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Awakenings Ch. 33

"Ginger and Scotty tell Michael and Maureen about their relationship"

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Maureen looked at Ginger and said, “I've never met a couple like you and Scotty. I have lots of questions, but they're kind of personal.”

Ginger responded, “We're actually not all that unusual. You'll understand that when you get to know some of our friends. Don't worry about asking personal questions. If we're going to take over your slut training we're going to have to get very personal.” She turned and looked up at the television screen.

Maureen, Scotty and I looked up too. Ginger's friend Doug was sitting on the couch. Ginger was straddling him. She was rocking back and forth on his cock while he sucked on one of her nipples.

Ginger said, “I think we've already passed the point where we need to be concerned about being too personal.”

Giggling, Maureen said, “I agree.”

“So, you can ask us anything, anything at all.”

"Okay.” Maureen paused. After a moment she said, “Here's a big one. It's the question I wanted to ask earlier. How did the two of you get into this lifestyle? Were you doing this together before you were engaged or did it happen gradually after you were married?"

Scotty said, "Actually the answer to all of those questions is yes."

Maureen and I were both puzzled.

"It's complicated." said Ginger. "All through highschool I was a good girl. I played sports, studied hard and most of all I kept my virginity." She laughed. "The boys called me the frigid freckle queen, not to my face, behind my back, but there were girls who made sure I knew."

"High school can be difficult." Maureen nodded sympathetically.

"It was for me. I didn't think I was pretty. I played soccer, basketball and softball so I was fit. I mean I had a nice body, but I was self-concious about my red hair and freckles."

"I love your red hair and freckles. I always have." Scotty grinned at his wife.

Beaming at him, Ginger said, "And that's another one of the ten million reasons I love you so much."

"She loves me." Scotty wiggled his eyebrows and smiled coyly at Maureen.

Giggling, Maureen said, "I can see why."

"Reeney, don't give him a big head."

Scotty stuck his tongue out at Ginger. Ginger rolled her eyes and said, "May I please continue?"

I said, "By all means."

"Anyway, I was shy. My senior year I had a boyfriend. He was smart, handsome and a good athlete, but he was shy too. In my mind we were the perfect couple, but I knew some of his friends made fun of him because he was dating the frigid freckle queen. They chided him about not getting laid."

Ginger paused. After a moment she said, "His name was Milt Webster. I liked him. I didn't love him, but I liked him a lot. I still like him. He's a nice guy. You have to like nice guys.”

Both Maureen and I smiled in agreement.

Continuing, Ginger said, “That spring he took me to the senior prom. It was something I really wanted. We'd also both just turned eighteen. I decided it was time for us to get lucky. Prom night seemed like the perfect occasion. I asked him to get a hotel room. He thought I was going to invite several of my girlfriends and their dates for an after prom party. I didn't. It was just us. I brought condoms and a bottle of wine. Neither of us did much drinking, but I thought we could use a little bottled courage.”

Maureen smiled. "You seduced your highschool boyfriend."

"I did."

"So how was the sex?" Maureen was caught up in Ginger's story. So was I.

"It was wonderful! Milt was gentle. The wine relaxed me. We were in a hotel room with a kingsized bed. We fucked all night. I got so excited that I actually gave Milt a blow job."

Chuckling, I said, "I'll bet he enjoyed that."

"Yes he did, but amazingly, I enjoyed it just as much as he did. That night, the night I lost my virginity, I also learned that I love giving head."

Scotty winked at me. "Believe me she does. My wife is a bj queen."

Ginger laughed. "My husband likes to advertise for me."

Maureen giggled, I smiled.

"Anyway, that night I discovered that I love sex. For the rest of the school year and all of the following summer Milt and I fucked like rabbits. Sometimes we did it in his car. Any time either of our parents were gone we did it in our bedrooms. At parties we'd always try to slip off to a back bedroom. We were insatiable. We couldn't get enough of each other."

Maureen asked, "What happened at the end of the summer?"

"I told you that Milt was a good athlete. He was a really good football player. He had a full scholarship to Purdue University. I had an academic scholarship at Lenmore College, it's in Atlanta. We lived in Memphis. After we went to college we lost touch with each other."

“So you haven't seen him since you both left for college?”

“I saw him at our ten year high school reunion. He lives in Chicago.”

“Did slip off to a hotel room with him?” Maureen wanted every seamy detail.

Shaking her head, Ginger said, “No, I was very direct about my interest, but Milt made it clear that he was off limits. He was married, had a two year old daughter and his wife was pregnant. While some men can fool around on the side, others can't. Milt is one of those men who can't.”

Turning to Scotty, Maureen said, “Did you know about Milt? If you did, I'm sure you must have been worried when Ginger went to the reunion. You had to be afraid that she'd fall for him again? He was her first love. Many women never get over their first love.”

Scotty smiled. “Yes, I knew about Milt and no, I wasn't worried, not in the least. Like most men I have my insecurities, but I don't have any doubts about Ginger's love for me. While she may not be physically faithful, her emotional committment is beyond question."

“Scotty's right, I love him with all my heart and soul. I can't imagine life without him. He's also the perfect husband for me. I crave variety. I could never be happy fucking just one man. Scotty understands. He doesn't get jealous. He knows that the other men are nothing but playmates. He trusts me. He lets me play around. Not many men could do that.”

Ginger paused and then she chuckled as she added, "Actually, Scotty doesn't just let me play around. He encourages it. It excites him. He loves to watch me with another man or a woman."

"I do. I can't explain it and I don't apologize for it, but it is true. I love watching Ginger with other men and yes, women too."

Maureen said, "So you're bisexual."

"While I don't really think of it that way, I suppose you could say that. I prefer cocks, but pussies are fun too. I love sex and I don't see any reason to limit myself to only half the population."

Turning to Scotty, Maureen asked, "Are you bisexual too?"

"No, I'm totally enthralled by the female form."

"That's true, but he does do threeways with me. I love having two men at the same time."

Scotty nodded. "Yes, but I'd rather watch you with two guys."

"That's my husband, he loves to watch."

"Do you do that very often, have two guys at the same time?" Maureen was obviously intrigued by this new revelation.

"Not often enough. Most men are too homophobic to be comfortable partying with another guy. Some guys can't even handle having Scotty in the room while we're partying. We do belong to a sex club. I guess it's not really a club. It's more like a group of open minded people who get together once a month to party."

Maureen's eyes lit up. "Really? I want to hear more about this.”

Ginger said, "There's generally twenty or thirty people at a party. It's pretty much anything goes, lots of fucking, some group sex, several doms will be there with their slaves. There will usually be a couple of cuckolds locked in chastity cages. Do you know what a chastity cage is?"

"I learned about them the other night. Michael is friends with a couple who are just beginning to explore a dominant submissive cuckold relationship."

"Yes, Ruth and David, Michael told me a little about them on our way over here and you mentioned David earlier."

Maureen continued. "Ruth has a new boyfriend. When they get together they're going to make David wear a chastity cage."

"Very kinky." Ginger was smiling.

Turning to Scotty, Maureen asked, "Do you ever wear at chastity cage at these parties?"

Shaking his head, Scotty said, "No, that's just not me."

"I didn't think so. You're more like Michael. You both like to watch. You're voyeurs. That's the thrill you get out of this lifestyle." Maureen paused for a moment and then she added, "And you both love adventurous women. Micheal's wife just recently figured out that she wants to be adventurous, but she's adventurous now."

Scotty winked at Ginger. "Adventurous women, it's true, I do enjoy them and I happen to be madly in love with one."

Ginger grinned at him and then she turned to Maureen. "Yes, I think you understand my husband and I agree with you that your friend Michael appears to be very much like him, although I think he's still working on reconciling himself to all of this."

I said, "You're right, but I'm much closer than I was five months ago."

"You've done well. It took Scotty over a year, but you had help. I'm afraid Scotty had to do most of it on his own."

"I did have help. I was lucky, I realize that." I looked at Scotty. "I'd like to hear how you did it."

"Let's let Ginger finish her story."

All three of us turned to Ginger.

"Okay, where was I?"

Scotty said, "You were going to college."

"Yes, so that summer I'd learned to fully appreciate and enjoy sex, but I was still prudish enough to believe that I needed a boyfriend. You know, one man, one woman, all that hogwash."

"Yes, I fully understand that concept." Maureen was shaking her head.

"Anyway, I found a boyfriend right away. His name was Rick. He was a cute guy from South Carolina who was eager to have a girlfriend who loved to fuck. Believe me, we did. We were like a couple of rabbits. We fucked constantly. I actually gave him his very first blow job."

Maureen said, "That must have been fun."

Laughing, Ginger said, "I've never given a blow job that wasn't fun."

"That's my girl." Scotty grinned.

Certain that my wife had adopted that same sentiment, I chuckled.

Ginger continued, "Early that fall Rick joined a fraternity. I'd looked at the sororities, but they didn't interest me. I was content living in a dorm and making my friends there. Rick's fraternity demanded a large portion of his free time, so I found myself with free time too. One of the benefits of going to college is that its a great place to meet young men and believe me, I did."

Sighing, Maureen said, "I went to college for one semester, but we didn't have much money and I was shy so I didn't actually get to participate in many activities and then I had to drop out."

"I'm sorry."

"It's okay. I've been thinking about going back now."

"Really? What a good idea."

"I'm excited about it, but finish your story. We can talk about my college plans on another night."

"Okay, At first it was innocent. Guys in my classes tried to strike up conversations. In the library, guys would deliberately sit down at the table where I was studying. Guys would even approach me while I was walking across the campus mall and ask me out. For a few weeks I tried to be the faithful girlfriend, but then I began to realize that Rick wasn't keeping me happy and there were a lot of cute guys at Lenmore. On a Friday afternoon in early October, an older guy, a junior, a lab assistant in my intro to biology class, asked me to go to a party at a friend's apartment. His name was Steve. He was handsome and Rick had something going on at the fraternity, so I said yes. They had a keg of beer and a stereo. We drank, we danced, Steve and I ended up fucking in a back bedroom. It was a wonderful evening."

"It sounds wonderful." There was a hint of envy edged with sadness in Maureen's voice.

At that moment I realized that before I left to go home one of my tasks was to encourage Maureen to try going back to college. I knew it wouldn't be the same. She wouldn't be at parties fucking hot guys in the back bedroom of a seedy apartment, but it would still be a good experience for her and right now Maureen needed a few good experiences.

Ginger said, "That night I realized that I neither needed nor wanted a boyfriend. I was only eighteen. I wasn't ready to make a committment to another person. The next morning I met Rick for coffee and broke up with him. That night I went out with Steve again. He asked me to be his girlfriend. I told him that I would love to be his friend, but I didn't want a boyfriend and I intended to start dating lots of guys. Surprisingly, he understood. We were friends and fuck buddies until he graduated the following year."

Maureen asked, "Did keep seeing him?"

"No, after he graduated he went to the University of North Carolina to get a masters degree in botany. We lost touch for awhile."

"Did you do it? Did you date lots of guys?"

"I did, by the end of my freshman year I was a full fledged campus slut."



"Did you ever have any problems? You hear all these stories about fraternities giving girls drugs."

"Reeney, you're right, there are a ton of shitheads in the world, but there are also a lot of nice guys. During my first two years in college Steve and his roommates took care of me. After they graduated I had other friends who watched out for me."

Ginger chuckled. "During my Freshman year, just after Christmas, I got invited to a party at my old boyfriend, Rick's fraternity. One of Steve's friends found out that they planned to give me a drink laced with quaaludes and have a private gang bang with me. Steve and his friends decided to accompany me to the party. The fraternity guys didn't want to let them in, but I was adamant. I told them they were my guests and if they didn't let them in I was leaving. They relented and admitted them, but they still tried to drug me. They told me they had a special Jamaican rum drink just for me. Steve and his buddies told them that if it was so good they should drink it first. A scuffle broke out. The drink got poured on the floor and we left. We went back to Steve's apartment where we had our own party. My friends didn't need quaaludes to get lucky."

"Are you telling us what I think you're telling us?"

"Yup." Ginger was smiling like the Cheshire Cat.

"How many were there?"


"And you did them all?"

"Every one of them had a turn."

Maureen gaped at Ginger.

Ginger said, "Reeney, they were all friends and nice guys. Every one of them wore a condom and they were all considerate. We had fun."


"Reeney are you getting judgemental?"

"No, I mean I'm trying not to, but I've never met anyone who's..."

"Pulled a train? Reeney honey, they were my friends, mostly we laughed and giggled."

"Did everyone watch?"

"No, it would have been okay with me, but most guys are kind of shy about that, especially college age guys. They're a little insecure about they're friends judging they're performance." Ginger smiled. "We actually had quite a few parties like that. Most of the guys were usually so excited that they came pretty quickly."

"You had a lot of parties like that?"

"During my Sophomore year I kept my dorm room, but I mostly lived with Steve and his friends." Ginger leered at Maureen and asked, "Have you ever been bathed by five guys at once?" And then she giggled.

Maureen laughed. "No I can't say that I have, but I will admit that the idea does appeal to me."

"Anyway, I was a little wild in college."

"That's putting it mildly." Maureen was still laughing.

"But I still studied hard. I graduated magnum cum laude and got accepted to law school at Duke University."

I said, "That's a good school."

"I studied hard there too, but I also continued fooling around."

"She was a law school slut." Scotty winked at his wife.

I was, but then at the end of my third year of law school my life changed."

"What happened?" Asked Maureen.

"I was at a party. It was thrown by three friends of mine. They were third year law students too. They lived together in a big house."

Scotty said, “It wasn't just a house it was a mansion."

Nodding Ginger said, "One of them came from a wealthy family, a very wealthy family."

"But he was a nice guy. He wasn't a snob." Added Scotty.

"He was also very good in bed." Ginger winked at her husband. He chuckled.

She continued. "Anyway about an hour into the party I noticed this guy looking at me. It wasn't rude. He wasn't staring. Actually, it was kind of cute. It was like he was covertly watching me. I started stealing glances at him. I'm sure that if anyone else had been paying attention to what we were doing they would have gotten a good laugh out of it."

Maureen and I smiled.

"After about a half hour of this game I decided it was time to meet my mysterious admirer. Pretending to go to the bath room, I circled around so I was standing directly behind him. He had no idea I was there. He was scanning the room looking for me. For a minute or two I watched him. He really was cute. I definitely had to meet him. It was obvious that he was shy, so I knew I'd have to take the lead. I stepped closer to him and ever so slightly pressed my hip against his. It was a crowded party. Everyone was jammed together, so he still didn't notice me. Realizing that any kind of subtle approach was futile, I took direct action. I tapped him on the shoulder and told him he was cute. That startled him, but I did get his attention."

"Damn near scared me to death." Scotty was shaking his head.

"That was you?"

Nodding to Maureen, Scotty said, "Yes, that's how we met."

Turning to Ginger, Maureen asked, "Was it love at first sight?"

"It was." Ginger glanced at her husband.

He said, "Definitely."

Ginger continued. "For over two months it was a story book romance. We were inseparable. I was head over heels in love with Scotty. I even stopped dating other guys. I didn't think I would ever do that for any man."

Noting the the implication of Ginger's statement I asked, "What happened after two months?"

"Out of the blue my old college fuck buddy, Steve called me. I hadn't seen or heard from him for over five years. He got my telephone number from a guy we both knew at Lenmore. Steve told me he he was a salesman for a pharmaceutical company. He lived in Cincinnati, but he traveled a lot. The following week he was going to be in Charlotte for a few days and asked if he could drive over to Chapel Hill and take me to dinner. We were close friends in college. I wanted to see him again, so I agreed to meet him for dinner."

Ginger looked at Scotty and sighed. "When Scotty came over that evening I made my first mistake."

Maureen said, "Your first mistake? That would imply that you made several mistakes."

"I did."

"Okay, what was your first mistake?"

"I didn't tell Scotty about my plans to have dinner with Steve.

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You see, Scotty didn't know anything about my adventurous side."

"Why not? Were you ashamed?" Maureen's tone wasn't accusatory, she was just trying to understand.

Shaking her head, Ginger said, "No I wasn't ashamed, I was afraid. I was afraid that if Scotty knew the truth about me he wouldn't want anything to do with me. I really did love him and I was young and very confused. I should have told him about my past the night I met him, or at least during the next few days. I didn't and as our relationship became more intense it got harder to tell him. Finally I decided it would just have to be be my deep dark secret."

Maureen said, "I could see myself doing the same thing."

Ginger continued. "Anyway, that was Friday night. My dinner date with Steve was the following Wednesday. All that weekend and the Monday and Tuesday before my date I tried to fuck Scotty into oblivion. While I kept telling myself that I was only going to have dinner with Steve, I knew deep down inside that I really wanted him to take me back to his hotel room and fuck me silly. Steve was a champion in bed. The desire to experience him again was overpowering."

"Giving Scotty all that attention was a way for you to try to cope with the guilt you were feeling about cheating on him," observed Maureen.

"I loved Scotty, but I loved sex too. My desire for Steve was overwhelming." Shaking her head, Ginger said, “That makes me feel so narcisstic.”

I said, “Last August I would have agreed with you. Now, I don't think so. This is your life. It's important that you live it the way you want to live it."

"Yes, but it shouldn't just be about me. It has to be about Scotty and me."

We all stared at each other in silence. None of us was willing to challenge the truth of Ginger's statement.

Finally Maureen said, "Tell us about the date." Her question broke the tension.

Obviously relieved, Ginger continued. "It was everything I feared and everything I wanted. We had dinner in a steakhouse a block from Steve's hotel. After dinner we went back to his room for a night cap. We immediately started making out. In seconds we had each other's clothes off. Steve fucked me three times. The last time I swear he lasted for over a half hour."

Maureen gasped, "Oh my!"

Shaking her head, Ginger said, "It was wonderful while it happened, but as soon as we were finished I got dressed and left. I couldn't bear to spend the night with Steve. He wasn't upset. I'd told him about Scotty. He understood."

Ginger looked at both Maureen and me. "By the time I got back to my apartment I was wracked with guilt. While I loved Scotty, my night with Steve had been wonderful. I knew I was going to end up doing it again. I didn't know what to do. I couldn't bear to cheat on Scotty, not on a regular basis, but I knew I was going to end up doing exactly that. I loved sex. I loved the thrill of different guys. I loved the excitement of new guys. I lay awake all night. Finally, just before dawn I decided that out of fairness to Scotty I had to terminate our relationship. The next morning I called him and asked if we could have lunch. During lunch I told him everything, my history, Steve, everything. I finished by telling him that I loved him too much to cheat on him and ended our relationship."

Scotty said, "When I left the cafe where we'd had lunch I was stunned and hurt. I didn't know what to think or do. Ginger's history bothered me, but mostly because she'd never mentioned it. Her admission that she'd just slept with Steve was also startling, but everyone slips. It really wasn't that big a deal to me. It was her declaration that she planned to continue seeing other men and intended to end her relationship with me that was devastatng. For several weeks I was angry and hurt."

I said, "When my wife announced that she was going to start dating other men I had the same initial reaction"

Squeezing my hand, Ginger said, "You got angry and you were hurt?"

I nodded. "It's hard not to take it personally."

"But it's not personal." Ginger was staring into my eyes.

"I think I understand that now." I looked at Scotty. "But I had a lot of help reaching that understanding. How long did your anger last?"

"A little over a month, maybe six weeks. It was gradual."

"Yeah, it actually was for me too."

Maureen said, "But you did get back together. How did it happen?"

Ginger smiled. "He called me. I was so depressed. It was like having a dream come true."

"You were depressed?" Maureen shook her head. "You broke it off with him."

"I did break it off with him, but only because I had to do it. I loved Scotty. I still love him. Every day I'm with him I love him more." Ginger sighed. "I missed him so much. Every night I cried myself to sleep. I didn't date. I didn't go out at all, not even with my girlfriends."

"Jeanne told me she did the same thing after I left. Our daughters finally talked her into dating. They convinced her that by leaving I was giving her an opportunity to explore her new lifestyle."

"My girlfriends tried to persuade me to start dating again. They argued that some women weren't destined to be married. I was starting to believe them when Scotty called me."

"I really did love Ginger and I was miserable without her. To make matters worse, I kept imagining her in the arms of other men. That made it even more painful. Still, time is a healer. After about two months my hurt and anger started to dissipate and as it dissipated the strangest thing happened. The image of Ginger with another man began to excite me. I've always enjoyed watching erotic movies."

I laughed. "A fondness we share."

"You enjoy them too?"

"I admit it, I do. I always have. At least since I was old enough to appreciate the art form."

"Art form?" Ginger was giggling.

Scotty smiled at his wife. "Don't knock it. I think that little penchant of mine saved our relationship. Observing is a real thrill for me."

"I know that and believe me, I wasn't knocking it. You introduced me to the pleasure of watching. I like it too, not as much as you, but I have learned to appreciate that particular kink." Ginger looked up at the television screen. Doug was now on top of her. Her legs were wrapped around his hips. He was thrusting his huge erection in and out of her cunt. Giggling, she added, "I guess I enjoy a bit of exhibitionism too."

"Sweetheart, I don't believe there's a kink you don't appreciate."

"My dear husband, flattery will get you everywhere."

"A category in which I am not alone."

"And you love it, don't you."

"Yes I do."

Eager to hear more of their story, Maureen asked, "So what happened when Scotty called you?"

Shaking her head, Ginger said, "He told me that he wanted to get back together again. He claimed that it would be okay with him if I continued to see other men. That took me completely by surprise and I admit that I was skeptical at first, but I agreed to meet him for lunch so we could discuss it."

"What happened at lunch?"

"Scotty convinced me that we should at least try, but he had a condition. His condition made sense, but it still scared me."

I asked, "What was the condition?"

Scotty answered, "Every time Ginger went on a date, I wanted to know about it."

Nodding, I said, "Your voyeurism."

"Of course, but I was still having trouble admitting that, even to myself, so I took a different approach. I told Ginger the only way this could work was if I trusted her and trust requires total honesty. I wasn't blowing smoke, I really do believe that."

"Jeanne and I believe it too. Total honesty is essential, but it's also difficult."

"Tell me about it." Ginger was slowly shaking her head. "I was so worried about hurting Scotty that I didn't go out on any other dates for the first two weeks we were back together."

Maureen said, "But you finally did go out on a date with another man."

"Yes, Scotty made me do it."

Turning to Scotty, Maureen said, "You made her go out on a date?"

"Yes I did. I realized this was important to her. It was so important that she'd previously ended her relationship with me because of it. I understood exactly why she wasn't going out. She was afraid of hurting me. I finally gave her an ultimatum. If she didn't start dating I'd break up with her."

"I don't understand. Why would you tell her she had to date other men?" Maureen looked puzzled.

I said, "I understand. I've stayed away from home for the past few months for the same reason. Jeanne loves me. Before I can return home she has to be secure enough about my feelings to be able to continue living the life style she's chosen. If she's worried about hurting me she won't date. If that happens I fear she'll eventually start to resent me because I'm preventing her from living the life she now wants. That can only lead to disharmony and eventually divorce."

Nodding, Scotty said, "Exactly."

"While it was a wonderful gesture on Scotty's part, I still felt intense guilt about dating." Ginger paused and then she quietly added, "But guilt or not I knew it was what I wanted."

Maureen said, "So you did it, you went out with another guy?"

"I did. I had a friend, he was in my class at the law school. I guess you could call him a fuck buddy. We'd been getting together for about a year. He was safe. We were friends, there wasn't any emotional attachment. In fact he was married, happily married. He just liked a little action on the side."

Scotty said, "You're talking about Matt in the past tense. You still see him a couple of times a month."

"I do. Matt is good in bed and he's very well endowed." Ginger was grinning.

Laughing, Scotty said, "My wife is a size queen. She can't resist a big cock."

Ginger leered at her husband. "And you love watching me suck a big cock, don't you sweetheart."

"I admit, I do." Scotty was holding up his hands in a gesture of surrender.

"So how did this first date go?"

"From the moment I called Matt and invited him to come over I was a nervous wreck. While this was exactly what I wanted, I was terrified that Scotty wasn't going to be able to handle it. Then, the morning of my date Scotty called me and asked if he could come over at 5:00. His request surprised me, confused me and made me very nervous. I reminded him that Matt was coming at 7:00. He told me that he was well aware of that and explained that he wanted to watch me get dressed for my date. He thought it would make both of us feel like it was something we were doing together."

"I understand that. Jeanne and I are hoping to reach a point where her dating is something we can both enjoy. I think we're pretty close."

Nodding, Ginger said, "I understand that now, but at the time the thought of Scotty watching me prepare for a date with another man scared me."

Maureen asked, "So did you let him come over?"

"It scared me, but I really didn't have a choice. Even though I didn't see how it could occur, I had to agree with Scotty. I wanted this to be something we enjoyed together."

"What happened when he came over?" Maureen was captivated by this story.

"I was terrified when I answered the door, but as soon as he was inside my apartment he handed me a beautifully wrapped package. Puzzled, I looked at him. He smiled that wonderfully endearing smile he has and explained that it was a gift, a gift he hoped would make my evening with Matt even more exciting for all three of us. I opened the package. It was a sheer lace baby doll nighty."

Scotty grinned. "It was ivory. Ivory goes so beautifully with Ginger's red hair and green eyes. I wanted her to be gorgeous for Matt."

Ginger said, "At first I was shocked, but then I looked at Scotty. There was an expression of pure lust in his eyes. At that moment I realized that he really did want this as much as I did. After that we both relaxed. The next hour and a half was so much fun. We both took off our clothes. I had Scotty draw me a bath. He watched while I shaved my legs and pussy and then he bathed me."

"He helped you get ready for your date with Matt. That is so hot." Maureen was giggling.

"It really was. After my bath he watched me touch up my nails and then he brushed my hair for me."

"I love Ginger's red hair, brushing it is actually a fetish for me."

Ginger winked at her husband and then she turned to Maureen and said, "I'm sure you understand that this eased my concerns about how Scotty would react to my impending evening of sex with Matt."

"Yes, I do." Maureen smiled. "But I have to say that I can't imagine my husband doing that."

"Your husband isn't Scotty or Michael." Ginger looked at me. "I'll bet you'd enjoy helping Jeanne get dressed for a date."

"I would. In a way, I already have. New Years Eve we were together in San Antonio."

Ginger nodded. "You mentioned that earlier. If I remember correctly, it had an unpleasant ending."

"It did, but we didn't know that was going to happen. Before we went down to the party we were both excited about what we hoped would happen. I watched Jeanne get dressed. Knowing that she might be doing it for another man was exciting."

"I can understand that." Scotty was smiling at me.

I smiled back at him.

Shaking her head, Maureen said, "Michael you told me that you don't think you're submissive. At least not like David and Paul. Getting excited while you watch your wife get dressed for a date with another man seems rather submissive to me."

"I disagree with you on that. Scotty isn't submissive, at least not overtly. I don't think Michael is either. While I do agree that some men get a masochistic thrill out of watching their wives dress for a date with another man and some hotwives enjoy sadistically taunting their cuckold husbands, I don't think it's true for all or even most cuckold hotwife couples. For many husbands and wives, watching or helping her get dressed for her dates is a way of sharing the excitement of the experience. That's definitely true for Scotty and me."

"I agree with Ginger. I enjoyed watching Jeanne get dressed for the New Year's Eve party in San Antonio and I'm looking forward to watching her get dressed for dates when I finally get home. Seeing Jeanne excited and happy makes me excited and happy."

Ginger smiled at me. "That's a nice way to say that Michael."

Maureen chuckled. "I guess I have a lot to learn about the world of sexual adventure."

"And Scotty and I are hoping you'll let us help Michael with your instruction."

I said, "I'm still learning. I think the two of you should take over as lead teachers."

Scotty laughed. "We're still learning too. I hope we never stop learning."

"As he gets older my husband is getting kinkier."

Still laughing, Scotty quickly added, "But I still have a long way to go before I'm as kinky as my wife."

"And you love that, don't you." Ginger was slowly licking her lips.

Staring into his wife's eyes, Scotty answered, "Yes I do. I wouldn't want it any other way."

Giggling, Maureen said, "I definitely want both of you to be my teachers, but before school starts I'd like to hear the rest of your story. How was your date?"

"The date was wonderful. Matt is a great fuck, but it was Scotty who made the evening special."

"Because he bought you the nightie and helped you prepare."

"Of course, but when I was about put on the nightie he did something truly amazing."

Maureen eagerly asked, "What was that?"

"First he asked if he could come back over after Matt was gone. He knew Matt was married and couldn't stay too late. I promised him that I would call him as soon as Matt left."

Smiling, Maureen said, "Scotty loves you."

"Yes he does and what he did next proved it."

"What did he do?"

"He led me to a chair and asked me to sit down. Once I was seated he knelt at my feet. As he parted my thighs he told me that he wanted me to be in the proper mood when Matt arrived and then he went down on me."

"He gave you oral? Right before your date with another man." Maureen was obviously surprised.

"He did. It was wonderful. Scotty's loving attention melted away any remaining concerns I had about what I was doing. I was so excited that I actually orgasmed, not once but twice."

"Two orgasms? Oh my god! And you still had your lover coming over."

"I did and the sex with Matt was incredible, but I think it was mostly incredible because of Scotty. He did such a good job of putting me at ease about what I was doing."

Maureen turned to Scotty and said, "You're a prince."

He laughed. "Most people would call me a fool."

Shaking her head, Maureen said, "The people who would call you that are fools. My husband would say that. He's a colossal fool."

Scotty shrugged. "I love Ginger. I wanted her to be happy."

"And that my dear man is why you are a prince." Maureen leaned over and kissed Scotty's cheek.

Turning to Ginger, Scotty said, "Did you hear that? I'm a prince."

Grinning, Ginger said, "Yes you are, but don't let it go to your head. Prince or not, you still have to take the garbage out every night."

"Yeah, I know."

Wanting to hear the rest of the story, Maureen asked, "So did Scotty come back over to your apartment after Matt left?"

"You're referring to Prince Scotty, correct?" Scotty was ginning at Maureen.

Maureen rolled her eyes. "Yes, Prince Scotty."

Ginger said, "Yes he did and what he did when he got back to my apartment was even more wonderful."

"What did he do?"

"I'd put the nighty that he'd bought for me back on. I'd worn it for Matt, so I wanted to wear it for Scotty too."

I said, "Jeanne feels the same way. She wants me to know that she won't ever wear or do anything for another man that she hasn't worn or done for me."

"She loves you." Ginger was smiling at me.

Smiling back, I said, "Yes she does, but when all of this started she did some things for another man that she'd almost never done for me. She still regrets that."

Sighing, Ginger said, "It's so easy to get confused about sex."

I nodded. "Yes it is."

"Okay, we're all confused. Hell, these days I'm so confused I don't know which way is up, but the two of you and Michael seem to be a little less confused, so help me out. Tell me what Scotty did when he got back to your apartment that was so wonderful."

"He had me sit down in that same chair and went down on me again. Don't get me wrong. Matt wore condoms. I wasn't messy, but it was still important. Scotty made it clear that he loved me so much that he'd still go down on me even after another man had just had me."

Shaking her head, Maureen said, "Two weeks ago that would have shocked me. Now I find it romantic."

Scotty patted her thigh. "Sex has a multitude of faces. Sometimes it's dirty and nasty. At other times it's romantic."

Agreeing, Ginger said, "Sex can be an intense expression of profound love, but it can also be nothing more than exciting recreation."

Chuckling, Scotty said, "I think it can also be a pretty good spectator sport."

"I would agree wholeheartedly with that." I was chuckling too.

Written by goodhusband
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