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One Wild Night, Part 3: Kara

"Kara finds Ian wanking and explores her new confidence."

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Kara stepped into the hall and shut the bedroom door behind her. For a moment, she paused, feeling giddy. Then she realized she was holding her shorts, not wearing them. She hustled to the bathroom before anyone came along and she had to answer awkward questions like, “Why are your underwear soaking wet,” or, “Is that cum on your face?”

As the door swung shut behind her, she walked to the counter and tried to catch her breath. Wow! She’d never done anything like that before. One minute she was secretly touching herself as Lucia and Carlos fucked, and then…

She bit her lip as a blur of sexually-charge memories played in her mind’s eye. Lucia calling her out, and eagerly offering to show her how wet she was. The sight of her teammate’s pussy as she straddled her face. Lucia asking her to lick her clit. Carlos’ cock in her throat. Lucia’s fingers in her pussy. Cumming so hard she thought she would pass out. Carlos’ hot cum falling on her face. Kissing Lucia.

Studying her reflection in the mirror, the girl who looked back was flushed and grinning. Kara thought she looked hot. Her hair was disheveled. Her eyes had been watering from gagging on cock. There was cum splashed across her cheek. She looked like someone who knew what she wanted. Someone who wasn’t afraid to say “yes.”

…Also like someone whose underwear was increasingly uncomfortable.

Quickly, she rinsed her face off and walked into one of the toilet stalls. She slipped off her sopping panties and cleaned herself up a bit. Her lips were puffy and slick, and her clit was very sensitive. She was about to step into her sleep shorts when she noticed a quiet, repetitive, oddly familiar sound.

It was coming from the direction of the shower stall. This was a multiple-person bathroom, with two stalls, a broad counter with two sinks, and a curtained area with a shower and a bench. She had assumed she was alone in here since it was so late, but clearly, there was someone in the shower. And the shower wasn’t running. What were they doing?

Abruptly, she recognized the sound. It was someone stroking their cock! She’d just heard it up close just a few minutes ago as Carlos stood over her face, rubbing himself. Oh my god, she realized with a sudden thrill, I caught one of the guys having a midnight wank! He must have heard me come in, right? But he’s still going, even though he knows he’s not alone!

She considered the possibilities. It could be Coach Jake… but ew, she hoped not. He was scruffy and old and she didn’t want to think about him naked. Plus, she figured he’d have more self-control. No, it had to be one of the two younger guys on the trip, her teammates Wally and Ian.

Could it be Wally? He was cocky and self-assured, with a bit of scruffy facial hair he was overly proud of. He did seem like the type to jerk off in a shared bathroom, but not really the type to be quiet about it. She’d once overheard him loudly bragging about getting head under the bleachers. He was so unashamed about everything, she couldn’t imagine him slowing down just because someone came in.

Which meant it was probably Ian! Hmm, that was interesting. She’d had a bit of a crush on him lately. She’d fantasized about making out, running her fingers through his curly hair… imagining him pressing her against the wall, his thigh between hers. He ran cross-country and had very nice legs. Without thinking about it, her hand drifted down to lightly caress her lips as she imagined Ian rubbing his cock. She wondered what it looked like. She wondered what it would feel like in her hand. Or her mouth. Or her pussy.

She was surprised to realize that she badly wanted to peek. She would never have dreamed of doing something like that before tonight. But the Kara she’d just looked at in the mirror? The Kara with the taste of cum in her mouth and a newfound sense of confidence? She would take a look for sure. And maybe more.

Before she could think better of it, she pulled up her shorts and left the stall, leaving her panties behind. She crept to the shower curtain and teased it open enough to see inside.

Ian was leaning against the wall by the bench. She bit her lip. He was completely naked except for an improvised blindfold made from a bandana. His cock was smaller than Carlos’, and it matched the color of his pale skin except for the tip, which was darker, almost purple. His hand was moving rapidly along the length of his shaft, which was pointing toward her. His legs were tense, making the muscles stand out.

Holy shit, this is hot, she thought. Slowly, she opened the curtain and slipped inside, standing in front of him. He didn’t stop.

“Is that you?” He gasped, turning his head when he heard the curtain move. “Where have you been? I was worried you wouldn’t come. I’ve been waiting, ready for you. I’ve… ah… I’ve been thinking about you all day.”

Kara bit her finger and squeezed her thighs together. He was waiting for someone. Probably Amy. They’d been obnoxiously flirting all day. She watched his hand move, his thumb rubbing over the glans, a glistening drop of precum dripping from the tip. She very badly wanted to taste it.

Just for a moment, she considered dropping to her knees and taking him in her mouth. Let him keep the blindfold on, and assume she was who he was waiting for. Make him cum, and leave without saying a word. It was tempting.

…But it wouldn’t be right.

“Sorry,” she cleared her throat, “but I don’t think I’m the one you’re waiting for.”

“Huh?” He quickly tore the blindfold off, eyes wide with embarrassment. “Kara?! Oh fuck, I’m so sorry, I thought you were Amy! She, uh, told me to meet her here.”

“I can see that,” Kara grinned, trying not to laugh as he struggled to find a way to conceal his twitching erection. “Do you two do this often?”

“No, no,” he stammered. “This is the first time I’ve ever… uh, I mean, the first time with Amy, you know?”

“But you have done this with other women?” Kara raised her eyebrow. “The blindfold and all that?”

“No! I mean… Fuck.” He looked painfully awkward. “I mean, um, I’ve never done anything like this before.”

“Hey, I’m sorry,” Kara smiled. “I don’t mean to tease you. I’ve never rubbed one out in public either.” (That’s not strictly true anymore, she thought to herself.) “Anyway, uh, where is she? You said you were worried she wasn’t coming?”

“Yeah, she texted me to meet her here like a half hour ago.” His cheeks flushed. “She said to put on a blindfold and make sure I was ready for her.”

“Well,” Kara made a show of looking around. “I think she might’ve blown you off, dude.”

“Fuck.” Ian looked crushed. “You think so?”

“I mean, I don’t know for sure,” Kara admitted. “But I once heard her bragging about setting up three hookups in one night in case the first two were duds.”

“Ugh, I should have known better. She’s too hot. She’s out of my league.”

“Well,” Kara said, taking a step towards him. “I don’t know about that.”

“Uh, what do you mean?”

“I mean,” Kara said, getting very close, “that I was just watching you and thinking that you have really nice legs.” Slowly, she pulled his hand away from his erection. “And this isn’t bad either.”

“Oh… yeah?” Ian’s nervousness and embarrassment receded, as he finally registered the desire in her eyes.

“Yeah.” Kara wrapped her fingers around his cock and gently squeezed. “And I was thinking…” She leaned forward, pressing her chest against him. “It seems like you were hoping to have a hookup with a hot girl on this trip?”

“Yes,” Ian breathed, his cock throbbing in her palm.

“I mean, really, it’s very rude of Amy to leave you all hot and bothered like this.”

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“Y-yeah…” he stammered.

“And since I’m feeling a bit hot and bothered myself…”

“Ah!” His cock twitched in her hand, and she felt a squirt of precum on her fingers.

“How about you let me be your hot girl tonight?”

“Oh god, yes,” he blurted, eyes full of lust.

“Excellent,” Kara purred as she released his cock and stepped back. He looked confused as she licked his precum from her fingers. “But if I start by going down on you, you’ll cum too fast, and I want to enjoy this, too. So…”

Slowly, teasingly, she removed her shorts and shirt, dropping them on the bench near his discarded clothes. She let him stare at her for a moment, biting her lip as his hungry gaze roamed her body. Then she moved in close and helped him turn around until she’d taken his spot against the wall.

“Now, come closer. I want you to push me against the wall.” He eagerly obeyed. “Good. Now, put your leg like this…” She positioned his thigh between hers. “And kiss my neck.”

The tile was cool against her back, but his skin was hot. She gasped as he sucked on her neck. His erection prodded her hip, and he started to grind against her, sending waves of sensation radiating from where his thigh pressed on her clit.

She ran her fingers up and down his back, tangled in his hair, and grabbed his ass, pulling him tighter against her. The pressure of his body on hers quickly reignited the smoldering coals of her desire.

She reached for his hand and pulled it to her chest, encouraging him to squeeze her breasts. She was still so sensitive from her encounter with Lucia and Carlos. Everything felt delicious. She could feel her wetness coating his leg where he continued to push it between hers.

“My nipples,” she gasped. “Suck on my nipples.”

Without a word, he dropped to his knees. He wrapped his lips around her breast and sucked hard, pulling more than just her nipple into the heat of his mouth. She gasped, still squeezing his hand on her other breast.

“Fuck, that feels good,” she murmured, pulling his head to the other side. She reached down and started to rub near her clit. It was still too much to touch directly, but caressing the area around it sent little bolts of lightning crackling along her spine.

“Ian,” she gasped, pushing him away suddenly. “I want to go down on you.” He nodded enthusiastically, one hand wrapped around his cock. “But you have to promise not to cum yet!”

“Okay,” he agreed eagerly.

She got down on her knees as he stood back up, stroking his cock in front of her face. She moved her head to the side, nestling her face against his curly mass of hair and licking slowly along the length of the shaft, pushing his hand away. She flicked her tongue against the tip, then licked around the rim of his head. When she finally took him into her mouth, he groaned.

She let him slide down the length of her tongue. She felt his hand lightly touch her hair, encouraging her to bob her head. She challenged herself to take him a bit deeper each time, relaxing her throat until she was on the edge of gagging. She noted with interest that it was easier to swallow him than Carlos.

“Kara! Kara, stop,” he gasped, stepping back and pulling his cock abruptly away from her. “Holy shit, you were about to make me cum.” He looked at her, breathing heavily, trying to regain control. Clearly, he was waiting for her to tell him what was next.

“Come over to the bench, I want to sit on you.” She grinned. It was kind of fun to take control of a sexual encounter. He dropped onto the bench, his cock glistening wet and inviting. She bit her lip and moved forward to straddle him.

The moment when he entered her was almost too much. She was so wet that he slipped in effortlessly, and so swollen that she felt every inch of him. She rocked her hips, experimenting to see which angle put pressure in the best spot.

Unfortunately, the bench was awkward. It was mounted to the wall, so there wasn’t really room for her knees unless he slouched down in a way that seemed painfully awkward. And her being so wet was a double-edged sword, since he popped out of her as easily as he slipped in.

She tried turning around, sitting on him like a chair. She’d seen that in porn, but it was even harder to make that angle work. He tended to slip past her opening and end up nestled against her ass, which she wasn’t quite ready for.

After a few frustrating moments, she grabbed him by the hand and dragged him out of the shower to the counter. It was just the right height for her to lean forward and rest her elbows on it. She caught his eye in the mirror and grinned as he stepped up, and gasped as he entered her.

This angle was delicious. His cock was rubbing every sensitive spot inside her, and he could reach deep. He grabbed her hips and started fucking her with urgency.

Kara found herself gasping with each thrust, trying not to start moaning or crying out, for fear of someone hearing. She watched him in the mirror, loving the effect she was having on him. His eyes were wide with desire, staring at her tits, swaying in time with their motions. She stifled a laugh of recognition, realizing he was staring at her chest the same way she’d stared at Lucia.

“Pull my hair!” She growled, surprising herself. It had looked so hot when Carlos did it to Lucia, she wanted to feel what it was like. Tentatively, Ian grabbed a handful of her hair and tugged gently. “Harder! Pull my head back! It’s okay!” Clearly a bit unsure, Ian did as she asked and pulled back until she was forced up off her elbows.

“Ugh! Fuck! Yes!” Kara felt a climax approaching, the pressure growing around his cock. With one white-knuckled hand, she gripped the counter. The other was flying in tight circles around her clit. She and Ian both stared at her tits, bouncing as his hips slapped against her ass.

The orgasm seemed to crash over her body, rolling from the pain in her scalp as he yanked on her hair down to the tight erect buds of her nipples, through her core, clenching around his cock, and crackling as she jammed her palm tightly against her clit. Her vision seemed to blur, replaced by radiating sparks of colors. She rocked back and forth, gasping for breath as he relentlessly continued fucking her through wave after wave of pleasure.

“Kara!” He gasped, “Kara, fuck… Gonna cum.” He met her eyes. “Where…?”

“Yes!” Quickly, she spun around, dropping to her knees and squealing when he popped out of her. “Do it, do it, cum on my tits,” she panted, leaning back and squeezing them while looking up at him eagerly.

With a long groan, he closed his eyes and stepped closer. Thick ropes of hot cum erupted as he stroked his cock, splashing across her breasts and hands. Laughing, she licked some of his cum from her fingers.

The aftershocks of her orgasm were still rolling through her body. She was giddy with excitement, her newfound confidence leaving her reeling. Fucking hell, was it really this easy to get what she wanted? What a revelation!

Ian turned around to lean against the counter. He grinned down and her and then closed his eyes, trying to catch his breath. He looked thoroughly satiated.

She ducked into a stall and grabbed some toilet paper to wipe up. Ian watched as if trying to memorize the curves of her body. She recovered her wet underwear from the floor and practically skipped into the shower to pull her shorts and shirt back on. God, she felt incredible!

She sauntered out, deliberately rolling her hips as she walked, savoring his eyes on her as she approached and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

“Well, Ian, how was that for a hookup on our big trip?”

“Oh my god,” he beamed. “You were… you are…” He seemed at a loss for words. “Thank you. That was so fucking hot.”

“Heh. Yeah, it was. Remind me to thank Amy when I see her.” She laughed at the panicked expression on his face. “Don’t worry, I’m joking. It’ll be our little secret.”

Picking up her phone, she saw a text from Lucia letting her know she could come back. She gave Ian a quick kiss on the cheek. “Sleep well.”

He nodded, still a bit dazed, as she winked at her reflection in the mirror and walked out the door.

Written by pinkysurprise
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