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A Carnival Of Misconceptions

"An attempt to make a cuckold fantasy real goes awry"

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The second Saturday afternoon in June my wife, Leanne Neal, and I were busy dusting and vacuuming our living room, dining room and den. That evening we were entertaining a group of Leanne's business associates and several of her close friends. She wanted everything to be perfect. I understood so I was working hard to help her.

Leanne is an assistant corporate designer for Elegant Interiors, a local interior design firm that specializes in decorating business offices. 

I'm Peter Lane. When we got married Leanne decided that we should both keep our family names. Leanne and I have been married for almost four years. I'm an elementary school teacher.

While we were cleaning the dining room Leanne's cell phone chimed. She looked at it and said, “It's  Karla.”

Karla is Leanne's best friend. I said, “You'd better see what she wants.”

Nodding, Leanne answered and said, “Hi Karla, what's up?”

Leanne listened. After a moment she shrieked and said, “Really? When did he get here?” That began an animated conversation that finally ended with Leanne saying, “Okay, I'll see all of you this evening. I can't wait.”

After Leanne ended the call I asked, “What's happening? It sounds like you got some  exciting news.”

“Randy Milton is back in town.”

“Randy Milton? He was your favorite lover.” 

Before we were married Leanne and her friends Karla and Monica were sexually adventurous, very adventurous. When we started dating Leanne was open about her history of promiscuity. It didn't upset me, it didn't upset me at all. In fact, it excited me. It was one of many reasons that I was originally attracted to Leanne. 

After learning that Leanne had a history of promiscuity I began fantasizing about her with other men. I candidly shared these fantasies with her and she shamelessly enjoyed hearing about them. We even incorporated them into our lovemaking. I'd go down on her while she described her sexual experiences with other men in graphic detail. It was exciting for both of us.

After we were married I suggested to Leanne that I wouldn't object or be upset if she occasionally played with another man. In fact, I admitted that I'd find it exciting. While Leanne has always been intrigued by my proposal, she has hesitated out of fear that it might damage our relationship. I've tried hard to convince her that it wouldn't, but she has remained adamant, my kinky desires were better left as a fantasy.

Leanne smiled at me and said, “Yes, Randy was the most sexually exciting man I've ever known.”

“And you still have fantasies about him, don't you.”

“You know I do.”

“Is he coming to the party tonight?”

“Yes, Karla, Monica and Jeff are bringing him.” Jeff was another of Leanne's old friends.

“Do you want to have some fun with him tonight?”

“Do you mean let him fuck me?”

“Yes, this seems like a great opportunity to relive old times.”

“Peter, this evening I'm entertaining a group professional acquaintances. I can't be acting like a slut.”

“No, but you can spend some time chatting with him and after the other guests leave...” I smiled. “The rules change.”

“And you wouldn't object.”

“Not at all, right now I'm so excited I might burst.”

“I'm not sure Randy would be willing to let you watch.”

“I don't have to watch. Just knowing that the two of you are fucking in the guest room would drive me wild.”


“Yes, really.”

Leanne smiled and coquettishly patted my cheek. “We'll have to see what happens.”

The party started at eight. It was a great success. A number of Leanne's business acquaintances stopped by. I made sure that there was plenty of food and liquor available in the dining room. Everyone had a good time.

Karla, Monica, Jeff and Monica's new husband, Mark arrived with Randy just before 9:30. As soon as she saw him Leanne ran over to Randy, threw her arms around his massive shoulders and kissed him hard on the lips. Randy kissed her back. It clearly wasn't a platonic kiss. Several of Leanne's work acquaintances were surprised by her overt display of affection with a man they knew wasn't her husband. I had to admit that their reaction excited me almost as much as the kiss.

After they finished kissing Leanne turned to me and said, “Petey, this is my old friend Randy Milton. Randy, this is my husband, Peter Lane.”

Randy stared at me. After a moment he smiled, extended his hand and said, “Peter, it's a pleasure to meet you.”

I took his hand. As we shook I said, “Randy it's a pleasure to meet you too.”

Leanne put her arm around Randy's waist and said, “Come on Randy, let's catch up while I mingle with my guests.”

As they walked away Karla said, “Petey, they were good friends. They need a little time together.”

Monica concurred, “They had an intense relationship.”

“I know. Don't worry, I'm not concerned. I trust Leanne.”

Shaking her head, Karla said, “I wouldn't be too trusting when she's with Randy Milton. She's never been able to resist him.”

“Karla, I don't know what Leanne has told you about me, but I'm hoping she doesn't try to resist him.”

“Leanne told me that you've encouraged her to play around with other guys. I always thought she was kidding. Are you telling me she was serious?”

“Yeah, but please don't judge me.”

Monica said, “Really? Wow, that's pretty hot.” I noticed that her husband was in the dining room with Jeff making cocktails.

Smiling, Karla said, “Petey, I'm a slut. Every time I meet a guy I like I end up cheating on him. If you don't judge me I won't judge you.”

“I definitely won't judge you.”

Monica asked, “Are you really willing to let Leanne party with Randy?”

“As long as it's just sex, sure. Love and sex are not synonyms. Love is an emotional bond between two people. Sex is a physical activity, a fun physical activity, but that's all it is. As long as Leanne doesn't fall in love with Randy I'm okay with them being together.”

“Wow, do you really believe that?” Monica was clearly amazed.

I answered, “I do, but I also have to admit that thinking about Leanne with another guy excites me.”

Karla said, “Petey honey, I wish I'd found you first. You just might be the perfect husband.”

“Sometimes I wonder if Leanne believes that.”

Karla patted my cheek. “Oh believe me sweetie, she does.”

The party was a great success. By 10:00 there were at least thirty people in our house. Leanne was a perfect hostess, mingling with everyone. Randy was next to her the entire evening. Several times I noticed them holding hands while Leanne conversed with her guests. 

I heard one woman say to another, “Leanne's husband is a very handsome man.” My excitement sky rocketed as I realized they were talking about Randy.  

I spent the evening in the dining room supervising the bar and the light buffet making sure there was plenty of wine, liquor and food available for Leanne's guests.

Around 11:00 people started to leave. Leanne and Randy stood by our front door saying goodbye and thanking everyone for coming. Mark and Monica were going to their lake home in the morning so they were among the first guests to leave. By 11:30 everyone but Randy, Karla and Jeff were gone.

They sat together in the living room while I put the leftover food in the refrigerator. When I finished I joined them. Randy and Leanne were sitting on the couch. Randy had his arm around my wife. She was cuddled up to him. Jeff was sitting in one or our stuffed chairs. Karla was sitting on his lap.

As I entered the living room Randy was telling an off-color joke about a woman who loved to suck cocks and discovered that she had a second clitoris in her throat. I glanced at Leanne and Karla, they were laughing as hard as Randy and Jeff.

Obviously intoxicated, Karla said, “Le, we both must have clits in our throats because we both love to suck cocks.” All of them laughed again. 

Leanne grinned at Karla. “We were a couple of sluts.”

Karla laughed. “I still am. 

Leanne smiled at me and said, “Maybe I am too.”

I nodded.

Randy looked at both of us with a questioning expression. He still had his arm around Leanne. 

Jeff said, “Randy, Karla and I are going to my place. Can we give you a lift to your hotel.”

Leanne looked at me and said, “Randy is checked into the Marriott, but I think it would be nice if he stayed here tonight.”

I said, “I agree. It's getting late.”

Leanne asked Randy, “Would you like to stay here tonight? You can use our guest room.”

Randy said, “It would be easier.”

Jeff and Karla stood up. Jeff said, “Well I guess that's settled. We'd better get going.”

Leanne, Randy and I stood up and walked Jeff and Karla to the front door

As Jeff was was opening the front door, Karla giggled. “He can't wait to get his cock in my mouth.” Grabbing Jeff's arm she added, “Hey tiger, if you're a good boy I'll suck you off while you're driving us to your apartment.”

Leanne said, “Don't do anything that will get you arrested.”

Still giggling, Karla said, “Don't worry Le, I'll make sure he keeps his eyes on the road.”

I closed the front door. When I turned around I notice that Randy was standing behind my wife with his arms around her. He was cupping her breasts with his hands.

Leanne said, “Petey would you mind if I joined Randy in the guest room tonight?”

“Not at all.” And then I added, “But why don't I take the guest room. You'll be more comfortable in the master bedroom. The king sized bed and full bathroom will be nice for you. You also might want to shower together before you go to bed.”

Clearly amazed by the way things were developing, Randy said, “Peter, you're a very generous man.”

“I try to make Leanne happy. I'll go get the things I'll need from the master bedroom and then the two of you can make yourselves comfortable.”

“Thank you Peter. We're going to make ourselves very comfortable.” Randy turned my wife around and kissed her hard on the lips. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him back. As they kissed Randy's hands dropped to Leanne's rear. He pulled up the hem of her skirt, slipped his hand into the back of her lace panties and began kneading her bare butt cheeks.

I said, “I'll be quick.” I hurried into the master bedroom and bath and gathered up everything I'd need for the rest of the night and the next morning. As I was carrying everything to the guest bedroom I called, “I'm done, the bedroom is yours.”

I heard them giggling like teenagers as they came down the hallway, went into the master bedroom and closed the door. I left the guest bedroom door open and listened. There was several minutes of silence and then I heard the shower in the master bath. I assumed they were showering together.

There was more silence and then I heard the muffled murmur of conversation. They were out of the shower. I was hoping the Leanne would come into the guest bedroom and kiss me good night, but there was only silence. I continued listening. Finally I heard Leanne sigh and moan. It was a sound I knew well. Randy was fucking her.

I was disappointed that she hadn't come into the guest bedroom to kiss me goodnight, but she was excited and she'd consumed a lot of alcohol. I tried to understand.

The sounds of sex finally ended around 2:00. Once I was convinced they were finished for the night I masturbated and feel asleep immediately.

The next morning I slept until 8:30. As I got up I listened for sounds from the master bedroom, but there was only silence. After I showered, shaved and dressed I went into the living room and began cleaning up from the party.

An hour later I again heard the muffled sounds of sex coming from the master bedroom. I continued straightening the house. At 10:30 I heard the shower in the master bath. Twenty minutes later the master bedroom door opened and after a moment Leanne and Randy walked into the living room holding hands.

Leanne said, “Good morning Petey," but she didn't come over to me and hug or kiss me. She just kept holding Randy's hand.

Again chalking it up to the excitement of the situation, I said, “You must be hungry. Can I make you some breakfast?”

Leanne said, “Thank you sweetie, but we're going to the Marriott to get Randy's things.”

I stared at Leanne. After a moment she said, “We are not going to make him stay in a hotel when he can easily stay with us.”

I probably should have objected, but I didn't. This was still a version of my fantasy, and I didn't want to create a disturbance.

It was almost 7:00 when they returned. I had a pot of spaghetti sauce simmering on the stove. When they came in through the door from the garage to the kitchen Randy was carrying his duffel bag. Leanne was carrying several packages.

Without consulting me Leanne said to Randy, “Put your bag in the master bedroom.” And then she handed the packages she was carrying to him and said, “Put these in our bedroom too.” Apparently the master bedroom was now they're bedroom.

Again I probably should have objected, but this was still my fantasy. It was starting to go awry, but I'd been badgering Leanne to do something like this since we were married. Objecting now seemed horribly hypocritical.

As soon as Randy was out of the kitchen I said, “You were gone all day.”

“When we got to the Marriott Randy asked for a late check out. They must not have needed the room because they agreed. Petey honey, fucking in a nice hotel room is really hot.”

Shrugging, I said, “I wouldn't know. I've never done that.”

Leanne stared at me. It almost seemed like she felt a pang of guilt, but then she shrugged and said, “After we left the hotel we went to the mall. Randy needed some things. While we were there we passed a Victoria Secret. Randy pulled me inside and bought me some really sexy lingerie. I can't wait to model it for him.”

“I'd like to see it too.”

Leanne patted my cheek. “Sweetie, that is so cute. Randy bought it for me. Maybe after I wear it with him he'll let me wear it for you.”

I didn't know how to respond. My raging cuckold fantasies were clouding my reason. While I knew I should cry foul, another part of was as sexually aroused as I'd ever been.

We ate dinner together. After we ate the three of us cleaned the kitchen and then we moved into the den to watch a movie. Actually I was the only one who watched the movie. Leanne and Randy sat on the love seat making out while I sat alone in a stuffed chair.  As soon as the movie ended they raced into the master bedroom. I lay alone in the guest bedroom listening to them fuck, hoping that Leanne would at least come in to kiss me goodnight. Once again I was disappointed.

Monday morning Leanne and Randy were up early. They both had to go to work. Randy had returned because the local GM Cadillac dealership had offered him a job as a salesman. Leanne had told me that he'd been working as a new car salesman in California, so I wasn't sure why this was a promotion, but I didn't think it was polite to question him.

I didn't have to go to work. It was mid June. I was an elementary school teacher. The school year had ended two weeks earlier. While I didn't get paid during the summer months I saved a portion of each paycheck so that I didn't have to work at another job. I spent the day playing golf.

At 4:00 Leanne called and told me that I was on my own for dinner. Randy was taking her to The Colonial Grill, one of the cities nicest restaurants. They got home just before 10:00. 

Before they went into the bedroom Leanne told me that the next night, Tuesday, they were having dinner with the other salesman at Randy's new dealership. They were all bringing their wives or girlfriends. Leanne was going as Randy's girlfriend. After she told me this she patted my cheek and said, “Isn't it hot that I now have a boyfriend.”

I was starting to question that premise. 

Tuesday night Leanne and Randy didn't get home until after 11:00. They went right to bed. Again, Leanne didn't come into the guest bedroom to kiss me or even say goodnight.

Wednesday night they went clubbing and again didn't get home until after 11:00. I was beginning to feel like I was living alone.

Thursday morning, before she left for work, Leanne told me that Karla was having a few of the old gang over for dinner. I asked, “What time are we supposed to be there?”

Shaking her head, Leanne said, “Oh baby, you don't know any of these people. We'll be spending the entire evening reminiscing about old times. You'll just be bored.”

“So I'm not invited.”

“Baby, don't be like that. This is sort of a reunion. You know, like a class reunion. Please give me some space.” 

Thursday night I again ate dinner alone. It was almost midnight when Leanne and Randy got home. I was still up. When they walked through the door from the garage to the kitchen it was obvious that both Leanne and Randy were intoxicated.

Leanne had her arm wrapped around Randy's waist. When she saw me she said, “You're still up.”

I said, “Yes, when my wife is out I try to stay up until she gets home.”

Giggling, Leanne said to Randy, “Isn't he a sweetie?”

Randy smirked, “Yeah, he's a prince”

Ignoring Randy's sarcasm, Leanne said, “We had such a good time tonight. It was Jeff and Karla and Monica and Mark and several other old friends. It's so much fun to have the old gang together again.”

I nodded. I didn't know  what else to do.

Leanne continued. “Monica's boyfriend Mark is kind of wealthy. He has a three bedroom house on Cross Lake.”

Minnesota is the land of 10,000 lakes. Second homes on the northern lakes are a popular luxury for the affluent. Cross Lake is one of the more upscale lakes.

I said, “Okay.”

Leanne said, “They invited us to spend the weekend there with them.”

I answered, “That sounds great, what time do you want to leave tomorrow. I'll be ready.”

Shaking her head, Leanne said, “No sweetie, you're not invited. It's a couples weekend. Karla will be there with Jeff, Monica will be there with Mark and I'll be there with Randy. You won't fit in. Their house only has three bedrooms, there won't be any place for you to sleep and you'd be a fifth wheel.”

“So you're my wife, but you're going on a couples weekend with another man.”

“I'm going with my boyfriend.”

“Leanne, I've been patient. I've put up with a lot this week, but this is too much.”

Glaring at me, Leanne said, “No, you've been begging me to fool around with other men for three years. This is your fantasy. You asked me to do this, no you begged me to do it. I'm finally doing it. Don't you dare object now.” Taking Randy's hand, Leanne said, “Come on baby, lets go to our bedroom. I want to suck your cock before we go to sleep.”

As they were leaving the kitchen I said, “Leanne, I didn't agree to this.”

Leanne stopped and looked back at me. “Of course you did. You begged me to do it.”

I shook my head. “No, I told you that you could play with another man, not fall in love with him.”

“Fuck you Peter! Fuck you!” Leanne stormed out of the kitchen.

That night I was so angry I barely slept. The next morning, when Leanne and Randy walked into the kitchen I left. As I was walking out of the room Leanne said, “I see you're being very mature today.”

I stopped and turned. For a moment I glared at Leanne. I wanted to scream at her, but I didn't. Yelling wasn't going to resolve this conflict. I was starting to believe that nothing was going to resolve this conflict. Feeling defeated, I left the kitchen.

As I walked through the dining room, Leanne screamed, “You asked for this!”

Unable to control myself I stopped and said, “No, I never asked for this. I never asked to be ignored. I never asked to be left alone night after night.”

“You begged me to start fucking other men. What did you think was going to happen?”

“Honestly? I thought you'd have fun with some other guys, but you'd continue loving me.”

For a moment Leanne was silent, but then she screamed, “Fuck you Peter! Fuck you!" And then she said, “Come on Randy, let's get out of here.” I heard the door to the garage slam closed. They'd left to go to work.

I was angry and I knew that I couldn't continue living in this situation. I had to get out of the house. I went into the master bedroom. The bed was made. There were two packed overnight bags on the floor next to the bed. As soon as they got home Leanne and Randy were ready to leave for their couples weekend up north.

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I took my largest duffel bag out of our storage closet and packed everything I'd need for the rest of the summer. Leanne was leaving me for Randy. This may have been partly my fault. I did encourage her to have sex with him, but it was still going to be painful. I didn't need to stay here and wallow in that pain.

After packing my duffel I loaded it and my golf clubs into my Subaru Forester. Once that was done I walked back into our house, sat down in the living room and started to think. 

Leanne was the love of my life. I'd always imagined us growing old together. Now it looked like that wasn't going to happen. I'd foolishly encouraged Leanne to have sex with her old boyfriend. That had apparently been all they'd needed to rekindle the love they'd once felt for each other. 

Still, Leanne had also been in love with me. She married me. While she's ignored me for the past week I still clung to the hope that she might continue to have feelings for me. 

I was ready to leave, but I decided that before I gave up on Leanne and accepted that she was now with Randy I had to try one more time to see if she really loved me. 

I sat down in our den and waited. Time moved slowly. I tried reading, napping, and watching television. I even tried watching a porn movie. Nothing helped. Regardless of what I did time passed slowly.

Eventually it did pass. At 5:15 I heard the door from the garage open. Leanne called, “Petey, we're home.”

I sat quietly in the den. While I was hoping for an accord, I was still angry.

I heard them go into the bedroom. A moment later Leanne poked her head into the den and saw me sitting on our love seat. Randy was standing behind her holding their bags. She said, “You are here. Why didn't you answer me?”

“Would you have cared?”

“Of course I would. You're my husband.”

“I haven't felt like your husband, not since last Saturday night. You abandoned me.”

“What do you mean? I never abandoned you. I'm doing exactly what you begged me to do.”

“I encouraged you to enjoy sex with other men, much like you might enjoy tennis or golf with another man. We talked about that. You do remember, don't you?”

“Yes, I do remember, and I have, and still am, enjoying sex with Randy.”

“But you've ignored me.”

“What do you mean? I haven't ignored you.”

“Leanne, you've haven't slept with me for a week.”

“I've been doing what you asked me to do.”

“We haven't had sex for a week.”

“I'm not a machine. You wanted me to fuck Randy, so you shouldn't be surprised that you're not getting much right now.”

“We haven't even cuddled for a week.”

Leanne hesitated. After a moment she said, “It's been a busy week.”

“Leanne, we haven't talked all week. You haven't told me about your day, you haven't asked me about mine. At night, when I went to bed, you never came into the guest bedroom to kiss me goodnight, not one time. You've never even bothered to say goodnight to me.”

“That's not true!”

“Think about it, it is true.”

“God dammit Petey, this was your fantasy, not mine.”

“No, what's happened this week wasn't my fantasy. You abandoned me.”

“I'm just having fun with some old friends and you can't handle it.”

Randy was standing behind Leanne. She turned to him and said, “Come on baby. Let's get the fuck out of here. I want to go Monica's with you and have some fun. I want to spend the whole weekend fucking and sucking.”

As they stormed down the hallway, I yelled, “Leanne, if you go I won't be here when you get back.”

Leanne stopped. After a moment she said, “Of course you'll be here. You're my husband.”

“Leanne, you stopped treating me like a husband last Saturday.”

“Damn it Petey, you asked me to do this.”

“I never asked you to go on a couples weekend with another man.”

“Fuck you Petey, fuck you!”

“Good bye Leanne, I hope you and Randy have a nice life together.”

Randy, speaking for the first time said, “Come on Le, he's just being a jerk. Let's get the fuck out of here.” He pulled my wife down the hall. 

I heard the door from the kitchen to the garage open and close and then the garage door opened and closed. I heard a car start and they were gone.

I sat stunned, staring at the floor. My marriage to the woman I adored was over. I cried and then I sobbed. Finally I pulled myself together. I took a final walk around our house and then I went into the garage. 

I noticed that Leanne's BMW was still parked in her garage space. I assumed that the dealership that employed Randy had given him a car.

My duffel bag and golf clubs were already in my Subaru. I got into it, backed out of the garage, closed the garage door and drove away. It was 6:00 pm. I didn't know where I was going and I didn't care. 

I went south on I-35 and west on I-90. Two miles after I passed the last exit for Worthington, Minnesota I saw a sign that read, Gas, Food and Lodging next exit. I was tired and hungry. Food and lodging were what I needed. I got off the freeway. At the bottom of the exit ramp there was another sign. It read, “Parsons Creek, population 219. 

To my right there was a Motel 6 with a coffee shop next door. On the other side of the coffee shop there was a convenience store gas station. The coffee shop was closed, but the convenience store was open. I checked into the motel and walked over to the convenience store. 

They sold premade turkey and cheese sandwiches. I bought two of them, a bag of chips and two large cans of Coors beer and brought them back to my motel room. It was 10:00 pm. 

When I left my house I'd turned off my cell phone. I didn't want to talk to anyone. The four hour drive had tempered my anger. While I believed it was likely that Leanne hadn't even thought about me after she left our house with Randy, I was hoping that I might be wrong. I wanted to see if she'd tried to call me or if she'd sent me a text. This had been a horrible week, but I still loved her.

I turned my phone back on and was excited to see that I had two missed calls. They were both from Leanne. The first one was made a hour earlier. There was a message. I listened to it:

“Petey, please call me. I already miss you and I'm terrified that I might have lost you. You are the love of my life. I can't bear the thought of losing you. I'm at Mark and Monica's lake house. Monica and Karla are going to drive me home in the morning. I'm not going to sleep with Randy tonight. I'm going to sleep on the couch in their den. Randy's pretty pissed, but that's tough. I'm so sorry that I've ignored you this past week. I'm still trying to figure out what I was doing. Monica, Karla and I have been talking. They've helped me understand at least a little bit why I acted the way I did. Petey, I'm so ashamed. Please call me and let me at least try to explain.”

The second call was received while I was in the convenience store.  I listened to the message:

“Petey, I know you must be angry. This week I didn't have any idea about how much I was ignoring you while I was paying so much attention to Randy. You're right, that wasn't your fantasy. I'm so ashamed. I must have hurt you terribly. Going off on a couples weekend without you is one of the stupidest mistakes I've ever made. Please call me so we can talk.”

I was still hurting from our contentious confrontation before Leanne left for the couples weekend with Randy. While I wasn't yet ready to talk to Leanne, I did decide that I could send her a text.

“Leanne, the past several days were devastating for me. You are and will always be the love of my life, but you are correct, you hurt me. Your callous indifference towards me while you showered Randy with love and attention will be difficult for me to forget. I want to try, but you broke my heart. It may take some time for the wound to heal.

Love Petey” 

I sent the text. Five minutes later my cell phone chimed. It was Leanne. I answered the call and quickly said, “Leanne, I'm not yet ready to talk. Please understand, I need some time.”

“Petey, this isn't Leanne, this is Karla. Leanne is sobbing right now.”

“I'm sorry about that, but I've spent a lot of time crying tonight too.”

“I'm sure you have, but you still have to talk. The sooner you talk the sooner you can both start to heal.”

“It's going to take time Karla. Leanne destroyed my trust in her this past week. I never would have believed that was possible.”

“Petey, there's something you need to know. Please let me tell you.”


“It's going to take some time.”

“I'm not going anywhere.”

“Two years before she met you Leanne met Randy. Monica, Leanne and I were close friends, actually we were roommates. I was dating Jeff. Monica was dating a guy name Bob Feldman. Randy was handsome, funny, charming and very masculine. He was also a bad boy. Leanne loved bad boys. She fell for him immediately."

Karla paused for a moment and then she continued. “For that summer and fall life in our apartment was an ongoing party. The three guys were always there. We were like a big family. We were all having a wonderful time. When we get together Leanne, Monica and I still reminisce about the fun we had.”

Sighing, Karla said, “But then things began to change, especially between Leanne and Randy. You have to understand that while Randy is fun, handsome and great in bed, he can also be an immature, egotistical, domineering and totally unreliable asshole. Leanne was infatuated with him, but the more she got to know him the more she was confronted with his negative traits. Just before Christmas that year Leanne told Randy that she didn't want to see him anymore.”

I said, “I've never heard this.”

“I'm sure you haven't.”

“So what happened? Obviously they're friends now.”

“Randy can't handle rejection. He relentlessly tried to win Leanne back. When he wants to turn it on Randy can be quite charming. At times his charm nearly over came Leanne's resolve and she would start to waver, but she always managed to resist his efforts.  Finally, out of desperation, Randy proposed to Leanne. He thought offering to marry her would be the final enticement in his effort to win her back.”

“It didn't work.”

“Obviously not, Leanne immediately recognized it as a ploy. She also understood that Randy's faults were central to his character.”

“My wife is smart and perceptive.”

“Yes she is. Leanne's rejection of Randy's proposal crushed him. That was why he fled to California.”

“I always thought that Randy jilted Leanne.”

“That's what Randy told his friends. Leanne is a kind woman. She never disputed that fiction. It was a smart move on Leanne's part. It allowed Randy to gracefully come to terms with the end of their romantic relationship. Eventually they were able to become friends again. When Leanne told Randy she was marrying you he was actually happy for her.”

“So how did we end up in this mess.”

“That's actually your fault.”

“My fault?”

“Maybe not completely, but at least a little. We didn't really know that you had cuckold fantasies and were encouraging Leanne to have an affair with another man. She'd mentioned a few things, but Monica and I always assumed they were just bedroom games. You know, fantasies.”

“I didn't actually want her to have an affair.”

“Don't quibble with semantics. That was part of the problem. When you learned that Randy would be at the party last Saturday night you encouraged her to have sex with him.”

“Yeah, that is true.”

“You have to understand this. The summer and fall the six of us spent together in our apartment was memorable for all of us. When you encouraged Leanne to renew her sexual relationship with Randy she interpreted it as permission to relive the joy and excitement she experienced during that period of her life.”

“I'm beginning to understand.”

“When we arrived at the party we didn't realize that your cuckold fantasy might not just be a fantasy, so Leanne's sexually aggressive behavior towards Randy was a surprise to all of us, especially Randy. He'd assumed he was visiting an old girlfriend who was now married and was nothing more than a friend, a platonic friend. Suddenly she was making non platonic overtures to him. Randy adapts quickly. He assumed that Leanne was once again making herself available to him.”

“But not just as a temporary sexual partner.”

“No, Randy is in to making conquests. That's who he is.”

I chuckled. “This was a comedy of misconceptions. I was encouraging Leanne to take a lover and make my cuckold fantasies real. She was interpreting my encouragement  as permission to relive a memorable episode in her earlier life. And Randy saw it as an opportunity to corral a woman who'd eluded him. It's a farce. It's almost laughable.”

“So are you going to allow this farce to destroy your marriage?”

“No I'm not, please put Leanne on the phone.”

“I'm here Petey. Karla had the speaker turned on. I heard your entire conversation.”

“Do you agree with what she told me?”

“Yes, I was stupid.”

“So was I. We need to talk.”

“Could we?” 

“Yes Leanne, I want to talk. I don't want to lose you because of this.”

“I don't want to lose you either Petey.”

“Let's meet at the house tomorrow morning. I can be there around 10:30.”

“I can be there then too.” 

“Leanne, we can work this out.”

“I think we can too. Petey, I'm so sorry I treated you so callously.”

“I don't think that was your intention.”

“Believe me, it wasn't. I love you Petey.”

“I love you too Leanne, goodnight.”

“Goodnight Petey, I wish we were cuddled together in our bed at home.”

“I'd like that too. I'll see you tomorrow.”

“I can't wait.”

The next morning I was up early. I checked out of the Motel at 6:00 and was back at my house at 9:30. Fifteen minutes later I heard a car in our driveway. The garage door opened. I heard footsteps in the garage and then the door from the garage to the kitchen opened. 

Leanne stood in the doorway holding her overnight bag staring at me. 

I said, “Hi sweetheart.”

Dropping her overnight bag, Leanne ran to me, threw her arms around my neck and kissed me hard on the lips. I kissed her back. We held each other tightly for several minutes. 

Finally Leanne let go of me and stepped back. “Petey, I'm so sorry about everything.”

“It's okay, I understand. I'm not exactly innocent either.” I picked up Leanne's overnight bag and closed the door to the garage. “Let's go into the living room and sit down.”

Leanne nodded and walked into the living room. I set her overnight bag on the kitchen table and followed her.

She asked, “Can we sit together on the couch?”

“I'd like that.” We sat down. 

For a moment we were both silent. Finally Leanne said, “I sort of understand why I acted the way I did this past week, but it was still stupid.”

“It was the first time we tried something like that. You and Randy have a lot of history, a lot of complicated history. He wasn't a good choice.”

Smiling, Leanne said, “You got that right.”

I said, “But you did have some fun, so it wasn't all bad.”

“Except my fun was at your expense.”

“It wasn't all bad for me either.”


“Yeah, some of it was pretty exciting.”

“Tell me.”

“Lying in bed in the guest room listening to Randy fucking you in the master bedroom was pretty hot.”

Leanne laughed. “You are a true cuckold at heart.”

“That's why we got into this mess.”

“Did anything else excite you?”

“Oh yes.”

“Let's hear it.”

“When you told me that you and Randy were going to have dinner with his new coworkers and he planned to introduce you to them as his girlfriend.”

“That excited you?”

“Yeah, the idea of you having a boyfriend is very exciting.”

“Now I'm confused. Isn't that what got us into trouble?”

“That's what's funny. The individual incidents, fucking in the master bedroom, being introduced as Randy's girlfriend, watching the two of you make out on the couch while we watched a movie together, even the couples trip to Monica's lake home, they were all exciting.” 

I paused to think for a moment and then I said, “It was the little things that hurt.”

“Not coming into the guest bedroom to kiss you goodnight.”

“That was one. Not greeting me or hugging me in the morning also bothered me. It felt like you not only fell in love with Randy, you also fell out of love with me. It would have been nice if once in awhile we could have sat alone, just the two of us, so we could talk about what was happening. You know, how we were feeling.”

“Yes, I can see where that would have been good for both of us. You understand that there was a reason that didn't occur.”

“Yeah, you were unconsciously reliving a memorable period of your life.”

“That's part of it, but there's more. Randy is not only great in bed, he's a free spirit. He lives in the moment. For short periods of time life with him can be exhilarating.” Leanne smiled. “Of course that lifestyle gets old quickly. You and I have a more stable, even staid lifestyle. It might not be as exciting as life with 
Randy, but it's a lot more comfortable. I will always prefer life with you.”

“I guess that's one of the reasons I felt so insecure last week. You so quickly embraced life with Randy. I thought I was losing you.”

“And I was caught up in my own enjoyment and not paying enough attention to your feelings. I knew that my infatuation with Randy was temporary. You didn't know that. I needed to have spent a lot more time reassuring you. I didn't do that. I'm sorry.” 

Leanne paused. After a moment she said, “There's something else I'm sorry about.”

“What is it?”

“I got angry with you. I actually swore at you several times. I will always regret that. I love you.”

“Were you really angry with me? I got angry too, but I think I was mostly angry with myself. You were doing exactly what I'd asked you to do and I couldn't handle it.”

“I wasn't giving you any support. Sadly when you pointed that out to me my first reaction was to blame you for pushing me into the situation. That was stupid. I wholeheatedly threw myself at Randy fully aware that I was once again jumping into his emotional quagmire.  

Leanne shook her head, “And that realization made me really mad. I fully understand Randy Milton and yet I continue to get trapped by the allure of his carnival lifestyle. What's the saying? Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. When I realized that I'd once again walked straight into his trap I got angry, of course I took that anger out on you.”
Nodding, I said, “Randy wasn't a congenial playmate for us. Enjoying a little hot sex with you wasn't enough for him.”

Leanne laughed. “No, Randy has always interpreted my refusal to marry him as an affront to his manhood. He's never understood that I didn't marry him because he often acts like an immature little boy. When I came onto him so hard during the party last Saturday night Randy assumed that I'd reconsidered my refusal and immediately employed all of his considerable charm to try to complete his conquest of me and erase the humiliation of my rejection.”

“That's a pretty intense indictment of him.”

“No, Randy is a lot of fun. I will always enjoy him. I'm just realistic about his faults. I'm going to miss him.”

“Now that I have a better understanding of the situation you could still occasionally see him.”

Leanne shook her head. “No, you and I would understand. Randy wouldn't. Seeing him again would only give him more false hopes that would eventually have to be squashed.”

“I see.”

“But we have learned a lot about each other's desires. Right now I think we need a little time to reestablish our mutual trust, but if you're interested I'd be willing to try this again with another guy.”

“I'm very interested, but you can't have a history with the guy.”

“Definitely not and he has to be looking for the same thing we are, a little hot action on the side and nothing more. I think we should look for a guy who's married but occasionally likes to stray.”

“I think that's an excellent plan.”

Six weeks later, a Tuesday evening, Leanne and I had just finished cleaning the kitchen after dinner. We were sitting on the couch watching television.

Leanne said, “Petey can we talk for a minute?”

“Certainly.” I muted the television.

“You know I've been working on the redecoration of that accounting office in the Widmer Building.”


“There's an attorney who has an office on the same floor. Two weeks ago he started flirting with me. He's devilishly handsome and married.”

“He sounds interesting.”

“He's very interesting. His name is Charles Mattson. He asked me to have a drink with him in his office after work tomorrow evening.”

“In his office.”

“Yes, we'd be all alone. He told me he has a comfortable couch.”

“He's not being subtle.”

“No he's not. I find his agressiveness attractive.”

“If you want to accept his invitation you have my blessing, my eager blessing.”

“I was hoping you'd feel that way.”

Written by goodhusband
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