why don't you take both computers with you on this trip, John? You'll be gone all week; I'll send an email picture of me every night to help you sleep.”

“Great idea, Mary, sleeping in a hotel room in Detroit by myself won't seem so bad if I have a fresh picture of you every night to dream about.”

“I'll send a new photo at ten, and I will still call about eleven so we can tell each other goodnight.”

John kissed Mary for her thoughtfulness, finished packing, and waited for the taxi that would take him to the airport.

By eight-thirty, John was checked in at his hotel, finished with dinner, and in his room scanning through TV channels. He had his laptop connected; the internet access in the hotel worked great thank goodness. At ten-fifteen he checked his email. His wife Mary was always reliable; John knew he could trust her to do whatever she said she would do.

John blew a kiss at the screen as he opened the email.

“This is going to be a fun week instead of just boring and lonely at night. My Mary is such an imaginative woman; I do love having a sexy wife.”

Speaking to the computer John expressed his thoughts, “Wow, what a sexy nightgown she is wearing. I like that sexy black nylon. Look how her boobs almost fall out. That's a great picture.”

John closed his eyes for a moment and in his mind he was standing behind Mary at her vanity. He looked down from above and behind and could see her fiddling with makeup. Tubes and jars adorned the private space that was her vanity. Oh yes, there was her BP case too; it showed clearly.

The photograph was so sharp and clear John could even see the empty spaces where the pills were missing, had been swallowed. A date and time stamp in the lower corner showed the picture was taken Sunday evening, about an hour ago at Oct 3, 2008: 9:23 pm. John watched his Mary painting a fresh coat of lipstick on lush lips; they looked red and juicy in the picture. John wanted to kiss his wife. She must have done her nails earlier; I can tell that's a new color.

Every detail in the photograph was sharp and clear, so clear. The Sunday spot in the pill wheel was empty.


John was still admiring Mary, looking at details on the photograph when the phone beside his bed rang.

“Hi sweetie, I was just looking at the picture you sent. You had a great idea this time. I love you.”

“I love you too, Honey, I really do love being married to you. The picture came through okay? I'm glad this worked. We can have fun this week; we can be together even with you gone on travel. You can watch me every night in our bedroom.”

“Yeah Mary, it will be like having you with me. I'll bet I sleep well every night on this trip.”

“Do you have some lube with you? I want you to strip, lube your cock, and stroke it for me darling. I want to hear you cum.”

Soon Mary got her wish. She could hear the slap, slap, slapping sound of John's hand on his lube slicked cock. A long aaahhhhhh sound followed by a YES signaled her husband’s final spasm.

“Goodnight Honey, I love you. Have pleasant dreams of me all night in your hotel bed.”

The phone clicked off and John did sleep, as his wife suggested, with pleasant erotic dreams.


Monday at work was busy for John but by nine-thirty he was showered, wearing the hotel robe and waiting for Mary's email. A few minutes after ten he email appeared in his inbox. The text of her message was simple:

Hi Honey, I hope you enjoy these as much as last night. Wish you were here. Mary.

This time she sent two pictures; John opened the first photograph. It had an Oct 4, 2008: 7:28 pm time stamp; that was the first thing he noticed. Mary was once more at her vanity. She was obviously undressing after work. John thought she must have been getting ready to shower; that was her normal routine.

“She looks really sexy in bra and panties with her shirt and blouse beside her on her table. I love the look over her shoulders pose. Mary is blowing me a kiss through the camera, a kiss and a wave. This is a good, sexy, friendly picture, I really like it. Mary had a great idea about sending these pictures; this photograph is sweet, just like Mary, sweet.”

John opened the second attached photograph. As his mind absorbed the picture on the computer screen he mused.

“Mary must be just out of her shower when she took this one. Yeah, Oct 4, 2008: 8:11 pm, forty-three minutes later than the first picture. I can still see a few drops of water on her shoulder. That white baby doll nightie I bought a year ago for our anniversary looks really sexy on her; it’s so sheer I can see through it. Mary isn't wearing the panties that go with it, not yet anyway. I can see her boobies in the mirror. She must be putting new makeup on just for the picture. This picture is great, I will tell her that when she calls.”

John shifted his eyes from wife on computer screen to the bulge her picture inspired in his shorts. He reached a hand to squeeze before cautioning himself not to get carried away. He knew he would want to stroke when his Mary called at eleven. John could wait until then. He turned his focus back to Mary’s picture on his computer.

“Her lips are so red; they look juicy red in that picture. I can see them clearly in the mirror. I know what I would like to do to Mary's lips right now, what I would like to put right dead center between those wet red lips. I can see my wife’s dark nipples in the mirror too, they look excited, hard; those nipples are ready for sucking.”

Suddenly John noticed one more element in the photograph.

“Wait as second; what is that in the background? Damn that mirror, I can't quite tell. The image is fuzzy but it looks like another man is taking that picture; I can see the camera in his hand. What is going on here? Is that a brown shirt he is wearing? No, dammit, that is skin, his skin, that is an almost naked black man taking a picture of my wife. MARY is almost naked and a black MAN is in OUR bedroom taking a picture of HER. Mary just sent that picture to me, she sent it at ten. That picture was taken less than two hours ago.”

John waited by the phone, it rang at eleven, right on time.

“Hi John, how was your day in Detroit?”

“Mary, what's going on?”

“I guess you got my email?”

“Yes, what's going on with you, with the pictures?”

“Did you like them?, I thought I looked sexy.”

“You do look sexy, you know I love that little nightgown, but who, who is, who did . . .?”

“Who took the pictures?”


“I know you’re wondering; I'll tell you about things Friday when you get home. Until then you just stare long and hard at the pictures I sent. Study them and we will talk about them later, okay? For tonight, just look at the pictures and let your imagination run wild. When you think you know all there is to know about them get your lube out and have fun.”


“Check your mail in the morning, maybe I will send another.”

“Mary, Mary what . . . ?”

The phone clicked off for the second night as Mary hung up on her husband.


John, his cock, and the tube of lube got a double workout Monday night. Even so, his dreams were filled with concern about the faint image in the mirror. As soon as he woke, John went to pee and then he checked his email. There was nothing from Mary. John showered and then looked once more, still nothing from Mary. After breakfast John went back to his room to check for a message, but once again his email inbox had nothing from Mary.

“She was just teasing me; that’s not fair.”

The next email from Mary appeared in his inbox at ten pm, right on schedule. There were several pictures attached. The text this time was short, and as cryptic as last night's photographs:

Hi, sweetie, I like this way of being together when you travel. I am having a good time and keeping myself busy until you return. Love, Mary.

John opened the first picture; Mary was standing with an older black man. He must have been the guy in the mirror last night, John thought to himself.

“What the hell is going on?”

Both were nude, Mary had her arms around him. She was drying the black man's back with a towel, and they were kissing. From the look of the two in the photograph they were having a good kiss.

Once again John exclaimed, “What the hell is going on?”

In the second picture, the towel was gone. Mary and the big black man were standing beside the bed. That is John and Mary’s bed, mine, not some black SOB’s bed, flitted through John’s thought process. Their hands were all over each other, but the bed was still freshly made. Mary hadn't slept in the bed. John looked at the time stamp, Oct 5, 2008: 8:47 pm, too early to use the bed for sleeping.

The next three pictures were similar; they showed Mary at her vanity. She was leaning against it, facing out to the camera for the first one. She was absolutely naked. The time stamp showed Oct 5, 2008: 8:57 pm, ten minutes later. John could tell her face was fresh scrubbed with no makeup. Mary showed only a light flush from kissing the black man.

At Oct 5, 2008: 9:21 pm by the time stamp, Mary was photographed with her face perfectly done, as though ready to go out for the evening. She was still nude, and was sitting backward on her small chair facing the room.

“God, those lips look so sexy done bright red like that; Mary does look sexy tonight and I only get the picture. That black guy will kiss those lips tonight, not me. Who is that black guy?”

Whoever took the picture of Mary, surely that black guy, stood right above her looking down at her lovely face. He was probably the one who told Mary to stick her tongue between her lips so just the tip showed. Tongue tip made the picture a visual sex offering. The vanity table was background. John could see the tube of lipstick that painted Mary's lips; the cap was still off. Another makeup pot lay beside the lipstick. Over to the side was her pill container, just the way it always was.

The third picture of the vanity series was taken Oct 5, 2008: 9:28 pm. She was leaning against the vanity once more. This picture was just like the first one, except that the previously impeccable lipstick was now smeared beyond Mary's lips. There was another disturbing detail in this picture. The black man was standing beside Mary equally naked. His lips had Mary's lipstick smeared on them too, and his arm was around her waist. Mary held the man by his cock, her left hand wrapped around a very large, very erect, very black cock. John could clearly see the wedding ring he first placed on his wife’s left hand many years ago.

The email had one last photograph attached; it didn't seem to make much sense to John. It was just a picture of Mary's vanity and the chair. No people, just the vanity and chair. It had an Oct, 2008: 9:38 pm time stamp.

“Where are they, oh my God? I know where they are.”

John looked at his watch, almost eleven. He undressed, got the lube, and lay down on the bed. At precisely eleven John's phone rang.

“Mary, what is going on with this stuff, what are you doing?”

“You've read tonight's email, good, isn't it exciting?”

“Mary who, what, a black guy?”

“I'm not going to talk long tonight, things to do here.

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I just wanted to make sure you read my email. Check again in the morning, this time I will send one. I'll tell you the rest Friday when you get home. Bye, bye. I love you. I hope you have plenty of lube.”

The phone buzzed off.

“Damn, what now? What is going on? Mary is fucking that black man. That’s what’s going on, but why?”

John slept fitfully after Mary’s telephone call; it was Wednesday morning before he finished stroking for the third time. John remembered what Mary said about checking his email in the morning. His mind made wild, crazy, blatantly erotic pictures while he slept. His lube was nearly gone; the tube was squashed and almost empty before he checked his computer. Mary had indeed sent an email. It must have come in as he was stroking his now almost raw cock.

God damned, she fucked him; she must have let him spend the night. The message Mary sent was brief:

Hi sweetie, enjoy, I certainly did. Love Mary.

John stared at the picture of Mary. She was in bed. She was naked. Mary looked clearly just fucked naked. The photograph showed John’s wife lying on top of the bed sheets. Her thighs were spread. Cum was oozing out of her pussy. Her only apparent clothing was a pair of panties spread flat on her tummy. John used the last of his lube tube before going to work.


John made sure to get more lube before he read tonight’s email from home; he had a feeling he would need it. He avoided his room and his email as long as possible; they would just torment him. His hotel had a special happy hour for guests. John had a drink and mingled until he saw a tall lady who resembled Mary. His mind began racing with images from the prior night’s pictures. John left the happy hour festivities abruptly, went to the lobby lounge for a no stress drink, and then visited the hotel restaurant for dinner.

By eight, John was back in his room with nothing to do but wait until ten. Two hours, he had two hours of torment ahead of him. John went to his emails. Mary wanted him to brood over them; she said that. He read each of them, the few words she wrote. He looked longer at each picture. Eyes closed, John remembered each conversation. He remembered how Mary kept cutting him short; she never did answer his questions. John realized he had no clue about who the black guy fucking his wife was. What is going on, he kept asking himself.

John went back to the pictures. He looked at all of them; he studied each one in sequence. The Sunday night picture gave no hints, nothing unusual, just Mary at her vanity in that sexy nightgown. It was playful, John decided. Playful stopped beginning with the Monday pictures. Was Monday significant; maybe he is from her office? Could the black guy be someone she worked with? John looked once again. He could see Mary at her vanity; John could only see the unknown black man faintly in her mirror.

Nothing was faint about the Tuesday pictures, except the way they made John feel. He looked at each photograph closely; he even focused on the background. He tried getting a clue from the vanity; was there a hidden message on that table? John didn't see any message Mary could be sending to him. The vanity was always just there. Lipsticks were open or capped, bottles and tubes looked to be moved about at random as from use. John didn't really see a pattern; there did not seem to be a hidden message. The only thing that seemed to stay put was Mary's birth control pill case.

At ten, John realized it was email time. Sure enough, there was one from Mary; this one was longer than others she had sent:

Hello my love, I hope you are having an exciting time in Detroit this week. I am making out okay without you, but I do miss having you here. I have been trying my best to get by without you and make do with these emails and our brief conversations each night. I can't wait until Friday afternoon. Until then, enjoy these pictures. Oh, by the way, listen to the sound file first. Love Mary.

John clicked the icon and in seconds heard Mary's voice. “Ohhhhh, aaahhhh, yes, yes, oh yes that's nice. That’s good, feels really good.”

John heard sounds that were obviously heavy kissing.

“Let me rest for a little and then I want both of you, okay?”

The colored wavy lines went blank and the sounds vanished. John spoke to his empty hotel room, “God damned, really be god damned, I just heard my wife at the end of a good fuck. She asked for another one, didn't she? She asked for another fuck from BOTH of them.”

Along with the sound file there were two pictures attached to the email. The first was like many of the others, Mary at her vanity doing her makeup. The black guy was beside her with his arm draped over Mary's shoulder.

“Wait a minute, that's a different black man. He is younger than the first one the other night.”

John studied the picture; he looked at the mirror reflection.

“That black dude has a hold on her tit; he has a good handful grip on my wife's breast.”

Other than another black guy at Mary's vanity, soon to be in our bed, with his black cock in my wife's pussy, not much is changed, John thought to himself. Mary is sending me these pictures and I have no idea what is going on at home while I am stuck here in Detroit.

In the second picture, Mary was finished with her makeup. She was sitting side saddle in her vanity chair holding two black cocks in front of her. Both black cocks touched at their tips. Also touching those tips was Mary's lips. She had very obviously been kissing them; John could see lipstick traces on each black stick. John went back and checked the time stamps on the pictures; the first was Oct 6, 2008: 7:14 pm and the second read Oct 6, 2008: 7:33 pm. Mary has been fucking for almost three hours by now, fucking TWO black guys for almost three hours.

“The phone should ring shortly if Mary isn't in the middle of a fuck with one of her black studs, one or both.”

John would always wonder, did Mary wait deliberately until quarter after to call tonight?

“Hi sweetie, I love you, sorry about being a few minutes late calling tonight. I was tied up with something.”

“Something long and black I'll bet?”

“Well, maybe.”

“Were you tied up in bed with one or both of them?”

“Just now I was only with one of my men. I guess you looked at the pictures I sent?”

“Yes, I did look; who took them? Am I going to see three men next?”

“No, just two men, my love, we did the one with me and both guys using the timer. It took four tries to get it right. That's why their cock heads look so smeared with my lipstick.”

“What do they look like now?”

“Wet, wet and hard, I am going back to them now so I am going to hang up. I love you. I will see you Friday afternoon.”

“Send me some more pictures; I love you, more pictures please.”

The line buzzed off and John couldn't wait. His hand flew up and down making a white fountain of cum. Mary was just fucking two black cocks, John thought to himself. They fucked her past her calling time. Those guys still have their wet dicks flying in the breeze. Mary just told me she was going to keep them wet, probably all night long.

It's a good thing I bought more lube, John considered, because he stroked off three times. Even with this lube, I won't have any cock left by the time I get home. John slept an exhausted sleep, but he checked his email as soon as he woke.

There was one more email from Mary; the message just read time to get some sleep, she didn’t even sign off. There was one picture attached; it had been taken Oct 7, 2008: 3:23 am. Mary was lying fucked out beside the younger black man. Her older lover must have taken the picture. His leg was just visible in one corner of the photograph. The bed was a mess, John could see wet spots. No one wore clothes, both fuckers looked exhausted.

“That is one fucked up, fucked out picture, that's for sure.”

John jacked a dribble, showered and began his work day.


John's phone rang shortly after eight 'clock.

“If this is Mary she is calling early tonight.”

John heard his wife’s voice:

“Hi Honey, I didn't want to wait until eleven, I took a chance to catch you.”

“You caught me; I have barely left my room except for work this trip.”

“Check your email, I just sent another picture it will probably the last for this trip. Open it and then talk to me.”

“Okay, be right back.”

John opened the email and attached picture. Mary looked like she had been fucking all night and all day. John could see remains of her lipstick, but not much. Was that cum running down the inside of her thighs? It sure looks like cum. Where are the two black guys, is she through with them? He went back to the phone.

“I looked at the picture you sent. You look like a fucked out mess in that picture, but I still love you even though I still don't know what the hell is going on.”

“Roulette, darling, roulette and a lot of fun for me, that’s what has been going on all week. I hope this week has been some exciting fun for you too, lover. I do love you; I hope you know that much. I will always love only you.”

“You know I love you too; I always have and always will. Please tell me what you mean about roulette. I am damned curious to know what you're talking about.”

“I thought you might have figured it out, from the pictures I sent. I told you to look at them carefully. What do you see in the pictures, what stays the same in every picture?”

“Well, you are in all of the pictures, all but that one that was just your vanity. That was to tell me you were in bed fucking your guys, right?”

“Yes, that much you got right, but there is more, something else you should be able to see.”

“You are in the pictures, your makeup, and in some of the pictures you can see the guys you have been screwing all week. The only other thing I recall seeing on your vanity is your birth control pill case.”

“Bingo, my good husband; you finally got it. If you look very carefully, you will see it hasn't moved. Nothing about my BCP case has moved since Sunday. I put it in that exact spot Sunday morning and haven't touched it since then.”

“Oh my god, roulette, you are playing roulette. We are playing baby roulette together, aren't we?”

“Yes my sweet lover, we are playing. I hope you have enjoyed the game so far; I know I have. No more pictures tonight and no more conversation. I only have my two strong black play toys one last night. I can have the guys take one when we are through and you can see it tomorrow morning. Do you want that?”

“Oh yes, oh yes I do.”

“We will, for now, I am going to spin the wheel the rest of the night. I love you darling, goodnight.”

“Goodnight Mary, I would say sleep well but I know better now that you have explained.”


Mary waited for John at curbside just near the baggage claim exit. When she saw her husband walk through the glass doors she ran to him. They kissed and walked hand-in-hand while a Red Cap followed wheeling John’s luggage. The Red Cap loaded everything in the trunk and John thanked him with a ten dollar tip. John watched his wife walk forward to the passenger door. He did notice Mary walking a little bow legged. John got behind the wheel and drove them home.

Written by BobNbobbi
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