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White Boys Can Fuck!, Chapter 2

"Brian shows her around town and learns something unexpected!"

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The next morning I woke to unfamiliar surroundings and it took me a moment or two to get my bearings again. Afterward, I went to my bathroom and took a shower–it was glorious!

I didn't have to worry about the water pressure dropping, or the temp changing when someone flushed the toilets. I didn't have to avoid the cockroaches trying to get a drink, or rush because Mom needed to use the bathroom too.

All too soon, I had to get out of the shower and I got dressed and ready for the day. It was Saturday, so I didn't have to worry about school for a couple of days.

I wanted to get a bit adjusted to my surroundings and get a feel for the place before I jumped right into college life–one major life change at a time!

"Good morning! How did you sleep last night?" Denise asked as I rounded the corner into the kitchen.

"I slept wonderfully! I'm not used to such a nice bed. Mine at home is just an old worn-out twin bed, so having a large bed like that was like sleeping on a cloud!" I said. "Mmm, something smells delicious!"

"Well this is Saturday and on the weekends we like having a good hearty breakfast. Sometimes, during the week, it's so rushed we don't have time to eat a proper breakfast, so on the weekends, we indulge a bit. I hope you like pancakes and eggs and bacon?" she asked.

"Oh yes! I don't get them very often but yes I love them!" I said, licking my lips already.

"Good, that's a relief! I didn't even think to ask if you had dietary rules... if you were vegan or no gluten or something," she said.

"Nope, I can eat just about anything. No restrictions," I said.

"Okay, that's good to know. How about allergies? Are you allergic to anything?" she asked. 

"Only bees and wasps. But I have my Epi-pen for that. I keep it on the bathroom shelf unless I'm going out–in case you need to get it for me." I said.

"Well we don't get many bees around here–they stay mostly out in the country a bit more. But thanks for telling me," Denise said.

I helped set the table and soon everything was ready. "Would you be a dear and knock on Brian's door and tell him breakfast is ready?" she asked.

I went down the hallway to his room and saw the door was opened just a crack. I knocked on the door softly in case he was still asleep or something but I got no answer. I carefully opened the door a bit more. 

"Brian? Are you awake?" I asked.

But there was no one in the room. I hadn't seen his room in the grand tour so I took a moment to look around the room from the doorway. I had never seen a boys' room since it was just Mom and me at home, and I found it exciting to see what one looked like.

I don't know why, but I was drawn into the room... as if my feet had a mind of their own. The next thing I knew I was inside the room looking at his dresser top, trailing my fingers over his bed as I walked around it to his closet.

The door was open and for some reason, I took one of his shirts off the closet rod and was smelling his scent.

"Find anything you like?" a man's voice said from behind me.

I whirled around so fast I nearly fell. Brian had been in the shower and now stood there with a towel hung around his neck wearing only his boxers!

"I-I, Oh God, I'm so sorry! I just came in..." I stammered, dropping his shirt on the hardwood floor.

"It's okay, don't worry. I don't get too many girls in my room except for Mom. It's kinda nice having a female in here, actually. It spruces up the place!" he said with a grin.

I could have died of embarrassment. I looked down, afraid of what I might see, and then picked up his shirt because I couldn't think of anything else to do.

Meanwhile, he put on his jeans just so I wouldn't be so nervous. I turned and was about to put his shirt back in his closet when he spoke again.

"Do you like that shirt?" he asked. 

I looked at him, then at the shirt. "Yes it's very nice," I said, not sure what he was getting at.

"Okay, then that shirt it is. Hand it to me?" he said.

I handed him the shirt and instead of taking the other end of the coat hanger, he covered my hand with his own and pulled me closer to him.

"Tawnisha, we are a close and very casual family. We don't go for the pretense of modesty and stuff around here. Mom walks out of the bathroom sometimes in her bra and panties, and you can see how relaxed I am."

"I hope you can get used to our ways. Mom comes from the hippie days in the '60s and I don't think she really got completely over that whole 'freedom' thing."

"Now I know this was a shock to you at first, but I hope that you will get used to our low key approach. It's nice having you here and we both want you to feel at ease. Okay?" he said. 

"Okay..." I said. Then Brian pulled me to him wrapping his big strong arms around me.

"Good. I'm glad we got that settled," he said as he held me close.

Me too! I thought as I snuggled into his deep, powerful chest. I could have stayed right there like that all day, but unfortunately, my new foster brother was hungry and I had to admit, breakfast smelled very good. So after an extended hug that made my head swim, we walked together towards the dining room and a real breakfast feast.

"Brian, honey, didn't you tell me the other day that you had some errands and things you wanted to do today?" Denise asked him as we ate breakfast.

"Yeah, I have a few things to do today. Why, do you need something?" he asked.

"No, but I thought it might be nice if Tawnisha went along with you, You could show her around and maybe even swing by the college so she could get a look around. I know the college is probably closed for the weekend, but she could at least see it. And you could point out what buildings she might be using. Plus she'd get a look around town as well," she said.

"That's a good idea. What about it Sis? Wanna hang out and I could show you some of the sights? he grinned broadly.

A chance to be alone with this gorgeous hunk of man? Was he kidding! I thought. Then trying to calm down and be more level-headed, I said, "Sure I'd like that very much." I may have been able to pull the cool and collected act to them, but inside, my heart was racing and I could feel a tingling in my pussy that I had never felt before.

So after breakfast was done and the table cleared and dishes were put in the dishwasher (I had never seen a dishwasher except on TV before now!), Brian and I got ready to head out to see the area.

I could hardly contain my excitement and I know it had to have shown–if not to Denise, then at least to Brian. He had this knowing smirk on his face whenever I looked his way; as if he knew what I was thinking and why my heart kept flip-flopping when he was near me.

When we were ready to go we headed out to show me my new home for the next four years. Our first destination would be the college so he could show me how to get there from the house.

"Now my way to work takes me right past the college so I will be able to take you to and from there depending on when your classes are. Hopefully, your class schedule and my work will match up pretty close and that will save you on bus and cab fare," he said.

"I hope so too," I replied.

"This is a pretty nice area, the people here are friendly and we don't have much in the way of crime or trouble. Everyone here works and it's an upscale kind of neighborhood so we don't get a lot of gang violence."

"I've never been to Detroit, but I hear about how it is there and if reports are even half accurate you'll find Grandview Heights a lot different than you are used to," he explained.

"It is a lot different. A lot cleaner and nicer in appearance, that's for sure. My neighborhood has trash all over, broken down cars and busted windows, it seems like every other building is abandoned these days and there are all kinds of thugs walking the streets."

"This place looks like a tourist destination someplace! It's clean and bright and no one looks like they want to rob you in the next minute! I can't walk down my street even in the daylight without worrying who's behind me. Here I wouldn't worry about walking around at all," I said.

"Yeah, this place is one of the safer neighborhoods in Columbus. Don't get me wrong, Columbus has its bad neighborhoods too, but they aren't anywhere near here. They are well south of where we are and the trouble stays down there. You won't need to go into that area for anything, I don't think."

"We have shopping malls, tons of places to eat, and all sorts of things to do on the weekends. I don't think I've had to go into the bad part of town in the last three or four years unless it's to pick up a truck that needs to be worked on. And even then, if they are driveable, they usually bring them to us. If they aren't, we have them towed to us!" he said.

About then, we were approaching the college. "Okay here is your school. It's a good-sized campus and I believe the Business Administration classes are held in the Deleware Building if I remember right."

"I had a girlfriend that was taking classes in that hall and I remember the Business Administration classes were held there. Of course, that was a few years ago and they may have moved them. Once you get your class assignment I can help you figure it out. I remember most of the building names," he said.

"A... girlfriend?" I asked. I had keyed into that word and wanted to know more!

"No, it wasn't like that. She was a girl who was a friend. We hung out and went to a few dorm parties and such. We hooked up once after a football game, but there was nothing really romantic between us," he said.

A wave of relief went through me at this news. "So, Brian, do you... um... do you have anyone?"

"You mean do I have a girlfriend? No, I don't. Not at the moment, at least. Why do you ask?" he said.

"Oh, nothing. I was just wondering," I said, looking down at my hands in my lap.

Just a few seconds later he pulled into one of the campus building's parking lots. Since it was Saturday and school had not officially opened yet, the parking lot and adjacent buildings were all vacant. We were all alone there.

"W-what are you doing, Brian?" I said.

This move made me very nervous. Where I'm from, something like this only meant one thing. Here I was, alone in a car with a white guy who was bigger, older, and stronger than me. I was a long way from home with no idea where the local police station was even if I could get to it. Not a comforting situation for a young black girl from Detroit!

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"Relax, Tawnisha, I just want to talk. Now, what's the deal with you–and be honest with me. You have been acting strangely towards me ever since you got here."

"You've been acting giddy as a girl at her first school dance, and this morning I caught you in my room sniffing my shirt. Now you are asking me about my love life–is there a point to all this odd behavior?" he said.

I was caught and there was no point in trying to deny it or explain my way out. I hadn't been careful enough with my emotions and impetuous girlish impulses! 

Dammit! I thought, mentally kicking myself in the ass.

"I'm sorry, Brian," I sobbed into my hands. "It's just that... when I got off the bus and first saw you, well, you were–you are–so good looking that I instantly fell for you. And this morning your mother sent me in to get you to come to breakfast."

"I didn't hear the shower running or I would have turned around and gone back to tell your mom. But instead... I know I shouldn't have... but it's your room, so I went in and you caught me. Oh, I'm so ashamed of myself! I could just die right here and now!"

"Please don't do that. I mean there's all that paperwork I'd have to do and I know they would blame me for it. I don't need the hassles!" he said with a big grin. "But thanks for the compliment. You really think I'm that good looking huh?" he asked.

"Are you kidding me? Brian, you are amazing! You are tall, you have a body a girl just wants to lick up like ice cream, and that damned smile of yours melts me every time I see it!" I said excitedly.

"I don't know about all that. It seems like those things don't matter a whole lot in Columbus. I haven't had much luck in the dating scene lately," he said.

"The girls here are crazy then," I said, "If you came to Detroit, and walked through my neighborhood, you'd be the Pied Piper of Detroit–there'd be hundreds of girls following you!"

"Well there's only one Detroit girl I'm interested in attracting and following me," he said.

"Huh?" I said stupidly.

"You silly! I was talking about you!" Brian said. Then he pulled me into a wonderful, spectacular, amazing kiss that made me melt into a puddle of girl goo!

I don't remember much of the drive after that. I do know that we drove around for some time, but I don't recall most of what he showed me. The one good thing is that the whole trip I didn't have to button my blouse or put my pants back on, so I know Brian was more of a gentleman than I was used to!

At last, we pulled into the driveway of the house and Brian shut the car off. He came around to my side and opened the door, offering his hand to help me up. When he did, he pulled me into another devastating kiss, this one every bit as good as the last.

I could not get enough of this man's sweet mouth! I got lost in his kiss once again and if it hadn't been that we were in the driveway, I would have given myself to him right then.

But come to find out I wouldn't have to wait that long anyway. We had another scrumptious dinner–this time pot roast, with red potatoes, fresh carrots, celery, and onions. Once again I'm afraid I ate like I hadn't seen food for a month! But it made Denise happy that her food was so appreciated.

"I'm sorry Denise, but if you keep cooking like that I may not be able to fit on the bus to go home!" I said pushing myself back from the table.

"Oh, dear, it makes me happy to see you eat like that. A mother always wants to know her work is appreciated and enjoyed. Seeing you eat my cooking like that is all the thanks I need sweetie!" she said with a twinkle in her eyes.

As soon as the dishes were done and we were all ready to go into the living room Denise said "You two kids go on into the living room and watch some TV or something. My back is bothering me some tonight. I am just going to take one of my pills and lay down."

"Okay, Mom. Good night," Brian said.

"Yes, good night. I hope you feel better," I said.

"Thank you, I will. These pills are lifesavers, I tell you," she said then went off to bed.

I turned to Brian. "What wrong with your Mom's back?" I asked.

Brian began to recount the story of his parents. "She was in a bad car crash years ago. Some drunk was running from the cops because he had already been arrested several times for DUI and this time he would lose his license permanently. So he was trying to get away when he ran a red light, smashing into Mom's car."

"She was driving and he hit her side of the front door so hard it rolled her car onto its side. Another car hit her from behind before it could stop. The Fire Dept had to practically cut the car to pieces to get her out–the car was crushed like a pop can."

"She was in the hospital for nearly a month before she was able to come home. It took a whole year before she could go back to work as a teacher."

"But her back was never strong enough for her to stand long enough to teach so she had to medically retire. Luckily she had tenure and had worked long enough to get a decent retirement and her Social Security disability. So we did okay. When I graduated and got my job, things were even better financially."

"A couple of years later, when Dad died, he had his life insurance plus the house had a policy that would pay off the mortgage if he should accidentally die."

"The day of the accident, Dad was up on a ladder cleaning the gutters after a windstorm filled them with leaves. The ladder slipped, and Dad fell right onto the concrete sidewalk. A few feet further back and he would have landed on the lawn and only got badly hurt, but he didn't."

"The life insurance paid for his funeral and helped with the bills we had at the time. When the house insurance paid the mortgage off, it was a real help to us. We had no mortgage, no car payments, no credit card bills. The only bills we had were the monthly utility bills and food costs."

"Things were good financially, if not emotionally. Dad's death hit Mom pretty hard and for a few months, it was pretty tough. But slowly she got past it. It took a lot of crying herself to sleep and many many long talks into the wee hours of the morning–with me as well as with some good friends."

"But she got past his death. Only I wouldn't say anything about it to her, she still has a bit of a scab on her heart and we don't want to open the wound again!" he said.

"Oh my God, I'm so sorry! Yes, of course, I won't say anything. I was kind of wondering why there was no Mr. Williams, but I had no idea. Oh Brian, you poor baby!" I said.

"It's all right. It's better that you hear it from me instead of asking Mom, even innocently, and getting her started again. We have taken down all Dad's pictures and put them away along with anything that might remind Mom of him. Mom and Dad were childhood sweethearts and so the fewer reminders of him, the better," he said.

"Of course. I won't say a word," I said.

The rest of the evening was pretty quiet–neither of us said much. I thought about how hard it must have been for these sweet people to go through that and I'm sure Brian was reliving it some in his head too.

I was sorry I brought the whole subject up, but I was just asking why her back hurt her because I was concerned. My Mom's back and feet hurt sometimes because of the standing she does at her job. I thought maybe the same thing was wrong with Denise.

Finally, bedtime came around and we decided we'd had enough excitement for one day. We both went to our separate bedrooms after saying good night and I shut the door and got ready for bed. 

I guess I had been in bed for about forty-five minutes or so when I heard a soft knock on the door.

I turned on the lamp on my nightstand and pulled my blanket up around my neck. "Come in," I said quietly.

The door opened slowly and Brian's head peeked around the edge. "Were you asleep?" he asked.

"No, not yet, why?" I said.

He came into my room and closed the door behind him "I've been thinking about what you told me in the car today..." he said as he came up to the bed.

He wasn't wearing a shirt and only had his elastic waistband pajama bottoms on. He watched my face as he hooked his thumbs under that waistband and pushed his pajamas down–he wasn't wearing anything under them either!

"Brian! What are you doing?" I said in a shouted whisper. "What if your mother comes down the hallway?"

"Mom took a couple of her pain pills. She won't be up till the morning. They are very powerful pills and she won't even roll over tonight. We don't have to worry about her," he said. 

He came over to stand next to my bed. His magnificent body seemed to glow in the lamplight and I could see everything he had to offer–which was a lot!

"I don't... understand," I said, looking at his semi-hard cock and then up at him.

"Tawnisha, I think you do understand. You told me that you instantly fell for me when you first saw me and that you think I have a body that girls want to lick up like ice cream I believe is how you put it. I told you there was only one girl in Detroit I wanted to play my flute for and it was you."

"We don't have to do this if you don't want to, Tawnisha. But if you want dessert, I'm your ice cream!" he said with that trademark smile.

What's a girl to do? There he was... a spectacular specimen of manhood, naked and ready for me... a handsome muscular white man, a gentleman in the truest sense, and with the biggest cock I'd ever seen on any man! Well, a girl's resistance can only take so much! I lifted the edge of my blanket and scooted over for him.

Brian got into bed with me and rolled up on one elbow to hover over me. He pulled me into his strong embrace and kissed me. Oh, God, his kisses!

I put my arms around his neck and returned his kiss with all I had. I couldn't say at that time what I felt was love, after all, I had just met him a couple of days ago. But I did know I wanted him–desperately!

Written by Master_Jonathan
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