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Todd Just Can't Stop Cheating

"She's a cheerleader, and his girlfriend's best friend. How could he not?"

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His eyes darted wildly to either side of the house as he rang the doorbell for a second time, fearing that his girlfriend would show up early to see her friend. Todd was meeting Harper, his girlfriend’s best friend, at her house for a quick fuck before the two girls were going to meet to practice some new cheers.

Harper liked playing things dangerously and cutting things close, Todd not so much; he didn’t find the concept of almost getting caught as sexy as she did. It wasn’t as if he had much of a choice though, as Harper told him that it was this or nothing, and, as an added bonus, she would tell Becky that he had tried to put the moves on her if he didn’t agree. The funny thing was, it wasn’t the fear of his girlfriend thinking he was cheating on her that got him to come, but rather it was the fact that he couldn’t resist the allure of having sex with his girlfriend’s best friend.

Just as he was about to ring a third time, the door swung open and there stood Harper, already dressed in her red and white school cheerleading uniform.

“Well hello there, good-looking,” she said with a cheerful smile.

“Come on, let’s do this,” Todd said with a sense of urgency.

Harper laughed. "A little eager are we, Todd?" She was clearly loving how uncomfortable he clearly was.

“I don’t want Becky to find out about this. I mean, what if she comes early and catches us?”

Harper laughed again in response. “You don’t spend that much time with your girlfriend, do you? She always shows up late to everything. She wouldn’t show up on time to her own mother’s funeral. Besides,” Harper ran her hands up Todd’s chest and stomach, and as she went back down, she let her fingers dip into his pants and feel around the area where his pubic hair began. “Don’t you think I’m worth it?”

Her hands left his body and moved to hers. This time she ran her hands along her own body, from her breasts down to her legs and then running them back up her thighs, causing her skirt to rise and reveal the baby blue panties she was wearing underneath it. She was already wet, as evident by the dark blue spot that was forming in the crotch area. Todd stopped thinking about getting caught and started thinking about having sex with Harper instead, causing his cock to start hardening and press against his jeans.

Oh, fuck it, Todd thought, as he placed his hands onto Harper’s hips and the two seventeen-year-olds started making out in the doorway. Harper quickly had enough of just kissing and started to run her hands across Todd’s chest, under his shirt this time before sliding a hand into his pants in order to rub his stiffening cock. Likewise, he started to run a hand through her fiery red hair, while his other hand squeezed her impressive ass cheeks, which were firmer and more perfectly rounded than Becky’s.

“Maybe we should take this upstairs. I’m sure you wouldn’t want any of my neighbors to see us like this.” Harper took Todd’s hand and led him upstairs to her room, where she closed the door and led him to her bed.

The two teens sat on the edge of the bed and started making out again. Todd knew that Harper would like to start out slow, most likely to drive him crazy, but she would get fast and heavy in good time, and that’s when things would really take off. He rubbed his right hand up and down her soft legs, but each time he did, his hand would get closer to her inner thighs, and farther from her knees. Meanwhile, Harper tousled his soft, shaggy hair with her left hand, while her right one reached across her lap and rubbed Todd’s erection through his jeans.

They broke the kiss so that Todd could pull off his shirt. Harper dipped her head down and licked his torso from just above his navel, in between the muscles of his chest and over his throat, before finally breaking away at his chin. Expecting her to have gone all the way to his lips, Todd involuntarily leaned forward as she backed away, surprised that she didn’t start kissing him again. Got to keep him guessing.

"Mmmm... yummy." She sat up and Todd helped her remove her cheerleading top. She was wearing a baby-blue bra underneath that matched her panties, and without bothering to take it off, Todd groped her breasts through the lacey material of the bra. "Oh, Todd." She groaned lightly. "You really are eager, aren’t you?"

Todd smiled. "Can you blame me? I mean, haven’t you ever looked at yourself in the mirror?"

“Oh, very smooth, Todd.” She reached around and began to undo her bra. “But I think you would enjoy yourself a lot more if I took this off.”

Todd removed his hands and allowed her to take off her bra, which Harper tossed to the side of the bed. The horny teenager wasted no time and quickly started to suck on the redhead’s delectable nipples.

"Mmmm, I've been waiting for this..." Harper began, but trailed off as Todd's hands slithered their way from her breasts, down her sides, and under her skirt. He started rubbing the moist, swollen lips of her pussy through her panties. She groaned at his touch, wishing that her panties weren’t in the way of his fingers.

Conscious of the fact that they wouldn’t be able to fully indulge in the pleasures of foreplay, Harper told Todd to stand up and lose the rest of his clothing. Happy to do what he was told, and relieved that they were going to move on before his girlfriend showed up, he stood up and pulled down his jeans and boxers at the same time and quickly removed his socks as well, leaving him fully naked.

Harper proceeded to remove another piece of her own clothing, sliding her panties down her legs and letting them hit the floor. She kept her red and white pleated cheerleading skirt on, and her knee-high athletic socks with the three horizontal red lines at the top. She knew that guys loved it when she left several parts of her uniform on; it acted as a constant reminder that yes, they were, in fact, having sex with a cheerleader.

Deciding to exercise a little control of his own, Todd gently took hold of Harper's hands and flung her onto the bed. She giggled and he proceeded to join her, lowering himself above her and kissing around her belly button with little pecks. He made his way downwards and peeled her skirt up to reveal her fully shaved pubic area, and the glistening wet, pink slit in the middle of it.

"You know what to do," Harper said with a seductive smile, and indeed, Todd knew what to do.

Todd started to eat out her warm pussy, wiggling his tongue around as if she were a dog lapping up water. As he settled on her clit, Harper grabbed his head and pressed his face harder against her pussy as her breathing became deeper and louder. While several people had eaten her out before, Harper couldn’t deny that there was something especially enjoyable about Todd’s tongue. She couldn’t put her finger, or more accurately her clit, on it, but it just seemed like he knew exactly what to do to make a girl squirm with pleasure.

Or maybe it’s just the fact that the dope happens to be my best friend’s boyfriend and I’m getting off on the pleasure of knowing that alone, she mused.

Todd’s tongue worked its magic, bringing her close to an orgasm, but Todd’s impatience, unfortunately, left her high, but not dry. The interruption in question occurred so that he could remove his boxers, annoying Harper quite a bit, seeing as how she was almost ready for her first orgasm.

“Hey, what’s the big idea T-“ Harper started to voice her displeasure, but Todd, overcome by a mix of both lust and a desire not to get caught by his girlfriend, lifted her off of the bed and lowered her to the floor.

Just as Harper was about to ask him what he was doing, Todd shoved his cock into her mouth without saying a thing. The horny teen took hold of the back of her head and thrust his hips back and forth quickly, forcing her to deepthroat him. Many girls likely would have hated Todd’s assuming and forceful nature, but Harper actually found it to be a turn on. As much as she liked being in charge and making a man squirm and bend to her will, there was also something undeniably sexy about a man that knew what he wanted and just took it, within reason of course. If someone she hadn't initiated a sexual encounter with dared to touch her, their balls would find themselves in her hands, and not in a pleasurable way.

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“Oh, shit, Harper,” Todd grunted. “Your mouth is amazing.”

There was no chance for Harper to reply though, as he continued to repeatedly force his cock in and out of her mouth and down her throat. Luckily, her throat muscles were used to taking things deep into it, so she just let him continue to throat-fuck her. Gagging and wet slurping noises were all the sounds that she was able to make in response to his compliments on her ability to swallow his cock.

Louder and more closely connected breaths and grunts told Harper that Todd was close to an orgasm, but in order to make him pay for denying her own orgasm earlier, she broke away from Todd’s hold and removed his cock from her mouth before he did. The loss of oral gratification clearly caused Todd disappointment, which simply made Harper smile.

"Mmmm, you know, Todd, this is so, so fucking sexy," she said, as she slowly slid a hand back and forth over his shaft, slick from a mixture of pre-cum and saliva. “You wouldn’t believe how long I’ve wanted to fuck you, and the fact that you’re my best friend’s boyfriend, only makes this so much fucking hotter.”

"Oh, I know what you mean, Harper. I know what you mean," Todd replied.

Realizing that an orgasm apiece was all that they might be able to afford before Becky arrived, Harper asked Todd to get some of the Fire and Ice lube from the drawer on her nightstand. The warm and cool sensation really increased her pleasure while having sex, and would undoubtedly bring her to an orgasm faster, a positive seeing as how time was of the essence. While he was applying some of the lube to his shaft, Harper lay down on the end of her bed and lifted her right leg in the air in anticipation of having his cock inserted into her pussy.

Todd quickly finished rubbing the lube over his dick, shivering at the odd tingling sensation it caused, and returned to the bed. He took Harper’s raised leg and placed it over his left shoulder. While he normally might tease a girl by sliding his cock up down her slit, or popping the head in and out a few times before going all in, this time he simply shoved his whole cock into her pussy in one swift stroke. Although his cock was lubed up and she was used to getting fucked pretty hard, the sudden feeling of having something strike the back of her pussy caused a moment of intense pain, making her wince and shut her eyes as her all the muscles in her body tightened at the sensation.

While some men might have shown more concern upon seeing the woman they were having sex with in pain, Todd only closed his eyes and relished how Harper’s pussy gripped onto his cock as her body tightened. It wasn’t that big of a deal though, as she quickly got used to the sensation of his cock pounding her, and despite his quick thrusting, it soon wasn’t enough for her anymore. The problem with starting off with such a big bang, is that everything afterward just seems ordinary, she thought.

"Faster, Todd. Fuck me faster!" She practically screamed. “I want you to fuck me harder than you ever did that little princess of yours.”

Although he wasn’t sure if he could muster up any more speed than he was already giving her, he tried to make up for it by pushing as deep into her as he could. Cries of Oh yeah, and So fucking good led him to believe he was doing an acceptable job of pleasing the demanding teen. The teen’s screams of pleasure were actually so loud that it started to hurt Todd’s ears a little.

Todd became worried that he might tire himself out before reaching an orgasm, so he decided to change things up.

“You wanna ride me a little?” he asked her.

“Sure thing, baby,” Harper replied.

As soon as Todd’s cock left her pussy, Harper rolled to the side of the bed and let him lie down next to her. Not wanting to delay her pleasure any longer, she quickly climbed on top of Todd and let herself fall onto his shaft and slide all the way into her pussy. Thanks to the unceremonious way that he first plowed into her, there was no pain this time when his cock entered her pussy, and she quickly began to slide herself up and down him until she reached the same level of pleasure that she was in before they changed positions.

“Oh fuck. Oh fuck, Todd. Your cock feels so good. Becky’s such a lucky girl to have a cock like yours.”

Todd smiled. “And I’m lucky to be fucking a girl as talented and sexy as you, Harper.”

The compliment spurred Harper’s lust even more, causing her to speed up her thrusts to a level she didn’t even know she was capable of. While the warm, tingling sensation of the lubricant had since ceased, the smoothness of Todd’s wet shaft sliding in and out of her as she rubbed her clit provided all the stimulation she needed. An orgasm caused her to shudder in delight as she continued to ride the cock of her best friend’s boyfriend.

Harper is such a pro at sex, Todd thought as he approached an orgasm of his own. He knew that it was his girlfriend that originally taught Harper to come out of her shell and freely explore the world of sex, but she definitely had surpassed her teacher and became a master. While he had doubts of cheating on Becky at first, at least with her best friend anyway, seeing as how he had cheated on her before, now he was sure that he did the right thing in having sex with Harper.

Just as Harper had another orgasm, catching her by surprise, since she figured she would only have enough time for one, Todd had one of his own. A load of cum blasted directly into her pussy, leaving Todd surprised that he didn’t manage to last longer like he usually did. Maybe the sex with Harper was just that fucking good, he surmised. He knew she was probably on the pill or something, a girl like her, so he didn’t worry about cumming inside of her without a condom.

The pair’s mutual thrusting quickly began to slow down, until the point where Todd’s dick had gone soft and Harper climbed off of him. As his cock left her cunt, a trail of cum spilled out of her pussy and onto her bed, compliments of the generous load she just received. Both teens lay next to each other, breathing heavily as if they had just run for their lives from something utterly terrifying, except that they instead had smiles of utter pleasure on their faces rather than terror.

"Holy shit," Todd said in between breaths.

"That was pretty amazing, wasn’t it?" Harper responded.

“Yeah, it was pretty fucking good, almost as good as Becky’s mom,” Todd accidentally let slip, due to being in the midst of such ecstasy.

Harper’s eyes snapped open. “WHAT THE FUCK?” Both Harper and Becky said in unison.

Apparently, Becky actually arrived early to Harper’s for practice, and since neither Harper or Todd locked the front door before going upstairs, Becky took a chance and tried the door to see if it was open. When she got inside, she could hear the sounds of sex coming from her friend’s room and thought, Harper couldn’t even wait until AFTER we practiced to find another guy to fuck. Oh well, if I surprise them, maybe they’ll let me join in.

However, when she saw just who it was that Harper was fucking, and the confession that he had had sex with her mother, the idea of joining in on their festivities went right out the window.

“What the fuck are you doing fucking her?” Becky demanded. “Also, did you really fuck my mom? That bitch? That’s it, we are through, Todd, it is over between us, you fucking asshole,” and with that, she stormed out of the house, slamming the front door as she left.

While Todd struggled for words to try and repair some of the damage he had just done, Harper simply rolled off the bed and began to exit her room to use the bathroom to clean herself up.

“Well, that was fun, Todd, but now that you’re a free man, this just won’t be anywhere near as fun as it was today. I’m sorry, but we’re through too,” she said with a small smile.

Rather than think about how to make things up to his girlfriend and hopefully win her back, Todd’s only thought was Shit, now where am I going to find a reliable source of pussy?


Written by NobleStallion
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