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Awakenings Ch. 32

"The Polynesian Lounge"

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We drove southwest along the Caloosahatchee River until we reached the Cape Coral Bridge. After crossing the river we turned left. The Polynesian Lounge was in the next block.

Maureen said, "There it is up ahead."

"I see it." I answered.

From the outside The Polynesian Lounge was a typical Florida beach community restaurant bar. Cream colored stucco trimmed with dark stained wood beams and decorated with neon beer signs, it could have easily been called The Pelican's Roost, The Seven Seas Tavern or The Pirates Cove. I pulled into the parking lot. There was a driveway along the right side of the building. A sign said, "Additional parking in the rear." The front lot had at least 20 spaces. It was 9:15, seven of them were occupied.

I pulled into one of the empty spaces. As I shifted my Escape into park, I said, "It must be a quiet night."

Maureen said, "The dinner hour is ending and it's a week night."

I shut off the engine, took the keys out of the ignition and looked at Maureen. "Last chance to back out."

"I have to admit that I'm a little nervous."

"We could just go inside and have a drink."

"No, we're here for a reason. I may be nervous, but I don't want to chicken out, not now, not when we're this close."

"Okay, that means you have to go in first."

"I know and it's time." Maureen stared straight ahead. After a moment she took a deep breath and said, "Okay, here goes. See you inside." She grabbed her purse, opened the car door, stepped out, walked resolutely to the front door of the bar and went inside.

I watched the time on my cell phone. After five minutes I followed her into the bar.

The Polynesian Lounge was dark, darker than I'd expected. The bar, the floor and the tables were all made from rough hewn lumber stained chocolate brown. The walls were decorated with more neon beer signs, Polynesian carvings and colorful posters of South Pacific Island scenery. The bar was on my right. There was a small dance floor on my left. A dozen tables with matching captains chairs occupied the space between the bar and the dance floor.

I glanced around the room. Four of the tables were occupied by couples sitting next to each other sipping cocktails while they flirted in hushed voices. Against the wall, a classic mid century juke box was playing Frank Sinatra's ballad, "Strangers In The Night". Two couples were on the dance floor, both tightly clinched as they slowly moved to the strains of the music.

There were eight bar stools. Only one of them was occupied. The sole occupant was an attractive red head in her early thirties. She was sitting at one end of the bar sipping a glass of white wine. Reclining on her stool, her back resting against the bar, she was casually watching the other patrons.

Maureen was seated at one of the tables sipping a glass of red wine while she chatted with a handsome dark haired man in his mid thirties. Fit and well tanned, he was dressed in a Hawaiian shirt, khaki shorts and sandals.

I smiled as I sat down on one of the empty bar stools. Maureen's suitor didn't believe in wasting time. He must have pounced the moment he saw her. I was also pleased to see that he appeared to be exactly the man Maureen had hoped she'd meet.

As soon as I was settled, the bartender walked over and asked, "What can I get you?"

Quickly refocusing my attention, I answered, "A bottle of Heineken."

A moment later he set a bottle of Heineken and an empty glass on the bar. I handed him a twenty dollar bill. He went to the cash register, returned with my change and laid it on the bar next to the empty glass.

I neatly arranged the silver on top of the bills and poured half of the beer into the glass. After taking a sip I turned my attention back to Maureen and her suitor. A surge of excitement rippled through me as I realized that our plan for the evening was actually occurring.

I watched. The dark haired man had his chair pulled up next to Maureen's. He was whispering to her. She was giggling. Another surge of excitement, this one much more intense, rippled through me as I imagined watching Jeanne in this exact same situation.

"You're five minutes late."

I turned. The young red head who'd been sitting at the end of the bar was now perched on the stool next to mine.

"I don't understand."

"She came in five minutes ago. If you'd gotten here earlier that could be you sitting at her table instead of him."

"I see."

"Isn't that why you're here?"

"Maybe I just came in for a beer?"

She laughed. "Nobody comes to the Polynesian Lounge for just a beer."

"Why do you say that?"

"This bar has a reputation."


"Are you putting me on?"

"That would be rude. I don't even know you."

"You are putting me on, aren't you. Why don't you try hitting on me?"

"Would it do me any good? I'm much older than you are."

"It might."

"Now you're toying with me."

"I'm not toying with you and I'm not a pro either."

"I didn't think you were a pro."

She stared at me. After a moment she asked, "Out of curiosity, why don't you think I'm a pro. I mean I'm being pretty overt."

"Not really, you haven't actually propositioned me."

"Maybe I'm making sure you're not a cop."

"Possibly, but if that's the case you haven't done a very good job of trying to find out. You have yet to ask me where I'm from or why I'm here. All you've done is tell me that I missed my opportunity with that women over there by five minutes. That's an unorthodox approach for a pro."

"Maybe I was trying to be subtle."

"Okay, but there's another reason I don't believe you're a pro."

"Tell me."

"You're wearing a wedding ring."

"Maybe I'm a married pro."

"I don't think so."

"Have you ever even met a pro?"

"Actually I spent November and most of December living with two professionals."


"It's a long story and frankly, right now I'm not particularly interested in telling it."

"I'd really like to hear it."

"We don't always get what we want."

"The Rolling Stones."


"The Rolling Stones, they sang a song called, 'You Can't Always Get What You Want.' I may be young but I'm not ignorant."

Smiling, I said, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to imply that you were ignorant. And yes, I know the song very well. I'm old."

"You're not all that old and frankly I'm finding you very interesting."

"And I'm certain you're very interesting too, but I'm sorry, tonight I'm not looking for companionship or even conversation."

"So why are you here?"

"I already told you, I wanted a beer."

"Right." Her tone dripped with disbelief.

"Believe me or don't believe me, that's your choice. It's what I'm telling you and it's all I'm telling you. Now, I don't mean to be rude, but I really would prefer to drink my beer in peace."

"You're asking me to leave you alone?"


"All right." The redhead stood up. It was clear that my aloof attitude had upset her. That made me feel bad. I didn't want to upset anyone, but I really did want to be left alone so I could watch Maureen and her new friend.

She started walking back to the bar stool she'd been occupying when I first saw her, but halfway there she stopped. For a moment she stood perfectly still and then she turned and stared at me. I watched her out of the corner of my eye. Several seconds passed. Finally she smiled and said, "I don't know how I missed it. You're with her, aren't you."

I closed my eyes. It was an involuntary act and it was my undoing. She was perceptive. That one little slip confirmed her suspicion. She grinned. "You are with her!"

I sighed.

Returning to me, she started laughing.

Knowing I was lost, I quietly said, "What's so funny?"

"The irony of the situation."

"The irony?"

Grinning, she said, "Yes, the irony. I'm with him. He's my husband."

Now it was my turn to stare. "Really?"

"It's the truth." She sat back down on the bar stool next to mine. Once she was settled she extended her hand. "I'm Ginger Tyler. That's my husband, Scott Fields."

As I shook Ginger's hand I said, "I'm Michael Nolan. You and your husband have different last names." Immediately regretting the comment, I said, "I'm sorry, that was a stupid thing to say."

Ginger smiled. "Considering that this is the twenty-first century and I just admitted that I'm here watching my husband try to seduce another woman, I have to agree." But then she quickly added, "Don't worry, I won't hold it against you. Hell, Scotty will tell you that I'm notorious for speaking before I think."

"Thank you."

"It's okay, now back to our introductions. What's your wife's name?"

"Jeanne, but that's not her."


"That's not my wife. That's a friend of mine, Maureen Styles."

"You're here watching a friend meet a guy."

Now completely on the defensive, I shrugged sheepishly.

Ginger pressed. "Do you and your friend do this very often?"

Still feeling sheepish, I answered, "No this is the first time."

"The first time?"

"That's right."

"Does your wife know what you're doing?"

"As a matter of fact, she does." For some reason that answer gave me confidence.

"Does she approve?"

"Yes she does."

"Why isn't she here with you?"

"She's in St. Paul."



"And you're here with another woman." Ginger considered this. After a moment she asked, "Are you and your wife separated? Are you getting a divorce?"

Now smiling, I answered, "I suppose you could say that we are currently separated, but it's not a legal separation and we are definitely not getting a divorce."

"So why are you separated?"

"It's a long story, one I'm not ready to share at this time."

Nodding, Ginger said, "Okay, I understand. You just met me, but if we do end up getting to know each other well enough, I really would like to hear it."

"I will definitely tell you, now what about you and Scott? Is this something you do regularly?"

"Scotty likes to watch. Over time I've acquired the same taste."

Remembering how Jeanne had spent the previous night, I said, "I think I understand."

"Good, now I think it's time for us to join your friend and my husband at their table."

"Won't that spoil the game?"

"Maybe it will spoil this game, but it will open up the opportunity for countless other games that could be much more fun."

"Okay, but before we do that I have one very important question."

"Go ahead."

"Why us? You're an attractive couple. Maureen and I are at least twenty years older than the two of you."

"Scotty has always been attracted to older women." And then smiling, Ginger added, "And I've learned that older men are often quite adventurous."

Chuckling, I said, "You realize that's an enticing explanation."

"I was hoping it would be."

"Let's join your husband and my friend."

"I thought you'd never ask." Ginger stood up, retrieved her glass of wine from the spot where she'd been sitting, returned to me and grasped my hand. As she pulled me to my feet she said, "Grab your beer sweetie, this is going to be fun."

My surrender was complete. Ginger was in control. As she led me across the bar I felt like I was back in the care of Mel and Amy or Jeanne. It was a comfortable feeling. No, I'm not admitting to newly discovered submissive desires, it's simply that when one is trying new activities its comforting to be guided by an experienced practitioner. I was now convinced that Ginger was an experienced practitioner.

As we approached their table both Scott and Maureen looked up at us with puzzled expressions. Scott asked, "Ginger honey, what's going on?"

Ginger answered, "We thought we'd join you."

Still perplexed, Scott said, "I see."

"Relax Scotty, it's a change in the plan for the evening, but it will be fun. Let me introduce my friend. This is Michael. He's here with your friend Maureen" Ginger looked at Maureen. "Maureen, that is correct, isn't it?"

Her face suddenly pink with embarrassment, Maureen nodded. "Yes, that's right."

Realizing that Maureen had been placed in an uncomfortable position, I quickly interjected, "This is Ginger. Scott is her husband."

Maureen looked at Scott, then at Ginger and finally at me. She was clearly at a loss for words.

Ginger said, "Michael's right. Scotty is my husband. We often come here. Usually Scotty watches while I hook up with a guy, but occasionally we switch roles. I've learned that I enjoy watching too."

Maureen continued to look unsettled. I understood. Making this trip had required all the nerve she could muster, now she was being confronted with a situation that could potentially turn out to be much more emotionally demanding than she'd anticipated.

I was about to tell her that it would be okay if the four of us just had a drink together, but Ginger pressed. "Reeny..." She paused and then asked, "Would it be all right if I called you Reeny? I think it's such a sexy name." Without waiting for a response Ginger continued. "Reeny, it's clear to me that my husband finds you very attractive. He has a thing for mature women and I have to admit that I find your friend Michael equally attractive. Tonight I hope that we can at least get to know each other and if all goes well maybe we could go to our house and get to know each other even better."

Ginger, Scott and I all watched Maureen. Part of me wanted to come to her rescue, but another part of me understood that this was a decisive moment for her. She needed to settle this situation on her own.

Maureen stared at the table. The three of us watched her, all of us sensing that she had to have time to work this out for herself. After a moment she quietly said, "No I don't mind, I don't mind at all. In fact I'd like it if you called me Reeny. All my life I've been stodgy old Maureen. Reeny sounds like a woman who is adventurous, a woman who enjoys life. I want to be Reeny" Maureen looked up at us. She was smiling.

That made me smile.

Noticeably bolder, Maureen continued. "Yes Ginger, I'd very much like to get to know you and your husband better. I think I'd like to get to know you much better. And I agree, Michael is a very attractive man. He might be the most attractive man I've ever known. As to going to your house tonight..."

Ginger said, "That's only if..."

Holding up her hand in a stop gesture, Maureen continued, "No, I'd like to go. I'd like to go now. For years I've secretly dreamed of adventure. Suddenly it's staring me in the face. I am not going to pass it by." Turning to me she asked, "Michael, is that all right with you?"

"Well we haven't actually been invited yet."

Laughing, Ginger said, "Let me take care of that right now. Would the two of you like to join us at our house for a cocktail?"

Still looking at me, Maureen repeated, "Would that be all right Michael?"

"Yes Maureen, I think that would be very nice."

"Call me Reeny."

Grinning, I said, "Yes Reeny, I think it would be very nice."

"It's settled then, we're going to our house. Michael, I'll ride with..."

Scott interrupted. "Ginger honey, I think we should give our new friends an opportunity to finish their drinks."

"Scotty, Reeny and I are both drinking wine. The wine they serve here is only marginally better than apple cider vinegar. We have an outstanding selection of wine at home. Michael is drinking Heineken. You are too. You maintain an excellent selection of European beers in the bar refrigerator. I'm certain that Michael would enjoy sampling several of them."

Ginger looked at me. I shrugged.

Turning to Maureen, Scotty asked, "Are you ready to go?"

Maureen answered, "Yes I am." And then she smiled at me.

I smiled back. I understood. For years Maureen's husband had treated her like a doormat. Scott had the ability to make her feel like she mattered. It may have been a contrived ploy to get her into his bed. We both realized that, but at that moment Maureen wanted to feel like she mattered and she was already eager to share a bed with this handsome man, so contrived or not it made her happy. That was all I cared about.

Scott stood up and offered his hand to Maureen. "Would you ride with me?"

Taking Scott's hand, Maureen stood up and said, "Yes kind sir, I'd like that very much."

As they linked arms, Scott looked at his wife and said, "Ginger, we'll see you at the house."

Ginger answered, "Okay" And then turning to me she said, "My husband can be very smooth."

Laughing, I said, "I noticed."

"Don't worry, he's a kind man. He won't hurt her."

"I'm not worried. He can't hurt her. At least not right now."

"What do you mean?"

"At this point in her life all Maureen is looking for is unfettered sex. Isn't that exactly what your husband is offering?"

"Yes it is." Ginger smiled. "Michael, I think our meeting tonight was a stroke of luck."

"I hope you're right. If you are, my two friends in Tucson would call it serendipity."


"Yes, serendipity. It means to accidentally stumble across wonderful treasures."

"I like that." Ginger wrapped her arm around my arm and hugged me. "Come on big guy, let's go find your car. We don't want to miss the show at my house."

Laughing, I said, "No, we definitely do not want to do that."

"And on the way I want to hear about these two friends in Tucson. Are they a couple of old buddies?"

"I haven't told you about them, have I?"

"We just met, so no you haven't. Although I have to admit that I'm beginning to feel like I've known you for a very long time."

"Me too."

"So tell me about your friends."

"Actually I did mention them earlier."

"You did?"

"Yes, I told you that I spent November and most of December living with two professionals."

Dropping my arm, Ginger stepped back and exclaimed, "Get out! That wasn't bull shit?"

"No, Amy and Mel are very real."

Grabbing my arm again, Ginger said, "Okay, it's time to spill. I want to hear every detail."

As soon as we were in my Escape I spilled. On the way to her house Ginger got all of the key details beginning with that fateful evening the previous August when Jeanne announced that she was going to start dating other men.

I was just telling her about meeting Maureen at Jimmy's Steakhouse when Ginger said, "That's our house ahead on the right.

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Park in the driveway behind Scotty's BMW."

It was dark, but as I pulled my Escape into the driveway the headlights washed across the front of the house. It was a two story white clapboard with a covered veranda, a classic 1920's southern home. The lawn was lushly planted with a variety of trees and flowering bushes. The house was lit. Scotty and Maureen were already inside.

I stopped. As I shifted the Escape into park, I said, "You have a beautiful home."

"Thank you, it has a little history."

"Really? Tell me."

"It was owned by Louie Vanelli. He was supposedly a lieutenant in the New Jersey Mafia during the 1920's. It's rumored that Al Capone had dinner here."

"Al Capone lived in Chicago."

Shrugging, Ginger said, "They were gangsters, they all hung out together."

"That makes sense. I frequently have dinner with other accountants."


"I'm an accountant. I'm not capable of sarcasm."

"More sarcasm?"

I winked at her.

Grinning, Ginger said, "Michael, you really are a delightful man."

I wiggled my eyebrows.

Ginger burst out laughing and then she leaned across the center consul of my Escape and hugged me. After a moment she kissed my cheek and said, "Let's go inside. We don't want to miss the show."

"I agree."

Ginger and I got out of the SUV and walked quickly up to the house. As we climbed the steps to the veranda I noticed an old fashioned porch swing to the left of the front door. It reminded me of the swing on Atticus, Scout and Jem's front porch in the movie, "To Kill a Mockingbird".

I said, "I like your swing. I can imagine Atticus and Scout sitting on it."

Ginger stared at me. After a moment she said, "You read?" It was a question.

"A little."

"I love to read. 'To Kill a Mockingbird' is my favorite book. I think it's the great American novel."

"I won't argue, but..."

"But what?"

"The Grapes of Wrath" does deserve some consideration.

"What about 'Huckleberry Finn'?"

"Of course and there are also those who would argue for "The Great Gatsby."

Ginger wrapped her left arm around my shoulder and nuzzled my neck. At the same time she reached down, massaged my hardening penis with the palm of her right hand and whispered, "I love cocks. I love men with big cocks, but there is nothing sexier than a man who can think."

"Even if he's an accountant?"

Giggling, Ginger squeezed my erection and said, "That makes him even sexier." Then she kissed me hard on the lips, stepped back, picked up my right hand and placed it on her left breast. As she stared into my eyes she said, "I want to tease you. Can I do that? I promise that before the night is over you can have me in any way you desire, but I want to tease you first. I want to tease you while we watch my husband fuck your girlfriend. Can I do that?"

Laughing, I said, "Yes, that could be fun, but you can't be mean, that doesn't do it for me."

"I didn't think it did. It doesn't do it for Scotty either, but he loves to be teased."

"And you love to tease."

"It gets me so wet." Ginger pulled my hand down to the hem of her skirt. "Wanna feel?"

I nodded, "Yes." I lifted her skirt and slipped my fingers under the crotch of her panties. Ginger was sopping wet.

Gasping as my fingers massaged her slick slit, she whispered, "Can I?"

"Can you what?"

"Can I tease you?"


"Rub me, rub me hard. I hope you know where."

I pressed my index finger against her engorged clit and rubbed it hard. Ginger stared into my eyes. I stared back. She was biting her lower lip. Giggling, she said, "You know exactly where."

I didn't answer, I just stared into her eyes and kept rubbing her. After a moment I felt her stiffen and then she shuddered.

I started to remove my fingers from Ginger's slit, but she grabbed my arm. "No! Don't stop!"

I continued rubbing her. I felt her shudder again and then another time. Finally I felt her relax. She collapsed into my arms, her cheek pressed against my chest. I held her. After a moment she looked up at me and grinned. "I love sex."

Laughing, I said, "I can tell."

"I love it hot and kinky, I love it sweet and romantic and occasionally I like to be mean."


"Yes, but don't worry, I have several playmates for that."


"Yes, two guys and a woman. Scotty isn't one of them and all three of them enjoy it as much or more than I do."



"I believe you."

"It's important to me that you do."

"Why? You just met me."

"I know. I'm not sure I understand why, but it does matter."

Ginger and I stared at each other. After a moment I nodded and said, "I think I understand."

"Do you? Do you really?"

"Yeah, I do. Six months ago I don't think I would have, but I do now."

"Your two friends in Tucson?"

"Yes, definitely, but my wife too and my daughter and her ex boyfriend and my friends Ruth and David." I paused for a moment and then I added, "But mostly my wife."

Still staring at me, Ginger said, "And you."


"Yes, you tried to understand. That makes you special."

"That's what Amy and Mel told me the night we met."

"Your friends in Tucson."


"I'd very much like to meet them."

"You'll have to fly to Tucson if you want to do that."

"I might be willing to do that."

"Are you serious?"

"Michael, most people are really screwed up about sex."

"It can be pretty confusing."

"It doesn't have to be."

"No it doesn't."

Ginger smiled. "It really doesn't." She grabbed my arm and opened the front door. "Let's go inside and see what Scotty and Reeney are doing."


Opening the front door, Ginger pulled me into the house. After we passed through a small foyer we moved into the living room. I glanced around and immediately liked it. It reminded me of my grandmother's home.

Ginger asked, "Do you approve? Scotty and I put function ahead of style."

"I like it very much, it "That's what we want. We both work hard. When we come home we want to be able to relax."

We heard voices coming from the back of the house. Still hanging on to my arm, Ginger said, "Follow me, they must be in the den."

Ginger guided me through the dining room into a spotlessly clean kitchen. As we crossed to an open door at the opposite end of the kitchen, she said, "Scotty does most of the cooking and cleaning. He's a neat freak. I'm a slob. I know it's supposed to be the other way around, but what can I say? After all, this is the twenty-first century."

We passed through the open door. Ginger said, “This room should really be called the living room because this is where we actually live. We call it the den, but it really isn't a den. We were told that when Louie Vanelli owned the house it was a game room. There was a billiards table, a poker table and a bar in here. Neither of us plays poker or pool, so we don't need those. You can see we did retain the bar.

Maureen was seated at a massive varnished pine bar. It looked like it belonged in a 

traditional northern Minnesota or Wisconsin resort steak house. Actually the entire room looked like it belonged in a classic upper Midwest fishing resort. Like the bar, the walls were varnished tongue and groove cedar. A stone fireplace occupied one corner of the far wall. A gas insert had been installed in the fireplace. A flat screen television that had to be at least fifty inches in diameter hung on the wall next to the fireplace. Even though it was Florida, it was January. The evening was chilly. There was a fire going in the gas fireplace.

Scotty was behind the bar opening a bottle of red wine. He looked up at us and said, "Welcome to our house Michael. Ginger, I'm opening a bottle of Zinfandel for Maureen. Is red okay for you or do you want me to open a bottle of Pinot Grigio?"

"Red will be fine."

As he poured two glasses of wine, he said, "Michael, I have Heineken, Stella and Coors in the fridge."

"I would love a Heineken."

After setting a glass of wine in front of Maureen, Scotty opened the refrigerator behind the bar and took out two bottles of Heineken. As he was opening them Maureen said, "I love this room. The windows are magnificent."

I turned. I'd been so focused on Scotty, Ginger and Maureen that I'd failed to notice that the wall opposite the bar was solid glass. Since it was dark you couldn't actually see outside, but I had to agree with Maureen. The windows were magnificent.

Ginger walked across the room and flipped several switches. Lights illuminated an oval swimming pool surrounded by a flag stone patio.

"It's beautiful."

Ginger smiled at Maureen. "Thank you, this is one of the reasons we bought the house. The yard backs up to the river, so there aren't any houses behind us and we have an eight foot privacy fence. We have some very exciting parties out there."

Clearly intrigued, Maureen said, "Really?"

Ginger answered, "Oh yes." And then she walked back to the bar, picked up the glass of wine Scotty had poured for her and said, "Now that we have our cocktails it's time to get to know each other a little better."

In front of the television and gas fireplace two love seats and two chairs were arranged in a circle around a low coffee table. The love seats were opposite each other.

Taking my arm, Ginger said, "Michael, why don't we sit together on this love seat. Maureen, you and Scotty can share the other one."

Scotty picked up his beer, walked around the bar and offered Maureen his arm. "My dear, will you join me on the loveseat."

Maureen grinned. "I would love that." She stood, picked up her glass of wine and took Scotty's arm.

As we were sitting down, Ginger said, "Scotty, before you sit down why don't you turn on the video you made of Doug and me last weekend."

Scotty looked at her. "Are you sure?"

"I think it will help us get to know each other."

Chuckling, Scotty said, "It certainly will do that." Gesturing to the love seat across from Ginger and me, Scotty said to Maureen, "Please sit down, I'll join you in a moment."

Ginger slipped her hand inside my thigh and whispered, "I think you'll enjoy this video."

Scotty switched on a lap top computer that was attached to the flat screen television on the wall. At the same time Ginger picked up a remote control next to her and turned on the television. A moment later a video filled the screen. A tall handsome black man was sitting on the love seat Ginger and I were currently occupying. He was naked. Ginger was kneeling on the floor between his legs. She was also naked. She was sucking his cock. I noticed that the man was amazingly well endowed.

Maureen noticed too. Gasping, she said, "Oh my!"

"That's our friend, Robert. He teaches economics at Bonita Springs Community College."

"He certainly is..." Maureen's voice trailed off. It was clear that she was a bit taken aback by the size of Robert's manhood.

Giggling, Ginger said, "Well hung? Yes he is. He knows how to use it too."

"Have you taken him? You know, inside you?"

"You mean, has he fucked me? Many times. If we keep watching the video you'll get to see him in action."

Maureen stared at the television.

"You'll have to meet him. He really is fun."

Maureen looked at Ginger with a combination of shock, disbelief and trepidation.

She laughed. "Don't worry, he's very gentle. He understands how to go slow."

I was smiling. Ginger noticed and asked, "What are you finding so amusing?"

I briefly felt reticent about admitting why I was smiling, but then I remembered that we were watching a video of our hostess sucking another man's cock, a video taken by her husband. Realizing that with Ginger and Scotty there wasn't any reason to be ashamed about anything, I answered truthfully. "I was just thinking that my wife would love to meet Robert."

"I'm sure she would and it can be easily arranged. Robert loves to meet new women. All you have to do is buy your wife an airplane ticket to Fort Meyers."

"There will come a time, but..."

Maureen said, "It's time for Michael to go home. That has to happen before they can do anything else."

Ginger considered that. After a moment she asked, "Why aren't you on your way home right now?"

Again answering for me, Maureen said, "I gather he told you about his two friends in Tucson."

"Yes, he did."

"They helped him when he was in need. Right now I'm in the process of breaking up with my husband. Michael feels like he can repay his friends in Tucson by helping me."

Smiling, Ginger said, "I have to admit that in a weird way that kind of makes sense."

Scotty said, "I think it's admirable. Michael I applaud you for what you're doing."

"Scotty honey you have always lived by the code of the Round Table." Ginger laughed. "It's one of the ten million reasons I'm madly in love with you."

Scotty grinned.

Ginger turned to me and said, "We can take care of Reeney."

"Thank you, that's a nice offer, but we just met you."

Scotty said, "We understand. After you get to know us better, you can go home."

Maureen said, "Hey do I have a say in this?"

"Of course you do. I promise that I won't leave until you tell me you're ready."

"Michael the only commitment you made to me was to put me through slut boot camp."

Ginger clapped her hands in glee. "Slut boot camp! I love it. We could easily take over that responsibility. Scotty and I both have PhD’s in promiscuity."

After taking a second to consider Ginger's offer, Maureen said, "While I'm already convinced that you'd both be very capable, I'd still like to get to know you better."

Scotty said, "Of course and this seems like a good time to begin. I've heard a little bit about your situation and I gather that Michael has told Ginger a lot about his situation. What would you like to know about us?"

Maureen said, "I have to admit that I'm very curious."

"About what? Tell us." Ginger's voice was soft and nonthreatening.

There was a moment of silence. It was clear that Maureen was carefully formulating her question. Finally she said, "The two of you have adopted an adventurous life style. Right now were watching a video your husband took of you sucking another man's cock."

"Adventurous is a polite way to describe it." Ginger was chuckling.

"I'm trying hard to avoid sounding critical or judgmental. Frankly I find your lifestyle intriguing."

Agreeing with Maureen, I said, "I do too, and for me there's an added dimension."

"The similarity to the lifestyle your wife is trying to create for the two of you."

"Yes Maureen, that's exactly right, but there's still more."

Ginger said, "Tell us."

"During the time I've been away from home I've had a number of discussions with my wife about our new life style. I've also talked to my daughters about it and of course Amy and Mel, my two friends in Tucson. They gave me a lot of help, but until tonight I've only had the opportunity to talk to one other man who enjoyed the lifestyle."

Genuinely interested, Ginger asked, "Who was that Michael?"

Maureen said, "You're talking about Ruth's husband, David."

"No, David and I have never had an opportunity to discuss any of this and..."

"Then you're referring to Tricia's boyfriend, Paul."

I understood exactly what Maureen was doing. She wasn't trying to be rude. I'd helped her and now she saw an opportunity to try to help me. She was just being a little over eager.

I smiled at her. "No, I'm not talking about Paul either."

Maureen looked at me with a puzzled expression.

"I'm talking about my old friend Charles Montgomery. A couple of days after Jeanne made her announcement that she was going to start dating other men he confided in me that when they were younger his wife, Edith had regularly dated other men and then he went on to tell me that he actually learned to enjoy her dating. He loved his wife and seeing her happy made him happy."

Maureen smiled. "I remember now. You told me about this during dinner the other night. She had three married girlfriends who went out with her. They called themselves the four harlots. Before they went out they always spent time getting slutted up."

"That's right."

Ginger laughed. "The four harlots? Getting slutted up? I would love to meet this woman. She sounds like a kindred spirit."

"Yes, she certainly does." Scotty was grinning.

After giving her husband a quick wink Ginger said, "I'm serious, I really would like to meet this woman."

"She and her husband are both old now. She doesn't party with other men anymore."

"That doesn't matter."

"But she does still party with her husband."

"What do you mean?"

"There's a porn star who Charles thinks looks like Edith when she was much younger. 

Occasionally Edith will get slutted up and they'll watch one of the porn star’s movies together."

Ginger clapped her hands together. "I love it. Scotty, when we're old I want to do that."

Scotty said, "I'm in, but we won't need a porn star look alike. We have a whole library of you in action."

"We do, don't we." Ginger turned to Maureen. "Reeney do you want to get slutted up and go out tomorrow night?"

Caught off guard by this sudden proposal, Maureen stammered, "I ah, I don't know."

"Friday night is a great time to go out and southern Florida has some interesting night clubs for adventurous women.”

"But what about Michael and Scotty?"

"I'm pretty sure they'd both enjoy following us."

Maureen looked at me. Shrugging, I said, "I'm on board."

Scotty said, "Me too. This sounds like a great evening."

"My boy is certainly predictable and it appears that your friend Michael is too."

Maureen said, "Okay, I guess it's a date. Tomorrow night you and I are going to get slutted up and hit some clubs."

"Reeney honey, we're going man hunting."

Maureen blushed.

Squeezing Maureen's hand, Scotty said, "You're going to have fun and Ginger will take very good care of you."

"Yes I will, but we're off task. You're supposed to be learning about us. You were about to ask us a question."

Maureen said, "Actually I have lots of questions."

Ginger smiled. "We'll answer them all, but you have to ask them one at a time."

Written by goodhusband
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