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I AM BOD 01 - Part Two

"The following is a detailed account of my first big sexual adventure."

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"Turn Up The Heat - My College Days - Freshman Year, Part Two." 

Returning to the business at hand, my trainer said, "That does it. This BOD setup is done!"

Suddenly, his facial expression shifted from delight to a grimacing look. He exclaimed, "Oh shit, I got so caught up in the excitement of this new BPD that I forgot to call Troy. I'm sure he's waiting on my call to bring the new pledges down for the BOD warm-up. Troy and I always get such a kick out of watching the new pledges fumble through this annual tradition."

He looked me straight in the eye, chuckled, and said in a jovial but devilish tone, "Get ready. Your BOD duties are about to begin right after I make a phone call."

He chuckled and disappeared from my field of view. I was perplexed. What was this BOD warm-up thing, and who is Troy and the pledges? I heard him make a phone call.

He said, "Troy, it's time. Bring the pledges down. The BOD is ready."

After he hung up the phone, he flipped a switch on the wall. There was a loud clang, and the curtain began closing around me. This was my first taste of the isolation I would endure all night long. My already restricted view across the room was now further reduced to seeing only the inside of the curtain. I must say, in some small way, it actually felt comforting. My naked, spreadeagle body was no longer exposed to the expanse of the entire BOD Presentation Room.

A few minutes later, I heard the door open and what sounded like several people entering the room. I heard a gruff, authoritative voice say, "Alright guys, take a seat along the wall there."

 Taylor, my trainer, said, "Troy, how's it going, and a voice replied, "All good, but these guys are driving me nuts."

They must have been standing just outside the curtain, as I could clearly hear their conversation. The guy named Troy asked my trainer how the BOD setup went with the new BPD. He also asked my trainer's thoughts about the BOD selected this year.

"I remember last year's BOD, he lamented. The one with the crappy attitude. What a disaster that was. I remember bringing the pledges down for the warm-up last year and you warning me not to expect too much. So, did we get lucky and find a good one this year?"

My trainer enthusiastically described to Troy how fantastic the new BPD was. He said, "Troy, you won't believe the spread I got on this BOD! This new BPD beats those rickety hand-built manual contraptions we've been using by a mile! It's a real work of art and makes the setup so easy!"

"And yeah, we really lucked out with this year's BOD selection! This one's a little hottie with a dynamite attitude! It's got a beautiful firm little body and a tight little cunt! And get this! Its cunt is so juicy that the entire time I was mounting and training it, there was a steady stream of cunt juice dripping out of it onto the floor! It's got a well-defined hard clit, and for my taste, the perfect amount of soft cunt lips. Plus, it was eager to learn and took right to the training I gave it. It's got these emerald green eyes that sparkle when you touch its cunt! You can tell this one's a real cock pleaser.

Oh, and something else that is really crazy about this little BOD. It's got this amazing aroma that will put your dick on full tilt! It's like nothing I have ever smelt before. You'll understand what I am talking about when you get close enough for a good whiff. It might be some kind of cologne, but I don't think that's what it is. The more I smell it, the more I believe it's the BOD's personal aroma, which is crazy! The smell draws you right in. This BOD is a real dick teaser and, hands down, the best one I've handled over the years. The guys are all going to freak out tonight!"

Troy said, "Wow! Sounds like we struck gold this year. A brand-new automated BPD and the perfect BOD to showcase it! I didn't want to get my hopes up about how things would go tonight, but after hearing you, I can't wait to check out this little BOD and get all up in that tight juicy cunt!" They both chuckled.

In the background, I heard more voices but couldn't make out what was being said.

Then, in a booming voice, I heard Troy say, "Alright guys, this is Taylor. Each of you probably met him during your pledge interviews at the beginning of the year. Taylor is the Fraternity's BOD tech and trainer. You most likely don't know what that means; however, I will turn you over to him in a minute. He will explain what he does as one of the Fraternity's chief officers. He will also explain and oversee the last task you five will be performing tonight in preparation for the main event of this year's first annual Fraternity party, which will take place in this room in just over an hour from now."

Upon hearing that they had yet another task to perform, I heard disgruntled groans from this apparent group of guys. I heard a strange voice say, "Haven't we done enough already for a party we don't even get to attend? This pledge duty shit sucks. When's it our turn to have some fun?"

Another voice said, "Yeah, he's right. I pledged this frat house because I was told this Fraternity always has the hottest babes hanging around, but I haven't seen any fun bitches around this house since I've been here on campus. All we've been doing for the last two and a half months is kissing ass, cleaning, cooking, and doing laundry for all of you guys. Where are the hot girls and the wild parties we were told this house is known for? From what I saw out front, tonight's party is just a bunch of dudes. No bitches at all. What gives?"

As I hung there on the BPD, in silence and out of sight, I started piecing together an image of who these guys were. Hearing them express their dissatisfaction with how they had been treated thus far in the Frat House gave me insight into how young Freshman guys were indoctrinated into this Fraternity. Yet, I was still in the dark about why they had been brought into the BOD Presentation Room and what this BOD warm-up thing was. Based on what I heard, I gathered that Troy was in charge of these young pledges.

At this time, I think it is a good idea for me to give you some basic background information on the process young Freshman males went through as a rite of passage if they chose to become members of this Fraternity. This will provide insight into where these young pledges were in this arduous process when they were brought into the BOD Presentation Room and told there was one more task they needed to perform in preparation for the party that night. What I am about to describe is knowledge I only acquired after that life-changing first night as the party entertainment for this Fraternity. Being an eighteen-year-old girl and new to the college scene myself on that faithful first night as a BOD, I had absolutely no knowledge about how this male Fraternity operated or how they went about inducting new members.

What I consequently learned about the pledge process after faithfully performing as a BOD for the first time was quite enlightening. Apparently, with this Fraternity's reputation being what it was, they typically had about twenty to twenty-five incoming Freshman guys wanting to join their ranks each school year. However, the Fraternity could only handle five new recruits every year. So, they held pledge interviews, scrutinized every candidate, and put these young guys through some pretty torturous hazing rituals. Once the five pledges were selected and moved into the Frat House, they were still subjected to demeaning duties and isolated from the majority of the Frat House. The five pledges were housed in a cramped bedroom in the basement of the Frat House. They were not permitted to associate with any other frat brothers unless necessary while performing duties such as making meals, cleaning the frat house, or doing laundry. Nor were they allowed to participate in any of the Fraternity's festivities until after they had returned from their Freshman-year Christmas break.

So, by November 23rd, when the first of the two big annual Fraternity parties rolled around, they were pretty much at their wit's end and fed up with how they were being treated. For guys in their late teens who mostly came from upper-class home environments, they were not accustomed to the grunt duties they were forced to perform. I was told that at least one would typically drop out of the Fraternity during this arduous period. So, with that knowledge in hand, you can now understand why I was hearing a barrage of complaints from the pledges as I hung there on the BPD, hidden from sight. These young pledges had no idea why they were brought to this large room in the back of the Frat House designated as the BOD Presentation Room. And, like me, they were totally in the dark about the task they would soon be directed to perform. They didn't even know what a BOD was. At least I knew that, or you could say I was quickly learning what it meant to be a BOD.

Upon hearing the pledge's complaints, Troy chuckled and said, "I know you guys have been doing a lot of grunt work around here. Because of that, the Fraternity has this annual tradition where new pledges are allowed to participate in a ritual considered as a reward for hanging tough and showing your loyalty to this Fraternity. This last task you will be doing in preparation for the party tonight is as far from grunt work as you can get. In fact, I am sure you will be thrilled with this task you'll be performing. And, to take it one step further, this last task will be done as a contest between the five of you. You will be competing against each other for the opportunity to attend the party's main event here in this room tonight. As you know, the rest of the frat brothers and the invited guests are already partying up front, but shortly, everyone will make their way here into the BOD Presentation Room for the main party event. I know you all have no idea what this room is used for and why it is called the BOD Presentation Room, but you are about to find out. Gentlemen, good luck, and here's Taylor to explain what this room is used for and the contest you will be competing in. Taylor, they are all yours."

Taylor started off by welcoming the pledges to the BOD Presentation Room. He said, "I am sure you all are wondering what takes place in here, and I assume you're curious about what is inside this big round curtain behind me. And speaking of that, I want you to know that your five pledges are about to receive the privilege of viewing this year's party entertainment before anyone else except for myself."

Troy jumped in and said, "Consider this an honor!"

Taylor continued, "Troy and I hope you realize the value in this time-honored tradition the Fraternity reserves just for your pledges. Now, when the curtain opens, you may be shocked at what you see, and I know you will have questions. However, please hold your questions until after I tell you about what you are viewing. You got that?"

"Yes," was the reply. And one of the pledges anxiously said, "Let us see what's behind the curtain."

Taylor said, "Are you ready?"

I heard a resounding yes! A few anxiously shouted, let's see this!

"Alright, here it is guys! Troy, will you please hit the switch?"

"Gotcha," replied Troy.

 A second later, the curtain rattled and began to open. I was so nervous! These five young guys who were no older than me were about to get a real eye full! The moment the curtain was open enough for them to see me, all I heard was, oh my god, holy shit, what the hell! I could tell they were completely caught off guard. They were making groaning noises and crazy comments about what they were viewing. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest! This was insane! I knew this moment was coming. Still, I wasn't prepared for it. I don't believe there was any way I could have ever been prepared for being showcased in this manner as a live sex toy! I will say though, with the way my brain is wired, it was the most sexually exhilarating moment I had thus far experienced in my life! Seeing the look on the faces of these five young guys as they observed every inch of my naked spreadeagle body was a real head rush!

Taylor and Troy laughed. After giving these guys a few minutes to digest what they were viewing, Taylor finally said, "Alright guys, let me fill you in on what you are looking at."

One of the pledges shouted, "You don't need to tell me what I'm seeing! That's fucking hot as hell!"

Taylor chuckled and said, "In all seriousness, there are a few details we need to get out of the way before starting the contest in which you five will participate. As new frat brothers, there are protocols you need to learn regarding what you are viewing. First, I will speak a few words one time only, that you are never permitted to use in conversation when referring to the object you see before you, not in or outside of this frat house. Here are the words. This is not a woman, girl, or female, and you will never refer to it in that manner. Nor should you use the terms she, her, bitch, or babe, in reference to it. When speaking about what you see here, use only the word "it," or the official term, "BOD." The term BOD is an acronym for Body On Demand. And if you are concerned about its welfare, know that this BOD is here serving the needs of this Fraternity as a sexual pleasuring device of its own volition. It eagerly and willingly agreed to the terms and conditions set forth by the Fraternity leadership. It has voluntarily submitted its body for use in sexual servitude to all the frat brothers and their guests. It is not being held against its will, nor is anything illegal happening here."

"As you can see, this BOD is fully restrained and will remain so for the duration of the party tonight. If you still have reservations about what you see here, you can speak with this BOD after It finishes its obligation tonight. I am sure it will put your mind at ease about performing for the Fraternity. Remember that this BOD will be back next year in March to serve as the Fraternity's primary entertainment once again at our big spring party. I hope that satisfies any concerns you may have, gentlemen. So, are we clear on how to speak about this hot little BOD in conversation?"

All five pledges gave a resounding yes, and one of them said, "Damn, that's fucking hot!"

Another asked, "What is this contest we are doing? Do we get to mess around with the BOD?"

And yet another said, "God, I hope so!"

I too, was extremely curious about what the contest was.

After hearing Taylor express out loud in such a matter-of-fact manner what I was, it became abundantly clear how, from the very start of their Fraternity association, these young guys were psychologically programmed to view girls like me who participated as BODs as nothing more than live sex objects. I am not implying that I objected to this line of thought. I am simply clarifying that I did recognize this. During my high school days, my male contemporaries had often objectified me, so I was very familiar with this form of treatment. However, being reduced to a biological object meant to be used for one purpose only with blatant disregard for the human aspect was a surprising first for me. What I was experiencing now in college was taking objectification to a whole new level. And quite honestly, oddly enough, being treated and objectified like this was exceptionally thrilling and a huge turn-on!

Right about then, Troy stepped in close to Taylor right in front of me, and I heard him say, "You weren't lying. That's one hell of a spread! This new BPD is awesome! And you weren't exaggerating about the BOD, either! This one's a little hottie! That cunt looks so tiny. I bet it's tight as hell. Did you trim its muff off? We never had a BOD before with such a clean cunt."

Taylor shook his head and replied, "No, I didn't trim it. It came in here like that. It was just as much a surprise to me to see its cunt so clean and bare. It's a nice look, isn't it?

Troy nodded and said, "I've been hearing that it's becoming a trend now among these young ones to shave their cunts, but this is the first one I've seen. It does look hot!"

Taylor said, "Yeah, and it feels great too! It's so nice and smooth. Plus, I like how the clit and lips are so clearly visible with no hair in the way."

Hearing Taylor and Troy chatting about how they really liked the look of my freshly shaved pussy made me very happy. That was the first time I had ever shaved my pussy. There had been a lot of talk among the girls I hung around with about doing this, and I figured this was as good a time as ever to try it out. I always enjoyed being trendy when it came to my appearance. Some trends were just too far out there, but this one seemed to be really catching on in the early nineties.

Taylor and Troy's brief conversation ended. Taylor returned to the situation with the pledges, saying, "Time is not on our side, guys. Let's get to it. I have just a bit more information I want to share with you before we get started with the contest. I have a couple of questions for you five. How many of you have any sexual experience, or more precisely, how many of you have any experience with providing oral stimulation? In other words, have any of you ever eaten a cunt?"

Two of the five pledges raised their hands and said they had done so. When asked, the remaining three admitted that they had no experience at all eating pussy. And when push came to shove, it came out that those three were virgins. They had never done anything except for kissing and some heavy petting. And as for the two who said they had eaten pussy when Taylor quizzed them on their knowledge of the female sex organs and how best to arouse a female with oral stimulation, they to failed to produce any good answers.

Taylor looked at Troy and said, "I think we have our work cut out for us with these five." They both chuckled.

It was no surprise to me to hear that these young guys were sexually inexperienced. A lot of the guys I fooled around with in high school had no idea what they were doing either.

Then Taylor said, "All kidding aside, we are going to teach each of you the proper way to eat a cunt. Who here wants to eat this BOD's cunt?"

When Taylor asked that, I thought to myself oh god, he's going to have these five young, inexperienced guys eat me, and there's nothing I can do about it. The five of them were tripping over their tongues, signaling to Taylor that they were ready and willing to do this.

"Alright, here's how this contest works," said Taylor. "Each of you is going to get ten minutes, which includes time for me to tutor you in the skill of eating pussy. The end goal of this contest is to get this BOD warmed up and ready for the party. Thus, the reason it is called the BOD warm-up contest. The winner will be the one of you who makes this BOD explode into an orgasmic frenzy. And the prize for winning the contest is being allowed to attend the party tonight with your fellow frat brothers, where you will get to fuck this BOD's tight little juicy cunt and crack a nut deep inside of it. How's that sound, gentlemen?"

 They were so excited it was like telling five little boys they would be allowed to raid a candy store without consequences!

Taylor said, "What's your names? Let's start here on the left."

 "I'm James, said the first one."

Continuing to the right were Luke, Max, Keith, and Mat. Taylor asked Troy to get a deck of cards out of the cabinet and bring a stool over from the counter. Troy retrieved both items. He placed the stool right in front of me and handed Taylor the cards.

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As Taylor fanned the deck of cards out in front of them, he said. "Pick a card, gentlemen. High to low, with the high card going first and down from there in order. If there is a tie, the second guy to draw the same card will redraw. So, your turn is based on the luck of the draw. Now, here is your first piece of advice. Going first is not necessarily the best position. Think about it. This BOD may take a while to get to the point of no return and, ultimately, orgasm. So, maybe going last is the best position or somewhere in between. Just food for thought. Good luck," he said.

They each drew, and the guy named Luke drew an ace. The order ended up as Luke, James, Mat, and Keith, with Max going last.

Then Taylor said, "To make this as fair as possible, because I know it is going to take some time for this BOD to work up to an orgasm, your ten-minute-long turns will be divided into two periods. That way, you each will get two five-minute chances to take this BOD over the edge."

"All right said Luke excitedly." He obviously was concerned about having to go first and using all his time just to possibly further one of the other guy's chances of making me orgasm.

This was crazy! I couldn't believe this was really going to happen. Then Taylor threw another monkey wrench into the mix.

He said, "If the BOD starts to get close to popping an orgasm just as your turn is about to expire, I will allow the one of you currently responsible for bringing the BOD to that point to continue past the end of his turn. Please remember that the main goal is to crack this BOD and get it warmed up and ready for the party. That is the most crucial aspect of this contest. Of course, this means the guy who got the extended time will be declared the winner. I am sorry to say there is no other way for this to work. Now, I do promise to be as fair as possible about making the call to extend or not extend a turn based on observing how this BOD is reacting to the stimulation its cunt is receiving. Let's hope it doesn't come to that, and this BOD explodes well within one five-minute turn. And I will give you all an introductory lesson about how to bring this BOD off.

This will be an elementary lesson. You will have to take what I teach you and quickly develop your own personal techniques and hope that what you do works. Plus, every BOD is different. They each respond differently to varying styles of stimulation. So, I hope you all are fast learners" -he chuckled- "and if you have any questions or want additional advice after the contest starts, please ask well before the change in turns. I want there to be as little lag time as possible between two of you switching out positions. Once this BOD gets going, I want to keep the interruption between turns to a minimum. When I tell you your turn is over, get up quickly so the next guy can sit down and continue building that feel-good sensation the BOD is experiencing. We need as little downtime as possible. We must keep this BOD rolling once it's on its way to that orgasmic frenzy that I am hoping is achieved. As you can tell, Troy and I have done this many times with pledges, and we know every little aspect of how to make this contest productive."

Taylor sat down on the stool in front of me. He said, "Gather round, guys. Come up here close to this fine little cunt. Let me teach you all a thing or two about cunts."

The five pledges formed a tight semi-circle around Taylor's backside. Their gaze was laser-focused on one thing only. It felt devilish knowing my swollen pussy had six sets of horny eyes concentrated on it. This must have been fascinating for this small group of young pledges. Having my totally exposed pussy being ogled so intently was a sexual first for me. They seemed eager with anticipation about what Taylor would do next.

Taylor said, "Considering most of you are unfamiliar with a cunt, I'm going to give you all a lesson on what to do with one."

I heard one of the five pledges say, "Damn, this is going to be good!"

Using his thumbs and index fingers on both hands, Taylor grabbed hold of my pussy lips and stretched them far apart, allowing these young guys to get a good clear view deep inside my pussy.

One of the guys said, "Wow, so that's what the inside of a pussy looks like."

"Yeah, that's it," said Taylor.

Another one of the guys who had admitted to being a virgin said, "Doesn't that hurt the BOD with you stretching its pussy lips out that far?"

Taylor said, "No, not at all. These cunt lips are very flexible. This doesn't hurt the BOD one bit." Taylor then proceeded to describe in explicit detail every facet of the female vagina, using mine as a live example. He said, "See that tiny slit back inside there near the top of the overall opening. That's the external part of the urethra. That is where the piss comes out at. And below that, where you see that deep indentation is the entrance to this BOD's tiny vagina. That's where your dick goes. And make no mistake, what you are seeing here is one fine, tight little pleasure hole. Another nice feature about this BOD's cunt is its lips. It's just my personal preference, but I think it has just the right amount and thickness of lips. You all may feel differently. It's all in what looks and feels good to you guys. Cunts come in all grades. Some are ugly, and some are just average in appearance. Some are snug, and some are loose as hell, no matter how big your dick is, and then there are those like this one! Make a mental image of this cunt guys. It's one of the finest and tightest little cunts you will ever lay your eyes on. At least, that's my opinion, and I have seen a lot of them." Taylor chuckled.

"Damn, that's fucking dope," commented one of the pledges.

Taylor continued. "Now let's get to the most essential part of this BOD's cunt. Up on the top, look at that long-rounded stem from the beginning, where it gradually blends into the body and then extends downward to the tip of that perfect little round ball sticking out from under what looks like a hood. That whole stem is this BOD's clitoris, or clit for short. And, I will say this BOD has one very well-defined clit. Not all clits are created equal, as you will no doubt discover in time. The clit is where you want to concentrate most of your effort during the contest. You want to stimulate the tip of that clit like crazy! If you do that, you will have this BOD going nuts in no time!

I know most of you don't have any frame of reference for observing what level of arousal a BOD is experiencing. So, let me give you a few key pointers about what to look for. I can tell just by looking at this BOD's cunt and titties that it is already experiencing a heightened sense of arousal. First, observe the nipples on this BOD. See how taunt and flushed the areolas are. And if you squeeze its nipples, they will feel extremely firm to the touch. That's a sign of arousal. Now, look at the cunt. See how swollen and reddened with blood the clit and lips are? That is a sure sign of a highly aroused cunt. Plus, when you see the tip of the clit so swelled and sticking out beyond the front of the hood, you know you are observing a clit that is ripe and begging to be stimulated. When the tip of the clit is hard to the touch like this one already is, it typically does not take too much effort to produce a mind-blowing orgasm. In the short time I have been working with this BOD, it has had no direct sexual stimulation. However, its body is physically displaying every sign of being highly aroused. And do you know what that means?"

"No, we don't. Please tell us," replied James.

"It means this BOD is naturally inclined psychologically to have a highly sexualized mindset. Therefore, in a situation like this, where it is being used for sexual pleasure, its body is preconditioned to display a strong sense of arousal. I must tell you guys, the more I observe this little BOD's physical features and mental attitude, the more convinced I am that we have found the ultimate BOD! I have been handling BODs for many years and have never encountered one as perfect as this one! I will say we have had some nice BODs in the past during my tenure here as the Fraternity's BOD tech and trainer, but none as perfect as this one."

"Typically, we see BODs with nice bodies but a shitty attitude. This greatly diminishes the quality of the party's BOD experience. And then, sadly, there are times when we see BODs with a decent attitude but come up short on looks. This also takes away from the overall BOD experience we hope for at our parties. Some years, we just have to take what we can get. It's not easy finding a willing BOD out there, much less one that is the total package! That's why I am so thrilled with this one. This little BOD is the total package. In fact, I would say it's even more than that. It has a great body with standout physical features and a sexually oriented mindset that screams, I want you to have an exciting and fun sexual experience with me!

From the moment this BOD was brought into the BOD Presentation Room tonight so I could start the BOD setup, it has shown me how eager it is to cooperate and please me. It breezed right through the setup and training process like no other BOD I have handled. Then there is this intoxicating scent it has. I sincerely believe we are witnessing history in the making tonight. This little BOD is hands-down as perfect as they come! This is like a one-in-a-million find for the Fraternity. I believe this will be one of the best annual parties we have ever had! To the best of my knowledge, finding a BOD with all these highly sexualized traits and fantastic physical qualities has never happened before in the history of the Fraternity's BOD program. We really lucked out. And you guys came along just at the right time. You will forever be known as the pledges who had the honor of preparing this spectacular BOD for this year's party."

The pledges were thrilled to hear Taylor say this! I could tell instantly by the change in their facial expressions and demeanor that they felt prideful. I am sure the prospect of being remembered in such a commendable way was a huge confidence boost to their egos. What I wasn't sure about was the sincerity of all the boastful things Taylor said about me. I wondered if all the qualities he said I possessed were his true thoughts and feelings or if he was just saying these things in hopes of boosting the pledge's confidence. Either way, his accolades about me certainly boosted my self-esteem. I felt more at ease as I contemplated what was yet to come.

Taylor went on to say, "With this BOD's attitude being what it is, and it just learning as you did why you pledges are here, I have no doubt it is hanging there on the BPD at this very moment, anticipating what it will be like to feel the five of you pleasuring its cunt. It knows that its own arousal will be pleasurable for you, as well as for itself. Therefore, its body is subconsciously giving off sexual vibes and signals to make it immediately evident that it is willing and ready to do its part for your pleasure. With that thought in mind, have any of you observed any signs of increased arousal in this BOD in the last few minutes since we all moved in close to it?"

Luke said, "I could be wrong, but it looks like its pussy is getting even wetter than it was before. The juice dripping from it appears to have gotten thicker, and more seems to be leaking out."

"Very good," said Taylor. "That is an excellent observation. And now that you brought up the topic of how juicy this cunt is, maybe you all should take a taste. Go ahead. All of you reach out there and get a finger full of that cunt juice and give it a taste. Once you taste how sweet this cunt is, you will be hooked for life! Cunt juice is the nectar of the gods!"

I felt each of the five guys stick a finger or two between my pussy lips and swipe up a nice bit of my juice. I watched as they each tasted my essence. Seeing the look of pure delight on their faces was so hot as they licked every drop of my juice from their fingers! They were oohing and ahhing as they tasted my pussy, and that got me even more aroused.

Max said, "God damn, I never dreamed a pussy would taste this good! I always thought it would taste terrible. Boy, was I wrong! I need some more of that! I could get drunk on that shit."

They all laughed, but each of them agreed with his comments.

The pledge named Keith chimed in. He said, "Is it my imagination, or does this BOD taste sweet and fruity?"

"You're right. It does taste fruity," replied Mat. "Plus, those lips felt so soft when I touched them. I have to say I have never seen anything like this. This is the hottest thing I have ever done! Seeing this BOD spread so wide on the BPD machine with its juicy little cunt so exposed is fucking dope! I am not one bit ashamed to admit I have a raging hard-on right now!"

The rest of them all made similar remarks. The more I heard Taylor and these five young pledges bluntly and explicitly objectifying me, the hornier I got.

James told Taylor, "You mentioned something about this BOD having an odd, pleasant scent. I just got a big whiff of this very strange odor like nothing I have ever smelt before. Every time I breathe it in, I get this weird, craving sensation. It's hard to describe it. I can't think of anything to compare it to. For lack of a better description, I'd say it's like a sweet, musky aroma that's extremely potent. It's so pleasing that my brain is telling my nose to breathe deep and stay locked on this addictive aroma. It's really having a strong, arousing effect on me. I can't get enough of it."

Taylor chuckled and said, "See, I told you, Troy. This little BOD has got some kind of personal aroma that fucks with a man's mind. Its scent is intoxicating!"

Troy moved in closer, took a big whiff, and said. "Damn, you're right! I can smell it too!"

They all simultaneously leaned in close to me and drew in a deep breath through their noses. It was hilarious seeing and hearing them all do this in unison! If I had not been gagged, I would have been laughing my ass off. They all seemed to drift off momentarily into an olfactory-induced coma from smelling my scent. And the comments I heard after they took a deep whiff of me were to die for! That humorous moment really took the edge off after having my trainer give these five young pledges a live visual tutorial of my pussy in such an explicit way.

Taylor got off the stool and said, "Alright, we have about fifty-five minutes left. Let's get this contest going. You all know when your turn is, right?"

Yes, they replied. "I believe you are first, Luke," said Taylor. "Take a seat here on the stool. Now, all of you look down here on the floor on the right side. See that foot peddle? If you press down on the front of the peddle, it will raise the BOD; if you push on the back of it, the BOD goes down. So, as soon as you sit down, adjust the BOD up or down to suit where you want its cunt to be. Just lean forward and see where your mouth falls at on the cunt. I would suggest adjusting it, so your mouth and tongue match up with the tip of the BOD's clit. I will give you all ten extra seconds to make this adjustment on your first turn. I have a stopwatch here, so I will be timing each of you. I will tell you when to start and end your turn. Remember, when I tell you your time is up, get off the stool quickly.

Alright, here's a few more quick pointers for all of you, and especially for the three that don't have any experience eating a cunt. As I mentioned earlier, the clit is where you want to concentrate most of your effort. I would suggest taking a few seconds in the beginning and sticking your tongue deep into the cunt. As deep as you can, just to get familiar with what the inside of a cunt feels like. And by doing that, you'll get a real good taste. Much better than just the finger licks you did before. See how far you can get your tongue in and press it up against the inside roof of the cunt. There, your tongue should feel a slightly rounded, smooth, but hard spot. That is called the G-Spot. It is a secondary point of arousal for a BOD. If you can find it, check out how it feels with your tongue, but don't waste too much time there. You can save exploring the inside of a cunt for another time."

"I am just suggesting that you guys do a little exploration to get familiar with all the features of a hot cunt, considering this is your first time. An opportunity like this one with a captive cunt to explore may not ever happen again. Maybe run your tongue up and down the length of the cunt lips to get a sense of what they feel like. Just keep in mind the time constraint you are under. After that, I suggest you place your mouth over the entire clit and start sucking on it firmly from back to front. That will make the tip of the clit extremely sensitive. As you can see, the tip of its clit is already somewhat swelled. So, after sucking it for a little bit, loosen your grip but keep your mouth over the entire clit.

At this point, start flicking the rounded tip of the clit with the tip of your tongue. Tongue flick it as rapidly as you can. You can do this up and down or side to side. I will leave it up to you to determine what feels most comfortable. Also, you can decide for yourself how rough or light you want to flick it. Remember. I told you guys your technique and cunt eating style is ultimately up to you. I suspect this will be a great learning experience for you guys, even for the two of you who already have some previous experience. Just keep in mind what I am sharing with you guys is the basics. You need to figure out what works best for you and the BOD whose cunt you are eating."

"That's it guys. Any questions? Make it quick. We need to get this contest rolling."

Mat said, "Yeah, I have a question. What is your favorite method for how to work a clit? Do you flick it up and down, or side to side, and do you flick it hard or light?"

Taylor chuckled and said, "You really want the details, don't you?"

Mat said, "Well, you said to ask, so I'm asking."

Taylor said, "I usually try both directions, and I vary the degree of pressure I apply when flicking while watching how the BOD responds. I try to judge what is working best to bring a BOD to orgasm. Oh, and one more thing. As you work this BOD's cunt don't be surprised if it starts squirming and making noises. Of course, with it so tightly restrained, it cannot move much, and the sounds it makes will be muffled with it being gagged. Just know you will experience it reacting to the stimulation you are giving its cunt. I will let you guys know when I believe it is getting close to exploding. Also, I don't know if this BOD is a squirter or not, but if it is, whoever hits the jackpot with this BOD also needs to be prepared to possibly get hit in the face with a big slug of cunt juice. Don't be surprised if this happens, gentlemen. Okay, let's see if you guys can get this BOD warmed up and ready to perform for the party. Are there any more questions?"

There was no response. Taylor said, "Alright, let's do this! Are you ready Luke?"

"Hell yes, I'm ready! Let me at that hot little cunt!" replied Luke.


Continued on Part Three

Written by LittleBit
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