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Always Faithful - Chapter Five

"Laura admits, Dan angers - their aftermath."

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Chapter Five - Telling and Trouble

Dan slept well, he was sexually drained. Laura did not sleep as well. In telling her story, in draining her husband, she knew she had concealed some important parts of the story. Laura knew she told the physical story accurately, completely. Dan could not call her liar about that. She withheld most of the emotional part. The most important emotional parts were still secrets gnawing at her.

In the morning, at breakfast, she told Dan she wanted to talk more about Monday after dinner that night. When Greg arrived in the office, Laura cancelled their lunch date. She told Greg there were things she had to talk to Dan about, deeply emotional things important to their marriage, and she couldn’t have a lunch date like yesterday on her mind when they talked. Greg understood, he wasn’t happy, but he understood.

Laura was distracted all day. Her mind churned with her infidelity. She knew she had to explain those three words. They came out in heat of passion, but there was that element of premeditation. Laura knew, she knew full well, that she planted the love seed and then challenged Greg to fertilize that seed. Greg responded to her challenge and Laura loved his response.

While the other two legs of the love triangle were not having good days, one was. The burst of energy and focus that banished Dan’s Monday cloud continued into Friday. In the afternoon, the VP called him in and congratulated Dan on his work for Business Lady. Dan had brought in a big new account; the Business Lady people wanted Dan to lead the work. Dan left the office with a glow of triumph. He beat Laura home and had champagne chilled; he stopped for two bottles of his favorite, Piper-Heidsieck.

Laura was excited for her husband. She relaxed having a normal conversation about husband’s work as any normal couple would. She recognized his brand of champagne; was glad he stopped and bought it rather than use the last bottle Greg bought. Nothing of Laura being with Greg would intrude - yet.

At seven-thirty, Dan realized he had been talking about Business Lady for over an hour, almost nonstop. “What about dinner?”

“I can pass on dinner if you can.”

“Big lunch with Greg today?”

“No, no lunch with Greg. I had yogurt and an apple at my desk. Greg wanted to take me to lunch, but I turned him down.”

Dan was silently pleased that his wife had turned down her boss’s lunch invitation. He gave away his pleasure with a kiss.

Laura wanted to steer conversation away from Greg, back to Dan, “Did the Business Lady account come from the blouse you bought for me?”

“No, just coincidence, but my part with Business Lady did come up Monday, while you were wearing that blouse.”

Both knew why she wore that blouse Monday; Laura being with Greg seemed to creep into everything about their lives. Damned, Laura thought to herself; may as well get it over with.

“Okay Dan, I said this morning there was more I wanted to talk about. More about what happened on Monday that I need to tell you about.”

As any good husband would, Dan sensed that Laura was nervous, apprehensive. “If we are going into story time, Scheherazade, let’s go put on our outfits.” Dan wanted to ease Laura’s tension, he helped.

“We don’t have to.”

“I want to, let’s go upstairs.”

Nude and about to become a harem girl once more, Laura heard Dan say wait, not yet. “I want you to model that sexy underwear set you bought and modeled for Greg.”

“Why, that’s not part of Monday night’s stories?”

“I know, you bought them after Monday, bought sexy things to wear for Greg. I want to see you in them just the way Greg saw them.”

“Dan, don’t!”

“Please Baby, just do it for me, please.”

“Oh hell, of course I will; you know I will do anything for you, Baby.” Laura pondered a few seconds before acting on her agreement. “If I’m dressing in whore’s clothing, let’s make a production.”

Laura gathered her things from her hamper. Stockings went on first; she stretched each leg out pointing as she pulled them taut. Laura knew how to strike a sexy pose. She repeated the same gesture with her garter belt in place as she snapped each stocking tight. For a change of pace, she put her bra on first; Laura jiggled and adjusted with obviously extravagant motion to settle her boobs into place.

“Do you like so far?”

“Yes, they are sexy, did Greg get this view?”


Laura stepped into the red and gold panties and pulled them up. She went to her closet and put on those same heels. “Here is the view Greg saw.” Laura went to Dan and kissed him, “Do you like what Greg got to see?”

“Yes, I like what I see. Those are damned sure fuck me shoes, aren’t they? I have never seen you wear any quite like those.”

“I don’t think I have ever bought pair like this, they seemed to go with the rest of my outfit.”

Forceful and direct, Dan insisted, “Model for me, just the way you modeled for Greg; I think your husband deserves as much as you gave your boss.”

“Dan, why are you doing this, it must be torture for you? This outfit and the modeling belong to another story, another time.”

“Just model for me please, humor me. You can leave the story about Greg’s cum spots on your panties for another time, it will keep.”

Following a frustrated sigh, Laura tried to duplicate the modeling she did for her boss. She substituted her vanity for Greg’s desk giving the final bent over pose.

“I can see why he fucked you looking like that, I would have. Let’s go to the den and finish Monday’s story.”

Dan’s words in their bedroom may have helped, Laura realized. Dan knew, guessed well, that her infidelities had continued; maybe that would make what she had to say easier to get out in the open. No easier to accept, that Laura had let her emotions be overcome would be easier for her to say. Laura took her supplicant position on the floor beneath her husband. Just go for it, she thought to herself.

“Dan, I have been unfaithful to you, to our marriage vows of fidelity.”

“I know; you fucked . . . .”

“No, that is not at all what I mean. Yes, I fucked Greg; yes, I let him have my ass; yes, Greg and I had sex in every way Monday. In my mind, I did not break our vows by having sex with Greg on Monday. What I did was worse.”

“Huh, what did you do that was worse than fucking him in every way?”

“What was worse was what I said to Greg; I love you.”

Laura saw the pain, pure agony and fright break instantly over Dan’s face.

“Even worse than that, my husband, my sweet loving husband who I love so dearly, I did something even worse than say I love you.”

“You meant it, didn’t you?”

“That is what is worse, Dan, that is how I betrayed our wedding vows. I tried to hold back, wanted to hold back, wanted so much not to do and say those words. I felt them, lived those words for the night with Greg, and the words just came out. I said I love you to Greg. That I said it in the heat of passion doesn’t matter; that I said them at all matters. I lived those words and what they mean Monday night with Greg. End of confession, at least about Monday night.”

Dan was shaking, he was visibly wracked. Laura could see his trouble; she had to get close to him. Her kisses finally drew his in return. Laura held him tight and continued to kiss with her husband.

“I love you Dan.”

“I love you Laura.”

Their joint realization was important to each other. “You are still fucking Greg aren’t you, at work, in his office?”

“Yes Dan. I have had sex with him once, and sucked his cock twice, since Monday. The spots you saw on these panties are Greg’s cum. Those are infidelities also; you have proof of my infidelity.” Laura moved his hand over the stains.

“Why, why still fucking him; because you love him?”

“No Dan, whatever Greg and I have done since Monday has been lust driven, not love driven. Please trust me when I say that.”

“What now, where . . . ?”

A pause separated them, but allowed time for thought. Both came to the same answer; I don’t know.

“Let’s go to bed Baby, we can work on this, the future is tomorrow. Tonight I want to show you just how much I love you.”

> > > > - -

Friday night was their last night of sex. Dan and Laura had no more sex in the coming week. Laura told no more stories. Greg got absolutely nothing, barely a civil smile. Dan went totally silent. Tensions in the three part relationships strained, but no bonds broke. After almost two full weeks of silence, Dan saw the misery he and Laura were going through, and decided it had to come to a point. Thursday night, Dan stopped at the wine store on his way home from work. He would use champagne as lubricant for the stuck gears of his marriage. Dan bought a case of Greg’s brand of champagne. In the den, Dan poured.

“We can’t go on like this; whatever we are doing is eating at us.”

“Anything Baby, anything I can do to fix us I will do.” Tears ran down Laura’s cheek, joy or sorrow she couldn’t say.

Dan’s face showed as much emotion as Laura’s.

“I have one question, do you still want me, want to be married to me, want to love me, want me to keep loving you?”

“Yes, that is a lot of question with a one word answer. Yes to all of those things Baby. Yes, I want you. Yes, I love you. Yes, I want to be married to you forever. Finally, Oh Yes, I always want you to love me. I am not whole without you. These last two weeks have been miserable.”

“We will work it out then, because you and I want the same things.”

They finished the first bottle and Laura asked if there was more champagne.

“I bought a case.”

“Why a case, and why this brand; you like Piper?”

“It’s a good brand, the one you brought home that night. I can change up every once in a while, on champagne that is.”

“It’s the brand Greg bought.”

“I know.”

Dan brought out another chilled bottle. I want another fashion show tomorrow night.”

“Oh Dan! Do you, why?”

“Relax, no undies, no secret agendas, really. Trust me; it may be a way forward.”

“I will always trust you; you can always trust me from now on.”

“Good, I do. Let’s go to bed and make love. Bring the bottle, I’ll carry the glasses.”

> > > > - -

At breakfast, both were more relaxed and at ease. Dan actually took Laura’s hand and walked her holding hands from bedroom to kitchen. Morning conversation was pleasant; Dan talked more about Business Lady. Once more, Dan walked his wife to her car. After a last kiss, Dan told Laura she should kiss Greg, or whatever, in the office today.

“He is probably just as confused as we were and will be glad things are getting better.”

“A kiss and ‘or whatever’?”

“Yeah, you know, it’s not his fault; put him at ease.”

Laura certainly wasn’t going to respond to Dan’s last comment, but she thought about what Dan might be saying as she drove. At least a big greeting smile, Greg can have that much. I know I have been surly lately. Greg was duly appreciative of Laura’s warmth. He stopped and chatted for a minute and then went to his office. Laura was right behind; she helped him off with his jacket.

“I’m not complaining; I like the change.”

Laura kissed her boss, “Dan said to give you a kiss this morning so that one is from him.” Laura held him tight and gave a second kiss with much more fervor.

“That one is from me, happy Friday darling.”

“If I ask, will the bubble break?”

“I don’t know; I hope not. Don’t ask questions and don’t ask for more, okay? Let me lead this dance.”

Greg kissed Laura and wrapped her in his arms.

“Your lead, darling, I won’t even say any other words.”

“Good, when I said those words to you it did a lot of damage.” Laura put a finger to Greg’s lips to shut off questions. “Just trust me, please.”

Laura called her husband late morning. She had two questions, did they have time to do dinner out before the fashion show? Dan decided that was a great idea. Laura also asked if whatever included going to lunch with Greg as long as she promised to be good? Dan agreed to lunch also, repeated he would trust her judgment, and then asked if Greg had his kiss yet? “Yes, Baby, he got the kiss from you. Then I gave him one from me, I hope that’s okay. He gave me one back. We have been hard at work ever since.”

Dan laughed, “Have lunch with your boss, enjoy yourselves. If you have too much fun, name it after him.”


“Just kidding, Baby, just kidding. As I said, enjoy yourselves. Consider your lunch is a whatever.”

Dan let Laura pick their dinner spot, she decided on Bennigan’s again. She wanted just a casual meal. They talked about their day at work; Dan asked about lunch with Greg. He seemed to be more at ease hearing and using the with Greg phrase. “Nice, casual, we just did a soup and sandwich place, well salad for me. Then I made him follow me into a store, shopping, girl stuff. I decided that was a good whatever.”

“Looking at dresses?”

“No, even better, lingerie.”

“I’ll bet Greg loved that.”

“He got used to it.”

“Buy anything?”

“Two outfits, complete sets, plus two gown and peignoir sets.”

“You had fun.”

“Yes, and I made him pay for one set, I paid for the other.”

“Did you model for him?” Dan couldn’t keep his curiosity about whatever in check.

“Not at the store, I modeled the bra and panty part back at the office.

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He loved them.”

“I’ll bet he did, I would, you can come to my office at lunch and model one day.”

Laura laughed, “Why don’t you ask your secretary to model for you?”

“Maybe I will.”


“Spots? Do I have to do a spot check?”

“No, no spots at all, don’t dust for fingerprints, but no spots.” Both laughed.

At home, champagne glasses were filled and then Dan explained the fashion show he wanted. “I want you to model your dressy dresses for me. The dresses you would think about wearing if you were going on a date with me, or with Greg. What dress would you pick to impress a guy you might want to impress, just might want to impress, not certain.”

Laura babbled as she thought, “This is good, Dan, good idea. Let me think some.” Laura decided, “One dress, or how about four or five I have in mind?”

Now it was Dan’s turn to ponder, “Okay, four or five is good, first model the one you will wear on a date with me. Next, two or three you will wear on dates with Greg. Finally, model the outfit that will impress, and possibly attract, an unknown suitor in the future.”

“Deal, my love, wait right here and I’ll be back shortly with dress number one.”

Laura seemed to glide into the den; she was wearing blue, a knee length softly full skirt dress with modest neckline and sheer chiffon sleeves. “You and I are going dancing tonight Baby. You will look handsome in flannel slacks and a white turtle neck. I like that camel hair sport coat you are wearing. I have on pretty panties so you don’t have to worry if my skirt twirls up.” Laura made up the story and closed with, “Will you be my date if I wear this dress?”

“Of course I will, I will be proud to take you to the dance and make sure your skirt flies up to show your sexy legs and sexy panties.”

While Laura changed, Dan made some notes. When Laura returned this time, walking so slinky cats in the zoo cowered in shame at her stride and carriage. She wore a dark burgundy colored gown, floor length, with a deep plunging neckline and low back. When she posed in front of Dan, she half turned at the waist, her right leg extended well back exposing a long slit in back of the dress. “What time does the opera begin Greg? I want to be early so you can show me off in the lobby.”

“Let’s leave right now; I can’t wait to let everyone see you.” Dan made more notes when Laura went to change once more.

Laura’s third dress, the second for a date with Greg, was sex appeal in black. Shiny black stretchy material, probably a lycra spandex blend Dan guessed, hugged what it covered, and left a lot uncovered. Strapless at the top, Laura’s breasts were on display. The short skirt stopped at least six inches above her knees, but Dan knew it could easily be worked higher. “Ready to go clubbing, Greg?”

“I remember a few times you and I went clubbing wearing that dress; I had to beat the guys off you. Do you think Greg is up to protecting his turf?”

“I think he just might be; I hope he wants to.”

If the third dress was for trendy night spots, this next was pure country club elegant, and very sexy. The material was dark blue velvet, just like the song. One shoulder was completely bare, with a wide V cut out to mid thigh. Laura was wearing pantyhose underneath, but it would look wicked with a garter belt and stocking that left a hint of dark stocking top showing. “Greg and I are going to a country club dance tonight Dan; it may be late when he brings me home, don’t bother waiting up.”

“Have fun.”

Laura skipped off to change once more while Dan made more notes.

When Laura came back this time, she could have been Audrey Hepburn in Breakfast at Tiffany’s. Her choice was every woman’s basic black dress. Knee length, square cut neckline, it had a simple sheath look. Again she played the married lady on a date theme. “I don’t think I will be late tonight Baby. I am going with a guy who stops by the office once a month or so, and he has been flirting and asking me out for the last six months. I’m not sure about him so I agreed to dinner. I’ll tell you how it goes when I get home. Do you think I look okay for him in this dress?”

“He might ask you a second time seeing you wearing that. I better check and see if your lipstick is smeared when you get home.”

“I don’t think so, but maybe just a kiss.”

“Okay Laura, back to being Dan’s wife. Go put one of your new nightgowns on and let’s drink champagne and talk a bit.”

Dan reviewed his notes; he had a full glass waiting for Laura when she returned. Dan whistled at the pink nightie set she wore. “What color did you get for Greg?”

Laura blushed, “He picked red, same style but bright red.”

“He likes to see you sexy; so do I.”

Dan began his review of the fashion show. “The first thing I noticed about your choices was this; the dresses you picked for me and your unknown suitor were more conservative, traditional for the role you offered.”

“How do you figure? That first dress is very pretty and the skirt can get downright daring at times.”

“I agree, it can, if your date chooses to flair you out and show your legs while dancing. But, if he doesn’t take the lead, it is a pretty dress on a pretty woman. The last dress was properly attractive. A good choice for the scenario we set, but also conservative.”

“Yes, if I were ever going to do something like that, I would certainly wear that dress.”

“I know; you should.”

Dan looked at his notes and then contrasted the dresses she selected for Greg dates.

“They were all much more dramatic, more daring. The two full lengths showed ample skin, legs and chest. The simple black could get you arrested if not handled carefully; it was wicked.”

Laura grinned, “I remember the time I wore that to a club with you; we were on vacation. You did have to beat the guys off me.”

“Yes, I do remember that. We had wild crazy sex that night as I recall.”

“Yes, we did.”

“You also need to examine your color scheme. I never noticed before but you show a strong preference for dark and almost brooding colors; you might want to lighten up some.”


“No, definitely not pastels, but brighter colors, you said Greg selected a bright red?”

Laura blushed and held her hand out to take Dan to bed.

Once naked in their bedroom, Dan made no bow to gentle lovemaking. He threw Laura on her back, lifted her gown and was on and in her, NOW. Laura’s knees were behind her head; her wonderful husband was doing pushups into her pussy as if driven by a task master. Dan held on to her body with strong hands on her flesh; he squeezed everywhere.

“Oh – Fuck – Yes – Fuck Me Dan.”

Laura screamed loud encouragement. She heard her husband muttering as he bit on her ear lobe, not coherent thoughts, just words: baby – pink – hot – red – Greg – lover – Dan – husband – fuck – show – lover – slut – baby.

Suddenly a shift, Dan’s cock was above and aiming at Laura’s lips, she opened wide as welcome and sucked him into her warmth. Dan cock fucked straight in, straight down her throat; Laura gagged and choked for Dan as she had for Greg. Even with throat full, while choking on her husband’s cock, Laura felt a burning on her skin, below her belly. Dan was slowly biting a trail across his wife’s stomach. He would leave his own brand, teeth bruises would stand out like pickets on a fence. Dan admired his line before pulling away to change position once more.

Laura found herself on hands and knees, head down and able to breathe once more. Suddenly, hard slaps beat on each side of her ass cheeks. Laura focused her brain on husband’s words:


Laura roared a powerful orgasm scream beginning with the Dan slaps. She kept screaming and cumming when Dan plunged his cock inside to fuck his way to orgasm. They slept coupled and only parted sometime during the night.

Laura woke first Saturday morning. For minutes she just lay close to her husband sharing their love and strength. Silently, she stole away to the kitchen and the coffee maker. Her bottom still retained a spanked tingle when she saw Dan approach over the top of her cup.

“You look sexy in just the bottoms; I may throw out all your pajama tops.”

“You can keep the tops and wear them if you will let me start a button collection.”

Deal, Laura agreed.

Laura had been surprised and thrilled with the ferocity of their sex last night. In reflective thought, the way Dan took her was just as good as Greg’s fucking. Laura filed a note in her mind to find a time and place to tell Dan. She also considered what Dan had said about colors and style impressions. Dan was sharp, good at reading people and pulling ideas together. That was one reason he was so good at his job. I need to think more about what he said; talk more with Dan about his thoughts, talk away from sex.

Laura wasn’t nearly as taken by Dan initiating heavy sex as she was by his suggestion, more like directive, for the day. “After breakfast, we are going shopping together. I am going to upgrade your dress wardrobe.”

“Yeah, right! Baby, I know how much you love shopping with me. In that respect, you are all man, just like every other man. We’ll have fun though.”

If Laura was amazed at Dan’s suggestion, she was overwhelmed, no flabbergasted, at his performance. She knew Dan must have planned the trip carefully beforehand. They left home shortly after eleven and didn’t return home until after seven that evening. Dan lead the way to three dress shops, fine ladies wear stores all, and one boutique that specialized in evening wear, their prices made Laura blanch but Dan was nonplussed. They even shopped at a Lord and Taylor.

Even more surprising, they spent quality time in each store. Laura made selections as did Dan. She tried on several dresses in each store, modeled them for Dan and a sales lady they found in each store to assist them. Rather than just exchanging comments, Dan and Laura talked about each dress, really talked. They talked about things like style and color, of course, also about overall appearance and presentation; the impression wearing the dress would make on others.

Dan let it be clear from the start, he was helping Laura dress for romantic, also sexy and sex filled, dates with Greg. Strangely, he made no attempt to hide that fact from the first lady who assisted them. After the first shop, Dan, Laura, and whichever sales lady discussed that aspect of their shopping openly. Dan only wandered off by himself once during the entire shopping trip. He returned with a small paper sack that Laura guessed held a tie or two.

They stopped briefly in mid afternoon for a quick snack, and finished at a nice club new to Laura about sixish for a couple of drinks and conversation before finally calling it quits for the day. The club was obviously just opening for the evening; there were few other customers.

Laura and Dan sat at a small table and relaxed talking about their day and the dresses now locked in their car draped across the backseat. “Dan, as exquisitely as you screwed me last night, fucked me for my pleasure even more than yours; you thrilled me today by shopping with me.”

“You should be thrilled; my American Express is probably broken.” They laughed, both knowing the card was bent but not broken.

“No, Baby, I don’t mean just buying all those dresses for me. I am as thrilled by the shopping, you going shopping with me and getting into the looking and talking about my clothes. That was more exciting than buying. If we bought only one dress all day, one would be icing on today’s cake.”

“Thank you. I really enjoyed today, you looked great trying on, modeling those dresses. Did you try to keep track of how many, count them?”

“No, the number stuff is your line, not mine. Lots though, I tried on a lot of dresses.”

“Let’s finish our drinks and head home; we can look at them again over champagne.”

Saturday’s final shopping tally netted six dresses and six business cards. Laura put on another fashion show, this time in the formal living room they rarely used except for company. Greg had her put on a black bra, panty and garter belt set with smoky silver grey stockings and her new heels for the model show. Three of the dresses required Laura to leave her bra on the bed when modeling for Dan. There was one overarching theme of style; the dramatic presentation of Laura as an elegant sensual woman.

Both agreed that the star dress was a bright red halter style that draped to mid calf. The bodice had a deep plunging neckline. A panel covered the middle of each beast, flanked by sheer nylon on either side covering but highlighting the curves of Laura’s breasts. The dress fastened in front with a line of small, closely spaced, faux diamond buttons that ran from about two inches above her navel to half way down her thighs. The dress had no back, Laura giggled that was why it only cost nine-fifty and not a thousand dollars when Dan insisted she have it. Laura would never spend that much on any dress, no matter how romantic the occasion or how good she thought the guy snared might be in bed.

Laura modeled the red dress last and spent extra time just pacing gracefully before Dan as they talked about their day. There were things hinted, but unsaid, about today that Laura was willing to leave unsaid for now. Dan led her to the love seat, the slit of the dress showed Laura’s lower beauty. He brought more champagne, sat across from her, and just admired the view.

“I’ve modeled all my stuff Baby; show me the ties in your sack. I guess that is what you bought. It seems as though I came out ahead, but please show me.”

Dan left for their bedroom and returned with his sack. “I didn’t buy ties, didn’t buy anything for me.” Dan showed Laura the bright red cummerbund from the sack. “This is for Greg, you’ve upgraded your wardrobe and added color for romantic dates with him; he should have some color to match.”

“Oh My God, Dan, you didn’t? You did, just for me? For us? I love you, love everything about you. I will have to go shopping for shoes and lingerie to wear with all these pretty things.”

“Take Greg shopping when you go this time, or at least get his credit card.”

Written by BobNbobbi
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