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Professor Knowles Realization

"A new professor comes to a realization he never expected"

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Jack Knowles had been interested in science as far back as he could remember. As soon as he could get his hands on Dad’s tools, he began dismantling and reconstructing household things, always successfully. When he first saw his Mom make bread and saw the dough rise, he became interested in chemicals and their interaction. His parents gave him a chemistry set, which he quickly took to, and completed all the possible experiments in only a couple weeks. They bought him a more advanced one, which he devoured in just a bit more time. He had found his future.

By the time he got to high school, he had been identified as “gifted”. Most of his classes, especially any related to science, were advanced placement. He graduated with a 3.94 GPA and a scholarship to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Not only was he scholarly gifted, he was tall and handsome, with piercing blue eyes. He was an articulate extrovert with an easy, confident manner. The girls loved him, and he loved them. By sixteen he was having regular sex with several girls who were a year ahead of him in school. They tried their best to find ways to be exclusive with him, but he always was able to extricate himself from any restrictive entanglements, without ruining his relationship with the particular female.

Life at MIT was a bit more difficult than it had been in high school, but he still managed to keep himself at or near the top of all his classes. There was about a fifty-fifty ratio of males to females. MIT saw to it that all races and students from many foreign countries were represented. He was out of his ninety-five percent white high school world and into a world with girls from many demographic groups. There were new worlds to conquer and enjoy!

And conquer it he did. There was no doubt that almost all the students were in the nerdy-techie category, including him, but few had the social gifts he possessed. The geeky girls were attracted to him like flies to honey. When it came to sex, they turned out to be not so geeky. The ones he chose to hang out with were not only very intellectually talented, they were also sexually talented, and were not afraid to express their desires.

Also, to Jack’s delight, most all the girls had career aspirations, just like he did. They were not interested in catching a husband, at least not at this point in their life. So sexual adventures were just mutually enjoyable, desire filled stress relief—with some reciprocal passion and emotion thrown in.

Jack graduated Magna Cum Laude and enrolled in graduate school. He would pay for grad-school by working as a Teaching Assistant. TA’s taught undergrad classes in their specialty to free up professors to do research. Jack had two first year chemistry classes to instruct. Each was fifty minutes, three days a week, with approximately fifty students in each class.

He was familiar with the work, having had two of his first year classes taught by a TA. What he did not realize was the total impact of the responsibility. Besides instructing, the TA had to grade every quiz and exam given, plus make recommendations to the Professor for a final grade. He also had to keep office hours so the students could talk with him if they needed to. For each class, he was to be available two hours a week at a specific time. There was an office, used by several TA’s, for these meetings; he kept them as short as possible so he could fit everyone in who wanted to see him.

He had never had that need himself, so he did not realize how many students had problems, issues, or questions. He made it clear he was not a tutor. The time was more for administrative questions or problems and extremely quick, content related issues.

This is when he first learned about the approach some females, who were not doing particularly well in the class, took, trying to increase their grade. “Oh Mister Knowles, I will do absolutely anything to raise my grade. I really, really need to get an A in the course.”

He did not really get it the first time it happened, telling the girl he could recommend several good tutors that could probably help her. She took the names and left, looking very disappointed.

A few minutes after she left, it hit him—she had meant sex. Only five years ago he had been a first year undergrad. He knew exactly what these girls could do, and how meaningless it would be for them. There was no way he was going to jeopardize his job, and his eventual PhD, for some meaningless quickie. The next time it happened, he tested out his theory.

He only had to wait until the next week. Cathie Neels came to see him.

“Oh, Mister Knowles, I will do absolutely anything to raise my grade. I really, really need to get an A in the course.”

“So what exactly do you mean by ‘anything’? Maybe something like cleaning my apartment and washing my car twice a week for the rest of the year?”

She shifted around in the chair, making sure her skirt was high enough that he could not miss her panty-less pussy.

“Ah... Well... No, I was thinking of something a little more intimate,” she said, with a big hopeful smile.

“Oh, so you mean something more confidential and private—like, I tutor you and we don’t tell anyone else? I could not do that. I take my ethical responsibilities very seriously.”

Now, spreading her legs and arching her back to emphasize her ample chest, she said, “No, Mister Knowles. I mean pleasing you. You would not have to do anything except enjoy me.”

“Miss Neels, I do not see how I could possibly enjoy you more. It is a joy to have you in my class. Now, if there is nothing else, I do have other students waiting.”

She collapsed like a punctured balloon. Giving Jack a hostile look, she grabbed her backpack and left without a further word. Jack had a bit of sympathy for her, but almost burst out in a full-throated laugh. Then he invited the next student in to discuss their concerns.

It took Jack five years to complete his Doctoral Dissertation and receive his PhD in Chemical Engineering, specializing in silicons. He continued his TA work for those years and heard variations of the “I’ll do anything” theme, year after year. He never took anyone up on their offer and had worked out a rote answer that quickly dispensed with the discussion.

Now he was faced with the real world—putting his skills to work and earning his way. He had been courted by several large chemical companies and also by several large universities. All were offering six-figure salaries. They wanted his experience with silicons.

He had come to enjoy the world of academia. He was comfortable there and had ideas that he wanted to research regarding new uses for silicon, ideas that, if they came to fruition, would be worth significant money. Corporations might reward him with a bonus, but he would never see any part of the income his ideas could generate. It would be the same at a large research university. Both would hold any patents he produced.

He finally settled on Greyson College. It was a small, private school outside of Boston, that was looking to further develop their chemistry department to supplement their science curriculum. Jack’s experience and knowledge base was just what they needed. They agreed on a smaller salary than he could have made elsewhere, but still in six figures. The really important part to Jack was that they also agreed to provide him a new lab for his research, and agreed to a sixty-forty split in anything he developed. Jack would own the patent and receive the sixty percent.

He rented a house near the campus and started working on his new lab space just two weeks after his graduation; the ink was barely dry on his new employment contract. He was obligated to teach one fourth year advanced organic chemistry course, while the rest of his time would be devoted to research. He was promised that, until he brought in grant money, funds would soon be available, allowing him to hire one student as a lab assistant. In addition to the lab assistant, he was also expected to mentor one or two other graduate students working towards their PhD in Chemical Engineering.

He threw himself into his work. Time passed quickly. Soon it was late August, and his advanced chemistry course was starting. It was limited to twenty students and filled rapidly. The college grapevine told him it was due to his reputation as a leading expert in organic chemistry, specifically silicons. As a first year professor, he found this hard to believe, but he had not kept up much with the outside world, due to his efforts getting his new lab up and running.

He did fully realize that his social life, and resulting sex life, had taken a precipitous decline. He no longer had hundreds of potential female companions available. Unlike when he was a student and able to mingle at will with all the others, he was now very limited in his student social interactions. They were not looked upon as generally acceptable by the College.

He had attended two conferences during the summer. At each one, he met an eager and amorous female colleague. Spending their free time in intimate, sensual activities had been extremely satisfying for both parties. However, the two occasions were limited to the week-long conference, due, at least in part, to the travel distance between their respective homes. To somewhat curb his sexual appetite, and to devote the time required to start the research he had in mind, he managed to put sex in the recess of his mind, at least temporarily.

His new class was made up of fifteen males and five females. At this level, they were all bright, looking forward to graduation and beginning their careers. Some would start right away, some would stay on to earn Masters and Doctoral degrees. He told the class on the first day about soon being able to hire a lab assistant and his willingness to mentor one or two others in pursuit of an advanced degree. He emphasized his requirement that whoever he selected as his assistant be committed to pursuing a Doctoral degree.

It was not until the middle of the semester that he received the funding for the lab position. Even though he was in a hurry to pick an assistant, he knew he needed to really get to know whoever applied—he and the hiree had to be very like-minded. He had received five applications. Three from males and two from female students. He reviewed their grades and curriculum vitae to this point. Two of the males clearly were not acceptable, so it was down to Cooper Bell, Amelia Ward, and McKenzie Morgan.

On three consecutive afternoons, he interviewed each one in his office. The interviews were rigorous, mostly having to do with their academic and functional qualifications. He did not want to make a mistake and then have to deal with the consequences. All three were highly qualified in both areas.

Cooper and Amelia had come from modest backgrounds. They were paying for their education partly by scholarship, and partly by their part-time work. McKenzie was clearly from a rich, northeastern family. The department chairman had told him she had a very privileged upbringing; she was a descendant of J.P. Morgan, and her father owned a private investment firm, started by her grandfather. It took at least a one million dollar investment to be considered as a client.

Since he would be working closely with whoever he chose, he decided he needed to get to know them in a more relaxed setting. He invited them all, individually, to dinner at his house, to further discuss their goals and to hopefully help him decide who he could work with best, on a somewhat long-term basis.

Cooper somewhat reminded Jack of himself—hair unkempt, jeans, tee shirt or sweat shirt was pretty standard dress for him. Amelia struck him as an intelligent plain Jane. Simple wardrobe, short hair; a wash and wear girl. He had known a number of women in that category, some were sexual dynamos. As a matter of curiosity, he wondered where on the continuum of intimate passions hers resided, not that it mattered for the position, it would never be a consideration.

After the first day of class, McKenzie had moved from the rear to take a seat in the front row of the room. Her self-confidence and intelligence were quietly apparent. She wore designer clothes—not overtly flaunting it, but he had seen enough in his life to know designer from store brand. She would rotate randomly from jeans to mini-skirts to shorts, often carelessly spreading her legs or sitting cross-legged at times, as if perhaps daring or tempting him.

He arranged the dinners on consecutive Saturday nights—first Amelia, then Cooper, and finally, McKenzie. Amelia and Cooper were both pleasant, articulate, and intelligent. There was a certain natural difference between male and female, but it was not determinative. He liked them both.

He knew dinner with McKenzie was going to be different because of her background, and the fact that she used the "I will do anything" line during her interview in his office. He did not disqualify her because he felt a certain strong, but undefinable, connection with her. There was no denying that she was probably the brightest and most committed of the three.

She arrived exactly at 7:00 pm, as he had requested. Looking out a window, he saw her exit a late model BMW. She was wearing black heels that had red soles, a black, finely pleated, somewhat mini, skirt and a colorful, abstract patterned, tight, thin sweater. Her assets were tastefully on full display. The skirt defined the splendid curved ass that it hid; the sweater delineated the sumptuous breasts that it cloaked.

Jack felt himself starting to harden, even though he had told himself he would treat her just like the other two. That feeling he still could not define was becoming stronger. It was not attraction, he told himself. He was convinced he was hardened to anything he might physically feel for her. This was all about qualifications, skills, and willingness to work. He would prove her not to be the right choice.

As he opened the door for her, she gave him a chilled bottle of a French Chablis, the perfect pairing for the shrimp Caesar salad and broiled Italian bread he was preparing for dinner. After opening the wine and pouring each of them a glass, he led her to a wing back chair while he sat on a nearby couch.

Wanting to shock her into a reaction of some sort, he said, “So, McKenzie, you attended Welbury Latin Prep school before coming to Greyson.”

“Yes. It is a very good school. They cultivated a discipline in me to always give my all.”

“So, correct me if I am wrong, but I have the image of you as coming from old money, probably with your own trust fund that activated at age twenty-one. At sixteen, you lost your virginity to a guy named Hamilton Seward, the Third, or Fourth, or some similar old money name. Every boy you ever dated was a third or fourth of something. Your parents have the ideal husband in mind for you. You have gotten everything you ever wanted, ever since you can remember. Am I correct? And why Greyson, and why organic chemistry?”

Although shocked by his very direct, bold assessment of her life, she remained seemingly unflappable.

“You are fundamentally correct, Professor Knowles—“

“Call me Jack. This is meant to be very informal.”

“Okay... Jack. I came to Greyson because, although you may be generally correct about my upbringing and family history, I am determined to be my own person and to pursue my own interests.”

“And what are those interests? Why organic chemistry in particular?”

She went on to tell Jack how, when she was young, she saw a PBS NOVA television show about how life was constructed, at its most basic level. It revolved around carbon. She went to the library, checked out books, and read about it. That only whetted her enthusiasm, so she told her father of her interests, and he, thinking is was a passing phase, indulged her. He hired a tutor, thinking it would bore her so much she would quickly lose interest.

Just the opposite happened. The more she learned, the more she wanted to know. By sixth grade, she was at an advanced high school level. Her father gave up and let her have her head, as they say about a running horse. She went on more about drugs, hydrocarbons and silicon. She clearly had much more than a passing interest in organic chemistry.

“And what about Greyson? Why here? Rumor has it that you were accepted at Harvard and Yale, just to name two.”

“I wanted a small, non-ivy league, but high quality school. Greyson meets those requirements. If I do not get accepted by you, after graduation I will go to Harvard or Yale for grad school.”

“You could be mentored by me, but not be my lab assistant. You would still get the benefit of whatever I could teach you and have my guidance towards a fantastic dissertation.”

“Yes, but I would not be working closely with you. It is you I want. Your knowledge and insight is what I mean,” she said, squirming in her chair a bit.

In fact, it was both that she wanted. Ever since the first day of class, she had been attracted to him. He seemed to be the kind of guy she had dreamed of. He was exceptionally bright, and, she suspected, a very good lover. At odd times she would find herself thinking of them together, him deep in her, driving her from orgasm to orgasm. Also running through her mind, at random times, were thoughts of taking him down her throat, feeling and tasting him as his pulsating cock fed her his seed. She nurtured and cherished these thoughts when they coalesced in her mind.

He had been watching her intently through the conversation. Although trying to ignore it during their discussion, he was very conscious of his hopefully unseen, hard genital state. She was astounding in her poise, confidence, elegance, and her commitment to her chosen field. He never expected her to be this eloquent and impressive. He did expect that she was sexually free-spirited. He had no specific knowledge to confirm that, but his past experience and the vibes he thought he felt, led him to that conclusion.

Suddenly, he jumped up and immediately headed for the kitchen. “Just stay there. I need to check on things. We will be eating in a few minutes.”

He needed time to think. He had foreseen the whole evening. As much as he was personally attracted to her, this was to be the time to prove she was not the one. He thought he would embarrass or mortify her about her sex life; confuse and disconcert her about her interest in organic chemistry; irritate her about her privilege and family wealth. None of this had come to pass. Now he was drawn to her more than ever. He had one last thing... that could wait until after dinner.

“Okay, dinner is served. Please join me at the table.”

During dinner, he dialed back the conversation to just movies they had seen, music they appreciated, food they enjoyed, just light banter. To his dismay, they enjoyed mostly the same things.

They finished dinner and the bottle of wine at the same time.

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Now for the pièce de résistance. He had to be careful with this since she was a student, but she had offered... He would just be following up and he was sure she would not expect it and would definitely not comply.

He led the way over to the couch and sat down. As she went to sit next to him, he said, “No, come sit on my lap. Spread your legs open and straddle me so we are face to face.”

“Is this still part of the interview?” she asked coolly.

“Yes. Remember you offered to do anything to gain this appointment?”

“Yes, I remember. I did say that,” she said, a bit uneasily. That was so stupid. Is he going to hold that against me? Warily she asked, “Did the other two also go through this part of the interview?”

“No. But then neither of them offered to do anything to gain the position. Only you did that.”

He thought he had her now. She must be feeling humiliated by her foolish statement. Her refusal would put an end to the evening.

She was regretting her statement but refused to be flustered or mortified. Thinking that he was going to use this as the reason to dismiss her, she effortlessly swung a leg over him and wiggled herself just where he had asked her to sit. Now let’s see what he has the nerve to ask or do, she thought.

Jack was stunned. He never expected this, but he could not back down. To make matters worse, he could feel her heat and knew she could probably feel his manhood. He had to make her remorseful and refuse to go further.

Now he was closely faced with two of the most perfect breasts he had ever seen. The thin sweater made it clear that they were contained in an exquisite black, almost sheer, thin lace bra. At this distance, her hard, dark pink nipples could be perceived through the fabric.

They independently realized that they had reached a cross roads. Much of their future would depend on their actions from this point forward. Both had similar thoughts. They were both sexually excited, wanting each other. They knew it was dangerous territory, but both felt themselves being drawn in, knowing it could be the mistake of their lives.

“So, you are willing to do anything for the job.”

“I did make a rash offer, one that I have never made before, but I follow through on my commitments. Are you willing to take full advantage of what is before you?” Essentially daring him to act.

Neither one would back down. Their strong wills, combined with their rising passions, were holding them seemingly deadlocked. By now he was as fully hard as he could get, only his pants somewhat restrained him; he surmised she must feel his significant bulge. She was soaking wet and thought her thin thong was probably leaking by now. She wondered if he felt moisture down there?

Holding on to hope that he could still embarrass her into backing down, he said, “I believe the next move would be you removing that beautiful, undoubtedly bespoke-made, sweater.”

Even though she wanted this and more from him, she knew his integrity would prevent it. So to put an end to this conundrum they had both gotten themselves intertwined in, she reached down and swiftly pulled the sweater over her head, tossing it to the floor.

Now concealed only by the thinnest of lace bras, a bra that only covered up to her nipples, her breasts' allure and perfection were extremely pronounced. Now, no matter what Jack intended, his lizard brain was taking over. McKenzie was also reacting. Desperately wanting Jack’s hands on her, she used every bit of resolve and willpower to remain still, unresponsive.

Their eyes locked on each other. Any peripheral vision was gone. His hands slowly moved up, eventually lightly brushing the still confined base of her breasts with the backs of his fingers. The lace was soft. The firm but supple flesh easily discernible. His hands brushed back and forth several times. Through her eyes, he could detect the tension she was feeling—it seemed to border much more on passion and thrill than on fear or displeasure.

“Take off your bra. Let’s see the beauty it is encapsulating.”

She hesitated momentarily, knowing this would be a culminating moment in their lives. With both of them still focused intensely on the other, she reached behind her. A quick movement and the bra fell, landing between them.

He never moved his eyes from hers, but what was left of his peripheral vision could not miss the luscious breasts that had just been released. His hands shot up. First he moved his fingers as before, brushing and appreciating their feel. Then he used his palms to hold them, to caress and embrace them. Suddenly, his thumbs and forefingers grasped each nipple—hard.

“Oh God,” softly escaped from her lips, her eyes closing.

He pulled, and she slightly resisted. He pulled harder, and she came to him. They met with open mouths that locked together, their tongues intertwining and exploring each other. He continued to squeeze and rub her tits, eliciting more moans of pleasure. Soon she was rubbing his bulge and fumbling with his belt. He realized her attempts were mostly futile. Reluctantly letting go of her nips, he put his arms around her, saying, “Just hold on tight.”

She threw her arms around him, and as he stood, locked her legs around him, her drenched womanhood pressed firmly against him. As he carried her to the bedroom, he unhooked and unzipped her skirt so that when he put her down, the skirt fell to the floor. She was only covered by her small, black thong. After twirling around a few times, she snatched off her thong and threw it to him, then curtsied, saying, “Sooo... “

Jack, taking the thong to his nose and inhaling deeply, looked delighted and bowed to her.

“Absolutely awesome, Kenzie. You are breathtakingly beautiful, enchantingly sexy!”

Laughing, she came up to him, dropped to her knees, and said, as she was undoing his belt and pulling down his zipper, “It is about time I see what you have to offer. You apparently approve of me, but I might not be enthralled by your thus far unknown thingamabob.”

Her laughing continued as his pants were coming down. She quickly stopped as she was finally able to release his manhood from his Jockey’s.

“Oh my my, Professor. Now I am enthralled! That is quite the thingamabob,” she said, eagerly taking it deep into her mouth.

Only muddled moans and murmurs escaped her as she devoured him. Deftly developing a rhythm to her lustful treatment of him, she reveled in his gasps of delight and praise of her skills. He gently held her head as she moved back and forth. Finding it harder and harder to maintain his control, he finally had to pull her away from him.

“Oh Jack, just when I was about to take you over the edge... I’ll bet it is yummy! Now I need it in me.”

He swiftly removed his remaining clothes, threw back the bed covers and they leapt on to it. Other than moans, murmurs and other fervent sounds of pleasure and satisfaction, no understandable words were exchanged. Their previous verbal and physical jockeying had served as all the foreplay they needed.

Her legs were spread, revealing her engorged, dripping pussy. It was perfectly smooth, the result of a recent visit with her expert Brazilian waxer. Her pearly white skin was only interrupted by a thin strip of dark, trimmed hair. He was swiftly there, soaking himself with her nectar. She guided him in; one stroke was all it took for him to fully penetrate her.

“Ohhh God, yes, Jack. Fuck me! Take that pussy!”

He began slow, full length strokes. She locked her arms and legs around him, matching his rhythm, thrusting her hips against him as forcefully as she could. A carnal euphoria had come over both of them.

She felt an orgasm building deep within her. Oh my God, I am about to cum. I have never had this happen so fast before!

“Jack, Jack, I am going to... Oh, fuck yes! Oh Jack, I am cumming!”

There was no mistaking the contractions of her pussy. He would have been locked inside her if it had not been for her copious, slippery juices.

“Yes, Baby, yes! Cum for me. I love it. I feel your flow. Oh, sweet Jesus, you are wonderful.”

He slowed a bit as her body shuddered and she gasped for breath. Her legs never released, they held firm around him. She needed more. He kept pumping. Soon she was back matching his tempo, gasping again for breath, but still matching him.

Holy crap I can’t believe her! She came so fast and it feels like she is getting ready for another!

“Harder, Jack. Faster. Yes, just like that. Do that, do me! Oh my God, again. Ahhh...”

This time she could not hold her legs around him. They fell to the bed, trembling from the passion that had just run through her.

God, I am losing control. I want more, but I have never... What is happening to me?

“Oh, McKenzie, you are so fucking hot! I have never been with a woman like you. You are incredible! I love you.” Oh shit. Why did I say that! Wrong, wrong, wrong. Don’t scare her off. Just fuck her, enjoy it, and hope it can somehow continue.

More orgasms ran through her. She was so breathless, all she could do was stammer out some unintelligible words as her body convulsed and trembled. Jack had been wanting her from the rear and realized he had better do it soon. He slowed way down so McKenzie could regain her presence of mind.

Soon her breathing was almost back to normal; she was holding and kissing him with renewed fervor.

Starting to pull away, he said, “I want you from the rear. Get on your knees.”

“I don’t want you out of me. Stay here, stay in me. I love it!”

Now she said it, thought Jack. Except she said she loves it, not me...

“We will do it quick. On three I’ll pull out and you flip over onto your knees and I am back in. You with me?”

“Yes. Just do it quick!”

“One, two, three!”

Out he came. She flipped remarkably fast for someone in her state. Grabbing her hips, Jack pushed fully back into her seeping, distended love tunnel. He released her hips and slapped both ass cheeks as he resumed his thrusts.

“Oh yes, Baby! Beat my ass. Slap my butt. Fuck me, just fuck me,” she implored.

He did just that. As he was attacking her puss, he kept slapping her ass, eliciting cries of pleasure and turning both cheeks a glowing shade of red. She had a death grip on the sheet as his balls hit her clit on every plunge into her depths. Just as he stopped the slapping, he caught a fist full of her hair and pulled. He felt the now familiar pussy clench. She was once again close to uncontrollably pulling the trigger on another orgasm.

He is astounding. I am being devastated, overcome with desire and I am adoring him for it. ”Jack... please... I need—“

Her head was up and somewhat back, her mouth opened in a silent scream, as the orgasm he triggered, grew in ferociousness.

Her nectar had flowed into her ass crack before she flipped. Ever since, he had rubbed his thumb up and down it, enjoying the slippery feeling and exciting her rosebud. Then he plunged his thumb into her ass. With his thumb now hooked in her ass and a firm grasp of her hair, he held her up as her body began to quiver and then shudder. Gasping for breath, she just managed to barely blurt an ethereal scream.

My God, I’ve got to stop this. She might pass out... or worse.

So he did. He held her in place but stopped all movement—still in her, but motionless. They stayed like that until they both had recovered. Jack did not realize how exhausted he was; he had also been panting hard. He released her hair; her head fell to the bed. He began to slowly remove his thumb.

NO! Jack, do not pull that out!” Using her last reserves, she continued, “You did not cum yet. We are going to finish this. I crave beyond words your cum filling me. Don’t hold back, just finish what we started.” Please, please let him consummate this and flood me with his seed!

Jack had been holding back. His months of abstinence and his unacknowledged attraction to her had driven him to a level of ravenous passion. Suddenly overcome, the realization of what was driving him and what had just transpired, gave him great pause and clarity. How could I have not realized how much I care for her, how much she means to me?

He was unexpectedly, but happily ready to cum. He began to move again. Slowly and calmly, his full strokes swiftly brought him to the edge that he had been using all his will to avoid.

“Kenzie, soon now. Almost there...”

He could let go immediately, but kept holding back, his muscles getting more and more strained. He wanted his discharge to be as powerful has he had ever delivered.

“Oh yes, Jack. Fill me! I need you so.”

Now there was no return. An uncontrolled eruption of his hot jizz burst into her, flooding and filling her.

“Oh, Kenzie! I’ve never felt such—“

He was overcome with his shortness of breath; the orgasm was controlling his body. It was all he could do to not collapse on her.

“Oh, God yes, yes, yes!” she screamed.

His enormous ejaculation had triggered her final orgasm. Weak from all the others, her convulsing body crumpled to the bed, bringing Jack with her. Weak from their aggressive and arduous performance, their bodies physically separated as they both flattened to the bed.

Not wanting to fall on her, he managed to twist and land on his back. She was face down next to him. They both were recovering their breath as their bodies calmed down from their final exertion. Eventually, she turned on her side to face him, but was at a loss for words, as was he.

Finally, after they had both recovered, Jack said, “Listen, I need you to know I did not plan this. I admit I was a bit bothered by your anything comment, so I probably pushed things a bit to make you back down and realize what you insinuated.”

“It was stupid on my part. I have never said that before and only blurted it out the way I did because I wanted to work with you so much. I guess I blew that. Are you going to pick Cooper or Amelia as your assistant?”

“The only thing I remember you blowing was quite enjoyable,” he said suggestively.

“Smart ass,” she said, as she grinned and lightly punched him. “That reminds me...” Her right hand went down to her pussy and came back dripping. She brought it to her mouth, “I was right. Very yummy! Can I have more please?”

“You are so, so wicked. You never know, you may get more than you can handle!”

“Ha! Just try me, big boy,” she said, with an impish grin.

Ignoring her and changing the subject a bit, he asked, “So, do you believe in love at first sight?”

Pausing, she dubiously said, “No... not really.”

“Well, neither do I. How about love after tenth sight?”

“Never thought about it... possibly. Are we engaged in a game? If so, I don’t know the rules.” If he is going where I think he might be going... This is too much to hope for, just stay calm.

“Not exactly a game. I am tying to figure out how we are going to manage our feelings for each other when you are my assistant. That is assuming you still want the position.”

My God, did I hear that right? she thought.

“What! You, you must—“

He interrupted her, saying, “I know, I know. Just hear me out. Later, you can go to the Dean and complain about me if you want.”

He went on to explain how he was attracted to her from the very beginning but pushed it all aside. Teacher-Student intimacy was not a good idea for many reasons, so he had forced himself to ignore his feelings. She was the first woman he had met that he felt such a closeness to, that he also felt had an understanding of him, his goals, and had the intellect to match.

He went on a bit more, beginning to get into a way too complex analysis of the whole situation. Realizing that, he ended by telling her, “Helen Rowland once said, ‘Falling in love consists merely in uncorking the imagination and bottling the common-sense.’ Let’s use that bottle and also uncork our feelings and imagination.”

He was so wrapped up in getting his feelings out, he did not notice the tears running down her face.

Wiping the tears away, she said, “You crazy, wonderful, silly man! While I think you possibly became a bit esoteric at the end, you expressed my feelings also. For a long time I have thought you were an extraordinary man, but felt I could not exactly just ask you out. This could not be any better. I am with you all the way, but right now, remember what I asked a few minutes ago. Can I have more please? Now is the time.”

With that, she moved on top of him, smothering him in kisses. She felt him begin to harden and raise up.

“Since you recently pointed it out, I think we should continue my oral skills. It feels like there is something that could use my attention. Therefore...”

She let that trickle off as she moved downwards. As she was on top of him, most of his discharge had leaked out of her and now was in a small pool on his abdomen. She paused, keeping absolute eye contact, and sensuously consumed every drop of it, before continuing down and engulfing him.

Even though Jack had been pretty much on target about her upbringing, it did not mean she was uptight or unskilled regarding sex. She again took him in her mouth, and after a few licks with her tongue, took all of him down her throat. She felt his whole body energize.

“Kenz... Damn, you are amazing! I am so captivated by you. Please don’t make me wait too long.”

He could see the telling gleam in her eyes as she raised one thumb. Her escalating efforts brought more thoughts of amazement and ecstasy to Jack. Her oral talents were the best he had ever known.

She made good on her sign. He was again ready to launch his load, and she was eager to receive it. His pre-cum and his stiffening legs were the signs she had been waiting for. No more deep-throat. She wanted to taste and feel him releasing into her mouth, to fully know his special savoriness and consistency, unmixed with hers. Her hands reached up to his, fingers interlocking as he was so close.

“Damn, McKenzie! Now. Now! Oh God, this is so good, you are so good,” he said, as his uncontrolled emission pulsed into her.

She relished the warm, creamy essence flowing into her mouth. Holding him to get every last drop, and shifting it around her mouth; she enjoyed every drop, as she let it slowly slip down her throat.

They spent the night, partly awake and engaged with each other, partly asleep, but always in a carnal rapture. They finally awoke around noon.

Watching her as she opened her eyes, he asked, “Coffee or...”

“Get over here, you! The coffee can wait. You have a woman with needs. There may be something to your love at... lets call it early sight.”

“I think despite my best efforts to banish my feelings, I have found my life’s partner.”

“I could not agree more. Now, my love, get over here, and lets start the day with a bang!”
Written by Kee
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