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The Wrong Panties

"When Carmel wears her vibrating panties to work, thinking they no longer work, events conspire to make her see her intern in a totally new light."

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Carmel groaned in frustration, staring down at the empty drawer. She couldn't believe the weekend had passed and she hadn't managed to do any laundry. Not a single pair of underpants to choose from. She shook her head at how the weekend had got away from her - what with the kids' sports and drinks with her husband's work colleagues, it had gone by in the blink of an eye.


Thinking for a moment, she drummed her fingers on the top of the dresser. Her eyes fell on the small drawer at the top, above the one that held her bras and panties. 'The naughty drawer', she and Chris called it. Not that there had been much in the way of naughtiness lately, she thought to herself - it was like life was conspiring against them in the intimacy department. Plus, her libido had seemed to disappear of late.

Her eyes lingering on the drawer, she suddenly had a thought.

Opening the drawer, she found what she was after. A small cardboard box. Popping the top open, she reached in and took out the lace thong. Chris had bought it for her around eighteen months earlier, on their anniversary - 'Pulsating panties' was the name on the box. A fairly simple idea - just a normal thong, but with a row of six small vibrating inserts, water-proof of course, positioned to sit against the wearer's vagina. They had settings to buzz in sequence, one after the other from back to front, or front to back, or to all buzz at once, or to fire in various patterns and with varying intensities. Carmel had been a bit embarrassed when she had opened them the first time, but Chris had assured her it would 'add some spice' to their marriage. And it may well have done, if they had worked. She still remembered trying them on, the two of them having had a couple of glasses of wine once the kids were in bed. She had actually been a little excited in anticipation.

But… nothing. Not even with Chris changing the batteries in the little remote control several times. 

Now they were simply a pair of fairly sexy panties with a slightly thicker crotch lining. She had never even taken them out again since their failed attempt.

No other options now, though, she thought to herself, stepping into them and feeling them press snuggly against her. At least she hadn't gained any weight - something her almost fanatical gym regime ensured. 130lb on the dot.

Carmel finished dressing, grabbed her coffee, walked through the kitchen, gave Chris and the kids a goodbye kiss, and set off to work.

Carmel glanced at the clock on the office wall as she strode in. Just in time, she thought, dropping her bag at her desk before making her way to the conference room. Monday morning, 9:00 am was always meeting time. They were seriously boring most of the time, but at least she didn't have to get into any real work straight away on a Monday. Glancing at the printed agenda on the boardroom table before taking her usual spot at the back of the room, Carmel noted the various items. Quarterly sales report, client feedback, spending projections, and a presentation by the office intern, Josh. She was his direct supervisor during his three-month summer internship, so it was important she paid attention to his presentation so she could give him feedback.

The meeting went by fairly uneventfully, and she only had to provide input a couple of times, and then they reached the final item on the agenda - Josh's presentation.

Josh took a few minutes setting up his own laptop, explaining that his presentation was on there and he hadn't had a chance to transfer it over on the company intranet. 

"I can also use my own pointer, too," he added, holding up the small device and flicking the small switch on its side to ON.

Carmel almost jumped at the sudden sensation - it was like her phone had buzzed, but right against her crotch. A few people glanced over at her and she cleared her throat.

"Sorry, um, I think… an insect bit my leg. I'm ok, though," she added, the few concerned faces turning back to Josh.

After the initial shock, she suddenly realized what had happened. The damn panties! The intensity was very low, thankfully, but it was still there, buzzing lightly against her - not focused at all, just all up and down her crotch. She swallowed hard, shifting her weight in the chair to see if it might switch it off, but could do nothing to change it.

Josh looked at her. 

"Are you ok to start?"

She looked blankly at him for a few moments. Oh right, the 'insect bite', she thought to herself.

She cleared her throat. 

"Yes, of course, Josh. It just took me by surprise is all," she reassured him 

She reached down to her calf and rubbed at the site of the imaginary insect bite.

Josh smiled at her, a warm comforting smile. At his age, Carmel would have been so nervous presenting at a meeting like this. He exuded confidence, though, and for a moment Carmel found herself musing that the girls he dated must find it a fairly attractive quality.

"Ok," Josh went on, half turning to the projector screen. "As you know, I've been tracking revenue for a few of our product lines over the past year, so I'm going to go through the figures."

With that, Josh clicked the device in his hand, and an empty graph appeared. At the same moment, Carmel felt a pulse of more intense vibration at her crotch, causing her to sit up and let out a quiet grunt. She managed to cover it with a small cough. Josh looked to her, questioningly.

"Great," she stammered out, "looking forward to it!"

Josh looked at her for a moment, slightly confused, but then smiled again, turning back to the screen. 

That smile… Carmel thought to herself. Why had she never noticed the way one corner of his mouth turned up slightly more than the other, giving a really cute element to Josh's already handsome features. She shook her head slightly. What was she thinking about that for? He was twenty-four. She was thirty-seven, for god's sake, and his boss. 

Taking a deep breath, Carmel told herself to control herself. Yes, she appeared to be experiencing some kind of malfunction with her panties - which she would be throwing straight in the bin on the way home, mind you - but she could remain professional and keep her mind focused on the task at hand.

Josh was talking again, explaining that in the first month of the financial year, sales had been slow. He pressed the pointer and a bar graph grew from the bottom x-axis, extending upwards over the space of about half a second to stop about a quarter of the way up the y-axis of the graph. Carmel was prepared for another more intense pulse at her crotch, but the pattern of it caught her off-guard. At the moment of the initial click, a slightly more intense pulse buzzed at the lowest vibration insert, positioned between her asshole and her pussy hole, and as the graph grew on the screen in front of her, the pulse travelled forwards, almost as though an electric finger was dragged up along her slit, finishing by lightly flicking her clit as the bar on the graph reached its full height. 

Carmel managed to stifle the groan which threatened to burst from her throat, biting her hip, but couldn't help rocking her hips forward in her seat, pushing her clit down against the momentary stimulation there, trying to capture the fleeting moment before the intensity dropped back down the low, background buzz along her full crotch. Carmel let out an inaudible sigh, rocking back in her seat again.

Josh went on, explaining the market forces that had apparently led to the low sales figures. Out of everyone in the room, he looked mostly at Carmel, her being his supervisor and the person he needed to impress most. She found herself locking eyes with him, realizing after a few moments that the eye contact had gone on too long, and glancing away. She realized it was the fault of the panties, but she couldn't help thinking about how attractive he was. 6'2", slightly messy brown hair, dark eyes, a little bit of stubble on his strong jaw, broad shoulders, arms that filled his shirt nicely, obviously from many hours spent in the gym, a flat midsection that she wouldn't mind seeing shirtless, and a bulge in his slightly-too-tight pants that left less to the imagination than they should at work… 

Horrified, Carmel realized too late that she had been staring at Josh's crotch, rocking back and forth ever so slightly, her breathing heavier than usual. She snapped her focus back up to Josh's face, realizing that he was looking at her with even more intensity than usual. Had he caught her staring at his crotch?!? Had anyone else noticed how intensely his eyes were boring into her? Or was she just imagining it in her heightened state of arousal?

Her focus managed to lock back onto Josh's words, dragging her eyes away from his to look at the graph.

"Luckily, in the following month," Josh began, "we saw much bigger sales."

Carmel's eyes flicked to the device in his hand just as his thumb pressed on the button. The pulse this time, once again starting at the lowest insert, was slightly stronger. As the longer bar on the graph grew, taking almost a full second to reach its full length, the stronger pulse took slightly longer to travel the length of her slit. Once again, Carmel found her hips betraying her composure, and she rocked forwards in her chair, the final insert lingering slightly longer on her clit, the intensity slightly higher. Carmel's eyes closed for a moment, and when she opened them again, her hips rocking back again and the baseline intensity returning, she saw Josh looking at her intently. Could he tell something strange was happening with her?

"Any questions at this point?" Josh asked the room in general.

"Carmel?" he asked, his focus turning to her. "Or should I continue?"

Carmel cleared her throat, but her reply came out somewhat husky, "Please, continue."

sh turned his attention once more to the screen. 

"Unfortunately, the following month was a little slower again. Not quite as bad as month one, just a little less than month two."

Carmel's eyes fell once more on Josh's pointer hand, and she found herself willing his thumb to press the button, a sudden thought entering her mind that it was like his thumb on her clit. Appraising his hands, she realized that they were large - like a workman's hands. She imagined his grip would be strong, those long, thick fingers wrapping around the bar in the gym. Or around his throbbing cock. At this thought, Carmel's eyes flicked back to Josh's crotch. Had the bulge grown?? No, surely it was all in her lust-fuelled mind. Again she realized she was staring at his crotch, her eyes almost glazed over, and she realized her tongue was absent-mindedly running along her lower lip. She forced her eyes away and up to the screen, but not before stealing a quick glance at Josh's face, almost pleased to notice he had caught her again. 

For the next few minutes, Josh discussed the differences between the first three months, not having to use the pointer again, and Carmel slowly regained her composure. The low-intensity buzzing continued to torment her, but it was once again manageable. Carmel mentally congratulated herself on her willpower as she focused on Josh's presentation, keeping her eyes away from his hand… or his crotch. And only making the appropriate level of eye contact, even nodding at appropriate statements in the presentation. She was a professional, after all, and her mind was much stronger than any bodily sensations.

"Ok, who wants to take a guess at our predictions for next month?" Josh asked the group. Various people made predictions, commenting on the different market forces that could potentially be at play.

"Before I reveal them, remember the factors that influenced our slowest month," Josh said.

At that Josh clicked back on the device in his hand, the most recent bar of the graph disappearing and only leaving the smallest bar.

At that, a new sensation hit Carmel - rather than starting at the back and travelling forwards, this time the pulse started at her clit, quickly pulsing backwards through the vibrating inserts to end between her ass and pussy. This took Carmel totally off guard and she loud out a quiet grunt. Josh's eyes locked onto her.

"Were you wanting to add a prediction, Carmel?" Josh asked, taking her involuntary vocalisation as a desire to add something.

Carmel said nothing, fighting to regain her composure.

"Which of the three months do you think it will be most like?" Josh asked, eyes on Carmel. At this, he thumbed the device, scrolling back to month one.

"Month one?" The front to back pulse hit, Carmel pressing herself down into the seat involuntarily, her eyes fixed to Josh's.

"Month two?" The lower intensity forward pulse made Carmel rock forwards and bite her lip, sure that Josh had noticed.

"Month three?" 

She was expecting the stronger forward pulse this time, but she could not control her hips, rocking her forward and pressing her clit hard down against the intense sensation, and her eyes closed once again momentarily. Opening them again, she found herself focused on Josh's crotch. It couldn't have been her imagination - the bulge was definitely bigger. Her tongue teased her lower lip as unbidden images of him unzipping and releasing what appeared to be his sizable manhood as she knelt in front of him flashed into her mind's eye.


It was Josh. 

"I think you must have been daydreaming," he said in a mock stern tone. Everyone in the room laughed.

"Sorry, I– " Carmel began, the words barely escaping her dry throat.

Josh cut her off. 

"Do you think it'll be small?" He paused a moment, then added, "Like you've been experiencing? Sorry, like we've been experiencing," he added, "Or bigger, stronger, growith?" 

His eyes were drilling into hers, and she hoped no one else was noticing it. 

Absently, Josh's hand with the pointer dropped to his hip as he watched her, Carmel's eyes being drawn downward to the level of his belt. She didn't think it was on purpose, but as her eyes lingered there for a moment, she noticed the ever-growing bulge twitch.

"Bigger?" he added again.

Carmel's eyes once again locked onto his and she nodded, swallowing.

"Bigger," was all she could croak out.

With that, Josh's thumb pressed the pointer button. Along with the visual of the final bar on the graph growing, this time an almost comical sound accompanied it, starting low and increasing in pitch. The bar took much longer to extend from bottom to top, lasting a good five seconds, and as the bar extended upwards, Carmel's panties came to life. Starting at the back, this time the buzzing of each insert grew from weak to strong and then remained at that intensity as the next insert joined. Luckily the comical sound set the room off, with everyone laughing and clapping, otherwise they surely would have heard Carmel. 

She could do nothing to cover the sound of her almost frenzied panting in anticipation of the final insert hitting her clit. Josh watched her, confused at what appeared to be the influence of his words alone. As the final insert hit its crescendo, Carmel could not stop herself from rocking back and forth frantically, pleased to be at the back of the room and out of everyone's eye line. Everyone's except Josh, that was. Biting her lip, she let out a series of whimpers, drowned out by the noise in the room, and felt her pussy flood her panties.

Thankfully, Josh's attention was taken from her as people asked questions and congratulated him on the presentation, and Carmel was both relieved and disappointed to see him switch the pointer off and place it down on the table. Composing herself, she stood up, somewhat shakily.

"Ok people, that's the meeting for today. Josh, great presentation," she said, making only the tiniest bit of eye contact, "Let's get to work."

With that, she turned to leave.

"Should I come to your office for feedback?" Josh asked

Carmel hesitated. 

"Yes, of course. Just let me go to the bathroom and I'll see you in there in fifteen minutes."

With that, she left the room and headed for the bathroom.

Sitting in the stall, shaking slightly, Carmel peeled the panties down, staring at them. What had they done to her? What had she done?? She was surely going to have to give Josh an explanation. The poor boy had obviously noticed that something was going on. Cleaning herself up, she held the panties out, about to drop them into the garbage. She hesitated for a moment, then stuffed them into her handbag and made her way to her office.

Ten minutes later, Josh walked into her office, a somewhat hesitant smile on his face.

"Josh, come on in," Carmel started, trying to hit the right balance of friendly and professional, but sounding a little manic. 

"And if you could just close the door," she added.

"Sure," Josh replied hesitantly, closing the door and then taking the seat across the desk from Carmel.

Carmel thought for a moment, looking down at her desk. Josh was silent, looking at her.

"Josh," Carmel started, "you probably noticed that I wasn't myself in the meeting."

Josh chuckled softly, but Carmel held up her hand so she could continue.

"I have to apologise for behaving in a somewhat unprofessional manner. However, once I've explained you'll see that it was not on purpose," she explained.

Josh looked at her quizzically but waited for her to go on.

"I accidentally wore… an undergarment today," Carmel said, searching for the words, "that have electronic inserts in them." 

She paused, glancing at his face and feeling herself blush. He looked utterly confused at this point. 

"You have to realize that I didn't realize they were functional… I just didn't have anything else to wear." She fumbled with the words, realizing she wasn't making much sense. 

"You see, for some reason, the pointer you were using for your presentation… set them off." She trailed off.

She looked at him for a few moments, furrowing her brow as she tried to register if he was comprehending. Suddenly a look of realization crossed his face.

"Pulsating panties!" He almost cried out.

"Shhh," Carmel hushed him, looking at her office window to see if anyone was likely to have heard. Luckily no one had.

"It's ok," Josh said, "My ex-girlfriend had a pair of them!" He chuckled. 

Seeing that he understood made Carmel relax a little, the red from her cheeks subsiding.

"Yes… them," Carmel replied uncomfortably, "So you see, I was very surprised when your pointer…:" she trailed off, unsure what words to use, "and found it a bit hard to control my…" she trailed off again.

"Orgasm," Josh finished her sentence, and seeing her blush deeply, he added, "It's ok, my ex and I used to use them at the mall, and then when we got back to her place she would be desperate for my…." 

It was Josh's turn to trail off, noticing Carmel's blush deepened again. 

"Sorry, TMI," he finished. 

Then Josh's expression changed, taking on a worried look. 

"You're not going to report me for, like, sexual harassment or something are you?" he stammered anxiously, "I mean, I didn't mean to… or cause you any distress."

"No!" Carmel almost blurted. "Of course not, Josh! You weren't to know - and it really didn't cause me any distress…" She trailed off again, then quickly added, "And you don't need to worry about it happening again. I've taken them off already!" 

With this, she patted her handbag, sitting on its side on the table, realizing too late what this implied.

Josh's eyes flicked to the handbag, the open top towards him, and appeared to inhale deeply as his eyes widened a little. She hoped he couldn't see into the bag.

"Anyway," Carmel cleared her throat, "I don't think we need to mention this to anyone. We can simply put it behind us and forget it ever happened."

Josh appeared to have to physically drag his eyes from her handbag, nodding to her and regaining his friendly smile.

"Yeah, of course. Never happened." He smiled.

Carmel went on, "And your presentation was great, by the way, even if I was distracted." 

They both laughed, the tension in the room dissipating.


That night, Carmel lay in bed staring at the ceiling. As much as she tried to put thoughts of the day out of her mind, she couldn't help ruminating on the strange, and intensely exciting albeit embarrassing, occurrence. The fact that she couldn't tell Chris, her husband, whom she should be able to tell anything, made it strangely even more exciting in her memory. She figured it was the forbidden fruit factor. She had even had to sneakily hand-wash the pulsating panties and put them through the dryer without Chris seeing so she could slip them back into the box. She could probably have simply said that she had to wear them as she didn't have any other clean pairs, and left it at that, but something made her hide even this from him. This both worried her and excited her further. 

Chris finally came to bed, having finished watching the episode of whatever Netflix sci-fi show he was currently hooked on, Carmel, having tried to read the same page of her novel a dozen times without success, rolled over to him, draping her leg over him and kissing his neck lightly. It had been months since they had made love, but she knew she wasn't going to be able to sleep without scratching this itch.

"Mmm, are you in a frisky mood?" Chris asked sleepily.

"Mmmhmmm," she murmured into his neck, feeling the stirrings of his manhood against her leg where it draped over him, "Hope you're not too sleepy…"

"I think I could probably find the energy," Chris chuckled, pressing his thigh into her already damp crotch.

"Hot office boys got you all worked up, eh?" Chris asked, mockingly.

Carmel froze for a moment, feeling how the comment made her pussy clench a little and her hips push into his leg.

"Don't be silly," she chuckled back, "I'm probably just ovulating…" She trailed off, hoping he wouldn't pick up on the fact that her reproductive pill blocked her ovulation.

With that, Carmel slid her leg back, giving herself space to reach for her husband's crotch. Taking his growing cock in her hand, she expertly coaxed Chris's manhood to full erection, moaning into his ear as it pulsed in her hand. An image of the bulge in Josh's pants flashed into her mind, and the sound of him saying "Bigger?" echoed through her skull. Hungrily, she climbed up onto Chris, lowering herself onto his hard cock with a sigh. He wasn't small, but she couldn't stop her mind from wondering whether Josh was bigger. It sure looked like it from the bulge in his pants.

Chris, sensing how turned on his wife was, lasted no time at all, gripping her hips and thrusting up into her as he came.

"Sorry," he mumbled, "Didn't take much… Do you want me to go down on you?" He yawned.

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Swallowing her sense of frustration, Carmel climbed off, smiling down at her loving, faithful husband. 

"No, you're tired honey. You just sleep," she said softly.

With that, she gave him a kiss and rolled over. Within minutes, Chris was snoring. Carmel once again stared at the ceiling, sleep eluding her as her mind played over that morning's meeting. Glancing around the room, her eyes fell on the dresser, going straight to the 'naughty drawer'. 

Climbing out of bed, she made her way over to the dresser. Opening the drawer, and then the little box, she retrieved the pulsating panties. Digging a little deeper into the drawer, her hand fell on what she was looking for - her trusty old dildo. This, along with the other contents of the drawer, had not been used in a long time. It was a little bigger than Chris, though only by a little, both in length and girth. He half-jokingly said that anything bigger would have made him jealous, all those years ago when they excitedly went into the sex shop together to buy it. Now she found herself bringing it up to her face and kissing the fat head absent-mindedly as she silently padded past the sleeping form of her husband, out of the room, and downstairs to the basement, retrieving her phone from the dresser as she passed by.

She wasn't sure how she found herself doing it, but a few minutes later, she was sitting on the basement lounge dressed only in the panties but with the crotch now pulled to the side. Casually, she teased her swollen pussy lips with the head of her dildo, liberally coated with saliva, as she slowly scrolled through the Instagram account of Gym_Josh_2000. It had only taken her a few minutes to find him, knowing his surname from work. As the name implied, it was based around his workouts, so was dominated by pictures and videos of him lifting weights. Carmel didn't mind at all. He was even fitter than she had assumed, and she found herself staring at the handful of topless pics he had, his abs rippling. 

Carmel was about to slip her toy into herself, settling on a looping video of Josh doing sit-ups, when she noticed a new video appear on his page titled Working out after an intense meeting this morning. Carmel let the video play, seeing it was a side shot of Josh lying on his back with his shoulder blades on the floor but his knees bent so that his feet were flat on the floor and his hips were raised  - topless, she noted with pleasure - a classic glute bridge. 

Across his hips lay a heavy-looking barbell, yet still giving her a glimpse of the bulge that had caught her attention so firmly earlier that day. Slowly, he lifted his butt up from the floor with a grunt. The sound sent a thrill through Carmel, her bare nipples automatically stiffening as her clit twitched. Carmel found the volume button on the side of her phone and turned it up, watching as Josh performed a second thrust, once again letting out a grunt. This time, Carmel's pussy clenched at the sound and she moaned softly to herself.

Looking around, she found her son's gaming headset. Placing it over her ears, she plugged it into her phone just in time for Josh's third thrust. This time his grunt was right in her ears, and in stereo, as though he were grunting into the back of her head. At this, she couldn't hold back, easing the fat head of her toy between her tight but very wet lips. Laying back, she held the phone above her face, as close as she could whilst still focusing on Josh's ripped torso thrusting up and down, and matched his slow thrusts with her toy. At first, she was only able to push the fat rubber toy in about halfway, but as she watched the looping video over and over, Josh's grunting spurring her on, she pushed more and more of it into her clinging tunnel. Although it was slow going, she knew she would cum in a few minutes, and she knew she had to match his thrusts rather than speeding up, as though he were slowly fucking her as she sat astride his strong hips. The thought sent a thrill through her. Usually she would feel a sense of guilt at a thought even half as naughty, but in her current state and given the day she had, it just made her wetter.

Another minute later, Carmel reached full length, the depths of her pussy clinging to her Josh-substitute, making her moan and push her hips up hungrily. Her hand was getting tired, though. Not wanting to get out of rhythm with Josh's thrusts she simply lay the phone on her chest for a moment while she switched hands.

Seamlessly, she lifted the phone with her other hand with only a slight fumble, and fixated back on Josh and his thrusting, his almost animal-like grunts sending her ever closer to drenching her toy in juices. She was so close now…

Just as Josh let out another grunt, a message tone chimed. Carmel wondered for a moment who would be messaging her at almost midnight. She ignored it, not even wanting to drag her eyes from Josh's thrusting to glance at it, and continued her slow but delicious assault on her pussy.

A few moments later another message tone chimed. Carmel frowned to herself, glancing up at the top of her phone screen to see it was an insta message. Huh, no one, and that was literally no one ever messaged her on here. Her account Fit_Mommy_97 was only followed by a few of her friends, and she very rarely posted anything. Just a few gym selfies to motivate herself.

Her curiosity getting the better of her, Carmel pressed on the message icon, seeing immediately and with growing concern that it was Gym_Josh_2000. Could he tell she was looking at his video? Surely not! Frantically, she went back to the video and then saw it; she had somehow left a comment. Not anything coherent, just a string of letters. She must have accidentally done it while she swapped hands, fumbling with the phone momentarily. 

Panicking, she quickly deleted the comment. He had obviously already seen it, otherwise, he wouldn't be messaging, but at least she could stop others from seeing it.

A moment later, another message tone chimed. 


What was she going to do? He knew she was still on there from the fact that she had just deleted the comment. 

Fuck fuck fuck.  

Another message tone chimed. Should she read them? Then he would see she'd read them… Should she respond?

Before her panicked brain had a chance to process her predicament and make a decision, a different tone rang through the headset. A video call; Gym_Josh_2000.

Of course, she couldn't answer it. It would be insanity. Her brain screamed at her to put the phone down and go back to bed with her husband. The problem was her body… Without even realizing she was still holding the dildo inside her, she felt her pussy grip it hungrily. With each tone, it gripped again, as she imagined Josh, all sweaty from his workout, calling her.

Her hand shaking, Carmel slowly reached her thumb out, clicking on the 'accept call' button, even at the same time as realizing she was probably making a grave mistake.

The image of Josh appeared, top half bare and a towel wrapped around his waist as he drank what appeared to be a protein shake. His phone was clearly placed on a table or benchtop.

"Hey!" he called out, "I didn't think you were going to answer!" 

He laughed out loud, the sound ringing through the headset.

"Hey, Josh!" Carmel tried to sound casual, but huskiness had crept into her voice again. What the fuck was she doing??

"So I saw your comment," Josh laughed, "and figured "Fitness_Mom_97" must have been bored." He paused to chuckle.

Carmel blushed but managed to make herself laugh casually.

"Yeah, sorry about that!" she joked, "I'm actually not at all sure how that happened! I don't use insta all that much."

Josh laughed again. "Really?" he asked mockingly, "because I could take a guess at how it happened."

"What do you mean?" Carmel asked, her voice taking on a nervous tone even while she tried to sound casual.

"I mean, I would guess that you're wearing those panties again if it weren't for the fact that they don't work, right? Or was that a lie?" he teased.

Carmel blushed even deeper. 

"No! I mean, they don't work. Except with your pointer, apparently." She trailed off.

"My pointer..." Josh chuckled, casually readjusting the towel around his waist, allowing it to open slightly as he did so and almost flashing Carmel. 

"And perhaps my video worked like my pointer too?" He grinned, that confident expression sending another thrill through her.. 

"Josh, I," Carmel began, frantically searching for what to say, "I mean… I'm married." She knew it sounded lame even as she said it.

"And yet the body wants what it wants," Josh said, the humor gone from his voice. He was looking into her eyes with that intensity again, and she found herself slowly pushing the toy into herself, obviously well below his line of vision.

"Carmel," Josh began, a huskiness now entering his voice, "I don't care if you're married. You're your own woman, and you clearly have unfulfilled desires."

Carmel said nothing, simply staring into the younger man's eyes as she slowly slid her toy in and out. She was sure he could see her shoulders rising and falling. Her bare shoulders, she just realized. Josh appeared to realize they were bare at the same moment, even as she attempted to adjust her tousled shoulder-length dark-blonde hair to hide them. 

"I can see you aren't wearing a top," he almost growled, pausing for a moment, "You can see my top half. Show me yours."

Carmel swallowed nervously, hesitating.

"Show me," Josh pressed, his voice insistent and commanding.

It was as though her body had a mind of its own, controlled by Josh's words. Slowly Carmel brought the phone away from her body, sitting up against the back of the lounge as she did so, Josh's view widening and lengthening to take in her full c-cup breasts rising and falling as she breathed heavily.

Josh groaned deeply, reaching down to his towel and squeezing himself through it gently. If his exercise groans had gone straight to Carmel's clit, the sound of this moan in her ears, combined with the sight of this gorgeous young man touching himself through his towel, went straight to the deepest part of her pussy. Carmel let out a long, deep moan of her own, this time making no effort to conceal it. 

"Fuck you're gorgeous," growled Josh, taking in the site of her flat stomach and still-perky breasts. "Where's your husband?" He asked, an almost predatory tone entering his voice.

Carmel swallowed, hesitating for a moment, then replied, "Fast asleep, two floors up," adding, "I'm in the basement."

For the next few moments, they stared at each other through their respective screens, apparently mesmerised by the labored rise and fall of the other's heavy breathing. She had made sure not to show Josh below her stomach, but it was clear that her other hand was between her legs, and she noticed as his gaze slid downward from her breasts.

"What are you doing with your other hand?" Josh murmured, both of his hands now massaging himself through his towel, the protein shake discarded and forgotten.

Carmel hesitated for a moment, swallowing nervously. 

"Touching myself," she purred, barely a whisper.

Once again Josh moaned, and Carmel could see that his cock was now straining to escape the confines of his towel.

"With your fingers?" Josh almost whispered.

This time Carmel didn't hesitate, simply shaking her head. Slowly she brought the glistening toy up between her breasts to show him, watching his face for his reaction. The absence of its thickness inside her was more than made up for by the almost pained 'unnnhhh' sound pushed from Josh's lungs, possibly the most desperate sound Carmel had ever heard. If it weren't for the fact that she had just withdrawn her toy, she would have cum right there on the spot, as her hungry pussy clenched firmly at the cock it wished were inside it - the cock straining to escape from Josh's towel.

In an almost inaudible whisper, Josh managed to moan out, "Show me how you use it".

Again unable to disobey Josh's command, Carmel slowly leant over and placed the phone on the coffee table, making sure it was the right distance for optimal viewing of her whole body on the lounge. Sitting back on the lounge, she peeled off her panties, her eyes locked on Josh's the whole time. 

"Show me… yours," Carmel whimpered as she placed the fat toy between her legs, slowly gliding the head along her well-lubricated slit.

Josh reached for the side of the towel, releasing it to let it fall to the floor. This time it was Carmel's turn to have the air knocked out of her. Josh's cock, standing up at forty-five degrees, was the biggest cock she had ever seen, even in porn movies that Chris had put on for them from time to time. If her toy was half an inch longer than Chris's member, and a little thicker, Josh was at least two inches longer still, and twice the girth.

Carmel was speechless, simply staring in wide-eyed wonder, slowly pushing her toy back inside her without even realizing what she was doing.

"You're… so…. big," was all she could stammer, her voice catching in her throat.

Josh chuckled, "Well, thanks, I guess."

"I mean," Carmel started, finding her words again, "I thought you might be as big as my toy, which is bigger than Chris, but this…" She trailed off, moaning deeply as her toy once again found her depths. "I don't even have anything big enough to pretend, even in the vegetable drawer," she chuckled, wide-eyed.

By now, Josh was slowly stroking up and down the full length of his blood-engorged cock, his long fingers failing even to reach around its girth, moaning deeply as he did so.

"I might just have to come over then," he chuckled.

This made Carmel groan, unable to stop herself from speeding up. 

"Don't even tempt me," she murmured.

For a few moments, Josh continued to stroke his huge cock, saying nothing. It was as though he was thinking of what to say next.

Hesitantly, he whispered, "Thirty-two Smith Street."

Carmel kept stretching herself out, her eyes fixed on Josh's enormous manhood, the comment initially only registering in the back of her mind.

Then it registered properly. 

"What–?" she started.

"Your address," Josh growled, more confidently, adding, "from the office mailing list."

Carmel moaned deeper, unable to stop herself. Even pretending she could have the real thing was spurring her on.

Josh appeared to hesitate, then make a decision. Carmel watched, confused, as he pulled on a t-shirt. 

"Unlock the front door," he murmured hungrily, leaning his face right in close to the screen, "I'll be ten minutes."

"Wait, Josh–" was all Carmel could frantically stutter out before Josh hung up.

Stunned, Carmel sat for a full minute, staring into space as she continued to robotically push and pull the dildo in and out of her sopping pussy. Her heart was hammering in her chest, her chest rising and falling deeply. 

Then, almost zombie-like, Carmel stood and quietly climbed the stairs, going to the front door and unlatching it quietly. Glancing up the next set of stairs to where her husband and kids slept soundly, she crept back down to the basement. Without even thinking, she leaned back into the lounge and inserted the dildo back into herself, sighing deeply as she resumed her slow pumping. 

The next ten minutes were the longest of Carmel's life, and when she finally heard the soft click of the front door opening and then closing on the floor above her, she almost came, having to slow her pumping. Watching the stairs, she finally saw Josh's feet, then legs, then torso, and finally head. He was clearly not wearing underpants, as his still-erect cock thrust the thin material of his tracksuit pants out. She could just imagine how jealous that thing would make Chris. The thought should have made her feel guilty, but instead, it made her moan. 

The sight of Carmel, toy slowly pumping in and out of her, made Josh shake his head in wonder. As he approached, he pulled his t-shirt up over his head and dropped his pants to stand in front of Carmel, fully naked. 

"Is this what you ordered?" he asked, the humour in his voice replaced by wanton lust.

Carmel sat up, taking the enormous appendage in her hand. 

"Oh god yes," she murmured, her wide eyes glued to the massive erection laying heavy in her hand. 

Leaning forward, she licked the underside of Josh's massive swollen head, almost the size of a small apple. Josh moaned softly, placing his hand on the back of Carmel's head and pushing gently.

"Be gentle with me," Carmel whimpered, her eyes looking up into his pleadingly.

Josh hesitated. 

"We'll see," he growled, applying more force to the back of Carmel's head. For some reason this made her pussy clench tightly, and hungrily she went to work trying to fit her mouth around him.

Slowly she bobbed back and forth, her lips stretching around Josh's cock, accommodating little more than the swollen head. Josh moaned deeply as her lips and tongue pleasured him, spurred on even more by the fact that she continued to pump her toy in and out of herself, moaning around his shaft as she did so.

After ten minutes or so, Carmel pulled back, Josh's cock escaping her suction with a wet plop. 

Looking up at him, a slight look of fear in her eyes, she whimpered, "I need you inside me."

Josh leant down, kissing her deeply and lifting her into his arms. He turned slowly and lowered himself to the lounge, the dildo slipping from Carmel's tunnel to fall to the floor with a dull thud as she balanced on his thighs, his manhood between their stomachs, reaching almost up between her breasts. Leaning back, Josh took Carmel's hips in his strong hands, lifting her up to position his nob at the entrance to her forbidden, married pussy.

Slowly, and with her eyes locked on his, Carmel lowered herself, feeling Josh's fat head slowly stretch her open. After a minute of easing just the head in and out, she pressed her hips downwards, taking the first few inches of this enormous man inside herself with an almost helpless cry. 

Whimpering, she clung to his shoulders as she slowly rose and fell, allowing his first few inches to stretch her open. She wasn't sure if she could fit any more of him in, but almost on cue she felt his thumb find her clit, stroking the engorged nub. Like magic, she felt herself open to him and slid down another two inches, groaning deeply. This made Josh growl hungrily and he grabbed one breast with his spare hand, guiding the nipple into his mouth and sucking greedily. Somehow this was all Carmel needed, and she quickly upped the pace, grinding herself up and down on the younger man's pole as she felt her orgasm build. 

Josh's thumb picked up the pace on her clit accordingly, and he alternated between one breast and the other, his deep moans and groans vibrating through her chest as he sucked not just the nipple, but a good portion of each breast into his mouth.

A minute later, Carmel felt her body start to quiver. 

"I'm going to cum," she grunted into his ear, adding with a barely audible growl, "Fuck me…. fuck me with that big, beautiful cock." 

This was all Josh needed, wrapping one strong arm around her waist and pushing her down to bottom out, her ass slapping his balls. Again and again, he did this, the thumb of his other hand a blur on her clit as his tongue lashed at her breasts. 

"Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck!" she cried out hoarsely, her body going into convulsions as the biggest orgasm of her life ripped through her.

"Oh shit," Josh growled, "I'm about to pump you full of cum!" 

Firmly, he held her down, his huge cock fully engulfed by the spasming tunnel of Carmel's pussy. Josh groaned into her breasts, intensifying her orgasms further still, and she felt his solid meat twitch within her over and over again as he used her breasts to muffle the animal grunts of his climax.

Spent, Carmel collapsed down onto him, sweat coating the two of them as their breathing slowly abated. Taking her head in his hands, Josh kissed her deeply, the two of them taking the time to explore each other's warm mouths with their tongues as his cock slowly shrank and then finally plopped free of her pussy. 

Quickly, Josh reached between them, cupping his large hand under Carmel's still-quivering pussy, catching dollop after dollop of his cum as it drooled out of her. Once it was clear that most of his seed had dribbled out into his cupped palm, he carefully lifted it up between them. Keeping his eyes locked on hers he brought his hand up to her mouth expectantly and she obediently opened. Tipping it towards her, Josh fed Carmel the large helping of warm jizz, her eyes never leaving his as she licked and sucked every last drop from his palm and fingers. 

"Good girl," he encouraged, brushing a lock of her messed-up hair from where sweat had stuck it to her forehead, "Such a good little cum-slut."

The aroma and taste of Josh's seed was intoxicating as she obediently swallowed it all. This surprised her, as she had never been a fan of having cum in her mouth. She genuinely felt she would do anything to please this strong younger man, though, and the praise he was giving her amplified this further still, not to mention the casual dirty name-calling.

"My little cum-slut," Josh purred, emphasising the word 'my', stroking her cheek gently.

This made Carmel moan lustily around his thick digits, unable to drag her eyes from his.

When Josh was satisfied his hand was clean, he gently pushed Carmel down onto her knees on the floor, and once again she surprised herself as she obediently cleaned the cum from his softening cock with her tongue. She had never done this before, even for Chris, and now she was doing it without being asked… and loving it.

When she was done, Josh stood, leaving her kneeling before him, and she watched mesmerised as he dressed back in his track pants and t-shirt. 

"Until next time," he chuckled, leaning down for one last kiss before turning and walking up the stairs. 

Carmel listened as the front door softly opened and then closed, kneeling there for what felt like the longest time. She moved only to occasionally scoop another dollop of cum from between her legs before it hit the floor, feeding it directly into her mouth and sucking her fingers dry once more.

After a while she stood, picking up her panties and toy. On shaky legs, and with her head spinning, she walked back up both flights of stairs.

A few minutes later, her panties and toy tucked safely back in the 'naughty drawer' and Carmel back in her nightgown, she allowed herself a wicked smile in the darkness as her breathing finally returned to normal. Rolling over, she drifted off to the sound of her husband snoring softly beside her and Josh's words 'until next time' echoing through her skull. 

Written by johnnyflotsam
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