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Awakenings Ch. 24

"Trouble with Trent, a tearful goodbye and Jeanne has two new friends"

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During the ensuing days we fell into a comfortable pattern. Amy, Mel and I spent Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at Danny's Lounge. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays I played golf while they entertained men in the cottage.

Jeanne called every evening and we maintained regular email contact with Ruth. Jeanne, Abby and Ruth were making one or two visits a week to Brady's Saloon. David was going with them too. Of course he was always relegated to watching from the bar.

David wanted Ruth to call her old boyfriend, Nick Granger. Ruth was refusing. She wasn't opposed to dating, in fact she was eager to start, but not with Nick. She had too much baggage with him. She felt it would be better for both of them if Nick remained a fantasy.

Abby was dating an attorney she'd met at a charity fund raiser she'd attended with her husband. It wasn't anything serious, the attorney was married too.

Jeanne continued to get together with Trent every Saturday afternoon. She always waited until five o'clock our time to call us. She wanted to be sure that Amy and Mel were finished with their cottage dates before she called. Mel, Amy and I loved hearing about Jeanne's dates with Trent. They were always several hours of rampant lust.

Life progressed smoothly until the Saturday before Christmas. I was leaving for San Antonio the next day. We were waiting for Jeanne's five o'clock telephone call.

Amy, Mel and I were seated on the living room couch in front of the fireplace. I'd built a fire. At the opposite end of the room a Julia Ann movie was playing on the big screen television. Mel had covered the couch with bath towels. The three of us were wearing nothing but sweatshirts. This was our usual attire for Jeanne's Saturday afternoon telephone call. Jeanne adopted similar attire, but her outfit also included a vibrator. She didn't have two other people with her.

I was going to miss Amy and Mel.

At one minute to five the telephone rang. Amy answered. The speaker was switched on. "Hi Jeanne."

"Hi Amy is the speaker on?"

Mel said, "It is. Hi Jeanne."

"Hi Mel."

I said, "Hi Jeanne, how was your date?"

"It was." Jeanne paused for a moment and then she said, "Unsettling."

Suddenly concerned, I asked, "What happened?"

"I ended it with Trent."

Mel asked, "Would you like to tell us about it?"

"I would." We waited. After a moment Jeanne said, "We were following our normal routine. We were having fun. When Trent arrived I sucked his cock. Michael I'm getting good at deep throating. It's not uncomfortable anymore. I'm really starting to enjoy it."

"I'm looking forward to practicing with you next week."

"Me too. Anyway, after I sucked Trent's cock we moved into the bedroom. As soon as we got into bed I started sucking him again. It was only a few minutes before he was fucking me. Trent always recovers quickly from his first orgasm. He likes to cum on my tits so just before he orgasmed he pulled out of me and took off the condom. I masturbated him while he ejaculated on me. Once he was finished I went into the bathroom and cleaned up. When I returned I got back into bed and lay next to him."

Amy said, "So far it sounds like a pretty normal Saturday afternoon for the two of you."

"It was, but then everything changed."

Mel asked, "What happened?"

"We were lying in bed waiting until Trent was hard again so he could do me in my butt. That was how we always liked to finish the afternoon."

I said, "You've been doing that for a month now."

"Yes Michael, I've learned that I love anal sex. I know you prefer pussy fucking, but while we're in San Antonio I really would like it if you'd occasionally do me back there"

"Jeanne, if you enjoy it, I'll enjoy it."

"I'll make sure you enjoy it."

"I'm certain you will."

Mel said, "Jeanne, tell us what happened."

"Yes, I'm sorry. When I'm talking to the three of you it's easy to get side tracked. We were lying in bed together, side by side. Trent and I didn't cuddle and we almost never spoke to each other. Today was different. While we were lying there Trent suddenly sat up and announced that he didn't want me to go to Brady's anymore. He said I was his slut and he didn't want to share me with other men. Michael, I was incredulous."

"I'll bet you were."

"It got worse. He actually had the audacity to tell me that next week in San Antonio he didn't want me to have sex with you. He didn't even want me to let you see me naked."

Mel said, "Uh Oh, I think our game may have backfired."

"That's exactly what happened. I told Trent he was crazy. He was actually surprised by that response. He couldn't understand why I was upset. I'd been telling him that I was doing all those nasty things just for him. Things that I wouldn't even do for my husband. He told me I was supposed to be his slut."

Jeanne paused. After a moment she said, "I explained that yes, I was doing some things for him that I wasn't doing for anyone else, but that was just because I enjoyed being slutty with him. I agreed that I had told him I was his slut, but I reminded him that I'd also made it clear that it was only while we were together."

Amy said, "I gather he didn't accept that."

"He actually got mad. He told me that wasn't enough for him. He wanted me to be his personal slut and he didn't want to share me with anyone else, not even my husband."

Mel said, "Oh my, what did you say?"

"I told him he was acting like a jerk and asked him to leave. He told me he'd leave, but not until after he'd fucked his slut in the ass. I made it clear that wasn't going to happen and ordered him to leave immediately. He grabbed me. For a moment I was scared, but then I had an idea. I told him to get his hands off of me and get out or I'd call his wife. That stopped him."

Grinning, Mel said, "I'll bet it did."

"Trent stared at me. I repeated it. I demanded that he leave immediately or I'd call his wife and I meant it. Suddenly his entire demeanor changed. He scrambled for his clothes. As he was getting dressed he tried to apologize. I told him to shut up and get out. Michael, he tried to force me."

"I know Jeanne. I'm sorry I wasn't there to protect you."

"Michael, I think she did a pretty good job of protecting herself."

"You're right Mel she did, but I still wish I'd been there for her."

"I wish you had too Michael, but I created this mess and there are times when I have to live with the consequences."

Amy asked, "Jeanne did Trent leave after he was dressed?"

"He tried to apologize again, but I wasn't having any of it. I told him to get out or I'd immediately call his wife. When Trent heard that his face flushed and then he turned and ran to his car. As he was getting in to it I yelled at him to never call me again."

"Way to go girl." Mel was smiling.

I said, "After Trent left you must have been pretty upset."

"I was Michael. I called Abby. She came right over."

"Are you still upset?"

"No not really, Trent scared me a little, but he didn't actually hurt me. Truthfully I'm glad it happened."

Surprised by that reaction, I said, "You are?"

"Yes I am. I was getting tired of Trent."

"And this ended your affair."

"Yes Michael it did and I'm relieved. I wasn't looking forward to the drama that accompanies a break up."

Mel said, "There was a lot of drama in this breakup."

"Yes, but it was quick drama. It was over in a matter of minutes. Now the affair is finished and we can both move on."

"I'm glad you're not upset."

"I'm not Michael, in fact Abby just poured a glass of wine for both of us."

"Abby's still there?"

"Yes." Jeanne paused. After a moment she said, "I'm sorry, I should have said something. I should have introduced you."

"It's easy to understand why you forgot, but I would like to at least say hello to her."

"Just a moment." There was a pause and then we heard Jeanne say, "Abby they want to say hi to you."

We heard Abby answer, "Oh yes, I'd like that too."

Jeanne said, "Michael, Amy and Mel, this is my friend Abby Martin."

Abby said, "Hello everyone. I've heard so much about all three of you. It's a pleasure to finally get to talk to you."

"Hello Abby, I'm Michael Nolan. I've heard a lot about you too and I'm also pleased to finally get a chance to meet you. Thank you for taking care of my wife this afternoon."

Jeanne said, "Micheal, we take care of each other. We've become close friends.

"I understand that and Abby, I want you to know that it makes me very happy."

"Thank you Michael, most husbands won't let their wives associate with me."

Jeanne said, "Michael's not most husbands."

"He sure as hell isn't. He's the best damned husband ever."

Amy and I looked at Mel. She looked at us and said, "Oops."

Smiling, Amy said, "Abby, I'm Amy Cooper. Please excuse my partner. At times she can be a little exuberant."

"Exuberant? You've called me a lot of things, but you've never called me exuberant."

Jeanne said, "Mel, I thought all the girls from Chicago were exuberant."

Mel looked at Amy and then she looked at me. After a moment she said, "Jeanne, I think you've been spending too much time talking to us."

We all burst out laughing.

Once we settled down again Abby said, "Mel, it's nice to meet you. I love exuberant women."

"It's nice to meet you too Abby. I heard you have a rich husband."

"I do and he's very dear to me. I also heard that you like to speak your mind."

"Yup, that I do. I'm from Chicago. Girls from Chicago aren't only exuberant, they also always speak their mind."

Abby said, "Jeanne, you're right about Michael's friends. They are delightful. Mel and Amy, I hope some day we can meet in person."

Amy said, "We will. As soon as Michael gets home we'll come to visit."

Jeanne said, "I can't tell you how much I'm looking forward to that day."

"I am too Jeanne, but I have to be positive both of us are ready. This is too important to risk being premature."

Sighing, Jeanne said, "I know, but I miss you so much."

Abby said, "She really does Michael."

"I know that Abby. I miss her too, but both of us still need time."

"I know, I lost my second husband because we rushed things. It's hard to be patient, but we should have taken more time. If we'd done that I think it's possible Dennis and I might have made it."

"Abby, I know both you and Micheal are right and while I admit I have to agree with what you're saying, I still miss Michael."

I said, "Jeanne we'll be together in a few days."

"I can't wait."

"Neither can I."

There was a pause in the conversation. After a moment I asked, "So what are the two of you going to do tonight? Maybe you should go to Brady's."

"Michael, Brady's is dead on Saturday nights. Everyone has to stay home with their husbands and wives."

Abby said, "But I still thought Jeanne should do something tonight, so I called two guys I've known for years. They're coming over. They'll be here at 8:00. They're sort of like Amy and Mel. They're a couple, but they're bisexual. They love pussy just as much as cocks."

Mel said, "Our kind of guys. This could be a fun party. I love watching guys get it on."

Amazed, I asked, "Is that going to happen?"

Abby answered, "Jeanne and I have already changed the sheets on the bed in her playroom. All four of us are going to be in their together. I'm sure Mark and Bobby will be fondling and sucking anything they can reach."

Grinning, Amy said, "Jeanne this is your chance to experience a daisy chain."

I nodded. "That's right, you've said you'd like to try that."

"But Michael that was supposed to be with you."

"Jeanne this a chance to turn an unpleasant day into a memorable one. I say go for it."

"Are you sure?"


"Oh my."

Mel said, "If you do a daisy chain you occasionally have to shift the order. That's the rule."

"You mean so Abby and I might be doing each other?"

"That's right." Mel was grinning.

"Abby giggled. "This will be fun. You can suck Mark while I do you, Mark does Bobby and Bobby does you; Then we can switch the order again."

"You mean so I'm doing..."

Clapping her hands, Mel said, "Girl, you're going to get to taste your first pussy tonight."

"Michael, will that be Okay?"

"Jeanne, it won't just be okay, it will be wonderful. I'm going to have some great fantasies tonight."

Abby said, "Michael I believe Mel is correct. You might just be the best husband in the entire world."

We all laughed. After a moment I said, "Jeanne, can I make a suggestion?"

"Of course."

"After we hang up I think you and Abby should take a shower together. You know, to get ready for your party tonight."


Clapping her hands together Mel said, "This keeps getting better and better."

Giggling, Abby said, "I agree."


"Yes really. Ever since I first met you I've wanted to get into your panties."

There was silence. After a moment Abby said, "Michael your wife just kissed me."

"Did you kiss her back?"

"Oh yes and I loved it."

"Mel's right, this does keep getting better and better. Jeanne I think it's time to end this call. You and Abby have some business to attend to before your dates arrive."

"Michael are you sure about this?"

"Jeanne, I don't ever remember being as excited as I am right now."

"I love you so much."

"I know Jeanne, I love you too."

Abby said, "Michael, when you come home maybe the three of us could play together like you, Amy and Mel play."

Jeanne said, "I think he'd also like to watch."

"Is that true Michael? Would you like to watch me eat your wife's pussy?"

"Oh yes."

"Amy, as soon as Michael gets home we have got to visit them."

"Yes Mel we do."

Mel asked, "Abby when we visit could you invite Mark and Bobby to party with us?"

"They'd love that. They like kinky sex games even more than I do."

"I'm getting squishy just thinking about this. As soon as this phone call is over we're going upstairs. I need to get down and dirty." Mel was giggling.

I said, "Jeanne, have you and Abby had dinner?"

"No Michael, we haven't."

"I think it's time to end this call. You have to eat dinner and then you have to get ready for your party."

"Michael, are you going to be okay? I feel like I'm cutting our Saturday evening conversation short."

"Jeanne, you were the one who had a nasty confrontation today. I think I should be asking you if you're okay."

"Michael, I'm fine. I really do think it was a stroke of good fortune.

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It turned out to be a quick easy way to end the affair with Trent." Jeanne paused. After a moment she added, "Besides, it now looks like I'm about to have a very exciting evening."

"Yes you are."

"You're sure you're okay with it?"

"Do you promise to call me tomorrow while I'm driving to Texas and tell me every seamy little detail?"

"Every single one."

"Then I'm more than fine with it. I'm excited."

Mel said, "Jeanne honey, don't worry about your husband. As soon as we hang up we're going upstairs for a little party of our own. Michael's going to have lots of fun tonight."

Laughing, Jeanne said, "I should have known that I didn't have anything to worry about. Micheal's in very good hands."

Amy said, "And we intend to take excellent care of him tonight."

"Okay. Michael, I love you. I'll call you tomorrow. Amy and Mel, I'll call you tomorrow evening."

Mel said, "We'll be waiting. Abby, it was nice to talk to you."

Amy said, "We can't wait to meet you and Jeanne in person."

Abby said, "I look forward to that too. Good bye everyone."

Jeanne said, "Michael, have fun tonight. I love you."

"I love you too Jeanne. I hope you get to have some wonderful new experiences tonight."

Giggling, Jeanne said, "I already am. Abby is kissing my neck and rubbing my clit."

In a muffled voice Abby said, "Say good night Jeanne. It's shower time."

Still giggling Jeanne said, "Good night everyone." And then she ended the call.

Mel stood up and extended her hand to me. "Come on Michael. I promised Jeanne that you were going to have a very fun night tonight. I intend to keep that promise." I took Mel's hand. She pulled me to my feet.

Next to me Amy popped to her feet. "Yup, at least for a while, this is our last night together. We have to make the most of it." She took off for the stairs. Mel and I hurried after her.

We spent the next hour in a daisy chain. We kept switching positions. Mel and Amy couldn't get enough of me and I couldn't get enough of them either.

Later, downstairs, Mel made fettuccine Alfredo. She knew it was my favorite. After dinner we sat on the veranda in the dark staring at the stars. We didn't talk much. We didn't have to, we were friends.

It was almost 10:30 when we went back upstairs. In bed we kissed and fondled each other. I held Amy and Mel. They held me. We made love, tender, sweet, romantic love.

Later, as I lay in bed between my friends I thought about what had just happened. While I realized that I did love Amy and Mel, I also understood that it didn't in the least diminish my love for Jeanne. As I fell asleep, I smiled. I now knew that I would never again have to be jealous of Jeanne and her men friends. Love wasn't a limited quantity. It was boundless. There would always be plenty of love in Jeanne's heart for me and there would always be plenty of love in my heart for Jeanne. My smile turned into a grin. Cuckold boot camp was over.

The next morning we were up early. It was Sunday December 22. I was leaving for San Antonio. I packed and loaded my bags in my Escape while Mel made eggs and sausages and Amy brewed coffee and made toast. Breakfast was silent. Mel couldn't even bear to make eye contact with me.

As we walked to my Escape, Amy finally said, "Michael, I'm going to miss you."

Smiling, I said, "I'm going to miss both of you too."

Suddenly Mel launched herself into my arms. "Please don't forget about us Michael."

Amy followed her. Holding both of them as tightly as I could, I whispered, "I'll never forget either of you. You're my best friends."

Amy said, "will you promise to call us tonight?"

"I promise to call you every night."

Looking up at me with her big brown eyes, Mel asked, "Really?"

"Yes, really." I kissed Mel and then I kissed Amy. We held each other. None of us wanted to let go.

Finally Mel stepped back, wiped the tears from her eyes, took a deep breath and said, "Okay cowboy, it's time for you to hit the road."

Nodding, I gave both of them a quick kiss, got into my Escape, fastened my seat belt and backed into the dirt road in front of their house. I waved. Amy and Mel waved back and then I put my Escape into gear and drove to the corner. As I turned on to the road going north I glanced in my rear view mirror. Amy and Mel were still standing arm in arm in their front yard watching me drive away. Part of me wanted to turn around and go back to them, but I didn't. Jeanne was my true love. In two days she was going to be in San Antonio. I wanted, no I desperately needed to be there with her. Still, part of my heart now resided in Amy and Mel's ranch house north of Tucson. It would remain there always.

I focused my attention on driving. That was all I could do. I didn't even listen to the radio. Time passed. Miles did too. Shortly after noon I crossed the New Mexico state line. An hour later I stopped for gas in Deming. There was a Subway next door to the gas station. I bought a six inch roast beef and cheese with a little mustard. When you're driving the last thing you need is a sandwich that leaks lettuce, tomatoes, mayonnaise and peppers on your shirt and lap. You also want to avoid indigestion.

Halfway between Deming and Las Cruces my cell phone rang. It was Jeanne. Smiling, I answered it. "Hi Jeanne."

"Hi Michael, where are you?"

"Just west of Las Cruces, New Mexico."

"Is it pretty?"

"It's high desert. I think it's very pretty. How was your party last night?"

"It was amazing."

"Tell me."

"Mark and Bobby are so much fun. Michael, they're totally uninhibited. They're a gay couple, but they don't view themselves as gay or straight. They don't think in those terms. They think of themselves as highly sexual. They enjoy sex in all of its forms."

"They're like Mel and Amy."

"I had that same thought."

"Tell me about more about them."

"Their full names are Mark Shanley and Bobby Devereaux."

"Devereaux? Is Bobby French?"

"No, he told me he's from New Orleans."

"I see."

Bobby and Mark met in college, but they didn't start having sex with each other until they were in their late 20's. They were best friends and they loved sex. They couldn't understand why they shouldn't they enjoy it with each other, so they started. Michael they really are totally uninhibited. It's exciting to party with them.

"I'm sure it is. What do they do for a living?"

"You know that chain of women's clothing stores called Capricio?"

"Sure, they're in all the malls. Clothing for the adventurous woman, isn't that their catchphrase?"

"It is. Michael, Mark and Bobby own that chain of stores. I think they're rich. They drove a Ferrari to our house last night."

"A Ferrari?"


"Did you get to ride in it?"

"No, last night we partied at home, but after I get back from San Antonio they want to take Abby and me to a club. They love to dance." Jeanne paused. After a moment she asked, "Michael, is it okay if I go to night clubs with them? You don't have any reason to be jealous. Mark and Bobby are definitely not looking for a serious relationship."

"Jeanne, I'm perfectly okay with that. Honestly, I really do think they sound a lot like Amy and Mel."

"I think so too Michael."

"Tell me more about them. Are they handsome?"

"They're not really handsome, not in the traditional sense, but they're incredibly good looking. Actually I think I'd call them pretty."

"Pretty? Are you saying they're effeminate?"

"No, not really. They're not swishy, not at all, but in many ways they are more feminine than masculine. They dress immaculately, chic clothing and gorgeous jewelry. They had manicures and pedicures. Michael, they wore nail polish."

"Nail polish?"

"It was subtle, kind of a pearl color. It really wasn't all that noticeable."

"Okay, tell me more."

They both have long, beautifully styled hair and they wore an absolutely divine cologne. Oh and neither of them had any body hair, none at all. I'm sure they've both had electrolysis."

"They're a little different than Trent."

Laughing, Jeanne said, "That's for sure, but Michael, I really liked them. They're fun and smart and so adventurous in bed."

"How were they adventurous?"

"When they got to our house I made Manhattans. We were sitting in the living room getting to know each other. We started talking about oral sex. All of the sudden Abby was on her knees sucking Bobby's cock and we were discussing her technique. All three of us took a turn. I sucked Mark. After my turn was over Bobby sucked him and then Mark sucked Bobby."

"And while that was happening you were discussing each others technique."

"That's right. I think you would have enjoyed it."

"Yes, but only as an observer. I'm still a little shy."

"And you're a voyeur. You like to watch."

"I love to watch."

"Michael, I told Mark and Bobby about you. They're eager to meet you. They want you party with us. You're welcome to participate, but if you'd prefer it, you can just watch."

"That would be fun. I'll probably just watch, at least at first."

"I told them about Ruth and David too. We're going to get together with them after I get back from San Antonio. Mark, Bobby and Abby all love role playing games. We're going to create a game for David. He wants to watch Ruth and he's really getting into being submissive. Ruth bought a chastity cage for him."

"Really? Is he wearing it?"

"24/7, Ruth wears the key on a gold neck chain. She even wears it in the office."

"Damn, does Jason know about this?"

"No, she wears the key under her blouse."

"Life certainly has gotten interesting."

"Yes it has."

"Tell me more about your party."

"After the cock sucking symposium we moved into the bedroom. We started with a daisy chain."

"Did you keep shifting positions?"

"Oh yes."

"Did you go down on Abby?"

"I did. Before the guys arrived we showered together and played on the bed, so I wasn't feeling at all shy. When we started the daisy chain I eagerly took a turn with everyone. Michael, I like eating pussy."

"I do too." I was laughing.

"Yes, I know you do. Micheal, if we party with Mark and Bobby after you get home would you eat my pussy while I suck a cock? I'd really like that. I'd also like to suck your cock while Abby eats my pussy. I know you've already done that a lot with Amy and Mel and I did it last night with Mark, Bobby and Abby, but I'd like to do it with you."

"I'd like to do it with you too Jeanne."

"Thank you Michael."


"Yes Jeanne."

"Last night Bobby fucked me while I sucked Mark's cock. Was that okay?"

"Did you enjoy it?"

"I really did."

"Then it's okay. Jeanne, it was just a three way. Amy, Mel and I used to do things like that all the time."

"I know, but it was the first time I've ever been with two men at the same time."

"It was really slutty, wasn't it."

"It was. Just thinking about it is getting me wet."

"What was Abby doing while this was happening?"

"Watching and masturbating. I did the same thing when it was my turn to watch."

"When it was your turn?"

"Yes, we all took a turn watching. I told you, Bobby and Mark are very adventurous."

"They are."


"Yes Jeanne."

"Abby took a picture while I was playing with Bobby and Mark. I asked her to do it. She used my phone. We thought you might enjoy it."

Chuckling, I said, "Yes, I think I would."

"As soon as we're done talking I'll send it to you."

"I'm already excited."

Jeanne laughed.

I said, "Jeanne, I'm glad you had fun last night. It sounds like Bobby and Mark are going to be exciting playmates for you."

"I think so too. Thank you for understanding."

"Jeanne, I just finished cuckold boot camp."

Laughing again, Jeanne said, "I always loved it when Amy and Mel said that."

"Me too. Anyway, I'm way beyond understanding. Now I'm just as excited as you are about all of this."

"I'm so glad Michael."

"Jeanne, we'd better end this call. I'm entering Las Cruces. Talking on the phone while you're driving through an unfamiliar city is asking for trouble."

"Yes, I have to go too. I'm meeting Jodie and Trisha at the mall. We're going to shop for clothes for the trip."

"Are you planning to go to Capricio?"

"Oh yes."

"Buy some sexy clothes."

"I plan to. Michael, what about Christmas presents?"

"Transporting them will be a problem. I'm going to buy gift certificates for a San Antonio department store. That way you can all go shopping after Christmas."

"That will be fun. We'll do the same for you, but we may have to buy them after Christmas. I don't know much about the stores in San Antonio."

"There's a Golf Galaxy in San Antonio."

"Oh, all right. That will be perfect. There's one not far from the Mall here. We'll go there this afternoon."

"Give Jodie and Tricia my love."

"I will. Bye Michael. I love you. I'll call you tomorrow."

"Bye Jeanne, I love you too."

Jeanne ended the call.

I took the first freeway exit in Las Cruces and found a gas station. After filling my tank I parked my Escape next to the convenience store, went inside, used the facilities and bought a diet Dr. Pepper. When I returned to my Escape I opened the soda and checked my cell phone. I had a text from Jeanne. There was an attached photo. It was a picture of Jeanne and two men. All three of them were naked. Jeanne was lying on her back in the middle of a king sized bed. One of the men was positioned between Jeanne's spread legs. He was fucking her and playing with her large breasts. The other man was kneeling next to her head. Jeanne's face was turned towards the camera. He was rubbing the glistening head of his large erection on her cheek. It was clear that Jeanne had been sucking him.

Jeanne was smiling. Her smile made me smile. I considered that reaction. I wasn't angry or even upset. I was happy for Jeanne. It was obvious that she was having a wonderful time. I remembered Charles Montgomery's words. "It's fun to see the woman you love that happy." I now not only understood his words, I agreed with them. Chuckling, I started my car. Cuckold boot camp really was over and I had graduated with flying colors.

As I pulled on to Interstate 10 I considered the possibility of going home after Christmas. I immediately rejected the idea. I was ready, but was Jeanne ready for me? She was having a wonderful time. If I returned home right now it was possible that she might view me as an impediment to her new life style. That would devastate me.

Written by goodhusband
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