In the office building where my wife and I work, there is a two-stall unisex restroom located at the end of the room, next to where the back elevators are located on the ground floor. It is a hidden-away place, and I don't believe many people know of its existence.
Sometimes I went there to masturbate in the middle of the day. In the five years that I had worked in the building, I had never known anyone else using this out-of-the-way restroom.
My wife and I worked at different companies and worked slightly different hours. She went in to work two hours later than me and had the weekends off. I have Sunday and Monday off. That day was Wednesday.
I was sitting there, cock in one hand, my phone in the other looking at a picture of my hot naked wife sitting on our kitchen chair. The foot with the anklet that I bought her for her birthday was up on the chair with her. With her very wet vagina, dripping next to it, she seemed to be looking right into my eyes. My cock was almost ready to explode just looking at her.
Suddenly, I heard the restroom door burst open and two voices came giggling in. I heard the outer door lock, then the sound of kissing. At the stall next to me, a woman wearing pretty high heels entered. Stepping out of her panties, I saw her bare butt appear as she squatted down between her heels. I heard her say, "Come here."
A man stopped in front of her, I heard his zipper being lowered, some clothing rustling, and then a man's voice drawing in a big breath of air and muttering, "Oh god."
With the sound of wet sucking, I switched my phone over to video, hoping to get a look at this woman's pussy. And there it was, gruel already in a long streamer, almost to the floor. This woman was very turned on by sucking this man's cock. I decided to get a good look at her ass too, before trying to edge my phone over under the partition to watch her suck cock, without getting caught.
Her ass looked awesome as I panned around it to see the far side. As her other shoe came into view, I was temporarily shocked. This woman was wearing the exact anklet that my wife wore. Her twin butt cheeks were right there, just below the metal partition, almost touching it. I could have easily reached over and touched her asshole. Instead, I slowly inched my phone between her legs until I could see past her breasts to the cock in her mouth.
The sight was breathtaking, extremely sexually exciting. My wife was easily taking all of him in, pressing her lips against his short pubic hair. From my phone's position, I could easily see her throat change shape each time he thrust into her mouth. I could feel her gruel against my wrist as she said, "Baby, you gotta fuck me now", and she stood up, almost knocking the phone out of my hand. She quickly turned around, and I watched him fuck her hard for about a minute and cum deeply inside of her. Pulling out, he wiped himself first on her right ass cheek, then pulled her skirt down so he could finish wiping himself off on the inside of it. Then he simply zipped himself up, and walked out the door.
I thought my wife would sit on the toilet and push his sperm out of her. But no, she just put her panties back on, fixed her skirt, washed her hands, and made sure her face was clean before walking out of the room with a big smile on her face.
I quickly made sure none of my cum had splashed my pants or shoes, washed up, and headed to the elevators to go back to work. Looking at my watch, I decided to stop at my wife's floor, just to say hi. She looked and acted completely normal, and was happy to see me. Not like a woman sitting there as another man's sperm was leaking onto her panties.
My wife was pleasantly surprised to see me. I don't often stop by to say hi. On a whim, I asked her if she would mind if I stayed late at the office this week for a few hours to catch up on some work. She asked how many hours that I am backed up. I told her 4 or 5 maybe, but I can just take an extra 20 minutes here and there, skipping lunches, like I always do. She said, "No, no, you just take all the time that you need. I can go out to eat dinner or something while I wait. Do you want to stay late tonight?"
I told her, "Yes, that is a good idea. And thank you for being so considerate."
She said, "You are a welcome sweetheart. If you will just please call me right before you leave the office, I can have dinner ready for you when you get home."
Throughout this conversation, my phone was lying next to hers, transferring her calls and texts over and turning back on phone tracking. obviously this wasn't her first time with this man. And now I had a strong suspicion that as soon as I left her office, she was going to call or text him and let him know that I was going to be home late.
Sure enough, before I got to the elevators, she texted him.
"Baby, my husband might be at work as late as midnight tonight"
"Okay, sweetheart. Come over as soon as you can. I will leave the back door unlocked so you can just let yourself in."
This was too easy. With her address book, I knew where he lived, his name, phone number, birthdate and email addresses.

After work, my wife went home and took a quick shower before heading on over to his place. I was already over there scoping the neighborhood in a company car: a nice middle-class neighborhood built in the early 1950s, and an alley with a double-car garage. I parked around the corner and hid in a shed outside what looked like his bedroom window. It was. I could see in part of it through a broken blind, but didn't want to get too close and get caught.
About 15 minutes later, my wife parked in the driveway and came into the backyard. Without any hesitation, she opened the back door, pulling off her dress over her head as she stepped naked into his house. Only seconds went by before I saw her enter his bedroom and climb right up onto his bed. By the time I got over there to watch and capture what I could see through the broken blind on my phone, she had his cock in her hand and was guiding it into her as she sat down. "Oh god I needed this!" She said.
After about 40 minutes, they went into the kitchen, still naked, and ate dinner while I listened to her talking to him like they had been lovers for many years. After dinner, he poured her a big glass of red wine and sat her in the living room and licked her pussy until the wine was gone. She went to the bathroom, peed then they 69ed before she used his phone to have my dinner ordered to be delivered to his house. Then they fucked some more. No wonder she loved this guy, he could literally have sex all night, probably. At 11 pm, I walked to my car. I called her and told her that I would be leaving the office in a half hour. Five minutes later her car drove by my company car.
At home, my dinner was hot and on the table. She was freshly showered and in her pajamas. She was very happy and pleased to see me. She acted like the perfect loving wife. After getting ready for bed, I went through the hamper looking for cum filled panties. All the panties were heavily crusted with dried sperm. Every one of them. And smelled like it too. And in the hamper, right on top, the panties that she had worn today, still thick with his wet sperm. How can one man cum so much?
My wife had always been the perfect and very loving wife. What was the motivation, besides lots of sex, for her having what appeared to be a long affair with this man? I watched her affair closely from a distance after that. I didn't need to actually watch. I did check the hamper to see what days she didn't meet with him. Which wasn't often. She didn't fuck him on her periods, which I thought was interesting. She was always super horny on those days. She appeared to have no interest in him, or him of her, other than sex.
On Monday I was lounging at a local bar, and he walked in, glanced around, and came over and took the barstool next to me. Now I know he must know who the fuck I am, so I'm a tad suspicious. He starts up a casual conversation like guys do. After a few beers, he asks me if I have a wife, and children and other bullshit. I wonder where this is going. Then he says, "My girlfriend wants to have a threesome, you know, bring another man into our bed". I about fell off my barstool when he added, "What would you say if your wife asked you that question?
I took a long pull on my beer, turned and looked him in the eye and asked, "Is this your idea to ask me this question, Or is it Beth's idea?"
His reaction was priceless. He sprayed beer everywhere and started choking on it.
I patted him on the back, and said, "Relax Frank. Did you not think I knew who you were years before you two transferred over to work together in the new building? Frank, you didn't really think that fucking my wife almost every day could possibly be a secret. Did you?"
He turned white. I thought he was having a heart attack. Even the bartender was worried. We had another beer. He calmed down. Finally, he shook my hand and said he was sorry, and walked out.
I chuckled. He totally deserved that. When I got home an hour later, my wife looked in a panic. She had obviously been crying hard. There were sopping wet tissues everywhere. Her eyes were swollen and red. As I came through the front door, she threw her arms around me, said she was so so so very sorry, and slowly collapsed at my feet, sobbing loudly.
I bent over and picked her up telling her I love her. And she told me she loves me with all of her heart. Please don't leave me, she begged. Please forgive me.
I asked her, why? She said that she was simply addicted to his cock, that they really don't have anything else in common.
I told her that fucking at work, though thrilling, was stupid foolish. Her eyes got really big and she just looked at me for a couple of minutes. "Oh my god honey, you truly know everything, don't you?" Then she started crying again. "Why didn't you ever stop me?"
I answered with, "Do you have any idea how much I truly love you?"
She wrapped me in her arms crying softly and said,
"I do now. I do now".