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Unplanned Joy

"Two cheaters find themselves at the receiving end of a psychological attack."

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Author's Notes

"This is an experimental story, playing with the narcissistic tendencies most cheaters actually have. Read it carefully as it could be confusing. It is not massively intricate, but there is some psychology at play. The texting could be a little confusing at times as there are four personas at play, two being fake."

James Hayley stood at the window, watching the rain make patterns on it. His wife’s car was leaving the driveway, turning into the road. She was on her way to a two-day out-of-state business meeting.

James knew better, she was going to meet her lover, probably at a hotel less than fifty miles away. This was the second time in two and a half years that she had been unfaithful. The previous time, she begged for a second chance and cut off all contact with what was now an ex-co-worker. James knew that they had no contact.

The new lover was far closer to home, David Stewart. They were close friends. James felt numb, the pain simmering. The last time nearly killed him with grief. She was an IT expert and knew how to cover her tracks electronically, but David was a troglodyte. James borrowed David’s phone to call Vanessa, his wife, as he had no network. She answered, “Hey hotness.”

That was when James knew, and the gaslighting began. David and Vanessa both bludgeoned him verbally into accepting that they just joke like that. What they did not know was that James first took photos of David’s chat stream with Vanessa before he gave the phone back, and he knew that it was a full-blown physical affair, about three months old.


James sobbed once as he watched her car leave, then his knees gave way as he crashed onto the floor. The ‘Why’ questions flooded him. It took almost forty minutes for him to stabilize. He then checked and as suspected Vanessa had turned off her location services. James was devastated. His phone rang. It was Victoria, David’s wife.

“Hi, Vick.”

His voice was thick, not hiding his grief.

“Jamie, god. You know?” her voice was barely a whisper.


“Can we meet, please? I cannot be alone.”

“Please, I feel the same,”

They decided on a place.

“Jamie, turn your location services off,” Victoria added.

James did, then got his helmet and leather jacket. He knew he needed to ride the Hayabusa hard to find any form of calm. He arrived before Victoria, shaking his leathers to get the rainwater off. She also arrived in her biker gear and she also shook off the water first. He hugged her gently and she kissed his cheek. Her eyes were puffy, and he was sure his matched.

“When did you find out, Vick?” he asked after they sat down.

“Last week, he was ranting about you suspecting them after the way she answered. I snooped.”

“As did I, I have the proof.”


“What do we do, Vick?”

Victoria looked at his handsome face, his green eyes on fire under his almost black hair, which hung to his shoulders. He was a beautiful man. She could not fathom why his wife would ever step out on him. And with David, who was nothing spectacular.

Victoria loved David, and he used to be a good man and still is apart from his infidelity. Victoria never felt the need to find anything outside her marriage, and she was sure James felt the same. James doted on Vanessa, pampering her and spoiling her, to the extent that most of their female friends were jealous of Vanessa.

“James, no idea, but I cannot be alone,” she said softly, “How the hell does she walk away from you?”

“It is in her nature Vick. Undoubtedly she loves me on some level, but she just has to cheat. It is narcissistic.”

“When you caught her the last time, how did she convince you?”

“Love-bombing, some honesty, and she also played the counselor we decided to see.”

“So I can expect that?”

“Oh hell, Vick. You will not believe the lengths they go to so they can win your sympathy. She crawled around on the floor, weeping and begging me. She had panic attacks and other shit. I thought it was real remorse.”

“So all that was fake?”

“I don’t think so, just short-lived.”

“Will you take her back this time?”

“Absofuckinglutely not,” James said and he felt his mind change as he made the statement.

“I won’t either, based on what I have seen on forums.”

“Want lunch?” James asked.

“Please, they have a nice burger here.”

They ordered and spoke, Victoria also felt her mind settle as she spoke to James, his resolve boosting hers. Later they rode to a hilltop with a view of the city, as the rain had stopped.

“James, I want revenge,” she said softly.

“Me too,” he agreed.


“The mind games are the worst, and for a narcissist to feel like he has no control is torture.”

“So we have an affair?” she asked with a shocked look.

“We can create the illusion, Victoria.”

“Explain the illusion?”

He explained that they created a lie and that each met someone.

“Loosely describe yourself to David when he asks who I am talking to. She will go nuts when he tells her, thinking I am projecting my feelings for you.”

James saw her smile as her mood lifted.

“James, we should also have trips away,” she added and James agreed,

“I will describe someone like me to her. We are going to fuck with them,” James said.

“I am glad we met today, because now I am angry, and we have a plan.”

“Yes, agreed. Set up visits to your company’s branches, and I will have book signings for my new novel at the same time.”

“And your money?”

“I separated our finances after her first affair. I have been putting eighty percent of my earnings into a Cayman Island bank. You need to separate yours.”

“But surely she could track it using your devices?” she mused, “ours is separate already.”

“Not if I use an internet café. I have never accessed that account using any of my devices. She taught me a lot about hiding my activities.”

“Do you think we need burners?”

“That is an absolute necessity. We get the same models as we have now, but with very different passcodes.”

They sat and conspired for most of the afternoon, and Victoria felt her mind settle completely, and her feelings of absolute inferiority vanish as James validated her.

“Can I sleep at your place tonight, James?” she asked softly, hoping to not be alone.

“No, we sleep in a hotel Victoria. This starts now. She will see the charge on my card.”


“Yes. We respect each other because they lost respect for us.”

“Okay, but I did not consider sex.”

“Neither did I,” he stated.

She smiled. Victoria knew that her office will love it if she offered to go out of town for them, so the out-of-town trips will be easy to arrange. She also liked the idea of not being near David for long periods of time, until they pull the plug.

She saw James's gentle soul under the all too clear grief. He looked at her and did not break eye contact. James saw her mouth, the perfect shape, the way her nose moves as she talks, the almost imperceptible laughter lines next to her eyes, and her almost white hair flowing past her shoulder to her lower back. He saw every detail of her blue eyes. The writer in him described her to his mind as a lover would, and he knew that respecting the boundary would be hard. They parted ways, and an hour later met up at the hotel.

“Why the hotel, James?”

“Because the detailed invoice can be viewed online, she will know I was not alone.”

“You are deviant, Jamie,” Victoria laughed.

She took his hand and they checked in, looking like a couple. In the room, they lay on the bed and spoke of possible futures, neither ready to say they want their futures joined. Then they dressed for early dinner. Vanessa texted him that she has landed and had checked into her hotel.

“I can guarantee you that the flight she supposedly took landed an hour ago. She is highly intelligent, so this timeline will track.”

They sat down for dinner and Victoria’s phone rang thirty minutes later.

“Hey, baby, how was the flight?” she asked, putting it on speaker.

“Irritating, had a kid behind me acting like a rock drummer.”


“Where are you?” he asked her.

“Just having dinner with a friend, it was a last-minute thing, he called me, saying he only had one night in town.”


“Yes, it's from my modeling days, he was one of the male models.”

They heard David’s breathing change.

“Why did you not tell me?”

“You were in the air. Relax, honey, we are just friends, don’t worry about him. He knows I am happily married.”

“I don’t like it, I wish I could have met him first.”

“I love it when you are jealous, baby. I hope you have a great trip.”

She hung up before he could reply. He texted her, and she replied.

‘David, messing with your phone at a restaurant is rude. I will talk to you in the morning.’

She turned her phone to silent. James got a message.

‘Why are your location services off?’ Vanessa texted.

‘It did a software upgrade or something,’ James replied ten minutes later, playing dumb.

‘I will turn it on remotely. I just feel safe knowing where you are.’

He watched as the phone came on, then ask for his code.

‘You are at a hotel?’ she texted.

‘Yes, having dinner. The house felt empty.’


‘Yes, I called Victoria, but she is out with an old colleague.’

The phone was silent for a good while, and they ordered.

‘Do you know what he looks like?’ Vanessa answered eventually and it was clear David and she had a quick discussion.

‘She says that he and I could be brothers. She was very excited that he called her.’

‘So you did not meet him?’

‘No, she was already out at two this afternoon, said she will probably only get home late. She might call me if they go for drinks.’

‘Okay, babe, please take care. I miss you.’

‘I miss you too.’

He switched his phone off, then watched as Victoria rejected the confirmation for location services on her phone. It would happen for the next twenty minutes, then it was clear that Vanessa gave up.

“I bet you he is now itching to come back, but he knows he will be busted if he does,” James chuckled.

Victoria laughed excitedly, the thrill getting to her. After dinner, they went to the room and he ordered dessert for two to be delivered. They ate and chatted and then went to bed. James felt Victoria snuggle against him and then his shoulder got wet as she cried.

“We will be fine, Vick.”

“I know, I just never thought I would need to hold someone other than David this badly.”

“Cheaters have very little conscience until they get caught.”

He kissed the top of her head, his heart broken by her pain. They fell asleep, and James woke at eight with her still against him. He felt her breath in his neck as she breathed deeply. He lay still, wondering what would happen in the coming days, and then he had a disturbing thought. He did not want to be separated from Victoria. She woke up and he looked at her. She frowned, then smiled as she realized where she was.

“Morning, sleepyhead,” he said softly. She kissed his cheek.

“Morning. Did you watch me sleep?” she asked sleepily.

“Yes, it was nice to see your peace.”

“I do feel peace.” Her brow wrinkled.


“I…uhm,” she searched his face, “I don’t want to go home, James.”

“Neither do I,” he answered, “So I was thinking, we play the former co-worker angle, but we reveal that he moved here at some stage.”

“Yes, James, perfect.”

“And Victoria, pull the plug if it gets bad. Just know that he is now the enemy of your heart. We get our burners, but get out if it gets bad. I will pay for what you need.”

“Okay, and I hope you will follow your own advice.”

“I will.”

“You make me feel safe,” Victoria admitted, James reciprocated the sentiment.

They got up and dressed, not bothered by their near-nakedness. James admired her body, with her small breasts and her almost boyish hips. She was about five-ten in height, two inches shorter than him. Victoria returned his glances as she watched his lean and taut body. He moved like a warrior. She could not help but wrap her arms around him as he looked out the window at the rain outside.

He interlaced his fingers with hers on his chest and knew their boundary will not last long. He wanted her, and it felt like an old feeling. The way her hard nipples drilled into his back told him it was mutual, and she gently stroked his hand with her thumb.

They ordered breakfast and ate whilst planning. They bought the phones where they would be spotted by David’s colleagues and it worked. Victoria acted nervous and shady when David's co-worker approached them. She introduced James as Brad. David’s friend, Randy, quizzed James but was frustrated as James shut him down. After lunch, they parted ways with a long hug, and he kissed her head.

“Just be strong, Vick,” he whispered, and then she kissed his cheek before walking to her car.

They were sure Randy was watching. James drove home and started to write, real-life was triggering new ideas. Vanessa came home and hugged him, then kissed him softly.

“Hi, baby,” she said he kissed her deeply and greeted her back. He knew that mind-blowing sex was on the cards because she now felt guilty, or thrilled. She went for a shower and he texted Victoria's burner from his burner phone.

‘He will give the best sex for a long time, take it and enjoy it.’

‘Okay Jamie, will it help?’

‘Yes, because refusing him will set off red flags.”

‘And you?’

‘She has already started preparing for a good fuck.’

‘I am jealous,’ she replied

‘I might also be a little jealous Vick,’ James answered, knowing it was the truth.

‘Thanks, James, I mean it.’

‘Start turning your phone face down when he is near.’


‘We need to create a text string between the burners and our regular phones. Save me as Brad.’

‘Save me as Tammy.’

They quickly started to text each other’s regular phones from the burners, then deleted the messages. They flirted a little as she slipped into the role of Tammy.

‘I like it, James,’

‘What Tams?’

‘How comfortable we are.’

‘Agreed. I have won the lottery with your friendship.’

James heard Vanessa come down the stairs and he made sure she caught him deleting the texts.

“What are you doing babe?” she asked, a slight frown on her face.

“Just some cleaning up of old texts. I am taking your advice to not be an electronic hoarder.”


They ordered dinner to be delivered and chatted.

“I stayed at the hotel, Ness. We drank a little too much and I had the bike.”

“So you met her guy?”

“He indeed is a friend, Ness. And she was right, we could almost be twins. He has shorter hair though, and a little taller.”

“So he is pretty?”

“He is undeniably handsome, but she liked that I was there. I am sure she was just a little worried.”


“They have a romantic history.”

“Okay, so she wanted you there to make sure she stays in line?”

“That was my feeling. She drank more than me, but she had the car.”

They headed for the bedroom and Vanessa blew his mind in bed. James loved her body, and he still loved her. He lay back as her lips traveled his body, sucking his hard-on into her mouth, then crawling over him. He groaned as she impaled herself slowly, rotating her hips as he felt her pussy swallow him. She orgasmed violently the moment her clit mashed against his pubic bone.

He held her by her butt as she stopped spasming, then he started to flex upwards into her, barely moving his cock in and out of her, but his base was hard against her clit and she soon groaned loudly as she came again. James flipped them over and started to speed up, using all eight of his inches, from tip to base. Vanessa was alive under him as she dragged at him to get all of him into her. Her mouth hungered for his and his orgasm exploded into her as his tip touched her cervix.

“Please, James, I need more.”

James obliged and gave more, swallowing her groans as she started to cum almost continuously. She was hungry for him, and he did not care that she was drawing blood from scratching his back. He fucked her hard and she took all of it. Eventually, they ran out of steam.

“Fuck, James, that was incredible.”

“It was, Ness.”

“Will we be okay now? You did not hold back as you did since…”

“I didn’t. We are getting there, Ness.”

She snuggled against him and he wondered how Victoria was going. In his mind, he had been fucking Victoria, not his wife.


Victoria screamed out yet another orgasm on David’s tongue. He was worshipping her body, and Victoria loved that his face was buried in her pussy, she didn’t have to see it. Then he rose over her and sank into her. Victoria kissed him softly, realizing she would need to pretend. He started to move inside her. David was reverent, just the way she loved it. He treated her like porcelain and she started to ride the wave of pleasure. She wondered how sex would be with James, and realized it did not matter, only that it was James. She wished she could tell him how she felt, but understood why he set the boundary. In her loins, the fire started again and she soon blew over her limits of pleasure as David unloaded in her. James was right, the sex was amazing, and Victoria hated the reason why.

She also allowed her mind to freely explore her suppressed feelings for James. She had felt an instant attraction when they met years ago because of the way he looked at her. She knew he was studying her like a writer, but to her, it felt like he saw into her soul and approved of her. The last few days around him confirmed it for her. James saw into her because he wanted to.


David cornered Victoria during the following week, saying that his co-worker saw her with a man, having lunch.

“Fucksakes, David, I was having lunch with a friend, what the fuck is with the twenty questions? If you want to accuse me of cheating, then fucking do it.”

Victoria did not have to act out of anger, she was pissed.

“Sorry babe, I was just wondering,” David responded, shocked at her outburst.

“Well, take your paranoid mind and wonder somewhere else. Check my phone, but know that it will piss me off.”

“No need, sorry babe.” David backed down.

Later Victoria texted James’ burner from hers, relaying the conversation. He complimented her and said that he will now definitely have his guard up because she presented a red flag by blame-shifting it back on him. He heard Vanessa come in, and she sat down with a frown.

“What is it, Ness?”

“The hotel bill, James. Were you alone?”

“Yes, Victoria and Brad went home, I did not want to risk it so I slept over because I was rather pickled. Why do you ask?”

“Nothing baby, I trust you.”

The next day Vanessa met David for lunch, making sure there was no hint of intimacy.

“Something is up, David. He says he was alone in the hotel room, but he double charged. He ordered for two people.”

“Is he stepping out?”

“Not James, David. He is not that guy.”

“Well, Randy saw Victoria with what seems to be James, having lunch.”

“James told me that Brad, the friend she spoke of looks like his brother.”

“Randy said his name was Brad, and they seemed quite intimate when this guy saw her off, kissing on the cheek and everything.”

“Fuck David, that is bad. James said they had a romantic history too.”

“She turned the fucking argument back on me when I asked.”

“Another bad thing. We need to bug their phones.”

“I will get hers to you so you can set it up. But I cannot get into it, she changed the passcode.”

“James also did the same. I am now getting very paranoid.” They sat in silence, stewing in their doubts.


For the next few days James and Victoria just texted, then deleted the texts, and also randomly turned their location services off for a few hours at a time. They were in a full-blown emotional affair now and they were not acting. Neither said it, but they felt it.

James made peace with his growing feelings for Victoria. They prepared for the first trip. James was going to Seattle, Victoria to Miami,  at least, that was what David and Vanessa believed. James left a day earlier and turned his location services off at the airport. Victoria did the same and they met in New York. James did have book signings, and Victoria did have work, but they also spent most of their days together.

They rode the ferries and water taxis just for fun. James knew the boundary was toast when the stood on the observation deck of the Empire State building. She realized he was scared of heights as he stood behind her. She scared him and he grabbed her to tickle her, but their faces moved toward each other and they kissed. There was no doubt that both wanted this. James pulled back and drowned in her eyes.

“Are we doing this, Jamie?” she asked.


“Now I can ride out the revenge, James.”

“Yes, we will need this.”

“I understand.”

That evening they sat in a restaurant and texted Vanessa and David with short updates. Then they texted each other. Victoria texted that Brad was also in Miami and they are having drinks again at his place. David almost immediately had Vanessa quiz James regarding Brad. James then texted Victoria that he was having dinner with Tammy, and enjoying her company a lot. Neither Vanessa nor David could quiz them about Tammy because her ‘presence’ in James’ life had not been revealed officially.

“They are together, those two.” Victoria chuckled and kissed James softly, “Jamie, can we do slow?”

“Yes,” He kissed her softly, “I like us respecting each other.”

“We can have sex later, but I want to fall in love.”

Victoria searched his face, seeing that he was not disappointed.

“As do I,” he replied, feeling his masculinity return as he realized he gets to have a second chance with one of the most beautiful women he had ever met.

They flew back three days later, arriving together, so James and Victoria shared a ride.

Vanessa made love to him that evening, and later he woke as she stole his burner. He grinned. The texts would be unretrievable because of the app they used. It would be obvious that texts were deleted though. He heard her groan in frustration when she could not get into the burner, his regular phone hidden. The next morning he woke with a text from Tammy.

‘Good morning honey.’

‘Good morning sweetie.’

He deleted the texts, Vanessa’s spyware on his regular phone would deliver the messages to her phone. He texted Victoria’s burner from his burner, warning her that she needs to keep it anonymous. They decided to start another fake text string.


‘Next time I want to go with you to Seattle,’ Tammy texted.

‘That would be nice. Maybe hop over to Canada for dinner?’

‘Hell, yes.’

They deleted the texts.

Then he became Brad.

‘Miami was too short, Victoria. I wish we had another week. We are so different now.’

‘Yes Brad, we are. Maybe we should have stayed together? But I am married now.’

‘Sadly, and I will respect that. He is a lucky man.’

‘We can keep talking Brad. Something about him is off.’

‘Is he cheating?’

‘I don’t want to guess.’

‘Let me know.’


James asked David to lunch after the texting. They met at the place James and Victoria were ‘caught’.

“James, how are things. We have not had much chance to speak since that other thing,” David asked. It was clear he was on task to find out who Tammy was.

“Yeah. Maybe I was overreacting, but the history is raw. It hit me hard.”

“That was stupid, so we will not be doing that again.”

“Thanks. I might have a thing brewing.”

James leaned forward with a little grin and David also leaned in.

“Oh?” David almost whispered.

“I was in a real dump after it felt like she was ripping my heart out again. It hurt me, experiencing all those memories again.”

“I really am sorry, my friend,” David said again.

“I met someone two days after that.”

“What?” David acted shocked.

“We are just messaging right now. It feels good, David. Vanessa still has me doubting but Tammy is easygoing. I like chatting to her and not worrying about my words.” James intentionally lied, knowing David knew he met ‘Tammy’ for dinner.

“So, you have not met yet?”

“We did, at my gym.”

“Fuck, James. What does she look like?”

“Similar to Victoria actually, with larger breasts and a little more curve. I know it sounds like I am projecting Victoria, but your wife is absolutely beautiful. I would never do anything though. I respect you and Vick.”

“How far have you gone with this girl?”

“Tammy, and we are just texting. We meet up because she seems to be like a counselor. There is something though. I truly like her.”

“Are you considering stepping out on Vanessa?”

“No…fuck, maybe. Having my own fling can restore my self-esteem.”

“Don’t do it, bud, not to Vanessa. We often speak about your pain. But you never saw how deeply she felt when she saw what she had done to you.”

“Is that what you guys speak about?” James barely hid his disgust.

“Yes. Plus, I think Victoria is chatting with an old flame. The guy you met a while ago.”

“Okay,” James did not commit any knowledge.

“She met him four weeks ago, and then again in Miami. She has not changed, but I sense there is a shift in her,” David swallowed hard, “I cannot handle her cheating on me.”

James barely caught the smile he wanted to smile as he saw David’s doubts start to take over. He knew exactly how much David’s thoughts will hurt him.

“She told me, we do text.”

“What did she tell you?”

“Just that some residual feelings have been woken, and she needs to put them to bed. But she does sound a little upbeat about him, Brad.”

“Yes, Brad. She says he looks like you.”

“He does as I met him. He is very nice, and a smooth talker too. I did warn Victoria once about the boundaries. She later told me that was why she wanted me there.”

“She was alone with him in Miami.”


James tried his best to look worried.

“I would lose it if she starts having an affair.”

“Fuck, bud. I hope you are wrong. I would not wish the shattering of my soul when I found out on anybody. Just the thought of Vanessa doing that to me again. I will kill myself before I want that pain again.”

James touched David’s shoulder as he spoke, seeing David was near tears.

“That bad?” David looked at James in worry.

“Yes, I lay on the kitchen floor for almost two days, she was on a ‘business trip’. I got the notifications from our credit card which was used locally at a hotel, nowhere near where she was supposed to be, and then a few calls confirmed she was booked into a hotel with a co-worker. Suddenly all the red flags appeared. Looking back I saw all the times she lied. I could almost build a timeline for when she would go to fuck him.”

James started to cry and the tears were real as he remembered the pain.

“She found me there on the floor, I had not moved for two days and she realized I knew. It took a month before I actually spoke, not even she could get me to speak. I lost forty pounds because I threw everything back up from the pain. She was frantic and begged me to do just basic things.”

“Jesus James, that is terrible.”

“I eventually started to eat, she started counseling on her own, and she learned some stuff. She managed to draw me back in. I was happy to die, David. I really hope Victoria never does that to you.”

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“Do you love Vanessa?”

“With everything, but there is this absolute fear that she will do that to me again because she did it so easily the last time.”

“She won’t, James. You have no idea how she praises you. How she admires your strength.”

“She tells me, but part of me rejects it. Have you any idea how it feels to live in fear of the one you love the most because she has shown you what she is capable of.”

“No, I don’t. She said it meant nothing, just fun.”

“And for me it was everything. It took me almost eighteen months to open my laptop and write, and that stuff should never be seen. It is monstrous writing. Even now my writing is completely skewed.”

“What do I do with Victoria?”

“Talk to her, and give her space so she can find her way to you by herself.”

“If Vanessa would do it again, what will you do?”

“Disappear. Suicide is high up on the methods. That is no bluff, David. It is not that I cannot live without her, it is that I cannot take that pain again.”

“James, fuck. I now understand why that fucking incident had you in such a bad way.”

James watched David, seeing him buy it hook, line and sinker.

Now he would also see where Vanessa was in this, which will determine if he will burn her world or just leave. It was obvious that David felt nothing for the way he was hurting James, and James relished the idea of shattering David. They finished lunch and James went home where he started texting ‘Tammy’ again, telling her of the lunch with David. She replied with kind and supportive words, and James made sure it seemed like he was being reeled in emotionally. None of their texts were too inappropriate, but always carried hints at more.

Vanessa would only have the fact that he was deleting their texts as any form of evidence, nothing saucy. The texting between the burners was a different story though, and James loved that Victoria was clearly as in love as he was. They planned their next getaway, deciding that they will go to the same city this time, Boston. Again, their timelines did not match fully but Vanessa and David seemed relieved that they decided to stay at the same hotel, even encouraging them to get a double room.


David and Vanessa saw them off and then drove to his house where David barely had time before Vanessa had herself impaled on him. They fucked frantically, then lay in bed.

“He is talking to a Tammy, but they delete texts. Nothing screams affair, but I still have doubts,” Vanessa said. She loved David’s blonde hair and blue eyes, and the fact that he was four inches taller than James.

“He did say she was very understanding, Ness, and she is stunning. He says she has hints of Victoria’s face.”

“Oh fuck, David. Could James and Victoria be attracted to each other, with this Brad looking like James’ brother?”

“Does their texting hint at that?”

“No, they do not even discuss Brad and Tammy at length, but they are friends in a good way.”

“Then what the fuck is it, Vanessa?”

“I cannot say, but I feel James is starting an emotional affair. That is how you and I started.”

“He told me how much it broke him, your first affair.”

“That was awful David. But he made it. He is strong.”

“He said he will kill himself if it happens again, what if he finds out about us and does just that?”

“He won’t, David. Not James.”

“I hope not.” David mused, not feeling like he would mourn for James, but he would definitely mourn the loss of Vanessa’s prime pussy.

“And Victoria?”

“This guy bugs me, and I am half expecting he will be in Boston. I am glad James is there.”

“Yes. But fuck David, the idea of James with another woman is just a terrible thought. I will watch this interaction between them.” Her phone beeped, it was the spyware app.


‘Hey, James, I just landed in Boston.’ 'Tammy' texted

‘Hey, Tams, brilliant. I am so happy. I have a friend with me, she is the wife of a friend.’

‘Nice, I cannot wait to meet her. How are you?’

‘Fine Tams. I did speak to the other guy and tried to get him to understand the damage they will do to me. I just hope that they stop their thing if there is one.’

‘Shit, James. I cannot imagine never trusting even yourself again.’

‘I was getting there, but just the way she answered the phone felt like a hammer blow to my soul.’

‘Are we having dinner at the hotel so we can talk?’

‘Yes, Victoria is very sweet and wise. She is a good friend to me. You remind me of her, just as beautiful.’

‘You are so sweet, Jamie. See you in an hour, I also have a room in the same hotel.’

‘Good, we can have a sleepover, me and two very hot girls.’

‘Is Victoria hot?’

‘Yes, ex-model. But she is an amazing human, you will love her.’

Vanessa watched as the texts disappeared and looked at David.

“Fuck Vanessa, that is big,” He said, his fear evident.

Vanessa frowned, “He still thinks we have something going. We will need to be careful”

“Yes. If Victoria hides anything we know that there is a lot more to it.”

“I will call her in the morning.”

“Vanessa, do you think they will cover for each other?”

“No, fuck...maybe.”

They lay together with their doubts now and then fucked again. This time it was clear that something was different.

They both called their spouses, then commiserated that neither Victoria nor James revealed that Tammy was with them.

The next morning David called Victoria again, and she confirmed meeting Tammy this time and said that Tammy and James seemed intimate. She said that Tammy seemed to touch James a lot. David met Vanessa for lunch, and they were now very worried. It was clear that their spouses were hiding a lot. Then the texts revealed that Brad was also in Boston, which blew David up.

“I do think they would cover for each other, David. But the texts are not raunchy, and yet the undertones are clear,” Vanessa said nervously.

James and Victoria kept texting each other as Brad and Tammy, whilst they were cementing their love for each other in real life. Back home Vanessa and David started to implode as planned. James and Victoria both went off to work in Boston, texting on the burners as Brad and Tammy. The texts were innocent but also alluded to the excitement of meeting again that evening. It would be a double date, a fact that riled Vanessa up badly, and then David as she shared it with him. They were frantically voicing their concerns that evening, not even considering sex now. And yet, none of what they read was conclusive proof of a physical affair. James and Victoria were just hitting them over the head with red flags. James stayed an extra day in Boston for Victoria, but the texts said he spent the day in the city with Tammy, touring the city. Victoria texted his phone as herself.

‘How was the day with Tammy?’

‘Very good, it felt as if the last few years did not matter. Her presence was cleansing. You and Brad?’

‘Same, I love the walk down memory lane. We saw museums and two art galleries. He had become so sensitive, and it is not an act. He loves that you are a writer, and said he would love to pitch an idea, maybe write it, and have you look at it. I think it might be about me?’

‘How come?’

‘It is about a hero that loses the love of his life, then meets her again. They fight through all kinds of hardships and obstacles to eventually get old together.’

‘That is a classic romance, is that what you want though?'

‘James, I am not sure. David is amazing, but Brad keeps unlocking feelings in me that realized I have repressed.’

‘Don’t cheat Victoria, please. I cannot tell you of the devastation it caused to know I am not good enough. I know I still am not. I am just sensing that Vanessa is deceptive, and you have seen how terrified I am when she calls or texts, expecting her to confess to something that will shatter me again.’

“I will catch you, my friend. I love our friendship.’

‘Thanks, Vick, the last time I was isolated and she had twisted the narrative even though our private narrative was different.’

‘I remember. We will see each other at home James, can we make regular lunch plans, just to catch up?’

‘Please. I would love to not feel so lonely again. David is an ass, and you know why.’

‘I do, and part of me hates that I love him. He is not your friend, and rarely says nice things about you.’

‘I can see the disrespect when we talk. Luv you, Vick.’

‘Luv you too, my friend.’

After they returned from Boston, David got on Victoria’s case, and she revealed her irritation at Vanessa for hurting James.

“Are Vanessa and you still talking on that level, David?” Victoria’s tone was cold, accusatory.

“From before baby, we both realized how much pain it triggered in James.”

“Just stay in your lane David. She is a married woman with a husband that barely trusts the money from the ATM. Sniffing around her will see me and you in a very different place. Every time he gets a text from her I can see the absolute fear in him. You fucking around with her, however innocent was a very cruel thing to do. Believe me, if I ever find out there was more, I will fuck you up, David. I will show no mercy,” Victoria was angry, and she saw his fear at her rage. This was very new.

“Jesus Victoria. James is my best friend. There is no way I would do that to him.”

David was panicky as he realized he had already met her criteria for leaving him.

“You already did, David. But he is recovering. We talk a lot now and it has fuck-all to do with you, so don’t even ask.”

She dismissed him as she turned away.


Victoria picked up the burner when David was in the shower, and shared the conversation with James' burner. James praised her and again told her how proud he was of her.

‘James, I am starting to despise David. He declares his love for you, and yet will willingly destroy you for her pussy.’

‘Do you now see how incredibly heartless a cheater really is?’

‘Yes, James. Sleep well.’

They logged off and James walked to the bedroom. He surmised by Vanessa’s pained look that David had updated her.

“Are we okay, James?” She asked.

“Yes, Ness. I am getting better every day. The trust will come too.”

“Are you working on it?”

“Yes, actively.”


James and Victoria started to travel together, meeting ‘Brad and Tammy’ on each business trip, but nothing seemed more than a deep friendship. James and Victoria started to share selfies, with kisses on the cheeks and often with James’ naked torso or Victoria in her underwear as they now always booked double rooms because it was cheaper. It would always be a photo of breakfast or such, but it showed them being very comfortable with each other.

After one of the trips, Vanessa became adamant that James reveal the extent of his relationship with Victoria, and also said that Victoria said she liked Brad.

James confirmed, saying Brad is an upgrade to David, calling David an asshole.

“He is not,” Vanessa responded.

“Yes he is, I have tried to be his friend, but I can’t. He is a spineless cunt, and you screwed around with him.”

Vanessa tried to defend David, and then love-bomb James. He revealed to her he was talking to ‘Tammy’ at the height of the argument.

“Are you in love with her?” Vanessa asked, her heart dropping.

“No, I just love talking to her. I did tell David about her. I am surprised he did not tell you.”

“So you love her a little?”

“Just like Victoria, Ness. She helps me see things differently which will help our marriage in the long run. I will never cheat.”

“David and I do not talk that much anymore, James.”


“Victoria and this Brad fellow?” Vanessa asked.

“I have never seen her smile as much as she does around Brad. I do not see David and Victoria being married for much longer if he does not stop being a cunt.”

“I will try to get him to understand. But I really hate that you talk to someone else.”

“You spoke to David,” James stated, and saw her face fall, “So you understand that sometimes outside input could help.”

James watched her process, realizing that she cannot really comment without incriminating herself.

“Please James, choose for us. We can grow old together, and I will do my best to get your trust back.”

James shrugged and started to prepare dinner. He texted Victoria and shared the conversation. Later he saw that Vanessa was visibly upset that he shared their conversation with Victoria, who later wrote back that she had a proper blow-up fight with David because he kept trying to impose limits on her, and she told him to get fucked.

‘He has become controlling and toxic, James. Every time he opens his mouth it demeans me because he thinks I am a cheater like Vanessa.’

‘Think carefully Vick. Sign up for marriage counseling. I sometimes wonder if that would have helped had we caught it soon enough. I also believe that Vanessa and David would have started something had I not caught them.’


She then texted him on the burner.

‘Fuck James, we are escalating nicely.’

‘Yes, Brad wants to text you.’

James switched phones

‘Hey Vick, when can we meet again? I think we have something good.’

‘I agree. David is being sneaky’

‘Cheating? On you? Dumb fuck.’

‘Well, you saw how beautiful James is and his wife cheated on him.’

‘Yeah, I cannot get that. Is there something between you and James?’

‘Not really. We are very close, and he helps me. David is becoming insufferable.’

‘Shit, so if you are single would I have to worry about James as competition?’

‘He loves his wife and stood by her through the worst betrayal. I am not sure he will ever be an option. Had James and I been single things might’ve happened.’

‘Okay, come to my place. That is if you want a week away from his shit.’

‘Tempting, I might bring James because that makes David feel safe. He is over David’s bull shit. He thinks David tried to move in on his wife.’

‘It sounds like a convoluted mess that side. And James will always be welcome.’

‘It normally becomes convoluted when cheating is exposed, and I am inclined to agree with James, that David and Vanessa were heading for something.’

‘James and Tammy?’ Brad asked.

‘Now that would be an amazing match.’

‘I agree. Look, Vick. I will not pressure you. If you choose your marriage I will not interfere.’

‘Thanks, I know you won’t. Men like you are rare.’

‘Good night Vick’


Victoria picked up her burner and became Tammy.

‘Hey beautiful human,’ She texted James.

‘Hey Tams, I was just thinking of you.’

‘Tough day?’

‘Just a tough conversation. I seem stuck on my progress. She does not see it as an issue.’

‘You cannot let anyone dictate and devalue your feelings. She does not understand the impact on your emotions. There is nothing rational about it.’

‘Can we meet up when you are back in town?’


‘Victoria is really happy that Brad lives ten minutes away most of the time. She says she visits him every second day.’

‘Those two are sweet together, too bad she is married.’

‘Yep, she is fed up though.’

‘Clearly, Vick and you are definitely compatible.’

‘We are good friends, and yes, I would not say no to her.’

‘And Brad?’

‘She likes him more than me.’

‘So, given things are in place, consider me?’

‘I really cannot think like that right now.’

‘Sorry, my friend. But just know I am here, and will not force you.’

‘If I make a decision you will know. If I leave I will pursue you.’

James heard Vanessa approach and he deleted the text stream.

“Want some coffee, James?”

“Yes, I will go and make.”

James put his phone on the desk and got up, “Wait here babe, I will bring the coffee.”

James walked out, then looked back in. Vanessa was on his phone already. He checked his burner, Victoria had sent him a message.

‘She just texted me to fuck off, well, Tammy must fuck off.’

‘Roll with it. We have stirred the pot tonight.’

‘Yes, David is throwing stuff around. This is fun.’

‘Yep. Ask her how she knows what we talk about. Ask her if she bugged my phone.’

James grinned. He heard Vanessa groan in anger and he laughed softly. He made the coffee and carried it to the study. Vanessa was in a dour mood, but she smiled as she took her coffee.

“What bites, babe?” he asked.

“Just an idiot who does not know their boundaries.”

“Okay, want me to handle it?”

“No, I am okay.”

“Perhaps we should have a barbecue this weekend with David and Victoria.”

“Yes, James, that is a good idea.”


Sunday, James and Victoria did little to hide how close they were. When they sat down for lunch Victoria quickly sat next to James, blocking Vanessa then acted very affectionate. Vanessa blew up royally at him after David and Victoria left. She said he was embarrassing her, acting like a teenager with Victoria. James asked what he did wrong, then started to explain every action, gaslighting the hell out of Vanessa. Later Victoria texted him. She had the same conversation with David, and she threw David out of the bedroom because he disrespected her. James looked in on Vanessa, and she was furiously texting. He returned to the study and started to text Victoria.

‘I enjoyed today, Vick. I know what it looked like but I really could get into it. Vanessa is doing everything, but I cannot help the feeling that it is conscious. Her subconscious does not want to do nice things for me.’

‘I did notice. Will she change?’

‘No. I now suspect she was far more broken up at being caught than the fact that she destroyed me.’

‘Do you want her to change?’

‘Yes, I do love her somehow, but it is not reciprocated. I just feel that David is getting the best version of Vanessa. My best version appears when I am away with you.’

‘That sucks, and I am getting the same feel about David. She is getting all the honey. I also feel better with you, James.’


They switched to the burners. James could hear Vanessa having a mini-breakdown at what they had just texted.

‘I am putting a timer on it, Victoria. I have no peace anymore.’

‘Yeah, they are not slowing down. And I care about you.’

‘I do care deeply for you as well.’

‘In two weeks I have a Dallas trip.’

‘I can swing it that we go together again.’

‘Just us, I just feel Tammy and Brad are done.’

‘I am fine with that Victoria, we kill their persona’s in Dallas.’

‘I hear the fuck nut moving. Maybe I will make peace, but he said some very shitty things about you.’

‘Lunch tomorrow?’ James asked.

‘Yes, the burger place.’

James walked to the lounge again, and Vanessa was still furiously texting.

“Can I make you coffee, Ness?”

She looked at him, then nodded, joining him in the kitchen.

“David is pissed at Victoria because of the way you two were.”

“She did let me know. We discussed if we crossed boundaries.”


“We both feel that you two are overreacting, especially David.”

“Why him?”

“She told me that he got right into my character. That is why she is pissed.”

“David is within his rights.”

“She believes he had an emotional affair with you, Vanessa. He fucked up, and hurt her. She will cut him no slack.”

“But we just flirted a little.”

“She saw some of the messages. I am willing to let it go, but she is right there, in the pain. She is rather done with his shit.”

“Will she leave him?”

“Yes, unless he stops his shit. He is fucking arrogant. Tell him what you do for us because I really appreciate it.”

“You do? It just sometimes feels so futile.”

“I do, and I know some of it is hard for you.”

“Do you believe I love you?” Vanessa asked, apprehensive.

“In most ways, yes Vanessa. I believe that will improve too. This is why I am not focussing on your and David’s shitstorm.”

“Thanks, I will talk to him. She is overreacting.”

“Thanks, babe, and I am sorry if what we did undermine your trust. But what you saw was the real relationship. For Vick and me that is normal, we are best friends.”

“Okay James. Can we go to bed?”



The next day James and Victoria turned their location services off, then rode to the restaurant. He ignored Vanessa’s messages as they laughed about the fact that David and Vanessa were having a hard time now.

“I overheard him moaning to Vanessa.”

“Yeah, I told her to tell him what is required, that you think he had an emotional affair.”

“I am enjoying it. And they still think we do not know.”

“I told her you read some of the texts, but I am letting it go because I want the marriage to work.”

“Liar,” Victoria chuckled.

They ate and then rode to the hilltop again. This time they lay in the grass and kissed. They turned their location services on and Vanessa called.

“Hey, Ness,” James answered.

“You are quite far outside the city.”

“Yeah, we found this lookout point, it has a beautiful view. Pin it, you have to come here to see it.”

“Okay. I spoke to David, and he understands why Victoria is pissed. We also decided to cut contact for a while, because you are also struggling. I cannot burden you any more than you are already carrying.”

“Thanks, Ness. I love you for that, considering me.”

“How is Vick?”

“Calm, we spoke some.”

James rolled his eyes as he fought the need to dump the phone and go after Victoria’s mouth as she kissed his neck, then lifted his shirt and kissed his upper body. James slid his hand under her shirt and then gently rolled her nipples. She lifted her shirt and rose over him, feeding him her nipples as he spoke on the phone.

“James, are you still there?” Vanessa asked.

“Yes, babe. Want me to swing by your office?”

“No need. Say hi to Victoria.”


James rolled a nipple between his tongue and top teeth, and Victoria moaned.

“Okay, See you at home.”

Vanessa hung up and James flipped Victoria, then went after her nipples with serious intent., then he kissed her softly.

“If we met before marriage we would not have had this shit,” he said truthfully.

“I agree, my love.”

She caressed his cheek, and they let their emotions go. They were in love. They set up the next week for Dallas. Vanessa and David seemed a lot more reluctant to let them go because of the closeness they have seen between James and Vanessa. They could not protest without revealing the spyware. In Dallas James and Victoria left their phones in the room most of the time. They had a single room, and they both dutifully let their spouses know.

“They are sharing a bed?!” David yelled when Vanessa let him know.

“I fucking know, David. It is driving me crazy. Their markers are on top of each other, so the phones are right next to each other.”

“Are they fucking?”

“I don’t know, there are no texts. And they are both texting Tammy and Brad.”

“I want to meet this fucking Brad.”

“He lives here, in the city.”

“Can you track their numbers?”

Vanessa did that and felt her blood drain. Both Brad and Tammy traced to Dallas too. They were being lied to by James and Victoria and Vanessa was realizing the absolute extent of the lies. She called James, and he denied seeing Tammy.

“She is pinging off the same tower as you James, she is close,” Vanessa snapped.

“Ness, she is not fucking here, okay. Please fucking stop your spying, or I stop sharing my location!” James shouted, then kissed Victoria.

“Okay James, I am sorry for doubting you.”

“Look Ness, if I see her I will let you know.”

“Will you do that?”


James ended the call.

“James, I want you in my life,” Victoria said after some serious kissing happened.

“Do we pull the plug?”

“Yes, I want to spend every night in your arms, my love.”

“My love? Fuck that sounds so good.”

He looked at her, into the abyss of what he now clearly sees as love.

“I love you, Victoria.”

She teared up, realizing what it took for him to say those words. He called Vanessa back.

“Hey Ness, you were right, they are here. It seems like Brad and Tammy might be starting something. We are having dinner with them.”

“Okay, babe. Thanks for letting me know.”

 “Pleasure. Victoria snores.”

“I do not asshole!” Victoria yelled.

Vanessa laughed and they hung up. James pulled Victoria down on the bed again and they kissed softly. She watched his face as he touched her face, his absolute fascination with her and she never felt more beautiful.


After returning home both filed for divorce. Brad and Tammy being in a relationship gave David and Vanessa false bravado, and they were not very successful at hiding their shenanigans. They put an investigator on David and then had them served at a lodge, both wrapped in sheets as they had just finished fucking. James and Victoria flew to Africa the same day for a three-week safari. On the first night in Africa James and Victoria made love for the first time.

James undressed Victoria and kept his lips on her body. Victoria knew what it was like to have her pussy eaten in a very good way, but James was without equal. He made her ride the wave of ecstasy for an hour, then she felt him push into her. She screamed out an orgasm for the first time as her emotions took over when she looked into his eyes, knowing that right now she was loved like never before. James slowly pumped her, catching her little moans in his mouth. James had no idea a married woman could be so tight and saw her respond to him as if it was her first time. He came deep inside her and just kept going. They saw the sun come up as he flooded her the last time. They both knew they had never had it as good.

“Jamie?” Victoria had a worried look on her face. His cock was still deep in her.

“Yes, my eternal love?”

“I stopped my birth control.”

“Good, I also want kids, your kids.”

They flew to Nice after Africa. After a week in Nice to go sightseeing, they went home and walked into the hurricane of emotions. Neither budged.

“Vanessa, you were served whilst naked with David. You begged me and told me you changed. You told me how desperate you were for me to love you, and then you do that?” James said firmly to Vanessa, who was weeping as she spoke.

“Please, James. Do not do this. I cannot be without you.”

“You can, you and David fucked for five months with no regard for Victoria and myself.”

“I am sorry, we knew what we were doing was wrong.”

“Then why do it. Everything meant nothing to you. Vick caught me.”

“What do you mean, she caught you?”

“Tammy never existed, it was Victoria, and Brad was me. We knew you two were eavesdropping.”

“So you were not having an affair?”

“I was.” James watched as the realization hit her.


“Yes. As they say, always the one you do not expect. I love her desperately, and she loves me. There is no way I am coming back to our marriage, not now that I have tasted the true bliss of respect. Go fuck David, you two fit well. He looked me in the eyes as I bared my soul, then drove to you and shoved his cock into you. Neither of you gave a fuck.”

James turned and walked, the last of his stuff loaded in the moving truck. He rode the bike to a lodge, where a very worried Victoria ran and almost hugged him off the bike. He pulled his helmet off and they kissed softly.

“David crawled on the floor, mewling like a baby. It was pathetic.” Victoria laughed softly.

“She didn’t, but she also knows about us.”

“As does David.” They walked in and Victoria stripped him, then mounted him in the bedroom. They made love for almost an hour, then she lay down on his chest. This was where she felt peace, with James gently rubbing her back. Victoria finally understood how beautiful she was when she looked into James' eyes.


They got married the day both their divorces became final, with Vanessa and David still begging. They moved to New York the next week, changing their numbers and completely going off social media.

David and Vanessa did end up getting married and cheated on each other constantly. Vanessa had three kids with three different fathers, none were David’s. He also had four kids with his affair partners.

James and Victoria had four children, two girls who looked like her and two boys who looked like him.

He wrote another novel, called Unplanned Joy.


Written by CuriousProbe
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