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You and I, Her and I and You and Her

"multiple loves and multiple couplings"

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I love the thought of being a mistress. It leads to some of the most intense fantasies. When I am in the right mindset, it turns me on to know that you have an entirely separate life. Wife, kids and boring adult responsibilities. All of which you neglect when you are with me. a complete double life. It's like dating an actor. I imagine what its like when you go home. And what she talks to you about during the day. Or even what you think about when you are doing dishes.

I wonder what it would be like to become her friend? He closest confidant. Her lover. What if instead of the heated jealousy that usually arises when she pops into my brain, it was filled with desire? I have never met her and don’t ever plan to. But I imagine she was full of lust and beauty once. At one point in time, she caught your eye. Long flowing hair and petite frame. A beautiful woman that lost your love and doesn’t seem to care.

I would be her friend first. Letting her vent to me about the struggles of everyday life. Trading mother stories over coffee. Replacing you as her go-to for who she wants to talk to first when something exciting happens. I would be overly friendly and caring. I would brush her hair and hug her a lot. Eventually, she would cave. Maybe she could let herself have a little pleasure with her new friend. Surely there’s nothing wrong with that.

It could happen on any given day. You leave work and call her. There is an emotionless boring conversation that struggles to last five minutes and is worse than small talking with a stranger. You hang up without saying any form of goodbye, quick to call your true love. I answer, and we talk about everything. Life in general, plans for the evening, things we are excited about, the next time we will get to talk or see each other. We will never hang up without saying those three words because we feel them so deeply and know how precious our time together is.

And after we hang up, I call her. She is upset by your emotionless demeanor and is done trying with you. I listen, completely biased to her ripping you to pieces. I offer to take her to dinner. She agrees, and I can hear the true excitement in her voice. Tonight will be the night that I have you both. I share my excitement, hang up the phone and head home to prepare myself.

I don’t have much experience with being bi-sexual or with lesbian sex at all. Only bad experiences but I am more than willing to try this for you. I head to my bedroom and check the time as I start pulling outfits from my closet. I know all the outfits that you like best, but what would she like as well? I go with a pair of blue jean shorts and a white and grey striped tank top. I check that my bra makes my breasts look fantastic before I remove my underwear completely. No need for those tonight, they would only get in my way.

I get into my car and start my drive to the small coffee shop she mentioned. I need a plan of attack. She will be new to this and I need to have a calming place in mind. I get to the coffee shop and scout out a quiet place. I order myself some coffee, highly sugared and tons of cream in the hope of maintaining my energy for the night. I sit down on one of the overused sofas in the back section of the café and check my phone. There’s a message from you.

Wife is hanging out with a friend, want to meet up?

Oh, darling. I shake my head and grin like the devil and respond, I already know. I put my phone away and glance up at the barista. She stands there, clutching her purse for dear life and glancing around nervously like the devil himself is about to pop out of the ground and claim her. She looks my way and I smile and wave. She bursts into a grin and nervously grabs her cup of brew and heads towards me. I stand and hug her, my hands lingering on the small of her back. She lets her head rest on my shoulder just a little longer than usual and I tenderly let my fingers comb the back of her head.

She opens her mouth and lets loose to me. all the vile, unfair treatment she has received from you and how she doesn’t really care anymore but doesn’t know how to exist without you. must keep it together for the children. I nod and drink my coffee, not agreeing but just letting her get all her crazy emotions out until eventually, she can see reason again. I know once she has reached the sweet spot between bitching and acceptance, I can make my moves.

She takes a large swallow of coffee, forcing herself to calm down and take a break from her exhaustive speech. I move next to her on the couch so that our knees touch and I place my hand on her thigh. There, there you precious stupid girl. She leans onto my shoulder again and sighs long and loud. I feel the frustration leave her and begin to trace small patterns into the flesh of her leg. She glances down at my hand, at first with shock. Shock that she is allowing herself to be touched, or shock that it is me touching her I cannot tell. The shock wears off fast and is replaced with yearning.

I see the images cross her mind like a daydream. What else can those hands do? How warm and comforting they feel. Surely these thoughts are just her crazy imagination. My hand slides up her thigh more, just touching the bottom of her short shorts. Her eyes dart up to mine and I find them hesitant but interested. Before she glances away or tries to remove my hand, I lean in and kiss her neck.

She gasps loudly, she was not at all expecting that. Hoping, yes, but the reality of it is enticing. She leans back on the couch, and I follow her body. My tongue traces small circles along her neckline to the sounds of her oohs and ahhs. I place my left hand on her waist as my right hand continues its triumphant march up under her shorts. I feel her hot breathe on my face as I nibble her ear.

I am so glad that we timed this meeting well so that the back room we are in is completely our own. Although, I think even if there were other customers, we are too far lost now for either of us to stop. My fingers reach up and touch the soft hair that I find. I run my left hand across her stomach and begin to unbutton her shorts. She bites her bottom lip and drops her hands to her sides, leaving her entire body mine for the taking. And take I do.

Shorts loose now, I slide one hand down the back and firmly grip her ass. She intakes breathe sharply, not used to any of these new and exciting things. My other hand now presses firmly down the front of her mound, completely ready to make her quake. I kiss her slowly. Her pouty venom-spewing lips still taste like coffee and I focus on that heavenly taste as I slide my finger into her folds. She growls from deep within.

I circle her clitoris with my thumb while the rest of my hand finds her deeper pleasure. She is so lightweight my left hand can pull her hips up to me so that when my fingers enter her, the go deep. She arches her back and squeezes her eyes closed tight. I penetrate her over and over, letting my thumb bring her to small climaxes and waiting for the real quake to take over.

I free my left hand from her hip and use it to pull her tank top down and expose those tiny little breasts. My find her tongue and suck on it slowly, while my hand frees her nipples. I pinch them, and she groans. I steal my tongue away from her mouth and let it sensuously slide down her neck to her breast. I pull her nipple between my teeth and softly bite, timing it so that my fingers thrust hard into her at the same time. Sure enough, her moans become louder and I feel her orgasm as her body shivers beneath me.

She is breathless, but I am not finished. Kissing one pair of lips is not enough. I kneel between her legs on the floor and scratch my nails into those tender thighs as I pull her shorts further down. She has one hand on her forehead, like the damsel in some old-fashioned movie. I plant kisses up and down her inner thighs, slowly making my way to her wet patch.

My tongue is hot and stiff as it enters her. She growls and covers her face with her hands, hoping to hide the insane amount of pleasure she would reveal with her blushing. I dig into her, my hands spreading her thighs fully as my tongue finds her pleasurable nub. I do circles around it, the sweet taste not enough to overpower the lingering coffee flavor in my mouth. small circles and then thrusts. Long hot licks of pleasure from the top of her to her deep wet hole.

Soon, the pleasure becomes too much, and her hand grabs the back of my head as she loses control on my face. With one last kiss, I pull myself away from her. I stand and smooth my clothing as if nothing had happened. She stands and re-dresses herself, cheeks still red from the heat and passion of what just happened. She sits back down onto the couch and I join her, both of us reaching for coffee and smirking.

She makes comments about what you would do if you ever found out, how jealous or angry you would be. I keep my comments to myself and instead, just listen. She gets up to leave and tells me thank you. I tip my cup towards her, nonchalant as ever and ready to talk to you. I watch her get into her car and pull away before I reach for my phone.

Where are you? What are you doing? Who are you doing?

I giggle and tell you I am free now and would love to see you tonight. I leave the coffee shop and head to down the road, unsure of my destination. She needed comfort and calm, but you. You are much more special to me. I pull into the art museum parking lot on a whim. With any luck, its close to closing time and I can bribe my friends to let me in for a little longer. I let you know where to meet me as I head inside to pay for our admission and a little tip for my own little tip.

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I begin to wander the galleries, all the colors lighting up my eyes, heart, and soul. No coffee shop could match this. Before I know it, I feel big strong male hands reach around my stomach and pull me close. Your head leans down on top of mine and finally, I feel complete. My hands sweep over top of yours as you tell me how happy your wife was when you left. She was positively a changed woman. I smirk and turn around to face you.

From my smile, you know exactly what I have been up to. Your hand reaches up and brushes the side of my face, as you bend in for a kiss. What a powerful taste we have created now! Coffee mixed with liquor on your breathe with small traces of your wife still on my tongue. The taste of all your favorite things makes you instantly hard and you lift me up to you. I wrap my legs around you and let you lead me to the center of the Egyptian exhibit.

You place me down on the long padded leather bench there and glance around you. I pull the keys I bribed out of my bra and you show me that wild smirk of yours. I drop them on the floor and let my arms fall behind me and watch you. You unbutton your shirt, revealing your manly chest, and drop it to the ground. I pull myself up to you and places kiss on your stomach, along your happy trail.

My hands eagerly undo your jeans, ready for your manhood to fill all of me and wipe her from my memory. Your hands massage my head as I free you and pull the length of your penis into my mouth. so velvety soft and warm. My hands grip your hips and rock you back and forth into my mouth, you moan with pleasure. I taste your pre-come and swallow hard, another flavor added to the mix of the evening.

You pull yourself from my mouth and lie me back down onto the bench. You tower over me as you hastily remove my shorts and top, all the while planting kisses all over my body. You spread my legs and enter me in one smooth motion. I kiss your wrists and arms as they tower over me next to my head. You thrust into me forcefully, my wetness meeting your heat. You lower your head and I feel your teeth graze my hardened nipples. I writhe with pleasure.

In the back of my mind, I wonder about your wife. Does she feel this way with you? do you pull the same moves on her? How could she be so cold if she felt the same way I do right now?

I think of pleasing her earlier. Hoping to make your home life a little easier. Happy wife means happy life after all. I feel proud that I can help you in this small way.

With my wandering mind at ease, I allow myself pleasure. Your teeth bite hard on my nipple and I come as you penetrate me deeply. I scream your name. you are far from done showing your own form of appreciation.

You turn my body over, my ass in the air and ready for you. your knees rest on the bench as you enter me from behind. In an instant, my nipples are hard, my folds dripping wet again for you. this time, I am louder when I growl. You respond with more aggression. Your hands dig into my hips and we move as one. I feel your body beginning to spasm, so I shove my ass onto you hard. You growl loudly as you release yourself into me. I follow again, my insides convulsing on you.

I take a moment and rest my head on the bench while you stand up, getting dressed I assume. I breathe deeply and feel my soon to be sore muscles tingle still in the aftermath. I roll over onto my back and close my eyes and focus on breathing. Calmer now, I hear you ask what I did to your wife. I grin and touch my fingers first to my lower lips, and then my mouth. you grunt, not a grunt of displeasure, but of enjoyment.

I relax my hands again and then feel you getting closer to me, making my hairs stand on end. with eyes shut, I can’t tell where you are, but I can certainly feel your stare eating my body alive. My smirk disappears when I feel your hands begin to part my thighs. I bite my lip in want. I feel your hot hard tongue enter me and I screech. My mouth gapes open in pleasure as I get another surprise, the tip of your penis touches my lips. I open my mouth wide and extend my tongue to taste your manhood. Sixty-nine, what a wonderful way to end our evening!

I use one hand to firmly grip you as my tongue circles your head. My other hand cusps your balls and pulls, causing you to react with passion, your tongue plunges deeper into me, your fingers dancing on my thighs, racing to penetrate me. I suck harder, my pleasure making me want to give you even more pleasure. Your salty penis tastes so good as I pull you into the back of my throat. You nibble my clitoris while your fingers work magic, stretching me from the inside out.

I groan and my body writhes like a fish in the sun. I grip your balls and suck hard until I am rewarded with the best taste of you. hot, salty liquid shoots down my throat as you finish me as well. your fingers making their final thrusts as your tongue ignites my explosion. We are both panting and growling, completely exhausted.

As we stand up to get dressed again, your hand grabs my wrist. You pull me close and kiss me passionately, our hands running through each other’s hair. You tell me thank you. I have given you the best of both worlds and you don’t know how you got so lucky. I tell you if we keep going on like this I would should you exactly how you got lucky. You smack my ass and kiss me again.

Both dressed now, we hold hands and walk to my final surprise for you of the night. As we walk the halls towards the security room, you ask me if I plan on seeing her again. I pause for just a moment before saying yes. If it makes your life easier, better, our time together easier to enjoy, than yes. Totally worth it. you squeeze my hand and I open the security room door. I go to where the guard had shown me and remove the footage from the Egyptian room.

I turn around to see the awe upon your face. I place the tape into your hands. It's forever yours now. You can watch it whenever you would like, as often as you like. The love we shared forever trapped on film. You kiss me again. What some people do for love…

I leave and watch your car as you do as well. I imagine you headed home, windows open trying to rid the smell of me from your clothes. You pull in the drive and the lights are still on. Curious as she was so happy earlier you were possible she would be sleeping like a baby at this hour. You unlock the door and see nor hear a thing. You creep up the stairs to your bedroom. In your bathroom, you quickly shower and brush your teeth, but the pleasant smells and tastes of the night linger.

You fantasize about you and I, her and I, and maybe even a little hope for you and her. As you dry yourself, you hear a small knock on your door. Thinking that it's just the random creaks of your house, you slide into bed, completely nude as usual. With the covers up over your head, you don’t see the door creak open as your wife sneaks in. Your head is in fantasy land as usual and you really don’t realize or care which lady of your life slides under the covers beside you.

Her small frame, like mine, gives no indication as to who this stranger of the night is. You just enjoy the moment. She lays one hand on your chest, you respond by wrapping your arm around the back of her neck and placing the other hand on her stomach. She coos warmly beside you, and you recognize her as wife. it has been an eternity for both of you since you last felt this carefree comfortable love with each other.

Her hand circles your hairy nipples and your long fingers draw lines from her shoulders down her arms. Soon, you turn her and make her your little spoon. Your warm secure arms outstretched around her, and she feels loved, cherished, important. Her back arches into you as you gently kiss her neck and nibble her ear. Her small hands reach up and pull your hair leaving your hands free to wander her side and slide beneath her breasts, thumb, and forefinger firmly clenching her nipple.

Your excitement is fully erect now and she makes small circles with her waist against you. you lift one of her legs with yours and smoothly glide yourself completely into her. She gasps with the sensual pleasure of being filled with you. she turns her head to face you. if it wasn’t so dark, you would realize you were staring into each other’s eyes, only this time not as strangers.

Your hand on her hip guides her rhythm and you can see her biting her lip. Your other hand slides down to find that one perfect lady spot. She moans. Your thumb circles her as you guide yourself in and out of her. You watch her perky breasts and nipples gently sway back and forth. She lets forth a burst of moans as she reaches climax.

You turn her onto her stomach and use your knees to spread her apart. Her head is buried in the pillows as you lift her hips to enter her again. You lean forward so that your hand can slide up under her breast again, gently cupping and squeezing them timed to your thrusts. You miss this. She has missed this as well. with much sentiment, you are both thinking of days gone by, the love that has been lost. You both cry as you reach orgasm together.

You stay a while in that position, body draped over hers, trying to regain composure and catch your breath. She grabs your wrist and leaves butterfly kisses along it. you pull her back to be the little spoon and watch as she slowly dozes off cradled there next to you. your mind wanders. On her. And on me. the future and the past. All the experiences of the night. You fall asleep peacefully dreaming of me while holding her.



Written by formermisssmith
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