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Working With Amanda

"The seduction of a sexy professional woman from work."

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Amanda is a designer at a large design firm with which my company works on a regular basis. I knew I had to have her the first time I saw her. She has dark curly hair, mesmerizing green eyes, and a beautiful smile. She is around five foot six inches tall. Her breasts are pert and full, probably 34C cups. Then we get to her best part, her ass. Her ass is just amazing, a little on the plump side but firm and round, and she fills out her dress pants perfectly. Watching her walk with her hips swaying and that ass of hers bouncing is mesmerizing. I assumed that seducing her wouldn't be easy. She seemed happily married and had a couple of young kids at home, but I had to try.

I started just being friendly and adding little things like I hope you have a great day at the end of emails and complimenting her on what a great job she did. After a few weeks, I started asking her about her kids and personal life and breaking the work boundary. I also paid her as much attention as I could without being creepy. Before long, we were talking regularly about things other than work. Once I found out she liked to work out and was into fitness, I started talking to her about that, which led to me complimenting her on her legs or other body parts. She would also mention my looks or compliment me. I knew she loved my muscular arms and had mentioned them several times.

I needed a plan to let her see the rest of my muscular body or at least part of it. I knew we had a meeting this coming Thursday, and I thought I had just the thing in mind. I went to a job site and got my shirt dirty before the meeting. I made sure to get to Amanda's office a little early so no one else would be there. I brought a clean shirt with me, and I would ask her if I could change it once I was there.

I walked up to the front door and pressed the bell. Amanda came to let me in since everyone else was still at lunch. She walked me to the conference room, and that's when I put my plan into action.

"Do you mind if I change into a clean shirt?"

"No, not at all, the rest," she started to speak, then stopped.

I cut her off by pulling my shirt up over my head and laying it on the back of my chair. I fumbled with my clean shirt for a few moments so she could get a good look at my muscular chest and washboard abs. I pulled the clean shirt down over my body and smoothed it out. I looked at Amanda, who was standing there staring at me but seemed off somewhere else.

"Thanks. Would you mind if I went to wash up?" I asked her, snapping her back to reality.

"Hmm, No, not at all," she stammered, seeming lost for words.

I walked past her to leave the room, and our eyes locked momentarily. I knew I had planted a seed in her mind. I just needed to water it a little and let it grow.

I returned from the restroom, and Amanda was in the conference room with one of the other people. I walked around the table so I could sit directly across from her. I watched her eyes as I sat down, and I could see them looking at my body and taking it all in. When she finally looked up at me, I could see a hint of lust in her eyes, and her cheeks were a bit flushed. I kept a close eye on her throughout the meeting, and each time I caught her looking at me, she would blush. I knew I had her interested now; I just needed to get her closer.

During one of our chats, I found out she had a meeting that Thursday afternoon in a part of town with many restaurants and bars. I lied and told her I also had a meeting in that area and asked if she would like to grab some dinner and a drink after our meetings. She readily accepted the invitation, and I told her to text me when she was done, and I would tell her where I was so she could meet me.

I got there early to ride through the parking deck and find her car. I wanted to have an excuse to walk her to her car afterward. I found a cool place, a Tex-Mex restaurant with a great bar. I got us a table and ordered a drink. It wasn't long before she texted me.

Hey, I'm all done. Where are you?

Hey, I'm In Bakers. I'm at a booth on the right side. I'll look for you!

Ok, Be there in a few minutes.

I watched the door for her, and soon enough, there she was. Wow, she looked gorgeous. She wore a black skirt that stopped just above her knees and a pair of black high heels. Her legs were Tan and toned and looked amazing. She wore a turquoise blouse, and you could tell she had recently opened another button to expose more skin.

I stood up and walked toward the door to meet her. I greeted her with a warm, friendly hug, which was another breached boundary. I walked her back to the table, and we sat down.

"Mmmm, What's that?" she asked, pointing to my drink.

"It's a pineapple margarita. Want to try it?"

"Can I?"

"Of course, you don't have cooties, Do you?" I teased.

She smiled and took a sip of my drink.

"Mmmm, that's good, I think I will have one of those, too."

I motioned for the server to bring us two more and then asked her how her meeting went. She told me all about her customer's issues, and I offered a couple of suggestions. We hung out, had several drinks, and never ate. The conversation just flowed naturally. Before we knew it, several hours had passed, and she realized what time it was.

"Oh goodness, I can't believe what time it is, I'm going to have to go soon."


"Yes, I'm sorry, but I better."

"It's ok, I understand."

I paid our tab, and we walked outside. I asked her where she was parked, and she pointed to the parking deck under the building.

"Me, too. Come on, and I'll walk you to your car."

"Well, thank you, sir."

We talked while we strolled to the elevators.

"What floor?" I asked like I didn't know.

"I'm on three."

"Me too!"

We hopped on the elevator together, and I stood a little closer to her. I could tell she was excited but also a little nervous. She was fidgeting around a bit, and that was very unlike her. She is already confident and in control. It's one of the things I find so sexy about her. But this little shy, nervous thing was quite cute. We left the elevator, and I asked her which way to her car. She pointed to her left as we turned to walk in that direction. As we approached her car, she stopped and reached into her bag for her keys. She dropped her keys as she pulled her hand out of her bag. I bent down and picked them up for her. I stepped in closer to hand her the keys.

"Thank you. I had a great time tonight," she said as she reached for her keys.

Our hands touched as she went to take her keys, and I could feel the electric-like energy from our touch. She didn't pull her hand away but let the touch linger. She looked up at me with a confused look. I knew she was wrestling with herself about what to do: leave and go home to her husband and kids or give in to the carnal desires she was feeling inside her. I knew I had to help push her across that line before she backed away.

"Me too," I replied as I took a firm hold of her hand and stepped up to her. She was very nervous now. I could feel her hand start to shake, but she wasn't pulling away. The drinks had done their trick, and her willpower was weak. I took control, leaned in, and kissed her on the lips. A gentle, soft kiss to start. She was frozen as she stood there, gazing into my eyes, almost seeking comfort and permission. I leaned in again, and this time, I felt her kiss me back, and the kiss lingered for a moment.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't," she tried to say as she broke the kiss.

"It's ok, I have wanted to kiss you for so long."

She looked at me, but she didn't pull away. I leaned in again, and as I kissed her, I ran my tongue softly against her lips. I felt her lips part and allowed my tongue to enter her mouth. Her arms went around my back, and I felt her start to kiss me back. I wrapped my arms around her and ran them over her back. All boundaries were crossed now, and we were locked in a passionate kiss. I slid my hands down lower and over her marvelous ass. I pulled her into me so she could feel the massive bludge push into her. She moaned into my mouth as she kissed me with more desire. I felt her hands move around my sides, and her hands went up under my shirt. I felt her run her hands up over my muscular body. She broke the kiss as she continued to run her hands over my torso.

"You have an amazing body."

"Thank you. I think you are amazing, too."

She smiled and kissed me again, but more tenderly.

"I really should be going. I'm sorry."

"It's okay, I understand."

I gave her another short kiss and then opened the car door for her.

"Text me and let me know you made it home safely, please."

"Okay, I-- Okay."

I closed her car door and watched her drive off.

About twenty minutes later, my phone went off. It was a text from her.

I'm home. I had a great time with you.

I had a great time with you also. Good night.

Good night to you, too.

The next morning, I felt a strong urge to text her, but I knew I should wait and see if I heard from her. I waited till around nine thirty and hadn't heard from her yet, so I decided to send her a simple good morning text. I waited and waited, but there was no reply from her. I figured she had come to grips with herself and decided not to continue down this path with me. I can respect that, so I decided to give her some space and let things drift back to normal. Later that morning, just before lunch, my phone went off.

Hey, I'm so sorry. I had an early meeting, so I left my phone at the office and didn't have time to go back to get it.

Ok, good, thought you were ghosting

No, Never!!


Sure, can you pick me up at my office?

Yes, be there in about 20 mins.

k, see you in a few.

Yes, she hadn't changed her mind. This was going to be a good day after all. I hopped in my truck and headed toward her office. I texted her when I got there.

Pulling up out front.

Be right out.

A few moments later, she came out with a big smile on her face. She was wearing charcoal slacks and a dark blue top.

"Hey you," she said as she got in the truck.

"Where are you taking me for lunch?"

"I'm not sure, What would you like?"

"There is a pizza place and a couple of sandwich shops all a couple blocks over. Park in that lot up there, and we can walk from there."

I pulled into the parking lot and started toward the front.

"Park back there by the building," she said, pointing toward the back.

"Okay," I said, kinda questioning.

I pulled into a spot and turned the truck off. She unbuckled and leaned across the center console in my truck. I turned toward her, and she leaned in and kissed me. It started softly, with her lips pressed against mine. I felt her tongue slide across my lips as I parted them for her. She ran her tongue into my mouth to search for mine. We kissed for a few moments, and she pulled away.

"I have been waiting to do that again," she said as she smiled.

"Come on, let's go eat, and then maybe I'll let you kiss me again before taking me back,"

"Okay," I replied.

We walked down to the pizza place, ordered a couple of slices, and found a seat in the back where we could talk. She wasn't nervous like she was last night; she was back to her perky, in-control self. We enjoyed our lunch and laughed and joked around for a little bit.

"Are you that hungry," she teased me about eating so fast.

"No, just in a rush to get back to those kisses you were talking about."

"Oh, I see. You want more of those?"

"Yes, a lot more."

"Good, I have plenty of time, so you don't have to rush."


We finished our pizza and walked back toward the truck. When we got there, I opened the passenger door for her. She looked around quickly to make sure no one was around, then grabbed me and pulled me against her. She ran her hands over my upper body and then pressed her lips to mine. I felt her tongue press against my lips, and I opened them to give her access. Our tongues swirled around each other in a wicked dance as we held each other.

"Damn, you kiss good," she said as she broke the kiss.

"That's not all," I teased back.

"Oh, really now."

I climbed on the other side and met her in the middle. We locked into another kiss as our hands found each other. We broke the kiss and continued to hold hands.

"Look, I really want to see you. But I can't... I don't want to lose my family."

"I understand; I would never do anything to harm you or try to change your situation at home."

"Okay, I only need to make sure we understand each other."

"Yes, most definitely."

"Good," she replied, sounding relieved.

"So when can I see you?"

"We will work that out often, I hope," she said with a smile.

"Now that sounds really good."

"So, what's your schedule like next week?" she asked.

"I will be out of town Wednesday and Thursday, I think."

"Okay, what about Tuesday?"

"Tuesday should be good; what are you thinking?"

"I was thinking maybe we could meet somewhere and spend some quality time together," she said as she leaned over and kissed me again.

"I meant, where," I asked.

"We need somewhere private. Could you get a room for us somewhere?"

"Of course, I just wasn't sure if you would be comfortable being seen going into a hotel or not."

"Well, I'm not talking about some sleazy place," she said as she punched me in the arm.

"I get you. How about we meet at the Hilton or by the airport? It has a nice bar in it; we can meet there and have a drink and then go upstairs,"

"Perfect! How does around 3:30-4:00 sound? That way, I don't have to rush; I can tell Dan I have a dinner meeting, and I won't be expected home till 8:00 or so,"

"That sounds like a date," I said as we kissed each other again.

I took her back to work and dropped her off, and watched her ass sway as she walked toward her office. I knew in a few days, all that was going to be mine. Damn.

We texted a little and flirted some over the weekend and Monday. Tuesday came, and she was a little nervous but excited. There was a lot of sexual tension built up between us that needed to be unleashed. I reassured her everything would be great and that I would see her later that day.

We both had fairly busy days. I got wrapped up around 2:00 and headed to the hotel. I got us a room, took a shower, and put on some fresh clothes. I texted her.

Room 425, I can't wait to see you.

Perfect! I can't wait to see you too.

I will be in the bar area waiting for you.

Okay, I Okay be heading your way soon.

I headed to the bar and ordered a drink. I sipped it while I waited for her to arrive. It wasn't long before I got another text.

I'm here, would you m find if I went upstairs to freshen up a bit?

Of course not; I did the same the same thing.

Okay good will meet you in the lobby.

A few moments later, I saw her walk in. Her smile would light up any room.


"Hey, sweetie,"

"Come on, and I'll go up with you,"

"You hold your horses. I'm going to get cleaned up a bit, and I will meet you back down here in the bar,"

"Okay, can I at least order you a drink?"

"Yes, Please do!"

"Any preference?'

"Whatever you are drinking,"

"Perfect! See you in a few,'

I watched her as she walked away, and I could feel my cock start to harden with the thoughts of her beautiful ass bouncing on top of me.

I walked back to the bar, got her a margarita, and set it on the table. I finished my drink, so I started drinking hers and ordered two more. It was fifteen to twenty minutes later when she came in. She had changed out of her normal work clothes into a tight pair of jeans and a button-up sleeveless blouse. She was still wearing her black high heels, and damn, she looked amazing.

I stood up so she could see where I was seated. I couldn't take my eyes off her hips as she swayed in her tight jeans. She walked over to the booth where I was standing.

"Damn," I stated.

"What is it?" she asked.

"I see what you keep hidden under those business outfits you wear. You look amazing,"

"Well, thank you. I'm glad you like it."

"I do," I said with a smile.

"Is this my drink?" she asked as she sat down.


"Good, I might need a couple of these," she said as she picked up her drink and sucked it down pretty quickly.

"Sorry, I'm just a little nervous. I haven't ever done anything like this before."

"It's ok, me neither."

"Can you make my next one a double?" she asked.

"Of course."

We got another round of drinks and sipped on them a little slower. I couldn't take my eyes off her beautiful face. The excitement was building up in my loins from the thoughts of fucking her. I could picture the sexy faces and sounds she would soon be making.

"Need another one?"

"No, I think I'm good now," she said with a smile.

"Would you like to go upstairs?"


I paid the tab, and we walked toward the elevators. We walked together but not too closely, just in case someone saw us. We got on the elevator and pressed the button for the fourth floor. I reached and grabbed her hand as the doors closed and pulled her into me. I kissed her gently, pressing my lips to hers. I pulled away as I heard the elevator doors opening. I held her hand as we walked toward the room. She reached into her purse and pulled the card out to unlock the door. We stepped inside and closed the door behind us. She walked over to the desk and pulled her phone out.

Online Now!
Lush Cams

"Music?" she asked.


She turned on a music app and started looking for a playlist. I stepped up behind her and wrapped my arms around her from behind. She relaxed back into me. I took my hand and pulled her hair back out of the way, exposing her neck. I leaned down and started kissing her neck. I moved my mouth up and along her neck toward her ear. I kissed right up behind her earlobe and sucked gently at her skin. I ran my hands up the front of her blouse and pulled her back into me. I could feel her ass pushing back into me. She placed the phone down on the desk and put her hands over the top of mine. I moved my hands up and over her breast. I massaged her breast through her blouse, and I could feel her nipples hardening.

I moved my hands to the buttons and slowly unbuttoned her blouse. I ran my hands across the smooth skin of her stomach. I could feel her body trembling slightly from my touch. I reached up and cupped her breasts again and massaged them as I kissed and sucked on her neck. Her nipples were very hard now and poking out from the sheer bra. I moved my right hand lower back down over her stomach to the button on her jeans. I unbuttoned her jeans and slowly lowered the zipper.

She let out a small gasp as I lowered the zipper and then ran my hand inside her jeans and across her lower stomach. My cock was swelling and causing a bulge in my jeans, and she was pressing her ass back against it. She turned around to face me and kissed me. I felt her tongue press through my lips and into my mouth. Our tongues swirled around each other as I felt her running her hands up under my shirt. I was working my hands down inside her jeans and over her ass. She pulled away from me slightly and pulled my shirt up over my head.

She looked down at my chest and ran her hands up over my muscular torso. She leaned in and kissed me again as she dropped her hands down over my bulge and rubbed my cock. She moaned into my mouth as she felt my swollen member. She moved her hands to the button and undid my pants. She pulled the zipper down and pushed her hand inside my pants. Her kiss became more intense as she felt my cock. She pulled away from me and started pulling my pants down. She dropped to her knees, removed my shoes, and pulled my pants off. She looked up at me from below while her hands moved slowly up my legs to my stomach. She hooked her fingers into the waist back of my boxer briefs and tugged them down, freeing my large cock.

She reached out and wrapped her tiny hand around the thick shaft. She stroked it a couple of times, making a huge glob of precum leak out the end. She stuck her tongue out, licked it off my cock and tasted my sweet, salty essence. Next, she ran her tongue along my shaft before sucking the head into her mouth. She sucked my cock deep into her mouth as she held the shaft tightly. I could feel her tongue lapping at the sensitive underside of the head. She rolled her head around as she bobbed it up and down on cock. I reached down and placed my hand on her hand, and pulled her hair back so I could watch my cock going in and out of her mouth. Her pretty red lips were stretched around my shaft, and I could feel her moaning. I knew I wouldn't be able to take this much longer, and I had a great desire to taste her sweet pussy.

I pulled her up and moved her backward toward the bed. I pulled at the waist of her jeans and pulled them down over her hips. I lowered myself to the floor and pulled her pants down. She raised one foot at a time as I removed her heels and pulled her jeans off her. Then I stood up and reached behind her and unclasped her bar. I slowly pulled the straps over her shoulders and dropped it on the floor. Her breasts were perfectly round, not as big as I thought, but they were perfect. Her light pink nipples were hard and poking out.

I laid her back on the bed and crawled on top of her. I cupped one of her breasts and lowered my mouth over the hard nipple. I sucked it into my mouth and ran my tongue across it. I could feel her nipple swell and get even harder as a light moan escaped her lips. I repeated the same process on her other nipple and moved back and forth between the two a couple of times before kissing lower down her body. I ran my lips and tongue down across her stomach. I could feel her body moving as her breath was getting faster and more shallow. I could feel her body quiver with excitement the lower my mouth moved. I kissed around her pretty little belly button and then made my way lower. I kissed and licked down over the waistband of her panties. I moved my mouth lower, and I could feel the heat radiating from her pussy and could feel the dampness of the crotch. I ran my lips over her panty-clad pussy and kissed her inner thigh.

I raised up and hooked my fingers into the waistband of her panties, gently pulled them down her legs, and tossed them on the floor. Her pussy was totally exposed to me now. It was beautiful with its dark pink lips; I could see the moisture glisten against the light. I kissed my way up her inner leg until I reached her precious pussy. I slowly kissed up and around her pussy, making her gasp. I slowly ran my tongue up along her slit and tasted her for the first time. Her pussy was musky sweet and had an alluring aroma. I licked and sucked her lips and ran my tongue up over her clit. Her pussy was dripping with excitement as I ran my tongue deep inside her. I slowly focused more attention on her clit. I sucked her clit into my mouth and rubbed my tongue across over and over. She was moaning loudly now, and her body was writhing in pleasure. She placed a hand on my head and held my mouth to her clit.

"Mmmm, oh, yes, Just like that," she moaned.

I continued to suck on her clit as I licked it. Her hips were beginning to hump at my face. She pulled my face into her harder as I felt her clit begin to swell.

"Oh yes, I'm cumming," she announced

I felt her body tense up and then begin to shake. She was gasping and moaning as her pussy began to cum. I could feel her pussy contracting and her clit pulse as her orgasm shot through her body. I held pressure on her clit until I felt her orgasm subside. Then I began kissing my way back up her body. I held myself up off her body, leaned down, and kissed her. She kissed me back with lots of passion as our tongues danced together. I moved my hips around, rubbing the head of my cock against her pussy. She was moving her hips, also trying to get my cock inside her. I felt my cock find the hot wet entrance of her pussy, and I held it there. I slowly pushed my hips forward and felt it slide inside as her pussy opened up.

She moaned into my mouth as she felt my cock sliding up inside her. I moved my kips back and forth, working more and more of my cock into her pussy until I was fully in. Once I was in her fully, I slowly started to fuck her. I would pull almost all the way out before slowly pushing up into her again. I pulled up, breaking the kiss as I started to fuck her a little faster. I moved my left hand down and pulled up on her left leg. This adjusted her hips just enough so I could drive my cock into deeper. She grabbed my arms and held them tightly as my cock penetrated her depths. She was moaning and grunting with each deep thrust. I would push my cock deep into her pussy at the bottom and hold it a moment before pulling back out.

"Oh God, Yes, Yes.." she moaned.

I wanted to make her cum again and feel her pussy contract around my cock. I looked down at her, and her eyes were glazed over with lust. I moved my head down to her neck and kissed and sucked it as I moved closer to her ear.

"Cum for me, baby, Let me feel you cum," I whispered in her ear.

"Oh God, Yes..." she moaned out loud as her orgasm exploded from deep inside her.

Her eyes closed, and her mouth hung open as she gasped for air. Her body went rigid, and I could feel her pussy contracting around my thick shaft. I held my cock deep inside her as I watched this beautiful woman orgasm on me.

Once her orgasm subsided, she opened her eyes and looked at me. She put her hand on the back of my head, pulled me down to her, and locked her lips to mine. Her tongue snaked into my mouth, frantically searching for mine. There were still tiny explosions going off inside her as I started to fuck her again. I would push my cock as deep inside as I could and make her grunt into my mouth.

After all her aftershocks subsided, I slowly pulled my cock from her wet pussy. I had her lay on her stomach and placed a pillow under her hips to raise her ass up a bit. I looked down at her marvelous ass that I had lusted over for so many years. I leaned in, pressing my face between her cheeks, and stuck my tongue into her pussy. I pulled my face out and kissed all over her beautiful ass cheeks. Then I rose up and pushed my cock down between her cheeks. I pulled her cheeks apart and watched my cock slide back into her pussy. I straddled her and fucked her deep this way before pushing her left leg up and opening her pussy up for a good pounding.

She reached back and spread her cheeks apart as I pistoned my cock in and out of her pussy. I looked down and saw her wedding ring sparkle as I fucked her. I reached down and grabbed her left breast and held it. I slammed my cock into her harder and harder. She let go of her cheek and grabbed the bedding.

"Oh God, Yes, Fuck me..." she screamed out.

I drove my cock into her this way for a few more minutes and pulled out of her. I moved her to the edge of the bed and had her get on her knees. I stood up off the bed and placed my cock at her entrance, and pushed forward into her. I held onto her hips as I drove my cock deep into her pussy. I wasted no time in fucking her hard and deep. My body smacked against her ass as I drove my cock into her. She gripped the bedding for support as she held on. I felt her pussy tighten up on my cock, and she let out a scream as her body bucked as she started to cum again.

"Fuck..." she screamed out.

I didn't slow down this time. I continued to fuck her hard right through her orgasm. Her pussy contracted around my hard shaft and pushed me over the edge too. I could feel my cum boiling up in my balls and ready to erupt.

"Oh fuck, I'm going to cum."

"Oh fuck, Yes, give it to me."

I thrust deep inside her and held my cock as I felt my cum erupt from my cock and splash deep inside her married pussy. This seemed to make her explode again as I felt her pussy contracting around my shaft, milking the cum from my balls. Her body convulsed, and she pushed her ass back on my cock hard, wanting all my cum.

When I stopped cumming I pulled my cock from her pussy and looked at the combination of our juices that covered my cock. A huge glob of cum oozed from her pussy and ran down her leg. She collapsed down on the bed, and I laid down beside her. I put my hand on her back and rubbed her tenderly.

"Oh my God, that was amazing," she said as she turned to face me.

"I hope we are not done yet," I said as I leaned over and kissed her.

"I didn't say I was done with you."


"I'll be right back; going to clean up a bit," she said as she got out of bed and went to the restroom.

I rolled over on my back and closed my eyes as I thought about how sexy she was. I heard the restroom door open and then felt her crawling up on the bed beside me. I opened my eyes just as she bent down and kissed my chest. She worked her mouth around my chest and onto my nipple. She sucked and played with my nipple for a few moments and then moved lower on the bed. I felt her warm breath on my cock and then her warm wet lips. Her mouth took me in once again, and her tongue lapped around the head. My cock swelled back up from the oral attention she was giving me. She sucked me until I was good and hard again.

"Mmmm, it doesn't take you long to recover," she stated.

"No, not when you are with me."

"Good," she said as she climbed on top of me.

She reached down and placed the head at her entrance, and set down on me. She worked her hips until she had me completely embedded in her pussy, and then she began to ride me. She moved her hips back and forth, grinding her pussy down on my cock. I reached up and cupped her breasts in my hands as she continued to ride me. She had the sexiest face with her dark curly hair. I loved the way she bit her lip and the faces she made. She began to move faster, and I moved my hands down to her hips. She reached up and cupped her own breast as she tweaked her nipples. Her mouth hung open, and she moaned and groaned louder. I felt her pussy tighten again, and she bucked uncontrollably on my cock. I felt her warm pussy juice flow out around my cock and down my lap.

"Oh God, I'm cumming again," she moaned.

She bucked wildly on my cock until she collapsed down on my chest, gasping for air as she tried to catch her breath. I pulled on her ass, spread it open, and started thrusting up into her pussy from below.

"Oh God No, No.., Oh Fuck Yes..." she screamed as another orgasm rocked through her body.

I fucked her hard from below until her orgasm subsided.

"Oh my God," she said as I let her collapse down on the bed.

I got up off the bed, grabbed her by the legs, and dragged her over to the edge. I draped her legs over my arms and pushed my cock into her pussy. I fucked her slower than before. I wanted to feel every inch of her soft wet pussy as my cock slid against her walls. Her married little pussy felt wonderful, wrapped tightly around my cock. I fucked her with long full strokes, pulling my cock all the way out before thrusting back inside her. I loved the way her lips felt spreading over the head when I re-entered her. I picked up the pace a little as my desire to cum in her built up again.

I started to fuck her harder; I wanted to watch her face as I filled her pussy with my cum. I could tell she was about to cum again also as her pussy was tightening up around my shaft.

"Oh fuck, I'm going to cum again," she announced.

"That's it, baby, I'm going to cum with you."

"Oh God, yes..." she moaned.

Her pussy started to contract, and her body went rigid as another orgasm exploded inside her. That pushed me over the edge also. I buried my cock deep in her womb and erupted another huge blast of hot cum.

"Oh fuck, I moaned as I came.

"Oh God, YES..." she screamed again as her body bucked wildly.

I emptied my load deep inside her and then pulled my cock from her pussy. I watched as my cum leaked from her married snatch and ran down her ass. I laid down on the bed beside her, and she rolled over into my arms.

"This has been some of the best sex I have ever had," she told me.

"Yes, it was amazing; you are amazing," I told her.

We lay there together until we rested a bit, and then we got up to clean up so we could go home.

"Want to shower off with me?" she asked.

"Of course," I replied.

I warmed the water up, and we both stepped inside. I was behind her rubbing her body as she washed off. My cock pressing against her ass had it starting to swell again. Once she finished washing off, she turned and started washing my body. she leaned in and started kissing me again as her hand found my cock and started to stroke it. My cock swelled hard again in her hand.

"You haven't had enough yet?" I asked her.

"There is one more thing I have to do before I leave," she said as she lowered herself to her knees.

She took my cock into her mouth and started sucking me in the shower. She sucked my dick hard and fast as she stroked the shaft. She took my cock deep into her mouth, and I could feel her throat contract around the head as she began to gag. She pulled my cock from her mouth and stroked it hard and fast as she licked the head.

"I want to taste you," she said before sucking my cock back into her mouth.

The thought of her swallowing my cum renewed my passion, and I grabbed her head and started to thrust my hips as I fucked her mouth. She held her lips closed tight around my cock as I fucked her. My breathing quickened as or orgasm built up. I felt my cock start to swell as cum started to build up in my balls again.

"That's it; I fuck yes, baby."

My hips jerked as My cock unloaded what cum I had left into her mouth. She sucked and milked my cock until my balls were completely empty. Then she pulled my cock from her mouth and licked her lips clean.

"Mmmm, you are delicious," she stated.

She stood up and kissed me again before she got out of the shower. She put on her work clothes, and I walked her to the door.

"Next time, I'll have to stay all night," she said.

"Then we will be fucking all night," I stated.

"That's the plan," she said as she kissed me good night and turned to walk toward the elevator.

Written by MoanMyName
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