Walking into her house, Phoebe found it uncharacteristically quiet. No kids shouting or husband rummaging through the fridge. Just the ticking of the old grandfather clock in the living room, its small hand approaching 1.
She dropped her purse on the side board in the foyer and kicked her heels off. Phoebe drank in the silence for a moment before digging her phone from her purse and tapping out a quick message.
With that done, she sauntered to the kitchen and pulled a bottle of chilled water from the fridge.
As she gulped down the water, a hand gripped her side, causing her to lurch in surprise.
She felt a large body pull against her back.
Shrieks and wails rang throughout the house.
Aidan stepped into the kitchen to find his wife Phoebe standing at the kitchen counter looking at her smartphone.
“You beat me home. How was work?” he asked.
She briefly looked over at him. “Oh hey, babe. The office was dead today. Terry's out on vacation and nothing was coming in. I told them I was going to take off a few hours early. How was your day?”
“Busier than yours, I guess. We have a new client and they're still in the tedious hand-holding phase. I literally had to go through a whole seventy-eight-page slide deck twice. If I have to talk about market synergies one more time, I will die, and not like a romantic poet death, but like the face dissolving at the end of “Raiders of the Lost Ark”.
“Now that I'm done whining, should I start slicing tomatoes?”
She continued to tap at her phone. “I figured we'd just order pizza tonight. Gino's sound acceptable?”
“I thought since we got home early, we’d make dinner. Not enough time to make that caprese salad you'd mentioned?”
“No time between my arrival and yours, but I did pick up a nasty little story to tell you. If you want to hear it…” As she said that, her elbows pushed forward over the counter and her ass pushed back toward him.
Aidan reached out and took in her hips, running his hands up and down her generous curves. “A story, huh? What kind of story?”
“Just something I heard. Someone at work has apparently been very bad. One of the ladies appears to be stepping out.
Aidan ran his hand down the back of her t-shirt. “It’s Pam, right? There wasn’t a single person at the Christmas party who didn’t see her eyefucking Kyle the entire night. Even her troglodyte husband seemed unnerved.”
“No, this story isn’t about Pam, though yes, she and Kyle have been screwing around. This is about a naughty cheating wife in my office who went home early to meet her lover and fuck him in her marital bed.”
He reached down and cupped her ass, lifting her thick round cheeks in yoga pants. “Go on.”
“So this woman, who shall remain anonymous, messaged her boy toy to meet her at her house before her husband got home. He arrived right after her and managed to finger her to an orgasm right in the foyer. She came on his thick fingers while staring at a wedding picture on the wall.”
He dipped his hands into the back of her yoga pants, gliding them over her thong panties. “So tell me about this sexy lover. The one screwing the woman in your office. A real stud?”
She let out a soft moan. “So manly. Tall, with a gorgeous beard. Large tattooed forearms. He has this masculine scent. You could start to ovulate just by nuzzling his neck.”
“What about his cock?”
“It matches the rest of him. Thick, long. He’s uncut. He's so much bigger than her husband’s average-at-best penis. He's able to reach a place inside her that hubby's never felt. And the way he fills me, uh, I mean her up, it's like she's a virgin all over again.”
Aidan pushed her pants down her thighs to her knees. He slid a finger down between her cheeks. His finger curled around the narrow strip of cotton and pulled it away from her body, dragging it aside, and tucking it over her cheek.
His hand slid between her bottom until his fingertips reached hot wet flesh and sank in. Her pussy was loose and puffy and thoroughly soaked.
She continued, "The guy had just fingered her in the entryway. Then he picked her up and carried her to the bedroom, threw her on the bed and fucked her. Twice. Right on her marital bed. I'm sure there's going to be a wet spot under her husband again tonight. It's far from the first time."
Aidan used his free hand to unbuckle his pants and yank his pants and boxers down his thighs. His fingers hooked the sides of her panties and pulled them down her legs until they lay stretched between her knees. He guided his hard cock into her wet folds and thrust as deeply as he could.
She bit her lip to stifle a gasp. "Are you in yet?"
She was still sore from earlier and could definitely feel him inside her, but she knew how much her husband loved the notion of his wife not being able to feel him after being stretched around her lover's cock.
He grunted as he started to thrust. "You feel that?"
"Yeah, sure. Real good," she said, punctuating it with a mock yawn.
"So as I was saying, this girl at the office has been sneaking out to get fucked. A lot. She can't even feel her husband inside her anymore. At least, she couldn't if she let him. She mostly just jerks him off or tells him to do it. If, or I should say when her stud finally knocks her up, she's gonna give her husband one final screw so he can think he did the job, and then she's going to cut him off forever. She's even debating having him get snipped before telling him she's put him out to pasture sexually."

Aidan's breathing became ragged as he pumped against Phoebe's ass. "Is she going to give him one big final time in bed?"
Phoebe stifled the sound of her own climax. "Not...uh...likely. Probably just a disappointing pity fuck in their kitchen.
"Just get those pumps in and be done, stud."
Her words and the clenching of her sex set Aidan off. He frantically pulled back, seizing his cock and pointing it downward, spraying his seed onto the floor and the gusset of his wife's panties and back of her yoga pants.
"Wow. That's a lot of cum," she said disinterestedly, looking down at the huge white mess in the crotch of her gray cotton thong.
Aidan continued to pump his rapidly softening dick, pumping drops out onto the kitchen floor.
"I hope you enjoyed that little coda to your sex life." She grinned lasciviously as she pushed her underwear and tights down and off her legs, leaving her only in a t-shirt.
Phoebe balled up her soiled clothes. "Gotta get these in the wash. Get rid of all your mess."
He continued to tug at his semi-erection as he watched her pale cheeks bounce out of the room under the edges of her shirt.
He tucked his manhood back into his fly and grabbed a paper towel to clean up the floor.
As he finished, the front door burst open.
Two young girls bolted into the foyer followed by a tall bearded man. A loud crash echoed throughout the house before they ran off to their rooms.
The bearded man stepped into the kitchen and intercepted Phoebe to plant a kiss on her cheek before she could scoot off with her soiled clothes.
She sighed and looked at Scott, the newly arrived gentleman. “And you want another one?”
He returned her exhausted sigh. “I have to balance the teams. We boys are outnumbered. Besides, I was robbed of my last shot when you two finished off that bottle of prosecco after I went to bed at the Tahoe vacation rental. I had to deal with some guy going behind my back and knocking up my wife before I could.”
Aidan broke into a broad grin. “Hey pal, you're the one who opted to spend all that time there in the hot tub. If you hadn't boiled your swimmers, it might be a whole different ball game. Besides, I am the first husband, so it's not like I'm the one who moved in on you. If she had gotten a different gym membership, you wouldn’t be in the picture at all.
“So if you're gonna make one, you'd better hurry it up. I'm getting tired of finishing myself onto the floor every time. It's been six months of trying. Inseminate or get off the pot.”
Phoebe put her hands on her chest in a gesture of mock offense. “First off, I'm not a pot. Second, you could finish anywhere you'd like once you got the snip like you promised after Ashlynn was born. And third, I know for a fact that you have no qualms about finishing elsewhere. We've been at it for six years and you still lose it in your pants watching Scott and I do it. The fact that he's trying to get me pregnant just means the pants stains are bigger.”
"Not true. Also, if I get snipped and it turns out Scott can't do the job, then what? Betcha didn't think about that one."
"I'll do what women have done since the beginning of time: I'll outsource it."
She reached down and grabbed Aidan's crotch. "Maybe I already have. After all, I did meet Scott only three months after our oldest was born...or had I been seeing him on the side for the previous year?
"It was only a week after he and I started working out together when I messaged you from the gym asking if you minded if I went back to his place afterward.
"On his bed that afternoon, were we consummating a new romantic fling? Or celebrating the one-year anniversary of the session where our long-running passionate affair finally bore fruit with our little Beatrix?"
She continued to knead her husband’s penis through his slacks.
"You and I were trying to conceive, but maybe I was trying even harder with someone else. Can you be sure you were the one having me at my fertile times? Remember how I always made you wait until my ovulation? Or was it keeping you from finding proof that I had already been inseminated by my lover?
"And was Tahoe any different? You think your one little drunken turn did the job. You were so hammered you wouldn't even have remembered me pulling you out and jerking you onto the sheets. As usual, you passed right out, potentially oblivious to me going into the next room and mating with the true father of our youngest.
"Maybe Scott's been the only babymaker the whole time and you've just been led along to accepting it. And maybe it's why I haven't pushed harder for you to get a vasectomy; it hasn't mattered so far and will matter even less going forward, since you've now completely surrendered your sexual role to him. I hope you enjoyed that last time. Remember it well."
With that, her hand gave several hard tugs on his cock through his pants, setting off a second orgasm that brought tremors to his knees.
“Slut,” he hissed under his breath.
“Cuckold,” she softly replied.
"It was a good story," he smirked.
"Sure it was, babe."
Scott smirked and looked down at the stain spreading across the front of Aidan's trousers.
"Hey bud, I'm gonna need ya to watch my, uh, our kids tonight. Keep 'em out of the bedroom. I'm gonna fuck your wife again. And again."
Scott put his arm over Phoebe's shoulders and led her out of the kitchen.
Scott leaned in and whispered into her ear, "I can't believe you told him that."
She smirked. "It's not like it was the whole truth, but he's gonna rub himself raw thinking it is."