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A Cuckold Story Part 1 - The Hypnotism Show

"A husband and wife attends a hypnotism show"

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I have been told that under hypnotism, you cannot be forced to do what you don't want to do. You can only do what you yourself consent to do. And that was what I've believed all along too. 

Then what the hell was happening?

I was going out for a fun night with my wife of 3 years, Marisa, a brunette beauty, 5 foot 5 inches tall with nicely shaped C cup breasts and a gorgeous body to die for. 

She was wearing a sexy red dress while I was in my typical jeans and T-shirt.

It was a Tuesday night, but since I had a day off tomorrow and my wife Marisa was still looking for a job, we decided to go out for some fun. 

As we drove past what was usually a strip joint, we noticed that instead of their usual fare, they were having a hypnotism show instead. 

Times were bad and even the strip joint has been renting out their space for other acts such as comedy acts, magic shows and now hypnotism acts. 

Curious, we paid the entrance fee and decided to take a look. The place was not packed as only a third of the tables were filled. 

We managed to get a table right in front of the stage to get the best view of the show. 

"Ladies and Gentlemen, my name is Arnold and I am a hypnotist. Without further ado, I would like to call up several volunteers.... how about the two of you? " he said, looking at the two of us. 

I already noticed that he was staring at us from the start, and to be honest I don't blame him. My wife is gorgeous, if I do say so myself. 

He also invited up 2 women who were seated with their dates at separate tables and 2 other men who were seated together on the same table. 

I have to admit, he had good taste, as he selected the best looking people in the audience, myself included, if I do say so myself.

"What are your names and how are you related to each other? " he asked us first

"I am Shem, and this is my wife Marisa. "  I answered for the both of us. 

"Oh! You're married. Good. How about you? " he asked the rest one by one.

The pretty blonde was named Ingrid, and she was here with her blind date for the night.

The hot brunette was Danielle, and she was here with her boyfriend who was seated at their table.

As for the two men, the black guy was named Tyson and the other guy was Ramone, and they were both gay and lived together.

They were both over 6 foot tall, with Tyson around 6 foot 6 and Ramone 6 foot 4, and both were huge and muscular!

I was about 6 foot tall, and was lean and fit, but I looked like a small boy next to these two giants. 

There were 6 chairs on the stage and we were invited to sit on them.   

"Pleased to meet all of you. As you know, hypnotism is something that cannot be forced. Some people can be hypnotized, some cannot. Also, under hypnotism, you cannot be forced to do what you don't want to do. So you don't have to worry. 

So let me try to see which ones of you are susceptible to hypnotism, alright? " he said

I had heard that often times, people never really get hypnotized, and they are pretending just to be a part of the act on stage. It's a form of social and performance pressure. I wasn't sure if it's true, but I was about to find out. 

"I will count down to three and you will fall into a deep sleep, but you will remain conscious of my voice. One, two......three! " he said and snapped his fingers.

My eyes closed and my head dropped, but I was pretending. One of my eyes was slightly open to see my surroundings, and although I couldn't see the rest, I could see Marisa next to me with her eyes closed and head dropped to her chest. 

Should I continue pretending? But I have to say, this was fun. I've seen people barking like a dog, cluck like a chicken, pretending to have an orgasm and such. Maybe he'll ask us to do the same. Now being in the shoes of a hypnotized person on stage, I'll completely sure that everyone is faking it. 

" at the sound of my voice you will open your eyes. You will obey my every command. Three, two... one! " he snapped his fingers. 

I opened my eyes and looked at everyone around me. Marisa gave me a slight smile as I pretended not to notice. 

"Hmm. I have to say the seating position here isn't ideal. The male and female seating is a bit weird. " he said looking at me seated at the end, then Marisa, then Ingrid, Danielle, Tyson and Ramone. 

"Simple enough! " he said as he got me to change seats with Danielle, making the seating arrangements from one end to the other Danielle, Marisa, Ingrid, Myself, Tyson and Ramone. 

"Ok, much better. Let's start with the simple stuff. At the sound of my finger snap, you will all get very aroused and start moaning. " he said

I knew it. I expected this as I've seen this act plenty of times on TV. I'm sure now that this is all faked. But it's fun isn't it?


The three women on my right started moaning and to my left started groaning too. They were touching themselves over their clothes, and I have to say, it sounded erotic. I gave it a good go too, moaning unrealistically, trying to be funny and sounding like Meg Ryan in "When Harry Met Sally".

But after doing that for a while, I found that I was aroused and my bulge was showing through my jeans. I took a glimpse to my right and saw Marisa and the other two ladies touching their crotches with their hands going under their dresses and groping their breasts over their clothes. 

I saw the men on my left who were touching their groins, and it looked like they were groping their erect crotches over their pants. Good idea. I'll do the same to hide my erection too.

"Very good. Feels good right? Don't be shy, you can remove your underwear. " the hypnotist instructed.

What? That's not what I expected! But then I saw the ladies remove drop their panties to the floor and started masturbating with their legs wide open! Marisa was also exposing her beautiful shaven pussy to the audience as she was openly fingering herself! 

Her other hand had pulled down her dress, groping her breasts and exposing them to the audience! The other two women were already topless and look disheveled as they erotically started masturbating with their bras off! 

To my left, the two gay men had opened their pants and their dicks were out in the open as they openly masturbated! I had to admit, they were both huge!

Now I had an average dick, not too big, and not too small. But compared to the two, especially the black guy Tyson, my dick was a third of his length and his circumference was a thick as my wrist, my cock like like a baby's.

His Latino lover was no slouch either, having double my length and also double my thickness. 

"Ok, since everyone is in the mood, take off your clothes and dump them in a pile over there. " the hypnotist instructed.

Haven't yet opened my pants or exposed myself, but the others were already walking to the side and removing their clothes, underwear and all. 

I hesitantly walked to the side and noticed that Danielle's boyfriend had stormed out of the club, but Ingrid's blind date was masturbating at his table. 

I was the last one with my clothes off, and the rest returned to the chairs but stood around in the same position where they sat.

They all stood still with the men with their cocks rock hard in their hand with a bit of pre-cum showing while the women had a few fingers glistening with juices flowing down their thighs.

I was so erect I felt like my dick could explode and even holding it felt fantastic. 

"You and you, the husband and wife pair. Please come here. " he said, pointing at Marisa and Tyson.

What? No! Marisa is married to me, not him!

But Tyson stepped forwards and stood in front of the Hypnotist, facing my wife, He was at least 6 foot 6 with his monster cock at least reaching her face!

"Wow. You're so large! I wonder how you guys have sex regularly. Let's find out together! " the hypnotist smiled


The hypnotist took his hand and held Tyson's cock towards her mouth. He was so tall, she didn't even need to bend over as his cock reached her lips. 

My mouth felt dry and I could hear my heart pumping as the hypnotist rubbed Tyson's huge cock across her lips, smearing his pre-cum on my wife's lips like lip gloss. 

He left the tip of his cock on her bottom lip as her mouth opened, breathing on Tyson's dick. I could swear I saw her tongue flicker and taste his pre-cum.

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I gulped. Should I stop this? Should I break character? But somehow, I didn't want to. I wanted, no needed, to watch what happens next.

I was terrified for Marisa, but I could not be more aroused as I continued masturbating. 

"Why don't you show me how you usually suck your husband? " he asked

Marisa didn't even have to get to her knees as she just took the cock in her hand and opened her mouth as wide as she could devouring it in one move.

I couldn't believe it. Not only was my wife sucking a stranger's gigantic cock, but I also was astounded by her being able to fit the monstrous cock in her mouth! 

It looked like she was swallowing her own fist as her mouth opened impossibly wide. She seemed to be swallowing his cock deeper and deeper into her throat. 

The shape of his cock could be seen moving down her throat as she swallowed it, as if she didn't have a gag reflex at all!

"Ok, I think we've seen enough. I don't want you to die of suffocation or something. " the hypnotist smiled.

I sighed a sigh of relief that my wife's suffering was over. But she didn't look concerned at all. Instead, she looked mesmerized by the black guy's glistening cock and kept staring at it!

"Let's see how you fit it in your pussy! " the hypnotist smiled as the audience clapped enthusiastically. 

Tyson was led to the chair in the middle of the row of chairs and sat down. His gigantic cock standing straight up and it looked like he could easily just bend his neck down and suck his own cock! 

What? No! I watched in shock as Marisa walked over to him, climbed onto the chair with her feet and faced away to the audience. 

She faced her back to Tyson as she moved her body to align his cock to her pussy, looking like she would impale herself with the rod! 

No! You can't do this Marisa! 

She squatted down and looked like she was sitting on a stool, before grunting as the thick cock entered her with great difficulty. His cock looked thicker than the space between her legs!

Tyson helped her move up and down, as her lubrication coated his cock, letting him enter deeper and deeper with each time she sat down. 

"While they do that, lets do something with you guys. You're gay lovers right?" the hypnotist asked, looking me and Ramone

I better say something now. This is too much. 

"Just a question. Have you guys have had sex with a woman before? " he asked me and Ramone.

Ramone shook his head and as I saw him shaking his head, I somehow shook my head too!

"Having anal and oral sex should feel the same, you know. Men and women have mouths and anuses too? Why don't you try? " he asked.

I didn't know where he was going with this, but I just sat quietly for some unknown reason. 

To my pleasant surprise, he got both Ingrid and Danielle to get on their knees to give both Ramone and me a blowjob. 

Danielle sucked my cock and it felt wonderful. Marisa rarely gave me blowjobs, perhaps only on my birthday or our anniversary, so this felt like heaven. 

I surreptitiously looked over and was shocked to see Marisa with half of Tyson's monster cock inside her, still struggling to get the thick monster inside her.   

Should I be concerned for her safety? But she seemed to be enjoying herself, moaning and groaning. Is she really hypnotized? I know I'm only pretending. 

But somehow, I can't bring myself to stop watching what we are doing. 

"Ok, now why don't you guys try their anuses to see if it's the same! " the hypnotist asked.


Danielle and Ingrid moved over to the chairs as they bent over, one on each side of Tyson and Marisa who were looking more and more conjoined at their genitals with each other. 

I followed Ramone as he exchanged partners with me and went behind Danielle, shoving his huge cock into her ass. She grunted loudly, but started moaning as soon as he started moving in a rhythm. 

I eagerly stood behind Ingrid, never having anal sex before and pushed my cock into her ass, finding it tight. She grunted, but it was only a soft grunt, possibly because I wasn't as large as Ramone. 

But having anal sex wasn't bad at all. She felt very tight. 

I looked at Marisa who had just gotten the whole monster cock inside her pussy, with only his huge balls the only part not inside her pussy. 

It looked like his testicles was attached to her pussy lips!

Her abdomen was distended with the outline of Tyson's cock inside her which seemed to stop just under her breasts.

It looked like all her internal organs had been pierced, but she didn't look uncomfortable at all. 

In fact, her eyes were rolling up with a delirious look on her face with her mouth open and drool was dripping down the side of her mouth. 

"So... do you still prefer men, or are women's mouths and anuses as good? " I suddenly heard the hypnotist ask, snapping me out from watching Marisa fuck.

"I still prefer men" Ramone said.

"Really? So show me how you normally fuck your lover" the hypnotist said.


Ramone pulled his erect cock of Danielle and walked behind me. I was still stuck inside Ingrid's tight hole and could not remove my dick in time to move. 

No, I'm definitely breaking character now. This is too much. 

But before I could do anything, a huge log entered my ass, deep into my bowels. 

I felt Ramone's rough hands hold my hips and start pumping into me, churning my intestines within my abdomen. 

He pulled me out of Ingrid as she and Danielle were led aside by the Hypnotist and Ramone sat down right next to Tyson, opening my legs wide. 

Both Marisa and I were lifted from beneath our knees as the two muscular guys used us like sex toys and fucked us by carrying us up and down with their strong muscular arms

Both Marisa and I screamed with pain and pleasure as the two large men fucked us like jackhammers. 

I felt Marisa reach over and hold my hand as she started orgasming. Was she breaking character? What should I do?

Tyson started grunting as cum started spilling out of her loosened pussy. I felt a warm liquid entering my bowels too, sloshing around within me!

Ramone reached around my waist and started masturbating my cock as I shot a powerful shot that flew off the stage and onto our drinks that had arrived at our table. 

As we all gasped for our breath, Tyson pulled his cock out of Marisa's pussy with a loud vacuous sound and globs of cum spilled out of her pussy. 

Where her pussy once looked nice and tight, now a gaping hole could be seen, where the cum continuously spilled out from. 

Ramone pulled his cock out of my ass and I found myself unable to keep the cum from spilling out of me. How much did he cum in me?

The audience clapped and cheered and the hypnotist took a bow. 

We were told to get dressed and sit back in a row 

"Now that was a good show. I will countdown again, and once I reach zero, you will not remember what happened tonight. You will instead remember that I failed to do anything to you. But you will still recommend your friends to come and watch because you thought I should be given a second chance. Ok? Three, two, one.. zero! " he said, snapping his fingers

The audience clapped as we walked to our seats. Marisa held my hand and seemed to remember what happened, raving about how it was a shame that the hypnotism didn't work on us. 

I of course remembered everything, but I agreed with Marisa, pretending that nothing happened with me too!

My ass hurt like hell, and I wasn't wearing my underwear. Marisa wasn't wearing any panties and her bra belonged to either Danielle or Ingrid under her red dress.

It seems those that got dressed earlier than us might have mixed up out clothes as by the time we got dressed, a few items of clothing were missing. 

Should I bring up what happened tonight with Marisa? Maybe she really was hypnotized? Or was she pretending like I am? Would it traumatize her if she really was hypnotized and didn't remember what happened? 

But if she was pretending, doesn't that mean that she intentionally fucked that huge cock? But then again, what was my excuse? I was anally fucked by a man!

At the end, I never mentioned it, pretending that nothing happened. Sex between us returned back to normal after a month of her pussy being abnormally loose. 

However, Marisa has been insisting we go to more hypnotism and magic shows. It seems it had become her favorite outing.

Written by Liampark
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