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To Victor Go The Spoils

"A psychologist tries a radical form of therapy for her favorite patient that she hopes will help her too!"

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Author's Notes

"Two cheaters make for an interesting evening."

There were times when Alex wondered why she got into this profession. Her patients could seem like ordinary, real people with psychological problems she could help them solve or whiny, hopeless souls who can’t or won’t even try to get out of their own way and everything in between. Some days, it depended on her mood, but others seemed destined to end in frustration from the first patient to the last, regardless of how she felt when she started her day. She reminded herself on such days that, the vast majority of the time, it was a rewarding career that provided much-needed help to those who wanted it.

Today, however, she suspected would be rough as it started with a personal problem that had begun the night before and overflowed into today. On top of that, she’d known when she left yesterday that today’s calendar had some of her more challenging patients, and facing that today, in her present state of mind, would require her to summon extraordinary amounts of patience to get through the day, let alone provide the help they came to her for.

She was about out of that reserve of patience with her patient before lunch, a woman who saw everyone else’s actions as personal attacks on her. It didn’t help that her work entailed a lot of pressure in a company highly focused on financial performance and a supervisor who actually did seem to have it in for her. She’d been offered transfers and even other jobs in less stressful environments, but the rut she was stuck in made her afraid of any change.

She exemplified one of the most challenging situations for a psychologist: a person who won’t do anything themselves to alleviate their problem. Some expected everyone around them to change, but others, like this woman, feared any change at all. Alex wondered why they continued coming to her as all she offered was a sympathetic ear to someone who wouldn’t or couldn’t change.

This woman left each appointment promising to consider whatever solution or action they’d arrived at, but by this time, Alex knew the promise was worthless. Today, she was just glad she’d left seemingly happy so she could have her lunch, a short break from the tedium of the day.

She decided to forgo the usual healthy lunch and indulge in some comfort food as a small way to make her day a little brighter. It didn’t work, though, as it only reminded her of her husband, for whom she starved herself to maintain the sexy body he demanded. Demand was perhaps too strong a word, but she did feel like his needs were always paramount, and hers were only met when they coincided with his in some way. Last night’s argument fell along these lines, as she felt he lived in some time long past when a woman’s role was to serve her man. The worst part was that he didn’t deny or see anything wrong with it.

At times like these, she’d review her past and how they’d gotten together in the first place. She was a young, naïve, and largely inexperienced young woman in college with a mother who provided the perfect role model for his lifestyle. She was drawn to him and his manly confidence, and he had been more attendant to her needs, at least when she was still a conquest, but she’d grown a lot in the ensuing years, from her professional accomplishments to becoming a mother of two wonderful kids.

He hadn’t grown … at all. He was still the same brash male living in a male world who didn’t acknowledge her worth beyond what she did for him and described her profession as a nursemaid for a bunch of ‘whackos.’

Alex returned from lunch, not the least bit renewed and dreading her next patient, who was eerily similar to her husband, only worse. Thomas was equally confused about a woman’s role in his life and took it to further extremes, expecting a submissive response to whatever he wanted, which included punishing her physically when he deemed it appropriate, which his wife tolerated. Alex was making absolutely no progress with him, and the only reason he kept coming was because his wife threatened to leave him if he didn’t get this counseling, which a couple’s therapist recommended.

After he’d gone, she was always left with the feeling that her lack of progress with Thomas was linked to her inability to affect change in her own marriage. The phrase, ‘Physician, heal thyself!’ came to mind.

The afternoon progressed with a couple of fairly new patients for whom she had a more hopeful outlook, brightening her day, and her last appointment would likely improve it further.

She’d seen him monthly for nearly a year and looked forward to her sessions with him. Unlike so many others, he took what she suggested seriously and made a real effort to improve. He’d try tactics, read books, do research she suggested, and then discuss it openly and honestly with her. A model patient from her viewpoint, which encouraged her to try harder, unsuccessful though they’d been so far.

Victor was the antithesis of her husband. He saw his wife as someone to please; ‘worship’ was a word he used often. He just wanted her to be happy always and would put her pleasure first in all things, deriving his pleasure from her happiness. This attitude was most pronounced in his sexual approach to his wife, where her gratification was most important.

On the other hand, his wife wanted him to be stronger and more assertive and, especially in bed,  take what he wanted from her. He imagined a BDSM lifestyle was where she was ultimately aiming, but he couldn’t go there. She thought his sessions with Alex were further proof of his lack of masculinity, questioning who needed someone to tell them how to have sex with their wife.

“So, did you try what we talked about last time?” she asked him after the pleasantries were dispensed with.

“Yes. I did,” he replied sheepishly.


“She liked it, but I didn’t, doctor. I’m sorry, Alex,” he corrected, knowing she preferred to be called by her first name, not her professional one.

“Tell me what happened,” she asked.

“Well, I got home later than usual one evening, and I’d missed dinner. Amy made a snarky remark, and I angrily reminded her that I had professional responsibilities to live up to. She smiled suddenly and was very apologetic, and I realized this was the kind of response she’d like, not my normal sorry self.”

“How did you respond to this positive reaction of hers?”

“Once I realized it, I saw it as an opportunity, like we spoke about, to give her what she wanted even though it wasn’t the way I wanted to give it. She came up to hug me and tell me how sorry she was for her ‘outburst.’ I kissed her kinda hard and then said, ‘I want you! Now!’”

“That’s good, Victor! How did she react?”

“She said, ‘Yes sir!’ and led us to our bedroom. Once there, she apologized again and said, ‘Rip my clothes off and fuck me, Vic. Fuck me hard!’” He paused his story, looking like he was reliving his dislike of the whole scene, but he knew she’d want the rest of the story. “So I did. I yanked her top off and tore at her bra to get it off, too. Then I took her breasts in hand and caressed them the way I usually would.”

“She didn’t want that, did she?” Alex asked, knowing the answer.

“No, she told me to ‘squeeze them hard’ and ‘pinch my nipples,’ and when I did that to one while bending down to lick the other, she pushed them in my face saying, ‘Oh baby! That’s it! Abuse my tits!’ I put one arm around her back and pulled her to me while still manhandling her breasts. Then she asked me, ‘Are you gonna stuff that big hard cock in my dripping wet cunt?’”

“What did you do then?” Alex asked, knowing that vulgar language turned him off.

“Well, I wasn’t, you know, hard yet, so I said, ‘Yeah, I’m gonna fuck you just the way you like it!’ and I bent down to reach under her skirt and ripped her panties when I pulled them down. I could smell her arousal, and I wanted to lick her so bad, but I knew she wouldn’t want that, not yet, anyway. She hadn’t shaved in a few days, so I said, ‘I want to eat your pussy, but I don’t want that stubble scratching my face!’

“Oh my God, Victor! She must have liked that!?”

“Yeah, she did. She said, ‘I’m so sorry, sir! Make me pay! Ram your shaft in my tight pussy!’ I told her to get on the bed, and she was on all fours in seconds, waving her ass at me and begging me to fuck her hard.”

Alex didn’t usually get into this level of detail with her patients, but she felt it was therapeutic for Victor to get it out, so she let him continue. Truth be told, although it wasn’t what she liked either, she was starting to get a little aroused herself.

“I got on the bed behind her and stroked her vagina with my penis, you know, to get a full erection?” he said, assuming Alex would prefer the more clinical words over the vulgar ones. “Amy was moaning and writhing on the bed and begging me, ‘Ram it into my pussy!’ I like doing it doggy style, so I did; I rammed it into her, and she screamed. ‘Oh yeah, Vic! That’s it! Fuck me! Pound that cock into me!’ she said as I jerked into her.

“My hips started slapping against her bottom from the force, and she said, ‘I’m so sorry, Vic! Spank me! Spank my ass while you’re fucking my naughty cunt!’ I spanked her but not hard enough, apparently because she kept saying ‘harder!’” he paused again as though trying to decide what to say next. “So, we ‘fucked,’” he started with air quotes, “and we both came, and that was the end of it,” he finished, clearly unhappy with even the retelling.

“What did she say after?”

“She loved it, although she did give me some ‘pointers’ for next time. She even talked about being my ‘naughty little girl’ who needs a good spanking on her … on her ‘hiney’ she called it!”

“So, you gave her what she wanted, but you didn’t like it,” Alex said, leading him to a point.

“No, I didn’t. Not at all!” he said dejectedly.

“You’ve always said you just want to give a woman what she wants, to please her before taking your own pleasure. You realize now that’s not a true statement.”

“Wow. You’re right,” he replied, the revelation apparent. “What does that mean now?”

“It means you’re a normal person who wants to be a caring, gentle man who gives in your own special way, ensuring your lover’s needs are met, but not at the expense of your own.”

“It sounds so simple when you say it like that.”

“No, it’s not simple. Finding that balance between both of your needs is anything but simple, but your ‘give first’ approach is something most women would love.”

“You think so? I’m not so sure. I’ve only been intimate with one other woman, and she seemed to like it, but she came alive when it got a bit rougher, too. I wonder if I’m just not ‘man’ enough for most women.”

“Okay. Why don’t you tell me how you would have liked it to go that night you were late getting home? Be as detailed as possible, and by the way, nobody wants to hear clinical words like ‘vagina’ and ‘penis’ when they’re having sex. It’s okay, exciting even, to talk dirty.”

“Um, okay,” he replied uncomfortably. “Well, when I got home, I would’ve liked her to be a little concerned about my lateness, and I would apologize for missing dinner,” he started pausing to put his imagination into words. “She’d ask me if I want dinner now, and I’d tell her, “All I need to eat is you!’ She’d giggle as I lifted her onto the kitchen counter, pulled her legs apart, and started kissing and licking her vag … um, pussy. I’d pull her panties off and dive in again, using my fingers and tongue to make her come over and over again.”

Victor went on in surprisingly graphic detail as though this were a well-rehearsed fantasy, taking Alex’s panties from slightly damp to soaking wet. She listened with rapt attention, and though she’d never seriously considered cheating on her husband, it occurred to her that swapping partners with Victor would give everyone what they wanted. Her husband would take from Amy until she could give no more, and she’d love the mutually sensual sex Victor described.

Before he finished, she wondered if she could come just from hearing Victor describe what he’d do to her. ‘Wait!’ she thought, having just inserted herself into the story and imagined him giving her what she so badly wanted. She had to fight the temptation to slip her hand between her legs under the desk while Victor’s erotic story continued.

“And then I’d ask her if she’d want to do it all again,” he finally finished, but noting Alex’s uneven breathing, asked, “Are you okay, doc … I mean, Alex?”

“Yes. Yes, I’m fine,” she lied. “And you think most women wouldn’t like that?!” she asked incredulously.

“I don’t know. You can’t prove I’m wrong from my experiences. For all I know, what I want to do wouldn’t please anyone regardless of what they’re into! Are you sure you’re okay?” he asked again.

Even though he’d openly admitted he didn’t know what women wanted, he wondered if his story might have turned Alex on. Actually, he wished she was, but he was sure she wasn’t, as that would be too good to be true. He’d always been attracted to her, and if he were honest, he would likely have given up on another counselor long ago, but he enjoyed being with and talking to Alex.

“I don’t think you’re wrong, Victor. I know you’re wrong,” she replied, moving closer to him, her body language betraying her interest.

“How do you know?” he questioned. “What about you? Would you like that?” he asked, only realizing too late how suggestive that sounded and regretted it immediately. “I’m sorry! I shouldn’t have …”

Alex had already broken several rules of counseling. Encouraging highly detailed accounts of sexual acts and getting quite aroused … and wet as she listened. ‘What was one more rule broken?’ she rationalized.

“It’s alright, Victor. I’m not offended. There’s no way for me to prove you’re wrong just sitting here talking about it,” she started and stopped for a long pause, trying to decide whether to continue. “I’d like to try something radically different if you’re up for it. An experiment, if you will, but there’s some danger involved.”

“What do you have in mind,” he asked.

“I think you need to have an actual experience like the one you’re describing. With someone who will appreciate and respond to you the way you imagine.”

“Oh, is that all?” he replied sarcastically. “Who’s that gonna be? Someone, you know?”




“You’re married!”

“Yes. So are you.”

“You’d be cheating!”

“Again, so would you!”

“Is this allowed? I mean, should you be doing …”

“Think of it as a clinical experiment,” she rationalized again, still not quite believing she was suggesting it.

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“I don’t know, doc, um, Alex. It’s not that I’m not interested. I think you’re … you’re beautiful, and I love talking to you, but do you really want to …”

“Yes, I do. I found your story quite arousing, and if I can enjoy you doing all those things to me AND prove to you that it, and you, are sexually appealing, then I consider it a win-win.”

“Well, um, okay. Wow,” he replied, not sure what to think yet.

They agreed on the following Friday in late afternoon when she only worked a half day anyway. Alex would text him with a hotel location as they certainly couldn’t do that in her office, and they ended their session with a combination of excitement and apprehension.

Alex was very much looking forward to it and continued rationalizing her cheating as treatment for a patient. She thought, hoped really, that she might also learn something from the experience, but recognized that it might be life-changing if she did.

Victor’s feelings were more along the lines of not believing he was actually going to have his kind of sex with a woman he’d fantasized about. He, too, could see the result dramatically affecting his life, but he’d already been coming to that conclusion after that last experience with his wife. He now knew what Amy wanted, and he didn’t want the same thing.


Alex checked into the hotel room almost an hour before she expected Victor to arrive. She’d brought some sexy underwear to change into and took a shower first, fixing her hair just so. She felt like a young girl preparing herself for an exciting sexual tryst.

Victor was nervous as hell as he drove to the hotel. He texted her when he arrived, and she responded with the room number and the instructions to ‘come on in’ when he got there. Only mildly successful at calming his nerves on the way to the room, he opened the door, excited in many different ways, primarily sexually, when he saw Alex standing next to the bed with her arms outstretched, beckoning him to her. 

“Wow! You’re …,” he started, about to gush like a schoolboy but caught himself in time. “You’re beautiful! Gorgeous!” he said in a quieter, mature tone. He was so used to her conservative professional clothes that she looked like a different person wearing nothing but lacy underwear.

“Thank you, Victor. Hug?”

He walked over to her and accepted her open arms, still unsure how to handle her.

“I’m here for you to do whatever you want. I won’t break,” she said and sighed when his hands found her ass to pull her into him.

Realizing it was ‘now or never,’ he knew he needed to put into practice all the things he wished he could do with his wife.

Taking a deep breath, he loosened up and began by gently caressing this gorgeous body being offered to him. His hands ran up and down her spine, slipping into the cleft between her cheeks each time. Moving to her front, he cupped her breasts, squeezing them gently in the satin cups of her bra. He reached around back, tentatively, unsure whether she would stop him.

“Go ahead,” she said, encouraging him.

“Beautiful!” he said as he freed her firm breasts from their confines.

“Why don’t I help you out of these clothes?” she asked, reaching for the buttons of his shirt and opening them when he didn’t object.

Pulling his shirt over his shoulders and off, she went for his pants next, pulling the belt and the zipper open. She knelt to pull them down to his ankles and helped him step out of them. Standing up, her hand glanced over the lump in his boxers before pulling their bodies together, enjoying the feeling of his bare chest against her modest tits.

Each time she did something else, he became more comfortable with the situation and was finally ready to take the lead. Moving to stand behind her, he pulled her to him with his hands sliding up her tummy to take her tits in hand, her moans egging him on. Firmly but gently, he manipulated the pliant flesh and taut nipples between his fingers.

“Mmm, that’s nice, Victor,” she said, pressing them into his hands.

Keeping her left tit in hand, his other slipped down between her legs, his middle finger pressing into her slit. He could feel the moisture through her panties.

“Mmm, you’re nice and wet, aren’t you, Alex?” he whispered close to her ear.

“Yes,” she answered in a breathy voice.

“Let’s see how wet!” he said and slipped his hand into her panties, fingers sliding easily through her teeming slit. “Ooo, you feel so good in my hand! Do you like it?”

“Oh yes, Victor! Don’t stop!” she said as she thought of how her husband pawed at her pussy, worrying only about his pleasure.

“I want to lick you, Alex! I want to spread your legs, bury my tongue in your pussy and make you come in my face! Would you like that?”

“Yes! Yes, please!?”

“Good. Sit on the bed. That’s it,” he said as he knelt before her, reaching for the waist of her panties to take them off.

Naked now, she spread her legs, inviting him to “Eat me! Eat my pussy!”

He smiled and licked his lips as he approached, his fingertips gliding down the insides of her thighs, meeting in the middle where they gently caressed the tender pink folds of her pretty pussy, priming them for his tongue, which followed close behind. Moving his hands underneath, he grasped her ass and took her in his mouth like a juicy slice of fruit.

“Delicious!” he said after several swipes of his tongue, scooping up her honey.

She closed her eyes, concentrating on the feelings and sounds, his mouth slurping at her juicy peach. When his fingers got involved, her arousal ramped up quickly. With one set of fingers inside her and another pulling the covers back on her clit, she writhed on the bed as his lips and tongue teased it into submission. Suddenly wanting to see what he was doing, she rested on her elbows, with one hand grabbing a shock of his hair and pulling his face into her crotch.

“Oh fuck! Fuck, fuck fuck!” she cried when waves of ecstasy washed over her, her body quivering inside as she again drew a contrast between her husband and Victor’s attentions on her alone.

“Mmm, I love licking your pussy, Alex! I could do it all night!” he exaggerated.

“I’d like that! May I sit on your face?”

“Definitely!” he replied, throwing himself on the bed, ready to submit. He, too, was making comparisons to his spouse, with her never-ending complaints about his lovemaking versus Alex’s appreciation of the devotion he showed her. He loved Alex’s reactions to his efforts, and, to him, there was nothing that indicated his desire to worship her body more than having her sit on his face. And she asked him for it! “Come on! Stuff your pretty pussy in my mouth!” he said as he watched it descend upon his face.

“Ooo, you’re very good at this!” she cooed sincerely, pressing her wet lips into his waiting mouth.

He offered his thanks for the compliment by starting with his tongue slithering into her dripping wet cave with squelchy noises as he tongue fucked her. She held still to allow him in as deep as his tongue would reach, but when he pulled out and slithered up her slit to tease her clit, her hips started rocking, polishing his face with her slick lips. She’d always wanted to try this but had never had a willing partner, and now the reality was even better than the fantasy.

It was a first for Victor, too. He’d had plenty of practice for all the other things he was doing and wanted to do for Alex. He just lacked an appreciative recipient for his worship and never would have gotten Amy to sit on his face.

“Oh! Ohh! Ohhh!” Alex exclaimed as another climax approached and crashed over her, her thighs shaking as she sat on his chest. “Mmm! More, please!” she cried even before her breathing had normalized and ground her pussy into his face and felt his large nose in her flooded slit. “That’s it, Victor! Eat my cunt!”

Victor tried to speak, wanting to tell her they could do it again and again, but his words were cut off by a mouthful of pussy. Spreading her legs further apart freed his arms, previously pinned to his sides, and he grabbed her ass, squeezing her cheeks hard. Moving his hands towards her cleft, his thumbs found the tight hole between her cheeks and pressed on it.

“Oh yeah! Do it!” she cried and came again when he pressed the tip of his thumb into her ass. “Holy shit, Victor!” she screamed as another batch of juice flowed onto his face.

Feeling like she’d monopolized him, she reached behind her to find his surprisingly long cock pointing straight up inside his loose boxers. She smiled devilishly.

“I know what to do with him!” she said turning around to take him in hand. He moaned loudly when she stroked him a couple of times and even louder after she’d dragged his underwear down to his knees and used both hands on his empty flagpole.

“I wanna suck your cock, Victor!” she said, still sitting on his chest and sliding further back to align her mouth correctly.

“Oh, God!” he groaned as her tongue licked the tip just inside her mouth. “Please? I wanna eat your cunt again!”

She moved a little further back until she felt his mouth again and then put all her efforts into fellating his long shaft. He tried to lick her but was easily distracted by the latest trick with her tongue. He pulled on her thighs to position her over him again, and with her pussy in his mouth, he was not so easily distracted.

“Mm, mm, mm!” he mumbled into her gash, trying to warn her he was about to come, and she responded by sitting harder on his face and taking his load in her mouth when he couldn’t hold it any longer.

She turned to fall on the bed next to him and rolled on her side to face him with a beautiful and satisfied smile.

“That was incredible, Alex,” he said as he ran his hand up and down her side from hip to tits.

“It was! But we’re not done yet,” she said, sensing that he thought they were.

“You don’t have to …” he started.

“No, I don’t, but I want to. I want you to fuck me! Any position you want! I want to feel your long, hard cock in my dripping wet pussy!”

“What’s your favorite position,” he asked, still putting her needs first.

“On my back,” she started and continued with a sultry smile. “With your hands behind my knees, pushing them into my chest with that big dick of yours pumping my pussy!”

Her description had him hard again, and he pushed her to lie on her back. Kneeling between her upraised thighs, he guided his shaft into her dripping, wet hole and buried it in one long, smooth thrust, her eyes going wide with the deep penetration. Out a couple of inches, then in again, and he was comfortably seated in her cunt.

“Oh, Victor! Fuck me? Please fuck me?” she begged and lifted her knees higher so he could get a hold of them. As she’d described, he pushed them down onto her chest, her tits squashing out the sides, and lifted his body as though doing pushups. It was a physically challenging position, but a challenge he was up to, his hips rising and falling with long, strong strokes.

“You feel so good, Alex!”

“Oh, God! Oh, fuck! Oh, ohh ohhh!” she cried as the first orgasm overtook her while he was still going strong. “Holy shit!” she yelled as he didn’t miss a beat, actually increasing the pace.

Long, smooth thrusts continued as they both climbed to another peak for her and his first. Having not fully recovered from the first, she couldn’t believe the extraordinary rapture building inside her.

Grunting as he tried to hold on and managing only short quick pokes at her pussy, they were both crying out unintelligibly as the pinnacle of pleasure was reached and surpassed. His hips jerked a few times when he came, but still, he tried to continue until she came again.

“Ohhh, fuck!” she wailed as she came, and pulling her legs free of his grasp, her feet hit the bed as he pulled out, and she squirted several long streams of warm, clear juice onto his chest.

“Oh my God, Alex! I’ve never made anyone squirt before!” he cried, seeing it as the ultimate reflection of his prowess as a lover.

He rolled to his side, lying beside her, watching her recover, so proud of what he’d done. It took a couple of minutes before she could speak, during which he tried to comfort her with gentle caresses of her face and neck.

“Jesus, Victor! I’ve never squirted before … with anyone. You’re the first!”

“Really?” he replied in disbelief.

“Yes. And that was the first time in that position, too! I’ve always wanted to try it, and now it IS my favorite. Wow!” she finished, still recovering.

“Thank you, Alex! This was the most amazing thing I’ve ever done!”

“You’re welcome, Victor, but don’t tell me how you feel right now,” she said, attempting to revive the notion that this had been therapeutic. “I want to hear your thoughts after you’ve had time to reflect on it, so I’ve made an appointment for you at this same time, two weeks from now. Okay?”


Another day and another mix of patients, but knowing Victor was coming later made the day tolerable. She’d thought often of their liaison at the hotel. She no longer tried to fool herself into thinking it had any clinical value, but she’d not had sex like that in a long time. She had a plan for the future but had to wait to see how Victor felt about it now, having had some time to dwell on it.

“Hi, doc!” he said, intentionally using that casual moniker.

“Hello, Victor,” she replied and smiled when he noticed the furniture change from her old leather sofa to a stereotypical couch one thought of as used by psychologists. She didn’t try to explain the change, hoping it would be apparent later.

“So … what do you think of our experiment,” she asked after he sat in a chair looking dubiously at the couch.

“It was really amazing! And I must admit you’re probably right about there being women out there who would appreciate my brand of lovemaking, but …”

“But?” she questioned with a smile.

“But I don’t see how that helps me. I don’t see myself leaving my wife, so I have to live with the knowledge that somewhere there is a woman for me, but I’ll never find her.”

“I had a feeling you’d come to that conclusion. I think you’ll need to see me more often,” she started as she got up from her desk and went to sit on the new couch. “I’d like to see you every two weeks, late in the day on Friday like this,” she said, adding, “When it’s quiet here,” she said, imagining the gears turning in his head.

He looked at her with a funny smile forming on his face, hoping he knew what she was suggesting but not believing it just the same. His smile grew as she put her legs up on the couch and opened one, then two buttons of her blouse, pushing her chest out suggestively.

“I don’t think I can help you improve your relationship with your wife, but I’m sure I can help you feel better about it,” she said as she lifted her knees, forcing her already short skirt even higher. His eyes opened wide when she pulled her knees apart to reveal her bare naked pussy, its glistening lips revealing her arousal.

“Do you understand the purpose of these special sessions?” she asked, licking her lips.

“Yes, I think I do,” he replied, kneeling on the sofa and pulling her knees apart. Bending down, his tongue found her slippery slit and licked her ravenously.

“Oh yeah! You understand perfectly! Oh, God!”


So, what do you think of this kind of 'therapy'? Sign me up right away! If you liked my story, please remember to 'Like' and/or 'Favorite' it and Thanks For Reading!!

Written by 2bespanked
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