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Younger Than Springtime

"And when your youth and joy invade my arms"

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Competition Entry: Boobies

The door was open. I had no reason to have it closed. We were all in this together. So I was sitting in the large chair as my nurse prepared to access my port to begin the first liter of Cisplatin. The cancer center had been busy today and I glanced out the doorway as several people passed by. Then I noticed a woman pausing as one of the nurses escorted her somewhere.

It was Katherine. I recognized her at once even though it had been so many years ago. Then I heard her laugh as her companion said something to her and they strolled away. That was the completely charming laugh I had heard for the first time in my office at our college.

Kat had been my first. That doesn't mean what one might be thinking. She was not my first sexual partner but, rather, my first submissive. We learned about and explored the BDSM lifestyle together. She helped me form my dominant personality and I helped her complete herself. Or so she told me so many times.

And it had all been precipitated by a glimpse of side boob.

It was some twenty five years earlier. I was an assistant professor in the department of geography. I was placed on the tenure- track after having been hired fresh from my Ph.D program at another university out west. Things were going well for me, it seemed, as I taught several courses taken by non-majors in my field.

We were a liberal arts department and many students took lower-level courses as electives to fulfill requirements for a liberal arts degree. Some were also completing these classes simply to proceed on to a BA in geography.

I discovered later that Kat was neither type of student. For her, my course in regions of the world was simply an interesting course to take while completing her MFA. Geography was one of her many passions in addition to the arts. But she came to my attention one day when she stopped by to talk to me during my office hours. 

A favorite of the teaching staff at the time was Gary Larson's The Far Side. For some reason his cartoons appealed to a geographer's sense of humor. Apparently they did the same for Kat as well. I heard her tinkling laugh ring out just outside my door. It was open and I stood up as I glanced at her, smiling. She looked over her shoulder at me and returned the smile.

My smile slowly melted off of my face. I had seen something that would transform my life. 

It was autumn in our part of the world but the weather had been unseasonably warm and many young people had taken advantage of the warm weather to keep wearing some of the clothes they had worn during the summer. This girl was wearing a simple flowered cotton skirt, some sandals, and a top that was just a long sleeved man's shirt tied by the shirt tales in front and with the arms cut off. Cut off so that her braless breasts were allowing themselves freedom to feel the breezes and to display to a lucky world her assets.

Please understand. Her other assets were charming and delicious as well. I did love a nice pair of legs and hers were sweetly curvaceous. Her waist was tidy with an innie bellybutton showing under the knot of the shirt. And her face. My god, she was a fucking goddess. But her boobs were what really made me almost stutter as I spoke to her. I quickly tried to hide the embarrassment I felt at staring at a student's breasts, smiled again, and asked her to sit down beside my desk.

"Hi. How can I help you today?" I asked.

"Well, it's just that I need to drop your regions course. It's not too late, is it? I don't want to get a bad grade on my record." 

I shook my head. "No, it's not too late to drop but what's the matter with the course? Any problems I could fix?"

"Oh, no Sir. No problem. I love the class. It just conflicts with another course. Not one I need take but one I need to go to. I mean, I'm getting my degree in fine arts and I need some extra money. I can get a nice bit of cash posing in some art classes. They always need people to pose in the life drawing classes. Also in the photography labs. It's for art so I don't mind, really, posing in the nude once in awhile. And I need the money. Oh, well. I'll go ahead and drop your class, but I did like it a lot. You're a good teacher."

"That's a shame...about leaving the class. Just write down your information here and I'll take care of it. I hate to lose a good student. You were a good student, right?" I grinned at her and she smiled back.

"Okay, Sir. Here's the info. I already wrote it down." She lowered her head and then looked up, smiling again. "My digits are on it, too, if you need to give me a call. For any reason." 

She arose and drifted out the door. Was I smitten? You might say that. You might very well say that, with a resounding yes. And you might say I knew she had noticed my interest. She had glanced down to my lap where a certain prominence had become noticeable.

All this rather made my day. You see, it's not allowed for faculty to fraternize with their students. But she would not be my student soon. Then, she would be available. I knew several teachers and professors who had dated, and even married, graduate students they had met on campus. As long as one had no real power over a student's academic fortunes the relationships were up to the adults involved.

When I received notice from the department that Katherine Gillespie had dropped the course I pulled her number out from my desk drawer. I dialed the number and waited expectantly. No answer, so I left a message.

"Hi, Katherine. This Greg Palmer. From the geography department? Regions course? Anyway, give me a call back if you don't mind."

The call ended, I rested the phone back into its cradle on my desk and it began ringing almost immediately. I hoped it was her. It was.

"Yes, hi. How are you, Katherine. Thanks for returning my call."

"Yes, Sir. Sorry, I didn't know it was you calling when it rang at first. I'm fine, Sir."

"You don't need to call me sir, you know. Greg is fine. I mean, I hope we'll be more than just teacher and student sometime. That's why I called. I was wondering if we might get together. I can't think of anything that would be more pleasing right now."

She laughed and the base of my spine tingled a little. "Yes, Sir. I prefer Sir if you don't mind. I think that'd be best. Yes, yes. I'd like to get together if that pleases you, Sir."

This was getting more and more interesting. We chatted a few minutes more and we made plans to meet at a pub near the campus. A place that had tables outside. The weather was still great. She actually asked me what I'd like her to wear. Odd, I thought, but rather happily I mentioned that I had liked the sort of things she was wearing when we first met in my office. She giggled this time.

I was outside the pub with a pint of beer when she walked up to the table. The weather had freshened up a bit with the temperature dropping a little. However, she had worn the exact same thing as before. Smiling, she bent over and placed her purse on the ground by the chair giving me the vision of her breasts dangling freely inside the shirt. She looked up at me, rose up, and then sat down. I spread my legs slightly apart giving myself some breathing room for the boys. She sat back against the chair and her nipples were readily apparent to me and anyone else looking.  

"It's nice out today, don't you think, Sir. Not too cold at all." She smiled as her hand rested on my thigh.

I placed my own hand on it, squeezed it, and responded. "Right, Katherine. It's perfect."

"Kat. Or Kitten. Whatever you prefer, Sir." I was thinking, we need to have a long talk. This is becoming quite interesting.

We had something to eat and drink. Then strolled down the street with lots of leaves falling now. I put my sweater around her shoulders and she took my hand. After a few minutes we arrived at her apartment building just off-campus.

She turned and looked up into my eyes. "You know something, Sir? The only reason I took your regions class was to see you? And then to get to know you. It was your smile, Sir. I saw you in the Commons one day, sitting with another girl, and I saw your smile."

I was taken aback. But I surely was not offended. I felt as if I had won the lottery. "Kat, let's get to know each other much better. May I come upstairs with you this evening?" 

"Silly man. I can't be any more plain about how I feel. Please, Sir, I want some more."

We went up the brick entryway to her building and down the hall to her place. We stopped at her door. She turned her head up and kissed my lips with an eagerness that brought my response immediately. My tongue probed. My hand went to her breast. She moaned then stepped back and quickly opened her door.

"Please, Sir. Suck them for me," she breathed as I began un-buttoning the shirt. My mouth went to her hard nipples and she shuddered. Really, I thought. This is wonderful as I kept sucking harder and harder. 

"My god. Yes, Sir. Oh, yes, yes, make my tits sing, Sir." I could not believe it. She was actually coming as I rubbed her pussy under her skirt, through the cotton panties, and kept on licking and biting her nipples. My prick had never felt so hard in my life. I picked her up and took her over to her sofa.

I pulled the shirt off and took her skirt off as well. Removed the panties, now damp with her honey. I kissed her feet as I removed her sandals and then stood up. My clothes were removed without any pause and she twisted around on the sofa, looked up at me, and begged, "please, Sir, come on my tits."

My prick was in her mouth so fast that she was gagging, but I heard her giggling as I began fucking her sweet face. I took it slow. I did not want to spoil this first time. I was remembering in my head each moment of this love-making. Her hands tickled my cock and balls as I noted her legs spread widely. One hand was rubbing her breasts and pinching the nipples. Hard, they were, and needing attention. They would get all of the attention I had as I kept humping into her mouth, feeling the hot drool running down the shaft and mingling with my pubic hair.

She grabbed my dick as she pulled away from sucking me.

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Her eyes were begging, I could see. I had been fucking her mouth for a long time it seemed. I loved every second of it but my kitten was waiting for what she really wanted. "Come on my tits, Sir. Oh, fuck, baby, please come on me." She was jacking my prick faster and faster and mewling softly and she saw my face grimacing with my mouth wide with need. She knew. "Please, now, Sir."

"Ahh...shit. Yes, little girl. Yes. Oh fuck...," as I came onto her tits with spurts and ropes of spunk. I was jacking myself now as one of her hands was rubbing her clitty and the other was rubbing sperm all over her breasts. "So fucking sexy, Kitten. Oh shit, yeah."

She sucked me clean then and we relaxed on the sofa holding each other. "Was it good, Sir?"

I roared with laughter. "Oh, hell yes, my dear girl. Kitten? Yes, you're my little kitten from now on. Give me about thirty minutes and we'll see if we can do some more tonight," and I chuckled as her face turned red. Sweetly she looked down and smiled with pleasure.

We spent the rest of that evening talking. I wanted to know what the deal was with calling me 'Sir.' That brought about a long conversation delving into the lifestyle. Katherine had become a submissive about two years earlier but her Master had to leave her behind when a tragedy occurred in his life. She preferred not to tell me about that. Just letting me know that it had been the hardest thing she had ever done to see him go away. But it was all so fascinating and appealing, too. I could see the results of this Master/sub relationship clearly from what had happened between us this day.

From then on I took it upon myself to learn all I could about this new lifestyle. We had millions of volumes in the college library. There was plenty to read about as I studied the subject. Academics know how to study a new subject thoroughly and properly. And my Kitten was happy to teach me anything she knew. But only when I asked. I was her Master now. And it was clear that her sexuality was centered upon her breasts.

The next time we played was several days later. I had picked up some things at a head shop just off campus. The hippies had begun a great movement about openness in the world of sexuality. I found some interesting things I decided might be fun to try out with my darling.

"What's in the bag, Sir?" she queried, as I walked into her apartment.

"You'll see, little Kitten. You'll see. Let's have dinner first and then we can play some games."

Her laughter rang out and made me tingle with need the way it always did. I laughed, too. Then we had our dinner. My Kitten was a good cook along with all of her other, more endearing, attributes. Finally it was time to play once again.

I had learned a few things about the lifestyle. One was that I was in charge. Because we both wanted me t be in charge. That was the whole point. It was an agreement between equals about what they wanted in their sensuous life. And in their lives in general. Sir was in charge because he wanted to be and Kitten liked it that way.

So. "Get naked, treasure. It's time to play a game. And she scurried to comply, as a perfect sub should. Soon she was naked and kneeling on the floors. Her precious breasts were proudly standing upward and out, begging for attention as always. I tossed some of her sofa pillows on the floor and motioned for her to lie down. She did. I placed my bag down. 

Then I slowly disrobed myself, letting her see what Master had for her. My prick was hard and bending upward towards the ceiling as I straddled my darling sub. "Press them together,  Kit Kat. Your tits need to be fucked. Don't they?" I asked with a smile. Her legs were pulled up and her knees were spread apart as she pressed her breasts together. My cock fitted into her tit pussy as I begin to hump my hips slowly, popping out to be kissed by her greedy lips. 

"Jeez, baby girl. Perfect. Oh fuck," I moaned as I gathered some steam. Thrusting faster now. 

"Ahhh...yes. Sir, oh yes, Sir. Mmph...," she moaned as I fucked her tits. I was now holding her tits tight so her hands were free to finger herself and finger my balls and ass from behind. "Fuck me, Daddy. Fuck me, Sir. Fuck me...oh, fuck," she cried out and her body shivered with its first come. I was not even close. I wanted more.  

I kept fucking her tits while I reached over and pulled out a large dildo. "Hold your, tits, Kitten. I have something for you." I slowed my fucking but did not stop, only slipping the dildo into her pussy as we kept up the tit fucking. I kept feeling her whimpering and she had small orgasms.  Ramming the dildo into her pussy over and over now I was getting close.

"Little one, please. I'm gonna come. Oh fuck, yes." Her whole body shook and then, as it subsided, I quickly jerked away from her tits, moving downward, lifting her legs up onto my shoulder and forced my prick into her sticky, wet pussy. Making her take it all as I pulled her up closer and sucked each nipple into my greedy mouth. She kept crying out for more as my come began spurting out, filling her slitty with spunk.

This was just a prelude of what was to come. I didn't use everything I'd purchased that time. We both believed that this was going to last forever. It seemed that it would for months.

One day, the next spring, I decided to get a little more aggressive with some toys. This time, as she knelt before me naked, I pulled out some nipple clamps. "Do you know what these are, Kitten?" She nodded and smiled. She knew what they were. I clipped them to her already outstanding nipples and I heard her moan with her pleasure. Just a little pain was fine. I smiled as I pushed her downward onto her hands and knees. I pulled the chains attached to the nipple clamps up and over her back.

"Thank you, Sir," she purred as I began feeding my cock into her pussy from behind and gently jerking on the chains, softly torturing her tits the way she liked me to do. "God, yes, my heart. Fuck me, Sir."

Steadily, with stroke after stroke, fucking her pussy with my manhood and slightly jerking the chains, we worked my sub through come after come. I could feel her using her vaginal muscles to knead my cock as it glided into and out of her juicy puss. My kitten's puss. The best fuck in the world. The best tits in the world.

When I thought she'd had enough of that I unclipped the clamps and began sucking on her breasts hungrily, jacking off at the same time. She continually finger fucked herself. With my permission, of course. Nipping at each nipple as she kept moaning and coming was heaven and I was now ready. "You want my hot come on your tits, Kitty Kat? Yes?" She sat up as I stayed on my knees, pointing my prick at her boobs.

Now it came. Now it sprayed onto her cones of passion. And she gasped, coming again and again. And then sucked my cock, jacking it with her dainty hand to get every drop of my seed. She always did love the taste of my come. Licking it from fingers that had spread it over her bosom first.

That was one of our last times together in that exciting way. I found out shortly after that I was not getting tenure. It was depressing as hell and all of Katherine's  consoling did nothing to really resolve it. I had to find another teaching position and she had to complete her degree.

Springtime was usually such of season of renewal. This spring was spent sending off resumes and searching the journals for positions in other colleges. She was working on making sure she passed all of her coursework. Our love-making was perfunctory. Our relationship did not last when we tried to maintain it over a long distance. I had found work but it was out west at my first university. She found a job in her field across the whole country from me. Our kind of relationship couldn't last that way. Perhaps another kind might have.

So, it was some twenty-five years later and there she was. We were both in the town where we had first met. We had both returned there for whatever reason. I had to know how she was. I had to know if she cared how I was. We couldn't help seeing each other there in the center. It was too close and personal to hide from people there. 

It was several days later that we crossed paths in the hallway outside the cancer center. She was just leaving as I was arriving for an appointment for an infusion. At first she seemed stunned to see me. Then she slowly spread her arms and hugged me close as I enfolded her to me, as well.

Actually, we were both crying, if you must know. Sitting down for a moment I took the time to let her know I was here, in town. I gave her my phone number. I had to get to my appointment. She slowly walked away down the hallway as I entered the center.

That evening, after I returned to my studio apartment, she called my cell. I didn't recognize the number, but I knew it was her. It had to be her. 

"Hello, Gary. How did it go today?"

"It went fine. The usual. You know, right?"

"Yes, sir. I mean, yes, I know." I felt her hesitation. "May we talk? I mean, should I come over, or would you like to go out for coffee?"

Of course we could talk. What else would we do now. I was filled with so many conflicting emotions. Fear for her. Anger at fate. Joy at sudden good luck. Of course, we had to talk. 

"Yes, of course we have to talk. Please, come on by. I'm just down the block from your old place, Kat."

She laughed. So familiar, that laugh. "That's funny. I'm only about a mile away. I'll be there in ten minutes."

Our reunion was more than I could have dreamed of. She was battling breast cancer while I was fighting renal cancer. We took on the war together. Needless to say, our relationship was different now. Older and wiser, perhaps. Or just not the same people. But we had had more than the lifestyle at one time. We had really had something more. 

And that something more was on its way back as we both struggled with our very real demons. She had family and friends to help her. I had some good friends, as well. But we neither of us had a special someone to share this time with. Or we hadn't. We did now. That was going to be good enough for the time being.

As I see her smile upon me once more I dream of a better springtime to come.


Written by Green_Man
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