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Becoming His Whore

"Kelly and Jason become friendly with a stranger they meet at the local bar"

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It was Friday, and work had been a never-ending storm of small fires and nothing but barked orders from upper management. Some friends had somehow convinced me that going out would be a fun way to make up for the bad day, and honestly, I didn’t want to go at all. However, the idea of getting a few drinks and maybe not spending another night alone at home did sound enticing.

Cut to me sitting at the bar by myself at the end of the night. I had a few drinks and was just sitting there enjoying the slowdown from work when Jason sat down next to me at the bar. He ordered 3 drinks and sat there waiting for them. I was doing my best to just act natural and try to avoid a conversation because, let's face it, people are hard.

“Come here all alone?” said Jason. He had a smirk on his face and was only half paying attention to me, even though he was talking to me.

I sighed and said, “Nah, some friends convinced me that going out would solve all the world's troubles... Apparently, solving troubles just means getting shitfaced to them. I got them a taxi and sent them home, so I figured I’d just finish out the night with a few more drinks before heading out myself.”

I turned to look at the person who had decided to interrupt my time alone. He was a decent-looking guy and I could see that he was watching someone who was out on the dance floor. I followed his gaze out to the crowd, but couldn’t see exactly where he had his eyes focused.

“You come alone?” I said, gesturing towards the three drinks the bartender had just put down behind him.

He gave a small, nervous laugh and said, “Nah.” He pointed over to one corner of the floor and said, “See the woman in the white and black dress with the long black boots? That’s my wife.”

I followed to where his finger was pointed, and that’s when I saw her. 

“Her name is Kelly,” he said.

She was dancing with another girl, both of their faces were a little flushed, but they were smiling and laughing and just enjoying the music together. It was quite a sight to behold.

I would find out later that the second woman was named Jill, and what a looker she was, she was a petite firecracker of a woman who knew everyone was staring at her while she was working her ass on the dance floor.

Kelly, though, my eyes were glued to this woman. Her hair tossed back and forth through the air as she danced and pressed her body into Jill, she had green eyes that looked mischievous and exciting all at the same time. Her breasts were barely contained by the dress she was wearing. It clung to her body, threatening to burst open with every move of her curvy hips and her thick, gorgeous ass. She was a lot of a woman—what most guys would call fat—but to me, she looked downright stunning.

I would be lying if I didn’t say the sight of her body in that dress didn’t make my cock stir in my pants. I’ve always had a thing for thicker women and Kelly, let's just say she fits the bill perfectly. I shifted around a bit to make sure that no one could see that I was getting excited.

I took a big swig of my drink. “Pretty cozy with that other lady” I said with a snort.

“She loves to dance, and you know…two left feet and all.” he said as he pointed towards his feet.

“That’s our friend Jill, who, as you can tell can dances way better than I can.”

He stuck out a hand and offered it for a shake. “I’m Jason,” he said. 

I took it and shook his hand and at that moment, looking back and forth between him and Kelly, I just got the feeling that my night was about to get much, much more interesting. Like a sixth sense had kicked in, and not just the one straining in my pants now.

We chatted a bit more, mostly small talk as we sipped at our drinks, openly watching Kelly and Jill dance together. I knew I shouldn’t stare as hard as I was, but the drinks made it easier to not feel guilty about staring at this man's wife. I swear, a couple of times I was pretty sure she caught my gaze and made sure to shake her big thick ass in my direction.

We talked some more as the music died down, signaling the coming end of the night.

I actually felt a flutter in my stomach and even further down in my nether region as the pair of beautiful ladies started to walk over towards us at the bar.

They walked up and each grabbed their drinks. You could tell they were both a little sweaty from all the intense dancing, but my god, if that didn’t make both of them look even sexier now that I could really look them up and down.

Kelly gave me a smile that looked like she approved of the gawking I was doing and unsuccessfully trying to hide, which surprised me. 

“I don’t believe we’ve met before, I’m Kelly. Are you a friend of Jason’s?”

I smiled my best awkward smile and said, “Can’t say I’ve seen him before tonight, I’m a victim of a work party gone to hell too fast.”

“I'm Brian, and it’s certainly a pleasure to meet you, Kelly. You and Jill really know how to move out on the dance floor.” I said.

I continued to smile and shot a sideways glance at Jason, he looked pleased? Maybe excited was the better way to say it?

My head was spinning a bit as Kelly smiled and said, “Thank you, most people won’t say anything like that to a married woman in a bar.”

It was at this point that Jill, who had been fairly quiet, stood up and said, “Sadly, my night needs to be over. I have to get home, parenthood is calling.”

She moved over to Jason and gave him a hug, and from the angle I was at, it looked like she might have said something into his ear, but I couldn’t tell.

She then turned to Kelly and wrapped her arms around her tightly and leaned in to give her a kiss on the cheek and then, clearly this time I could see, she whispered something into Kelly’s ear.

Kelly’s smile widened as she listened, and her eyes were locked with mine.

Jill turned to me. “It was a pleasure to meet you, Brian. You have fun tonight, I’m sure we’ll be seeing each other soon.”

I stammered out a goodbye, perplexed and intrigued by her statement as she turned to walk out of the bar, her petite hips swaying with overly dramatic side-to-side motion. My cock was raging hard in my pants, I couldn’t help it. I had a pretty damn good idea what was going on here.

I’d seen it in porn or those super cheesy movies. The couple that comes out to the bar, and finds some unsuspecting single guy and takes him home for the night.

I took another swig of my drink, turning my attention back to Jason and Kelly. Jason was red in the face, almost the color of a cherry, and looking around a bit sheepish. Kelly had the hungry look of a wolf gleaming in her eyes and I have to say, it was hot as hell.

“Do you have plans for the rest of the evening, Brian?” Kelly said with a grin.

My mind was racing. Do I have plans? Of course, I don't. It's Friday. I wanted nothing more than to end the week and just relax. Here I was sitting at the bar, with this couple I’d never met before, being asked if I had plans by one of the hottest, thickest women I’ve seen in a long time.

I shook my head a bit to clear my thoughts, and something in me just switched. I decided that, you know what, why can't I have a little fun tonight?

I slammed back the remainder of my drink, set the glass down and said, “I didn’t until about a minute ago, but looking at you, I think I do now.”

I said it with a smile, confidence welling up in my chest, and looked over at J. “Isn’t that right, Jason? I have plans for tonight.”

He stood there, beet red and nodding. When Kelly saw his head nod, I heard an audible groan escape from her plump, beautiful lips as she moved to take the empty seat next to me.

She leaned in, as if to tell me a secret, and in the same motion, her hand felt its way up my thigh under the bar and over my crotch.

"I’m so glad you have plans because, and I say this with all honesty, I need your cock.”

She looked back at Jason and without turning back to me, said, “You see, Jason just can't satisfy me with his little dick. It’s why we come out here. I can tell, you’re going to give me what I need tonight, aren’t you, Brian?”

I smiled, partially because this couldn’t really be happening and because I had been right. Jason was a cuckold husband. I’d never met anybody like that before and never really thought about it either, but the way Kelly was talking, I just had the feeling that she was going to be something I wouldn’t want to miss out on.

I looked over her body once again, and nodded. Flagging down the bartender to get the bill for the night because I was pretty sure we were about to leave.

And that is precisely what Kelly had in mind, she motioned for their check as well and said, “Would you mind if we took your car, Jill drove us here, and you know….she’s already gone.”

She said it with the biggest smirk on her face. It drove me crazy, this woman was just dripping with innuendo…it made me wonder if she was dripping in other ways too.

“Planned that out, did you?” I said with a grin.

Kelly put on a feigned look of hurt. “What, of course not! It’s not like I was planning to find someone to bring home with me tonight, what kind of woman do you think I am?”

I could see a sparkle behind her eyes, she was excited, like very excited. Even Jason, now looking slightly less red, looked excited too.

It was at that moment that I noticed, Jason wasn’t hard. Which, given the situation, I thought was very odd because I looked down at my jeans, and it was plain to see that I was hard as a rock from all the teasing Kelly had been dishing out.

I looked back up to Kelly and said, “What, you didn’t want me to think you were some kind of slut?” I said it with a straight face, my brazenness pushed along by the drinks. I was feeling good, and extremely excited.

She clicked her tongue at me in that playful way that only women can do, and her feigned look of hurt slowly turned into a wide smile.

“Maybe I was just testing you, and now I know that you are definitely coming home with me. Do you mind if Jason drives, I would love to chat in the back seat of your car.” She said it in a quiet, but not quiet enough voice, I could tell that a few of the other patrons of the bar had heard me call Kelly a slut and were now listening to her.

It caught me off guard a bit, but I said, “Sure, I’d be happy to talk.” I made air quotes with my fingers as I said the last word.

I had chatted with Jason enough at the bar while the girls were dancing to feel like he was a decent guy, I could let him drive for one night. That combined with Kelly practically throwing herself at me had me wanting to get out of here as quick as we could anyway, and I didn’t know the way to their home.

Kelly smiled as I dug around in my jacket and grabbed the keys and tossed them to him. Then with that, I put out my arm to Kelly and said” Shall we?”

She took it, and we started to walk out of the bar, Jason walking behind us. My head was spinning, I was walking out of the bar with another man's wife hanging on my arm, and I have to say, it felt damn good.

We made it over to my car in a short walk and I opened up the backdoor for Kelly, and she slid into the back seat. She did it in such a way that I could take a good long look at her big, thick thighs and her shapely ass. To my surprise, when the dress hiked up even further, I could see she wasn’t wearing any panties at all. She was wet, I could see in the dim light how much her pussy was dripping: I had been right again.

I was getting so turned on, my pants were already feeling tight, but now they were almost hurting and holding my cock in. I slid into the seat next to her and shut the door. Jason started the car, and before we could even pull out of the parking space, Kelly had pressed her body up against mine and moaned into my ear, “Fuck, I need this!”

As she said it, her hand shot down to my cock that was restrained in my pants, she grabbed and rubbed it through them slowly. I let out a long, low groan as she worked her hand over the outside of my jeans. You could see now that her teasing had turned me on enough that there was a growing wet spot of pre-cum soaking through them.

The floodgates had opened, I didn’t care that Jason was in the front seat while I was in the back with his wife. I just wanted to fuck, it had been a while and the feel of such a willing woman drove me insane.

I reached over and grabbed a handful of Kelly’s hair and pulled her head back, so I could lean in and bite and kiss her neck. She tasted salty, she had been sweating from all the dancing, but the taste of her skin alone was enough to kick me into overdrive.

I continued to bite and tease her neck, while I could feel her fumbling with the button on my pants, working to free my cock. She finally popped the button loose and pulled the zipper down, her hand instantly shot into my boxers and grabbed the throbbing shaft of my cock.

I heard her moan and without opening her eyes, she said, “Jason, his cock, it's so hard. It's going to be so much better than your little dick. I can't wait for you to watch him fuck me.”

Hearing those words come out of a married woman’s mouth was almost difficult to describe. It felt weird because here I was fooling around with a married woman while her husband drove us to their home, but it also felt so good, like this is how it should be.

After she uttered those words, she pushed me off her neck and leaned down, her head moving towards my cock as she pulled it through my boxers. My cock sprung free, and I could hear her heavy breathing as she stuck out her tongue and licked the pre-cum from the head.

“Mmmmmmm, it tastes delicious too, Jason. So much better than your dick,” she said as her lips closed around the head of my cock and then slowly, almost painfully slow she pushed her lips down my aching cock.

I let out another moan. My cock felt like it was sliding into velvet. Kelly knew what she was doing as she worked her lips up and down my cock, twisting her head left and right as she went up and down, her tongue keeping contact with my shaft the entire time.

I had my eyes closed as she was giving me the best blowjob I’ve ever had in my life. She had shifted up to be on her knees as she sucked my cock, so I ran my hand over her back and to the hem of her dress. I grabbed it and gave it one sharp tug, and it popped up over her considerably large, fat ass cheeks.

It was perfect, I’ve always had a thing for thick thighs and a big juicy ass and here I was playing with a married woman in the back of my car. I couldn’t help myself and slid my right hand down the crack of her ass and then over her pussy lips.

Kelly was absolutely drenched. Her lips were sticky, and she had juices practically dripping down her inner thighs. I let out another moan as she continued to work her mouth up and down my cock, and I used two fingers to spread apart her wet pussy.

I found her clit and pressed my finger against it, rubbing it in big, slow circles over and over. Kelly let out such a loud moan that my cock actually fell from her mouth, her hand still holding the base of my shaft.

Her breathing was coming in short, quick breaths, and she was pushing back against my hand almost as if she were trying to get me to fuck her with my fingers, but I kept up the pressure on her clit.

I looked up to the front of the car. Jason was constantly looking from the road to the mirror, which he had angled down so he could see Kelly holding my cock as it stood straight up in the air. He had both hands on the wheel, and I could tell he was enjoying the show.

He locked eyes with me for a second and then quickly shifted back to the road. Kelly was now jerking my cock nice and slow and had sat up a bit in the seat.

She had noticed that Jason was watching. She let out an evil grin and then looked back at me. “He loves it when I suck cock. Isn't that right, Jason?”

She said it as she continued to stroke my shaft, slippery with my pre-cum and her spit.

Jason nodded and said, “Yes, I love it when you suck cock. You’re so good at it.”

“Not that your dick has helped me learn,” Kelly shot back. It almost sounded angry, but I’m pretty sure she was just teasing him.

I was still moaning from Kelly’s expert hand stroking my shaft and I said, “Jason, this is all pretty new to me, but when we get to your place. I’m going to fuck your wife.”

He looked back in the mirror again and said, “I know, she’s been looking for the right guy all night. She actually pointed you out at the bar. That’s why I came over to chat. My slutty wife wanted an excuse to talk to you.”

Hearing him call her a slut, made my cock twitch in Kelly’s hand. She let out a laugh and said, “Jason, he likes that!” She turned her eyes up to me and whispered….” Do you think I’m a slut too, Brian?”

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As she said it, she squeezed my cock, looking straight up at me. I looked back and forth between Kelly and Jason and with a smile, I nodded. “Yeah, I do think you’re a slut. I think you should put that dirty mouth of yours back to work.” When I had said those words, I pinched her clit between my thumb and forefinger. Causing her to let out a little squeal, and she immediately dropped her mouth back onto my cock.

I’ll be honest, I can last a pretty damn long time, but this woman had me on the brink of explosion with the way her mouth slid up and down my cock. I’d never had a blowjob like this from another woman.

Jason must not have been kidding when she said his wife was slutty.

We took a few more turns, and finally, we were at their home, Jason pulled into the driveway and shut off the engine. Kelly and I were both still working each other over as my fingers were covered in her wet juices. She was sucking on the head of my cock and swirling her tongue around it when we finally noticed we had arrived.

She sat up and said, “Let’s go inside…. I am dying in this dress and I need to get this inside of me.” She said it as she tugged on my cock.

I agreed and shuffled around to get myself at least a bit more decent as we got out of the car. I watched as Kelly came around the side of the car and grabbed Jason’s arm and pulled him down and gave him a long, passionate kiss. I could tell there was tongue, and they seemed to be melting into each other.

I’d never considered that would be something that another man would like, but as I watched, I could tell he really liked it. They finally broke the kiss and Kelly turned back to me. “I hope, you’re ready, Brian. I need a good fuck, Jason here can't give me what I need with his little dick.”

I broke into a smile and leaned into her words a bit and said, “Well, I’m sure I can give you what you really need with a proper cock. Let’s go.”

I followed them into the house, watching as Kelly walked. She had hurriedly pushed her dress back down, but you could still see those gorgeous ass cheeks poking out from under the black and white fabric.

We got into the living room and Kelly didn’t skip a beat, she dropped her purse on a side table and immediately pushed the dress down and over her feet. She stepped out of it and looked at me and did a little spin that ended with her leaning forward in a seductive pose while her thick ass was pointed back towards me.

“What do you think?” she said. I could see a bit of fear in her eyes. I could tell she was comfortable being naked, but I got the feeling she really wanted me to enjoy what I was seeing.

I nodded in approval. “God your tits are even better than I imagined. That dress, as small as it was, was still hiding a lot from me.”

My cock was still raging hard in my pants, Kelly, her confidence returned, walked slowly over to me. She began to pull my pants open again and while she did, she turned to Jason and said, “Go turn on the lights in the bedroom and then sit down on the far side of the bed.”

She had already pulled my cock from my pants and was stroking it again as he had turned and was walking to the bedroom. “Oh," she said, “Don’t forget to take off your pants.”

She said it in a low tone, almost malicious, and it was definitely commanding. He paused, and you could see, even from behind, that his face and neck went flush red. “I haven’t forgotten,” he said and kept going.

Kelly smiled again and pushed my pants down around my ankles. “We won’t be needing these,” she said. While she spoke, she continued to undo the buttons on my shirt. She looked up at me, hungry, and you could tell she really wanted it. My cock was a dead giveaway of how badly I wanted her, too. I couldn’t help it, I’ve never been with a woman who needed to have sex as badly as Kelly. I probably never will again either, she is an incredible woman, something I learned on subsequent trips to their home.

“You don’t mind, if Jason watches, do you?” she said as she stroked my cock. “He likes it when I get fucked by a better cock than his. Plus, it's not like he’ll be able to do anything, you’ll see when we get in there.”

I shrugged and said, “Sure, right now, I’m only focused on getting inside of you.” As I said it, I brushed my hand over her big nipples, letting the rough backside of my hand scrape across them slowly.

She let out a low groan and closed her eyes. I took one of her nipples between my fingers, rolling it slowly between them, then leaned down to nibble at the other with my teeth and run my tongue over it in circles.

We stood there like that for a moment, teasing each other, her hands all over my cock and pulling at my hips to force my cock against her. My hands explored her back and slowly, slowly moved down to grab her ass cheeks and squeeze them hard, feeling how thick and soft they were.

When we were both breathing heavily, she finally motioned towards the bedroom and I nodded. She took my hands and pulled me towards the bedroom, the door was open, and the lights were on. As we came around the corner, you could see Jason sitting on the bed with no pants on, he was looking towards the door, but his body was twisted looking back at us from where he sat.

She smiled and said, “Ready? His cock feels so good, baby, I’ve been waiting for this all night.”

He let out a hoarse whisper of a “Yes” as he sat there. I thought he looked uncomfortable, but who wouldn’t be sitting twisted the way he was.

Kelly barked out, “Turn around and show Brian why he’s here.”

Jason once again turned red and slowly turned, revealing why he had been sitting so odd. His cock was stuffed into a device, which Kelly was so kind enough to reveal was a cock cage.

“He wears that, so he can focus on watching what a real cock can do to his wife,” Kelly said with an evil grin.

I nodded a bit surprised by that reveal, but now it suddenly made sense why I was the only one with a hard-on in the bar when Kelly was really throwing down the slutty vibes. He couldn’t get hard, even if he wanted to.

I looked him over, you could tell he was a mix of excitement and humiliation all at the same time. I said, “You ready for this?”

He blurted out, “Hell yes.” The words just leapt out of him, as if he couldn’t control his mouth.

I smiled and then grabbed Kelly’s hand and pulled her to the opposite side of the bed, made her sit down, and grabbed my cock with my other hand. I shifted my hand to the back of Kelly’s head and pushed her mouth down over my cock again.

Those wet, perfect lips, sliding down my cock perfectly.

“Fuck, your wife really knows how to suck cock.” I said, as I groaned and closed my eyes. My hand on the back of Kelly’s head still, guiding her up and down my shaft, getting it good and wet.

He only nodded. I still couldn’t believe I was standing with my cock in a married woman’s mouth while her husband sat just feet away from us. And from what I could tell, even with the cage, he was enjoying it.

My balls had been aching ever since I watched Kelly and Jill dance, and I needed a release. I pulled Kelly’s mouth off my cock and said, “Time to lay down and spread that pussy for me.”

She shivered and quickly shuffled to lay on her back, she spread her legs wide, and I got my first good look at her thick, wet pussy. Her thighs were completely slick with her juices, I could smell her in the air and it was intoxicating.

I could only imagine that Jason could smell her excitement too.

With that, I crawled up onto the bed and got between Kelly’s legs. I took my cock in my hand and started to rub it up and down her slit. It felt wonderful!

Her pussy lips were so soft and eager. When I ran my cock over her lips, she let out a long low groan and tried to push her hips up into the air. I grabbed one of her legs and held it up while I continued to rub the head of my cock up and down her pussy.

“Is that what you needed, Kelly?” I said, looking down right to her eyes.

She let out a long hiss of “Yessssss…..please, please, you need to fuck me.”

I grinned and smacked her pussy lips with the head of my cock and said, “You want me to fuck you, right here on your bed while your husband watches?”

“Oh god, yes, yes, he needs to see how a real cock fucks a pussy. Do it….fuck me, Brian, I need your cock inside of me now.”

She was practically panting as she lay there, begging me to stuff my cock into her pussy, it was one of the hottest things I’ve ever seen in my life. This woman’s need for cock rivaled even my sex drive, and I wasn’t going to be one to disappoint her.

I let the head of my cock stop and slip into her pussy, just the head, and looked over at Jason as I thrust my hips down in one long stroke.

I grunted and Kelly screamed, it was as if a dam had been building up inside of her, and it broke free. I stayed there, my cock buried inside of her pussy for just a moment, watching as her chest heaved up and down, her big fat tits shaking and jiggling with each breath.

I slowly lifted my hips, pulling my cock out until just the head was inside of her, before I slammed my hips back down into her again. I could feel her tight wet pussy gripping at my cock, and she hooked one leg behind my back, in an attempt to keep me inside of her as long as she could, while I held the other leg in the air.

“Fuck Kelly…you are one slutty married woman,” I said as I grunted, beginning to thrust my cock slowly in and out of her pussy over and over.

Her tits were now bouncing all over her chest and her initial screams had gone down to small squeals as each time my cock slid fully into her body would shake. I could feel her tightening her pussy’s grip on my shaft, my cock felt like it was going to be squeezed until I exploded.

She was close, I could feel her whole body tensing now, all the teasing, the flirting, and cocksucking had built her up to this, and she was about to blow.

I continued to thrust my cock rhythmically in and out of her, my body shaking with the effort, but every nerve in my body was on fire and it felt spectacular.

I looked over to Jason, who had turned even further to watch as his wife lay on their bed, screaming and having her pussy railed by my cock. His mouth was open, breathing heavy. The cock cage prevented him from getting hard, but you could see that pre-cum was leaking all over the cage.

I gave a grin and said, “Your slut wife is going to come on my cock, Jason, watch.”

And that did it. When I said the words' slut wife, Kelly’s body suddenly went rigid, and she started shaking, her scream was nothing more than a hiss of air and then silence as her whole body convulsed as she orgasmed.

I’ve never seen a woman orgasm as violently as Kelly was right now, and she was doing it all over me. My cock suddenly felt like it had been grabbed by a vice and there was no getting out. I kept thrusting my hips forward into her, riding out her orgasm.

“Fuck, that pussy feels amazing,” I shouted as I continued to pound my cock into her. I grabbed both of her legs now and pushed them further apart and worked my cock in and out of her pussy. She was soaking wet and the sounds of slapping filled the room as I fucked her over and over.

Sweat was dripping from my brow as I finally let go of her legs and slid off the bed, my cock was covered in her juices, and I was finally ready to blow. I grabbed Kelly and helped pull her up to her hands and knees, her body was almost limp as she put her face on the bed and spread her legs.

“Is this what you want, Kelly, to get fucked like a dirty little slut in front of your husband?” I said, giving her fat ass a good hard smack.

“Yes….fuck me like your dirty whore, Brian, I want to feel your cum fill my pussy.” said Kelly, shaking her ass back and forth at me.

I grabbed her hips and pulled her towards the edge of the bed and slid my cock straight into that wet pussy. She let out a hiss and a long groan, she then turned her face to Jason.

“God, it feels so fucking good….this is what it should feel like to be fucked, Jason, not like your tiny dick.”

I watched as he just sat there, his eyes fixed on her ass as I slammed my cock into his wife, I could tell he was only getting increasingly excited the harder I fucked Kelly. He just sat there silently watching, occasionally his hand would absentmindedly go down to grab his cock, but the cage prevented even that.

I turned my attention back to Kelly’s big fat ass, it was slamming back against me each time I thrust my cock into her pussy, and I was beginning to feel myself losing the battle to hold back. Her pussy just felt so good, combined with how bad she needed to get fucked, my head was swimming.

I had my hands on her hips, pulling her back against me, thrusting over and over. I could see her big, heavy tits hanging down to the bed. Each time I slammed my cock into her, they would shake and jiggle. It was a mesmerizing sight to behold.

“Kelly,” I groaned, “that fucking wet pussy is going to make me cum.”

I heard her let out another groan, and I could feel her pushing back against me even harder.

“Yesss….pound me full of your cum, Brian. I need that load.”

I smiled, and my hands gripped her hips even tighter, the sweat dripping down from my brow as I fucked and fucked one of the sluttiest women I’d ever met. And with one final thrust, I buried my cock into her and let out a long, deep groan.

“Fuuuucccckkk!!!” My cock twitched inside her pussy, my balls tightened, and I could feel each rope splash into Kelly’s hot wet cunt.

I’ve never blacked out from an orgasm, but this one was damn close. I stood there behind Kelly, my legs shaking, my breath ragged. My hands were still grasping her hips like a vice.

I could feel every movement of her body, as she lay there breathing, just as heavily as me. My cock so sensitive as I let go of her hips and slowly slid out of her pussy. As I did, my cum began to leak back out of her, it was an absurd amount and I have to say, I was pretty damn proud of myself.

I collapsed and sat down next to Kelly on the bed. She rolled over onto her back and was looking up at me with a slightly dreamy smile.

“I told you I needed that,” she said. Her eyes were still hungry, but the smile on her face was gorgeous and mischievous. She lifted her head from the bed and looked at the clock and then laid back down, taking in long deep breaths.

She spread her legs and draped them down over the edge of the bed, she brought her hands down to her pussy and slid a finger through her thoroughly well fucked pussy.

“Mmmmm, there’s so much cum,” she smiled and looked over at Jason. “Come here.”

I sat there on the bed, and watched as he came around to the other side of the bed and Kelly grabbed his hand and pulled him down, so he was on his knees.

I thought to myself, “No fucking way.” She couldn't be doing, what I thought she was about to do.

She stuck her cum covered finger into her mouth and licked it clean, moaning as she tasted my cum from it. Before looking down at Jason and saying, “Eat my pussy, I want you to know what it tastes like when a real cock fills me up.”

To my utter disbelief, he pushed her legs further apart and dove right in. He licked her inner thighs, teasing her and making little moans escape from her, and then slowly ran his tongue over her pussy lips, licking up the sticky mess that Kelly and I had made together.

He sucked on her clit, before sticking out his tongue and fucking her slowly with it. The whole time, my cum continued to leak from her. I just watched, bewildered, while Kelly moaned.

“Geez, Kelly, and you say I’m the evil one.”

I jumped and Jason froze., Kelly however, only moaned and smiled, saying “I thought it would be fun and don’t even start with me. You’re the reason I’m as bad as I am, you know.”

Standing in the doorway with her hand under her dress was Jill. I don’t know how long she’d been standing there, but I could tell she was very turned on and apparently was enjoying what she was watching.

“Don’t stop because of me,” she said, looking at Jason now that he had turned around to see what was going on. “Do what your slut wife told you and don't stop until she says so.”

She looked over at me, with a smile on her face and that same hungry look that Kelly got when she pulled my cock out of my pants in the car.

“I told you, you’d be having fun tonight. Didn’t I?” she said with a grin.

I nodded. “Quite a bit more fun than I was expecting.”

“Kelly is such a dirty whore, isn’t she,” she said it as more of a statement than a question.

She motioned to Kelly squirming on the bed as Jason had turned and started to eat her pussy again. He was doing an impressive job of getting her at just the right angle to make her body jerk and spasm here and there.

“I think she needs it again,” she said as an evil grin came across her lips.

I felt my cock twitch and another smile spread across my face and my cock started to stiffen again.

This was going to be one fucking wild night

Written by Jay35sox
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