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Alan's Introduction To Lingerie

"Alan is tricked by his partner, Joan, into wearing lingerie for sex."

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It had been three years since his break up with Alice, and Alan had only had two brief relationships with other women since then. Neither had really cared about him or his passion for classic cars. They were obsessed with shopping for clothes and travelling to hot countries for holidays on the beach, where they would sunbathe for hours during the day, and then spend hours in bars and restaurants in the evening.

None of that interested Alan. The only countries he wanted to visit were Australia, Canada, and the United States, none of which interested Andrea and Karen. When he declined the invites to go abroad, knowing how they wanted to spend their time, they simply broke off their relationship. In hindsight, Alan regarded it as a good thing, especially when he heard about how much they spent, how much they drank, and how often they were off sick from work.

Now he was in a steady relationship with Joan, a woman who appeared to be kind-hearted, passionate, and more importantly for Alan, sensible. She only spent a moderate amount of money on clothes, mainly because she needed to have a decent wardrobe for the office where appearances did make a difference. Her tastes in food, films and many other things were similar to his, which had made Alan believe this relationship could potentially stand the test of time.

However, Alan was now becoming a little concerned about her for several reasons. Her spending on clothes had increased considerably, and she was now talking about lingerie much more than usual, but not just about what she wanted to buy or wear herself. Six months into their relationship, she started dropping subtle hints about men wearing lingerie when having sex. Then, a few months after that, she started showing him articles about the topic on the internet. At first, Alan hoped she would take note of how disinterested and objectional he was about the subject, but she did not. It made him concerned about her motives for mentioning it so often, and always felt the tension rising between them whenever she did.

It was Thursday, not a very pleasant one in regard to the weather, and had been another long and exceptionally busy day for Alan. It was also the fourth stressful day in a row. Due to several unavoidable delays, Alan had been under immense pressure to complete the renovation of an MG BGT for a client. The date of delivery had been agreed, and unfortunately for Alan, could not be changed. He had included several days to allow for delays and unexpected problems, but so many things had hampered the restoration, including disturbances and demands from Joan, something that had not been a problem in the earlier months of their relationship.

Now all he wanted to do after a good meal was have a quiet evening watching a good film, but when he walked into the lounge to see Joan at the laptop yet again, he sighed heavily. He knew his evening was not going to be as relaxing as he hoped.

Joan appeared to be spending so much time on the laptop at the weekends, shopping for clothes, reading the news, and looking at websites that seemed to fuel her desires for kinky sex. Now it appeared as if that compulsion had spread to her spending many an evening surfing the net as well. Alan was beginning to wonder if Joan was going to turn out to be just like his previous girlfriends, demanding and self-centred.

He sighed again as he shook his head. Fortunately, she did not hear him sighing, so engrossed she was in whatever website she was looking at.

“Ah, there you are, sweetie. I was just about to call you. Any chance of a cuppa? Online shopping sure makes you thirsty.”

Alan turned around and headed for the kitchen without answering. He exhaled heavily through pursed lips as he filled the kettle, shaking his head gently at the same time. Five minutes later, he returned to the lounge, placed one mug on the placemat next to the laptop and kept holding his.

“Thanks, sweetie; you’re a gem. Take a seat, there’s something I want to show you.” Joan noticed Alan’s expression. “Yes, I know what you’ll think, but please indulge me one last time. I promise I won’t bother you with it again if you still object.”

Alan shook his head. “You know how I feel about it, Joan, so why ask again?”

She looked at Alan with an expression that touched him in a way that made him crumble to her desires on many previous occasions, but not all, and not this time. Little did she know that it would no longer work under any circumstance and that he had become tired of her constant attempts of manipulation.

“You know I keep my promises, don’t you?” she said softly, just like a child would do when confronted by a parent over a misdemeanour.

Joan did keep her promises for the first six months of their relationship, but now, her promises were becoming meaningless, just like those of his former girlfriends Andrea and Karen. It was happening all over again, he could see it clearly, even though he dared hope that he was wrong.

Alan sighed heavily, feeling exasperated. Knowing she would only keep on and on until he agreed, he decided to give her one more chance to keep her promise. He moved a chair closer and sat down beside Joan, folded his arms over his chest and leant on the table.

Joan clicked on one of the websites she had been perusing and Alan shook his head gently.

“I found this really interesting site the other day,” she said excitedly. “It has lots of information and has even posted the results of numerous surveys carried out in the UK and across Europe on the sexual habits and activities of couples in the bedroom and beyond.” She clicked on an article and read out some of the details about the surveys.

Alan listened without really taking much notice of what Joan was saying. He knew she was focussing on the parts that suggested a lot of couples were indulging in sex where both partners were wearing sexy lingerie and how it spiced up their sex life, and in many instances, improved their relationships. Of course, there were always some on whom it had the opposite effect, but Joan glossed over those parts. There were even pictures to accompany the articles, but Alan believed they were photos of models, not of real couples.

Joan then read some of the comments that were supposedly written by actual couples whose sex and relationships had been improved because of their indulgence.

Alan could tell Joan was getting excited by all of this, but he believed he just wasn’t made that way. He had, when he was in his early twenties, worn a pair of white lace-trimmed cotton knickers, but that was something he didn’t reveal to anybody.

He had gone on a week's holiday with Gerry, Fred, and Anna, Fred’s girlfriend. Fred and Gerry were work colleagues from the garage where he worked after leaving college, and this was their third trip as a group. Alan and Gerry had their own tents, and Anna shared Fred's. Alan’s tent was a three-person tent allowing him a little more space for his things, and on this occasion, he had agreed to keep some of Fred and Anna’s packs in his tent.

On the third night, a freak thunderstorm raged across the country and caused havoc. Fred and Gerry’s tents were blown down and most of their things were soaked or blown away by the strong winds, whereas Alan’s tent survived, but not without some damage and loss to his belongings. Fortunately, Alan kept four pairs of socks and four briefs in resealable waterproof polythene bags, two items in each, for just such an eventuality. Much to Alan’s angst, Fred helped himself to one of the polythene bags, leaving Alan with no spare briefs and only one pair of dry socks. The other bags had disappeared in the winds.

Alan smiled as he remembered that holiday and what happened on the day after the storm.

Fred was beside himself with frustration and anger at the turn of events, so he decided to call it a day. He packed up once he had salvaged what had survived and what he could find. Just before he and Anna left, Anna went over to speak with Alan. She knew Fred had taken Alan’s spare things, but thought it better not to say anything, not wanting to cause any friction for them when they returned to work, and because he knew how easily Fred flew into a temper.

“Alan, I know you’re short of underwear, we all are after that dreadful storm. I’m surprised we’ve anything left. Anyway, like you, I always take precautions, and I know this is going to sound weird, perhaps crazy, but I have,” she dropped her voice to a whisper to ensure nobody overheard, “a spare pair of white cotton knickers, which you can borrow, seeing as I won’t need them now.”

There was a definite tinge of annoyance and sadness in her voice, but Alan knew that was because of Fred’s behaviour and decision to leave early.

She smiled when she saw Alan’s shocked expression. “Yes, I know, but you’ve nothing to worry about. I promise I won’t say a word to anybody, not under any circumstance.” She sighed lightly. “Look, you’ve been so good to Fred and me, and you’re too nice to do anything bad to.” She held out her hand with a small bag containing the knickers. “I’ll never, ever speak of this to you or anybody, I promise.”

Alan smiled and nodded. “Yes, I believe you. If it’s not too out of order to say it, but you deserve better than Fred. I know he’s a good guy, but, well, you know.”

Anna smiled, leaned forward and kissed Alan on the cheek. She then whispered. “They’re extremely comfortable, by the way, probably more comfortable than your own briefs.”

Alan gazed at her curiously.

“I’ve tried Fred’s and they were so uncomfortable, so bulky. You don’t really need all that material just because you’ve got more down there, do you?”

Alan shrugged his shoulders. “I’ve never really thought about it, but I agree they are a little uncomfortable, especially when you’re hot, which is why I wear the briefs. I hate boxers or anything like that.”

Alan found it surprisingly easy to talk to Anna, he always had, but she had been courting Fred ever since he had known her. She was a sweet, kind and considerate young woman, and Fred, well, he was Alan’s friend, but he knew Fred was a bit of a lady's man, and that he had a temper that flared so easily. Alan always wondered how long the relationship would last before Fred upset Anna so much that it would cause them to split apart.

Alan watchevd Anna walk away and get in the car with Fred. She smiled at him and waved. It was a smile of mixed emotions, he could see that quite clearly. There was a mix of sadness, regret, and happiness that was not borne from her relationship with Fred. He smiled and waved back. When they had gone, Alan winced as he moved, his soaking clothes clinging to his body and now chilling him to the bone.

He returned to his tent to see what was left and what could be salvaged. He had a spare pair of trousers and a shirt that was still dry, thankfully, and as he popped his head out of the tent, saw the clouds were breaking, and he could feel the temperature beginning to rise. Alan undressed quickly and wiped himself dry with his towel. He then took the cotton knickers from the bag, shook his head and slipped them on. His eyes widened in surprise when he realised Anna was right; they were comfortable, despite the lace trim across the buttocks and the front. Worried Gerry might appear and see him, he finished dressing and started putting all of his wet clothes in the holdall ready to take to the laundrette.

Alan found the white cotton knickers so comfortable, he washed and dried them and then wore them on the day he and Gerry returned home. He placed Anna’s knickers in his top drawer after being washed with the intention of returning them to her. Unfortunately, the day he had planned to drive over to Fred’s, Gerry called and told him Fred and Anna had had a blazing row, started by Fred, of course, and their relationship ended on a sour note.

It was not a surprise to Alan, but he did feel sorry for Anna. He decided to wait a while before trying to return the knickers, but when he finally got around to trying to contact her, he discovered she had moved and nobody seemed to know where she had moved to. He would not throw them away for several reasons, but mainly because he still harboured a small glimmer of hope that he might learn where she had moved to, return them to her, and maybe start a relationship with her. He put them somewhere safe so that none of his friends or future partners would find them. He knew he could come up with a good excuse if it did happen, but preferred to avoid any complications that might arise because of it.

He never did manage to find out where she lived, and she never made contact, not that he was surprised, but he still had the knickers well hidden in his office above the garage.

Joan coughed and nudged him, disturbing him from his memories. “Are you listening?”

Alan nodded. “Yeah, sorry, I just remembered something important I need to sort out tomorrow.”

He listened while Joan repeated what she was trying to tell him. He couldn’t deny the fact that there probably were a lot of men who did like wearing lingerie, and even women who liked their men wearing it. He had enjoyed wearing cotton knickers on those two occasions, but that was a long time ago, had not done it since, although he had been tempted on a few occasions, that was, however, before he met Alice. There were certainly lots of websites on the internet that had pictures to prove it.

He could also not deny the fact that he loved the feel of nylon on smooth legs, often having spent ages caressing Alice’s stockinged legs, and now Joan’s, and even loved the feel of them rubbing against his legs. What he could not accept or understand was Joan constantly trying to persuade him to indulge her need to spice up their sex life, which he believed was already better than average.

“So you see, sweetie, it’s not that strange for men to indulge their wives or partner’s fantasies, or even satisfy their own desires to wear lingerie while having sex.”

Alan could only shake his head in frustration. He did not have such desires, nor did he see how or why it could improve the sexual relationship between two people. Either sex was good or it was not, but sex was not the be-all and end-all of a relationship, as far as Alan was concerned.

“Yes, well, those couples obviously have something lacking in their relationship if they need to do such things.” He said it and hoped he would not regret it, but as an after-thought, he hoped it might just be the comment to stop Joan from keeping on and on.

Joan turned her head and stared coldly at him. “Are you suggesting I believe there’s something lacking in our relationship?”

“What I think doesn’t seem to be of concern to you, does it? Otherwise, you wouldn’t keep on bringing the subject up.”

Alan knew he was treading dangerous ground, but he no longer cared. He wanted the subject buried and forgotten, but deep down he knew Joan would never relent.

Joan was still scowling at him, but her eyes were watering.

Alan knew she was starting the waterworks to make him feel guilty about the way he spoke to her, just like she had done on other occasions, and just like his previous girlfriends always did.

“Well, I’m going to prepare something to eat because I’m starving,” said Alan as he stood up and placed the chair back on the other side of the table.

Joan stared at him the whole time.

“Fine,” she said angrily. “If that’s how you feel….”

Joan couldn’t finish her sentence and Alan knew why. He could see the sign so clearly; she was on the verge of turning a minor disagreement or conflict of opinion into a major argument that would spiral out of control. She knew it would happen if she didn’t hold her tongue, and she also knew if she stood her ground, refusing to back off or concede, it would be over between them. Alan had made it clear to her on a couple of occasions when she had gone over the top over a petty disagreement.

The next couple of hours were fraught with tension, but by nine o’clock, Joan had finally apologised and sought reconciliation. Alan did not make it hard for her, but he was wondering how long it would be before the inevitable happened.

Then, two weeks later on a particularly dark, wet, and miserable Saturday, his life was about to change, irrevocably.

It had been raining all day, not just showers or drizzle, but torrential downpours that had resulted in streams flowing down the roads and flooding numerous gardens. Joan had been edgy and irritable from the moment she got out of bed, which was around 10 o’clock, not wanting to rush to get up because it was too foul to go to town shopping.

Alan had decided to do some work in the garage, wanting to make a start on his new project, and preferring to be away from Joan for a few hours. She had been particularly sensitive and awkward ever since the evening when she had tried pushing him into wearing lingerie, but she had not, much to Alan’s delight, mentioned the subject again.

The MG BGT had been sold on time and he had made a reasonable profit on the sale, which had pleased him greatly. He did not, of course, divulge the full details to Joan, preferring to set aside most of the profit for when times were not so buoyant. A few days after the sale, he located and purchased a Jaguar XJS, which would take at least two months to restore despite continuing to work on the Mark One Jaguar 2.4 he was restoring for himself.

It was about five o’clock when Alan walked into the lounge. Joan was sitting at the table gazing at her laptop, her arms folded and resting in front of it. He walked up and stood behind her so he could see what she was doing. He nodded and sighed inwardly. She was looking at clothes again, obviously doing some online shopping to while away the time and fill her already overflowing wardrobes.

“You’ll be needing me to build more wardrobes if you buy any more clothes,” he said as lightly as possible, trying to keep some humour in his tone.

“Well, a girl does need a good variety, you know. We have to cater for all occasions, and the new season’s ranges are coming in. Anyway, you love doing things around the house, almost as much as renovating those classic cars of yours.” Joan glanced over her shoulder, a bright and warm smile lighting up her face.

Alan did not miss the suggestive sparkle in her eyes. He could tell she was back to her old self, which was a good thing in most ways because it meant life would be less tense and more amicable. He also knew she had been perusing other websites, not just clothing retailers. There were a few tabs open, partially hidden by the Marks and Spencer page. He sighed inwardly as he waited for the suggestion, one he knew would relate to lingerie. Strangely enough, Joan remained silent, which made Alan wonder what she was thinking.

“Okay, what do you want to do this evening?” he asked tentatively.

Joan sighed heavily. “I wanted to go into town and have dinner, get all romantic and then come home, watch a good film, and finish the day off with a night of passionate love-making.”

Alan was surprised by the last element. Joan now usually referred to their love-making as a night of unbridled sex. She had even been keen on having sex in other places too, such as a quiet forestry commission car park, or a lay-by somewhere off the beaten track, a place where there could be the slightest chance of being seen. Of course, up to this point in Alan’s life, he had always preferred having sex in the bedroom, although he had indulged Joan in the living room after watching an erotic film on a few occasions.

“As it’s still bucketing down, it won’t be pleasant going into town and getting soaked through, so how about having a take-away? We can eat and drink wine while watching a good film, and then, well, whatever.”

Joan’s eyes lit up. “Sounds good to me. Let’s have Chinese. I’ve gone off Indian at the moment: Too many curries out with the girls.” She also saw an opportunity to get her own way in regard to certain things that she wanted to try out. “You remember Julia, don’t you?”

“Remember Julia?” Alan laughed. “Who can ever forget Julia.”

“Yeah, well, she’s quite a hot babe, isn’t she, but she likes her curries hot too,” said Joan smiling brightly. “She often says an extra hot curry is a must for an extra hot woman.”

Alan just shook his head. He knew Julia quite well, but what he didn’t know was just how wild, passionate, and uninhibited she was in bed. She had been married to Harry for four years, and according to friends, had never had a serious argument. They appeared to be the perfect couple, although Alan wondered how they really behaved and treated each other at home.

“That doesn’t surprise me,” he sighed.

Alan noted how happy Joan appeared to be when speaking about Julia, but was not surprised by what she said. She spent a lot of time with Julia and a couple of other female friends, namely Maria and Jennifer.

“Okay, I’ll go get the dinner, you get everything ready and laid out.”

About forty minutes later, Alan returned home carrying two bags filled with food containers. They always bought more than they could eat, preferring to have a little of several dishes, then heating the remainder up the following day for breakfast or lunch.

He had expected to see Joan wearing a short skirt and blouse, stockings and suspender belt or basque, but she was still in her loungewear, although that did not mean she wasn’t wearing stockings. She still looked fabulous, had a great body, and was a real tease. He only wished she would be less concerned about spicing their sex life up, which was already great.

Seeing her moving about, her tight buttocks encased in her close-fitting loungewear was exciting him more than he expected it to. As a result, he was now looking forward to having some, as Joan put it, unbridled sex after they had finished watching a film or two.

They quickly emptied the food into the heated dishes, took them into the living room and laid them out on the small table. The cutlery, glasses, two bottles of wine and the plates, which Joan had warmed, were already in the room. Alan’s stomach rumbled as the aroma of cooked food filled the room. While he filled the glasses, Joan put a DVD in the player and then sat beside him.

The two tucked into their dinners and watched the film without utterance. After two large glasses of wine, both were relaxed and getting a little lightheaded. Joan grabbed the second bottle, and as she poured it, noticed it was white wine.

“Damn, I thought that was red too,” exclaimed Joan.

“Don’t worry, it’ll go down just as nicely,” replied Alan.

“I’m not in the mood for white wine tonight, and it doesn’t go with the beef and pork dishes.”

“Okay, but bring in the other bottle of soy sauce can you? This one’s empty.”

“Sure thing, sweetie,” replied Joan with a rather cheeky smile. “I’ll pop this in the fridge for tomorrow.” She grabbed Alan’s glass as she got up.

“There’s no need to take that.”

“It needs rinsing, otherwise the white will spoil the taste of the red.”

Alan just nodded and took another mouthful of food.

Joan returned a few moments later, sat down as she handed Alan the bottle of soy sauce, and then refilled their glasses.

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“Now that’s much better,” said Joan as she gulped down a few mouthfuls of wine.”

Alan shrugged his shoulders and continued eating, his gaze fixed on the film. After his third glass, Alan was feeling more lightheaded than he expected. ‘What is it with me tonight,’ he thought. ‘It usually takes five large glasses to affect me this much. Oh well, it doesn’t matter, not tonight.’

“This is a bloody good wine, don’t you think,” exclaimed Joan, whose head was also beginning to spin lightly.

“Yeah, it is. You made a good choice with this one. We’d better get a few more bottles for the store,” replied Alan, who was beginning to feel more relaxed and carefree than he had done for such a long time.

Joan leant closer, turned his head toward her, and kissed him hard on the lips. She then broke free, picked up her glass and drank the rest of her wine.

“Steady on Joan, you’ll be flat out before the film ends at that rate.”

“Nothing will knock me out tonight, other than some hot sex with you, you gorgeous stud.” She leant closer and run her hand over his thigh.

Alan gawped at her with his mouth ajar. She had not called him that for some time, and it was usually only when she had had a little too much to drink. He knew what it meant. She was hoping to get sexual long before they got to the bedroom.

He finished his wine just as Joan was refilling her glass. “Well, my gorgeous babe, that loungewear is not the best for making a man hot and excited,” he said leaning close and kissing her. Her lips tasted sweet and fruity.

Alan was tempted to forget about finishing dinner and indulge her there on the sofa, but he knew the dinner things would end up all over the floor and spoil the carpet. Then there would be cursing and swearing when it was time to wash and clean it all up in the morning.

Joan broke free from his kiss, which although was the last thing she desired, wanted to take it slower so she could persuade him to indulge her desires. She refilled his glass. “Come on stud, get that and your dinner down you, and then we can relax and get cosy.”

Alan continued eating his dinner, leaving the glass of wine untouched, hoping to allow the effects of the alcohol to wear off a little. It wasn’t working. He could hardly concentrate on the film, and he felt like he had never felt before. He wasn’t even concerned about why he felt the way he did, and he was actually beginning to enjoy it. ‘If this is how this wine and a take-away meal makes me feel, I’ll indulge more often,’ he thought.

Alan felt so free and easy, his thoughts vague, and he seemed to be developing a couldn’t care less attitude about things he usually felt strongly about, not that he was able to think straight about anything. He had never felt so relaxed and carefree. Even the food in front of him seemed to take on a whole new appearance. It looked more colourful and the aroma was more fragrant, almost intoxicating.

When Alan had finally eaten sufficient to satisfy his hunger, he picked up his glass, which seemed to change shape until he shook his head, relaxed back onto the sofa and sipped his wine. Joan cuddled up to him, her legs folded on the sofa beside her. She finished her glass of wine and started caressing Alan’s leg while kissing him on the cheek.

“Come on, lover boy, finish that wine and make me feel good.”

Alan gulped down the last of his wine, put the glass on the table and turned to face Joan. Their eyes met, hers full of lust and anticipation, his partially glazed over but seeing a beautiful, hot, and sexy woman sitting beside him. They kissed passionately, their tongues working in and around each other, tasting the wine, the spices of the meal, and each other. The effect was intoxicating for both of them. Alan could feel his body tingling as he felt her lips pressing against his, her hands caressing his thighs, and her tongue probing his mouth.

Alan moved his hand down, found the bottom of Joan’s top and slipped it underneath. He caressed her waist for a few moments, knowing how much she enjoyed his light touch as it sent tingles all over her body. He then moved his hand slowly upward, caressing her lightly right up to her underarm and then cupped her soft, firm breast. When he pinched her nipple, which was already stiffening, she yelped and then moaned as he rolled it between his fingers.

Joan grappled with his trouser button, undid his zip, and then slid her hand inside. When she felt the thick cotton of his briefs, she sighed inwardly, wishing he was wearing a pair of satin knickers instead, the feeling of which always excited her. She felt his hardening cock inside, but caressed him through the cotton of his briefs, knowing he would soon be desperate for her to release it from its confines and take it into her mouth. She would, however, not indulge him until she got what she wanted. She knew it was a high probability on this particular night. He was loosening up very nicely, just as Julia said he would, thanks to the small additive she had slipped into his drink.

“Let’s go upstairs,” suggested Joan breaking free from their passionate kissing.

Alan smiled. “Whatever you want, honey.”

He was not really aware of what he said, but Joan took it as a good sign.

Joan got up, grabbed Alan’s hand and pulled. When he got to his feet, he felt very unsteady and extremely lightheaded, but very relaxed and in a very happy mood. Alan let Joan lead him upstairs and into the bedroom. He did not notice the clothes on the bed, but he did notice the curtains were closed and the side lamp was on, making it appear warm and cosy. It was just how he liked it and knew they were about to have a great time.

“Why don’t we put something sexy on, and then get down to some really hot sex?”

Joan’s eyes were bright and had that hopeful glint in them. She kissed him hard and then started to undress him. Off came the shirt, then the socks. Joan undid the button and slowly undid the zip of his jeans. She knelt down and pulled his trousers down. Alan stepped out of them and then she stroked his semi-hard cock through his briefs. As it began to harden, she pulled his briefs down and kissed the head of his cock. There was an immediate reaction to the light touch of her lips.

She licked the sensitive head, teasing him, but then stood up and took off her top, slid her lounge pants down and took off her cotton knickers. When Alan raised his hands to touch her breasts, she moved closer to the bed. Alan’s head turned and his eyes followed her. Joan picked up and fastened her waspie suspender belt around her waist. She then sat on the edge of the bed and slowly rolled on a pair of sheer black lace-top stockings, which she fastened to the hooks of her suspender. She then slipped on the matching lace-trimmed high-leg knickers. She decided to leave the bra off.

Alan watched with fascination and the lust was building within. He eyed her body greedily and longed to caress and kiss her firm breasts. His cock hardened quickly, and he could feel it throbbing. Alan desperately wanted Joan to take it in her mouth and suck greedily on it, to satisfy his needs.

Joan, however, did not indulge. She stood up and stepped closer to Alan, took hold of his throbbing, erect cock and stroked it gently while kissing him hard on the mouth. “Now, you gorgeous stud, how would you like to make me the hottest, most satisfied and delighted lover in town?”

Alan smiled. He was unable to really think about anything. The alcohol had really tipped him over the edge. Despite believing he was almost drunk, the feeling was very, very different. He felt happier, more carefree than he ever had before, and felt as if nothing mattered.

“I thought you were already all of that,” he said, his head spinning slowly, his eyes still glazed over.

“Yes, I am, but there is something I want to experience, something you’ve been, shall I say, reluctant to indulge.”

Joan caressed his chest, tickled his waist and then resumed stroking his erect cock. Alan looked at her curiously, all the while wishing she would just kneel down and suck his throbbing cock, and then let him lie between her legs and tease her hot, wet pussy.

Joan kissed him and then said, “You know what I want to try. Go on, it won’t hurt, and if you don’t like it, I won’t ask again.”

“Oh yes, that,” replied Alan as he realised what she wanted him to do.

If his head hadn’t been spinning and he wasn’t feeling so strange, in that he didn’t really care about anything at the moment, he would have refused without hesitation, but, he thought, ‘What the hell, it can’t hurt this once.’

“Go on then. Let’s put you out of your misery,” he said laughing, and the moment he said it, wondered what had come over him. He couldn’t seem to focus on why he had thought it was such a bad idea and had been so reluctant to indulge her fantasies.

Joan’s eyes brightened in delight. She turned and picked up the suspender belt she had chosen specially for him. She fastened it around his waist and smiled brightly. It was a perfect fit.

“Sit down, handsome,” she said.

When he had sat on the edge of the bed, Joan slid a pair of silk-sheen black stockings on his legs very slowly. She then grabbed his hands and pulled, getting him to stand up so she could fasten the stockings to the suspender belt. She gazed at his stocking-clad legs and sighed in delight. She could feel her pussy getting wet just looking at him. Joan picked up the satin knickers and put them on him, stood back and admired him.

“Wow, you look incredibly hot, babe.”

Alan had to admit, the feel of nylon stockings on his legs was rather a turn-on, and he was actually feeling a little excited by it. It felt strange having a suspender belt on, but the feel of satin kickers against his cock was very stimulating. He could feel his cock getting even harder being constrained by the close-fitting satin material.

Joan moved closer and the two started kissing passionately. Alan noticed Joan was a lot more passionate in her kissing than usual, more forceful, more hungry. It was as if the mere fact he was wearing lingerie had fuelled her lust. Joan’s hands slipped down to caress her lover’s satin-covered bum while imagining she was kissing Julia. Her nipples hardened and her pussy was now dripping wet, but she held on. Kneeling down, she stroked Alan’s cock through the knickers making sure he was nice and hard before releasing it and taking it in her mouth. She licked the head all around, savoured the taste of the pre-cum that had leaked from the tip, and then took his whole cock in her mouth. While she sucked greedily, sliding up and down the long shaft, Joan caressed his stockinged legs.

She adored the feel of nylon-covered legs and had done so since her early teens when she first became sexually aware. First, it had been sheer tights as part of the school uniform, but then she indulged in wearing stockings as often as she could. Sex had always been much more stimulating for her when she wore stockings, but when she had her first lesbian encounter and felt her stockinged legs rubbing against her lover’s, it excited and stimulated her so much, she craved the sensation even more. Now she had her partner wearing them, she was ecstatic. Her whole body tingled with excitement.

Alan moaned in delight when he felt Joan’s mouth enclose his throbbing manhood. It was a feeling and an act he never tired of indulging in. The sensation he experienced when Joan caressed his stockinged legs was far better than he could ever have imagined, but his mind remained a trifle clouded, so he was unable to really think clearly about what he had acquiesced to.

“That’s great, Joan. Take me deep and suck hard,” said Alan breathing out heavily.

He started moving his hips back and forth in time with Joan’s sucking, thrusting deeper almost to the point of her gagging. He went to grab hold of her head when she pulled back and stopped sucking. Joan then licked his shaft from tip to testicles, sucked them, and then licked the sensitive head around and around. More droplets of pre-cum appeared at the tip, which she licked and swallowed, once more savouring the flavour. She knew it would not be long before he climaxed and shot his load into her mouth, so she pulled away, stood up and kissed him hard and passionately.

Her satisfaction at having finally got him to wear stockings and lingerie, and the excitement of being able to feel and love him while he wore them, heightened her senses more than she had expected. She even thought simply rubbing against him, feeling their nylon-covered legs rubbing against each other, and the feel of his satin-encased cock pressing against her abdomen would be enough for her to reach a climax without him stimulating her clitoris. She could feel the inner tension rising, and the need to feel his tongue probing and licking her to the pinnacle of ecstasy grew stronger with each passing moment.

Alan started fondling her breasts, then rolled her nipples between his fingers.

Joan emitted a long, soft, moan of delight at the sensation. “God, that’s so delightful. Now I need you to suck and nibble them,” she said as she placed her hands on his head and pushed downward.

Alan needed no encouragement, He took one large, erect nipple in his mouth and sucked hard before nipping it between his teeth and then licking it all around while he pinched and rolled the other between his finger and thumb. After a minute or two, Alan pushed her gently backward and then they climbed onto the bed. When Joan opened her legs wide, he knelt between them and resumed devouring her now very sensitive nipples, occasionally pinching them between his lips or teeth, making her wince a few times.

While sucking her nipples one at a time, he slid one hand down her body, tickled her waist and then teasingly inched toward the apex of her legs. Slowly tracing circles over her soft abdomen, he teased and made her shudder with anticipation. He slid a finger gently over her swollen and sensitive clit, making her gasp as it sent a shudder through her entire body.

He felt her arch her back, pushing her sex against his hand, so he rubbed a little harder making her moan even more. He then slid two fingers inside her hot, wet pussy, and slowly thrust them in and out several times while still sucking on her nipples

“Oh yes, finger fuck me. Make me wet, make me squirm,” she pleaded.

Alan knew she was desperate to experience her orgasm, so he moved down the bed, kissing her body all the way down, across her stomach, her waist, her hips and then over her thighs and then slowly and teasingly toward her throbbing clit.

He pushed her legs farther apart and licked the soft, hairless flesh all around and then flicked her clit with his tongue. When he licked it with the full length of his tongue, he heard her gasp and felt her thrust her hips upward. He then kissed and licked the surrounding flesh, occasionally giving her clit a quick lick or kiss and then licking the surrounding flesh again.

Alan knew this action would send her into a frenzy. He smiled knowing how much he was effectively torturing her, keeping her from reaching her orgasm. He loved making her squirm with anticipation as the sensation increased through her body, inching her way toward her climax, but then easing off, prolonging the wait, the anticipation, and the release. It would, however, result in Joan achieving a very powerful orgasm that would make her shudder and tingle for ages afterwards.

He plunged his tongue deep into her pussy, licked her from the sensitive flesh of her anus to her swollen clitoris and back down several times, paying particular attention to the three sensitive areas. Alan felt Joan’s body tensing each time he touched her clit, felt her trusting upward, forcing herself against his tongue and mouth as he licked, sucked and kissed her. Knowing he had made her wait long enough, keeping her on the precipice of achieving her orgasm, he licked her faster and harder while thrusting his fingers in and out of her pussy.

Her moans become louder and more frequent, her breathing became faster and then she cried out as she reached her orgasm. She grabbed Alan’s head and pulled it hard against her, his fingers still buried deep inside her, his mouth still covering her clit. He could hardly breathe but found great delight in having made her suffer so long.

When Joan relaxed and released his head, Alan licked her again before climbing up the bed and kissing her hard on her mouth. Joan loved to be kissed afterwards, savouring the taste and flavour of her juices on his lips. She licked his lips, his chin and his nose before pushing him aside, climbing on top of him and started stroking his hard cock.

“Dammit, that was bloody exquisite,” she exclaimed. “You certainly ain’t lost your touch.” She took a deep breath, blew out forcefully through pursed lips, and then leant down and licked his chin and his mouth before kneeling upright again. She put her hand between her legs, rubbed her fingers across her wet pussy and then lifted it to her face. She took a deep breath through her nose, closed her eyes and sighed in delight, and then sucked her fingers. “Delicious,” she cooed as she gazed hungrily at Alan lying on the bed in her sexy lingerie.

Alan relaxed as Joan moved down and knelt between his legs. She took hold of his cock and stroked it slowly with one hand. The other hand caressed his stocking-clad legs. She swapped hands several times, enjoying the feel of the nylon as much as the feel of his throbbing manhood. She felt her nipples and pussy tingling again and knew she would be ready for him to lick her to another orgasm soon. She took his cock in her mouth and started sucking, sliding up and down in a slow and steady rhythm.

Alan moaned and shuddered at the sensation of her sucking the sensitive head of his cock, and the pleasure of feeling her lips sliding up and down his shaft.

Joan loved the taste of his cum and would suck him to orgasm after he had fully satisfied her needs. She increased the speed at which she sucked and stroked his cock, licking off the pre-cum as it appeared, but slowed every so often to prolong the night of sexual pleasure. Feeling the need to be licked again, Joan turned round and straddled Alan. When she positioned her pussy over his face and he began licking her sensitive clit and wet pussy, Joan continued sucking his cock, but was more focussed on what he was doing rather than what she was doing.

Alan loved having his face buried between Joan’s legs, licking and kissing her pussy and clit while having his cock sucked by her. He loved it when she straddled him like this. He licked her hard and fast while stroking her legs and her buttocks. He was on the verge of climaxing himself when Joan tensed, moaned in ecstasy and pushed down hard, making it hard for him to breathe.

After a few moments, Joan climbed off and lay beside Alan, pulled him on top of her and kissed him hard while he slid his throbbing cock deep inside her. She dug her nails into his back as she savoured the taste of her pussy on his mouth, the deep penetration of his cock, and the erotic sensation of their stockinged legs rubbing together.

“Slow down, stud. I want this to last much longer, and besides, I want to suck you until you cum, and swallow every last drop.”

Alan didn’t care whether he climaxed inside her pussy or in her mouth; either way was just as pleasurable for him. He stopped fucking her, knelt up and moved up the bed while Joan sat up against the headboard. She then took his wet cock into her mouth and sucked him greedily, all the while stroking his stockinged legs, playing with his testicles, and fingering his anus. She occasionally slid her fingers inside her wet pussy before slowly sliding one and then two fingers inside him. He didn’t usually like it, but with Alan being so carefree, he didn’t seem to mind on this occasion. This increased her hopes for what she wanted to try next time.

Moments later, he shot his load into her mouth, but Joan didn’t stop sucking until she had sucked him dry. When she finally released him, he laid down beside her and the two snuggled close together.

“You still taste divine, sweet and salty together. I love feasting on your cock and cum,” she said as she rolled onto her side to face him.

Alan’s mind had become so clouded and muzzy, he was unable to respond. His eyes felt heavy, he yawned long and deeply, and then his eyes closed involuntarily. Joan reached down the bed, pulled the quilt over them and turned off the light. Alan had already fallen asleep, and Joan dozed off within moments, completely satisfied and content.

Alan awoke in the middle of the night, having to go to the bathroom to relieve himself. His head was pounding and he felt very strange. It was similar to waking up after getting drunk, but whereas after getting drunk, he always felt ill, now he still felt extremely happy and relaxed despite the intense headache. When he moved his legs, the sensation of nylon rubbing against the cotton quilt was very pleasurable. For a few moments, he wondered how it was possible. Then he remembered agreeing to wear stockings and suspenders to please Joan.

He was angry with himself for having given in to her desires so easily, but as he thought about it, he knew he hadn’t really been able to refuse, nor could he deny the fact that when Joan stroked his stockinged legs, it did feel highly erotic and stimulating in a kinky sort of way. He walked to the bathroom, turned on the light and looked at himself in the mirror. Alan expected to think he would look stupid, but he was in fact, quite surprised at how good he looked. Being hairless helped the image, and the knickers held him in place rather well. Joan had chosen the style well.

When he climbed into bed, the feel of his stockings rubbing against the cotton quilt sent a tingle through his body, and he felt his cock stirring. As he lay there, he pondered how erotic and stimulating their sex had been with both of them wearing stockings and lingerie, and how vehemently he had opposed indulging her desires. Alan reached down and felt his cock through the satin knickers, and was shocked by how quickly his cock had hardened at the touch. He could feel it pulsing in his hand and knew it would not take long to climax if sucked by Joan.

He decided to stroke himself slowly so as not to disturb Joan, or climax too fast. As he did so, he considered the impact of wearing lingerie to please Joan’s sexual needs would have on their sex life, and more importantly, their relationship. It was obvious that Joan would be delighted and find it fulfilling, but Alan was concerned that it might prompt her into seeking other things to spice up their sex life. He was also concerned that in the long term, it could have a negative impact on their relationship, especially if she did want to introduce other things.

Alan rubbed his legs together so he could feel the sensation of nylon against nylon, and combined with stroking his cock, the effect was highly stimulating. He sensed he was getting close to another climax, so he increased his stroking speed a little and soon ejaculated into his hand. It had been a while since he had climaxed twice within such a short time and knew Joan would use it as an argument for him to wear stockings and lingerie more often.

Not having a handkerchief close by, he licked his cum off his hand and swallowed it quickly. It was not too strange for him because he had often tasted his cum when kissing Joan after she had sucked him to a climax. He wiped his hand on his pillow, rolled onto his side and decided, despite his reservations about doing so, would be prepared to wear stockings and lingerie for Joan more often.

He also wondered, with some element of concern, what psychological impact his decision would have on him, his outlook on sex and his relationships. He sighed lightly, closed his eyes and thought no more about it.

Written by hcann69
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