That Saturday will always be a fond memory. In just one day, my fantasies and dreams merged into reality. Two days before, I was a boy who wore his mother’s lingerie and pretended to be a girl. After that day, I was transforming into a girl. It reached deep inside of me. As I fell asleep that night, wearing a pink nightie, I felt at peace with myself.
When I awoke on Sunday, I lay there. I thought about what had happened. As I did, I felt tingly and my “clit” began to harden. I remembered that mom had said that clits could have erections. I reached down and stroked it, imagining I was a girl masturbating. I soon released a stream of warm juice.
After I ejaculated, I felt confused. “Was that okay?” I thought to myself. I got up and took off the negligee and slipped on a clean pair of panties. I put on one of my new bras. I decided to put on the wig I wore the day before and my robe. I went downstairs and found mom having coffee. “Well, good morning, young lady."
“Good morning, mom. How are you?”
“I’m great. Yesterday was exhilarating and fun. But I was thinking; I hope you don’t think I pushed you into doing anything you didn’t want to.”
“Mom, you didn’t push me into anything. I loved what we did together. I’m just so grateful for your support. I don’t think most moms would support their son wanting to be a girl.”
“I don’t care what most moms would do. I support you, no matter what. To be honest, I'm enjoying having a girl around.” No offense to the son you have been, but I think I prefer you this way.” Mom looked at me and said that I needed to get a new robe. “Something more feminine.”
“We should talk about where you are, and where we go from here,” mom said. “I assume you want to continue being a girl, given that you just got up and already have on your bra and panties.”
“Yes, I do, mom. But can ask you something?”
“Of course sweetie. Anything.”
“When I woke up this morning, I loved being in a pink nightie. I started thinking about yesterday. But as I did, my clitoris got very hard.”
“I think that that is normal honey,” mom replied. “That's going to happen. Did you masturbate?" she asked matter-of-factly.
“I did, mom. I wanted to make it go away. I was confused though. Is this what a girl should do?”
“Girls and boys both masturbate. I understand it is a little different for you, but it's just fine. And you don't want your clit poking out of your panties, so it's the right thing to do.”
“I want to explore my femininity and see where it takes me,” I told her. “I feel like it’s me.”
“Oh yes, dear. I see how it makes you so happy. And I want to help and explore it with you.”
Mom made breakfast and told me to get dressed in the skirt and sweater we had bought. “We’ll talk about what we can do to make you more feminine.”
That excited me. I went back upstairs and put on the sweater and skirt. I applied lipstick and put on the new sandals. When I came down, mom told me she had some ideas she wanted to talk to me about.
“I want you to be able to be yourself whenever you want. So I’m wondering what we do when your dad comes home. I'm not sure he’d understand.”
“I know, mom. I thought about that. I’ll just be Rob when he’s here. As much as I prefer being a girl, I can be a boy if I want to. Anyway, he seems to be traveling more than ever.”
Mom agreed. “He is making really good money, but he’s hardly ever home. He will be back tomorrow for two days and then gone for two weeks. But today I think we should shop some more. There are still things you need. I must admit, it’s really fun having a daughter to shop with.”
“Do you want another makeup lesson?" mom inquired.
“Oh, yes, mom,” I enthusiastically responded.
We went over everything and this time I did more of it myself. I loved putting mascara on my long lashes. I also learned about putting blush on. I still couldn’t get over how I looked.
“Let’s do your nails,” she said excitedly.
Mom got out some red nail polish. First, she used a file to shape them. Then she had me hold my hands out as she adeptly applied the polish.
“Let them dry for a few minutes. Oh, and one other thing. While you don't have much body hair, you should start shaving your legs.”
“Yes, mom, I will.”
She also instructed me on some finer points of being feminine. “You have to remember to keep your shoulders back when you walk. Also, move your arms more daintily.” I practiced a bit and mom told me I was making great progress. “And keep working on your voice and how you speak.”
“You are starting to sound like a girl, even when you’re in boy mode.” Mom giggled like she always did.
“I guess I better watch that,” but then I giggled like a girl.
Mom said she thought I should get some everyday clothes. “You can’t always be wearing pretty dresses. Think about what the girls at school wear and we’ll get things like that.”
“As much as you might like wearing dresses and skirts, girls also wear slacks, Capri pants, and simple shirts. But we’ll make sure it’s all girly stuff.”
After my makeup was done, we left to shop. Mom was happy to help me, and I was happy to be her daughter. It was so much fun trying things on in the stores. No one gave me a second look. We bought a few skirts, tops, some slacks, and a pair of dark pink Capris. We even went to the shoe section and mom introduced me to the same sales lady who had helped me the day before.
She was thrilled. “Oh, my goodness. You are darling.” We purchased a pair of pink gym shoes and told her we’d be back.
Mom insisted on getting me two nightgowns and a satin robe. We also bought two simple non-underwire bras. She explained that these were good for two reasons: to wear under my clothes when I had to be a boy because they wouldn’t show, and to sleep in if I wanted.
“Those are great ideas, mom. I would like to wear a bra to school and to sleep. A bra makes me feel like a girl.”
She thought I should get some pantyhose as well. Again, better to wear it in boy mode.
As we were about to leave, we walked past a jewelry store. “I’ve got an idea. Why don’t you get your ears pierced so you can wear earrings?
“I don’t know, mom,” I responded. “Won’t the pierces show when I’m in boy mode?”
She thought about it but told me she was seeing lots of boys wearing earrings. So off we went. It was quick and painless. We picked out a few pairs of earrings, from simple studs to dangly things. We also picked out a couple of necklaces. It was so much fun being a girl.
Dad was home for a couple of days and while we got along, he seemed distant. We went out to dinner and had a nice time. I did wear a bra and panties under my boy clothes. During dinner, dad told me that mom had suggested I receive a larger allowance. "She said you need nicer clothes for school," he explained. He told me he was going to give me a very nice allowance. Mom winked at me. Of course, he was off on another business trip.
Dad seemed to be gone more and longer. Of course, this allowed me to be the girl I wanted to be. I was dressing almost daily and mom just took it for granted. We’d go shopping together. That was always fun. Over time I developed a full wardrobe. At some point, I realized I owned more feminine clothing than male. 'Why not?'I thought. I preferred it.
One day, mom told me she had a surprise for me.
“Wear a blouse today.”
I was nervous. What was this about and why a blouse? We drove to a small building not far away and we went to an office on the second floor. A small sign said, “Sherry Wehr, Certified Prosthetist.” I had no idea.
When we entered, an attractive woman, probably in her fifties, greeted us. “Hello Elizabeth, and you must be Robin. Welcome. First of all, let me tell you you are a very pretty girl. Your mom has shared your secret with me. But I understand your mom hasn’t told you why you are here.”
I looked at mom and she told me not to worry. Sherry told me that she had dealt with lots of girls like me. “The reason you’re here is so I can fit you with prosthetic breast forms.”
I had read about these and I was immediately excited. Sherry brought out a box and opened it to show me the breast forms. She handed me one. It was amazing. It had the shape of a breast and had a soft feel, much more natural than the stuffed nylons I currently used.
“Let’s get you fitted. Robin, if you don’t mind, take off your blouse.” I did as told. “Oh, that bra is perfect.”
I was wearing a white lace underwire bra. She took out the bunched-up nylons stuffing each cup. Then she carefully slipped a form into each cup. A little adjustment and she said she thought they were perfect.
“Go ahead and feel them.” I did and it was amazing. Sherry told me to walk around the office. They jiggled slightly just like real breasts.
“Oh, mom what a great surprise.” I put on my blouse and looked in the mirror. The forms had nipples that showed subtly through the blouse. I was in heaven.
“Your mom told me that you are usually a girl so you may need a second set. Just let me know.” Sherry told me how to care for them and to feel free to call her with any questions.
“Oh Elizabeth, I almost forgot. I was able to get a few pairs of the special padded gaff panties. Do you want Robin to try one on?”
Mom explained that these were special panties that would hide my male part and give the appearance of a vagina, as well as give me more feminine hips. “Wow” was all I could say.
Sherry handed me a pair and sent me to another room. I took off my pantyhose and my panties. But I wasn’t sure how to put them on. They were very tight and seemed to have a firmer, thicker part in the crotch that looked like a mound with a slit in it.
I opened the door and told Sherry I was having trouble. She asked if she could come in. I said "okay." She came in and looked at my clit. “I have to say, Robin, you are bigger than most girls I see.” She just smiled. She helped me pull up the gaff and to tuck my “clitoris” (as she called it) into it.
“There you go. Look in the mirror.” I did and there was no bulge. Just a mound that looked like what I saw when I saw mom in her panties.
Sherry said, “Can we show your mom?” I nodded yes. She opened the door and asked her to come in. Mom looked at my crotch.
“Oh honey, isn’t that wonderful? It looks like you have a vagina.”
We all giggled. Sherry explained that this particular style had padded hips to give me a more feminine shape. Mom thought they looked great. I got dressed and thanked Sherry.
As we walked to the car I could feel the difference. My breasts jiggled and swayed. “Oh mom, what a wonderful surprise.” I couldn’t believe the difference. I was in heaven.
“Just another step in your feminization,” she said.
I was finishing my junior year in high school and was a top student. Everything came easy, even in the advanced classes. While I went to school as a boy, I almost always wore a bra, panties, and pantyhose now. It allowed me to feel like a girl even though I didn’t look like one. I had a couple of male friends, but we didn’t hang out together much. As. I indicated earlier, the jocks thought we were all gay. Maybe some were. I didn’t think I was because I had no interest in other males while I was in boy mode. However, I did seem to have different feelings when I was dressed. I seems to enjoy guys looking at me when I went to the mall with mom.
The majority of my friends were girls. They seemed to like me and I related to them. Probably my best friend was Linda. We were in several advanced classes and got along well. She was very attractive and always wore nice outfits and had perfect makeup, which of course I admired. She also had an incredible body and from my experience probably also wore a C-cup bra like me.
We would study together and I would help her. We’d meet at the library a lot. She had a nice boyfriend. Linda told me he didn’t mind her hanging with me because he thought I was gay. I didn’t care. It just made it easier to see her. She was always telling me how smart I was and she was so thankful for my help. We had started a study club that included three girls who were also in our advanced classes - Sharon, Lisa, and Nancy. Some of the guys referred to us as the “girls club.” I didn’t mind.
One day after school, Linda and I met to go over some lessons. We had been going over things for a when she guided me over to an empty corner of the library. Linda asked me if she could ask me something personal.
I said, "Sure! We’re friends.“
“Okay Rob, but please don’t be embarrassed. Are you wearing a bra?” she said with a sly smile on her face.
Oh god, I thought. I’m caught. Before I could say anything, she said, “I noticed when you bent over to pick up a pencil your sweater tightened across your back and, to be honest, I could make out bra straps. Please don’t be embarrassed. I’m not judging you.”

It took me a while, but finally, I admitted that I was wearing a bra. Linda smiled. “First of all, I’m asking you mainly because I don’t want you to be embarrassed by someone, especially some dumb jock who isn’t a friend like me.” “But let me also say that I knew there was something that made you different. Make that special. You are different from most guys in a very good way. You're more sensitive and sweet”
She asked if I minded if she asked more questions. For some reason, I didn’t mind. I felt somewhat liberated. She asked if I wore a bra often.
“Yes I do,” I responded.
“Do you wear panties?” I nodded. “Anything else? Do you wear dresses?”
I hesitated. Oh, what the heck. The cat was out of the bag. “Yes, I do.”
“So do you dress completely in girl's clothing?”
Again, I hesitated. “Rob, I’m not judging you. You’re one of my best friends. I just want to understand.”
With that, I said, “Yes I do.”
Her reaction was unexpected. “That’s so cool. I assume you like it. To be honest, you are a little feminine in your manner, even your voice, so I guess I’m not all that surprised. And I don’t mean that negatively. More guys should be more feminine.”
“Can I ask how often you dress up?” I told her almost every day. “Wow. Does your mother know?”
“Yes. She has been very understanding and helpful.”
That’s wonderful she said. “Now you’ve got me curious.”
I told her I understood. I said, “It's nice to talk to someone else about it. Up to now, only my mom knew.”
“Do you have many outfits?” Linda inquired.
“Yes, I have skirts, blouses, dresses. Mom is helpful there.”
"So cool. Do you think you pass as a girl?” Linda asked.
I hesitated and then said calmly, "Actually I know I do."
"How?" she inquired.
"Well I have been out in public as a girl. Mom and I go shopping together."
Linda was just amazed. "Wait a minute. What about your hair? Your shoes? Do you wear makeup?”
I explained that I wore a wig and I had girls' shoes.
“Oh wow. I think this is just the coolest thing I have ever heard."
I told her that mom had taught me how to do makeup as well.
“Okay, one final thing. Now that you have piqued my interest, I must see you as a girl. Can I see you all dressed up?"
I didn't know what to say. But the idea was really exciting. I could be a girl with another girl. I told her that I would talk to my mother and see if it was okay to invite her over,
"Great," she said. "I can't wait. I'm free today if it's okay with her."
I told her I would call either way. She said perhaps we could go over the math homework together later at my house. “Great idea Linda.”
When I got home mom wasn't home yet. I went to my room and changed my bra and got dressed as I usually did, but this time a little fancier and feminine. I put on my new gaff panties and a pair of pantyhose. If Linda was going to see me, I wanted her to see me at my most girlish. I did my makeup. I slipped on a black A-line skirt and I put on a pink ribbed turtleneck sweater that accented my new breasts. I decided to wear the strawberry blonde wig with bangs. Finally, I slipped into the black pumps. I might as well go full in.
Mom got home about an hour later. When I came out of the kitchen to greet her she said, "Hi Robin, don't you look nice."
I told her about my experience with Linda.
"Wow, she seems like a nice friend. Of course, you can have her over. I think it's great."
I called Linda and told her to come over whenever she wanted. “Oh, by the way,” I said, “I go by Robin, which is my real name.”
She giggled and said she'd be over in a half hour. When she arrived, mom answered the door and introduced herself. Mom called for me. I came into the room and Linda just stared at me.
"Oh my god!” she exclaimed. “I would have never known it was you. You are gorgeous."
“Well thank you,” I said.
Mom said she had an errand to run, "So I'll leave you two girls to talk."
Linda just couldn't get over how I looked. "And your mannerisms, the way you walk, no one would ever know."
We talked for a while about how I got to where I was. After a while, Linda told me that it wouldn't be hard for her to just see me as a girlfriend. I told her I would love that. When mom got home we made it clear that we were still best friends, albeit now we were girlfriends. Mom asked if she would like to stay for dinner. "Oh that would be fun," she said.
We had a fun evening and by the time Linda went home it was obvious she had accepted me as a girl. After that, our friendship certainly changed, for the better if anything. We would still study together. sometimes at my house. Then we started meeting at the public library. where I would go as a girl. She even invited me to her house and I met her mother and her older brother. Later she told me that her brother thought I was cute.
Linda had a car, so we started going places together. It was really fun to go shopping together. We would try on the same outfits and model for each other. We were at the mall one day and we ran into Sharon, Lisa, and Nancy, our study partners. Linda introduced me as a friend who attended the nearby Catholic girls' high school. All the girls were very nice to me. Nancy said she thought I looked familiar. Little did they know, we studied together weekly.
A few days later Linda asked me If she could tell the girls who I was. I was hesitant, but she assured me they would understand. “I am going to have a private talk with each of them and I'll tell you how it goes.”
A couple of days later Linda came over to study. She told me she had talked to the girls and explained everything. "They each had the same reaction I did.” “And more importantly, they all want to meet Robin."
We had just started meeting at each girl's house to study. We hadn’t yet met at my house. Lisa was having the second study gathering at her house this weekend and she wanted you to come over as Robin.
“It will just be the five of us. But instead of four girls and a guy, it’ll be five girls. We’ll see how much studying we get done.” We both laughed.
We talked to mom about it. Linda assured her that the other girls would accept me as Robin. Mom thought it would be good for me to get out and be a girl with more people. “And it will be fun to have all you girls over here.”
Linda and I talked about what we were going to wear and decided on just skirts and blouses.
This was exciting. On Saturday, mom helped me with my makeup and my hair. "You look darling. You'll be fine. I think it's really good for you."
Linda picked me up and we went to the door. Lisa opened it and just stared at me and smiled.
"Oh, My God,” she uttered. "You’re so pretty!"
Linda introduced me as Robin. Lisa brought me into the room where the other two girls were sitting. There was much excitement. The three of them were just so nice. Many questions were asked and I tried to be as open and honest as possible. After a while, things settled down and they all seemed to accept me as one of the girls.
There was talk about fashion and makeup. They all seemed to forget about Rob. I realized that this was not going to be much of a study session. They all thought my makeup was incredible. We joked around about some of the kids at school. The conversation then turned to boys. They were talking about who was good-looking and who was cool.
Lisa asked me if I had thought about dating. I told her I hadn't thought about it. "Would you consider it? she asked.
“I don't know, maybe,” I said. I explained that as a guy, I had no interest in another guy. But as a girl, I felt differently. “It’s complicated,” I said. Linda said maybe we should go on a double date. Everyone giggled.
The conversation turned to kissing and sex. We were all seventeen and no one had any experience with sex. It was clear they were all very curious. All the other girls had boyfriends and had all made out with them. Nancy asked if anyone had ever touched a penis. We all giggled. Sharon said she had seen her brother's but had never seen an erection.
Lisa and Sharon had only seen an erection in a photo. It suddenly occurred to Linda that they had virtually forgotten that I was a male. "Oh my," she exclaimed. "I didn't mean to embarrass you,"
I said I wasn't embarrassed, and that I thought of myself as a girl.
Lisa piped in, "But you have a penis, right?”
“Well yes, I do.”
“Oh gee, that is so exciting," said Nancy. "One of us girls has a penis." We all giggled.
Sharon suggested that this was great. She asked me if maybe they could all learn something from me.
I said, "What do you mean?"
She said, "Well, we all now think of you as one of the girls, but you have something we don't."
“We have vaginas and clits, but your clit is probably a little bigger than ours.” Again, massive giggling.
Lisa asked if I would be too embarrassed to let the girls see it. “We would still think of you as a girl. Right, girls?”
"Absolutely,” they all responded.
Sharon laughed and said, “If you show me yours, I'll show you mine.” The girls all laughed. They agreed that that was only fair.
“Let's all strip down to our panties and bras,” Linda said. We all took off our skirts and tops. They all commented on what nice breasts I had and wanted to feel them.
Nancy said, “This is crazy; Robin even looks better than us in lingerie.” We all laughed.
They also noticed how it looked like I appeared to have a vagina. I explained how that worked. Then I stood up. They gathered around. First, Sharon pulled down her panties, exposing her vagina. That was a first for me. It was the way I wanted to look. Then Lisa did the same, followed by Linda and Nancy. They all had nice little bushes.
“So who has the biggest clit?” Lisa blurted. We all laughed. They all sat so they could expose their vaginas. We all looked and agreed that Linda had a big one that looked like a small penis. Sharon agreed that Linda was the winner so far.
Seeing all these exposed vaginas had started to get me aroused. I could feel my clitoris straining at the gaff. Lisa said, “Robin, your turn. Don't be shy."
I slowly pulled down my panties. As my thing was freed, it popped forward. It was hard. They all gasped and stared. They were all very excited and moved closer.
"Can we touch it, Robin?”
“Sure, why not,” I said. They took turns and as they did I got harder. It was now pointing upward.
Lisa said, "Well, you win. You have the biggest clit!" Everyone giggled.
Lisa exclaimed - “None of us has seen a penis shoot a load. We’ve talked about it. I think we’d all love to see that.”
“Can we make it cum? said Sharon. "I have only heard about that but never seen it."
“We all have boyfriends who want hand jobs and this could be quite educational,” said Nancy. “I know mine wants me to make him cum. I just didn't quite know what to do."
"Me too," said Lisa. They all nodded.
"Robin, this is great,” said Sharon. “We have a girlfriend who can teach us what to do."
I said that I probably did need to cum otherwise, “I will never get it back in my panties.” They all laughed.
“How about we take turns?” said Sharon. "I'll go first. I told Sharon to take hold of the shaft. She gripped it tightly, too tightly. They all watched intently.
"No that's too tight." She loosened her grip. "Now slide your hand up and down. That's it,” I whispered.
“Let me try,” said Lisa. She took her turn. Linda came last, I was aroused.
"I don't think I can hold it any longer girls." Linda stroked it a little harder. They all gathered close to watch. Suddenly, a load came shooing out, then another, and another. It landed on the tile floor. All the girls screamed. Linda was so excited. "Oh god, that was fun."
All the girls thanked me for being such a good sport. We all got dressed. Linda cleaned up the mess. About an hour later Lisa's parents arrived home. They came into the family room where we were going over the latest math homework. Lisa introduced me as one of the new members of their study group.
Her mother said, “ Oh, is she replacing Rob?”
“Yes, mom. Rob got tired of being around a bunch of girls, but Robin is just as smart.” All the girls agreed.
Linda added, “We learned a lot from her.” Everyone agreed wholeheartedly! Lisa’s mother told me that she was glad I had joined the group.
"No boys, right?" Lisa smiled. "Of course not, mom. I think we study better without them.” She winked at me.
Linda took me home and before I went in, she asked if I had a good time. I said I did. "They all like you, Robin. You're one of the girls now. And I think we need more lessons." She smiled and said she'd see me Monday at school. "And make sure your bra isn't showing." We both giggled.
When I came in, mom was watching TV and asked how it went. "Well, mom. I think I'm one of the girls".
Mom was so happy. "That's great. You should have some girlfriends. Tell me about it in the morning. Good night.”