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The Three Meter Challenge

"Some girls will do anything to get into Delta Chi"

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It was down to six of us - six young ladies vying for the four open spots in the single most exclusive sorority at the University of Alabama. I won’t mention the name of the sorority for reasons that will become obvious, but for the purposes of the story, I’ll refer to it as Delta Chi or DX.

It seems silly even trying to get involved in a sorority like DX, or any sorority for that matter. But my mom was a DX and suggested I do the same so that I could enjoy many of the advantages that she was able to enjoy as a sister - good connections that lead to good jobs and better husbands. For those of you who think that sounds shallow - welcome to The South.

DX is the sorority that gives sororities their reputation. It’s highly selective and use the selection process to embarrass girls to be sure they really want to be in. Next, it’s full of girls from wealthy backgrounds - the ridiculous dues keep it that way. Last - and this is going to sound conceited - but DX does not take unattractive girls. I know what that sounds like but I’m realistic. Being 5’8” and thin with firm C-cup tits and long blonde hair, I’ve been getting attention since I was 15.

Through the rush process, I became good friends with a girl named Ashley. Ashley and I could have been sisters. She was a little bit shorter than me but just as thin, blonde, and attractive. I guess if I’m being honest, she had slightly larger breasts, too. Ashley and I have made a pact to help each other get into DX as best we can - providing each other support during the slightly embarrassing rush traditions, like wearing ugly clothes or making impromptu speeches in dining halls.

Tonight seemed different though - there was going to be the final challenge before the final cuts are made and the Fall 2016 semester class is named. Like I said before, there are four spots and six of us, so two of these ladies would not be here a week from now. The six of us lined up in the living room of the Delta Chi mansion located just steps from campus.

“Good evening, ladies,” said Kimberly, our Chapter president. “I’m so excited for this final challenge! Are you ready to hear it?

The six of us excitedly responded that yes, we were ready and were all very excited.

“Alright, let’s get serious for a minute,” Kimberly’s voice changed from its normal overly positive up-speak tone to a deeper tone that meant business. “Remember, this is all voluntary. None of the things you do…or don’t do… will guarantee you getting in or being cut. You can stop or not participate at any time. It’s supposed to be fun and bring you closer, right? Tell me you understand.”

We nodded that we did.

“This final challenge is something we have all done. Every single sister you are seeking to join has been through this - keep that in mind.”

There was a long pause as she looked each of us in the eye.

“Over the years, this challenge has taken on the name of ’The 3 Meter Challenge’.”

There were some confused looks from our group. Kimberly noticed and continued with an explanation.

“From this point forward, everything you are about to hear is one hundred percent confidential. If any of this is repeated outside of this room, you will be punished. I don't mean you simply will not be accepted into Delta Chi. I mean you will be permanently removed from the university and likely not allowed into any others because of what will show up on your record. You know who we are in this sorority so you know this threat is real. Got it?” Kimberly continued, “As you probably know, three meters is roughly ten feet. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, will be to take ten feet of penis in the next two weeks. The rules are simple and absolute. They are as follows.”

Kimberly listed the rules for us and I was horrified. We sat in stunned silence as she spoke.

Number one: Photo proof is necessary. Your face must be in the picture for verification. Text me the pic and I will save it to a secure hard drive, then delete the original. I suggest keeping a ruler in your purse for accurate measurements. It isn't necessary but in a game where inches add up and can make the difference, proving size is better than estimating. Two: A completed blowjob will earn you half the total size. That means sucking a six-inch penis will earn you three inches. Three: Sex will earn you the total size. You take a ten-incher, you get ten inches added. Four: For you adventurous ladies, anal earns double. Five inches in your ass means ten inches to your total. Five: They have to cum. This is and where it goes is on the honor system. Don’t be shady. Six: Each guy only counts once. You can’t find a big nine inch dick and fuck him eleven times. Seven: The first four to complete the challenge are admitted to Delta Chi. The last two leave their fate to chance. Eight: There will be a leader board posted in the living room for the next two weeks. It will look like some sort of charity contribution but you’ll know the difference. Nine: This is the most important rule. None of this can happen with any current Alabama students. The last thing we need is a rumor that Delta Chi pledges are out to suck and fuck any guy that comes their way. Any questions?”

It was a terrifying thought for a girl with minimal sexual experience. I’d never had sex and had blown two of my high school boyfriends. I gave a boy a drunken hand job during my first week of school but never saw him again. That was about it for me.

Some of the girls - like Ashley - had considerable more experience. Our late night chats had revealed that she was currently sleeping with two guys since the beginning of the year. I could assume they were not her first so it would not be much of a big deal to take a few more on.

“Now, before you object - remember that everyone in this room has completed this challenge. Isn’t that right, ladies?” Kimberly asked the sisters. The rest of the sorority nodded their heads and smiled knowingly. She finished her speech, “alright, those are your marching orders. The challenge begins now - meeting dismissed!”

Ashley and I began our walk back to the dorms. The walk was mostly silent. We kept the conversation to other things like classes and exams to keep others from knowing our secret assignment but also to avoid the topic out of nervousness. We decided to stop by a bar that Ashley knew the bouncer at. It was a Tuesday night so there weren’t many people inside. Once we were seated in a quiet corner, I brought up our assignment.

“Ash, are we going to pretend this is okay? ‘The Three Meter Challenge’? This cannot be real. It’s a joke right?” I kind of word vomited all my worries.

“She seemed pretty serious, Sam,” Ashley said. “I mean, what if we don’t take it seriously and find ourselves as the last two?”

“I don’t know… think of the opposite? What if we blow like ten guys and then find out it’s a joke! That would be humiliating. Maybe it’s some sort of test. Why don’t we play it safe and see what comes of this leader board? Then if we see it’s real, we can catch up.”

Ashley glanced at the bouncer.

“I don’t think I’m going to risk it,” she said. “In fact, I think I might get a head start tonight. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

With that, she downed her drink and crossed the bar. As I finished my drink and paid my tab, I saw her flirting with the bouncer. Unbelievable, I thought. How can this be so easy for her?

The next day, I met Ashley outside the building we had our first class in.

“Well, how was last night?” I asked.

“Total waste of time! We had to be quick so let’s just say my total is now two and a half inches…” Ashley told me. “I felt a lot sluttier than I thought I would. Maybe we should go by your plan and see if this leader board goes up.”

The next two days went on as usual and Ash and I decided to stop by the house to investigate Friday afternoon. When we walked in, to our horror, there it was - a big marker board with all our names on it, along with our “Total Charitable Contributions.”

Nichole - 5

Rachel - 6

Carli - 8

Vanessa - 12

Ashley - 0

Sam - 0

Oh, shit. This was very real and we were already behind.

“Care for a drink?” Ashley asked.

“Fuck and yes.” I replied. “Off campus?”

When we got to the bar, we sat down a devised a plan. We had ten days left and had to come up with a strategy. We had less than ten days left to get our ten feet - less than that if we were being honest with ourselves, since some were bound to finish early. Ashley and I decided that our goal would be to finish in seven days or less. That would mean an average of about fourteen and a half inches per day for me and fourteen per day for Ashley once she reports the bouncer from Tuesday - not much of difference. We Googled average penis size and found that the average American cock was about 5.4 inches. This meant we would be taking at least three per day depending on where they went. Reality was setting in that this was going to be ridiculous.

I felt sick, but strangely excited talking about it like it was just a little game. That’s all it really was, right? Just a little game amongst friends that no one else would ever find out about.

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With the right attitude this could be fun!

Four or five drinks later, we had a plan and decided it was time for action. We approached a group of four guys drinking by the bar and struck up a conversation. Almost instantly, Ashley had cornered one and was flirting pretty hard. The other three were focused on me, subtly competing for my attention. Before I knew it, Ashley had disappeared with her guy.

“Looks like they hit it off pretty quickly!” one of the guys said. I hadn't bothered learning names because it didn't matter.

“Want to go look for them?” I said in my sexiest voice.

He shot a look at his friends and said he’d love to. Seconds later, I was pulling him into a ladies room stall and drunkenly kissing him while my hands went for his jeans zipper.

“Holy shit - you are not messing around!” He whispered. I shushed him and squatted down in front of him, undoing his pants completely in the process. I pulled the elastic down and his cock sprang out in my face.

“Oh Jesus… what the fuck…” I said, mesmerized by the biggest dick I had ever seen. “Well, there’s no way I’m putting that in me… How big is it??”

“Nine and a half inches, baby.”

I stopped wasting time and started jerking him off with my right hand with the tip in my mouth. With my left hand, I reached for my phone, pulled it out, and took a smiling selfie with this monster cock next to my face. Then, it was all business. I slurped and stroked, sucked and jerked. His staying power was more than I expected and my jaw was starting to hurt.

“Will you fucking hurry up and cum?” I whispered.

Apparently, he just needed a little motivation because a few seconds later he was shooting his seed into my mouth. I hadn't planned on what I would do so I caught as much of it in my mouth as I could before turning and spitting it into the toilet. I immediately got up, gave him a kiss on the cheek, and walked out of the stall.

Ashley was outside the bathroom waiting for me. We took one look at each other and laughed.

“Let’s get the fuck out of here. There’s another bar down the street we can walk to,” she said.

On the walk, we laughed and talked about our experiences. She let the guy fuck her in the stall because he had a five inch cock and she didn’t want to waste her time blowing him. I told her about the fire hose I encountered and how there was no way I was losing my virginity to that!

We entered the bar with the plan to find two guys and go back to their place. I scanned the bar and was surprised to find that it was mostly couples and small groups of friends. I guess thats what bars are like off campus! We noticed one table with two guys sitting at it in the back corner. They were not exactly our type - slightly older, probably late twenties and kind of nerdy looking.

Unfortunately, we didn't have time to be picky and the bars were closing soon. We walked over to their table and asked if we could join them. They welcomed us and ordered us a couple of drinks. Ashley was beyond buzzed at this point and was perhaps overly blunt with these gentlemen.

“You boys live together?” She asked.

“Uh, yeah. Just a good way to save some money,” the one named Paul said.

“But we have our own bedrooms!” The other one, Kyle, followed up somewhat awkwardly. I guess he saw where this was going.

“Why don’t you show us?” Ashley said, seductively. With that, they paid their bill and called an Uber.

Minutes later, we were inside their apartment. It was nice. Nothing spectacular but it was clear these two were young professionals.

“Can we fix you a couple drinks, ladies?” Kyle said, trying hard to be smooth but it was pretty unnatural.

“Kyle, I’ll be very honest with you. We’ve had more than enough to drink and they had drinks at the bar we just left. We didn’t come here to drink. We came here for something else and I think you know what that is. Now which of us do you guys prefer? There’s no wrong answer, you’re both getting some tonight.” Ashley boldly stated, leaving both guys in a state of shock.

“Um, Sam, can I show you my room?” Paul said, shyly.

“Of course, Paul. Let’s check it out.” I winked at Ashley and disappeared into Paul’s bedroom.

He looked terrified. For a second, I realized that he might be a virgin, too.

“Paul, have you ever been with a woman before?”

He shook his head ‘no’.

“Well, believe it or not, I’m a virgin, too.” I told him.

“What? No way. I mean, not that you look slutty or anything! I just… You are very…” Paul was freaking out. I interrupted him by pushing him onto the bed, straddling him, and covering his mouth with mine.

As we kissed, I was unbuttoning his shirt and running my hands all over his body. I sat up and pulled my own shirt off and unhooked my bra, letting my perky tits free. He was in a trance. I grabbed his hands and placed them on my breasts. I felt his erection through his pants and went back to kissing him while gyrating lightly on his crotch.

I didn’t want him to blow in his pants so I hopped off him and began unbuttoning his jeans. He helped by raising his hips and pushing his jeans and underwear down to his knees. I looked down to see a nicely shaped cock of about six inches. Not wanting to embarrass him, I didn't ask for a ruler to get an accurate measurement. Instead I grabbed it with my left hand, placed my face next to it and snapped a picture on my phone. I looked up at his surprised face and mouthed ‘Sorry’. He was too overwhelmed to care.

I stood up and began shimmying out of my tight jeans. I pulled them and my panties down together and stepped out of them. Now that we were both naked, I settled back on top of him. Despite the situation, I was strangely aroused. Maybe it was thinking about sex all day long. Maybe it was the booze. Maybe it was just Paul’s perfect cock rubbing against my labia as we kissed.

“Do you have a condom?” I asked.

“Shit, shit, shit! No I don’t. Fuck, I knew I would ruin this.” He replied.

Without a word, I closed my eyes, kissed him hard, reached between us, and lined up his unprotected dick with my virgin pussy. My arousal had taken over. I slowly put my weight down on top of him and let him inside. Time seemed to stand still as he entered me inch by inch. I focused on the pleasure I was feeling and despite the slight pain Paul’s thick cock was causing. Seconds later, he was all the way inside. I sat still for a second letting my vagina adjust to its new invader.

I felt myself spasming around his shaft and before I knew it, I was having my first vaginal orgasm without so much as a single thrust. As it began, I gyrated my hips and let the orgasm tear through me. Once I recovered, I started riding him slowly. Sure, I had just cum like a banshee but my tight vagina was still not used to having a dick in it. I felt it building again after a few minutes of riding. I was in ecstasy.

Paul, in a surprising show of confidence, rolled us over so that he was on top. In the process, his dick slipped out and he quickly reached down, realigned myself, and pushed himself back in. It was a bit to fast and he buried himself to the hilt in one stroke. I screamed in a mixture of pleasure and a little pain. Then he began pounding away. I’m not sure if it was my virgin status or if his dick fit me like a key in a lock, but he was hitting spots I didn’t know existed. About thirty seconds later, I felt that second orgasm rise back up and rip through me like a freight train. I groaned in pleasure and dug my nails into his back.

Witnessing my climax was a bit much for Paul to handle and he lost control. Being inexperienced, he let go inside me.

“Nooooo!” I yelled.

Realizing what he was doing, he pulled out and shot the rest of his load all over my stomach and tits. Breathing hard, he rolled off of me. I looked down and saw that I was absolutely covered with cum - more than I had ever seen in my life. I actually felt a little bit from that first burst dripping out of my snatch. I didn’t care though. I lost my virginity in the most pleasurable experience of my life. Paul grabbed a t-shirt off the floor and gave it to me to wipe myself down.

“Paul - I can’t stay but let me put your number in my phone. This is going to be a regular thing.” I told him, smiling.

I got dressed, but left my panties on the floor for him to discover in the morning. When I walked out of his room, Ashley was sitting on the couch waiting, looking tired.

“Sounded like someone had a good time,” she quipped.

“I won’t lie - that was fucking incredible. How was Kyle?” I replied.

She shot me a disappointed look and showed me a picture on her phone. On the screen was a picture of her face next to a thick cock that looked about seven inches long.

“Jesus, that thing looks huge!” I whispered, “Why the long face? That looks like something you would like.”

“It was perfect in every way except he came inside me the second I started riding him. I didn't even get used to the size yet and he was exploding before I had a change to pull off. I’m completely full of cum right now. Thank god for birth control, right?”

“Yeah… about that…” I said, remembering Paul's semen that was slowly leaking out of me in my jeans.

Our Uber arrived a few minutes later and we began scheming for the next day.

Ashley - 14.5

Sam - 10.75

Written by thatguy625
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