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Road Trip

"Devin discovers a lot about his coworker on their road trip together."

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If only I had known how things were going to turn out, I would have been utterly delighted about a road trip with Claude. As it was, I was utterly terrified. It all started when my boss, Mr. Walker, walked into my office on, what had been to that point, a typical Tuesday afternoon at work.

“Devin, we’ve got a real mess in Texas. I’m sending Claude down to see what the hell is going on and get things straightened out.” He said with a troubled expression. “I need an engineer to go down with him. If we don’t get this job back on track...” he trailed off, looking at me with worried pleading eyes. “Can you do it?”

“Umm yeah, I can go. That’s Mike’s project, you don’t want him to go?” I answered, wondering what had happened with the project.

“Mike’s going to have his hands full here, I need another engineer on-site to help him get things back on track.”

“Oh, okay, yeah I’ll go. When are we leaving?” I asked, taking pride in the fact that he had enough confidence in me to ask for my help with such an important project. I was also a bit worried about what sort of mess I was getting into and hoping I was up to the challenge of fixing it.

“Tomorrow. Claude has to take his tools and some equipment down, so you can ride down in the truck with him. I don’t know how long it’s going to take to get this fixed so plan on being there for a while. Claude will probably want to get on the road early so, get with him on the details. Thanks for doing this Devin, I can’t tell you how important this is for the company. Get with Claude to figure out the details then take the rest of the day to make whatever arrangements you need to before you leave,” he said with a fatherly squeeze of my shoulder.

Though he tried to hide it, the worry was clear in Mr. Walker’s demeanor and I realized, this could be disastrous for the company if we couldn’t get the project back on track. I also realized what an opportunity it could be for me if I was able to help straighten out the mess. I excitedly packed everything from my desk that I might need, then shut down my computer and went to find Claude. That’s when the fear began to build.

Claude was somewhat of a legend around the company. He was a barrel-chested bear of a man, standing 6’4” and 280 pounds with tattooed arms thicker than most men’s legs. At the age of fifty-one, his long bushy beard was streaked gray, though the wavy locks hanging down to his shoulders remained ruddy brown.

I had never actually met Claude but, in the short time I’d been with the company I’d heard all about him. He had been with the company for over twenty years and had been the foreman on many projects. Claude’s projects always came in on time and under budget. Claude was known around the company as a straightforward man who knew how to get things done and tolerated no bullshit from anyone, including Mr. Walker. In recent years he’d grown tired of always being away from home on projects and transitioned to working in the shop. He’d been offered a management position but, turned it down because he didn’t want to be stuck in an office all day. Claude was respected, and a little feared, throughout the company. I’d heard many stories about hapless individuals unfortunate enough to have angered Claude, including one where he dangled an incompetent plumber off the side of a four-story building. Though I suspected many of the stories to have become more and more exaggerated every time they were told, I was still terrified about going on the road with him.

It was a bit of a walk through the shop and out to the yard to find Claude. Walking through the shop, with all the noise, big pieces of steel swinging from overhead cranes, and burly ultra-masculine workers everywhere, always made me uncomfortable, but this time, my impending meeting with Claude tripled my anxiety. As I walked, all the stories I’d heard about Claude, circulated through my mind, only making me more and more apprehensive about traveling and working with him, possibly for an extended period of time.

“Be careful with that! I need this shit to work when I get to Texas!” Claude yelled at the two men helping him load the truck as I approached.

“I, um, Claude?” I asked meekly.

“Yeah,” he grunted looking back over his shoulder.

“Um, I’m Devin Kershaw…” I started.

“I know who you are, you’re going to Texas with me tomorrow,” he interrupted, turning to fix me with an ominous stare. I stared back, transfixed by the most brilliant deep-set blue eyes I’d ever seen. “We need to be on the road by six tomorrow. Where do you live?” he continued, ignoring my lack of response.

“I uh I live on Maple Drive just off Main Street,” I stammered surprised by the question.

“Ok, gimme your address and I’ll pick you up,” he said, shoving a clipboard into my hands.

“Uh, yeah okay,” I stammered, searching the crowded page of notes for a blank space to write.

“Third page, at the bottom,” Claude muttered, turning his attention back to the equipment being loaded on the truck. “Hey, not like that! Turn it the other way!” He yelled and started toward the men loading the truck.

I flipped to the third page of notes and added my address below the others written there. I approached as Claude was explaining how he wanted the truck loaded and waited till he finished before handing the clipboard back to him.

“Just open the door and throw that on the seat. I’ll be there at quarter ta six,” he said, turning his back and resuming his instruction.

I did as I’d been told and headed back to my office feeling like a schoolboy who’d just been dismissed by his teacher. Between his physical stature and abrupt manner, Claude was the most intimidating man I’d ever met. Our brief interaction had done nothing to quell my apprehension about our rapidly approaching assignment. I spent the rest of the day packing and preparing for an extended period away from home. I placed my bags next to the front door and made sure everything had been taken care of around the house before falling into bed for a restless sleep.

I was standing by the door ready to go when the truck stopped in front of my house, as I’d expected, promptly at 5:45 a.m. Claude jumped down from the truck and came to help as I lugged my heavy bags out onto the porch.

“Morning Devin, ready to hit the road?” he said, an unexpectedly friendly tone to his deep voice.

“Morning Claude, all packed and ready,” I answered proudly.

“Did you shut the water off?” He asked, snatching up two of my bags as though they weighed nothing at all.

“The water? Ah no, should I have? I’m not sure who to call for that,” I replied unsure why I needed to do that.

“Don’t need to call anyone, just shut the valve off. You don’t want something springing a leak and flooding the place when no one’s home,” he explained, “let’s get these loaded in the truck and I’ll show you.”

I followed Claude to the truck, struggling with the weight of one bag, as he carried the other two. “Climb in and I’ll hand these up to you. Just throw em back in the sleeper,” he instructed, opening the door. “Sure you packed enough? You want to go back for the kitchen sink or washer and dryer?” Claude chuckled as he hoisted my bags into the cab.

“Mr. Walker said we might be there a while, I wasn’t sure what to pack,” I answered, my face turning red at the thought of Claude discovering the contents of my bags.

I was having trouble wrestling the heavy bags into the sleeper and Claude climbed up behind me to help. I trembled at the feel of his bulk and strength overwhelming me as our bodies pressed together in the tight space of the cab. I was stunned by his strength as he tossed the bags, that I could barely lift, as if they were weightless. Claude got the bags arranged in the sleeper and lead the way back into my house.

“This place is spotless. You got a maid or something?” Claude asked as we walked through the house.

“No, I do the cleaning myself,” I answered feeling proud.

“Huh, maybe I should let you move into my place,” he chuckled.

A shiver ran through me at the thought of being Claude’s housemaid. Claude continued through my house to the utility room and showed me how to turn off the water main. I was a little embarrassed at being an engineer and not knowing how to do something so simple and was glad, Claude was there to do it.

We climbed into the truck and headed for Texas. I’d never been in a big truck before and couldn’t believe how different it seemed, sitting up so high and looking down on cars. It also struck me how complicated it seemed to drive. There were buttons, switches, and levers everywhere and there seemed to be an endless selection of gears as Claude constantly shifted the lever. I had never even tried to drive a manual transmission, Claude appeared to me as a virtuoso playing his instrument with ease as he shifted gears, flipped switches, and guided the forty-ton behemoth down the road, all the while, sipping from a giant cup of coffee.

“You like good music?” Claude asked once we were on the interstate and up to speed. Then turned up the stereo without waiting for an answer.

The sound of AC/DC filled the cab at eardrum bursting volume and Claude smiled as he produced the biggest cigar I had ever seen.

“Smoke?” he shouted, offering the cigar to me.

I shook my head and thought about reminding him, smoking was not allowed in any company vehicles but decided that probably wasn’t prudent at that point. With a shrug, Claude clamped the cigar between his teeth and lit it. Though he cracked his window and blew the smoke out, the aroma soon reached my nose and, surprisingly, I found the smell quite pleasant.

As we traveled, Claude would occasionally turn the music down for a brief conversation, once to take a call from Mr. Walker. In the course of their conversation, Claude referred to Mr. Walker by his first name and cursed several times. I was shocked to hear him addressing the owner of the company in such a familiar and casual manner. I’d never heard anyone address Mr. Walker in any but, a professional and respectful manner. Apparently, Claude had a very different relationship with the boss than any other employee.

We stopped at a truck stop for fuel and lunch. Claude flirted with our waitress, a very pretty brunette, at least twenty years younger than he, nonstop as we ate and practically had her sitting in his lap by the time we finished eating. She even gave him her number and told him to call the next time he was passing through. I was astonished how quickly, and easily, Claude was able to cause such an attractive young woman to swoon.

It was nearly six o’clock when we pulled into Las Cruces, New Mexico, and stopped in front of a small house at the edge of town. I gave Claude a questioning look, wondering why in the world we were stopping here.

“Come on, let’s get some grub and a piece of ass,” he grinned, climbing out of the truck.

The door slammed before I could say anything and Claude walked around the front of the truck. As I opened the door to get out, a young brunette emerged from the house and ran down the walk.

“Daddy!” She exclaimed, leaping into Claude’s arms and throwing her arms around his neck. “I’m so happy to see you, it’s been so long since you were here,” she continued as I climbed down. “You brought a friend too?”

“Yeah, that’s Devin, found him on the side of the road in Colorado,” Claude winked.

“Hi Devin, I’m Lacy,” she smiled over Claude’s shoulder as he carried her into the house.

“Nice to meet you Lacy,” I said, following them, surprised to learn, Claude, apparently, had a daughter in Las Cruces.

Stepping through the door, I was met with the smell of roast beef cooking and my stomach rumbled. An older version of Lacy appeared as we entered and Claude set Lacy down with a kiss on the cheek and embraced the woman.

“Hiya baby,” he said before kissing her red-painted lips.

I looked awkwardly in Lacy’s direction as the embrace went on and on. Lacy rolled her eyes and smiled.

“You get used to it after a while,” she laughed.

“This is Devin, be gentle with this one,” Claude joked when they finally broke apart.

“Hi Devin, I’m Claude’s ol' lady, Sandy,” she said, throwing her arms around me in a firm hug and kissing my cheek.

The hug surprised me and I mumbled out a response as she squeezed me tight enough to restrict my breathing. As Sandy released me and stepped back to stand beside Lacy, I got a look at them side by side and thought, other than the obvious difference in their ages, they could be twins. Both had long brown hair nearly to their narrow waists, long legs, perfectly round B-cup breasts, and hazel eyes. While Sandy wore very short tight-fitting shorts and an equally tight tank top, Lacy dressed much more conservatively in tight jeans and a loose-fitting t-shirt.

“Come on in boys, dinner’s ready,” Sandy said, leading the way to the kitchen.

Sandy had prepared a veritable feast for us and it may have been the best meal I’d ever had. Throughout dinner, Sandy, Lacy, and I chatted pleasantly and I discovered Lacy was working on a degree in structural engineering. For his part, Claude listened in on the conversation only contributing a few abrupt comments between bites. After dinner, I tried to help with the dishes but, Sandy would not allow it and ushered me into the living room where Claude was lounging in a recliner reading the paper. I took a seat on the sofa and took out my phone to check my e-mail. Sandy returned a moment later with glasses of whiskey on ice for Claude and me. She placed a coaster and my glass on the coffee table then handed the other to Claude.

“Thanks, baby you’re the best,” Claude said, taking the whiskey with one hand and squeezing Sandy’s ass with the other.

“That’s right, and you’re gonna thank me for it tonight,” a mischievous smile spread over Sandy’s pretty face as she leaned down for a lingering kiss.

“You can count on that,” Claude chuckled,  caressing her firm bottom again.

Sandy noticed I hadn’t touched the whiskey and asked if I’d prefer a beer or something else on her way back to the kitchen. I declined, saying whiskey was fine, though I had no intention of drinking it. Claude took a long drink of his whiskey.

“You don’t have to be shy, she’ll bring you anything you want. She loves taking care of people,” he said before returning to his paper.

“No, whiskey is fine, I’m good,” I said, lifting the glass and sipping lightly. I grimaced as the amber liquid burned its way down my throat.

Claude laughed and resumed reading. I returned to my e-mail as Claude studied the paper and sipped his whiskey until the girls came in from the kitchen, bringing fresh whiskeys for each of us.

Claude set his paper aside, “Come here baby girl,” he smiled at Lacy.

Lacy crossed the room quickly and climbed into his lap. I thought it was a little strange for a young woman to sit in her father’s lap like that but, said nothing. Claude hugged her and I could tell from the smile on his face that she meant the world to him.

“How are you doing in school, baby girl?” He asked.

“Pretty good, I’m not sure I want to be an engineer though. I think I might want to try something else,” Lacy answered, sounding a bit nervous.

“What? We talked about this. You said you wanted to be an engineer. What changed?” Claude asked, looking concerned.

At this point, Sandy intervened, “She’s young Claude, she needs to explore a little and figure out what she wants. And there’s something in the bedroom that I want,” she said giving Claude a sensuous smile.

“I’ll be right there. We need to talk about this first,” he answered.

“I’ll be in the bedroom. Waiting,” Sandy pouted and left the room.

Lacy rolled her eyes at her mother and turned to Claude. “I don’t know, engineering just seems boring. I think I want to do something more exciting,” she explained.

“Well, honey, if you have a good job, making good money, then you can have all the excitement you want after work. Some things are exciting and some things pay the bills. Not very many are exciting and pay well,” Claude explained.

“I know, I’m just not sure it’s what I want to do,” Lacy said.

“Devin is an engineer. Talk to him, he can tell you exactly what it’s like,” Claude told her.

Lacy turned to me with a smile, “Okay, that’s a good idea,” she said.

“Good, now what else have you been up to?” Claude asked, obviously pleased that she had agreed to talk with me.

“Not much, I’ve been really busy with school. I went to a concert with my friends last weekend. It was fun and I met a really nice guy there,” she giggled.

Claude frowned, “What did I tell you about boys?” He asked sternly.

Lacy rolled her eyes. “They’re idiots and I should stay away from all of them.”


“And if I don’t stay away at least don’t get knocked up. No babies before graduation,” she recited as though it were a bible verse.

“Good girl. Now you and Devin have a talk while I go take care of your mom,” Claude winked, nudging Lacy off his lap.

“Daddy, gross,” Lacy grimaced.

“That’s right, it’s very very gross. Remember that,” Claude smiled. Just before exiting the room, he turned to me with a stern look and said, “Devin, that’s my little girl, so, don’t do anything stupid.”

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My jaw dropped and a chill ran down my spine as I nodded in response. Though I had zero intention of doing anything with Lacy, the simple warning was nonetheless terrifying as I imagined what the consequences of a dalliance with Claude’s Baby Girl might be.

“Don’t mind him, Daddy’s just teasing,” Lacy said with a squeeze of my shoulder.

“I don’t think so,” I said, scooting a little further away from her.

“Daddy only seems scary, he’s really just a big teddy bear. Besides, he likes you,” she smiled.

“Yeah, I don’t think he does,” I shook my head.

“Yes, he does, he’d never have brought you here if he didn’t. He definitely would never have suggested I talk to you about school,” she explained. “Let’s go outside to talk, it’s going to get really noisy in here.”

Lacy rolled her eyes and took my hand, pulling me up and leading me out to the patio where we had a pleasant conversation about school, my job, and life in general. She was a very bright and funny girl. I really enjoyed talking with her and lost track of time as we chatted. It was after midnight when I finally made it to bed.

Somewhere around four a.m., I discovered why Lacy had suggested we go outside to talk, as I was awoken by the sound of Sandy moaning and crying out in pleasure in the next room. Occasionally, Claude’s deep voice cut through the cacophony of noises coming from Sandy. As I lay listening to the lust-fueled symphony being orchestrated in the next room I couldn’t help reaching for the stiff member between my legs and stroking along as I envisioned myself partaking in the activities. Apparently, Claude had impressive staying power, as I exploded in orgasm long before the last of Sandy’s moaning died down.

Soon after the end of the performance, I quietly made my way to the bathroom to clean up and get dressed for the day. Claude and Lacy were in the kitchen having coffee and fixing breakfast when I finished in the bathroom.

“Morning,” they both greeted me.

Lacy brought me a steaming cup of coffee. “You were magnificent last night,” she said with a playful smile and kissed my cheek.

Claude’s head snapped around with a menacing stare and Lacy burst out in laughter. Claude turned a cold gaze to her for a moment before cracking a slight smile.

“You’re not too old to be put over my knee,” he grumbled, before gulping the last of his coffee. “I’m gonna take a quick shower, then we’ll hit the road.”

Lacy placed a plate of food before me then fixed one for herself. It was a much bigger breakfast than I normally eat, but it was delicious. We chatted more as we ate and she told me she had decided to continue with her degree after our talk the night before. Which, I was glad to hear as I thought she possessed the attributes of a great engineer.  I gave her my phone number and told her to call if she ever needed any help with her schoolwork. Again, I tried to help clean up after we finished eating, but Lacy poured me a fresh cup of coffee and insisted I sit while she cleaned up.

Claude and I were back in the truck and on our way by six a.m.  “Thanks for talking to Lacy last night. She told me you were a big help and she was gonna finish her engineering degree. It means a lot to me,” Claude said, as he lit a cigar.

“No problem, I’m glad I could help. She’s a great girl and really smart. She’ll be a really good engineer. You’re lucky to have a daughter like her,” I said, feeling glad to have earned his appreciation.

“She’s a great girl, but she’s not actually my daughter. I’m just the only one who’s ever given two shits about her. With a mother like Sandy, somebody had to take care of the girl,” Claude said the last part almost to himself.

I looked over almost in shock at his revelation. The three had seemed like a perfectly happy little family to me.

“Don’t get me wrong, Sandy is a great gal and a fantastic fuck, and she does love Lacy, more than anything, but she’s a shit mom. Lacy was about four when I met Sandy. She was out partying all the time, bringing guys home, and just leaving that little girl to fend for herself.” Claude shook his head.

“Wow, she seemed so nice last night, I’d have never guessed,” I said, feeling bad for Lacy.

“She is nice. She’s a great gal, she just doesn’t know how to be a mom. She was always great with Lacy, when she was around, she just wasn’t around much,” he sighed. “Anyway, I couldn’t stand to see that little girl not being taken care of, so I sat Sandy down and told her they were going to move into my house so I could see that Lacy was taken care of.”

“She moved in with you, just because you told her to?” I asked in shock.

“Of course she did, she was about to be evicted and had nowhere to go,” he scoffed. “They lived with me until Lacy was twelve. Sandy met some guy she was completely in love with and moved in with him for a few months, till Lacy told me he kept walking in when she was in the shower. Cocksucker!”

I could see the anger on his face at the memory. “What did you do?”

“I had another talk with Sandy, then I had a word with the cocksucker. I found Sandy an apartment close enough for Lacy to walk to my house whenever she needed. Lacy spent most of the time with me and Sandy did her thing until they moved here to be close to Lacy’s grandmother a couple years ago.”

I wanted to ask what he meant when he said he “had a word with the cocksucker” but figured I probably didn’t want to know. “Lacy’s lucky she had you,” I said, impressed by the way he had cared for someone else’s child.

“I don’t… I guess. I did what I could,” he grumbled. “She’s a good girl. I must’ve gotten a few things right,” he added with a little smile.

Claude reached over and turned up the stereo, putting an end to the conversation. Contrary to what I had thought, it had become clear to me that Claude was a deeply caring person, at least when it came to Lacy.

We arrived at our destination around four in the afternoon and despite the long drive, Claude got right to work the second we climbed out of the truck. We immediately toured the job site to assess the problems and formulate a plan. Upon completion of our assessment, Claude directed one of the workers to help set up a workstation for me in the office trailer, then went to meet with the general contractor in charge of the project. When he returned from the meeting an hour later, Claude went to the foreman’s office and shut the door. A few minutes later, the foreman could be heard yelling.

“Get the fuck off my job site!” Claude’s deep voice boomed over the yelling.

The office door flew open and the foreman stormed out of the office trailer. Claude emerged a moment later chewing on his cigar.

“Let’s go find our hotel and get some dinner,” he said to me and walked out.

Dave, the one helping me set up, stared after him with a stunned look on his face. “See you in the morning,” I said, following Claude out as though this were an everyday occurrence.

Over the last two days, I had grown comfortable with Claude and was no longer nervous interacting with him. However, that would change as we checked into our hotel. A mistake had been made with our reservation and the hotel only had one room reserved for the two of us. The manager apologized and assured Claude, he would have a second room the next night, but they were full that night.

“That’s fine we can share for one night,” Claude said.

I was suddenly frozen with panic, not because I didn’t want to share a room with Claude, but because my secret was about to be exposed, and I very much feared Claude’s reaction when he found out about me. What Claude didn’t know about me, was that I spent almost all of my time, outside of work, as a female. Even at work, I wore panties and stockings under my male clothes. Of the three heavy suitcases I’d brought, only one contained male clothes, the other two contained my normal wardrobe.

I was stuck in place trembling with fear as Claude picked up his bag and walked away. “You coming? Devin?” He asked, turning to look back at me.

The sound of his deep voice calling my name interrupted my thoughts. I nodded and trudged after him with my heavy bags on a luggage cart. We put our bags in the room then found a diner nearby for dinner. Claude talked through dinner about what a mess the project was and what we needed to do to straighten things out. Though, I hardly heard anything he said as I wrestled with the problem of showering, getting to bed, and dressing in the morning without exposing my secret to Claude. I could undress in the bathroom and hide my lingerie in my clothes, but I had nothing to wear to bed, not even a pair of boxer shorts. Claude had already commented on how much I had packed, how could I explain having three large suitcases and nothing to wear to bed. I could tell him, I always sleep in the nude though, exposing my smooth feminine body and painted toes to him could still be just as problematic.

As we returned to the room, I had, partially, formulated a plan, though I was trembling with fear that I wouldn’t be able to pull it off. “I need to shower,” I announced, ducking into the bathroom the second we entered our room.

After showering, I wrapped a towel around my waist and draped another over my shoulders effectively concealing most of my hairless body. I then carefully concealed my panties and stockings by rolling them up inside my trousers. “Bathroom’s free, if you want a shower,” I said, returning to the room and stashing my clothes in a dresser drawer, hoping, Claude didn’t notice my painted toes on the way to the bathroom. My plan was to slide under the covers while he was in the shower thereby being totally concealed when he returned.

Claude rose from the chair and walked to the bathroom. I was elated, my plan was working perfectly. I thought, until Claude stopped at the bathroom door and turned back.

“You know, you don’t have to hide your panties and stuff. I’ve known you were wearing them since you climbed up in the truck yesterday. I’ll bet your tight little ass looks pretty good in them too. Go ahead and put on something sexy if you want, I won’t mind. We can even have a little fun if you want,” he smiled and stepped into the bathroom.

I stood gaping at the closed door, stunned that not only did he know my secret but, that he had no problem with it. And, apparently, wanted to have sex with me. I remembered the feel of his big masculine body pressed against me as he arranged my bags the previous morning and became instantly aroused. As I started fumbling through my suitcase for something to put on, the sound of Sandy’s moaning that morning filled my addled brain.  I couldn’t focus or even think, my heart was racing and my dick was standing at attention.

As I had masturbated to Sandy’s cries of pleasure that morning, I had pictured myself taking her place, on my back, ankles on Claude’s broad shoulders as his stiff cock pounded me into submission. I picked up my favorite silky blue baby doll nightie with delicate lace trim. Every part of my body was tingling at the thought of being ravaged by an ultra-masculine bear like Claude. I searched through my bags to find everything I needed to make myself as sexy as possible for Claude.

Not having much time, I applied basic makeup to my face. Luckily, I can achieve an acceptably feminine look without a ton of work. I put on a matching blue bra and g-string and tucked inserts into the bra, then slipped the nightie over my head. I did a little spin, checking myself in the mirror. I looked good, though I wished I had time to do more than just brush out my long hair. I stepped into my heeled slippers just as the bathroom door opened.

Claude stepped out wearing only loose-fitting boxers. Water droplets sparkled in the thick nest of dark hair between his massive pectorals and the lighter trail leading down to the waistband of his boxers. I began salivating as my eyes settled on the pronounced bulge in the otherwise loose shorts.

“I knew you’d make a hot little bitch,” he growled, reaching down to rub the bulge. “See something you want?” He asked, crossing the room to stand mere inches from me.

I looked up into his dazzling blue eyes and nodded dumbly. A lusty smile spread over his rugged face as he took me in his arms and bent to kiss me softly. I could taste his cigars and whiskey as my lips parted to admit his broad tongue and his large hands encompassed my round ass. He lifted me effortlessly and my legs wrapped around him as he lay me gently on the bed. I felt completely helpless pinned beneath his massive body, and more turned on than I’d ever been. I’d always fantasized about being dominated by large rough men but, was always afraid of those same men. Claude was everything I’d ever dreamed of, and more. He was in complete control, crushing me under him and at the same time, so gentle with his kisses. I could feel the power in him as I caressed his wide shoulders and thick arms.

“You’re a hot little slut,” he growled, staring down at me and rubbing the lump in his boxers. “You want some of this?”

“Yes, please,” I nodded, reaching for his waistband.

Claude moved up as I tugged the boxers down, exposing the thickest, most perfect, uncut cock I’ve ever seen. I audibly gasped at the sight as he lifted the thick member and brought his big hairy balls to my mouth.

“Open up baby,” he said.

Obediently, my lips parted and he lowered his large hairy sack into my gaping mouth. I licked sucked kissed and worshiped each huge globe in turn as Claude expressed his pleasure with appreciative growls.

“That’s my girl, suck those nuts.”

I loved every second of having Claude’s scrotum covering half my face and showed my appreciation in every manner possible, including licking and sucking his bulging perineum. By the time Claude pulled back to direct the wide flared tip of his now hard shaft at my lips, my panties were soaked with the excretions from my stiff little clit. His thick cock stretched my lips to their limits as it invaded my warm welcoming mouth.

“Mmm good girl, get that cock ready for your tight little pussy,” he said, reaching back to run his big rough hand down between my wide-spread thighs.

I could feel his magnificent rod getting even bigger and harder in my mouth and moaned at the thought of the monster stretching my tight ass. Claude collected the wetness leaking from my clitty and began smearing it around my puckered hole. Moaning, I sucked his cock to the back of my mouth and tried to take it into my throat. It was too thick to swallow so I pulled back to worship the wide tip with my tongue.

“Oh yeah, that’s good, baby, keep working that dick,” Claude growled as his thick finger speared my puckered hole. “Mmmm that’s a tight little pussy you’ve got there.”

I moaned around the thick phallus filling my mouth and wriggled my hips, welcoming the invading digit. Tangy precum coated my tongue as a second finger further stretched my needy hole.

Claude pulled his hefty member from my mouth with a pop and moved down between my spread legs. Placing a large hand behind each knee, he lifted my legs, pushing them back toward my heaving chest.

“Let’s have a look at this hungry little pussy,” he grinned, pushing my g string down around my thighs. “Mmm look at that pretty little pussy,” he said before lowering his mouth and swirling his hot tongue around my puckered hole.

My own cock dripped precum directly in my mouth as Claude’s thick tongue expertly stimulated my needy hole. I thrashed and moaned at the exquisite pleasures brought about by his oral explorations.

“Oh god, fuck me, Daddy!” I screamed, “I need your big cock in my pussy.”

Claude smiled down from between my thighs before rising up and gripping his hard thick cock and shaking it. “You want this big cock in your tight pussy baby?”

“Yes, please Daddy, please fuck me,” I begged.

Claude easily flipped me face down on the bed and wedged the wide tip of his hard cock between my cheeks. I gasped as my tight ring stretched around his hot insistent invasion. Claude took his time sliding the entire length of his thick cock into me until his hips met my ass. Claude’s thick monster was the biggest I’d ever taken and I was glad he took his time entering me. I was so turned on, there was only minor discomfort from his entry. I moaned as his weight pressed my body into the mattress and he began kissing and nibbling my neck.

The feeling of being helplessly pinned under the solid weight of his much larger body as his magnificent hard shaft slowly stroked in and out of me was indescribably wonderful and I soon recognized the sounds coming from my mouth as the same as I’d heard through the wall that morning.

Claude licked nibbled and kissed my neck and ears as his hips pumped in a slow, steady rhythm sending electric waves throughout my body. His thrusts slowly increased in both tempo and force until he was pounding me mercilessly into the bed. My little clit was soaking the sheets beneath me with a steady stream as I moaned and gasped in ecstasy.

“Oh you’ve got a tight pussy baby,” Claude grunted, suddenly pulling out of my gaping hole and flipping me over onto my back before hoisting my legs over his shoulders and plunging back in.

Staring up at Claude’s broad fur-covered chest with my legs over his shoulders as his hard shaft plundered my cunt, I suddenly knew what it meant to be ravaged. No man I had ever been with had so completely taken control of my body and my pleasure. My mind was overwhelmed with the pleasures coursing through me and I feared I might pass out.

“Oh baby, you’re so hot, I’m about to fill you up,” Claude groaned, shoving his pulsing cock in as deep as it would go before his body tensed and hot cum flooded my hole.

Claude leaned down to kiss me as he slowly stroked his cock in my cream-filled cunt. “God damn! You’ve got a hot little ass,” he said, rolling over and reaching for a cigar.

I snuggled close beside him and thought what a wonderful assignment this was going to be.

Written by BadDog9
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