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"Following a breakup, I met a player who inspired me to embrace my bad girl, and we ended in a random building's basement."

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Author's Notes

"This story is based on true events, with a few changes to make it flow better as a narrative. To protect people's privacy, I've altered some details. <p> [ADVERT] </p>This is part one of two, and don't worry, part two is almost done, so you won't have to wait long for the conclusion."

Amidst the crowd in the club, he stood tall, a commanding presence that demanded attention. Dark and handsome, he embodied the classic bad boy archetype that was practically a guarantee to leave your heart shattered. It was like he perfectly fit the mold of what I was drawn to, even though I was fully aware I should steer clear of that kind of trouble.

Our gazes met in an instant, causing a rush of crimson to flood my cheeks. I quickly averted my gaze, an instinctive reaction to the overwhelming intensity of his piercing stare. Despite my best efforts, there was an undeniable magnetic pull that both excited and terrified me.

I drew my friend, Sarah, into the dance, immersing myself in the rhythm, allowing the music to drown out the echoes of fantasizing about the delectable taste of his lips.

After the heartbreak I had recently experienced, this was not the time to relax my guard. It had only been three months since that fateful day when I discovered my ex was cheating on me. Despite my reluctance, Sarah had been adamant about taking me to the club on Valentine's Day, trying to lift my spirits at a time when the wounds of the heartbreaking breakup were still raw.

The intricate web of lies that had been spun cut even deeper than the initial betrayal. He was sneaking around with her while living with me rent-free, taking advantage of my generosity. When he had nowhere else to go, I extended a helping hand, even persuading my roommate and best friend, Sarah, to let him stay.

The lame reasons he gave for cheating on me were that he couldn't handle my insatiable desire for his dick and that, as a result, he felt like less of a man. Since he was sure he couldn't satiate me, he concluded that I was a slut who would inevitably cheat, wrongly assuming that my sexual desires were a reflection of my character, disregarding who I truly am as a person. He had no idea that when I was in love, I had no desire or need for any other cock besides his. In fact, I had lost interest in other men and women. I never looked at anyone else while I was in love with him, and he broke my heart.

Growing up in a strict and conservative household, I was ingrained with the belief that a man's perspective was always correct and a woman's role was to support, please, and serve him, adapting herself to his desires. This upbringing instilled in me a deep sense of guilt and shame whenever my own desires and needs conflicted with those of a man, as if I needed to change to fit his ideal girlfriend. Instead of confronting his insecurities and asserting my own self-worth, I found myself internalizing the notion that I needed to conform to his standards.

To make matters worse, he had cheated on me with his ex—the same ex he had frequently mentioned. He described how she made him wait a year before they became intimate, losing their virginity together, and even then, their physical encounters were rare, occurring every two or three months. He had revealed that she had never had an orgasm, either with him or on her own.

I was nothing like her. After my first orgasmic experience with him, he told me to stop trashing and screaming because no one wants to date a whore. Following that, whenever my pussy convulsed around his shaft, I bit my lip, remained silent, closed my eyes, and tried to appear as composed as possible while remaining motionless. Despite my best efforts to please him, learning of his infidelity shattered my trust and called into question my own worth, leaving me broken.

As he told me via text after we split up, he had no respect for me because it was clear I was enjoying sex too much, which made me a slut in his eyes. It hurt me even more because my previous ex ended our relationship because of my high sex drive, claiming that a woman as horny as me is unsuitable for marriage. These experiences left me feeling judged and misunderstood, as if my natural desires were something to be ashamed of.

The realization of his betrayal came crashing down when he was meant to be studying at his friend's place. I called him to confirm if he was coming to dinner, but he didn't answer. So, my roommate, who happened to be friends with his friend, called him, and that's when his friend broke down and confessed the truth. His friend revealed that he is with his ex-girlfriend and that he has been seeing her behind my back for weeks. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. The shock and hurt washed over me as I realized the extent of his deception and the countless lies he must have told to cover it up.

As you might expect, when he came to collect his belongings, he had to retrieve them from the street. Sarah had persuaded me to throw everything out the window, which is exactly what I did. I was filled with rage and sadness as I watched him gather his belongings. Despite everything, my heart still had a soft spot for him, as foolish as it was.

I cried my eyes out for a month, hiding in my bed, feeling as if my heart had been ripped from my chest. Around eight weeks later, the intense sadness faded, but so did everything else. All that was left was a feeling of numbness—nothing could stir me, but nothing could excite me, either.

The flood of tears gave way to a hollow emptiness that pervaded my being. It was as if life had lost its vibrancy and color. I went through the motions, a mere observer of my own life. The world continued to spin around me, but I remained suspended in this fog of detachment.

Sarah had been my rock through it all. She stood by my side, unwavering in her support, even when I had withdrawn into my cocoon of numbness. Her presence was a lifeline, a reminder that I wasn't alone in this struggle. She patiently listened to my silence, offering comfort without pressing for words.

In her gentle yet persistent way, she coaxed me out of the shadows, and on Valentine's Day, she practically dragged me to the club. Sarah was already drunk, her boyfriend generously supplying us with drinks all night long. However, I only had one drink and handed the rest to her. Drinking wasn't on my agenda; I simply wasn't in the mood. The only reason I was even at the club was that I knew Sarah would never leave me alone in the apartment on Valentine's.

Amidst the whirlwind of the evening, a familiar face emerged. The attractive man I had glimpsed entering the club earlier was now headed in our direction, his face illuminated by a wide, charming grin. His self-assured steps and the way he effortlessly captured the attention of everyone around him revealed his comfort in the spotlight.

As he got closer, I felt a tinge of anticipation, and then he opened his arms, seemingly in greeting or perhaps a hug. Sarah enthusiastically leaped into his waiting arms, leaving me perplexed for a moment. I watched as they embraced tightly, their smiles reflecting a deep connection.

She introduced him as Chris, explaining that she and her boyfriend had known him since kindergarten. And then, fueled by the effects of alcohol, she let slip my personal story about how my heart had been shattered by my ex's betrayal. It all came pouring out, leaving me in a state of mortification as the intimate details of my heartbreak were laid bare for Chris to hear.

Chris lingered in our company, his moves on the dance floor effortlessly capturing attention. He was like a magnet, drawing women towards him as they requested dances, to which he willingly obliged before finding his way back to our group. It was clear that he had a certain charm that was hard to ignore, a charisma that he wielded with ease.

Meanwhile, I couldn't shake off my own awkwardness in his presence. There was an undeniable attraction, a magnetic pull that made my heart race every time our eyes met. Yet, a lingering uncertainty held me back, a cautionary voice reminding me of the heartbreak I had recently endured. Despite my reservations, the unspoken exchanges between us seemed to tell a story of their own, a silent conversation that resonated amidst the music and laughter of the crowded room.

As the clock struck midnight, the hostesses entered the scene, each carrying a bunch of vibrant red roses. Sarah's boyfriend went all out, gifting her a lavish bouquet that symbolized the romantic occasion. I felt an uncomfortable pang in the midst of the love-filled atmosphere, as if a mix of longing and unease was swirling within me.

With a desire to escape, I resolved to find refuge in the bathroom, away from the rose-tinted celebrations, but before I could make my escape, Chris unexpectedly appeared, blocking my path. He held out a single red rose, a simple yet striking gesture that caught me off guard.

"Will you be my Valentine?" he asked, his lips curving into a captivating sideways grin—the kind that exuded a confident allure, akin to a predator closing in on its prey.

I stood there, momentarily caught in his gaze and the enigmatic charm that radiated from him. His question hung in the air, the weight of its implications intertwining with the intensity of our eye contact.

My heart raced, a mixture of attraction and caution warring within me. His charismatic grin had a magnetic pull, drawing me closer while also setting off alarm bells in the depths of my mind. The conflicting emotions left me at a momentary standstill.

Before I could fully analyze my own reaction, Chris bridged the distance between us, his lips moving in for a kiss. But in the blink of an eye, Sarah materialized seemingly out of nowhere, and with a swift motion, she intervened, forcefully pulling him away from me.

"Stay away from her!"

With unwavering determination in her gaze, she tapped her petite fist against his huge biceps, her voice a blend of protective concern and exasperation. The sight was comical, and Chris merely responded with a smile, utterly unfazed by the situation, but Sarah didn't mince words, immediately reminding me of my heartbreak and labeling him as a player who should stay away.

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Chris didn't contest her words. "It's true," he admitted, his tone surprisingly candid. "I'm not the relationship type. But that's not what you need."

"And what does she need from you, huh, you smartass?" Sarah retorted.

His tongue glided over his full, firm bottom lip before he answered in a low, sultry voice, "A good fucking."

My jaw dropped at his direct response, and for the first time in months, I felt my desire surge up through me like a riptide. The air in the room became thick with tension as Sarah's eyes narrowed and her face flushed with rage.

"You asshole," Sarah snapped, her frustration evident as she grabbed my arm. "We're leaving!"

She pulled at my arm, trying to get me to move, but I stayed put, not budging an inch. My gaze was transfixed upon his piercing gray eyes, an almost hypnotic fixation that held me captive.

"Wait," Sarah interjected urgently. "You're not seriously considering this, are you?" Her words were a mix of disbelief and concern, a plea for me to reconsider the direction in which my emotions seemed to be pulling me.

When I first met Sarah three years ago at college, I was a naïve eighteen-year-old virgin, and she quickly became someone who knew every intimate detail of my life. A lot had changed since then, but she was aware that I didn't do casual hookups, but the pain I was feeling made the idea of finding relief tempting, and let's be honest, having my first hookup with someone as good-looking as Chris didn't sound so bad.

"Yes." The word slipped out of my lips, making Chris's grin widen.

"Fine," Sarah conceded, releasing my hand as if resigning to my decision. "But don't come crying to me tomorrow when you regret it," she warned, her concern evident. She then turned to Chris, her expression serious. "Make sure she gets home safely, okay?"

Chris nodded in response to Sarah's request, his expression one of understanding and assurance. "Of course," he replied, his voice carrying a hint of sincerity.

As Sarah made her way towards the bar, where her boyfriend was engrossed in conversation with his friends, Chris's fingers intertwined with mine, drawing me closer. The music pulsed through the air, its rhythm echoing in our hearts as we moved together on the dance floor.

Chris's touch was both commanding and tender, his hand enveloping my waist with a confident grasp. His body moved in fluid synchronicity with mine, a sensuous dance that went beyond mere steps. Our breaths seemed to align, the world around us fading into a hazy backdrop as we surrendered to the music and the pull of the moment.

With each l movement, a spark seemed to ignite, a flame that grew brighter with every beat of the music. The dance became a slow exploration, a sensual journey. In the rhythm of our twirls and sways, his gaze locked onto mine with a fiery intensity.

"Let's get out of here," he suggested, his voice enticing, and I nodded.

With the music still reverberating in our bodies, Chris's grip on my hand remained reassuringly firm as he guided me away from the vibrant chaos of the club.

As we stepped out onto the dimly lit street, the world outside seemed hushed, as if it held its breath in anticipation of what lay ahead. The night air was cool against our skin, a stark contrast to the warmth that had pulsed between us on the dance floor.

The streetlights cast a gentle glow upon our path, casting shadows that danced alongside us. Despite the late hour, the city's heartbeat was still audible—distant laughter, the occasional passing car, and the soft rustling of leaves played like a soothing symphony in the background.

As we strolled down the quiet street, Chris's gaze seemed to dart around the buildings, his movements imbued with a touch of impatience. His eyes scanned the surroundings, a hint of restlessness in his demeanor as he looked for something specific that was evading his sight. His brows were lightly furrowed, his lips forming a subtle line of concentration. It was as if he was on a mission, his eyes and body language revealing a determination to locate whatever he was searching for.

Breaking the silence, I couldn't help but ask, "Do you live nearby?"

Chris turned his gaze toward me, his lips curving into a faint smile. "No," he replied, his tone carrying a touch of casual honesty. "I live across town, but I never bring women to my place."

I considered his words for a moment, understanding the unspoken boundaries he had set.

"So, I guess we'll need to find a spot," he mused, his eyes scanning our surroundings as he contemplated our options.

A middle-aged woman was making her way toward a towering skyscraper, her purposeful stride capturing his interest.

"Excuse me, Miss," he called out after her, his grip on my hand gently urging me to catch up. "We actually forgot our key. Could you possibly let us in?"

"I am Madam," the woman corrected, her tone firm yet curious as she glanced between us. "And I have never seen you in this building before."

Chris quickly adjusted his demeanor, transforming it into one of polite charm. "I apologize for that," he said smoothly, his tone a perfect mix of humility and charisma as his gaze met the woman's. "But, if I may say, you look like you could be our age," he added, his words punctuated by a warm smile. In reality, she appeared to be our mother's age. "You see," Chris continued. "We're actually quite new to this building. We've just rented an apartment. We're students at the economics university."

His response was delivered with such finesse that I couldn't help but be impressed. As he spoke, I watched in awe as he effortlessly held her attention, his words flowing smoothly and confidently. Much later, I discovered that he did, in fact, attend economics university classes and, of course, banged all the young, attractive professors to get good grades.

The woman's expression softened as Chris delivered his explanation. "Oh, I see. Well, welcome to the building then," she responded with a friendly nod. With a slight hesitation, she reached into her purse and retrieved her key card. "Sure, I can let you in this time."

As the woman swiped her key card, the door to the building clicked open, and she motioned for us to enter. Once inside, Chris's fingers lingered on the elevator button for a moment, as if considering our options, but as soon as the woman's figure disappeared from view, he pulled my hand gently, indicating for us to move in a different direction.

Curious, I glanced at him and couldn't help but inquire, "What about the elevator?"

A mischievous glint sparkled in his eyes as he leaned in slightly, his voice a soft whisper, "We don't need it. Follow me."

His confident demeanor left me intrigued, and I followed his lead as he guided us away from the elevator and toward a different route.

"We're heading down to the basement," he explained, his voice carrying a note of excitement. "It's almost 1 am, so chances are, no one will be there."

As we ventured further into the building, I couldn't shake the sense of adventure that had taken hold of us. The idea of stepping so far outside my comfort zone, embracing a side of me I had always suppressed—the so-called "bad girl" within—sent a thrill through me. My heart quickened, and a rush of excitement surged through my body, awakening a dormant energy within. In that moment, it was as if a switch had been flipped, and I was finally feeling something real.

For so long, I had adhered to the expectations placed upon me, conforming to the mold that had been shaped by upbringing and societal norms. But now, as I walked alongside Chris through the building's dimly lit corridors, a new sensation stirred within me. It was a heady mix of exhilaration and rebellion, a taste of liberation that I had never experienced before.

The rhythmic tapping of our footsteps echoed through the space, a steady beat that seemed to synchronize with the pulse of my own anticipation. With every step, the distance between who I had been and who I was becoming seemed to shrink, and a newfound sense of empowerment filled the void.

And as we descended into the basement, surrounded by shadows and the thrill of the unknown, I felt a rush of freedom that left me exhilarated. In that very instant, a long-forgotten thrill resurfaced, evoking memories of childhood wonder. It was as if, for the first time in ages, I was genuinely alive, wholly engrossed in the magic of the present moment.

As we reached the basement, the lights flickered to life automatically, illuminating the space around us. The soft glow revealed a compact area with locked doors lining the walls. Chris's gaze swept across the small hallway that stretched out before us, nestled just under the staircase. His lips curled into a thoughtful smile, and he turned to me.

"This will have to do," he said, his voice carrying a mix of determination and lightheartedness.

As he spoke, a smile involuntarily crept onto my face, mirroring his amusement. It was a situation so far removed from what I had expected when the night began, and yet there was an undeniable thrill in embracing the spontaneity of the moment.

In my mind, I wrestled with a choice. Should I dive into the unknown, turning the evening into a legendary story of how adventurous Emma went into a random basement with a stranger, creating an unforgettable memory? Or should I run like a cheetah on caffeine, avoiding any future regrets? The decision hung in the air, between daring excitement and playing it safe.


Written by EMoon
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